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Message from the Principal

Dear Parents, Caregivers and Students,

April in the Northern Hemisphere signals the starts of spring, but also the exam season. The Year 11 and Year 13 students have had to be busy revising for their external exams. They have had mid and end of year exams, along with mocks to help prepare them, but there is nothing like walking into the exam room and knowing that this is the time. Everything you have learnt in the last 2 years could be tested in multiple 1-2 hour papers.

But April also signals the last term at school. Thoughts do turn to summer plans, the coming year, and what choices need to be made for subjects for the following year.

Kindy, Year 6, 9 and 11 have been working on transitioning to the next part of their school life. Though there are some similarities; education is not just about trying to cram all the data into a brain, but developing independence, responsibility, resilience, and continuing to improve study habits and other skills. It will look different throughout the school, but as a community, we are always working towards the next step in student’s learning journey so that they are ready when they leave ACG School Jakarta to make choices with confidence.

As mentioned in last month’s newsletter, the pace of technology is moving fast and it changes the dynamic of study and the workplace, being armed with the skills to know when technology helps, or can be a hinderance is important, but it also informs choices as students move into the workplace after university. How things were done, are done now, and how things can be done, could look very different.

I hope that as the students move through their years at ACG that they learn these important skills with the support of the teachers and other staff.

Warm regards

Myles D’Airelle Principal

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