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Senior Tutorials

Senior Tutorials

Vol 19, Term One, Week Seven, 10 March 2023

Dear Parents and Friends of Sunderland,

I hope, like me, you have enjoyed the more settled autumnal weather this week. Wouldn’t it have been nice to have this over the summer break.

Speaking of weather, I do hope those families who have been displaced or are still battling with home and property damage are making some progress.

This week, Mr Murray Jackson has joined the property admin team. Murray is the new Property Officer. He will be overseeing the property portfolio here at Sunderland, plus completing the caretaker role too. Please make him feel welcome.

Murray has experience as a builder and is certainly a welcome addition.

This Friday, all students will receive a school report. This report is an initial communication to parents giving some feedback/feedforward, plus for Primary and Lower College the PAT scores also.

Parent/Teacher interviews are scheduled to take place next week on Tuesday and Wednesday, and parents will have received instructions on how to generate meeting times. Please appreciate that, if you require some more time to chat with an individual teacher, we welcome you to schedule a longer meeting for another time.

My philosophy is for parents to have informed communications with teachers and therefore, having a reference document like this report is important to frame such conversations. I look forward to seeing many of you next week.

On Thursday this week, we had our annual ‘ Whole School’ photo on the lower basketball court. 750 children were in the photo – minus the preschool and unfortunately, we have maxed out the stands that Photolife use for this event. Next year, as the school continues to grow, we will probably need a drone to take this photo.

For your reference, this photo can be found in the centerfold of the yearbook. It is an important record of the school and, if at all possible, we would like to keep it going.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone – stay safe.

Aspire. Succeed. Respect.

Nathan Villars Campus Principal ACG Sunderland

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