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Vol 19, Term One, Week Two, 3 February 2023
Dear Parents and Friends of Sunderland
What a Week!
I wish to start with a huge thank you to everyone - students, parents, and staff for being able to quickly adapt and respond to what was a Regional State of Emergency.
This took place last Friday afternoon and again on Wednesday 1st February. These unprecedented/biblical events caused such disruptions and carnage to the entire city that almost every citizen has been affected in some way.
I want to reassure parents and students that the school is safe and dry. There was some minor egress of water into some store rooms in the bottom of the school, but otherwise we have not been affected negatively.
I am conscious however that some of our parents and wider community have been flooded and I want to reiterate that the school and staff are here to support you in this very challenging time. The staff have not been immune to damage either with our barn at home plus Mr Robson’s retaining wall all being damaged.
With the city into full clean up mode, it was reassuring to get staff and students back to school on Thursday morning and back to regular teaching and learning.
Some of you may have heard already, the West Wave facility has been affected by flooding and currently their operations are closed. Therefore, we will let you know when our swimming sports will be rebooked later this term hopefully.
I am pleased to report that our café and bus services were both able to restart on Thursday and really the full function of the school restarted without a hitch. I wish to publicly thank all the staff of ACG Sunderland who were able to switch into ‘online’ lessons so quickly and efficiently and then return to face-to-face teaching on a dime. Well done to everyone.
This weekend is another long weekend with Monday a public holiday with normal school beginning on Tuesday 7 February.
May you all have a more relaxing time this weekend than last and I look forward to catching up next week.
Aspire. Succeed. Respect.
Nathan Villars Campus Principal ACG Sunderland
Value for next week is:
Service the action of helping or doing work for someone