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Programa DSP Detailed Scheduling and Planning - APICS CPIM Objetivos: No módulo DSP os participantes aprenderão todos os detalhes e especificidades do MRP – Materials Requirements Planning e CRP – Capacity Requirements Planning. O curso aplicará as melhores técnicas para scheduling de capacidade e materiais, gerenciamento de estoques, procurement, sourcing, SRM – Supplier Relationship Management, material and capacityconstrained scheduling, parcerias com fornecedores, lean e estratégias de terceirização (outsourcing). 1•3
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Programa DSP Detailed Scheduling and Planning - APICS CPIM Objetivos: O DSP trata basicamente de gerenciamento de estoques, MRP e CRP. Alguns conceitos tratados são: gross requirements; net requirements; pegging; BOM – Bill of Materials; planned orders receipts and releases; scheduled receipts; PAB – Projected Available Balance; explosion process e low-level code.
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Programa DSP Detailed Scheduling and Planning - APICS CPIM Objetivos: O programa DSP ainda foca em gerenciamento de projetos, fases do projeto (conceito, planejamento, execução, monitoramento, controle e fechamento), planejamento detalhado da capacidade e relacionamento com fornecedores.
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Programa DSP Detailed Scheduling and Planning - APICS CPIM Tópicos: Session 1 - Inventory Policies Session 2 - Inventory Planning Session 3 - Information Used in the Material Planning Process Session 4 - MRP Mechanics: The Basics Session 5 - Using MRP Outputs and Managing Projects Session 6 - Detailed Capacity Planning Session 7 - Detailed Capacity Management Session 8 - Establishing Supplier Relationships Session 9 - Supplier Partnerships 1•6
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Detailed Scheduling and Planning Session 1 Inventory Policies
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Learning Objectives Recognize types and classifications of inventories − Recognize the major types and sub-classifications of inventory. − Explain how they affect inventory valuation and investment. − Compare the types and roles of inventory management and policies in manufacturing and service industries.
Understand aggregate inventory policies − Explain how aggregate inventory policy interrelates with a company’s customer service and operations efficiency objectives. − Describe the role of inventory valuation methods. − Explain the significance of aggregate and item-inventory performance metrics.
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Learning Objectives (cont.) Understand item inventory policies − Describe how lot-sizing and safety stock policies support aggregate level policies in manufacturing and service industries. − Differentiate among the major lot-sizing methods. − Explain the use of safety stock in managing inventory.
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Detailed Scheduling and Planning Session 2 Inventory Planning
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Learning Objectives Order Review Methods − Differentiate between the order point and periodic review methods. − Describe the best order review methods for dependent demand.
Aggregate and Disaggregate Planning − Explain the significance of aggregate and disaggregate planning.
Impact of Lean Production Concepts − Explain the logic of reducing work in process (WIP) to shorten production lead time. − List and describe four lean production tools that increase supply chain velocity.
Accuracy, Storage, Handling, and Tracking − Apply ABC classification to cycle counting. − Describe the advantages of the three major inventory location systems. 1 • 13
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Detailed Scheduling and Planning Session 3 Information Used in the Material Planning Process
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Learning Objectives Information Used in Material Planning − Differentiate among planning factors, inventory status data, and historical demand and usage data. − Explain the relative advantages of meaningful and non-meaningful item numbers. − Describe at least five sources of requirements for the master production schedule (MPS). − Explain the minimum length of the planning horizon for the MPS. − Describe the role of the bill of material (BOM) in material planning. 1 • 16
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Learning Objectives (cont.) Characteristics of the Material Planning Process − Explain the differences in material planning approaches used in different production environments. − Briefly describe the material requirements planning (MRP) model and its functions. − Briefly describe the functions of key MRP planning process parameters. − List at least five key performance characteristics of MRP.
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Detailed Scheduling and Planning Session 4 MRP Mechanics: The Basics
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Learning Objectives Introduction − Identify the major inputs to the material requirements planning (MRP) system. − Describe the concept of a rolling schedule. − Describe the need for and use of low-level codes.
MRP Calculation of Gross and Net Requirements − Perform the explosion process for a material requirements plan. − Perform the netting process for converting gross to net requirements. − Create planned order receipts and releases. 1 • 20
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Detailed Scheduling and Planning Session 5 Using MRP Outputs and Managing Projects
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1 • 22
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Learning Objectives Maintaining the Material Plan − Identify the types of changes that affect the material plan. − Explain the replanning process. − Describe the tools used in the replanning process (exception reports, pegging, firm planned orders, and simulation). − List the planning parameters and the factors that necessitate their change. − Explain the significance of interactions between material requirements planning (MRP) and other manufacturing planning and control (MPC) processes and functions. − Describe the repurposing of MRP by enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems to respond to pull signals.
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Learning Objectives (cont.) Project Management − − − − −
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Describe the purpose of a project. Describe the five project phases. List the six key elements of the project plan. Describe the use of three common project scheduling tools. Explain the purpose and characteristics of resource scheduling, the responsibility matrix, and project budgeting.
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Detailed Scheduling and Planning Session 6 Detailed Capacity Planning
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1 • 26
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Learning Objectives Influences on Detailed Capacity Planning − Explain the significance of the following in detailed capacity planning: • flexibility of capacity and scheduling • whether material or capacity is planned first • manufacturing environment
− Define terms and concepts relating to capacity.
Information Used in Detailed Capacity Planning − Define the data and concepts relating to work centers and load. − Describe the elements of manufacturing lead time and their use in determining load. − Explain the use of rated and demonstrated capacity to evaluate work center capacity. 1 • 27
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Learning Objectives (cont.) Detailed Capacity Planning Techniques − Describe the nature and significance of queues. − Explain and differentiate the roles of infinite and finite loading in capacity planning. − Describe the major simulation techniques used in calculating load at work centers.
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Detailed Scheduling and Planning Session 7 Detailed Capacity Management
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1 • 30
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Learning Objectives Capacity Requirements Planning − Summarize the phases of the capacity requirements planning (CRP) process. − Explain the role of simulation scheduling in determining work center load profiles. − Describe the purpose of the work center load report. − List at least five actions that can be taken to increase capacity during CRP. − List at least five actions that can be taken to redistribute load during CRP. − Describe when it is appropriate to change the master production schedule (MPS) to resolve load-capacity imbalances. 1 • 31
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Learning Objectives (cont.) Capacity Management in Process Industries − Explain the role of process structure in process flow scheduling. − Describe the basic elements of a process train. − Differentiate between processor-dominated and materialdominated scheduling. − Differentiate among the three flow scheduling techniques.
Other Capacity Management Approaches and Performance Measurements − Explain the role of line balancing in repetitive/lean production. − Describe at least four key performance measures for capacity management in different environments.
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Detailed Scheduling and Planning Session 8 Establishing Supplier Relationships
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1 • 34
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Learning Objectives Factors Determining Supply Relationships − Describe the costs that are avoided by deciding to buy rather than make a product. − List the supplier capabilities to consider in a make-or-buy analysis. − Explain why supplier partnerships are best suited to items with high supply risk and high impact on profit. − Summarize the scope of strategic sourcing activities. − Explain the difference between tactical buying and strategic sourcing.
Collaborative Relationships − Explain why strategic alliances and supplier partnerships are high value-added relationships. − List six value propositions for supplier partnerships. 1 • 35
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Learning Objectives (cont.) Supply Alternatives and Techniques − Differentiate between sole sourcing, single sourcing, and multiple sourcing. − Summarize the disadvantages of single sourcing. − Explain the advantages of single sourcing in lean environments. − Describe the role of cross-functional teams in supplier relationships.
Communicating with Suppliers − Explain the role of the planner/buyer in communicating with suppliers. − Describe at least six important areas of operational communication between supply chain partners.
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Detailed Scheduling and Planning Session 9 Supplier Partnerships
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1 • 38
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Learning Objectives Product and Process Development − Differentiate between conventional and concurrent engineering approaches. − Explain the significance of time-to market. − Describe at least three advantages of supplier involvement.
Purchasing − Explain the relationship between the level of supplier integration and choice of purchasing approach. − Describe at least three examples of how suppliers and customers use contracts to manage risk. − Describe the benefits and risks of global sourcing. 1 • 39
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Learning Objectives (cont.) Supply Chain Acceleration − Summarize the general relationship between supplier partnerships and faster and more flexible supply chains. − Explain the significance of total cost of ownership (TCO) in purchasing decisions. − Describe at least eight goals and benefits of supplier partnerships. − List five key areas of training to support supplier partnership goals. − Describe the value of engineering’s role in supplier partnerships. − List three main functions of supplier relationship management systems. − Explain how supplier partnerships are able to benefit from delivery techniques that accelerate the supply chain. − Describe the purpose of supplier ratings.
1 • 40
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