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Our Volunteers
volunteers creative ideas to stay in touch
During the COVID-19 pandemic, there were so many beautiful stories from all areas of the ACH Group community who came up with creative ideas to stay in touch. Good LIVES MAGAZINE
Phone contact program
Although National Volunteer Week couldn’t be celebrated together in person, it was still important to stop and recognise the amazing contribution. The fi rst-ever volunteer tea party was hosted virtually on May 21st. ACH Group’s Volunteer Manager – Tay hosted the virtual cuppa via MS Teams where everyone could share how they were keeping themselves busy during self-isolation. Frank Weits, ACH Group’s CEO surprised volunteers and joined the virtual tea to express his appreciation and to say thanks for the amazing work that our volunteers do. As part of a Phone Contact program during COVID-19, Nicki Dawson a valued volunteer at ACH Group's Highercombe residential care home for more than 3 years stayed connected with residents through regular phone calls. Nicki loved this initiative as she maintained the friendships she had formed with residents whilst she was volunteering at the home. "It has been a lot of fun. The residents are really enjoying the contact and we end up talking about issues that you probably wouldn't in a
The Incredible Volun-tea Event
Virtual volun-tea
face to face situation!".