June 2018
New Briefs: English Learners in the ESSA Era Achiev e and UnidosUS hav e recently released two new briefs on English learners (ELs) in the ESSA era. The briefs - How Hav e States Set Goals for English Learners in ESSA Plans? and How Are States Including English Language Proficiency in ESSA Plans? - analyze states' ESSA plans to see how they are including indicators of English language proficiency as well as where states are setting academic achiev ement goals for EL students. The briefs find that many states are setting different, lower academic goals for EL students, a strategy that perpetuates inequity for historically underserv ed students. Read More Âť
State Proficiency Gaps: An Updated State-by-State Look
Achiev e recently released a 2018 update to its Proficient v s. Prepared report, w hich compares state test results for 4th and 8th grade students w ith results on the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP). This new est edition finds that w hile many states hav e made progress in their transparency about true student proficiency in reading and mathematics, sev eral large gaps still remain.
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The EQuIP site has a new look! The EQuI P section of the Achiev e w ebsite has a brand new look! Now you can easily find all of the great EQuI P resources, example instructional materials, rubrics, and much more sorted by grade lev el or subject area. There are also new v ideos throughout explaining how to use these tools to improv e the quality and alignment of instructional materials. Take a look!
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Data Quality Campaign's 2018 State Legislation Update The Data Quality Campaign has posted its 2018 State Legislation Update, examining more than 200 bills that state legislators are considering on how they collect, use, protect, and share education data in serv ice of student learning. Check out some of this year's major trends across states.
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From the Colorado Education Initiative: Accountability in a Competency-Based System
The Colorado Education I nitiativ e is out w ith a new EdPaper examining accountability practices in competency-based education systems, in w hich each student mov es through school and graduates based on their demonstrated mastery of a transparent set of know ledge, skills, attitudes, and behav iors required for success after high school. The paper explores w ays in w hich Colorado's current accountability system could be redesigned to support competency-based education and a more personalized approach to learning.
From Reaching Higher New Hampshire: High School Testing - Exploring its Purpose and Potential Dr. Scott Marion, Executiv e Director of the Center for Assessment and a national leader in educational assessment, offered thoughts on the purpose of high school testing and w ays in w hich w e can make testing more equitable and meaningful in this guest blog post for Reaching Higher New Hampshire.
"An accountability system focused on prioritizing excellence w ould likely lead to a different sort of assessment system. Many states are trying to promote both excellence and equity, an admirable endeav or, but this means that state leaders hav e to be exceptionally thoughtful about the assessments they employ."
Across the country, only
17 states and D.C. set the same long-term academic achiev ement goals for all students. Researchers and civ il rights adv ocates make the case that setting different goals perpetuates inequities for historically underserv ed students.
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All students should graduate from high school ready for college, careers, and citizenship. Š 2016. All Rights Reserv ed.