I nt r oduct i on Dearcust omer s, Wehavebeenpr oduci ngandsel l i ngi nnovat i vebagsandpr omot i onali t emsf orshoppi ng,l ei sur eandspor tf or mor et hanni neyear s.Weconsi st ent l yendeavourt oi mpr oveourpr oduct sandpr esentyouandyourcust omer swi t hnewi deas. Thecombi nat i onofmul t i f unct i onaldesi gnandqual i t ymat er i al sar ei ndi cat or sofoursuccess. Wear econst ant l ydevel opi ngoursophi st i cat edandl at estdesi gnsf ur t heri nor dert opr ovi deyouwi t hi nnovat i vepr oduct s. Wi t hourpat ent edEasyShopperl i newecanpr eci sel ymeetyourr equi r ement si nt he� Shoppi ng�segment . Thepr oduct sst andoutnotonl yt hr ought hei ri nnovat i vef unct i onal i t y ,butal sot hr ought hei rhi ghqual i t ydesi gn. Youcanchoosef r om si xdi f f er entmat er i al s.Whet hernat ur alf i br e,synt het i cf i br eorr ecycl edmat er i alyouar esur e t of i ndt her i ghtonef oryourneeds.Theachi l l est eam hopesyouenj oydi scover i ngyouri ndi vi dualar t i cl esi nour wi der angeofpr oduct s. Youcanal sof i ndf ur t heri nf or mat i onatwww. achi l l esconcept . de
Roundt hec l oc ks hoppi ng! 7day saweek ,24hour sadaynons t ops hoppi ng atac hi l l es .Br ows et heuni quewor l dofac hi l l es pr omot i onal i t emsanddi s c ov erourhi ghqual i t y andt opc l as sr angeofpr oduc t st haty ouc anpr i nt outasy oupl eas e. Theac hi l l esnews l et t erc ont ai nsv ar i ousof f er sand hi ghl i ght s !T os ubs c r i bet ot henews l et t er , s i mpl yr egi s t eratwww. ac hi l l es c onc ept . de.
achi l l es速
Di r ect or y Shoppi ngcar tbags
Shoppi ngbasket s
Shoppi ngbags
Shoppi ngt r ol l eys
Shoppi ngai des
Tr avelandl ei sur e
Or gani c
Caraccessor i es
Wat ches
Mi scel l aneous
Pi ct ogr aphs Test edandcer t i f i edsaf et y ,f i t nessf oruseand qual i t yaccor di ngEur opeanandi nt er nat i onal r equi r ement s
Ver i f i edqual i t y
Di f f er entcl i psar eel i gi bl ef ort he Shoppi ngcar tbags
Fr om 100% r ecycel t esPETavai l abl e
I ncl udi ngshoppi ngcar tchi p
Vol umen
Paddedbot t l ecompar t ment
Cool i ngcompar t ment
Shoppi ngcar tbag
achi l l es速
Mat er i al s
Wepr i mar i l yuse210Dand600Dpol yest er .Theexper i ment swi t ht hi smat er i alhasshown,t hatbot hpol yest er mat er i al sar ebestsui t edf ort hepr oduct i onofourbags.Theyguar ant eeani dealpr ot ect i onf r om moi st ur e, t earandabr asi onr esi st ance. Al t er nat i vel y ,wecanpr oducef r om t hef ol l owi ngmat er i al s:
100% r ecycl edPET
Cot t on
Onebag–4c l i ps ! Ther ear e4c l i pv ar i ant sav ai l abl ewi t ht he pr ac t i c al s hoppi ngbag,“ Eas y Shopper ” . Bei tuni v er s al ,f r om t hes mal l s hoppi ngc ar t r i ghtupt ot hehomei mpr ov ements hopmodel , wi t handwi t houtadv er t i s i ngpanel ori nr ef i nedal umi ni um des i gn. Yourc us t omi s edadv er t i s ementont hec l i ps t hatc anbes el ec t edasy oupl eas e ens ur est hatt heEas y Shopperdr aws at t ent i onandc at c hest heey e.
Eas y Shopper l a n i g i r eo h t
“ eco”
“ st andar d”
“ mul t i ”
“ combi ”
Shoppi ng Shoppi ngcar tbags
Shoppi ngcar tbags
Pant one286C
Pant one289C
Pant oneBl ackC
Pant one032C
Wi t ht hepr act i calandcomf or t abl eEasyShopper , youcangetyourshoppi ngdonewi t houtt hesl i ght estdi f f i cul t y . Whenf ol dedout ,t hehandyf or matf ol dabl eshoppi ngai dof f er s youuni magi nabl er oom f orl ar geandsmal li t ems. Themount abl eshoppi ngbag’ sadvant agei st hatt hepur chased i t emscanbepackeddi r ect l yf r om t heconveyorbel ti nt ot he shoppi ngcar tbag.
EasyShopper I t em no. :
Mat er i al :
210DPol yest er
Col or s:
bl ack,r oyal ,navy ,r ed cust omercol orst ar t i ngf r om 1. 500pcs.
Measur ement s Unf ol ded:
33cm x54cm x39cm
Fol ded:
36cm x8cm
Adver t i si ngspace Label :
1 1, 2cm x4, 2cm
20cm x20cm
1 1, 2cm x4, 2cm
20cm x20cm
achi l l es®
Pant one286C
Pant one289C
Pant oneBl ackC
Pant one032C
EasyShopper“ eco”
The i st hei dealshoppi ngt r ol l eybagf ort hose whol i ket hi ngst obesi mpl eandf unct i onal . Bymeansofasi mpl ecl i p,t hebagcanbe hungi nt heshoppi ngt r ol l eyqui ckl yandeasi l y . Andwi t hi t ssecur el yf ast enabl ehookf ast ener , al li t emscanbesaf el yt r anspor t ed.
EasyShopper“ eco” I t em no. :
Mat er i al :
210DPol yest er
Col or s:
bl ack,r oyal ,navy ,r ed Cl osi ngsyst em
cust omercol orst ar t i ngf r om 1. 500pcs. Measur ement s Unf ol ded:
33cm x54cm x39cm
Fol ded:
36cm x8cm
Adver t i si ngspace Label : Bag:
20cm x20cm
20cm x20cm
Shoppi ngcar tbags
Pant one286C
Pant one289C
Pant oneBl ackC
Pant one032C
EasyShopper“ combi ”
The i st hecommer ci alpr ooft heshoppi ngcar tbags. Wi t hi t sl ar gecust omi zabl el abelwi ndow, adver t i si ngl ogosar eopt i mal l yposi t i onedand guar ant eedeyecat cher s.I t sf ast enerensur es t hatyoucant r anspor tyourshoppi ngsaf el y .
EasyShopper“ combi ” I t em no. :
Mat er i al :
210DPol yest er
Col or s:
bl ack,r oyal ,navy ,r ed cust omercol orst ar t i ngf r om 1. 500pcs.
Measur ement s Unf ol ded:
33cm x54cm x39cm
Fol ded:
36cm x8cm
Adver t i si ngspace Label :
1 1, 2cm x5, 5cm
20cm x20cm
1 1, 2cm x5, 5cm
20cm x20cm
Cl osi ngsyst em
achi l l es®
Pant one286C
Pant one289C
Pant oneBl ackC
Pant one032C
EasyShopper“ mul t i ”
The i sa combi nat i onofmoder ndesi gnandf unct i onal i t y . Thr oughi t sal umi num cl i pwi t hi t sbor der ed adver t i si ngwi ndow,i tt ur nsever ybagi nt oa guar ant eedeyecat cher .Thel abelwi ndowcan bei ndi vi dual l ydesi gnedandpr ovi desr oom f or yourownper sonaladver t i si ng.Thankst oi t s i ngeni oushooksyst em,t heshoppi ngcar tbag canbesecur el yf ast ened,andsaf el yst or esal l yourgr ocer i es.
EasyShopper“ mul t i ” I t em no. :
AD101mul t i
Mat er i al :
210DPol yest er
Col or s:
bl ack,r oyal ,navy ,r ed cust omercol orst ar t i ngf r om 1. 500pcs.
Measur ement s Fol ded:
33cm x54cm x39cm
Unf ol det :
36cm x8cm
Adver t i si ngspace Label :
4, 1cm x4, 1cm
20cm x20cm
4, 1cm x4, 1cm
Cl osi ngsyst em
20cm x20cm
1 1
Shoppi ngcar tbags
Pant one286C
Pant one289C
Pant oneBl ackC
EasyCool er
Pant one032C
The i sacombi nat i onof shoppi ngcar tbagandcool i ngbag. Al ongsi denor malpur chases,youcanal sosaf el y t r anspor tf r ozenpr oduct s.I dealf orshoppi ng, t hebeachandpi cni cs.
EasyCool er I t em no. :
Mat er i al :
210DPol yest er ,Al umi ni um
Col or s:
bl ack,r oyal ,navy ,r ed cust omercol orst ar t i ngf r om 1. 500pcs.
Measur ement s Unf ol ded:
33cm x54cm x39cm
Fol ded:
36cm x15cm
Adver t i si ngspace Label :
1 1, 2cm x4, 2cm
20cm x20cm
1 1, 2cm x4, 2cm
20cm x20cm
achi l l es速
Pant one286C
Pant one289C
Pant oneBl ackC
Pant one032C
EasyCar r i er
The i st heal l r ounderamong t heshoppi ngcar tbags.I thasabot t l epocketwi t h r oom f ort hr eebot t l es,andal soaf r eezer , whi chkeepsyourgr ocer i esf r eshandcool .Thel ar ge cust omi zabl eadver t i si ngwi ndowpr ovi desr oom f or youradver t i si ng.
EasyCar r i er I t em no. :
Mat er i al :
210DPol yest er ,Al umi ni um
Col or s:
bl ack,r oyal ,navy ,r ed cust omercol orst ar t i ngf r om 1. 500pcs.
Measur ement s Unf ol ded:
33cm x54cm x39cm
Fol ded:
36cm x20cm
Adver t i si ngspace Label :
1 1, 2cm x4, 2cm
20cm x20cm
1 1, 2cm x4, 2cm
20cm x20cm
Shoppi ngcar tbags
Pant one286C
Pant one289C
Pant oneBl ackC
EasyFr eezer
The i st hei dealmount abl e shoppi ngcar tf r eezerbagf ordai l yuse.I tof f er san enor mousamountofr oom andkeepsal lyour gr ocer i escoolandf r esh.I t sl evelofcar r yi ng comf or ti ssuppor t edbyi t sadj ust abl e car r yi nghandl e.
EasyFr eezer I t em no. :
Mat er i al :
210DPol yest er ,Al umi ni um
Col or s:
bl ack,r oyal ,navy ,r ed cust omercol orst ar t i ngf r om 1. 500pcs.
Measur ement s Unf ol ded:
33cm x54cm x39cm
Fol ded:
36cm x23cm
Adver t i si ngspace Label :
1 1, 2cm x4, 2cm
20cm x20cm
1 1, 2cm x4, 2cm
20cm x20cm
Pant one032C
achi l l es速
The i sashoppi ngbackpack youcant ucki nt oyourshoppi ngt r ol l ey . Thef ol dabl ebackpackof f er suni magi nabl e r oom f orsmal landl ar gei t ems. Wi t hi t si nt egr at edf r eezerand addi t i onalbot t l epocketyour pur chasesar esaf eand wel l or gani zed.
Pant one286C
Pant one289C
Pant oneBl ackC
Pant one032C
EasyBack I t em no. :
Mat er i al :
210DPol yest er
Col or s:
bl ack,r oyal ,navy ,r ed cust omercol orst ar t i ngf r om 1. 500pcs. 1 1, 2cm x5, 2cm
Measur ement s Unf ol ded:
33cm x54cm x39cm
Fol ded:
36cm x20cm
Adver t i si ngspace Label :
1 1, 2cm x5, 2cm
10cm x10cm
10cm x10cm
Ref er ences
Shoppi ng Shoppi ngbasket s
Shoppi ngbasket s
Pant one286C
Pant one289C
Pant oneBl ackC
Pant one032C
st andsoutt hr oughi t smoder ndesi gn andi saguar ant eedeyecat cheri nanyever ydaysi t uat i on. Ther obustf r ameof f er spl ent yofr oom f oryourshoppi ng andcant ol er at eheavyl oads.Ont opoft hi s,i tcanbef ol ded t oget heri napr act i calwayandof f er sahi ghl evelofcar r yi ng comf or tt hr oughi t ssof thandl e.
EasyBox I t em no. :
Mat er i al :
600DPol yest er
Col or s:
bl ack,r oyal ,navy ,r ed cust omercol orst ar t i ngf r om 3. 000pcs.
Measur ement s Unf ol ded:
49cm x24cm x23cm
Fol ded:
49cm x24cm x10cm
Adver t i si ngspace Label :
1 1, 2cm x4, 2cm
Basket :
35cm x13cm,10cm x10cm
1 1, 2cm x4, 2cm
35cm x13cm
10cm x10cm
achi l l es®
Pant one286C
Pant one289C
Pant oneBl ackC
Pant one032C
EasyBox“ cool ”
The i st heper f ectmedi um bet weenbasketandcool i ngbag.I t sl i ghtandr obustf r ame cant ol er at eheavyl oadsand,wi t hi t ssof t cushi onedhandl e, al l owsf orahi ghl evelofcar r yi ngcomf or t .Thecool i ngbasket canbef ol dedt oget herandt husst or edawayspacesavi ng.
EasyBox“ cool ” I t em no. :
Mat er i al :
600DPol yest er ,Al umi ni um
Col or s:
bl ack,r oyal ,navy ,r ed cust omercol orst ar t i ngf r om 3. 000pcs
Measur ement s Unf ol ded:
49cm x24cm x23cm
Fol ded:
49cm x24cm x10cm
Adver t i si ngspace Label :
1 1, 2cm x4, 2cm
Basket :
35cm x13cm,10cm x10cm
1 1, 2cm x4, 2cm
35cm x13cm
10cm x10cm
Shoppi ngbasket s
Pant one286C
Pant one289C
Wat erbasket
The i si deal l ysui t edf orhomeandgar den. I ti scompl et el ywat er r epel l antandcant husal sobef i l l ed. I t sr obustf r ameal l owsf orsuf f i ci entst abi l i t y ,wi t houtbei ngheavy . Wi t hi t st wocushi onedhandl es,i tensur esahi ghl evelofcar r yi ng comf or t ,evenwhenf ul l yl oaded.
Wat erbasket I t em no. :
Mat er i al :
70DOxf or dPol yest er ,Pl ast i c
Col or s:
bl ack,r oyal ,navy ,r ed
Measur ement s Unf ol ded:
45cm x23cm x28cm
Fol ded:
45cm x 23cm x3cm
Adver t i si ngspace Basket :
20cm x20cm
20cm x20cm
Pant oneBl ackC
Pant one032C
achi l l es速
Pant one286C
Pant one289C
Pant oneBl ackC
Pant one032C
Bi gBox
The i sauni ver sal l yusabl ecar r ycase. Wi t hi t shi ghwei ght bear i ngcapaci t y ,i ti sani dealai d f orshoppi ngorf ort r anspor t .Af t erbei ngusedi tcan bef ol dedupf orsmal landf l atst or agepur poses. Acust omi zabl eadver t i si ngwi ndowi sal soavai l abl e f oryouher e.
Bi gBox I t em no. :
Mat er i al :
600D,210DPol yest er
Col or s:
bl ack,r oyal ,navy ,r ed cust omercol orst ar t i ngf r om 3. 000pcs.
Measur ement s Unf ol ded:
60cm x40cm x30cm
Fol ded:
40cm x31cm x7cm
Adver t i si ngspace Basket :
1 1, 2cm x4, 2cm
20cm x20cm
20cm x20cm
Ref er ences
Shoppi ng Shoppi ngbags
Shoppi ngbags
Pant one286C
Pant one289C
Pant oneBl ackC
Shoul der Shopper ,
The at r endy andcomf or t abl eshoul derbagi nt hecol l egebagdesi gn, hasabot t l epocketandani nt egr at edcool er . Wi t hasof t cushi onedshoul derst r ap, smal lshoppi ngl oadscanbet r anspor t edeasi l y . I dealasamot herandchi l dbag, andasal ei sur ebag.
Shoul der Shopper I t em no. :
AD1 16
Mat er i al :
600DPol yest er
Col or s:
bl ack,r oyal ,navy ,r ed cust omercol orst ar t i ngf r om 2. 000pcs.
Measur ement s Unf ol ded:
40cm x18cm x31cm
Fol ded:
46cm x2cm x35cm
Adver t i si ngspace Bag:
20cm x20cm
20cm x20cm
Pant one032C
achi l l es速
TheCi t yShopperi sacombi nat i onof moder ndesi gn,f unct i onal i t yandl ei sur e bag.Aper f ecteyecat cherwi t hi t s al umi num cl i pandbor der edpr omot i on wi ndow.Thebagof f er smuchspacef or bi gandsmal lshoppi ngs.
Ci t yShopper I t em no:
AD1 13
Mat er i al :
600DPol yest er ,Al umi ni um
Col or :
bl ack,r oyal ,navy ,r ed
Measur ement s Unf ol ded:
34cm x24cm x28cm
Fol ded:
35, 5cm x19cm x4, 5cm
Adver t i si ngspace Bag: Label :
10cm x20cm 4, 1cm x4, 1cm
Thepr act i calandcomf or t abl eShopper Bag i st hei dealshoppi ngbagf orsmal lshoppi ng t r i ps.Theshoppi ngbaghasabot t l epocket , aswel lasani nt egr at edcool erandhaspl ent y ofr oom f orot hert hi ngs.I dealasamot her andchi l dbag,andasal ei sur ebag.
Shopper Bag I t em no. :
AD1 17
Mat er i al :
600DPol yest er ,Al umi ni um
Col or s:
bl ack,r oyal ,navy ,r ed cust omercol orst ar t i ngf r om 2. 500pcs
Measur ement s Unf ol ded:
40cm x18cm x31cm
Fol ded:
44cm x38cm x2cm
Adver t i si ngspace Bag:
20cm x20cm
Shoppi ngbags
AD147Tr opi calFi sh
AD147St r awber r y
AD147Pumpki n
AD147Fi sh
Mi ni Bags I t em no. :
Mat er i al :
190TPol yest er
Col or s:
cust omercol orst ar t i ngf r om 3. 000pcs.
Measur ement s Unf ol ded:
36cm x39cm
Fol ded:
10cm x5cm
Adver t i si ngspace Bag: Pouch:
20cm x20cm appr ox.4cm x5cm
20cm x20cm
achi l l es速
Pant one286C
AD127-Tshi r tBag
AD137-Wr ap
Pant one289C
Pant oneBl ackC
Pant one032C
AD135-Pur se
AD134-Comf or t
Mi ni Bags I t em no. :
Mat er i al :
210DPol yest er
Col or s:
bl ack,r oyal ,navy ,r ed cust omercol orst ar t i ngf r om 3. 000pcs.
Measur ement s Unf ol ded:
af t erar r angement
Adver t i si ngspace Bag: Pouch:
20cm x20cm appr ox.4cm x5cm
Mi ni Bags
Thet r endy ar esmal land pr act i calshoppi ngai dsf oryourever ydayl i f e. Wi t ht hei rel egantf ol di ngsyst em t heycanbe f ol dedt oget herqui ckl yandeasi l y .Theywi l l f i ti nt oanyhandbagorcanbesaf el yand easi l ysecur edt ot hehandbagt hr ought hei r smal lspr i nghooks.
Shoppi ngbags
Pant one286C
Pant one289C
Pant oneBl ackC
Pant one032C
Bot t l eBag
Wi t ht hepr act i cal , bot t l esaswel lasempt i escanbesaf el y andt i di l yt r anspor t ed.I tof f er sr oom f or ( f our ,si x,ei ght )bot t l esandenabl es comf or t abl et r anspor t .
Bot t l eBag I t em no. :
Mat er i al :
600x300DPol yest er
Col or s:
bl ack,r oyal ,navy ,r ed cust omercol orst ar t i ngf r om 3. 000pcs.
Measur ement s Unf ol ded: ADB04: ADB06: ADB08:
20cm x17cm x28cm 25cm x17cm x27cm 35cm x18cm x27cm
Adver t i si ngspace Bag: ADB04: ADB06: ADB08:
24cm x5cm 24cm x5cm 25cm x5cm
24 x 5 cm
24 x 5 cm
24 x 5 cm
Shoppi ng Shoppi ngt r ol l eys
Shoppi ngt r ol l eys
Pant one286C
Pant one289C
Pant oneBl ackC
EasyTr ol l
Pant one032C
The i st heshoppi ngt r ol l ey t hatf i ndsapl acef ori t sel fanywher e.I tcanbe f ol dedupsmal landf l atandcant husbebr ought ar oundever ywher e.Becauseyoucanhangt he t r ol l eyi nt heshoppi ngt r ol l ey ,i ti ssi mpl et o qui ckl yandeasi l ysor tt hegr ocer i esi nt ot he t r ol l eydi r ectf r om t heconveyorbel t .
EasyTr ol l I t em no. :
Mat er i al :
600DPol yest er
Col or s:
bl ack,r oyal ,navy ,r ed
1 1, 2cm x4, 2cm
cust omercol orst ar t i ngf r om 3. 000pcs. Measur ement s Unf ol ded:
58cm x36cm x22cm
Fol ded:
35cm x22cm 20cm x20cm
Adver t i si ngspace Label :
1 1, 2cm x4, 2cm
Tr ol l ey:
20cm x20cm
achi l l es®
Pant one286C
Pant one289C
Pant oneBl ackC
Pant one032C
EasyTr ol l“ cool ”
The i st hehandy cool i ngbagonwheel s.Theshoppi ngt r ol l eycanbe f ol dedupf l atsi mpl yandqui ckl y .I tcanal sobehung ont heshoppi ngt r ol l eyandt husmakest hepacki ng ofshoppi ngi t emsmucheasi er .
EasyTr ol l“ cool ” I t em no. :
Mat er i al :
600x300DPol yest er ,Al umi ni um
Col or s:
bl ack,r oyal ,navy ,r ed
1 1, 2cm x4, 2cm
cust omercol orst ar t i ngf r om 3. 000pcs Measur ement s Unf ol ded:
55cm x38cm x25cm
Fol ded:
35cm x6cm x25cm
Adver t i si ngspace Label :
1 1, 2cm x4, 2cm
Tr ol l ey:
20cm x20cm
20cm x20cm
Shoppi ngt r ol l eys
Pant one286C
Pant one289C
Pant oneBl ackC
Pant one032C
EasyBoxTr ol l
The i sacombi nat i onofa shoppi ngt r ol l eyandaf ol dabl ecool i ngbasket . Thet r ol l eyof f er sampl er oom f orsmal landl ar gei t ems andi ssuppor t edwi t hacool i ngf unct i onbyt he EasyBox“ cool ” .Thepr act i calpai rcanbef ol dedf l atand compact l yst or edi nt hecar r i erbagt hatcomeswi t ht hem.
EasyTr ol l Box I t em no. :
AD1 19
Mat er i al :
210D-and600DPol yest er
Col or s:
bl ack,r oyal ,navy ,r ed cust omercol orst ar t i ngf r om 1. 500pcs.
Measur ement s Unf ol ded:
45cm x27cm x60cm
Fol ded:
45cm x 54cm x9cm
Cool i ngbasket :
see page19( AD107C)
46cm x1 1cm x50cm
Adver t i si ngspace Tr ol l ey: Pouch:
20cm x20cm 20cm x20cm
20cm x20cm
20cm x20cm 35cm x13cm
achi l l es速
Shoppi ngt r ol l eys
EasyCr ui ser I t em no. :
AD1 15
Mat er i al :
600DPol yest er&Al umi ni um
Col or :
bl ack,r oyal ,navy ,r ed
Measur ement s Unf ol ded:
31cm x25cm x37, 5cm
Fol ded:
33cm x8cm x42cm
Adver t i si ngspace Tr ol l ey:
25cm x20cm
TheEasyCr ui ser ,t heshoppi ngt r ol l eywi t hal umi ni um t el escopi chandl e,easesyourshoppi ng.Smal landf l at f ol dabl ei twi l lf i ndi t spl aceever ywher e.
TheEasyTr ol l“magnum”st andsoutwi t h i t sst abl eandl i ghtf r ameandi st hei deal ever ydayshoppi ngai d.Fol dsupsmal l andi tcanbepl acedi nt ot hecar r i erbag t hatcomeswi t hi t .
EasyTr ol l“ magnum” I t em no. :
AD1 18
Mat er i al :
200D-and600Pol yest er
Col or s:
bl ack,r oyal ,navy ,r ed cust omercol orst ar t i ngf r om 1. 500pcs.
Measur ement s Unf ol ded:
30cm x35cm x50cm
Fol ded:
33cm x9cm x45cm
Adver t i si ngspace Label :
1 1, 2cm x4, 2cm
Tr ol l ey:
20cm x20cm
achi l l es速
TheCi t yTr ol l eyi sahandyshoppi ng t r ol l ey ,t hatcaneasi l ybef ol dedand i st her ef or espacesavi ngl y . Fi l l i ngcapaci t y:48l i t er
Ci t yTr ol l ey I t em no. :
Mat er i al :
EVAcoat edpol yest erf abr i c
Col or :
bl ack,r oyal ,navy ,r ed
Measur ement s Unf ol ded:
41cm x24, 5cm x98cm
Fol ded:
52cm x41cm x12cm
Adver t i si ngspace Tr ol l ey:
EUr egi s t er eddes i gn
Af t erar r angement
Tr ol l Shopper
The i st hei dealbagf orsmal l , butal sof orbi g,shoppi ng.I fnecessar y ,i tcanbe t r ansf or medi nt oat r ol l ey ,wi t ht heai dofi t sel egant zi pperandt her ol l er st hatar ei nt egr at edi nt ot he baseoft heShopper .
Tr ol l Shopper I t em no. :
Mat er i al :
600DPol yest er
Col or s:
bl ack,r oyal ,navy ,r ed cust omercol orst ar t i ngf r om 1. 500pcs.
Measur ement s Tr ol l ey:
60cm x35cm x20cm
37cm x50cm x20cm
20cm x20cm
Adver t i si ngspace Tr ol l ey:
20cm x20cm
i deasf orl i f e
Shoppi ng Shoppi ngai des
Shoppi ngai des
Pant one286C
Pant one289C
Pant oneBl ackC
The ,anat t achabl ecover f ort hechi l dr en' sseati nt heshoppi ngt r ol l ey . Yourchi l dsi t ssaf el yandcomf or t abl y , becausebot ht hebackaswel last hewai st bel tar ecushi onedandcanbef ast enedwi t h Vel cr ost r i ps.
BabySeat I t em no. :
AD1 14
Mat er i al :
210DPol yest er ,PE
Col or s:
bl ack,r oyal ,navy ,r ed cust omercol orst ar t i ngf r om 3. 000pcs.
Measur ement s Unf ol ded:
39cm x2cm x42cm
Adver t i si ngspace Seat :
20cm x8cm
20cm x8cm
Pant one032C
achi l l es速
Shoppi ngLi st Cl i p
Wi t ht he al lof yourshoppi ngi t emscanbemanagedatasi ngl e gl ance.I ti smadecompl et el yf r om synt het i c mat er i alandi saf f i xedwi t hanel ast i cbandt ot he shoppi ngt r ol l eyhandl ebyaVel cr ost r i p.
Shoppi ngLi st Cl i p I t em no. :
Mat er i al :
Pl ast i c
Col or s:
Accor di ngt ot hecust omer sr equest
Measur ement s Unf ol ded:
8cm x5, 3cm
Adver t i si ngspace Cl i p:
2, 5cm x2, 5cm
2, 5x 2, 5cm
Shoppi ngai des
i deasf orl i f e
achi l l es速
Pant one286C
Pant one289C
Pant oneBl ackC
Pant one032C
Bagi nt heBag
The .Yourcel lphone, wal l et ,keys,cosmet i cset c.canbeneat l yst or ed i nal ar genumberofpocket s.Changeyourhandbag wi t hal li t scont ent si nani nst antwi t ht hepr act i cal i nnerpocket !
Bagi nt hebag I t em no. :
Mat er i al :
600DPol yest er
Col or s:
bl ack,r oyal ,navy ,r ed
Measur ement s Unf ol ded:
22cm x5cm x15cm
Fol ded:
22cm x 15cm
Adver t i si ngspace Bag
13cm x2cm
Shoppi ngai des
Pant one286C
Pant one289C
Pant oneBl ackC
Bot t l eBag
Wi t ht hepr act i cal , bot t l esaswel lasempt i escanbesaf el y andt i di l yt r anspor t ed.I tof f er sr oom f or t went ybot t l esandenabl es comf or t abl et r anspor t .
Bot t l eBag
I t em no. :
Mat er i al :
Accor di ngt ot hecust omer sr equest
Col or s/Pol yest er :
bl ack,r oyal ,navy ,r ed
Measur ement s Unf ol ded:
33cm x36cm x16cm
Adver t i si ngspace Bag:
10cm x10cm
10cm x 2, 5cm
Pant one032C
Tr avelandl ei sur e
Tr avelandl ei sur e
Pant one286C
Pant one289C
Pant oneBl ackC
Whenf ol dedout ,t hepr act i calandf ol dabl e Tr avel Bagof f er sabundantr oom andaf t er usecanbecompact l yandhandi l ypl aced backi ni t scover .
Tr avel Bag I t em no. :
AD1 1 1
Mat er i al :
210DPol yest er
Col or s:
bl ack,r oyal ,navy ,r ed cust omercol orst ar t i ngf r om 1. 500pcs.
Measur ement s Unf ol ded:
60cm x29cm x33cm
Fol ded:
18cm x18cm x4cm
Adver t i si ngspace Bag:
18cm x14cm
15cm x15cm
15x 15cm
18cm x 14cm
Pant one032C
achi l l es速
Pant one286C
Pant one289C
Pant oneBl ackC
Pant one032C
OnBoar d
The i si deal l ysui t ed f orshor tt r i psorashandl uggage. Al ongsi dei t smoder ndesi gn,i tof f er sa hi ghl evelofcar r yi ngcomf or tandcanbe easi l yf ol dedf l atagai naf t eruse.
OnBoar d I t em no. :
AD1 12
Mat er i al :
600DPol yest er
Col or s:
bl ack,r oyal ,navy ,r ed cust omercol orst ar t i ngf r om 2. 000pcs.
Measur ement s Unf ol ded:
50cm x16cm x32cm
Fol ded:
51cm x20cm
Adver t i si ngspace Bag:
20cm x20cm
20cm x20cm
Tr avelandl ei sur e
Spor t sBag
The wi t ha comf or t abl ecar r yi ngst r apst ands outt hr oughi t st r endydesi gn. Whenf ol dedout ,i tof f er spl ent y ofr oom f oryourspor t sandl ei sur e equi pmentandi sal sosui t abl e f oruseasat r avelbagf or shor thol i days.
Pant one286C
Pant one289C
Pant oneBl ackC
Spor t sBagwi t hcar r yi ngst r ap I t em no. :
Mat er i al :
210DPol yest er
Col or s:
bl ack,r oyal ,navy ,r ed cust omercol orst ar t i ngf r om 2. 500pcs.
Measur ement s Unf ol ded:
49, 5cm x22cm x21cm
Fol ded:
19cm x19cm
Adver t i si ngspace Bag:
15cm x10cm
15cm x 10cm
Pant one032C
achi l l es速
Pant one286C
Pant one289C
Pant oneBl ackC
Pant one032C
Packedi nt oasmal lcover ,t hi sbag of f er syoupl ent yofr oom.Thedual appl i cat i onoft hecoveri si deal : i tcanal sobeusedasacosmet i csbag orasasmal lcasef oryourodds andends.
Spor t sBag I t em no. :
Mat er i al :
210DPol yest er
Col or s:
bl ack,r oyal ,navy ,r ed cust omercol orst ar t i ngf r om 2. 000pcs.
Measur ement s Unf ol ded:
47, 5cm x30cm x18cm
Fol ded:
19cm x19cm
Adver t i si ngspace Bag:
15cm x15cm
15cm x10cm
15cm x 15cm
Tr avelandl ei sur e
Pant one286C
Pant one289C
Mat chbag
Pant oneBl ackC
Pant one032C
The i st hever sat i l ebackpack f orever yday .I ti si deal l ysui t edf ort r i pst ot he beachorpubl i cswi mmi ngpool s,f orqui ck shoppi ngt r i ps,andi sal soani dealspor t sbag. I t sampl est or agepocket ,aswel lasi t sback pocket ,of f er senoughr oom f oral lt hi ngsbi g andsmal l .
Mat chbag I t em no. :
Mat er i al :
600DPol yest er
Col or s:
bl ack,r oyal ,navy ,r ed cust omercol orst ar t i ngf r om 2. 500pcs.
Measur ement s Unf ol ded:
31cm x50cm
Fol ded:
31cm x2cm
Adver t i si ngspace Bag:
20cm x20cm
achi l l es速
Thet r endyNeopr enecasemadeof wat er r esi st antmat er i al .Per f ect l yf i t t i ng cont our swi t hapr ot ect i vel i pbehi ndt hezi p. Uni quef unct i onal i t y ,whet herf orbusi ness orpr i vat euse.
Not ebookcase I t em no. :
Mat er i al :
Neopr en
Col or s:
bl ack
Measur ement s Unf ol ded:
36cm x28cm x3, 5cm
Fol ded:
36cm x28cm
Adver t i si ngspace Case:
20cm x20cm
20cm x20cm
Tr avelandl ei sur e
Pant one286C
Pant one289C
Shoebag I t em no. :
Mat er i al :
600DPol yest er
Col or s:
bl ack,r oyal ,navy ,r ed cust omercol orst ar t i ngf r om 10. 000pcs.
Measur ement s Unf ol ded:
31cm x1 1, 5cm x13cm
Fol ded:
31cm x13cm
Adver t i si ngspace Case:
28cm x10cm
Shoebag I t em no. :
Mat er i al :
600DPol yest er ,Pl eat her
Col or s:
bl ack,r oyal ,navy ,r ed cust omercol orst ar t i ngf r om 10. 000pcs.
Measur ement s Unf ol ded:
32cm x1 1, 5cm x15, 5cm
Fol ded:
32cm x15, 5cm
Adver t i si ngspace Case:
30cm x10cm
Pant oneBl ackC
Pant one032C
Or gani c
Or gani c Lei sur ebasket
The madef r om compl et el ynat ur alr awmat er i al si samust f oral lt hosewhol ovenat ur alpr oduct s. I tconsi st sof100% seaweedandcer ealand t hewoodenl abelser vesast heper f ectsur f ace f oryouradver t i si ng.
Lei sur ebasket I t em no. :
Mat er i al :
Seagr ass,Cor nhusk
Col or s:
Measur ement s Unf ol ded:
44cm x23cm x27cm
Fol ded:
44cm x23cm x27cm
Adver t i si ngspace Basket :
Af t erar r angement
Af t erar r angement
achi l l es®
EasyBox“ nat ur e”
The , madeofseagr assandcor nhuski st he ecol ogi calver si onoft heshoppi ngbasket . I tst andsoutwi t hi t sel egantandnat ur al desi gnandof f er sampl er oom f orsmal l er i t ems.
EasyBox“ nat ur e” I t em no. :
AD107nat ur e
Mat er i al :
Seagr ass,Cor nhusk
Col or s:
Measur ement s Unf ol ded:
42cm x22cm x23cm
Fol ded:
42cm x22cm x23cm
Adver t i si ngspace Label :
Af t erar r angement
Af t erar r angement
Or gani c
achi l l es速
St r awbasket
The i st henat ur alver si on oft heshoppi ngbag.I ti smadeof100% st r awand l i nenandi si deal l ysui t edt oal lt hosewhocher i sh t hebeaut yofnat ur e.
St r awbasket I t em no. :
Mat er i al :
Rushst r aw
Col or s:
Measur ement s Unf ol ded:
41cm x24cm x31cm
Fol ded:
41cm x24cm x31cm
Adver t i si ngspace Basket :
Af t erar r angement
Af t er ar r angement
Af t er ar r angement
Or gani c
Theel egantbasketf r om cor nhuskcanbe usedi nanysi t uat i on,whet hershoppi ng, att hebeachorasasummerhandbag. Thewoodenl abelhasr oom f oryour i ndi vi dualadver t i si ng.
Cor nhuskbasket I t em no. :
Mat er i al :
Cor nhusk
Col or s:
Measur ement s Unf ol ded:
36cm x15cm x21cm
Fol ded:
36cm x15cm x21cm
Adver t i si ngspace Label :
Af t erar r angement
Af t erar r angement
achi l l es速
Thi sshoul derbagmadef r om r ecycl edpaper i si dealf oryourl ei sur et i me.Despi t ei t smat er i al , i ti scompl et el yt ear pr oofand,duet oi t sl i ghtwei ght , of f er sahi ghl evelofcar r yi ngcomf or t .Theel egant woodenl abelher ecanal sobeusedf oradver t i si ng.
AD133nat ur e
PaperBag I t em no. :
Mat er i al :
Col or s:
gr een,nat ur e,br own
Measur ement s Unf ol ded:
47cm x12cm x30cm
Fol ded:
47cm x12cm x30cm
Adver t i si ngspace Label :
Af t erar r angement
Af t erar r angement
Or gani c
Netbag I t em no. : :
Mat er i al :
Cot t on
Col or s:
Measur ement s Unf ol ded:
40cm x37cm
Fol ded:
1 1cm x5cm x7cm
Adver t i si ngspace Bag:
Af t erar r angement
Caraccessor i es
Caraccessor i es
I ce-andsunshade
PMSCoolGr ay1C
Pant one286C
Pant one289C
Pant oneBl ackC
The i st he' l uxur ycl ass' f oryourwi ndscr een. I ndi vi dual l ypr i nt abl eandwi t ht hr eef unct i ons: pr ot ect i onf r om i ce,heatandasar oof .Thesi l ver cont ai ni ngcoat i ng ont her ever sesi depr ot ect st hewi ndscr eenf r om i ci ngupi nt he wi nt erandi nt hesummert hesun' sr aysar er ef l ect ed, pr event i ngt heheat i ngoft hecar ' si nt er i or . Bot hsi descanbei ndi vi dual l ypr i nt edand of f eri dealsur f acesf oradver t i si ngi nbot h wi nt erandsummer .Packedsmal l , t heES200f i t si nt oany gl ovecompar t ment .
I ce-andsunshade I t em no. :
Mat er i al :
190TNyl on
Col or s:
bl ack,r oyal ,navy ,r ed,whi t e cust omercol orst ar t i ngf r om 1. 000pcs.
Measur ement s Unf ol ded:
210cm x70cm
Fol ded:
20cm x15cm
Adver t i si ngspace I ce-andsunshade
100cm x35cm
10cm x15cm
100cm x35cm 10x15cm
Pant one032C
achi l l es®
Wi t ht hecart i r ebagsummerandwi nt ert i r es bet ween1316 canbekeptcl eanl yandpr oper l y . I tpr event sdi r t yhandsandensur esacomf or t abl e t r anspor t .Af t ert heuset hebagscanbewashed pr obl emf r eet o30° .
Cart i r ebag I t em no. :
Mat er i al :
190T,or210DPol yest er
Col or s:
bl ack
Measur ement s Unf ol detscope: Fol ded:
200cm x40cm 30cm x18cm x7cm
Wer bef l äche Ti r ebag:
Af t erar r angement
Sunpr ot ect or
The ,whi chcan bef ol dedt oget hercompact l y ,hast wof unct i ons. I tcount er act st hewar mi ngoft hei nt er i or oft hecar ,andshi el dst hedashboar d agai nstt hesun' sr ays.I tcanal sobe mount edwi t haphot ogr aphi cpr i nt .
Sunpr ot ect or I t em no. :
Mat er i al :
190TPol yest er
Col or s:
Accor di ngt ot hecust omer sr equest
Measur ement s Unf ol ded: Fol ded:
120cm x67, 5cm 24cm x24cm
Adver t i si ngspace Sunpr ot ect or :
Ful lcol ori mpr i nt
15cm x 15cm
Caraccessor i es
Connect i onhooksi nt hei nt er i or
140cm x70cm
Thi sI ce-andsunshadecanbepr i nt edas desi r edandaccor di ngt ocust omerwi sheswi t h ani ndi vi dualdi gi t al / phot ogr aphi cpr i nt . Theexcel l entcool i ngpr oper t i esof f err el i abl e pr ot ect i onf r om f r eezi ng.Thepr ot ect i onf r om heati sguar ant eedbyaspeci alcoat i ng, whi chr ef l ect st hesun' sr ays.Packedsmal l , i tcanf i ti nt oanygl ovecompar t ment .
I ce-andsunshadewi t hdi gi t ali mpr i nt I t em no. :
Mat er i al :
190TPol yest er
Col or s:
Accor di ngt ot hecust omer sr equest
Measur ement s Unf ol ded: Fol ded:
177cm x70cm 14cm x19cm
Adver t i si ngspace Sunshade:
140cm x70cm
TheSunshadef ort hesi dewi ndow i sapr act i cal sunscr eenwhi l edr i vi ng.Wi t hi t ssuct i oncupsi tcanbe easi l yat t achedt oyourcarwi ndows,andpr ot ect st he dr i verandpassenger sf r om sunl i ght .
Sunshadef orsi dewi ndow I t em no. :
Mat er i al :
Pol yest er/Net
Col or s:
Accor di ngt ot hecust omer sr equest
Measur ement s Unf ol ded: Fol ded:
43, 5cm x35, 5cm 15cm x15cm
Adver t i si ngspace Shade:
Ful lcol ori mpr i nt
15cm x 15cm
achi l l es速
But t ont or ol l up
Wi ndowshadef orsi dewi ndow I t em no. :
Col or s
Pol yest er
Measur ement s
Accor di ngt ot hecust omer sr equest
Measur ement s Unf ol ded: Fol ded:
46cm x53cm x2, 5cm 46cm x2, 5cm
Adver t i si ngspace Shade:
Ful lcol ori mpr i nt
Connect i onhooksi nt hei nt er i or
I ce-andsunshadewi t hdi gi t ali mpr i nt I t em no. :
Mat er i al :
Col or s:
Accor di ngt ot hecust omer sr equest
Measur ement s Unf ol ded: Fol ded:
176cm x70cm 24cm x19cm
Adver t i si ngspace Shade:
140cm x70cm
140cm x70cm
Ref er ences
Wat ches
Wat ches I t em no. :CT03 Mechani sm:OS10 Case: St eel ,41, 5/41, 5mm St r ap: St ai nl essst eel
I t em no. :CT36 Mechani sm:2035 Case: St eel ,36, 50/40mm St r ap: St ai nl essst eel
I t em no. :CT37 Mechani sm:OS20 Case: St eel ,44/48mm St r ap: St ai nl essst eel
I t em no. :CT11 Mechani sm:OS60 Case: St eel ,42, 5/48, 5mm St r ap: Leat her
I t em no. :CT01 Mechani sm:OS10 Case: St eel ,41/45mm St r ap: St ai nl essst eel
I t em no. :CT20 Mechani sm:OS10 Case: St eel ,43/46mm St r ap: Leat her
achi l l es速 I t em no. :CT07 Mechani sm:OS10 Case: St eel ,40/47mm St r ap:Leat her
I t em no. :CT26 Mechani sm: Aut omat i c8215 Case: St eel ,41/45mm St r ap: Leat her
I t em no. :CT21 Mechani sm:OS20 Case: St eel ,45, 5/47mm St r ap: Leat her
I t em no. :CT23 Mechani sm:OS10 Case: St eel ,45/48mm St r ap: Leat her
I t em no. :CT19 Mechani sm:1L45 Case: St eel ,41/44, 50mm St r ap: Leat her
I t em no. :CT31 Mechani sm:1L45 Case: St eel ,41/44, 50mm St r ap: Leat her
Wat ches I t em no. :CT27 Mechani sm:1L15 Case: St eel ,28, 50/39mm St r ap: Leat her
I t em no. :CT32 Mechani sm:2035 Case: St eel ,26/28mm St r ap: St ai nl essst eel
I t em no. :CT25 Mechani sm:FS00 Case: St eel ,34/38mm St r ap: Leat her
I t em no. :CT18 Mechani sm:OS20 Case: St eel ,41, 50/47mm St r ap:PU
I t em no. :CT39 Mechani sm: : 5Y30 Case: St eel ,24/27mm St r ap: St ai nl essst eel
I t em no. :CT33 Mechani sm:5Y30 Case: St eel ,24/27mm St r ap: St ai nl essst eel
Mi scel l aneous
CPRr esusci t at i onmask
Pant one286C
Pant one289C
Pant oneBl ackC
Pant one032C
CPRr esusci t at i onmask
The i st hei dealai df orever yf i r stai dsi t uat i on. I tpr event sdi r ectcont actwi t ht hepat i entand guar ant eesopt i malbr eat hi ng.Ther esusci t at i on maski spackedcl eanandst er i l ei ni t sownpol ybag, andcanbei mmedi at el yusedi naf i r stai d si t uat i onwi t honemoveoft hehand.
CPRr esusci t at i onmask I t em no. :
Mat er i al :
600DPol yest er
Col or s:
bl ack,r oyal ,navy ,r ed
Measur ement s Unf ol ded( Mask) :
20, 5cm x20, 5cm
Fol ded( Pouch) :
7, 5cm x2cm x8cm
Adver t i si ngspace Pouch:
5cm x5cm
5cm x5cm
Sl ei gh
Pant one286C
Pant one289C
Pant oneBl ackC
Pant one032C
Snowr i der
The i sani nf l at abl esl ei ghandi sf un f orbot hyoungandol d.I tcanbef ol dedupsmal li s easi l yt r anspor t ed.
Snowr i der I t em no. :
Mat er i al :
600DPol yest er
Col or s:
bl ack,r oyal ,navy ,r ed cust omercol orst ar t i ngf r om 1. 000pcs.
Measur ement s Unf ol ded:
105cm x40cm x8cm
Fol ded:
40cm x20cm x12cm 70cm x25cm
Adver t i si ngspace Sl ei gh:
70cm x25cm
Spor t sf anpr oduct s
Pocket f or matadver t i si ngbanner
The i st heul t i mat emer chandi si ngpr oduct ,si mpl ebuthi ghl yef f ect i ve. Whet heri nast adi um,ataconcer t ,oronacarwi ndscr eenwi t h ar ol lbanner ,youradver t i si ngi sal waysopt i mal l yposi t i oned. Thel ar gepr i nt i ngar eacanal sobeusedonbot hsi des
Pocket f or matadver t i si ngbanner I t em no. :
Mat er i al :
Lami nat ed pol yet hyl ene
Col or s:
Accor di ngt ot hecust omer sr equest
Measur ement s Unf ol ded:
70cm x24cm
Fol ded:
26cm x5cm
Adver t i si ngspace Banner :
67, 5cm x24cm
67, 5cm x24cm
achi l l es速
Pant one286C
Pant one289C
Pant oneBl ackC
Pant one032C
Seatcushi on
Thankst ot he , si t t i ngoncol dorwetsur f acesi snol onger apr obl em.Thecol di nsul at edpaddi ng, i naver ypr act i calbagf or mat ,of f er sal ar ge, comf or t abl eseat i ngser vi ceandcanbe f ol dedupsmal l .Theper f ectaccompani ment f orvi si t i ngst adi ums,f orwal ks,orf orr est s whi l ehi ki ng.
Seatcushi on I t em no. :
Mat er i al :
210DPol yest er ,Al umi ni um
Col or s:
bl ack,r oyal ,navy ,r ed cust omercol orst ar t i ngf r om 10. 000pcs.
Measur ement s Unf ol ded:
37cm x57cm
Fol ded:
10cm x9cm x3cm
Adver t i si ngspace Cushi on:
20cm x20cm
20cm x20cm
Coast er/Spect acl ecl ot h
c oas t er
The i smadeofst ur dyPVC, t hel ongl i vi ngmodeloft hecl assi ccoast er . I ti sdi r t -andmoi st ur er epel l entandcan easi l ybecl eaned.Byt hebot hsi deddi gi t al pr i nt i ngyouradver t i si ngi spl acedper f ect l y .
Coast er I t em no. :
Mat er i al :
Col or s:
Af t erar r angement
Measur ement s Coast er :
10cm x10cm
Adver t i si ngspace Coast er :
Ful lcol ori mpr i nt
Spect acl ecl ot h
Spect acl ecl ot h I t em no. :
Mat er i al :
Mi cr of i ber
Col or s:
Accor di ngt ot hecust omer sr equest
Measur ement s Unf ol ded:
Accor di ngt ot hecust omer sr equest
Adver t i si ngspace Spect acl ecl ot h:
Ful lcol ori mpr i nt
Wi t ht he , youar eabl et opr esentyourpr oductor companypr of essi onal l yandusef ul l y . Thecl ot hcanbei ndi vi dual l ymadet oyour ownexactsi zeandpr i ntspeci f i cat i ons andi sver yver sat i l e.
Ful lcol or i mpr i nt
Househol d
Handbr oom “ mi ni � I t em no. :
Handbr oom
The i sasi mpl eand aboveal lef f ect i vemeansf orposi t i oni ng adver t i si ng.I tst andsoutaboveal lduet o i t sel egantdesi gn.
Mat er i al :
Pl ast i c
Col or s:
Accor di ngt ot hecust omer sr equest
Measur ement s Unf ol ded:
22cm x15cm x4, 5cm
Fol ded:
22cm x15cm x4, 5cm
Adver t i si ngspace Handbr oom:
Ful lcol ori mpr i nt
Handbr oom I t em no. :
Mat er i al :
Pl ast i c
Col or s:
Accor di ngt ot hecust omer sr equest
Measur ement s Unf ol ded
32cm x23cm x8cm
Fol ded:
32cm x23cm x8cm
Adver t i si ngspace Handbr oom:
Ful lcol ori mpr i nt
achi l l esconceptGmbH&Co.KG Bahnhof s t r aĂ&#x;e141 D63263NeuI s enbur g Ger many T el :+49( 0)6102-597057 Fax :+49( 0)6102-597061 EMai l :i nf o@ac hi l l es c onc ept . de I nt er net :www. ac hi l l es c onc ept . de