The Western Michigan Chapter is a member of the Association for Corporate Growth Global comprised of more than 15,000 members in the United States, Canada, Europe and Asia.
ACG Western Michigan is where change makers come to connect, share, and learn, and create an environment to foster growth for West Michigan business and all the markets our members serve.
Our global community serves a diverse membership of business leaders who bring perspectives from various disciplines, industries, and leadership experiences. Our programming features a vast array of thought provoking and experiential content focused on the concerns of growing businesses.
Our events foster a productive exchange of ideas, build critical relationships, and create conversations of consequence.
From driving growth to navigating change, from developing talent to investing in the West Michigan business community, your concerns form our agendas.
By choosing to be an ACG Western Michigan Sponsor, you are not only
in the growth of your business,
also investing in business and talent in Western Michigan.
ACG WM delivers a return on your investment by:
you in front of your target audience of executives
strong programming focused
companies in
• Placing
• Offering
on best practices • Recognizing outstanding
our region • Offering a forum for the exchange of ideas and information • Offering great networking opportunities for members and non members Julie Metsker, Executive Director jmetsker@acgwmich.org 616.732.7149 Brandon Derusha, Sponsorship Chair Brandon.derusha@bmo.com 616.901.1571 Doug Holtrop, Sponsorship Co chair DHoltrop@MercBank.com 616.233.2346 The Association for Corporate Growth (ACG) Western Michigan Chapter was founded in 1999 by a small group of M&A professionals who wanted the opportunity to share best practices and to network with peers.
We spent much of 2020 reacting, pivoting, shifting and learning. 2021 brought more focus and more pivoting and more change! 2022 brought us the ability to find our footing and move ahead understanding that "abnormal is the new normal." In 2023, we've got MOMENTUM. M o·men·tum (noun) : The STRENGTH or FORCE that allows something to continue or to GROW stronger or faster as time passes.
Forward MOMENTUM for
Our sponsors help drive our agenda forward with dynamism, relevancy, and intention. Increased sponsor visibility through frequent email communications to our list of over 4,900 decision makers Over 125,000 unique impressions on LinkedIn in the past 12 months Sponsor Appreciation posts garnered over 22,000 impressions on LinkedIn alone! 1,500 unique visitors on LinkedIn from people with title: Senior Manager; Director; Vice President; Partner; Owner The expanded ACG Cup competition exposed sponsors to a diverse new group of talent from across the country, represented by 15 different Colleges and Universities LinkedIn Organic Engagement 2nd only to ACG Global Over 3,000 LinkedIn page views Regular Email OPEN RATE of over 30% 100,000+ emails sent with sponsor branding 100% of event attendees say they’d attend another ACGWM event ACGWM held over 40 events in 2022
Momentum is in the Numbers
LinkedIn Organic Engagement by Chapter
Chapter Membership by Industry Western Michigan has 290 members
LinkedIn Unique Visitors by Title
ACG Western Michigan offers two categories for Sponsorship Investment.
Platinum | Gold | Silver | Bronze
Our Annual Sponsorships help provide strong programming focused on best practices through our monthly Signature programs, which provide a forum for the exchange of ideas and information. Additionally, we host the annual Outstanding Growth Awards event, where ACG Western Michigan recognizes exceptional companies in our region that have demonstrated growth in sales, profitability, and employment.
Breakfast Club | Food for Thought | ACG University
Our Special Investment sponsorships support special initiatives for small- group networking and intensive learning.
Platinum Investors enjoy prominence and recognition at ALL ACG WM events. This event exposure includes our regular monthly programming, as well as all special initiatives.
Platinum Annual Investment: $12,000*
* Limited to three (3) companies annually
* **Right of first refusal to maintain sponsorship level
• Logo* on all marketing & communications materials including:
• Individual banner at all ACG programs as appropriate
• Sponsor table towers at all programs where applicable
• Email announcements for all programs as appropriate
• Logo and link on "Look Who's Coming" emails and post program surveys.
• PowerPoint slide recognition at all programs where applicable
• Verbal recognition at designated programs:
• Monthly Signature event
• ACG Cup events
• ACG University events
• Outstanding Growth Awards Event
• Young Professionals Initiatives
• Featured sponsor at one Signature program
• Logo, link, and paragraph on sponsor webpage
• Recognition on annual program calendar and Monthly upcoming event announcements
• Social media exposure at least five (5) times per year
• Featured Placement on ACG Cup webpage and any ACG Cup special events
• Logo on webpage for special initiatives including: ACG Cup, ACG University, and Young Professionals
• Recognition on printed invitation and program for Outstanding Growth Awards, as well as logo displayed on all bars and display screens
• Recognition on all ACG University materials: Acquisitions Strategies and Growth Strategies Trainings
• Two (2) complimentary non-member tickets for Signature programs
• Sponsor ribbon on nametags at all programs
• Ten (10) tickets to the Outstanding Growth Awards
• Four (4) complimentary non member tickets to Young Professionals and special initiative programs
• Opportunity to provide judges for ACG Cup competition
• Opportunity to introduce and provide speaker for Young Professionals events where appropriate
• Opportunity to provide speaker(s) for additional programs where appropriate.
The Gold Level provides optimal exposure and
WM members and their guests throughout the year.
Additionally, the Gold Level sponsorship provides companies with the ‘right of first refusal’ this allows a company to maintain the same exclusive
for the following
Gold Level
Gold Annual Investment: $7,500* **
* Limited to six (6) companies annually
* **Right of first refusal to maintain sponsorship level
• Logo* on marketing & communications materials including:
• Individual banner at designated* programs
• Sponsor table towers at designated* programs
• Email announcements for all programs as appropriate
• Logo and link on "Look Who's Coming" emails and post program surveys.
• PowerPoint slide recognition at designated* programs
• Verbal recognition at designated* programs
• Featured sponsor at one Signature program
• Logo, link, and paragraph on sponsor webpage
• Recognition on printed invitation, program, and logo on cocktail napkins for the Outstanding Growth Awards
• Social media exposure at least five (5) times per year
• Two (2) complimentary non member tickets for Signature programs
• Sponsor ribbon on nametags at designated programs
• Ten (10) tickets to the Outstanding Growth Awards
• Opportunity to provide speaker(s) for Signature programs where appropriate
*ACG will make every effort to provide branding benefits around events and communications
*Designated programs include: Monthly Signature programs and the Outstanding Growth Awards Event
Silver Level
The Silver Investment provides great exposure for the financial investment, as well as access to ACG WM members and their guests throughout the year
Silver Annual Investment: $4,500
Silver Level
• Recognition on marketing & communications materials including:
• Logo on Sponsor table towers at designated* programs
• Logo on email announcements for designated* programs
• PowerPoint slide recognition at designated* programs
• Company profile paragraph on sponsor webpage
• Logo recognition on printed invitation for the Outstanding Growth Awards
• Social media exposure at least five (5) times per year
• Five (5) tickets to the Outstanding Growth Awards
• Sponsor ribbon on nametags at Outstanding Growth Awards event
*Designated programs include: Monthly Signature programs and the Outstanding Growth Awards Event
Bronze Level
Bronze Annual Investment: $2,500
Bronze Level
• Company name on marketing & communications materials including:
• Sponsor table towers at designated* programs
• Email announcements for designated* programs
• PowerPoint slide recognition at designated* programs
• Recognition on printed invitation and program for Outstanding Growth Awards event
• Listed sponsor on ACGWM website
• Social media exposure at least three (3) times per year
• One (1) ticket to the Outstanding Growth Awards
*Designated programs include: Monthly Signature programs and the Outstanding Growth Awards Event
Momentum is really a leader's best friend. Sometimes it's the only difference between winning and losing."
― John C. Maxwell
Special Investments
Breakfast Club
Special Investment: $6,000* **
* Limited to one (1) company annually
**Right of first refusal to maintain sponsorship level
Breakfast Club is held 6 times per year and is limited to ACG Western Michigan members only. This is small group networking for members who want to have the opportunity for more meaningful interactions.
• Company name and logo on marketing and communication material exclusive to member only Breakfast Club events*
• Sponsor signage at all Breakfast Club events
• Inclusion in email announcements as appropriate
• Verbal recognition at all Breakfast Club events
• Social media "shouts outs" around each Breakfast Club event
*6 Breakfast Club events annually
Food for Thought
Special Investment: $6,000* **
* Limited to one (1) company annually
**Right of first refusal to maintain sponsorship level
Food for Thought Luncheons are held 6 times per year and are for both ACG members and nonmembers alike. This is small group networking for those who want to have the opportunity for more meaningful interactions.
These luncheons are sponsored by our Women in Finance initiative, and everyone is invited to attend.
• Company name and logo on marketing and communication material exclusive to member and nonmember Food for Thought events*
• Sponsor signage at all Food for Thought Luncheons
• Inclusion in email announcements as appropriate
• Verbal recognition at all Food for Thought Luncheons
• Social media "shouts outs" around each Food for Thought Luncheon
*5 Food for Thought Luncheons annually
ACG University
Special Investment: $7,500* **
* Limited to one (1) company annually
**Right of first refusal to maintain sponsorship level
ACG University sessions are held 6 times per year and are for both ACG members and nonmembers alike. Two trainings are offered, in the spring and the fall, and each consists of 3 sessions They will offer in a deep dive into acquisition and growth strategies for anyone wishing to garner a deeper understanding of business growth.
• Company name and logo on marketing and communication material exclusive to ACG University events.
• Sponsor signage at all ACG University events
• Inclusion in email announcements as appropriate
• Opportunity to provide introduction at all ACG University events
• Verbal recognition at all ACG University events
• Social media "shouts outs" around each ACG University event
• Two (2) tickets to all ACG University events
*6 ACG University events annually
NEW ACG Cup Investments
ACG Cup Competition Sponsor
ACG Cup Competition Sponsor $5,000*
* Limited to seven (7) sponsor companies
ACG Cup offers direct access to a diverse talent pool, giving our business community the chance to hire the best talent coming out of business, finance, economics, and management programs. Period.
• Logo on all ACG Cup marketing & communication materials including:
• Recognition at Competition registration table
• Table towers in Competition spaces and at pre-event reception
• ACG Cup Email announcements and social media
• PowerPoint slide recognition at event
• Opportunity to provide your own branded company swag for competitors and judges
• Branded competition room designation
• If desired, branded table at pre-reception
• Verbal recognition:
• Competition welcome
• Pre event reception welcome
• Judges’ training
• Logo and link on ACG Cup webpage
• Invitation to pre event reception for up to two (2) individuals
• Invitation to observe Competition and share lunch with all participants
• Opportunity to provide Competition judges as available
“If we create networks with the sole intention of getting something, we won't succeed. We can't pursue the benefits of networks; the benefits ensue from investments in meaningful activities and relationships ."
― Adam Grant
Individual banner with logo displayed at Signature programs & Outstanding Growth Awards (OGA)
Recognition in e-mail announcements for Signature programs & OGA
PowerPoint slide recognition at Signature programs & OGA
Verbal recognition at Signature programs & OGA
Featured Sponsor at one Signature program
Recognition on sponsor webpage
Sponsor ribbon on nametags at Signature programs & OGA
Complimentary non -member tickets to Signature programs
Recognition on printed OGA invitations
Right of first refusal to maintain sponsorship level
Acknowledgement on sponsor table towers at events
Recognition on homepage
Social Media recognition
Complimentary non -member tickets to OGA
* See description of each Sponsor level for complete information. Event calendar is subject to change. We strive to ensure your benefits are commensurate with your sponsorship investment.
** Annual Investments are the exclusive sponsorship levels with respect to monthly Signature programs, ACG Cup, ACG University, Outstanding Growth Awards event and Young Professional events. For other events, we may offer additional sponsorship opportunities. More detailed information about these additional sponsorship opportunities will be made available as these events are finalized.
* **
X X X LOGO LOGO LOGO X X X X X X X X X 10 10 5 1
For sponsors to leverage their sponsorship investment to the fullest, please consider increasing your engagement through committee involvement.
Contact the ACG WM office to discuss getting involved and making the most of your investment.
admin@acgwmich.org (616) 732 7149
ACG University provides unique personal and professional development opportunities to both members and potential members. It also assists up and coming leaders with developing their knowledge and network of connections. ACG University has two signature courses offered every year: Acquisition Strategies and Growth Strategies
ACG Cup is an intercollegiate competition among college and university students across the country. Student participants gain invaluable experience in a real world context, receive feedback from leaders in the business community, expand their networks, and compete for a cash prize. ACG Cup provides students with real world experience supported by the West Michigan business community.
The Outstanding Growth Awards Committee exists to provide a ‘must attend’ experience. This event celebrates the growth of local businesses and the advisors who support and nurture the growing local business community.
The Signature Event Committee develops the theme and content for our Signature programs throughout the year. Its goal is to provide networking opportunities for members and educational content about current issues relevant to the local M&A, financial, and corporate communities.
The Young Professionals Initiative develops the next generation of leaders in West Michigan so young professionals can grow in their careers and contribute to the continued economic prosperity of the region. It is a forum for professionals 35 years old and younger to network and learn best practices related to corporate growth, as well as mergers and acquisitions.
2023 Investment Agreement Sponsorship Form also available online on our sponsorship opportunities page: www.acgwmich.org Main Contact Company Address City/State/Zip Phone Email Please Provide if different from above (Write N/A if same as above) Marketing Contact Email Ticketing Contact Email Invoicing Contact Email Please Provide your company social media handles Facebook @ Twitter @ Instagram @ LinkedIn Payment Options □ ACH Payment □ Check enclosed FinancialcommitmentmustbereceivedbyDecember16,2022 in ordertoreceiveallbenefitsofyour investment Mail to: ACG Western Michigan PO Box 6661 Grand Rapids, MI 49516 Please email the following items to admin@acgwmich.org. If you were a sponsor last year and your company logo and/or description has not changed, please initial here: High Resolution, color logo in .eps format One paragraph description of your company 17 Special Investments □ Breakfast Club $6,000 □ Food for Thought $6,000 □ ACG University $7,500 □ ACG Cup $5,000 Annual Investment □ Platinum (3) $12,000 □ Gold (6) $7,500 □ Silver $4,500 □ Bronze $2,500