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guide of Italian suppliers of textile machinery, parts and accessories who we are
ACIMIT (Association of Italian Textile Machinery Manufacturers) is a private national body that groups most of the Italian textile machinery companies, whose production represents 82% of the entire Italian textile machinery production and some associated members (consortia, technical schools, technical magazines, research centres).
The Association main purpose consists in promoting the Italian textile machinery sector and in supporting its activity, mainly abroad, through the most updated and innovative promotional means, constantly improved during its about 80 years of life, e.g. organizing exhibitions, technical seminars, missions in Italy and abroad, etc., mostly in collaboration with Italian Trade Agency.
If you need more information about the Italian textile machinery industry, please contact us. We shall be pleased to answer you in a very short time.
Our address is the following:
Association of Italian Textile Machinery Manufacturers
Via Tevere 1, 20123 Milano (ITALY)
PHONE: +39 02 4693611
E-MAIL: info@acimit.it
WEB: www.acimit.it