Different Sharpening Technique with Photoshop Mohammadreza Mohseni
Different Sharpening Technique with Photoshop
1. Unsharp Mask Filter 2. Lab Color Sharpening 3. High Pass Filter 4. Recommendation
Mohammadreza Mohseni
Unsharp Mask Filter The most commonly used Photoshop filter is the Unsharp Mask. Amount, Radius and Threshold. Amount signifies how aggressively sharpening is applied to the image and should be determined visually, it is also related to the image size and resolution. Don’t USE A VALUE OVER 100 IT WILL GET UGLY. The Radius control determines by how much around each pixel the filter is applied. The general consensus is that you should look for look for a value of between 0.3 to 1.5.
Unsharp Mask Filter
Mohammadreza Mohseni
Unsharp Mask Filter
Mohammadreza Mohseni
Lab Color Sharpening The Lab Color mode has Lightness channel so convert your image from RGB > LAB COLOR The lightness channel contains all of the light and dark tones in the image while avoiding any noise caused by the color channels. Sharpening works by darkening the darks and lightening the lights at their boundaries. Any color noise will cause noisy sharpening, so we’ll just avoid it altogether The key is lightness channel so you can use any method you want just keep in mind that use it in lightness channel I prefer use unsharp mask filter method. In the end convert back to RGB mode
Lab Color Sharpening
Mohammadreza Mohseni
Lab Color Sharpening
Mohammadreza Mohseni
Lab Color Sharpening
Mohammadreza Mohseni
Lab Color Sharpening
Mohammadreza Mohseni
High Pass Filter This is another excellent technique for getting beautifully sharp images without artifacting. With your image open, go to the layers and duplicate the layer. Now on the upper left of the Layer Palette change the blend mode to Overlay, Soft Light or Hard Light. With the duplicated layer selected, open the Filter – Other – High Pass filter. At the bottom you will see a Radius slider. Start off with a radius of around 2 - 5 and gently drag the slider right or left.
High Pass Filter
You can use SOFT LIGHT or OVERLAY or HARD LIGHT it is up to your taste
Mohammadreza Mohseni
High Pass Filter
Mohammadreza Mohseni
High Pass Filter
Mohammadreza Mohseni
High Pass Filter
Mohammadreza Mohseni
High Pass Filter
Mohammadreza Mohseni
Recommendation Always use method 2 or 3 if you want nicer result. Don’t use method 1 for exterior it can be get ugly. Method 2 avoid the color noise in sharpening process and have very good quality in result. You can use combination of method 2 and 3 and get very good result. Method 3 have the nice result without creating halo or artifact in result. Always use mask on final sharpened layer, you don’t need sharpening in everywhere and you defiantly don’t need it in far objects. If you use sharpen AA in your render setting (like Catmull-Rom or VraySync) be careful with this process. If you render in huge resolution like 4k you don’t actually need AA in your render setting in can be produce with more control in post process stage.