AIESEC UA Annual Report 2012-2013

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2012 - 2013







What is AIESEC?


Our Values


Once upon a time


A word from our President


Report of the executive board


Middle Managers about AIESEC


Facts and figures

8 Alumni 9

AIESEC UA around the world


Story of ‌

11 Events 12

AIESEC student life


AIESEC would like to thank


Special thanks


Project partners


National partners


Exchange partners

AIESEC IS ... ... an international platform for young people to explore and develop their leadership potential in order to have a positive impact in society. Our platform enables organizations to interact and to source high potential university students and recent graduates from all over the world through our exchange program, conferences and physical and virtual communication tools.

“Are you waiting for the future, or are you building it?�

OUR ROLE Our international

platform enables young people to explore and develop their potential to provide leadership for a positive impact on society.

WHAT IS AIESEC ? OUR NATURE AIESEC is a global, non-political, independent, not-for-profit organization, run by students and recent graduates of institutions of higher education. AIESEC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, gender, sexual orientation, creed, religion and national, ethnic or social origin.


OUR VISION Peace and fulfillment of humankind’s potential.


We provide our members with a development experience comprised of leadership opportunities, international internships and participation in a global environment.


We lead by example and inspire leadership through action and results. We take full responsibility for our role in developing the potential of people.

We are consistent and transparent in our decisions and actions. We fulfill our commitments and conduct ourselves in a way that is true to our identity.

We seek to learn form different ways of life and opinions represented in our multicultural environment. We respect and actively encourage the contribution of every individual.


We aim to deliver the highest quality performance in everything we do. Through creativity and innovation we seek to continuously improve.

We create a dynamic environment by active and enthusiastic participation of individuals. We enjoy being involved in AIESEC.

We act in a way that is sustainable for our organization and society. Our decisions take into account the needs of future generations.

ONCE UPON A TIME ... 1930’s

Start of the idea behind AIESEC. Schools across Europe exchanged information about various programs and schools that specialized in business and economics. Students were carrying out internships in other countries, but mostly on their own initiative.


After a long period of focusing on only campus recruitment, AIESEC succeeds in getting a trainee in Antwerp. Hooray! It was an American with Indian roots. The Executive board had worked very hard for it and was proud to lay the foundation of many years of trainees in Antwerp!


Most initiatives came to a standstill with the onslaught of World War II.


The neutral Scandinavian countries were still exchanging. In Stockholm, Bertil Hedberg and the two students Zich of Czechoslovakia and Callens of Belgium founded AIESE, the predecessor of AIESEC.

2002 - 2003

Up to this year the tradition existed in AIESEC Antwerp tot organize a ‘Bootbal’. This used to be a gala party on a sailing boat.


Founding of AIESEC RUCA in Antwerp.


Founding of AIESEC UFSIA in Antwerp.



89 students participated in the first of many exchange programs, the so-called “Stockholm Congress”.

The company Statoil is contacted with the request to co-organize traineeships. Up to now Statoil is an important partner of AIESEC UA.


Official founding of AIESEC. The founding countries were Belgium, Denmark, France, Norway, Sweden, The Netherlands and Finland.


The first Stakholders event of AIESEC UA is organized in Het Hof van Liere.


AIESEC RUCA and AIESEC UFSIA merge into AIESEC UA with Florian Van Dijck as the first LCP. Liesbet Van Gorp and Frederik Waegemans, the last LCP’s of AIESEC UFSIA and AIESEC RUCA, who arranged the merger, have become a couple and are still married today.


The first DiAmAnt Day is organized by Vice-President Ari Apteker. DiAmAnt stands for “Discover Amazing Antwerp”. It is a reception day for trainees of whole AIESEC Belgium. Today Ari guides tourists through the city of Antwerp.


AIESEC counts more than 86 000 members in 113 countries. It is the biggest international student organization in the world. AIESEC is present in more than 2 400 universities, yearly organizes more than 24 000 leadership experiences and sends 20 000 recent graduates on an international exchange.


60th anniversary of AIESEC’s founding


Development and boost of the OGX program. The first outgoing exchanges of AIESEC UA are organized.



Introduction of the middle management structure in AIESEC UA.

Innovative promotions for OGX exchanges (e.g. Global Village on campus) and new CRXP events (Harbour Week, Job Alert) are tested with great success!


Three times in a row AIESEC UA organizes BeLDS with great international success. BeLDS stands for ‘Belgium Leadership Development Seminar’.


Composition of the AIESEC UA club song ‘Wij zijn AIESEC’.


For the first time AIESEC UA has more than 100 members. Congrats!

2009 AIESEC UA gots its own flag!

A WORD FROM OUR PRESIDENT Michèle Van Spilbeeck “Michèle’s enthusiasm and passion is a source of inspiration for the entire LC.” (Lars)

What an amazing year it has been! Never in my young life have I felt more proud, more enthusiastic and more alive after anything I have done. As a final decision maker and legal and strategical leader of the largest LC of AIESEC in Belgium, I learned so so SO much. Not only did AIESEC thought me more on leadership and management skills. As well did I get the chance to meet wonderful new people, to get to know myself better and to learn how to work in a team on a day-to-day basis. During my studies I got the opportunity to study abroad in countries as China, India and Japan, where I learned to cope with teamwork in an international, moreover a non-western context. It is also in China that I first met the organization AIESEC. Denis, a friend of mine who went there on an exchange as well, introduced me to local AIESEC members. Even though I couldn’t follow with all the AIESEC abbreviations that they were using in their conversations, they were so friendly, warm and welcome to me. Soon it was decided... A professional international student organization that gives you


leadership experiences and sends people abroad in order to create a global cultural understanding? That sounded like something for me! Upon my return I joined AIESEC in Antwerp as a member in the ICX-track. And already one year later, as it was my final year at university, I wanted to take upon me the challenge of being Local Committee President of AIESEC UA. It’s only now, after two years, that I realized that I should have joined AIESEC three years earlier. As an AIESEC’er you learn such valuable lessons on leadership that no lecture, no course and no workshop could have given you as a ‘normal’ student at University of Antwerp. I truly feel more connected in this globalizing world and more than ever prepared for my professional career and my everyday life after graduation, all thanks to AIESEC!

“As an AIESEC’er you learn such valuable lessons on leadership that no lecture, no course and no workshop could have given you as a ‘normal’ student at University of Antwerp.”

Not a single moment do I regret it that I joined AIESEC. It does not happen often that people in their young life get this unique chance that AIESEC gives you. I strongly value the power In my opinion, we had a wonderful and definitely successful year! We made great achievements in our existing events, organized two new events (Job Alert and Harbour Week), recruited more than 100 members, offered several leadership roles, organized a national conference, welcomed trainees and sent recent graduates from Antwerp abroad on their international experience. All this was thanks to the help of our many partners, thanks to the dedication of our members and thanks to the motivation and drive of our Executive Board who were there every day. Congratulations to every single person who contributed in realizing our goals and make this year happen! This year, we put so much effort, energy, love and dedication in creating an amazing AIESEC year and a basis for many years to come. We had big and smaller problems to overcome, but it was all definitely worth it. And it can be said that my year as an LCP is made unforgettable thanks to my strong team of eight wonderful people. All this wouldn’t be possible without Charlotte, Lars, Yanni, Nicolas De Keyser, Nicolas Van Spilbeeck, Elsemieke and Anthony.

We became a group of friends, as AIESEC kept us challenged every day and busy even during the night. I warmly want to thank my Executive Board for all their hard work and endless motivation! I also would like to thank all the members; you have realized incredible things this year and our local committee would not have been the same without your commitment! Furthermore I would like to thank our partners, our trainees, our alumni, the Member Committee of AIESEC in Belgium and all others who supported AIESEC UA in the past year. I am very grateful that I had the opportunity to work with all of you!

“And it can be said that my year as an LCP is made unforgettable thanks to my strong team of eight wonderful people.” And so it is with proud, but also with a bit of grief, that I leave AIESEC UA in the good hands of the next Executive Board for 2013-2014. I am sure that you will give yourselves for 100% as well to make AIESEC UA next year even better and stronger! Good luck!

TIMELINE MICHELE 2008 Start of studies at University of Antwerp, Faculty of Applied Economics 2010 Six-month exchange at Huazhong University of Science & Technology, China 2011 Coordinating assistant at Makro NV head Office, Belgium 2011 Joint Internship Seminar at Goa Institute of Management, Goa, India 2012 Selected for Deloitte’s ‘International Student Business Forum’ in Athens, Greece 2012 Summerschool at Sophia University, Tokyo, Japan 2012 Researcher in Logistics at University of Antwerp 2013 Winner of Negotiation Challenge by BDO at ‘Solvay Business Game’, Brussels 2013 Local Committtee President of AIESEC UA


“He is always smiling and optimistic. He is professional and chill at the same time, which is a great combination. He has good leadership skills and really motivates you. We had a great team this year. Thanks Anthony for the great guidance and friendship.” (Lana)

Hey AIESEC! For the executive board of 2012-2013 I was entrusted the honor of holding the position of Vice President Finance. My function includes carefully watching over the financials of the UA office and processing the ingoing and outgoing flows in order to stimulate the success of all our activities in the best possible way. Besides cash flow management and bookkeeping, I am also responsible for all legalities related to AIESEC UA. Finally, I can also highlight that the bookkeeping procedure underwent a complete makeover due to fact that our organization is now subjected to VAT regulations for some of our core activities. However, the success of this executive year could not have been so grand without the support of my extremely active and motivated Finance team! AIESEC is an organization that offers various opportunities while focusing on the continuous development of each and every member. This truly was the case for me. I am really looking forward to the bright future of this organization and its members. AIESEC, you are the best !!!

TIMELINE ANTHONY 2009 2010 2011 2012 2012 2013

Start of studies at University of Antwerp, Business Engineering 
 Leave for Canisius College, Buffalo NY to complete a one year dual degree program Start Erasmus exchange at Ecole de Management Strasbourg, France.
 Member External Relations AIESEC UA
. Vice-President Finance team
AIESEC UA Elected Vice-President Talent Management for the term ‘13-’14

Hi there! This year I was the Vice President of Outgoing Exchange. Every day I was busy with one of the core businesses of AIESEC: to send people on a cultural exchange, and I loved it. My tasks included marketing of the AIESEC exchanges, selection processes, matching processes, … Of course I didn’t do this all by myself. I had an amazing team assisting me while they were developing themselves. It’s amazing how we can do this all in AIESEC. It’s the combination of all those things that made my year a great success: the stories from exchange participants who are abroad and the stories of the ones who came back, the excitement of an exchange participant having a match and preparing to leave, the hard work you do with your team, and the satisfaction it gives you, and of course, being part of the amazing Executive Board of AIESEC UA. “Charlotte was a great OGX leader. She’s a cheerfull person, a good organisator, and knows how to encourage all the members of the track to stay motivated teammembers.” (Elisabeth)

TIMELINE CHARLOTTE 2010 Start of her studies at University of Antwerp, Business Engineering 2011 Member External Relations AIESEC UA 2012 Vice-President OGX AIESEC UA 2013 Summer School China 2014 Elected Vice-President Incoming Exchange for the term ‘13-’14


Charlotte Van Lent


“Always prepared to answer questions, always prepared to fulfill requests in a 24hours notice.“ (Stefan)

The past year I was the Vice-President External Relations at AIESEC UA. I started my AIESEC career after studying in the United States for a year. As Business Engineer I sought to further develop my business skills, with an international touch, and therefore joined AIESEC, the premier youth-driven business organisation in the world. At AIESEC I actively contacted companies during my first semester and then developed my leadership skills as a team leader during the second. This year as VP ER I worked together with a team of over 25 highly motivated members and middle managers who looked after the corporate contacts of AIESEC UA. Apart from great moments at congresses, teambuildings and company meetings, the entire Local Committee made this and unforgettable year. Outside of AIESEC I used to be a Baseball player, participate in business games and like to go abroad whenever there is an opportunity.

TIMELINE YANNI 2009 Start of studies at University of Antwerp, Business Engineering 2010 Leave for Canisius College, Buffalo NY to complete a one year dual degree program 2011 Member External Relations AIESEC UA 2012 Semi-Finalist of the Boston Consulting Group Strategy Cup 2012 Team Leader External Relations AIESEC UA 2012 Winner of the Solvay Business Game Negotiation Case 2012 BCG Strategy Weekend in Paris 2012 Joint International Internship Seminar in India UA & Goa Institute of Management 2012 Vice-President External Relations AIESEC UA 2013 Finalist of the BCG Strategy Cup 2013 Summer program Beijing-Xi’An-Shanghai (China) 2013 Internship BCG 2013 Elected Vice-President Communications for the term ‘13-’14

TIMELINE NICOLAS 2009 2010 2011 2012 2012 2012 2012 2013 2013

Start Bachelor Business Engineering
 Leave for Canisius College, Buffalo NY to complete a one year dual degree program Become an AIESEC member in the ER track
March Winner of the Solvay Business Game Negotiation Challenge by BDO
July Start term as VP Project Management
 Joint International Internship Seminar at GKB Opthalmics in Goa, India
 Start Master Commercial Engineering
February Runner-up in the BCG Strategy Cup
March Elected LCP for the term ‘13-’14

Hi there! The past year I was the VP Project Management at AIESEC UA. My responsibilities for this term have been the major projects and events that AIESEC UA organised on campus. Over the year we have realised no less than 8! Gala Night, Job Alert, Job Fair, Google Day, Debate on Entrepreneurship, Harbour week, NatCo 2013 and 2 champagne cantuses. Special for this year is that we came up two brand new events: Job Alert and Harbour week. Both of them were a great success and are in the running of having a sequel next year! My tasks as VP consist of coaching, leading and supporting all Organising Committees (OC). Each project has its Organising Committee and its Organising Committee President (OCP). As a VP you have to keep an overview and see that everything goes smooth. Whenever problems occur for the OC or the OCP you have to step in and guide the teams to a great result. I am glad that everything went well so far. The last year has been amazing and I have learned a lot, also about myself. On to the next challenge!

“Nicolas is the personification of the expression as ‘steady as a rock’.” (Lars)


Nicolas van Spilbeeck


“Lars Vercammen is our very helpful VP Incoming Exchange! If you’re looking for some tax advice, good travel stories, a sports companion, any information on pigeons, you have to go out for a drink with Lars!“ (Michèle)

TIMELINE LARS 2007 2011 2011 2011 2012 2012 2012 2013

Hello! My name is Lars Vercammen and past year I was the VP ICX at AIESEC UA. ICX stands for Incoming Exchange. My responsibility was the ‘realization of internships’. This means - to be more concrete the – makings shortlists of candidates for an internship in Antwerp, helping the trainees to find an accommodation and integrate them in Antwerp/AIESEC UA, being available to solve problems that trainees might experience and having close contacts with our partner companies. If I have to describe the last 12 AIESEC months in one word, ‘unforgettable’ would be a suitable one! I have learned so many new things. I will give you one example to clarify this. One of the qualities a good VP ICX should have, is to be a ‘problem solving’ person. Problems can occur anywhere, anytime. You have to be able to react immediately on problems while taking into account the different stakeholders who are involved. This is something I have really learned the past year. One of the pillars of AIESEC is leadership development. I have seen many members developing themselves while taking up responsibility. In my humble opinion this is a strategic course that absolutely needs to be preserved the coming years. I wish AIESEC all the best!

Start of studies at University of Antwerp, Business Engineering Project Leader HEC Consulting Group
 Summerschool in India
 Vice-President Incoming Exchange of AIESEC UA Graduation Business Engineering Start of master-after-master Tax Law UA
 Setup of his own company

I am Nicolas De Keyser, Vice President External Relations at AIESEC. A complicated title which could you summarize as ‘Sales’ - or better yet introducing students to sales. Most students have no experience in booking meetings and convincing companies to partner with them. Throughout the year I have seen my members successfully manage their own corporate relations, and in doing so - boost their self-confidence. And that is also what AIESEC is about, developing leadership skills. The Roularta and Total sponsorships in which members took initiative are good examples of their achievements. After a year of soliciting for more members, I now support more than 10 people during their first interactions with companies and in doing so, closes contracts for Job Alert, Havenweek, Job Fair, ... . Companies such as Essers, Quintessence and Robert Half International are part of my personal account.

TIMELINE NICOLAS 2008 2010 2011 2011 2012 2012

Start of studies Business Engineering
 Internship Bignon De Keyser Internship Accenture
 Public Relations - Capitant
 Vice-President External Relations Internship Microsoft

“He’s not the person to give you an easy walk by giving you the solution, he is however the person who you need to help you with finding the best answer.” (Stefan)


Nicolas De Keyser



“Elsemieke managed to create a solid team of TM during an enriching and very fun year thanks to her beautiful personality and true AIESEC spirit. Elsemieke, TM loves you!” (Laura)

This year, Talent Management was all about taking the department one step further in becoming an actual Human Resource Department. We interviewed almost every new member, and with success: they were more active in a way that they participated in LCM’s, trackmeetings, as helping hands and we have had a lot of applicants for MM and OCP positions. We maybe have had the most successful Second Recruitment ever. TM also organized workshop nights where we invited trainees and gave trainings ourselves: this way, we not only developed members’ skills, but also brought them in contact with other cultures by engaging trainees (and by that, improving trainees’ @XP too). I can say in all honesty that I think we even came a bit closer to AIESEC’s BHAG engage and develop every young person in the world. And that is precisely what makes my year in AIESEC UA a year to be proud of. I wish the next EBs good luck, and I hope they will impact even more lives and bring AIESEC UA to unforseen levels!

TIMELINE ELSEMIEKE 2006 2006 2009 2010 2010 2010 2011 2011 2012 2012 2013

Started study at Utrecht University, Bachelor of Arts Language and Culture Studies Active in different committees of studyclub ALIAS Chair of a studentclub, “Stichting Onderwijs Evaluatie Rapport” Internship at Cobra Museum of Modern Art, Amstelveen Member of the University Council of Utrecht University Treasurer of a studentclub for studentparticipation in councils, VUUR Started at University of Antwerp: preparatory program for the master Cultural Management Became a member of AIESEC UA: Talent Management Started the Master of Science Cultural Management Vice President Talent Management Internship at the Dutch Council for Culture, The Hague


Suet-Ying Siu AIESEC is a place where

your weaknesses but play your strengths’. Don’t let you weaknesses overshadow your confidence. I learned not to hide my weaknesses, but to face them. To get better you have to identify the areas you need to improve on and then take action to turn your weaknesses into strengths.

different kinds of people work together to pursue their own goals. This place enables us to create the future we want to happen rather than live the future that others impose on us. AIESEC allows us to dream big and to take charge of our personal development.

For me AIESEC is an organization that causes intercultural understanding and gaining professional experience throughout interaction with people from around the world. AIESEC not only opens cultural boundaries, but AIESEC makes it possible to go out there and experience it yourself.

For me AIESEC is much more than just an organization ran by students, It is an awesome group of friends striving towards a common goal.

AIESEC has taught me ‘train

Maarten Bolk

AIESEC taught me how small

the world is. Wherever people are from, we make the same mistakes, we listen to the same music, we study the same courses, we enjoy watching a sports game .. and we all tell jokes about our neighbour country. I believe that everybody can be open minded in their own way.

Roberto Benabid

AIESEC taught me to come

out of my comfort zone, explore new things, meet new people, develop my leadership skills, be more confident, …. To many things to even describe.

Caroline Bogaerts

AIESEC taught me to dream and not to be afraid to follow those dreams. I have learned that when you’re really passionate about something, you can achieve that goal. Even more, as an AIESEC’er I have learned that you cannot only help to realize your own dreams but also facilitate in realizing other people’s dreams.

For me AIESEC is a network of interesting people with unique personalities and talents that are open minded, kind and warm hearted and that will give you enthusiasm and support on many levels.

” For me AIESEC is an incredible occasion to develop your skills, make new friends, travel around the world, enlarge your professional network. A priceless opportunity you get once.

Marina Gerling

AIESEC taught me to

challenge myself in many ways and trigger my international minded fever.

Barbara Van der Brempt

For me AIESEC is a life altering experience. Every day has other challenges, other goals and activities in which I could participate. On a daily basis I could involve myself, become a meaningful part of the group and strive for a certain goal. I’m convinced that there is still a lot to gain from this adventure.

AIESEC taught me to add life to my days. It gave me the opportunity to implement my studies in practice. It made it possible for me to see where my interest and strengths apply best. I learned how to organize meetings, how to collaborate within a team, put deadlines and have fun times with the whole LC.

FACTS FIGURES ANNUALAND REPORT National Ranking Report Q3 2012 – Q2 2013 Team Member Program

Team Leader Program

AIESEC in Belgium



UA ULB Leuven ICHEC HUB Gent Louvain-La-Neuve VUB FUSL FUCAM Limburg

92 42 42 35 25 22 16 11 10 10 4

28 24 23 17 8 19 15 16 9 10 6

Sorted by number of experiences in TMP. Status: realised. Date of consultation: March 26th.

Regional Ranking Report Q3 2012 – Q2 2013 Team Member Program

Team Leader Program




1. Germany 2. United States of America 3. Canada 4. Italy 5. Portugal

1694 1319

787 777

1117 940 599

651 390 150

7. Belgium



*WENA = Western Europe Northern America Sorted by number of experiences in TMP. Status: realised. Date of consultation: March 26th.

Global Ranking Report Q3 2012 – Q2 2013

AIESEC INTERNATIONAL Iberoamerica Asia Pacific Central and Eastern Europe Western Europe Northern America Africa Middle East and North Africa

Team Member Program Team Leader Program 69 267 28 605 21 888 19 321 10 483 8 194

7 682 8 492 3 968 4 026

5 633 3 632

2 972 1 418

Sorted by number of experiences in TMP. Status: realised. Date of consultation: March 26th.


2011-2012 85 7 26 27 24 12 27 6 9 19 25

93 8 29 27 10 36 21 10 4 6 17 27



Members EB Leadership roles Full members Members in OGX Track Members in ER Track Members in PM Track Members in TM Track Members in F Track Members in C Track Exchange TN Exchange Participants


FINANCIAL REVIEW “AIESEC is an organization that underwent numerous changes before it became the extremely important international platform of young people to explore and develop their leadership potential. For the Finance track of the 2012-2013 term the most important change was the introduction of VAT compliance for all exchange related activities. By doing so, AIESEC UA responds to the national request of AIESEC in Belgium to make all financial reporting and processing within the country equivalent. The VAT compliance started in November 2012 and caused major changes in the bookkeeping system of AIESEC UA. This realization is another step closer to a better national collaboration between all AIESEC offices and a more professional accounting system for AIESEC UA.” Anthony Ackermans (VP Finance)


AIESEC Alumni are located globally, working in various professions and industries and playing different roles in their communities. AIESEC recognizes the fact that its Alumni are the biggest measure of its success. AIESEC Alumni are the agents of positive change which we aim to create. We also recognize the value of our Alumni and the support they have continuously given us. We hope that more Alumni will reconnect with AIESEC and get involved in developing the organisation further.

DENIS CLIJSTERS International Experience through AIESEC That AIESEC is all about gaining International experience isn’t anything new, the Exchange program has always been the core of AIESEC and I took myself the liberty to experience two Global Internship Programs of both six months. The first Internship I accepted was in Bangkok, Thailand for the Belgian, Netherlands- and Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce at the Dutch Embassy. Having a director there who was adviser of AIESEC Thailand for the past seven years and a Thai colleague who used to be MCP in Thailand, another AIESEC Intern and the fact we had to organize business seminars, network cocktails and dinner talks made this one of the most AIESEC experiences one could get and a platform to meet a wide network of people with a variety of skills and countries of origin. The next year I decided to go one last time on Exchange, unleashing the borders and gaining maximum cultural experience I decided to work for the South Asian Federation of Exchanges in Islamabad, where I later had to opportunity to move on to the Lahore Stock Exchange in Lahore, both in Pakistan. Being shot straight into the highest strata of society and debunking most false prejudices we have about this mysterious but lovely country throughly changed my view about international relations, religion and economic development. Together with my various other international exposures I have recently been asked to become Branch manager of a Belgian company active in Hyderabad, India. This was an offer I couldn’t refuse and living now on the other side of the Indo-Pak border with a large set of responsibilities thoroughly will push me to the edge. All of this would not have happened if AIESEC wasn’t there.

STIJN CORNELIS I have been an active AIESEC member for 3 years and embraced the opportunity to become Vice President Finance ‘09-‘10 and Local Committee President ‘10-‘11 of AIESEC UA. Today, I am a Business Consultant at IBM and AIESEC UA Alumnus and member of the strategic and financial Board of Advisors. During my active AIESEC journey, I was able to bring my academic knowledge into practice; project management, business strategy, financial management, etc. while continuously be challenged and improving many different soft skills as team management, dealing with deadlines, leadership skills and many more. The package of early business experiences and soft skills combined with a large network definitely accelerates now my professional career and helps me today to keep on developing myself while delivering work products. Having an impact on your colleague’s life and experience while growing yourself is for sure one of the most inspiring things in life. And never forget… “It’s never impossible to reach the impossible, when dividing the impossible into reachable goals”.

“Being shot straight into the highest strata of society and debunking most false prejudices we have about this mysterious but lovely country throughly changed my view about international relations, religion and economic development.” (Denis)

“It’s never impossible to reach the impossible, when dividing the impossible into reachable goals”. (Stijn)


“Life changing.” --Ciprian, Romania

“My experience in Antwerp was just amazing and full of success.” --Houssem, Tunisia “God granted me an amazing opportunity to get to know extremely different and talented people.” --Alkis, Colombia

incoming exchange outgoing exchange foreign trainees in Antwerp AIESEC UA’ers abroad

“It started with a huge culture shock, but it made me discover my own place in this world.” --Tsumugi, India “I’ve forgotten how many times I’ve said; How did I end up here?” --Arum, Jakarta



Regional Development and European Projects


ABN AMRO International Diamond and Jewellery During my internship I learned ...

Mariana Lupascu (24) Romania, trainee in Antwerp

My AIESEC experience in Antwerp was ... very good! I have nothing to complain about. I was hired after my internship and I currently work at the Bank. I am very happy about it and in the near future I intend to apply for another AIESEC exchange. I am not going to stop here and to get stuck in a job. Life is full of opportunities and you need to grab them. And AIESEC is one of the best opportunities we have, as youngsters. I think it depends only on you to make your experience unique. I made it unique by myself, without asking anyone else for help. I went to parties, events, I learned and I was open to everything new. And now, when I look back after one year I realize that, actually, I achieved a lot!

two new languages (Dutch and Spanish). I learned the main insights of the diamond business. I learned about the KYC (Know Your Customer) and CAAML (Compliance and Anti-Money Laundering) processes. I learned to ride a bike in the city. I will not say learned, but I enriched my knowledge about the Belgian beers! The most exciting of the experience was ... the experience itself, as I visited a lot of countries, I met a lot of people and I developed myself professionally. But maybe one of the most exciting things was to realize that I was basically gaining my own money and it was actually nice to do it: to have an internship which I could really enjoy and which could bring me a lot of personal and professional benefits. I think that the pick moment of my internship was when I understood that I was financially independent, but I was developing myself in the same time. And I could have so much fun, while doing that!

it is a great way to get out of your comfort zone, to develop yourself and to have fun. Not everyone is made for an exchange. Most of the people get stuck in the EB and don’t go further after their mandates. They will probably end up in a boring job and a boring life. Most of us will die in anonymity. So, the people who really understand AIESEC as a whole will be able to understand that the exchange program is the best way to learn more about yourself as a person, but also about the world you are living in. I think it is an amazing way to live your twenties. When will you do it otherwise? Later? Later you will not have the drive and the energy you have now. That is what I say to the people I talk about my experience and about the exchange programme.

But, as I said, sometimes routine might seem more interesting for some of us. And breaking up your comfort zone is the most difficult thing to do! An exchange

programme breaks at least 5 à 6 comfort zones and I can say that I am very happy about this. There is no time to lose in life! About AIESEC UA ... I had a very nice buddy and I still have a very good relationship with her. I think Lars did an amazing job this year. The current EB worked hard on improving the AIESEC UA’s image amongst the trainees. And in my opinion they succeeded!

I think it is an amazing way to live your twenties.

I recommend an exchange with AIESEC to other students because ...


Study: Law


GCDP Make it Possible Project

Jasna Lemmens (23) Belgium, trainee in Colombia During my first days in Colombia ... it was all new and exciting. We were with a group of 15 people from seven different countries and totally different personalities but we got along from the beginning. I felt really comfortable and the house where we stayed felt like a home from the first week.

like I was in danger because I always had people around me. It was an experience that changed my live, that made me enjoy life even more than I already did and it was something I will never forget. During my internship I learned ... that it doesn’t matter where you come from, you can be a group of friends no matter what your language, culture or country is. I know I made friends for life and I learned something from each of the trainees.

I was realy surprised ... about how easy everything went. The people from Aiesec really try to make you feel at home and they help you with any kind of problem you have. They went with us to beautiful places, to typical bars and we never felt like we were alone in a country so far from ours. In fact, from the first week I already felt home in Colombia. And although everybody was warning me how dangerous the country was, I never felt

I also learned that Colombian people are extremely warm and social, that they try to help each person the best they can,

that family is super important and that they make you feel like their own family. I’ve been to Colombian families and they welcomed me like their own daughter, granddaughter, sister or niece. It is one of the countries where you can find the nicest people in the world.

It was a sad experience, but at the same time it was an experience that opened my eyes and made me believe even more in the purpose of the project and gave me a motivation boost. I recommend an exchange with AIESEC to other students because ...

What I will remember for sure is ... one time we went with the group to a communa, a really poor community in the border of Medellín where you can find the poorest people of the city. We went to a church where the government gave food to the children of the communa. We arrived at the moment that the children got their lunch and we all sat with the children and ate with them. I was sitting next to a five year old girl who’s parents got divorced and her father was now living in the big city. He had promised her to give her a doll as soon as he had enough money. But she was waiting for more than a year and her father still hadn’t given her a doll.

it’s the best way to meet people from all over the world and to have an experience that helps you grow professionally and personally. The people that I met are friends for life and I know I can go to their countries and have a second home there. You create in a short time such an intense relationship with them because you live together, you work together, you go out together and you are living like brothers and sisters. For me, that was the most amazing thing about this internship.

Colombia is one of the countries where you can find the nicest people in the world!

What makes this experience unique ...

I felt so sad when I heard that and I always carried a little doll in the form of an elephant with me, so I decided to give her that. She was so extremely happy with it and she took it like it was made of glass. When I saw her walking away with that little doll, which is something so normal for people in Belgium, it made me really sad that the world is so unfairly divided.

is first of all the country. Colombia is super diverse in every single way. In the nature you can find forest, desert, beautiful islands, Amazones etc. Also the people are complete different than I imagined: you have black people, indigenous people and people who look just like us who are pale with green eyes and light hair. But they all have one thing in common: they are friendly and the nicest people you can ever meet when you go travel.



Master’s degree in Commercial Engineering

Internship: Leader Hotel

Vicky Van Woensel (24) Belgium, trainee in China My first days in China ... were very exciting. My buddy picked me up from the airport and went with me to the hotel to arrange everything. Then my personal contact person from the hotel took over and for the next days she got me settled at the dormitory, went with me to the bank to withdraw money and arranged a Chinese phone number for me. There was also another trainee at the hotel who arrived three weeks earlier and she introduced me to many people who are now dear friends of mine. In short, the first days were wonderful!

can’t talk about with many Chinese people because of e.g. cultural differences, I can easily bring up in a conversation with fellow foreigners. Of course, I am still in a foreign country but the blending in went much better after a while.

I didn’t go to China only for the internship ...

Most Chinese people that I met here ... are very hospitable and very eager to talk to me and I also have some Chinese friends here. The real blending in actually happened thanks to the many great foreigners I met here. The things that I

but also for the Chinese culture and to explore myself more. I learned many things on all three levels, especially the last one. The internship itself was interesting to see what a rather unchallenging job would do to a person and what it is like to work in

a hotel with a Chinese hierarchy. Concerning Chinese culture, I got to see in the hotel as well as outside of the hotel, how these Chinese people react, talk, agree, disagree, etc. and how they view some specific aspects like their government, their ideas on life, family, work, etc. However, the personal growth was the greatest of them all, thanks to a combination of being in a foreign country for a longer period, working full-time for the first time, meeting many interesting people, etc. This has been a life-changing adventure!

AIESEC helped me ... very well in Belgium as well as AIESEC in Changsha. Like I mentioned before, my buddy came to pick me up at the airport in Changsha and she stayed with me until she was sure that I had everything I needed. I also have her phone number and whenever I want to ask something, she will try to do everything to help me. I recommend an exchange with AIESEC to other students ... because you always have someone helping you each step of the way and because it is very cheap compared to many other organizations which charge you a large amount of money to go work in another country.

“ moment



when an American business partner from the boss of the hotel came to stay for a couple of days. At the hotel there are not too many foreign guests. That’s why it is very exciting to have a foreign guest stay at the hotel. I could pick him up from the airport, have a very interesting conversation with him about China and afterwards, I was invited to dine with both him, the boss and his wife, and another Chinese business partner. Many cultural differences came to the surface!

My most exciting experience was ...

This internship has given me the opportunity to reflect upon myself and wath I really want in life.

In my opinion, an internship with AIESEC doesn’t always have to be something that is connected to your education. Instead, it might be an opportunity to try something else for a change and see where that brings you and what it teaches you about yourself. This internship has given me the opportunity to reflect upon myself and what I really want in life, which is what an AIESEC experience is all about!

EVENTS Job Fair Every year AIESEC organizes an event for young graduates, undergraduates and interested students to explore their future opportunities at our Job Fair. Job Fair is the ideal way to interact with companies on an informal basis. All organizations represent themselves and provide more information about their business, explain the application procedures and career opportunities. This year edition was a great success because 300 students came to Job Fair and around 20 companies. This wasn’t possible without my fantastic team members. So an advice to my successor: surround you with people who are also so motivated and enthusiastic as my team was. Further advice that I would give is be visible on the campus and have a very good promo strategy. This year we had some interesting companies such as Unilever, Belgacom, Total and Vanbreda International. Maybe an opportunity for next year is try to approach some companies with the OC so the projects team can also improve their ER skills and maybe you will discover some hidden attractive companies in Antwerp who can give great opportunities to UA students. Good luck! -- Axelle Leysens

NatCo 2013 NatCo, The National Conference was the place to be for every executive member, whether current or elected. In official terms it’s the official start of knowledge transition between the current and elected leaders of AIESEC Belgium. But NatCo is way more than that ! It’s also the place where ideas come to life, memories are created, the limits & boundaries of imagination and possibilities are pushed and friendships are build for life. As always NatCo consisted of a 3 days experience, full of interesting sessions that were given by our faci’s. At the end of the night we showed the world that an AIESECer works hard but parties even harder ! The first night was global village, every local committee represented a country by providing food, drinks and dressing up. The second night was our legendary champagne cantus, the first time ever on a conference and it’s was a success ! The ideal teambuilding.

“NatCo is the place where ideas come to life, memories are created, the limits & boundaries of imagination and possibilities are pushed and friendships are build for life.”

On the last day there were sessions in the morning, continuing were the sessions of the day before left off. In the afternoon everybody was sauntering in the afternoon sun while writing the famous sugercubes. Little tiny notes that are given by the delegates to each other that are hold a sacred memory of NatCo 2013. -- Gitte Waege

Job Alert Job Alert is a brand new event that AIESEC UA launched this year! The idea is that master students up until now could choose within a broad range of events to meet their future employers, but that many of them never learned how to apply with success in order to get their dream job.

The event is mainly focused on master students of the faculty of Applied Economics. This year, around 70 last year students participated in 4 workshops. The first session was a lecture given by the Boston Consulting Group about case studies and case interviews. Afterwards the group split up in three and participated in three workshops by Quintessence, Telenet and Robert Half International. These workshops discussed assessment centers, do’s and don’ts while applying

for a job and the power of social media and how to use it to your advantage. -- Nicolas Van Spilbeeck

Harbour Week The Harbour Week took place from the 18th until the 22nd of March. The concept of this sector week was to establish a collaboration between the University of Antwerp and the Port of Antwerp. The existence of the Port of Antwerp is known, however, the University never really focused on the harbour, eventhough there is a significant amount of students following courses regarding logistics and maritime. Therefore, Aiesec dicided to organize a Harbour Week. The sector week consisted of 3 events: a Lecture, a Networking Event and an Inhouse Day. The lecture focused on the new maritime code. Professor Kris Bernauw eleborated on maritime transport insurance. The evening ended with a reception. The networking event was all about speeddating with the sector. Employees of different companies participated. The participating companies were ArcelorMittal, Kuehne+Nagel, Maersk, MSC, Transcontinental Logistics, AMBOS NBGO and Departement TPR University of Antwerp. The attending were divided into 7 groups. Every 10 minutes each group changed places with another group. In this way, the students had a chance to interact with all the companies. The goal of this networking event was to connect students with the different companies of the Port of Antwerp and arouse their interest for working in this sector. After the speeddating sessions was a reception, where the students could speak with the employees in a more informal setting.


The last event of the week was an inhouse day in collaboration with Total. Total received 35 students in their refinery with a reception. A presentation was given about the processes at Total, to give more background information before the actual bus tour started. During the bus tour the students got a good impression of the refinery and visited the control room. The tour finished with a final presentation by the human resource department of Total. In particular the job opportunities were discussed in more extent. -- Malon Kraaijvanger

Gala Organizing a Gala Night was my first experience with AIESEC UA. During the summer break, Lars Vercammen asked me if I was interested in the function of Organizing Committee President of the Gala Night of AIESEC UA. I wasn’t yet a member and I had no idea of what was waiting for me. Lars soothed my conscience by saying that I would meet a lot of new people. And he was right! AIESEC is a fantastic students union where I made a lot of new friends and where I learned a lot, like organizing the Gala Night on the 26th of October 2013.

Fortunately I got some help from Kimberly, Magali, Marie and Nikki who were in the Organizing Committee. We started in September with our first meetings, under the leadership of Nicolas Van Spilbeeck. Quite fast, we found a theme for the Gala Night: it would be a masked evening! Everyone had some specific tasks like ordering the materials, searching for some DJ’s, making the invitations for the alumni etc. We made a lot of promotion, thought about the design of the Noorderterras and during the last week, we started with the presale at the Agora. The more the Gala Night came closer, the more I got nervous. Was everything alright? Didn’t we forgot something? Would there be enough people? Then the moment had come to open the Gala Night ! Everything was there: some chips, a chocolate fountain, fruit, drinks, champagne, cigars and masks. Now we only had to wait the people to come… It was a great evening, great music, great drinks! There were a lot of people, more than 200 and everyone had a lot of fun! The evening was certainly the highlight of my function as OCP. Thanks to my function as OCP, I learned to organize a Gala Night and to work with people that I didn’t know from the beginning.

I learned that I don’t have to be afraid to get involved in the unknown, because with the help of others, everything has an happy end ! -- Sofie Olyslaegers

Champagne Cantus The first champagne cantus took place on November 21 and since it was the first champagne cantus of the OCP we did not quite know what to expect. We compensated the uncertainty by strictly programming the first cantus. Flyers and posters were printed and promotion conducted via facebook. Together the OCP (which consisted of about 7 persons) has worked well the whole evening. The turnout was very high. As there was only place for 180 people, there were about twenty students denied that we have ‘comforted’ with a glass of champagne. Along with the second cantus there were approximately a 700 bottles consumed. The atmosphere on the first cantus was more formal than the second, but very cozy. There was a large attendance of other presidia (which is always less interesting financially). The cantus itself has lasted 4u30min and at 1:30 the last bottles were thrown into the glass container and everyone went home. There was also a small gift provided for the persons who had offered to transport the bottles with their car. The second cantus took place on March 5 and was much less formally planned. First of all no flyers or posters were printed and the event was only promoted via facebook. Nevertheless, there were still some 150 attendees who together have consumed 550 bottles of champagne.

After the experience gained during the first cantus we had chosen to increase the number of helping hands resulting in a total of some 12 volunteers.

“The champagne cantus is a well-known concept among the Antwerp students and this year both have made the fame and popularity of it increase visually.” This ensured that there was a pleasant and relaxed atmosphere. Something that was also noted by those present. A possible and most likely cause of the slightly lower turnout is cause that soon afterwards a young but already famous TD took place, namely, the fair-td of Capitant Antwerp.

Generally one can say that the champagne cantus is a well-known concept among the Antwerp students and this year both have made the fame and popularity of it increase visually. -- Sofie Van Cauter


AIESEC ANNUAL WOULD REPORT LIKE TO THANK MEMBERS OF THE MONTH September: Maarten Bolk October: Sofie Olyslaegers November: Axelle Leysens February: Suet-Ying Sui March: Caroline Bogaerts April: Gitte Waege

BOARD OF ADVISORS Strategic Board of Advisors

Financial Board of Advisors

Filip Roeckens (Chair) Quinten De Witte Paul Matthyssens Liesbeth Ollieuz Naomi Van Meel Frank Troch Yorick Van Alphen Stijn Cornelis Romy Van Bogaert

Filip Roeckens (Chair) Pieter BeliĂŤn Quinten De Witte Sebastiaan Peeters Stijn Cornelis Frank Troch Naomi Van Meel Peter Neefs Marijn Verdult

SPECIAL THANKS Yorick Van Alphen - LCP 2009-2010

For providing sessions and selling trainings to our members.

Stijn Cornelis - LCP 2010-2011

For being our chairman of the General Assemblies for the past year.

Mohamed Ouf - MCP AIESEC Belgium 2013-2014

For being our LC-coach

SPECIAL THANKS FOR MAKING THIS ANNUAL REPORT Kaat Daemen Jolien Herthogs Sofie Goeminne Supervisor: - OCP Stakeholders-event: Lizanne Reefman



Antwerp Management School

H. Essers

Arcellor Mittal



Junior Chamber International

Boston Consulting Group

Kuehne + Nagel

CH Robinson


Delaware Consulting

Mars Belgium

Duvel Moortgat






Robert Half International


RSM Belgium

Universiteit Antwepen

SPF FOD FinanciĂŤn

Vanbreda international

Stad Antwerpen









Education First




Ernst & Young

Vlerick Business School






Alcatel Lucent

ABN Amro



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