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Apprenticeship fact or fiction
Apprenticeships are only for young people or school leavers!
Apprenticeships can be started by anyone aged 16 or over and not in full time education.
Apprenticeships are not just for those starting out in their career, learners may be looking for a career change, trying to upskill, perhaps secure a new role or just received a promotion.
Apprenticeships are only for new members of staff!
Apprenticeships are for both existing members of staff as well as new employees. You may be looking to upskill your staff or to fill a position. Apprenticeships start at a level 2 and go up to a level 7.
We do not pay into the levy so cannot access funding to pay for apprenticeships! Schools can access the levy funding whether they be part of an academy, voluntary aided or voluntary controlled. Depending on your status will depend on where the levy is drawn down from. Please contact us for your individualised support.
Apprenticeships are for those who didn’t do well in school!
Apprenticeships are more hands on and may suit your style of learning better. Some apprentices choose to complete a degree apprenticeship rather than university, as it allows them to gain the academic qualification as well as the work experience