9 minute read
Meet the New Outdoor Guy
HHey all! My name is JR Ferjak, raised in the Midwest. From an early age I was attracted to the outdoors. You would find me on my bicycle riding miles and miles from my home, always with a distraction in mind. Even as early as 6 or 7 years old, when riding with my parents in the car, I would see some point of interest then go explore it on my own. That adventurous spirit has never left me and I hope to share my new experiences and guide readers of all ages to outdoor adventures here in the pages of Appalachian Country Living magazine. As father of a young son, I am always in search of exciting outdoor exploration opportunities. In upcoming editions, we will be visiting new places of activity and interest as well as some of the tried and true venues. We’ll be sharing our experiences and recommendations of anything from hiking, biking, and camping, to fishing our many rivers, streams, and lakes. Trout abound, and with the bass and other fish being on bed for early spawning, fishing is certainly one of the more popular outdoor activities in the area. Yes, Fannin County has been named the Trout Capitol of Georgia for a reason! I’ve been blessed to have hiked the Rockies, the Smokies, and the Alps. So, these days, a daily four mile hike in our beautiful Appalachian Mountains is quite common for us. We have so many points of interest right here in our own backyard that no one should be inside sitting on the couch. One activity I am very fond of is mountain biking. I’ve been a huge fan of MTB since its inception, LOL, I believe I just dated myself! Lucky for us, the southern Appalachians are known to many as one of the mountain biking Meccas in the United States. Stay tuned for some awesome two-wheel treks. My most pleasure comes from driving. I’ve been a certified driving instructor for many auto manufacturers, high performance as well as classic and vintage British cars. But my driving desire and my hearts beckoning lately is for true 4x4 expedition travel.
So, with that being said, the next issue will feature off-roading, exploring, and camping by vehicle here in North Georgia and neighboring North Carolina and Tennessee areas. While OHV areas are disappearing, some have survived. Privateers have sprouted up and opened private lands for the enjoyment of our off-road vehicles with one of these facilities being right up the road! I’m very grateful to be able to share these experiences with you and I can’t wait to hit the dirt.
Always remember to take the road less traveled, for me it has made all the difference, it might for you as well. ACLM
Outdoor & Adventure Editor JR Ferjak Says, ‘Hey!” and Gives Us a Heads Up on What’s to come in Future Issues
Above Left: JR and Karsten hit the trail right in their own hood. Above Right: Thumbs up! Driving the back road on South Core Island on the way to Cape Lookout, Outer Banks, NC. Above: Passion on 4x4 wheels, JR is a big fan of off-road adventure by Land Rover. Left: Staring down the gorge from the top in the beautiful Appalachian Mountains.
JR Ferjak is a self-described renaissance man, with residences here in Mineral Bluff and Dahlonega. A professional high performance on and off road driving instructor, a world trained and traveled professional chef by trade, JR runs a hi-end auto detailing business, and if that isn’t enough he also does home remodeling. His passion for the outdoors draws him to many adventures far from the norm. For more information about outdoor adventuring you can try to catch up with JR by email: Jferjak1@gmail.com.
Those who think trout fishing is beyond their means or ability to learn should know that’s not the case. There
are many ways to fish, from a cane pole with a worm to sophisticated and modern ultra-light fly or spinning gear. If you know the right places to fish, expensive gear is not required; and the Appalachians have many good places for trout. Fly fishing, which is arguably the most technical of trout fishing methods, can be mastered easily, as explained below.
So much has been written about trout and trout fishing, so many paintings done, so many pictures taken, and so many stories told, that it is impossible to see, read, and hear them all in a lifetime. Why would trout be the subject of so much attention by scientists, outdoorsmen, artists and authors? In order to find out one needs to experience a trout in its environment. Take a hike or a drive to a mountain stream with a fly fisherman. Observe the surroundings where wild trout are found. Watch the artistry with which the fisherman plies techniques to place the fly in a location on the water where the trout may mistake it for natural food. Watch how the stream carries the fly in the current, like a bug trapped on or under the surface. The stream’s natural flow brings the fly over the trout, and the fish rises to take the lure. The fisherman tightens the line and sets the tiny hook. The trout scurries away, only to be stopped by the taut line. Next the trout leaps from water and somersaults back in the stream for another effort to flee. After another jump or two or a run downstream, the fisherman is able to bring the fish to a soft rubber net before carefully unhooking the fish. Notice the joy of the fisherman and the care taken with the fish out of love and respect.
Observe the trout in the net. Whether rainbow, brown or brook trout, each species has its own beautiful markings. The eyes are big and vibrant. Wild trout frequently have bright colors, especially before and during spawning season. There is no doubt why this fish is loved by those who seek to make connections like this. With catch and release it is best to keep the fish in or close to the water when observing or photographing it, and then carefully release the fish back into the wild to live and multiply.
Let’s Debunk Some of the Misconceptions About Trout Fishing
Quality trout fishing in America is only
available in the west and Alaska. WRONG. Brook trout are native to the east coast, including the southern Appalachians, and they have been a magnificent fishing quarry since men have lived here. Brown and rainbow trout were introduced to the U.S. in the last century, and, while technically exotic species, they thrive in the Appalachians and offer quality fishing. Fannin County, Georgia, is the state’s official Trout Capital because it has hundreds of miles of diverse trout streams and is surrounded within a 90 minute drive in all directions with first class trout waters. Also, the Trout Capital and surrounding areas exclusively offer quality yearround trout fishing with no crowds and a climate suitable for comfortable winter fishing.
Trout fishing is difficult to learn. WRONG. With a little instruction and information, fundamental trout fishing can be mastered. And trout fishing has several layers of skill to master and many aspects and refinements to learn, so it never becomes boring. Once you catch a trout, you want to learn to catch bigger trout. You may learn fly tying and catch a trout on your own fly that you tied. One of our Project Healing Waters wounded veterans learned fly fishing for trout at our Trout Unlimited retreat three years ago. Within a year he was tying his own flies and he made trout rods for himself and his wife. He was smitten… in a very good way, and he has a lifetime hobby.
Trout fishing is expensive. WRONG. It can be expensive if you overdo it. But a complete beginner fly fishing outfit that includes everything you need to fish can be purchased for less than $100. A spinning outfit and lures can be purchased for even less. Starter gear can catch just as big a trout as the high-end stuff. But, if you become hooked, then there is so much great gear to buy (or make), you will be dazzled.
Trout fishing is a solo sport. WRONG. The fellowship is great. Trout fishing for couples, friends, and family is terrific quality time. I learned trout fishing some 25 years ago along with my two teenaged sons, who travelled with me to Alaska and Montana. Now I am in my late sixties, trout fishing is something we still do together, and next week I am spending a week at Georgia Trout Unlimited Trout Camp with my 12 year-old grandson. The cycle repeats. Also, trout fishing is compatible with hiking, kayaking, canoeing, photography, and camping, so a significant other who does not fish can still enjoy the experience with you.
If conservation is your passion, trout fishing is ideal. Trout Unlimited, a conservation organization, provides education, fellowship, and volunteer opportunities for conservation projects and teaching kids and wounded vets (ProjectHealingWaters.org). TU volunteers build structures on streams, test water quality, and help landowners maximize their trout habitat. A TU chapter is a terrific place to make a few dozen quality friends.
If you are still skeptical about whether trout fishing is for you, just give it a try. Take a guided trip or visit a Trout Unlimited meeting. I have to warn you, trout fishing is so much fun that it is addictive. Today I stepped in a stream on the guise of showing the ropes to two folks who were renting the cabin next to me, and I found myself easing downstream toward fish rising in the river below me. Who was I fooling? ACLM
RAINBOW TROUT The Rainbow Trout is named for the broad, lateral stripe on its sides, which ranges from pink to red. Its back is olive-green, and its belly is whitish with heavy black speckling on all fins and the entire body. Scientific Name: Oncorhyncus mykiss. GA State Record: 17 lbs. 8 oz.
BROWN TROUT The Brown Trout is golden brown to olive brown with yellowish sides. Its back and sides have dark spots encircled with light yellow or white. Some brown trout also have orange or red spots on their sides. Scientific Name: Salmo trutta. GA State Record: 20 lbs. 14 oz.
Brook Trout
The Brook Trout is greenish brown, often iridescent, with light red spots on its sides. It has dark, wavy, worm-like lines on the back and white edges on the fins, including the tail. Scientific Name: Salvelinus fontinalis. GA State Record: 5 lbs. 10 oz.
For more info about trout and fishing visit: Fannin Chamber: www.blueridgemountains.com/ trout_fishing.html Trout Unlimited: www.tu.org Georgia Trout Unlimited: www.georgiatu.org
Ralph Artigliere is a legal writer and author who is hopelessly addicted to fly fishing. He is the former Education Director for Blue Ridge Mountain Trout Unlimited and former Advocacy Chair for Georgia State Council of Trout Unlimited. Mr. Artigliere has retired and now resides in Florida.