Entomological chamber

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ENTOMOLOGICAL CHAMBER Entomology can be said as both a basic and applied

studieswith reliable results for insect rearing

sciences that involves research work, study of insects

experts.Weiber entomological chamberenables the

and similar species. The study enables researchers to

behavioural study of insectswithin different

a have insects as a readily accessible resource in

Entomology conditions Phenol coated refrigeration

order to develop a comprehensive & detailed scientific

coils of the Entomological Chamber resist the

theories along with understanding the natures life

corrosive effects of acids inherent in the rearing of



Weiber Entomological chamber is one product that

These insect growth chambers are comprehensively

provides the ideal environment and unique high

engineered systems, providing precise control of a

volume solution for a wide variety of entomological

wide range of environmental climate conditions, each



within close limits. Each room is a combination of subsystems, integrated into a true research chamber.

HEATING Weiber Entomological Chambers have indirect heating systems with in all its insect growth units,which also


consist of air heaters made of premium quality Kanthal A-1

Weiber Entomology chambers are carefully built with

wires of suitable wattage. The warm air flowsequally within

double walled convection heating and cooling units. The

the chamber through efficient motor fans that ensure

external structure Entomology chambers are built from

sufficient temperature sustainability.

thick PCRC sheet which are carefully pre-treated with primers to prevent rust and painted with durable stove enamel or elegantly powder coat. The inner chamber consists of heavy gauge and good quality stainless steel sheet of SS-304 grade. The gap between the walls is filled with premium quality mineral glass wool, which ensures maximum thermal efficiency in Weiber insect rearing chambers. The unit is two door unit where in the inner door is made out of thick plexi glass/float glass which enables

COOLING All Weiber insect growth chambers are energy efficient and are energy saving devices. The chambers come withpre-fitted cooling unit in all WeiberEntomology chambers in order to enable bio chemical demands, cyclic and growth studies at lower room temperatures. Chambers have ISI marked premium quality CFC free compressors of Kirloskar/Tecumseh make, adhering to latest international standards and guidelines.

researcher to view the specimens, without disturbing the temperature within the chamber. The door is also fitted


with magnetic door closer. The outer door is built out of mild steel sheet supported by stainless steel internally. This door has lock and key arrangement. The unit has different customized shelves in various permutations and combinations to ease out experiments and studies. The

With its wide temperature range of 5째C to 70째C and humidity range from 20% to 98% the insect growth chambers give out reliable results for insect rearing researchers in various fields and disciplines.

triple walled back of our Entomology chambers arefitted with two/Four/Six/Eight (size specific) air circulation fans for timelymaintenance of the temperature within the insect rearing chamber.

HUMIDIFICATION A low-pressure droplet free vapour boiler using direct vaporization system is used. Water Reservoir is placed TECHNOLOGIES PVT. LTD.


next to the chamber with a 10 x 8mm PU tube quick


connector which automatically controls the water level Weiber Entomological Chambers have an electronic through a water-in solenoid valve along with an electrical humidity controller and indicator with an accuracy of + float switch. The de-mineralized water or single distilled 5%. water supply to the humidity inlet with a resistance measurement of approximately 50,000 – 200,000


Ohm/cm comes along with the unit. 5oC to 70oC for standard Weiber Entomological chamber, and can be customized as and when


required byWeiber’s valuable customers.

Humidity sensor is carefully built out of ceramic substrate coated with a thin polymer film deposited between two conductive electrodes. The sensing surface is coated with a micro porous metal electrode, allowing the polymer to absorb water, the dielectric

TEMPERATURE CONTROL Weiber insect rearing chambers have an inbuilt temperature control which is programmed with microprocessor based temperature controller and indicator.

constant changes as it is directly proportional to relative humidity of surrounding environment, thereby changing capacitance, relative humidity can be



These sensors are wire wound and thin film devices


which measure temperature resultant of the physical principle of the positive temperature coefficient of

The Insect Growth Chambers has refrigeration based de-humidification based process. And can be customised as per the desired level humidity (lower or

electrical resistance of metals. The higher the temperature, higher is the value of their electrical resistance.

higher) which is be achieved by maintaining the precise dew point temperature. The output will be

TEMPERATURE SENSITIVITY automatically activated based on the set point s along with ramp up mode post low temperature cycle.

Temperature inside our Entomology chambers are controlled with a sensitivity of + 0.5o c or better..





Weiber Entomology Chambers come with door operated Glass mineral wool is one of the most environment illumination system which have fluorescent lights, along friendly, stable and sustainable insulants available. with two panels of diffused fluorescent light panel located Glass wool is incombustible by nature with Euro class on either side of the chamber to ease the user for initiating Aclassification, the insulant prevents flames and toxic the photo periodic tests and various other experiments. smokes, this is enabled due to a dense entanglement of materials with a low conduction and trapping a good


amount of air, glass wool is one of the good thermal

The illumination is controlled through solid state cyclic

insulants,which results in reducing heat losses within

timer whichin turn controls the photoperiodic cycle of the

the equipment for better sensitivity and economical


operations, with lesser impact on the environment while manufacturing, use and disposal is minimal.

FRONT PANEL Front panel of the chambers comprises of on/off switches for heating, cooling and mains indicator lamps & temperature controllers.

AIR CIRCULATION Triple walled back of unit is fitted with two air circulation fans for maintaining temperature uniformly throughout the chamber.

FEATURES OF COAXIAL CIRCULATION FAN Ÿ Vacuum impregnated stator winding with dr. back varnish under red baktol Ÿ Non-hygroscopic. Ÿ Excellent IR value Ÿ Bright bar (EN - 8 class) shaft. Ÿ Bush bearing of branded companies. Ÿ Surge comparison testing in fans and pumps eliminates into turn short circulating of the stator. Ÿ Pressure die-casted-rotor manufactured with zero error. Ÿ Boats of high accuracy



CONTROLLER SPECIFICATIONS Ÿ Heater Mode: Red LED indicates the heating system

on condition and it lighten up when the set temperature exceeds the ambient temperature.

Ÿ ESC: This key is used to exit or escape from any

menu while system is operational. Ÿ Print/Data download: key is used to transfer the

Ÿ Cooling Mode: GreenLED indicates the cooling

stored data to a printer or downloading data inf the

system on condition and it lighten up when the ambient

form of MS Excel/Word and Hyperterminal

temperature exceeds the set temparture.


Ÿ Temperature Alarm: This display indicates the

Ÿ Display Unit: This unit is a user intertractive

extreme Ambient condition and the temperature failure

interface system for easy operation and it displays


the parameter like

Ÿ Audio Alarm: Here Alarm indicates the visual alarm

and indicates any failure and temperature overshoot conditions. Ÿ Door Open: Visual indication with door open


DATE, TIME, Ambient

Temperature, Compressor, ON, Delay Time, Read and Set Temperature. Ÿ Temperature Display: This seven segment

display indicates the read temperature value inside the chamber.

Ÿ A.C Power Failure: The indicator lights up when the

Ÿ Refrigeration Unit: Refrigeration unit is formed by

mains power fails and the system is working on the

ISI marked compressor/cooling kit, of Kirloskar,

battery mode.

Copeland or Tecumseh.

Ÿ Low battery Indicator: Blinker indicates the battery

backup status, also alarms when the battery charge


capacity available at 25% of the total charge.


Ÿ UP: Count up key. Ÿ SET: Thebutton to customise parameter on the screen,

by pressing of this key a cursor blink on the

Ÿ Entomology enables a researcher/ scholar to read

through the physiology and biology of insects.

corresponding parameter, this enables the selection of

Ÿ Study involves analysing the actions/ behaviour of

desired parameters with use of UP and Down key in

insects that creates understanding the insect

order to set specific value.

social habitat along with other organisms.

Ÿ Down: Down count key.

Ÿ Study of insect population helps understand

ecological interactions. TECHNOLOGIES PVT. LTD.


Ÿ The study also involves through knowledge of

quantity and quality of insect life within various


habitat such as pond or stream Ÿ The study also makes an important contribution to

Ÿ Phenol coated refrigerated coil. Ÿ Steam free humidity system.

indicate the presence or absence of pollution. Ÿ Stainless

steel chamber and shelves; highly

Ÿ The study also helps built the antidotes for various

resistant to corrosion. harmful diseases, prevention from despoiling or preserving fertility of land mass as well.

Ÿ LED lighting system stimulates diurnal studies. Ÿ CFC free cooling. Ÿ Refrigeration on demand power system; less power

consumption & saves electricity.

APPLICATIONS OF WEIBER ENTOMOLOGICAL CHAMBER Ÿ Entomological studies Ÿ Developmental biology Ÿ Conservation of biodiversity

Ÿ Horizontal air flow system. Ÿ Excellent Temperature uniformity. Ÿ Protocol Documentation Ÿ Data logging Ÿ Data Analysis Program

Ÿ Plant and insect interaction

Ÿ 21 CFR Compliance System

Ÿ Insect pathogen interaction

Ÿ Upgradable for remote operations

Ÿ Insecticide research

Ÿ Calibration Test Reports Traceable to NABL

FEATURES Ÿ High Energy Efficiency Ÿ Compact Ÿ Ozone-friendly refrigerants Ÿ Proven Technology Ÿ Wide Voltage Range


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TECHNOLOGIES PVT. LTD. CORPORATE OFFICE/ SHOWROOM (INDIA) Plot No. 352-353, Sector – 57 Phase- IV Kundli, Sonepat, Haryana - 131028 Land Line No.: +91 - 11- 47619688, Fax: +91-11-47619788 E-mail.: info@acmasindia.com

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SALES OFFICE (RUSSIA) Inmed Trade Street Ozerkovsky Embankment, Unit No 50, Straine- 1, Off- 502, Moscow, Russia E-mail.: info@acmasindia.com Tel.: 0049- 79592345 | Email: russia@acmasindia.com

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