Born in 2000, ACMF are s competitive and reliable property finance firm, focusing on urgent refinancing, bridging and construction finance.

Born in 2000, ACMF are s competitive and reliable property finance firm, focusing on urgent refinancing, bridging and construction finance.
ACMFinance was established in 2000 as a pure asset-based lending business & brokerage, providing a 100% funding solution. Fast forward to 2010, where there was a need for a specialist lender for builders and developers, in particular top-up lending to complete a project, we evolved into a boutique lending business. Specializing in our core business of funding development sites and development projects, we have grown exponentially over the last 12 years. Our Brand The name stands for Australian Commercial Mortgage Finance. The logo; a silhouette of a kangaroo, which is where we take inspiration from, a hard-working Australian owned company. We are a passionate team working with our clients to achieve their goals, from raw land to the finished product. Point of difference We only deal with a core group of investors, investment funds as well as our own Fund making up the top-up. This allows ACMF to work with credit committees and board members direct. We have the ability to make up any short falls that may be needed. Simplicity
Our basic philosophy is transparent, simplified, asset-based lending with clearly defined and flexible repayment paths.
We are a passionate team working with our clients to achieve their goals, starting from raw land to the finished product. Our key executives each have decades of experience in Construction, Banking, Property Development Finance ,Legal, Bridging Finance Accountancy, Auditing, and other related experience.
Thereꢀ areꢀ manyꢀ reasons ꢀ for industryꢀ playersꢀ toꢀ beꢀ able toꢀ chooseꢀ faugetꢀ asꢀ
Thereꢀ areꢀ manyꢀ reasons ꢀ for industryꢀ playersꢀ toꢀ beꢀ able toꢀ chooseꢀ faugetꢀ asꢀ
Thereꢀ areꢀ manyꢀ reasons ꢀ for industryꢀ playersꢀ toꢀ beꢀ able toꢀ chooseꢀ faugetꢀ asꢀ
The private debt markets more than doubled in 2021 to $1.4billion says Australian Investment Council. This was aided by stricter banking regulations implemented after the global financial crisis. Australia is well behind Europe and North America, where roughly 50% of commercial real estate is funded by the private market. The trend in Australia is changing and private credit will start to be seen as the first resort instead of the last like international markets. We have seen time and time again borrowers who have been borrowing from their bank for years have turned to the private sector for the first time and will continue to do so. ACMF is looking to capatise on this billion dollar industry
Leadershi p 95%
Strongꢀ developerꢀ activityꢀ coupledꢀ withꢀ nervousnessꢀ fromꢀ mainstreamꢀ banksꢀ isꢀ drivingꢀ increasedꢀ levelsꢀ ofꢀ enquiry,ꢀ ”””””””””””””” Stoneꢀ said.ꢀ “Putꢀ simply,ꢀ borrowersꢀ wantꢀ privateꢀ lendingꢀ thatꢀ isꢀ reliable.”
LAND FINANCE – site acquisition funding. Typically, $2m - $20 through our lending partners URGENT SHORT-TERM FINANCE – bridging finance from $1m - $15 (larger case by case) through our lending partners.
CONSTRUCTION LENDING – $2m - $200m funded with our core group of investors. REAL ESTATE FINANCING – Low Doc Medium Term Financing .... through our own Fund STAND-BY FACILITY – Internal funding in the event of cost overruns in projects and the borrower is unable to complete.
JOINT VENTURE LENDING – Loans Management & Long-Term Monitoring of loans on behalf of the lender. Co-management of mortgage lending, monthly investor reports and recommendations.
Borrowers want private lending that is reliable and transparent.
Introduce the problem to solve--make sure your audience can relate. Present it in a way that makes old solutions sound obsolete.
ACMFinance Group has had exponential growth over the past 12 months, with the introduction of our Fund as well as broadened relationships directly with reputable developers and builders throughout the east coast.
Financial Overview Jan - Nov 2022
Income - $1,200,000
Continue to build relationships directly with Property Developers and Builders. Continue to grow the fund to be the Second Mortgage Funder on all construction loans.
ACMF makes x income on every 268 loan that is settled and this allows ACMF to settle loans where others cant.
With a database of Developers, Builders, Architects and Brokers exceeding 20,000 Australia wide, we aim to grow ACMF by x in 2023.
Accelerate Digital Transformation & Automation of Loans
Expand Direct Innovation Culture Developer Relationships
• We offer commercial property loans, refinancing, 1st and 2nd mortgages.
• We offer simple applications and competitive rates.
• We help borrowers navigate when they need an urgent loan or additional capital to finish a project.
• Our interest rates reflect the LVR risk profile as well as the term of the loan.
• Lending is based on straight real estate asset values, development product demand & borrowers’ repayment plan.
Providingꢀ Appropriateꢀ Technologyꢀ t o helpꢀ people'sꢀ livesꢀ isꢀ ourꢀ mainꢀ vision. Togetherꢀ withꢀ Faugetꢀ Tech,ꢀ Weꢀ Cr eate aꢀ Betterꢀ andꢀ Sustainableꢀ World.
Providingꢀ Appropriateꢀ Technologyꢀ t o helpꢀ people'sꢀ livesꢀ isꢀ ourꢀ mainꢀ vision. Togetherꢀ withꢀ Faugetꢀ Tech,ꢀ Weꢀ Cr eate aꢀ Betterꢀ andꢀ Sustainableꢀ World.
Providingꢀ Appropriateꢀ Technologyꢀ t o helpꢀ people'sꢀ livesꢀ isꢀ ourꢀ mainꢀ vision.
Togetherꢀ withꢀ Faugetꢀ Tech,ꢀ Weꢀ Cr eate aꢀ Betterꢀ andꢀ Sustainableꢀ World.
Providingꢀ Appropriateꢀ Technologyꢀ toꢀ he lpꢀ people'sꢀ livesꢀ isꢀ ourꢀ mainꢀ vision.ꢀ Tog ether withꢀ Faugetꢀ Tech,ꢀ Weꢀ Createꢀ aꢀ Bette rꢀ andꢀ Sustainableꢀ World.
Thereꢀ areꢀ manyꢀ reasonsꢀ for industryꢀ playersꢀ toꢀ beꢀ ableꢀ to Thereꢀ areꢀ manyꢀ reasonsꢀ forꢀ indust ryꢀ playersꢀ toꢀ beꢀ ableꢀ toꢀ chooseꢀ faug etꢀ asꢀ
chooseꢀ faugetꢀ as ꢀ • •
Thereꢀ areꢀ manyꢀ reasonsꢀ forꢀ indust ryꢀ playersꢀ toꢀ beꢀ ableꢀ toꢀ chooseꢀ faug etꢀ asꢀ
Providingꢀ Appropriateꢀ Technologyꢀ toꢀ helpꢀ people'sꢀ lives isꢀ ourꢀ mainꢀ vision.ꢀ Togetherꢀ withꢀ Faugetꢀ Tech,ꢀ Weꢀ Create aꢀ Betterꢀ andꢀ Sustainableꢀ World.
Today'sꢀ bestꢀ digitalꢀ solutionsꢀ companyꢀ thatꢀ c anꢀ be asolutionꢀ toꢀ renewableꢀ technology
92% Our Tagline
Market Expand Thereꢀ areꢀ manyꢀ reasonsꢀ forꢀ industryꢀ players toꢀ beꢀ ableꢀ toꢀ chooseꢀ faugetꢀ asꢀ $6.267.981 +
• Thereꢀ areꢀ manyꢀ reasonsꢀ forꢀ indu stry ꢀ playersꢀ toꢀ beꢀ ableꢀ toꢀ chooseꢀ f augetꢀ asꢀ
Today'sꢀ bestꢀ digitalꢀ solutionsꢀ companyꢀ thatꢀ c anꢀ be asolutionꢀ toꢀ renewableꢀ technology
• Thereꢀ areꢀ manyꢀ reasonsꢀ forꢀ indu stry ꢀ playersꢀ toꢀ beꢀ ableꢀ toꢀ chooseꢀ f augetꢀ asꢀ 160%
Isabelꢀ Mercado Marketꢀ Client