INVITATION TO EXHIBITORS Exhibit Dates: February 10-11, 2012
2012Annual Meeting & Courses February 7 – 12, 2012 • Marriott Rivercenter • San Antonio, Texas
BRIEF SCHEDULE (Subject to Change)
Note:  Coffee is served all day in the exhibit hall. There are thirty-minute midmorning and midafternoon coffee breaks and lunch breaks. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 9 12:00 Noon - 5:00 p.m.
Exhibit set-up
FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 10 7:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. 6:45 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Exhibits open Reception
SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 11 7:00 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. 1:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Exhibits open Exhibit breakdown
Important Information: All booths are 8' by 10' The official decorator and drayage company is Freeman. They will provide a service kit to exibitors that includes forms for furnishings, decorations, labor and electrical requirements. Drapes will be burgundy and white. Exhibit hall floor is carpeted. Information on shipping will also be included with the information and service kit. No materials may be sent to the Marriott Rivercenter, San Antonio, TX. No storage is available on site. Arrangements for storage of empty containers must be made with Freeman.
2012 American Clinical Neurophysiology Society Meeting February 10-11, 2012 Marriott Rivercenter Ballroom, San Antonio TX
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Exhibit Terms and Conditions A. Space Rental 1. Standard Booth: This contract for use of space provides an eight-foot high flameproof backwall drapery and thirty-six-inch high side rails with drapery, a standard booth sign carrying the exhibitor’s name, a booth number, security guard service, and aisle cleaning. 2. Floor Plan: All dimensions and locations shown on the official floor plan are believed, but not warranted, to be accurate. ACNS reserves the right to make such modifications as may be necessary to meet the needs of the exhibitors and the exhibit program. 3. Cancellation of Show: ACNS, its agents, and employees will not be liable for failure to hold the exposition as scheduled. Payments for exhibit space will be returned in that event except that any actual expenses incurred in connection with the exposition will be deducted if the exposition is called off 90 days or fewer prior to the opening date because of fire, or any acts of God, or the public enemy, or strike, or epidemic, or any law, or regulation, or public authority, or any other cause, which makes it impossible or impracticable to hold the exposition. 4. Furnishing: Furniture, and/or additional draping, accessories, signs, electrical outlets, etc., are the sole responsibility of the exhibitor and should be ordered in advance from the official service contractor on the forms that will be provided. Table coverings as well as all booth equipment must be of nonflammable material. B. Cancellation of Exhibit Contract 1. Cancellation: No cancellation shall be acknowledged until written notice has been received by ACNS. If the notice is received at least 60 days prior to the opening of the exposition, all sums paid by the exhibitor, less a service charge of $100.00 per booth, will be refunded. 2. Late Cancellation: Cancellation within 60 days prior to the opening of the exposition obligates the exhibitor to full payment of the rental. No refunds will be made after this date unless all booth space has been sold, in which case the exhibitor will be entitled to a refund as outlined above. 3. Failure to Pay: Failure to remit the balance of booth rental by the date specified on the application form constitutes cancellation of contract and the reserve space will be subject to resale without refund of deposit. C. Use of Exhibits and Exhibit Facilities, Construction, Installation 11. Acceptability of Exhibits: All exhibits shall be to serve the interests of the members of ACNS and its affiliates and shall be operated in a way that will not detract from other exhibits, the exposition, or the annual meeting as a whole. ACNS reserves the right to refuse applications of concerns not meeting standards required and expected, as well as the right to curtail or close any exhibits or parts of exhibits that reflect unfavorably on the character of the meeting or believed to be injurious to the purpose of the association. This applies to displays, literature, advertising, novelties, souvenirs, conduct of persons, etc. Exhibitors are requested to staff their exhibits with personnel attired in a manner consistent with the decorum of the meeting and knowledgeable in the products and policies of the company. 12. Logo, Give-away Items and Drawings: Use of the ACNS logo or name is forbidden on signs inside or outside the exhibit area, on give-away items, and on descriptive product literature, except reference may be made to the convention as the ACNS Meeting, place and date. Exhibitors must advise ACNS of any items to be given away or drawings to be held on the exhibit floor. At the discretion of Show Management, ACNS reserves the right to prohibit distribution of give-away items or drawings on the exhibit floor or in the exhibit facility. 13. Music or Entertainment: Exhibitor agrees to pay when due all royalties, license fees or other charges accruing or becoming due to any form, person or corporation by reason of any music, either live or recorded, or other entertainment of any kind or nature, played, staged or produced by the Exhibitor, its agents, or employees within the premises covered by this License Agreement including but not limited to, royalties or licensing fees due to BMI, ASCAP or SESAC. Exhibitor agrees to hold harmless ACNS, its agents and employees against any and all such claims and charges, and to defend, at its own expense any and all such claims and charges. 14. Restrictions on Use of Space: Exhibit booths must be maintained by at least one company representative at all times during show hours. No exhibitor shall sublet, assign, or share any part of the space allocated to him without the written consent of ACNS. Solicitations or demonstrations by exhibitors must be confined within the bounds of their own respective booths. Aisle space shall not be used for exhibit purposes, display signs, solicitation, or distribution of promotional material. Exhibits, signs and displays are also prohibited in any of the public spaces or elsewhere on the premises of the meeting facilities or in the guest rooms or hallways of the hotels. Operation of sound devices is allowed if the exhibitor complies with restrictions on loud volume. Bright lights or displays with lighting which are judged to interfere or detract from other exhibitors are subject to removal at the discretion of show management. 15. Construction of Exhibits: Exhibits shall be constructed and arranged in the area not more than three feet forward of the backwall of the booth and in this area up to a height not to exceed eight feet from the exhibit floor. All parts of the exhibit in any portion of the booth beyond three feet from the booth backwall shall be placed not to exceed the height of the dividing side rails (36"). Advertising, logos, signs, and exhibit structures shall not exceed the 8-foot height limit. 16. Appearance of Exhibits: Any part of the exhibit which does not lend itself to an attractive appearance, such as unfinished side or end panels, must be draped at the exhibitor’s expense. ACNS reserves the right to have such finishing done and to bill the exhibitor for charges incurred. 17. Installation and Dismantlement of Exhibits: All installation and dismantlement of exhibits must be carried out during the time indicated in the accompanying exhibit information. No exhibit may be erected after the exhibition opens or be dismantled before the official closing time. It is the responsibility of the exhibitor to see that all his or her materials are delivered to the exhibit hall and removed from the exhibit hall by the specified deadline. Should the exhibitor fail to remove his or her exhibit, this removal will be arranged by ACNS at the expense of the exhibitor. All empty crates, upon erection of the display, shall be labeled as such and properly identified with company name and booth number for removal by the official drayer from the exhibit floor. All empty crates and cartons must be properly identified to facilitate their delivery by the drayer at the close of the show. 18. Failure to Occupy Space: Space not occupied by the close of the exhibit installation period as specified in the accompanying material will be forfeited by the exhibitor and this space may be resold, reassigned or used by ACNS. If the exhibit is on hand, ACNS reserves the right to assign labor to set up display that is not in the process of being erected by the given deadline and to instruct that the exhibitor be billed for all charges thus incurred. 19. Drayage: Advanced shipments of exhibit material must be made to the official drayage company as indicated in the accompanying information. The exhibit facility cannot accept direct shipments. Should any shipments be made directly to the facility, they will be removed by the authorized drayage company and stored until the facility is ready to accept material for the exhibition and all costs involved will be charged to the exhibitor concerned. 10. Labor: Exhibitors shall employ only accredited labor personnel for all work other than that properly handled by their own personnel in accordance with the local labor regulations. Information regarding specific regulations which are applicable may be obtained from the official service contractor. Displaymen, painters, carpenters, electricians, and other skilled labor can be arranged through the official service contractor at established rates. If a contractor other than the official service contractor is used to set up, erect, or dismantle the exhibit, ACNS must be notified and be in receipt of a General Insurance Certificate at least thirty (30) days prior to the official move-in date, or the contractor will not be permitted to service the exhibit. 11. Fire and Safety Regulations: (a) Fire regulations require all display material used for decoration to be flameproof. Any/all electrical equipment, including signs and lights, shall conform to union rules and to all applicable national, state and local codes. Each exhibitor agrees to be knowledgeable and responsible regarding ordinances and regulations pertaining to health, fire prevention, and public safety while participating in this exposition. No combustible material shall be stored in or around exhibit booths. (b) The use of flammable materials necessary to the purpose of the exhibit where no other alternative can be used must first be brought to the attention of ACNS, in writing, no fewer than 90 days before the exposition’s opening, for approval. D. Security/Liabilities/Insurance 1. Security: ACNS will provide security guards during the closed hours of the exposition, but the furnishing of such service shall not be construed to be any assumption of obligation or duty with respect to the protection of the property of exhibitors, which shall at all times remain in the sole possession and custody of each exhibitor and shall be the sole responsibility of each exhibitor. After show hours, only those exhibitors properly identified and with permission of the ACNS may enter the exhibitor hall. 2. Liability: Neither will ACNS, nor the official service contractor, nor the exhibit facility, their members, representatives and/or employees be responsible for injury, loss or damage that may occur to the exhibitor or the exhibitor’s employees or property from any cause whatsoever, prior, during, or subsequent to the period covered by this application/contract. The Exhibitor assumes entire responsibility and hereby agrees to protect, indemnify, defend, and save ACNS, Conferon, the official decorator and exhibit facility - to include employees and agents - harmless against all claims, losses and damages to persons or property, governmental charges or fines, and attorney’s fees arising out of or caused by exhibitor’s own installation, removal, maintenance, occupancy, or use of the exhibition premises or a part thereof, excluding any such liability caused by the sole negligence of the exhibit center, its employees and agents. 3. Damage to Exhibit Facilities: The exhibitor must surrender space occupied by the exhibitor in the same condition it was in at commencement of occupation. The exhibitor or the exhibitor’s agent shall not injure or deface the walls, columns, or floors of the exhibitor facilities, nor the booths or the equipment or furniture of the booths. When such damage appears, the exhibitor shall be liable to the owners of the property so damaged. Additionally, the exhibitor agrees to protect, save, and hold harmless ACNS, its agents, and the convention facility of and from all loss, liability, and/or damage whatsoever caused to the facility housing the exposition, or any part thereof, directly or indirectly. 4. Damage to inadequately packed property is the exhibitor’s own responsibility. 5. Insurance: Exhibitors agree to maintain such insurance as will fully protect ACNS from any and all claims of any nature whatsoever, including claims under the Worker’s Compensation Act, and for personal injury, including death which may arise in connection with the installation, operation, or dismantlement of the exhibitor’s display. ACNS does not maintain insurance covering exhibitor’s property. It is the sole responsibility of the exhibitor to obtain business interruption and property damage insurance. Exhibitors are advised to add to their existing insurance a portal-to-portal rider to protect them against the loss/damage to their materials by fire, theft, accident, etc. E. Amendments to Regulations Any and all matters and questions not specifically covered by the articles in this contract shall be subjected to the decision of ACNS. The aforementioned items covered by this contract may be amended at any time by ACNS in the interest of the exposition, and notice thereof shall be binding on exhibitors equally with the foregoing rules set forth in this contract.
EXHIBIT SPACE CONTRACT AMERICAN CLINICAL NEUROPHYSIOLOGY SOCIETY 2012 ANNUAL MEETING AND COURSES February 7-12, 2012 Exhibit Dates: February 10-11, 2012 You are hereby authorized to reserve space(s) for the exhibit to be held at the Annual Courses and Meeting of the American Clinical Neurophysiology Society at the Marriott Rivercenter, San Antonio, TX, at a cost of $1000 per booth. Company name First Choice
Second Choice
Third Choice
We agree to the terms and conditions outlined in “Additional Information for Exhibitors” and to abide by the exhibit regulations and guidelines of the American Clinical Neurophysiology Society, the hotel, and the decorator. We further agree that this contract is for exhibit space only. Exhibitor has no control, direct or indirect, over educational content of program. Name of Officer authorized to sign (please print) Signature
Address (City)
Telephone ( )
FAX # ( )
(Zip) Email
Website EXHIBIT IDENTIFICATION SIGN TO READ: We will not require a sign for our booth Initial here A deposit of 50 percent of the total booth fee must accompany this form. The balance is due January 1, 2012. After December 1, total payment must accompany the application. INCLUDE: Description (75 words or less) of your equipment or product on back. THE DESCRIPTION MUST BE RECEIVED BY JANUARY 1. For further information: 860-243-3977 or For meeting details:
Please make your check or money order payable in US funds to the American Clinical Neurophysiology Society and return with this form to: American Clinical Neurophysiology Society, P.O. Box 30, Bloomfield, CT 06002 or you may charge to your Visa or Master Card: METHOD OF PAYMENT:
Visa Mastercard
Card Number: - - Expiration Date: - Amount: $ . Signature: Date:
PRODUCT DESCRIPTION (75 words or less)