ACO. The future of drainage
October 2013 Issue No:2
NEW ACO Lipumax
Building Drainage
Gravity Grease Separator Designed to be optium solution for handling fats, oils and grease (FOG), the Lipumax range is aimed specifically at commercial kitchen establishments which have to deal with high volumes of FOG.
Available in a range of sizes and
As a leading commercial drainage
performance specifications, all products
manufacturer, we provide a market-
in ACO’s Lipumax range are CE-marked,
leading system which, when combined
simple to install and come with a 50-year
with our specification expertise, deals with
guarantee. The range is also modular
FOG efficiently and ensures compliance
enabling users to purchase the complete
with increasingly stringent legislation.
system or, if they prefer, only specific components of it. Below-ground grease separators are widely
acknowledged as the only option for The disposal of FOG into the wastewater
establishments with high volumes of FOG. To
chain is a significant and growing issue that is
help educate specifiers and end-users about
affecting both operators of commercial
FOG, grease separator specification and
kitchens and society as a whole. The
maintenance, and pending legislation please
estimated cost of dealing with FOG in the
contact us.
Thames Water region alone is estimated to be
ACO Lipumax - main benefits Modular designed Gravity Grease Separator
more than £12-million per annum.
Structural stability - rigit one-pieceone roto-moulded tank construction The UK’s 260,000 food establishments have
Resistant to buoyancy - Built-in rib structure provides positive features to key into surrounding concrete
an important role to play in FOG management as well as a legal duty to do so under the Water Industry Act, but many establishments
Load bearing capacity - Full load class A15 to D400 capability to BS EN 124
lack the knowledge and correct greaseseparator systems to deal with FOG
Manufactured, tested and certified to BS EN 1825 & CE marked
effectively. Watch on ACO BD You Tube channel
All products in the range come with a 50-year guarantee
Lipumax P-D disposal with direct suction, cleaning via cover It is possible to install a suction line DN 65 and an appropriate coupling on site.
MEDIUM cleaning and disposal comfort
Lipumax P-D grease separator with direct suction extraction is ideal for installation in areas where disposal via the manhole cover is not possible, in pedestrian zones or outdoor catering areas.
Lipumax P-DM disposal with direct suction and cleaning with integrated spray head (manual control) It is possible to install a suction line DN 65 and an appropriate coupling on site. The integrated high-pressure cleaning unit has to be operated manually and connected to a cold water supply.
HIGH cleaning and disposal comfort
ACO. The future of drainage
Lipumax P-B disposal and cleaning via cover Since disposal has to be done via the open manhole cover, it is recommended to install the grease separators in areas where the occurrence of smell does not pose inconveniences to the surroundings.
LOW cleaning and disposal comfort
Disposal and cleaning of the separator is accomplished via the direct suction and the high-pressure cleaning. Therefore, for disposal the cover is not to be removed. After the disposal and the cleaning, the separator is re-filled manually via the filling device. Lipumax P-DA disposal with direct suction and cleaning with integrated spray head (automatic control) It is possible to install a suction line DN 65 and an appropriate coupling on site. The integrated high-pressure cleaning unit has to be connected to a cold water supply and is automatically operated.
PREMIUM cleaning and disposal comfort
Disposal and cleaning of the separator is accomplished automatically by using a remote control via the direct suction and the high-pressure cleaning. Therefore, for disposal the cover is not to be removed. After the disposal and the cleaning, the separator is re-filled automatically via the filling device which has to be connected to a cold water supply.
If you would like to know more about ACO Lipumax, please contact our Design Services Team on 01462 816666 or email To download a copy of our new ACO Gravity Grease Separators catalogue simply goes to our website
ACO Building Drainage A division of ACO Technologies plc ACO Business Centre Caxton Road Bedford Bedfordshire MK41 0LF
Tel: 01462 816666 Fax: 01462 851490 e-mail:
Building Drainage
Now avaiable is the NEW ACO Lipumax catalogue