Aco technical data sheets engineered systems v1

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^`l=_ÉëéçâÉ=aê~áå~ÖÉ pí~áåäÉëë=píÉÉä=póëíÉãë ^pNMN=am`=`Ü~ååÉä

Drainage holes (Optional) 30








Up to 3000 Maximum length as standard



Please Note: If channel depth is greater than channel bore then a ‘V’ bottom will be incorporated. All dimensions are in mm.

^pNMN=am`=`Ü~ååÉä Provides drainage to DPC Bonding flange or clamp flange options Can be modelled hydraulically to prevent backflow to DPC Grades 304 or 316

^`l=_ìáäÇáåÖ=aê~áå~ÖÉ A division of ACO Technologies plc ACO Business Centre, Caxton Road, Bedford, Bedfordshire MK41 0LF Tel: 01462 816666 Fax: 01462 851490 e-mail: ïïïK~ÅçÄìáäÇáåÖÇê~áå~ÖÉKÅçKìâ AutoCad drawings available to download on the website.

^`l=_ÉëéçâÉ=aê~áå~ÖÉ pí~áåäÉëë=píÉÉä=póëíÉãë ^pOMN=jÉÅÜ~åáÅ~ä=`ä~ãé 66 min


Variable 2

Up to 3000 Maximum length as standard


Please Note: If channel depth is greater than channel bore then a ‘V’ bottom will be incorporated. All dimensions are in mm.

^pOMN=jÉÅÜ~åáÅ~ä=`ä~ãé Used where ACO Vinyl Seal cannot be used, for example when flexible floor is non-weldable or when high temperature discharges are likely Clamps most flexible floor materials Up to 8mm floor material thickness Grades 304 or 316

^`l=_ìáäÇáåÖ=aê~áå~ÖÉ A division of ACO Technologies plc ACO Business Centre, Caxton Road, Bedford, Bedfordshire MK41 0LF Tel: 01462 816666 Fax: 01462 851490 e-mail: ïïïK~ÅçÄìáäÇáåÖÇê~áå~ÖÉKÅçKìâ AutoCad drawings available to download on the website.

^`l=_ÉëéçâÉ=aê~áå~ÖÉ pí~áåäÉëë=píÉÉä=póëíÉãë ^pPMN=_çñ=`Ü~ååÉä Variable 10


15 Variable 40 to 300 60


Up to 3000 Maximum length as standard


Please Note: If channel depth is greater than channel bore then a ‘V’ bottom will be incorporated. All dimensions are in mm.

^pPMN=_çñ=`Ü~ååÉä Standard channel profile Suited to internal and external application Wide choice of standard gratings Standard and high security locking available Interfaces with ACO Vinyl Seal Grades 304 or 316

^`l=_ìáäÇáåÖ=aê~áå~ÖÉ A division of ACO Technologies plc ACO Business Centre, Caxton Road, Bedford, Bedfordshire MK41 0LF Tel: 01462 816666 Fax: 01462 851490 e-mail: ïïïK~ÅçÄìáäÇáåÖÇê~áå~ÖÉKÅçKìâ AutoCad drawings available to download on the website.

ACO Bespoke Drainage Stainless Steel Systems Building Drainage

AS401 Fire Lift Channel 250 10

192 31



Up to 3000 Maximum length as standard


Please Note: If channel depth is greater than channel bore then a ‘V’ bottom will be incorporated. All dimensions are in mm.

AS401 Fire Lift Channel Up to 25 l/s capacity (2 x 160 diameter outlets) Designed and hydraulically modelled to your specifications Channel conforms to BS 9999: 2008 code of practice for fire safety in the design, management and use of buildings Grades 304 or 316 Can be designed for carpet or flexible flooring Floor structure must accomodate deep channel depth

ACO Building Drainage A division of ACO Technologies plc ACO Business Centre, Caxton Road, Bedford, Bedfordshire MK41 0LF Tel: 01462 816666 Fax: 01462 851490 e-mail:

Building Drainage

AutoCad drawings available to download on the website.

^`l=_ÉëéçâÉ=aê~áå~ÖÉ pí~áåäÉëë=píÉÉä=póëíÉãë ^pRMN=b~ëóJ`äÉ~å


Variable Variable Variable

Up to 3000 Maximum length as standard


Please Note: If channel depth is greater than channel bore then a ‘V’ bottom will be incorporated. All dimensions are in mm.

^pRMN=b~ëóJ`äÉ~å Radius base profile Minimises debris build up Ideal for food processing or any area where hygiene is a prerequisite Interfaces with ACO Vinyl Seal Grades 304 or 316

^`l=_ìáäÇáåÖ=aê~áå~ÖÉ A division of ACO Technologies plc ACO Business Centre, Caxton Road, Bedford, Bedfordshire MK41 0LF Tel: 01462 816666 Fax: 01462 851490 e-mail: ïïïK~ÅçÄìáäÇáåÖÇê~áå~ÖÉKÅçKìâ AutoCad drawings available to download on the website.

^`l=_ÉëéçâÉ=aê~áå~ÖÉ pí~áåäÉëë=píÉÉä=póëíÉãë ^pSMN=päçí=`Ü~ååÉä=ïáíÜ=qçÉÄ~ê 50 10

60 to 120




Please Note: If channel depth is greater than channel bore then a ‘V’ bottom will be incorporated. All dimensions are in mm.

Up to 3000 Maximum length as standard

^pSMN=päçí=`Ü~ååÉä=ïáíÜ=qçÉÄ~ê Toebar reduces slot width to 5mm slots for bare foot or heelsafe area applications Interfaces with ACO Vinyl Seal Low capacity drainage areas

^`l=_ìáäÇáåÖ=aê~áå~ÖÉ A division of ACO Technologies plc ACO Business Centre, Caxton Road, Bedford, Bedfordshire MK41 0LF Tel: 01462 816666 Fax: 01462 851490 e-mail: ïïïK~ÅçÄìáäÇáåÖÇê~áå~ÖÉKÅçKìâ AutoCad drawings available to download on the website.

^`l=_ÉëéçâÉ=aê~áå~ÖÉ pí~áåäÉëë=píÉÉä=póëíÉãë ^pSMN=päçí=`Ü~ååÉä 50 10

60 to 120




Please Note: If channel depth is greater than channel bore then a ‘V’ bottom will be incorporated. All dimensions are in mm.

Up to 3000 Maximum length as standard

^pSMN=päçí=`Ü~ååÉä Discrete slot channel Visible width 50mm Slot 20mm Interfaces with ACO Vinyl Seal Grades 304 or 316 Pedestrian load class

^`l=_ìáäÇáåÖ=aê~áå~ÖÉ A division of ACO Technologies plc ACO Business Centre, Caxton Road, Bedford, Bedfordshire MK41 0LF Tel: 01462 816666 Fax: 01462 851490 e-mail: ïïïK~ÅçÄìáäÇáåÖÇê~áå~ÖÉKÅçKìâ AutoCad drawings available to download on the website.

^`l=_ÉëéçâÉ=aê~áå~ÖÉ pí~áåäÉëë=píÉÉä=póëíÉãë ^pTMN=réëí~åÇ Variable 15


15 Variable 10



Up to 3000 Maximum length as standard


Please Note: If channel depth is greater than channel bore then a ‘V’ bottom will be incorporated. All dimensions are in mm.

^pTMN=réëí~åÇ Ideal for areas where a wall tanking is required Integrates with tiled walls Ideal for public shower areas Grades 304 or 316

^`l=_ìáäÇáåÖ=aê~áå~ÖÉ A division of ACO Technologies plc ACO Business Centre, Caxton Road, Bedford, Bedfordshire MK41 0LF Tel: 01462 816666 Fax: 01462 851490 e-mail: ïïïK~ÅçÄìáäÇáåÖÇê~áå~ÖÉKÅçKìâ AutoCad drawings available to download on the website.

^`l=_ÉëéçâÉ=aê~áå~ÖÉ pí~áåäÉëë=píÉÉä=póëíÉãë ^pUMN=jáÅêç=`Ü~ååÉä

82 10



60 to 120

Up to 3000 Maximum length as standard 29

Please Note: If channel depth is greater than channel bore then a ‘V’ bottom will be incorporated. All dimensions are in mm.

^pUMN=jáÅêç=`Ü~ååÉä 82mm wide discrete channel Bespoke grating patterns to suit Suited to low flow applications V-Profile to assist debris removal Interfaces with ACO Vinyl Seal Grades 304 or 316

^`l=_ìáäÇáåÖ=aê~áå~ÖÉ A division of ACO Technologies plc ACO Business Centre, Caxton Road, Bedford, Bedfordshire MK41 0LF Tel: 01462 816666 Fax: 01462 851490 e-mail: ïïïK~ÅçÄìáäÇáåÖÇê~áå~ÖÉKÅçKìâ AutoCad drawings available to download on the website.

^`l=_ÉëéçâÉ=aê~áå~ÖÉ pí~áåäÉëë=píÉÉä=póëíÉãë ^pVMN=eá=iç~Ç

Dependent on load class 10

10 Variable

Variable Variable 2

Up to 3000 Maximum length as standard


Please Note: If channel depth is greater than channel bore then a ‘V’ bottom will be incorporated. All dimensions are in mm.

^pVMN=eá=iç~Ç Extended grating seat depth and width For high load applications for up to Load Class E Grades 304 or 316

^`l=_ìáäÇáåÖ=aê~áå~ÖÉ A division of ACO Technologies plc ACO Business Centre, Caxton Road, Bedford, Bedfordshire MK41 0LF Tel: 01462 816666 Fax: 01462 851490 e-mail: ïïïK~ÅçÄìáäÇáåÖÇê~áå~ÖÉKÅçKìâ AutoCad drawings available to download on the website.

^`l=_ÉëéçâÉ=aê~áå~ÖÉ pí~áåäÉëë=píÉÉä=póëíÉãë ^pNMMN=aáëÅêÉíÉ=`Ü~ååÉä 58

Variable (stone plus bedding) 3

Variable Variable

Up to 3000 Maximum length as standard Variable

Please Note: If channel depth is greater than channel bore then a ‘V’ bottom will be incorporated. All dimensions are in mm.

^pNMMN=aáëÅêÉíÉ=`Ü~ååÉä 50mm wide channel throat provides cleaning jet access Conventional bore for high capacity Heel safe gratings for safety and enhanced aesthetics Grades 304 or 316 Available radius version Ideal for external prestige applications

^`l=_ìáäÇáåÖ=aê~áå~ÖÉ A division of ACO Technologies plc ACO Business Centre, Caxton Road, Bedford, Bedfordshire MK41 0LF Tel: 01462 816666 Fax: 01462 851490 e-mail: ïïïK~ÅçÄìáäÇáåÖÇê~áå~ÖÉKÅçKìâ AutoCad drawings available to download on the website.

^`l=_ÉëéçâÉ=aê~áå~ÖÉ pí~áåäÉëë=píÉÉä=póëíÉãë ^pOMMN=háíÅÜÉå=`Ü~ååÉä 530 to 3030 230 to 530 10




50 to 300

Outlet location variable


230 to 530

Please Note: If channel depth is greater than channel bore then a ‘V’ bottom will be incorporated. All dimensions are in mm.

^pOMMN=háíÅÜÉå=`Ü~ååÉä High water Interception capacity Optional built in fall Compatible with gully base units Grades 304 or 316

^`l=_ìáäÇáåÖ=aê~áå~ÖÉ A division of ACO Technologies plc ACO Business Centre, Caxton Road, Bedford, Bedfordshire MK41 0LF Tel: 01462 816666 Fax: 01462 851490 e-mail: ïïïK~ÅçÄìáäÇáåÖÇê~áå~ÖÉKÅçKìâ AutoCad drawings available to download on the website.

^`l=_ÉëéçâÉ=aê~áå~ÖÉ pí~áåäÉëë=píÉÉä=póëíÉãë ^pPMMN=aì~ä=iÉîÉä=aê~áå~ÖÉ=`Ü~ååÉä 155 10


3000 Maximum length 15

Variable build height

Low level drainage slots

Please Note: If channel depth is greater than channel bore then a ‘V’ bottom will be incorporated. All dimensions are in mm.

^pPMMN=aì~ä=iÉîÉä aê~áå~ÖÉ=`Ü~ååÉä Integrated surface and land drainage Perforated side walls allows water ingress at low level Requires geotextile membrane Grades 304 or 316

^`l=_ìáäÇáåÖ=aê~áå~ÖÉ A division of ACO Technologies plc ACO Business Centre, Caxton Road, Bedford, Bedfordshire MK41 0LF Tel: 01462 816666 Fax: 01462 851490 e-mail: ïïïK~ÅçÄìáäÇáåÖÇê~áå~ÖÉKÅçKìâ AutoCad drawings available to download on the website.

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