ACO Building Drainage Grease management systems
Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual ACO MOBIL Grease Management System
Table of Contents
General notes
Safety notes
Operation mode 1 – Gravity Separation
Operation mode 2 – Enzyme Activator
Activator health and safety data
Technical data
Service log
ACO Building Drainage ACO Business Park Hitchin Road Shefford Bedfordshire SG17 5TE Tel: 01462 816666 Fax: 01462 851490 Email:
1. General notes
The ACO Mobil grease management system is designed to prevent fats, oils and grease from blocking waste pipes from small kitchens and food preparation areas. Typical applications include public houses, cafÊs, snack bars, cafeterias and tea rooms. The compact design of the ACO Mobil system enables the unit to be installed in confined kitchen environments where space is at a premium, yet where an effective grease management system is essential to ensure continued hygienic uninterrupted operation. The Building Regulations for England and Wales, Approved Document H – Drainage and Waste Disposal recommends that drainage serving kitchens in commercial hot food premises should be fitted with a grease separator complying to BS EN 1825 or other effective means of grease removal. Similarly, the Scottish Building Standards: Technical Handbook for non-domestic applications state that facilities for the separation and removal of oil, fat, grease and volatile substances from the system are provided. The ACO Mobil grease management system allows the operator a choice of two operating modes: a) Gravity separation mode designed in accordance with BS EN 1825 and b) Enzyme activator mode.
GRAVITY SEPARATION MODE Gravity separation is the simplest form of grease management system. Having a lower density than water, the natural buoyancy of fats, oils and grease will float to the top of the wastewater retained in the separator. Solids and sludge constituents in the wastewater are denser than water and naturally sink to the bottom of the separator. An arrangement of internal baffles prevents fats, oils, grease and solids from passing through the unit.
Periodically fats, oils and grease along with any solids need to be removed from the unit in order to keep the drainage system running freely.
ENZYME ACTIVATIOR MODE An alternative method of operation is to dose the system on a daily basis with a specially formulated activator containing a balanced mix of enzymes and bacteria to break down the fats, oils and grease which keeps the drainage system running freely. A programmable dosing pump is supplied for this mode of operation to ensure reliable application of activator without the need for the operator to remember to add the activator at the end of the working day. The ACO Clear activator supplied with the system is harmless and data sheets can be found in Section 4.4
The activator will not break down any solids that may enter the unit and periodically, sludge and solids will need to be removed from the unit. The frequency of maintenance will depend on the volume of solids entering the system.
GENERAL KITCHEN WASTE MANAGEMENT TIPS Any grease management system will require periodic maintenance to ensure trouble-free operation. Particularly for small grease traps, the rapid build-up of solids and sludge will reduce the maintenance interval for the operator. Unfortunately, for some kitchen staff, an ‘out of sight, out of mind’ culture can exist with respect to kitchen waste and it is often convenient to dispose of food wastes into the drain, but not realise the effects on the local drainage system connected to the kitchen or sewer system. To significantly extend the maintenance interval, the following tips are recommended to reduce the volumes of solids and fats entering the grease management system:
Scrape all unwanted food and solids from plates before the washing process – ‘bag it and bin it’ is recommended whenever possible to reduce the load into the management system. Ensure all sink strainers are retained in place at all times to prevent solids entering the system. Avoid pouring of concentrated volumes of oils/fats into the sink. Pour liquids into an air tight container and bin it. Avoid the use of concentrated disinfectants and bleaches as these may significantly reduce the efficiency of the enzyme activator.
Whilst seen as a convenient kitchen aid, macerators can be quite problematic in that they encourage solids to be put into the drain. The use of a macerator has two prime effects: a) if solid residues are not prevented from entering the drain, the sludge capacity of the grease trap is quickly consumed, resulting in reduced maintenance intervals and b) the act of maceration creates emulsions of fats, oils and grease that cannot be easily separated and the result could be blocked drains downstream of the trap due to solidifying fats, oils and grease.
2. Safety- conscious working This manual contains important information and guidance notes. Please read the manual thoroughly prior to installing a unit, connecting to a power supply and commissioning as appropriate. It is essential to comply with the operating and safety instructions relating to all parts of the system. The system should only be installed, commissioned, operated and maintained by persons who are familiar with the operating manual, the instructions there-in and the relevant regulations for job safety and accident prevention. Where appropriate, electrical installation must only be carried out by a qualified electrician/contractor. If the guidance and safety notes given in this manual are not correctly followed, there may be risk of damage to property, personal injury, or fatal accident for which the manufacturer cannot be held liable.
3. Operation Mode 1 – Gravity Separation
3.1 INSTALLATION As the grease separator will require routine servicing to remove fats, oils, grease and solids, the ideal location for the grease trap is outside the food preparation area for hygienic reasons. Space restrictions in and around the kitchen/food preparation area may require the trap to be positioned within the kitchen environment and it is recommended that a risk management assessment is carried out by the operator before installation to ensure that hygiene is not compromised during any routine maintenance. The ACO Mobil separator body is manufactured with 50mm inlet/outlet spigots and the system is supplied complete with two 50mm/50mm female sockets, two 50mm/2” Multi-fit flexible connectors and two 2”/1½” reducers to enable quick and convenient connection to all UK 50mm (2”) and 40mm (1½”) waste pipe sizes. Where possible, position the grease trap body as close to the source of the grease, i.e. the sink. Before connecting the trap to the waste pipes, check for access to the unit to remove fats and solids. If the optional sediment basket is fitted, ensure this can be removed without restriction. Note the direction of wastewater flow through the separator by the arrows on the inlet and outlet of the trap. Connect the trap to the waste pipe using the push-fit 50mm female sockets and flexible connectors supplied ensuring there is enough free flexible space available to allow disconnection of the trap from the waste pipe to allow trap removal for servicing away from the kitchen. Keep the two 50mm blank plugs supplied with the separator to seal the unit when removing for service and blank off the exposed waste pipes to prevent foul odours. Use the Multi-fit reducers for 40mm waste pipe connection. 50mm female socket
Flexible connector
Standard Connection Pipework Installation
The optional isolation valve kit allows the contents of the separator to be isolated for safe and convenient removal from the kitchen for servicing. Fit both push-fit valves to the separator inlet/outlet spigots and connect the flexible connectors to the valve body as shown below. For servicing, close both valves and remove the flexible connectors and blank exposed pipes using the female connectors and blanks supplied with the separator. Isolation valve
Flexible connector Optional Isolation Valve Pipework Installation
3.2 OPERATION Fit the optional sediment basket if appropriate and screw down the air-tight lid firmly. Fill the separator with cold, clean water and the system is now ready for use.
3.3 MAINTENANCE The ACO Mobil grease separator has a maximum capacity of 9 litres for fats, oils and grease and a sludge capacity of 10 litres. How quickly the unit will fill with grease and/or sludge will depend on how the kitchen is managed in terms of prevention of excess fats and solids entering the unit – refer to the General Kitchen Waste Management Tips in Section 1 of this manual. It is suggested that for the initial period of operation, the system is monitored every two weeks in order to characterise the volumes of grease and solids generated as that will give a guide as to the required frequency of service interval needed for that particular application. A specialist waste contractor may be engaged to service the trap, for example, Dyno-Rod who will be able to advise on preventable maintenance regimes.
NOTE – ALWAYS WEAR PROTECTIVE GLOVES WHEN SERVICING GREASE TRAPS Depending on the location of the trap, it may be preferable to de-couple the unit from the waste pipes using the flexible connectors and isolation valves (if fitted) and move the separator to a suitable place outside the food preparation area as there is likely to be unpleasant odours when the lid is removed. To remove the fats, oils and grease, firstly unscrew the air-tight lid and using air-tight containers – plastic food containers or jars are ideal – simply scoop the floating fats, oils and grease into the container, place the lid on the container and ‘bag it and bin it’ for safe disposal.
Having firstly removed the fats, oils and grease from the separator, lift out the optional sediment basket allowing any excess liquid to drain into the separator and empty the contents of the basket into a plastic disposal bag, again using the ‘bag it and bin it’ approach. Where the optional sediment basket is not fitted, scoop out the sludge using an old ladle or appropriate utensil and place in a bag for safe disposal. Replace the sediment basket (when fitted), air-tight lid and reconnect the separator to the waste pipes, ensuring the correct direction of flow through the unit and re-fill with cold water via the sink drainage. The system is now ready for use.
It is recommended to periodically check the foul drain run downstream of the separator via an inspection chamber for any signs of fat/grease residues or build-up in and around the inspection chamber. If the system is working correctly, the output from the trap should be clear and no grease deposits visible in the inspection chamber. If residues are visible, there are a number of reasons that could cause this: The separator needs a service. Excessive fats, oils or grease being tipped into sinks/drainage gullies. Excessive volumes of sludge being passed into the drainage system. Dramatic increase of food volume being prepared from what was originally planned from that facility. Macerator being used in kitchen artificially consuming sludge volume capacity of separator.
4. Operation Mode 2 – Enzyme Activator
4.1 INSTALLATION In this mode of operation, the ACO Mobil trap is regularly dosed with an activator containing a balanced mixture of enzymes and bacteria (ACO Clear) to break down fats, oils and grease to keep the drain running freely. Solid residues in the wastewater will fall to the base of the trap for removal or will collect into the optional sediment basket for easy removal if fitted. Providing the system is not being exposed to excessive volumes of fats, oils, grease and solids, correct dosing of enzyme activator will ensure reliable operation with minimal maintenance. However the trap will require routine servicing to clean the system and remove solids, the ideal location for the grease trap is outside the food preparation area for hygienic reasons. Space restrictions in and around the kitchen/food preparation area may require the trap to be positioned within the kitchen environment and it is recommended that a risk management assessment is carried out by the operator before installation to ensure that hygiene is not compromised during any routine maintenance. The ACO Mobil trap body is manufactured with 50mm inlet/outlet spigots and the system is supplied complete with two 50mm/50mm female sockets, two 50mm/2” Multi-fit flexible connectors and two 2”/1½” reducers to enable quick and convenient connection to all UK 50mm (2”) and 40mm (1½”) waste pipe sizes. Additionally, a Waste Fitting Kit is supplied in both 50mm (2”) and 40mm (1½”) formats to facilitate convenient and easy dosing connection for the enzyme activator. Where possible, position the grease trap body as close to the source of the grease, i.e. the sink. Before connecting the trap to the waste pipes, check for access to the unit to remove fats and solids. If the optional sediment basket is fitted, ensure this can be removed without restriction. Note the direction of wastewater flow through the trap by the arrows on the inlet and outlet. Connect the trap to the waste pipe using the push-fit 50mm female sockets and flexible connectors supplied ensuring there is enough free flexible space available to allow disconnection of the trap from the waste pipe to allow trap removal for servicing away from the kitchen. Keep the two 50mm blank plugs supplied with the trap to seal the unit when removing for service. Use the Multi-fit reducers for 40mm waste pipe connection. 50mm female socket
Flexible connector
Standard Connection Pipework Installation
The optional isolation valve kit allows the contents of the separator to be isolated for safe and convenient removal from the kitchen for servicing. Fit both push-fit valves to the separator inlet/outlet spigots and connect the flexible connectors to the valve body as shown below.
Isolation valve
Flexible connector
Optional Isolation Valve Pipework Installation
A general schematic of an enzyme grease trap installation is shown below and applies to the ACO Mobil trap (model shown is the ACO FSS free standing grease trap). Anti-siphon vent valve (site dependant)
Grease trap
MODD dosing unit
Flow direction Waste Fitting Kit
Locate the MODD dosing pump on the wall and ensure the supply tube to the activator bottle is not more than 2 metres. Connect the pump unit to the mains electricity supply as per the connection details supplied separately with the pump. Important: Only a qualified electrician can make this connection. Place the Waste Fitting Kit in the waste run as near as possible to the source of the grease, i.e. potwash sink using either the Multi-fit 50mm (2”) or 40mm (1½”) components supplied. a)
Assemble the dosing nipple with a sealing washer each side of the nipple.
Trim back the nipple to the correct pipe size.
Install so the nipple is upright.
Depending upon the pipe layout of the installation, an anti-siphon vent valve or vent pipe may be required to prevent self-siphon action to empty the trap. Connect the feed and delivery pipes from the pump unit to the ACO Clear activator bottle and Waste Fitting Kit respectively as described in the pump operating manual supplied separately. Install the optional sediment basket (if applicable) and re-fit the air-tight cover. Fill the trap with clean warm water via the sink and check for leaks. Using the separate operating instructions supplied with the pump, set the day and time on the pump clock and prime the pump in manual mode to ensure ACO Clear activator reaches the Waste Fitting Kit.
4.2 OPERATION The ACO Clear activator effectively ‘digests’ fats, oils and grease and for best results, the activator should be injected into the grease trap at the end of the working day once the kitchen operation has ceased to give the bacteria and enzymes the maximum length of time to work effectively.
Daily Dosing Quantity It is recommended to initially dose the system with 50ml of ACO Clear activator per day. The MODD pump delivers approximately 3.5ml of activator per second, so the pump needs to be set to run for 14 seconds for each and every day once the kitchen work has finished.
Shock dosing of a grease trap is an essential element to start the biological activation process off. To rapidly establish a biomass within the grease trap, dose the system with 3 or 4 days of maintenance activator to begin the process. This can be done either by pouring say 200ml of ACO Clear activator directly through the sink at a quiet part of the wording day when there is no drainage activity followed by a little warm water or by running the dosing pump in priming mode as detailed in the instructions supplied with the pump. The shock dosing process must be carried out when commissioning the system for the first time or when the system is cleaned out.
Operation During the First Two Weeks 1.
The sludge capacity of the ACO Mobil grease trap is 10 litres. If the optional sediment basket is fitted, inspect daily to establish how often the basket needs to be emptied. If the basket fills rapidly (less than 2 weeks) then it is necessary to provide additional filtration upstream of the trap. If the sediment basket is not fitted, then use an old ladle or appropriate utensil to make an on-going assessment.
Inspect the contents of the trap – increase the dosing period and frequency if: 2.1 Solidified grease is apparent on the surface and/or near the walls of the trap. 2.2 Significant pools of oil are present on the surface. 2.3 Flow is impaired at the outlet pipe – this can be established by viewing the outlet with the cover off.
Ongoing Operation 1.
Adjust the dosing period and frequency for known seasonal variations – establish regular sediment removal regime.
Drain, clean and inspect the trap twice annually or at more regular intervals if the sludge build-up at the base of the unit exceeds 50mm
4.3 MAINTENANCE The ACO Mobil grease trap has a maximum sludge capacity of 10 litres. How quickly the unit will fill with sludge will depend on how the kitchen is managed in terms of prevention of excess fats and solids entering the unit – refer to the General Kitchen Waste Management Tips in Section 1 of this manual. A specialist waste contractor may be engaged to service the trap, for example, Dyno-Rod who will be able to advise on preventable maintenance regimes.
NOTE – ALWAYS WEAR PROTECTIVE GLOVES WHEN SERVICING GREASE TRAPS Depending on the location of the trap, it may be preferable to de-couple the unit from the waste pipes using the flexible connectors and isolation valves (if fitted) and move the trap to a suitable place outside the food preparation area as there is likely to be unpleasant odours when the lid is removed. To remove the fats, oils and grease residues, firstly unscrew the air-tight lid and using air-tight containers – plastic food containers or jars are ideal – simply scoop the floating fats, oils and grease into the container, place the lid on the container and ‘bag it and bin it’ for safe disposal. Lift out the optional sediment basket allowing any excess liquid to drain into the trap and empty the contents of the basket into a plastic disposal bag, again using the ‘bag it and bin it’ approach. Where the optional sediment basket is not fitted, scoop out the sludge using an old ladle or appropriate utensil and place in a bag for safe disposal. Replace the sediment basket (when fitted), air-tight lid and reconnect the separator to the waste pipes, ensuring the correct direction of flow through the unit. The system is now ready for use.
Trouble Shooting Once on-going operation is established, ACO biological grease traps should provide excellent service. Where possible, periodically check the foul drain run downstream of the separator via an inspection chamber for any signs of fat/grease residues or build up in and around the inspection chamber. If the system is working correctly, the output from the trap should be clear and no grease deposits visible in the inspection chamber. Should operational problems arise, check the following variables in the first instance: Check for adequate activator supply. Ensure there is electricity supply to the MODD dosing unit. Check the pump day and time details are correctly set. Dosing time is correctly set (at the end of the working day) and for the requisite dosing pumping time. Check to see if pump head is delivering activator to the Waste Fitting Kit. Check to see if the system has been overloaded with abnormal volumes of fats/grease and/or sludge/solids quantities. Macerator being used in kitchen artificially consuming sludge volume. Establish whether excessive bleaches or acid cleaning agents have been used which could ‘kill off’ the bacteria. Extremes of hot or cold water can prevent the biological digestion process – the ideal operating temperature is between 30 and 40°C Dramatic increase of food volume being prepared from what was originally planned from that facility.
5. Technical Data
Grease separator/trap body capacities: GREASE SEPARATOR/TRAP CAPACITIES (litres)
Grease Storage (separator mode only)
Sludge Trap
Total Liquid Volume
When operated as a grease separator (Operation Mode 1), the separator has a Nominal Size (NS) = 0.3 with respect to BS EN 1825 Grease Separators.
6. Accessories
The following accessories can be obtained for the ACO Mobil Grease Management System: For Operation Mode 1 (gravity separator operation) and Operation Mode 2 (enzyme activator operation):
Part No
Weight (kg)
Part No
Weight (kg)
Stainless steel sediment basket, 6mm perforations
50mm isolation valve kit (2 valves)
For Operation Mode 2 (enzyme activator operation) ONLY: Description
Part No
Weight (kg)
ACO Clear Activator (5 litres)
ACO Clear Activator (20 litres)
ACO Building Drainage ACO Business Park Hitchin Road
01462 816666
01462 851490
SG17 5TE
6. Service Log
Monthly service
Serviced by
Bi-annual service
Replacement parts
HELPLINE ACO Building Drainage, ACO Business Park, Hitchin Road, Shefford, Bedfordshire, SG17 5TE
Tel: 01462 816666 17