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ACO Easyflow Bathroom Gully System

Installation guide - timber floors Installation overview

Step 1

Step 6

For all timber floor installations, the Easyflow

Remove floor boards to expose joists in

Connect the waste pipe to the gully body and

gully top is supported in a stainless steel

wetroom area.

insert the trimmed down gully top into the cradle ensuring the gully top is fully inserted


Step 2

into the gully body seal. Ensure the base of

It is essential that the plastic gully body is

Identify waste pipe run and position of the

the gully body is resting on the support shelf

supported between the floor joists to prevent


and waste pipe laid to fall. Test for leaks. If

accidental disassembly during routine

the installation is not going to be completed

maintenance. This applies to all outlet

Step 3

at this stage, insert the white gully top cover


Assess the highest position of the outlet invert

to prevent unwanted debris entering the gully.

(minimum ‘X’), taking into account the For installations with a horizontal outlet, the

thickness of the floor board and outlet waste

Step 7

location of the outlet should be as high as

pipe diameter. With reference to the diagram

Lay the grey wetroom waterproofing fleece

possible in the floor to provide adequate falls

below, trim the gully top using the cutting

into the gully top and secure with the clamp

from the waste pipe to the soil stack. This is

guide lines to keep dimension ‘X’ as short as

ring and x5 self-tapping screws provided to

identified as the minimum ‘X’ dimension as

possible to provide falls for the waste pipe.

form a watertight seal.

Step 4

Step 8

Having cut the gully top, provide a support

Depending upon the installation, provide the

platform so that the gully body base sits firmly

falls to the gully. This may be achieved using

on the support shelf when in the installed

weber.floor 4040 Combi Rapid levelling

position. This ensures the seal between the

scrim, tel 08703 330070 for further details.

shown in the diagram below.

gully top and gully body is not broken during

Step 9

routine maintenance.

Tank the installation including the wetroom

Step 5

waterproofing fleece using a proprietary

Cut a 255mm diameter hole in the floor board

tanking system, following the manufacturer’s

to align with the gully body. Lay the floor

installation instructions. One system that may

board and fix the cradle to the floor.

be used is weber.sys protect roller applied tanking membrane.

Step 10


Lay the grating bezel support ring in the gully top ensuring the radial slots face downwards Ø302 Tile adhesive

Wetroom water proofing fleece

to allow any water that penetrates the tile Tanking system

adhesive to enter the gully. Insert the bezel



and align to suit tile layout and lay tiles with falls to gully. For tiles greater than 20mm thick, gully top spacer ring(s) (Part No 105738) provides additional 6.5mm height


Stainless steel cradle

X mimimum

and may be used in multiples.

Cut gully top for min ‘X’ Floor joist

Gully body supports

ACO Easyflow Bathroom Gully System

Installation guide - solid concrete floors Installation overview

Step 1

Step 7

Easyflow floor gully bodies can be installed

Lay DPM over floor slab and sit gully body on

If a wetroom gully top is not installed, lay

either above or below the DPM. The optional

to mortar bed.

tiles. For the wetroom gully top, lay the grey

DPM clamping flange (Part No 105737) is

wetroom waterproofing fleece into the gully

required to clamp the DPM to the throat of

Step 2

top and secure with the clamp ring and x5

the gully body where the gully body is below

Trim gully top to finished floor level and insert

self-tapping screws provided to form a

the DPM.

into gully body, ensuring the gully top is fully

watertight seal.

inserted into the gully body seal.

Step 8

Gully tops are easily trimmed to finished floor level using the cutting guides moulded into

Step 3

Tank the installation including the wetroom

the top to accommodate screed and insulation

Connect waste pipe laid to fall and test for

waterproofing fleece using a proprietary

thicknesses. An optional gully top extension

leaks. Provide temporary cover to prevent

tanking system, following the manufacturer’s

(Part No 105736) is required for extended

unwanted debris entering the gully.

installation instructions. One system that may be used is weber.sys protect roller applied

screed/insulation thicknesses.

Step 4 For wetroom applications, gully tops with

Box out and backfill concrete around the gully

integrated wetroom fleece can be used for

body and top.

additional waterproofing security.

tanking membrane.

Step 9 Lay the grating bezel support ring in the gully

Step 5

top ensuring the radial slots face downwards

Remove shutters and lay insulation forming a

to allow any water that penetrates the tile

duct to receive polystyrene bead fill.

adhesive to enter the gully. Insert the bezel and align to suit tile layout and lay tiles with

Step 6

falls to gully. For tiles greater than 20mm

Lay screed to 1:80 fall.

thick, gully top spacer ring(s) (Part No 105738) provides additional 6.5mm height and may be used in multiples.


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