Reference card
KFC UKRAINE Art mall, Kiev KFC Ukraine KFC (the name was originally an acronym for Kentucky Fried Chicken) is a fast food restaurant chain that specializes in fried chicken and is headquartered in Louisville, Kentucky, in the United States. It is the world’s second largest restaurant chain (as measured by sales) after McDonald’s, with 18 875 outlets in 118 countries and territories as of December 2013. The company is a subsidiary of Yum! Brands, a restaurant company that also owns the Pizza Hut and Taco Bell chains. Franchisee: Ukrainian Food Company Ltd. Ukrainian Food Company is the multiple-discipline firm. It has many years' experience of the working in the market.
Reference card Project name
KFC fast food restaurant - ART Mall
YUM! Brands - KFC
Ukrainian Food Company Ltd.
City of installation
Country of installation
Commissioning date
September 2014
Country of ACO sales organisation
ACO Building Elements Ltd.
Name of responsible ACO sales person
Irina Zhukovskaya
Contract value (third party) [EUR] Customer description
Franchising: Ukrainian Food Company Ltd., Olvia Ltd. - construction and design
Project description
New building. A part of shopping mall. Area of restaurant – 250 - 350 m2 (appr.)
Competitors in the project
Key factors of ACO success in this project
Quality, the loyalty to the brand, availability on stock
Flooring company, general contractor, contractor, engineering company, ‌
Project: Olvia Ltd., Professional system Ltd., ErtleBud Ltd.
Products installed Product name
Volume (pcs, rm, etc.)
Load class
ACO hygienic box channel - width 200
ACO gully EG150
ACO hygienic gully 157 - fix height
ACO hygienic gully 157 - telescopic
ACO hygienic gully 142 - telescopic
Reference card Project name Brand Investor City of installation Country of installation Commissioning date Country of ACO sales organisation Name of responsible ACO sales person Segment Subsegment
Contract value (third party) [EUR] Customer description Project description Competitors in the project Key factors of ACO success in this project Testimonial Flooring company, general contractor, contractor, engineering company, ‌ Other
Products installed Product name
Volume (pcs, rm, etc.)
Load class
ACO hygienic box channel - width 200
ACO gully EG150
ACO hygienic gully 157 - fix height
ACO hygienic gully 157 - telescopic
ACO hygienic gully 142 - telescopic