Portfolio of Urban Design

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CONTENTS Yangcheng Lake Waterfront Tourism Area Master Plan Suzhou Canal Redevelopment Plan Kunshan High School Campus Master Plan Seattle Next 50 Competition Northern Capital 51% Permeable XULA:NOLA Mount Pleasant Transit Oriented Development

1 6 12 17 19 26 29 34

yangcheng lake:kunshan waterfront tourism master plan after many successful built projects located in kunshan, the city’s development agency offered IPD the opportunity to develop a cultural tourism master plan for the east shore of their famous yangcheng lake. the master plan has two parts, a waterfront trail and habitat restoration plan and a cultural tourism development plan. an area known for its agricultural heritage and production of the famous hairy crab, the development plan preserves existing farming villages and offers agricultural demonstration facilities. a boutique hotel, restaurant district, animal preserve and open stables diversify the local economy to establish the area as a truly unique tourism destination.

YCL waterfront tourism : KUNSHAN, PRC 1

plan framework and evolution YCL waterfront tourism : KUNSHAN, PRC 2

YCL waterfront tourism : KUNSHAN, PRC 3

YCL waterfront tourism : KUNSHAN, PRC 4

habitat trail and boardwalk - part of yangcheng lake shoreline recreation master plan YCL waterfront tourism : KUNSHAN, PRC 5

canal city:suzhou suzhou canal redevelopment and preservation plan the city of suzhou, to preparation an application to designate their canal system as a UNESCO national historic site, held an invited competition to restore the cultural heritage of the west canal system. the following rehabilitation and preservation master plan was prepared at the first stage of the competition and IPD is now participating in the finalist round. the master plan is equal parts new development, retrofit, and restoration. for the Xu River and an adjoining portion of the Grand Canal, a multi-scalar site inventory and analysis established the most effective means to restore a showcase portion of suzhou’s historic canal system.

suzhou cultural canal : SUZHOU, PRC 6

suzhou: canal city

the plan area: situated in an emerging creative core of the city

river and canal positioning

canalside zoning suzhou cultural canal : SUZHOU, PRC 7

TREATMENT WETLANDS 处理型湿地 To remediate stormwater and restore animal habitats 净化雨水、重塑动植物栖地

DETENTION BASINS 生态滞洪池 To reduce the water flow during flood events. 减少暴雨时的洪泛、并且沈淀悬浮物。

Rain Gardens 雨水花园 Collect rainwater from rooftops to be recycled as irrigation for green roofs 蒐集屋顶雨水,提供浇灌系统之再利用

Restored Habitat 生态栖地重建 Plant species and water flow design restores habitat for birds and amphibians 植栽与水流配置重建鸟类与两 栖类的生态栖地

Detention Basins Treatment Wetlands 生态滞洪池 处理型湿地 Water temporarily standing The final and most thorough stage drops the sediments that cloud of water remediation before water the canal water. Collected enters the city canal system sediments is used as fertilizer. 处理型湿地蒐集上游河水与周围雨 雨水经过暂时的滞留过滤掉沈积 水,净化之后排入运河系统。 物,沈积物可被再利用成为肥料

ecologicalCanal sustainability retrofit strategy Suzhou Future : Canal of Sustainability 未来的苏州运河:”可持续性的”运河

suzhou cultural canal : SUZHOU, PRC 8

RAIN GARDENS / BIOSWALES 雨水花园/生态草沟 To collect, direct, and infiltrate stormwater and greywater 蒐集、引导并且净化雨水与建筑物灰水 Bioswales 生态草沟 Building greywater and street stormwater is directed into bioswales to reduce the load placed on the city wastewater system 建筑灰水与街道雨水被引导至生态草沟,具有 净化与排水的功能,减少市政管道负担

Bicycle and Pedestrian Accessibility 完善慢行系统与人行系统 To promote alternative modes of transportation and work toward a lower carbon future 提倡替代性交通工具与低碳生活的未来。

“两河一江”环境综合整治工程-胥 江 两 岸 及 运 河 东 岸 景 观 绿 化 方 案 设 计 SUZHOU CANAL C I TY LA N D SC A PE M A STER PLA N


architectural upgrading strategy suzhou cultural canal : SUZHOU, PRC 9

bridge upgrades and landmarking strategy



commercial suzhou cultural canal : SUZHOU, PRC 10

looking through south bank grove to historical building clusters. modernity and tradition in buildings built on existing warehouses. suzhou cultural canal : SUZHOU, PRC 11

cultural education:kunshan kunshan west high school campus master plan In 2011, The City of Kunshan decided to form an education and outreach hub in the west end of the city. This involved relocating the historic Kunshan West High School in conjunction with the establishment of a satellite campus for Duke University. Kunshan West High School is a premier high school in the city. It has a legacy of educating many of the prominent figures of the region’s past and present. The school traces its origin to Gu Yanwu (known as Ting-Ling), a prominent philosopher and politician from Kunshan during the Ming Dynasty. Through his life he established a family legacy of passing wisdom through the generations as the most valuable form of inheritance. His library was preserved after his death and it became an icon of Kunshan’s education system, eventually becoming the heart of Kunshan West High School. Its historic significance and rich history has endeared it to the people and city of Kunshan.

kunshan campus plan : KUNSHAN, PRC 12

kunshan campus plan : KUNSHAN, PRC 13

plan frameworks and evolution

kunshan campus plan : KUNSHAN, PRC 14

quanshi lake detail plan

kunshan campus plan : KUNSHAN, PRC 15

quanshi lake

kunshan campus plan : KUNSHAN, PRC 16

forge field:seattle center seattle center Next 50 competition

seattle next 50 : SEATTLE, WA 17

For most of its formal existence, public space has provided social and economic services. It has been a platform for social justice but remained economically undercover, offering only the secondary economic benefits of political forums, markets and meeting spaces. However, future public space will need to adopt even more roles. First, growing land scarcity requires that public space generate revenue directly from the programs it provides. Second, public space should evolve from a place where ideas are exchanged to a place where ideas can be developed. Third, all public space must provide ecological services.

seattle next 50 : SEATTLE, WA 18

northern capital:inuvik 2010 ASLA Student Honor Award, Analysis and Planning Category landscape architecture as an agent to combine resource-extraction infrastructure with a community’s social and economic development. imagine Inuvik’s growth through this century as stimulusspending ends, gas extraction decreases and a population influx attempts to settle. arguing that node-based mobility will overtake route-based mobility in the arctic’s warmer future a fundamental change must occur in the arrangement of infrastructure relative to landscape processes. inuvik’s function as a hub city is translated into a coast-based fabric of barge ports, clustered development, and a connective infrastructural tissue. break apart the landscape into key systems of topography, water and snow, wind exposure and sun exposure. program options are derived by the combination of these systems and they are activated by the placement of infrastructure. the overarching goal is to remove the burden of inefficiency and intensive maintenance that is adopted along with southern canadian forms. to this end, the project investigates possible adaptations to natural gas mining infrastructure, namely a pipeline and processing facility. call for a massive change up front, moving the locations of the pipeline and facility from their proposed locations 20 km away to sites in the city. industrial operations continue in the present but buildings and pipelines are then at strategic locations for reuse, minimizing land disturbance. emergent industries can then evolve into the infrastructure left behind by our present needs, moving the delta from importer to exporter. to view the full project visit: http://www.asla.org/2010studentawards/107.html

northern capital : INUVIK, NWT 19

northern capital : INUVIK, NWT 20

northern capital : INUVIK, NWT 21

northern capital : INUVIK, NWT 22

northern capital : INUVIK, NWT 23

Inuvik’s production node northern capital : INUVIK, NWT 24

polar night festival

northern capital : INUVIK, NWT 25

51% Permeable Los Angeles Cleantech Corridor Competition downtown los angeles is a contiguous layer of concrete and asphalt. immediate action can be taken to remedy this situation. by transforming marginalized and abandoned sites as well as incorporating vacant sites and parking lots, an urban ecology network can be rapidly realized. the later conversion of rail corridors and the vehicular grid into this system will declare this corner of los angeles a no car zone, completely transforming the function and image of the cleantech corridor. the first civic action on these lands was the building of a ditch – hand to shovel to dirt – which allowed water to infiltrate the soil, holding it in this arid environment. the permeability of the soil permitted viable use of the land and a strong connection to the river. the paving over of los angeles has changed this balance, and this project posits that a reconnection to the soil is the first step toward renewal. lands that were once marginalized, with overworked infrastructures, now drive the change that puts ecological function into the existing urban fabric. the green network will act as the spine of the cleantech district, providing the cultural image necessary to fuel successful transformation. it will also be the production zone for clean energy, and serve as a supporting testing ground for economic initiatives. when accounted, the margins, vacancies, river channel, and soon-to-be-obsolete infrastructure create a figure that occupies 51% of the ground. opened to the soil and transformed as a cohesive framework, the new network at 51% permeable has controlling interest to guide the cleantech district toward a resilient and intertwined ecological economy.

51% permeable : LOS ANGELES, CA 26

51% permeable : LOS ANGELES, CA 27

51% permeable : LOS ANGELES, CA 28

XULA:NOLA the canal condition in New Orleans does not create a situation for invested interest from those who use it because it does not feed the financial systems that maintain it. edges between canal and road, road and campus, and property to neighbour are poorly addressed. the washington canal, by cutting through many neighbourhoods, now holds the potential to create connections on a larger scale. a dedicated university that plans on extending its environmental research will provide the public “connected� platform on which the project can influence the future. the provision and maintenance of feeder storm sewer systems can become a privately funded and managed enterprise. by opening up currently hidden drainage networks, possibilities for water interaction will present themselves


mapping urban watersheds XULA:NOLA : NEW ORLEANS, LA 30


longitudinal park section

xavier/tulane environmental research laboratory XULA:NOLA : NEW ORLEANS, LA 32

auditorium reservoir

washington avenue canal

xula laboratory


mount pleasant transit oriented development the mount pleasant secondary plan area consists of the mount pleasant community area and mount pleasant village. The roughly 2000 acre mount pleasant community area is designed to decrease car dependency and support the rail node at mount pleasant village. The road network and the transportation solutions for the mount pleasant secondary plan area develop an innovative transitoriented community at the rural edge of toronto’s suburban cities. the first completed phase of this development is mount pleasant village, a middensity node designed for the expansion of the regional rail transit network. based on a comprehensive subwatershed planning exercise, the natural heritage system defined for mount pleasant is an advancement of ecosystembased design that identifies, protects, and restores environmental features in the new community. this is the first ecologically aware community design of its size for the greater toronto area.

mount pleasant community framework concepts mount pleasant TOD : BRAMPTON, ON 34

Mount Pleasant Community Node Concepts

mount pleasant TOD : BRAMPTON, ON 35

Phase 1

Mount Pleasant Village

mount pleasant TOD : BRAMPTON, ON 36

mount plasant village civic square concept

mount pleasant village north track access

mount pleasant TOD : BRAMPTON, ON 37

2013 : END 38


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