PRINCIPAL PARTNER INVITATIONS – 2011 What is a Principal Partner?
A principal partner is a member organisation that helps to support the work of Pride in Diversity through sponsorships, advertising or the provision of goods or services, over and above membership fees. Principal Partners are essential to Pride in Diversity, particularly in these early years and provide a valuable way for members to contribute to the work of the program and at the same time, receive recognition for that contribution.
What recognition does a Principal Partner receive?
All Pride in Diversity Principal Partners (2011) will be acknowledged on the Pride in Diversity website and will be provided with a Principal Partner Pride in Diversity logo (2011) for use in both their internal and external marketing /collateral and on any collateral relevant to the sponsorship itself. Principal Partners will also receive exclusive branding or advertising opportunities relevant to the event, publication or service they are sponsoring/ contributing.
How does this differ from Foundation Members?
Our eight foundation members were with us from Day 1 and we recognise them for their contribution in both helping to fund the initial setup of the program, and for the contribution of their expertise and ideas on our Advisory Committee. For as long as our foundation members are members of Pride in Diversity, they will be promoted as such and their logos will continue to display on the website. Foundation Membership was applicable to year one only and as such, is no longer offered to organisations. Foundation Members who contribute over and above their yearly membership may also choose to participate in, and be recognised as a Principal Partner.
What options are available to me as a Principal Partner?
There are many ways in which a principal partner can contribute and we can speak to you in regard to this. Currently, we are looking for principal partners to assist us with: •
Sponsorship of PID forums and/or networking events (forums are 1.5-2.5 hour public seminars on LGBT topics relevant to members) and networking events are open to all member LGBT networks, allies and partners. These events for 2011 will be held in Canberra, Sydney and Melbourne. Sponsorship can be for one state or a mix of several. The sponsorship of two events will recognise you as a Principal Partner. Sponsorship of PID forums includes $2,200.00 funding contribution plus provision of venue and catering if you would like to hold the event in all three states (or alternatively, three events in the one state). Networking event incorporates $1,800.00 funding contribution, provision of venue (internal or external), light catering for all three states. Sponsoring organisation has the opportunity to welcome people to the event with all invitations branded, hosting recognition given and the opportunity to display banners throughout the room. Sponsors will be recognised in e-bulletin write-up of event and throughout any communications in which the event is mentioned.
Sponsorship of 2011 PID Workplace Guide (1 x only). Value of $6,000.00 plus GST. Sponsors receive 10 x hard copies, full page advertisement within the guide and front cover branding. Sponsors will also be acknowledged and thanked in opening pages of the guide. Guides go out to all members and are given out to prospective members throughout the course of the year.
Sponsorship of 2011 Public half to one day training forum, free to members, open to public – to be held in August. Sponsor required for Sydney, Melbourne and Canberra (one only in each state). Sponsoring organisation branding on all invites, handouts, banners throughout the room, opportunity to open the event and opportunity to co-host or conduct session at the event. Value of $3,000.00 plus venue and catering (morning and afternoon tea, light lunch). Sponsors will be recognised in e-bulletin write-up of event and throughout any communications in which the event is mentioned.
Several sponsorship packages for Pride in Diversity Sydney Business Luncheon. This will be a high profile business luncheon in which organisations (both members and non-members) can purchase corporate tables. High profile speakers. Quality event. Independent of corporate tables, event sponsors have an opportunity to place banners in the room, briefly speak at the event and be featured in all collateral. If you are interested, please call Pride in Diversity for more information. Sponsors will be recognised in e-bulletin write-up of event and throughout any communications in which the event is mentioned along with any media that the event attracts.
2011 Workplace Equality Index Awards Event Sponsorship (AFP have first right of refusal 2011) incorporates costs related to provision of venue, catering and drinks for high profile champagne reception to be held June 2011 in Sydney (venue to be negotiated between sponsor and PID). Sponsorship also includes contribution of $5,000.00 to Pride in Diversity to assist with event organisation, speakers, media and advertising. Opportunity to speak at the event as sponsor and opportunity to display Sponsor banners throughout the venue. Sponsors will be acknowledged at the event, recognised in e-bulletin write-up of event and throughout any communications in which the event is mentioned along with any media that the event attracts. Although top employers will be announced at this point, this is the event in which trophies and acknowledgements are formally presented. We do expect press interest. Expectations of between 50 - 150 people. We do expect this sponsorship to increase in value as the Index grows..
Sponsorship of the 2011 Australian Equality Index Results Publication. This publication will be along the same lines as the Stonewall Index publication, profiling the top organisations and providing benchmarking data along with examples of best practice. Sponsorship contribution of $7,000.00 plus GST. Sponsors receive 10 x hard copies, free full page advertisement or acknowledgement within the guide and exclusive front cover branding. This publication will go out to all members, media contacts, prospective members and will be available free of charge at all programs and events throughout the year as well as on the public PID website. (AFP has first right of refusal for 2011 guide).
Independent sponsorship contributions via way of funds or service. If you are able to assist Pride in Diversity with additional contribution of funds or service, we would be delighted to talk with you further and acknowledge your contribution via our Principal Partner Program.
Members contributing $20,000.00 or more will be recognised as Platinum Partners. Platinum partners will feature at the top of the Principal Partner list along with company logo, photo (optional) and short quote from an Executive on the Principal Partner page. Platinum partners will feature in a double-page interview in the following e-bulletin.