By: Amy E. Block 5
Introduction What is a rainforest? A rainforest is where most of the world’s plant and animal species live! Many tribes live here, some are modernized and some still have the same culture they had 100 years ago! The rainforest’s climate is tropical and is very hot and humid. Also, it rains a lot; on average 9 feet a year, to be exact! The average temperature in the rainforest during the summer is 80 o and winter is 40o! The latitude and longitude range is 5on-25os and 70ow40ow!
Where is the rainforest? The Amazon rainforest is in South America and contains Brazil, Columbia, Peru, Venezuela, Ecuador, Bolivia, Guyana, Suriname, and French Guiana! It is also in the southwestern hemisphere!
Plants Myrica Rubra The Myrica Rubra has long skinny leaves with berries in the middle! It grows mainly in the canopy layer. This plant’s main predator is a human since the humans eat the berries. The only thing that people use this plant for is food. This plant is a producer since it can produce its own food!
Orchid The orchid has many different colors and shapes. There are many kinds of orchids. This plant’s habitat is usually in the upper canopy. The main predator for the orchid is a human, mainly because it is cut down for its beauty. Orchids are indigenous to different places depending on what kind they are! This plant uses photosynthesis to make its food!
Rainforest Layers Emergent Layer The emergent layer is the highest layer in the rainforest. Few animals live in this layer. Some of the few that do are monkeys, birds, bats, and butterflies.
Canopy Layer
The canopy layer is the upper middle part of the rainforest. Most animals and plants live in this layer, such as toucans, tree frogs, and snakes. Some animals in this layer use camouflage to keep from becoming a carnivore’s next prey. Herbivores are animals that never eat any meat, such as the sloth.
Understory Layer The understory layer is the lower middle part of the rainforest. Many animals live here just like in the canopy layer. Some sun gets to this layer but not a lot since it has a lot of foliage. A few animals that live in this layer are leopards, jaguars, and the red-eyed tree frog.
Forest Floor The forest floor is the bottom of the rainforest and has little to no sunlight. Many decomposers live in this layer. Most insects and ant eaters live in this layer as well. Not many organisms live in this area, some do, but most live in the canopy and understory.
Animals Toucan The toucan uses his beak as an adaptation to get food! The toucan is an omnivore because it mainly eats fruits but sometimes eats insects or very small animals. This animal lives in the canopy layer. Big cats or snakes will
sometimes eat toucan. Many colors are on the toucans’ feathers that are very beautiful!
Piranha The piranha is a small fish that has big sharp teeth, up to 27-36 in its mouth! It lives in the Amazon River on the forest floor. Some animals that eat the piranha are caimans, pink dolphins, and native fish. The piranha eats fruits and seeds, but mainly meat, including fish
and humans (rarely)! The piranha adapts by having sharp teeth to tear things apart when it does eat meat!
Food Web
There are producers, consumers, and decomposers in this food web. The producers are all plants. The consumers are almost all other living things. Decomposers are organisms that eat all other dead organisms!
Tribes Yanomami The Yanomami tribe has no chief. This tribe is very nomadic because of deforestation, therefore they move around a lot. This tribe does not wear much clothing because it is so hot and humid. All the materials that they have are made in the rainforest! For shelter they use circular huts called malocas. Some even sleep in hammocks.
Aguaruna The Aguaruna live very modernly since people like us have gotten to them and shown them t-shirts, jeans, and other things. The village is very neat and modernized. They have huts that are made of rock and have a plant roof. They get food from the rainforest and use animal’s skin, teeth, bones, and also feathers as whatever they need. When the people of this tribe hunt they use pellet shotguns and wear head dresses during a celebration. But, when they do not have a celebration they will usually wear t-shirts and jeans.
Land Cover Map
Climate Map
Saving the Rainforest Deforestation-Humans cut down trees to make things such as paper products. Conservation-We can help the environment by conserving water, paper, and whatever else that usually comes from the rainforest. Ecotourism-When people visit habitats such as the rainforest, they can be harmful or harmless to the environment. With harmful, they can litter; with harmless, they can just visit and not do much of anything. The environment affects humans by giving off oxygen and also many fruits and animals. Some products that the rainforest gives us are bananas, Brazilian nuts, cashews, cocoa, herbal tea, ginger, and pineapple. People get around the rainforest by driving, walking, and boating on the Amazon River. They also transfer ideas from one place to another.
Amazon Rainforest Wordle
Rainforest Thank you for reading my book! Just think, now you know just a few things about the Amazon rainforest. But, if you will read this one last thing…each year about 2,700 million acres of trees are cut down. How long will the rainforest last? Forever? A few years? Or never? Help with the rainforest and keep it around forever and don’t let it go.
Sources Used %3D2&usg=__CaGeNbfZtDoRSCePcTmtzdsoXk=&h=413&w=550&sz=193&hl=en&start=20&zoom=0&tbnid=kvZBQQCMJ6 _1lM:&tbnh=100&tbnw=133&ei=pending&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dthe%2Bamazon%2Brainforest %26biw%3D987%26bih%3D447%26tbs %3Disch:1&um=1&itbs=1&iact=rc&dur=301&oei=YZCDTauuNpOugQe88YXECA&page=3&ndsp=11&ve d=1t:429,r:8,s:20&tx=65&ty=46 %28Astral+album%29&fulltext=Search&ns0=1 zenid=01231b4020b8d9520a14b4eec4dbe8f8 t_layer.htm