Avery P. S.S- B3
ppg. 1
Exploring the Rainforest
Science- B1
By: Avery P. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Title/cover page Pg4 Introduction- What is the rainforest? Pg.4 PHYSICAL FEATURES –discripture of climate, climate zone, average temp, average rainfall, map Pg. 4 CLIMATE MAP Pg.5 HUMAN ENVIORMENT INTERACTION- how do people affect the rainforest, deforestation, conservation, ecotourism, how does the environment affect people, what types of products do we get there, Pg. 6 MOVEMENT-how do people get around? 2
Pg. 7 LOCATION- continent, hemispheres, longitude & latitude, Pg. 7 LAND COVER MAP Pg.8 Region- What countries does the Amazon rainforest cover? Pg. 8 HUMAN FEATURES- Two tribes- 1. How do they live, 2? How is their village set up? 3.What do they use for shelter, 4.how do they use the products from the rainforest, 5. What is their culture like? Pg. 11 LAYERS- the four layers Pg.12 ANIMALS –appearance, habitat, predators, pray, adaptations Pg.14 PLANTS- two plants,-appearance, - habitat,- predators , - use for people Pg.16 Conclusion Pg. 17 Work sites
The Amazon rainforest is a wonderful place to visit. Before you go there are some things you need to know. The rainforest is a tall dense forest, that gets a high amount of rain every year and has a hot and humid climate.
A description of
this climate or general
temperature of this
area would be very hot
and humid. This
should be very obvious,
since it is just around
the equator. The
Amazon is in what is
called a tropical climate
zone. The average
temperature of this is
77 Fahrenheit. The
Amazon obviously gets
a lot of rain. The amount averages up to or over 260 inches per year.
Description: This map shows the climate of all the areas. 2
Human Environment-Interaction: There are many ways that people and their environment interact. The terms that fall into this category are Deforestation, the cutting down of trees. Conservation is the prevention of decay, waste, or loss. The third word is Ecotourism, tourism to places that have unspoiled natural resources. Deforestation- Some causes of deforestation are cattle ranching, logging, mining, and other kinds of farming. Conservation- There is many ways people are conserving the Amazon. Ways people are conserving the Amazon are planting trees, hunting laws, also the government has set up many enclosed reserves. Ecotourism- The Amazon is a natural built tourist attraction. There are good and bad things about ecotourism. Some of the good things are the Amazon getting attention, also from people learning how to preserve it on their tours. Some bad ways is that land has to be cleared, and the forest is being disturbed. Ways that people are trying to conserve it are by setting up organizations, and having the government use tax breaks for incentives.
There are also many ways that the rainforest affects people. A few ways it does is because we get products from there, it provides a home for Indians, and MOST IMPORTANTLY it gives us oxygen!!! Many products in the United States are indigenous. Or are a chacteristic or originate in a particular place or region. Products we get from the rainforest are cancer medicine, cacao, coffee, paper, and bananas, and many other fruits.
Movement: Not only people but animals travel around the rainforest in different ways. Judging the thickness of the forest it would be very difficult to travel through without a trail. That’s how many of the Amazonian people travel. They also travel by roads, canoes, and they move to transport goods, and they trade. A Nomad or a person that belongs to a people or tribe but is not permanently abode but travels from place to place. They travel by roads and trails.
Location: The Amazon is a large amount of land so it has no exact location. The Amazon is on the continent of South America. It is in the north, south, and western hemispheres. The latitude is 0, and 23 ½ north. The longitude is 75 west, and 45 east.
Description: This map shows the land that the rainforest covers.
Region: The Amazon rainforest covers a lot of regions. Most of the regions are Brazil, Bolivia, Colombia, Peru, Venezuela, Ecuador, Guyana, French Guiana, and Suriname. These nine countries all hold a part of the rainforest.
Human Features: There are many tribes in the Amazon. In this section you will learn about two of the many tribes. People of the tribes paint themselves to camouflage or disguise, hide, or deceive by means of camouflage by painting themselves. They also camouflage themselves by wearing costumes.
Tribe one: Yanomami The Yanomami live like any other tribe, they hunt, and they fish. Only the men and young boys hunt while women tend to the gardens. The men don’t eat their own kills. The Yanomami are not set up as a regular village. They have no chiefs. Instead of chiefs they have consensus. There is more than one person in this branch of government. They are normally the oldest and wisest of the tribe. 2
For shelter the Yanomami use large circular houses called yanos sometimes called yanos. The center of the house is used for celebrations and festivities. They can hold up to 400 people. Yanomami tribes use a lot of products from the rain forest. One of the most common things that they use is vines. After this they take the vines and mash them up. After that they wave the vines in the water to stun the fish and catch them. The yanomami have a very unique culture or belief of a certain group. They have spirits. In order to control these spirits you have to inhale snuff called yakoana. They also use the traditional blow guns.
Tribe two: the Ticuna The ticuna live in a different way than most tribes. They are very artistic. The ticuna make masks and costumes. They also speak the alofilo language. The masks represent the animals of the rain forest. They make jaguars, alligators, monkeys, and full body costumes. 2
Unlike the yanomami the ticuna tribe has a chief. The chief makes the decisions for the tribe. The chief usually stays within one family. The ticuna tribes live in long houses called malocas. Like the yanomami the center area of these houses are used for festivities and celebrations. Being in the rainforest the ticuna learn to use the resources the rainforest supplies. Recourses they use from the rainforest are bark to make bark cloths, wood to make sculptures, they also use wax, rubber, and gum for
Also like many other tribes the
ticuna believe in spirits. They
have good and bad sprits. The
good spirit of their culture is
nanook. The bad spirit of their
culture is loqasi.
Layers: 2
There are four layers of the rainforest. The layers in order go forest floor, understory, canopy, and emergent layer. All of which have their own distinct animals that live there. Giant ant eaters live on the forest floor, the very bottom layer, almost no plants, things decay quickly. The understory layer is the second layer, it gets very little sunlight and plants grow to twelve feet. Jaguars, red eyed tree frogs, and leopards live here. The canopy layer is the third layer. This forms the roof below the emergent layer. It has many leaves, branches, and animals. The animals that live there are snakes, toucans, and tree frogs. The emergent layer is the very top layer. This is the layer you can see from above. This layer is 200 ft above forest floor ,trunks measure 16 ft around. Eagles, monkeys, bats, and butterflies live here.
Animals: There are many varieties meaning living animal, human. There are many of rainforest. Also in the decomposers. These are
of organisms plant, or these in the rainforest are organisms that 2
break down dead animals. The energy transferred from one organism to another can be shown in a food web.
Animal one: Toucan If you have ever seen a toucan you will know that is a very small black bird with a very colorful beak. The habitat or natural environment of an organism for the toucan is a small hole in the canopy layer of the rainforest. This bird’s adaptation or characteristic that an individual has that improves its ability to survive and reproduce in an area, for the toucan this is a large strong beak to crack nuts. The predators or animal that eats all or part of another organism for the toucan would be humans and jaguars. A jaguar is a carnivore, meaning they only eat meat. They prey or an organism that is killed and eaten by another organism for the toucan is small birds, lizards, fruits, and berries. Toucans are omnivores also known as an organism that eats both plants and meat.
Animal two: Macaw
The looks of a macaw are very similar to those of a parrot. When you think of the appearance of a macaw you should see creamy white around the eyes, 2
red, yellow, blue body, and a long tail. The habitat of the macaw is in the canopy layer. When they mate, macaws live in dead holes in the trees. The predators of the macaw are jaguars and humans. This is because they are taken from their homes and sold for a lot of money. They prey or diet of a macaw consists of nuts, and foliage these are the leaves of trees or plants. They also eat berries, and seeds. This animal is an herbivore, an animal that only eats plants. The adaptation for this bird is having a very sharp beak to crack the nuts that it eats.
Plants are also a very important part of the environment. They provide food for many of the animals. All plants are producers. This means an organism that is able to produce its own food. Plants do this with a process called photosynthesis. This is a process when plants algae and some bacteria make their own food.
Plant one: Brazil nut tree
The Brazil nut tree is a very tall tree with leaves only at the top. You can find this tree in moist non-flooding lowlands. This tree like many others is affected by deforestation areas by making it not grow nuts, even if it is not cut down. The reason this tree is important is their nuts are very valuable, and we eat them!!!
Brazil nut tree
Plant two: coffee
The coffee berries are on a bush, once a flower it eventually is a red berry. The habitat of the coffee plant is at high altitude places on the forest floor. Some threats or predators that the coffee plant has are farmers trying to make a smaller version to grow more. Also many birds like the macaw like to eat the berries. This plant is valuable to many people all over the world because it makes our coffee that we drink. 2
Animal survive on each other for food. The energy transferred from animal to animal can be shown in a food web.
With the rainforest gone we are losing 80% of our world’s oxygen. Many people, animals, and plants depend on the rainforest for food and shelter. We need to unite and save our rainforest. At one time the rainforest covered 14% 0f our worlds land now it only covers 6%.Do you really know what we are losing?
Plants http://rainforest-alliance.org/kids/species-profiles
Animals Toucan-
http://www.srl.caltech.edu/personnel/krubal/rainforest/Edit560s6/www/animals.html, http://www.amersol.edu.pe/ms/7th/7block/jungle_research/new_cards/40/40card.html
TribesYanomami http://www.survivalinternational.org/tribes/yanomami/wayoflife#main Ticuna http://indian-cultures.com/Cultures/ticuna.html, http://www.catholicity.com/encyclopedia/t/ticuna_indians.html Human environment interactions 2
Deforestation http://rainforest-alliance.org/kids/facts/faq Discovery education video Conservation www.amazon.org Ecotourism http://web.mit.edu/12.000/www/m2006/final/solutions/sols_eco_tourism.html Physical features http://www.blueplanetbiomes.org/rainforest.htm
Pictures Worm
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Brazil nut tree
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banana tree
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imgurl=http://bengaltiger1999.files.wordpress.com/2008/07/jaguar.jpg&imgrefurl=http://bengaltiger1999.wordpress.com/2008/07/&usg=__XwqKNeiyU91lTKP5vWZGfWKVeos=&h=900&w=1152&sz=234&hl=en&start=0 &zoom=1&tbnid=7ET07p0nx0JDzM:&tbnh=149&tbnw=185&ei=hyiTTZj0O9SP0QGBk93MBw&prev=/images%3Fq%3Djaguar%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26safe%3Dactive%26sa%3DN%26rls%3Dcom.microsoft:enus%26biw%3D1003%26bih%3D463%26tbs%3Disch:1&um=1&itbs=1&iact=rc&dur=279&oei=eCiTTa_oG4S30QGb0MTNBw&page=1&ndsp=8&ved=1t:429,r:7,s:0&tx=89&ty=38>
toucan mask http://indian-cultures.com/Cultures/ticuna.html jaguar mask http://indian-cultures.com/Cultures/ticuna.html yanomami <
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