Harris H. Block 2
Introduction The Rainforest is a tall, dense jungle. It is where many organisms live. There are abiotic and biotic things there. There are many interesting things about the Amazon Rainforest. Like plants and animals that use adaptation , camouflage , some are carnivores , some are herbivores . Many of them are omnivores. You can learn about many things. I really think that climate is interesting. Especially how there are so many different temperatures. Did you know about the word flora ? How it means flower? The habitats of my animals are usually in the trees look at the animal section later in the book.
The poison-arrow frog is many colors (blue, green, yellow, red, orange, eTc.). The skin is shiny. The poison-arrow frog lives on The canopy level and walks on The foresT floor. They will live in Tall Trees. The poison-arrow frog is hunTed by large animals and is someTimes sTepped on by humans. The poison-arrow frog preys on small insecTs, anTs, spiders, and Tiny waTer animals. The poison-arrow frog uses iTs poison To defend iTself when iT feels or is in danger. usually a poison-arrow frog is a
nomad .
The Toucan is yellow, black and iT has bills wiTh a varieTy of colors. The Toucan lives on The canopy layer and They live in holes in Trees. Toucan is hunTed by poachers. The Toucan eaTs fruiTs, berries, small birds, and lizards. The Toucan sleeps and Turns iTs head so iT doesn’T choke. a Toucan is a famous consumer.
foresT floor very boTTom, flooded, gianT anTeaTer. undersTory layer 2nd layer from The boTTom, large-
leaved planTs, Jaguars, red-eye Tree frog, and leopards. canopy layer primary (middle), forms a roof, snakes, Toucans, Tree frogs. emergenT layer very Top, TallesT Trees, eagles, monkeys, baTs, and buTTerflies.
The kapok Tree is very Tall and very round. iT has a loT of leaves. when iT has fruiT iT can grow up To 5,000 pieces of fruiT. The kapok Tree lives on every layer. many animals and people eaT The fruiT of The kapok Tree. The kapok Tree helps TreaT fever, asThma, and kidney disease. remember ThaT The kapok Tree is a producer .
The sTrangler fig looks like vines, brown or gray, vary in sizes. iT sTarTs as a Tiny seed in The canopy layer, iT grows on The sides of Trees, usually large, and iT usually lives in every layer. many rainforesTs creaTures(rodenTs, baTs, frogs, birds) are predaTors . The sTrangler fig has no uses for people
Lizard Consumer
Kapok tree Producer
The Amazon rainforest is located in South America, it is in the Southwest and Northwest hemisphere. The longitude/latitude range is 14° 36' 17" S / 57° 39' 22" W. The climate there is warm and humid. It rains a lot there so it’s usually wet.
Yanomami TheY live in scaTTered villages ThroughouT The rainforesT. The villages are 2 or 3 huge houses called malocas, Their shelTer. TheY use leaves and branches To build malocas. TheY believe ThaT naTure creaTes everYThing. TheY also believe ThaT humaniTY is commiTing suicide. TheY wear verY liTTle cloThing. TheY eaT whaT TheY can kill in The rainforesT. ThaT is parT of Their culTure . This Tribe uses canoes made bY hand and TheY walk dirT roads. TheY someTimes Trade goods wiTh oTher Tribes.
The huli TheY live in The remoTe highland foresTs of papua new guinea. TheY live in large houses ThaT separaTe men and women. TheY live in verY large houses ThaT can house up To 300 aT a Time. TheY use The colored claY of The rainforesT, Tree bark, and feaThers for decoraTions and houses. TheY hunT and kill for food and cloThes, which TheY don’T wear a loT of. TheY use roads, boaTs, and Trade goods.
Deforestation - The Cutting Down Of Trees Deforestation is very bad because trees give off oxygen and is a home to many animals. If trees keep being cut down there will be no place for some animals to live. When the people come in and cut down the trees for paper, lumber, etc.
Ecotourism - Tourist That Don’t Damage The Environment This is a good thing because tourist should leave the natural resources, artifacts, trees, and animals alone. This could help some things live longer and keep oil from human hands ruining things. This is when the tourist do not damage anything in the environment. This causes some things in the rainforest to possibly live longer.
Conservation - To Try To Keep The Environment The Way It Is
This way plants and animals would live longer. The environment would be healthier. The water and air would be cleaner. This is the process which people believe that the environment should stay the way it is. They stand up for the reason. I believe that this is very necessary.
www.rainforesTs.mongabay.com www.naTionalzoo.si.edu
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Let’s save the rainforest because it is home to so many animals, plants, and people. I now understand what the rainforest is and the effect it has on the world. The rainforest is probably one of the most important ecosystems on the planet. I wish the rainforest was at its fullest. I disagree with deforestation and cattle ranching. If it keeps up the rainforest may be gone. The people that use the resources in the rainforest are damaging it. That’s what I learned. You have to ask yourself “is this right?” Understanding that damaging this delicate piece of Earth is very wrong, I suggest we make a difference. We can send funds and sign petitions to stop deforestation. Let’s conserve the rainforest. I see the damage humankind can do. If we tear down the rainforest TWENTY PERCENT of the Earth’s oxygen is gone. Ask yourself “can I make a difference?” “Will I try to make a difference?” and….
“Can we live with 80% of the world’s oxygen?”