Jacob S. - Block 2

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The AmAzon RAinfoResT

By: JAcoB s. Block:2 finished pRoducT

inTRoducTion A RAinfoResT is dense foResT found in TRopicAl AReAs of heAvy RAinfAll, The TRees ARe BRoAdleAved And eveRgReen, And The vegeTATion Tends To gRow in fouR lAyeRs. The AmAzon RAinfoResT is locATed in 9 counTRies TheRe nAmes ARe BRAzil, BoliviA, peRu, ecuAdoR, colomBiA, venezuelA, guyAnA, suRinAme, fRench guyAnA. sAdly The AmAzon RAinfoResT is going ThRough defoResTATion oR desTRucTion of A foResT.

humAns cAuse defoResTATion in RAinfoResTs ARound The woRld, They use BulldozeRs, chAinsAws, Rigs, And Axes And wedges.

TRiBes TRiBe 1 yAnomAmi

The TRiBe is scATTeRed ARound The AmAzon RAinfoResT, The villAge is seT up By mAlocAs oR TheiR shelTeR, They use leAves And BRAnches To mAke TheiR mAlocAs. They geT All Types of food fRom The RAinfoResT. They Also mAke wild AnimAls fRom The RAinfoResTs Jungle TheiR peTs. Also They weAR veRy liTTle cloThing And They hunT wiTh Bows And ARRows. They fish in hAnd mAde cAnoes. They ARe indigenous oR known To A ceRTAin plAce in The AmAzon RAinfoResT. in TheiR culTuRe oR Things They do Religiously They pieRce TheRe Body pARTs To puT sTicks ThRough TheiR Body.

TRiBe2 huli They live in RemoTe highlAnd foResTs of pApuA new guRueA lARge houses sepARATe men And women They live in lARges homes. They use coloRed clAy, leAves, BARk, feATheRs foR A vARieTy of Things They hunT And eAT The Things They kill And weAR liTTle cloThes.

The emeRgenT lAyeR is The Top lAyeR hAs The TAllesT TRees

AnimAls TheRe ARe monkeys, eAgles, BATs, And, BuTTeRflies. The cAnopy lAyeR The Top of The TRee BuT undeR The emeRgenT lAyeR This is The pRimARy lAyeR of The foResT And foRms A Roof oveR The Two RemAining lAyeRs mosT cAnopy TRees hAve smooTh, ovAl foliAge oR leAves ThAT come To A poinT The AnimAls ThAT live TheRe ARe snAkes, ToucAns, And TRee fRogs. The undeRsToRy lAyeR iT’s The lAyeR undeRneATh The cAnopy lAyeR, liTTle sunshine ReAches This AReA so The plAnTs hAve To gRow lARgeR leAves To ReAch The sunlighT The plAnTs in This AReA seldom gRow To 12 feeT The AnimAls ThAT live TheRe ARe consumeRs oR Things ThAT eAT oTheR Things They ARe JAguARs, Red-eyed TRee fRogs And leopARds. The foResT flooR lAyeR is The BoTTom of The foResT wheRe The TRee TRunks ARe iT’s veRy dARk down heRe AlmosT no plAnTs gRow in This AReA, As A ResulT. since hARdly Any sun ReAches The foResT flooR Things Begin To decAy quickly The AnimAls ThAT live TheRe ARe giAnT AnTeATeRs. They decAy BecAuse of decomposeRs oR Things ThAT BReAk down Things.


The AppeARAnce oR The wAy They look is ThAT The squiRRel monkeys hAve A slendeR Build coAT wiTh A shoRT gRAyish dense coloR To iT. The eARs, ThRoAT, heAd, BAck, And legs ARe yellow To gRAy- gReen. The fAce is whiTe. They Also hAve nAils insTeAd of clAws, And They use TheiR long TAils To cAmouflAge oR Blind in wiTh nATuRe ARound Them And They use Them To hAng upside down. The hABiTAT oR plAce weRe The AnimAl lives of The squiRRel monkey is The noRTheRn pART of souTh AmeRicA peRu, BoliviA, pARAguAy, BRAzil, And cosTA RicA. The pRedAToRs oR AnimAl ThAT eATs AnoTheR AnimAl is eAgles, BABoons, And poRcupines. The pRey oR food ThAT is eATen By A pRedAToR of iT is All insecTs. The AdApTATions/A wAy A AnimAl chAnges To iTs

enviRonmenT is TheRe The coloR of The TRee BRAnches And TheRe long TAil looks like A TRee BRAnch. The monkey is Also nomAdic oR TRAvels A loT.

The AppeARAnce of The poison dART fRog is ThAT They ARe BRighT coloRed fRogs usuAlly Red oR Blue.’ The hABiTAT of The AnimAl is A wARm humid plAce like souTh AmeRicA, TheRe mAinly found AT The foResT flooR. The poison dART fRog hAs no pRedAToRs mosT AnimAls TRy To ignoRe iT. The poison dART fRog eATs smAll cRickeTs spideRs oR insecTs (smAll). The AdApTATion of The fRog is ThAT iTs eAsily seen By pRedAToRs BuT hAs poisoned skin so iT’s ABle To geT AwAy.

food weB

TheRe ARe omnivoRes oR AnimAls

ThAT eAT BoTh plAnTs And meAT heRe. And TheRe’s heRBivoRes oR AnimAl ThAT eATs plAnTs To.

plAnTs The AppeARAnce of The coRkscRew plAnT is A Big gReen five leAfed cloveR. iTs hABiTAT is in weT AReAs like swAmps. The coRkscRew plAnT hAs no pRedAToRs, BuT iT does eAT AlmosT All insecTs ThAT will fiT inside of iT. The coRkscRew plAnT hAs only one use, iT is used foR keeping Bugs AwAy By eATing Them. The coRkscRew plAnT is Also A pRoduceR oR Thing ThAT supply’s iTs own food.

The venus flyTRAps AppeARAnce is A TAll plAnT wiTh liTTle fAngs ATTAched To A liTTle flAp ouTside iTs mouTh. The hABiTAT of iT is in weT plAces oR foResTs wiTh A loT of Bugs. The venus flyTRAp hAs no pRedAToRs. iT Also hAs no ReAl use foR humAns excepT keeping Bugs AwAy fRom people By eATing Them. The plAnT is A consumeR oR someThing ThAT eATs oTheR Things. iTs Also A cARnivoRe oR AnimAl ThAT eATs only meAT.

siTe souRces 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

www.srl.caltech.edu/personnel/.../rainforest/.../whlayers.ht ml www.http://dictionary.reference.com www.edu.pe.ca/southernkings/sqmonkey.htm www.waynesword.palomar.edu/dartfrog.htm www.nationalzoo.si.edu/Animals/.../Facts/factpoisondartfrog.cfm


i like This pRoJecT BecAuse i leARned while doing A fun pRoJecT. The mosT inTeResTing Thing on This whole pRoJecT wAs The plAnTs.

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