Welcome to the Amazon Rainforest
Introduction What do you know about the
Amazon Rainforest? This is a book about the Amazon Rainforest and features that it has. The rainforest is a beautiful place to visit. They’re more than one rainforest in the world. The Amazon is one of them. The Amazon Rainforest is a rainy place were over 2,000species of animals live. The climate zone is tropical wet to dry and the average rainfall is 40-80+.The year around temperature is 79F. The Amazon Rainforest is in South America and is in 8 or 9 of the 13 countries in South America. The Rainforest is near the equator. Most of the Amazon is in the northern part of South America. The three hemispheres for the Amazon are north, south, and west. The latitude is 0 degreesto 15 degreessouth and the longitude is 45 degreesto 75 degrees west.
Layers The layers of a rainforest is home
to many animals. The layers are the forest floor, understory, canopy, and the emergent.
The Emergent layer- The emergent layer is home to mainly birds but monkeys, butterflies, and bats also live there to. This layer is very hot, the hottest layer of the rainforest. The Canopy layer- The canopy layer is home to monkeys, and snakes. This layer of the tree is the third highest layer of the tree. It gets some light from the emergent. A type of snake that lives in the canopy is the Boa constrictor. It uses camouflage and blends into the leaves of the tree and nature. The Understory layer-The understory layer is home to jaguars, gingers, and passion flowers. The understory is a dark layer that barley gets any light becauseof the emergent keeps all of it out. The forest floor-The forest floor layer is home to rats, bugs, armadillos, and anteaters. The forest floor has very little light. The forest floor is the bottom the tree. Not as many animals wonder around on the forest floor as they do in the in trees.
Animals Giant anteaters are carnivores. They live on the forest floor were ants and bugs are. They get barely any light. Anteaters love ants and termites; they are the main prey for anteaters. Their tongues can get to 7in’s long so that they can get to the bottom of the mound, and get all the ants or termites out. Ant eaters usually have to adapt/adaptation and get used too many armadillos becausethey are on the floor and usually looks for bugs and worms. The predators of the anteater are jaguars, and snakes. Boa constrictors are big meat eaters. They are carnivores. They live in the canopy. They get sun shine from the emergent. They have to adapt to a lot of leaves and a lot of monkeys. It’s kind of hard for the constrictor to catch the monkeys because there so fast. The snake does not have a lot of predators the only thing that eats the snake is the jaguar, large birds, and tribes. The snake eats monkeys, rats, birds, and sometimes eats cats like the jaguar.
Plants The saprophytes are usually white and a yellowish stem. Their habitat is that they always live on dead things, and they decompose the body in till there is nothing left. It is a decomposer that eats the left over’s of the use to be organism. Strangler figs are straight hard brown vines that are not barkey.They live on other trees, and grow fruit for the birds and monkeys to eat off of so that when they eat it they drop it somewere else and it grows another strangler fig. The strangler fig is a producer it produsesfruit for the animals.
Tribes The Yanomami tribe is splite into two areas 15,000live in Venezuela and 9,000in Brazil. Their territory is the size of Austria. People are invading them when the outside world is cutting down trees and deforestation. They live in multifamily homes, and marry inside of their family. They are all omnivores they eat more than just plants they eat meat to. They live in cone shaped houses.They get their food by hunting, fishing, and gathering fruit. They speak only one language. They are a nomadic tribe they have been there for a very long time. The Indians get around the rainforest by canoes, walking, and roads.
The Machiguenga tribe is an indigenous tribe to the jungle of Southeastern Peru and the border region. Their culture was severely put under strain by the Europeans when they arrived. The tribe lives along the border of Peru, Bolivia and Brazil region. They are also known as the Matsigenka, Machigenga or Matsigenga. Loggers and miners have been clearing new roads to into the Amazon Rainforest inhabited by these uncontacted groups of Machiguengas,putting their survival in jeopardy.
-Yanomami tribe
Machegaunga tribe-
The rainforest used to be a lot larger then it is now. It was 14%now it is only 6%.It is losing so many trees from the deforestation, mining, cattle ranching, farming, and when tribes cut down the trees for their homes. Everyday a tree gets cut down an animal gets hurt. A lot of the animals are dyeing and endangered becausethey have no place to stay or live. The animals of the amazon are Loggers and miners have been clearing new roads to into the Amazon Rainforest inhabited by these
uncontacted groups of Machiguengas,putting their survival in jeopardy.
Recourses: http://www.srl.caltech.edu/personnel/krubal/rainforest/Edit560s6/www/plants.html http://www.blurtit.com/q2264525.html www.jessstryker.com/ www.flickr.com Â
http://www.animalwebguide.com/Jaguar.htm http://www.gymmuenchenstein.ch/stalder/klassen/hie/indigenous/yan.htm http://www.survivalinternational.org/tribes/yanoma