The rainforesT is in nine counTries in souTh america. The rainforesT climaTe is a hoT and humid Tropical place ThaT is a habiTaT for many planTs and has a bunch of foliage. do noT even Think abouT killing anoTher planT or animal wiTh deforesTaTion There are also carnivores and herbivores. This Tropical land mass has almosT 9 feeT a year
The amazon is made up of many layers The Top being The emergenT layer where The hawks and The eagles fly above Their prey. The second highesT layer is The canopy This layer is made up of smooTh oval leaves and The Tops of The highesT Trees. The Third highesT is called The under sTory iT is righT under The canopy and has very liTTle sunlighT. The lasT buT noT leasT is The foresT floor which has almosT no sunlighT aT all depending where you are. Those layers are filled wiTh decomposers and consumers. The amazon lives in nine brazil, bolivia, peru, ecuador, colombia,
venezuela, guyana, suriname, french guiana. The amazon is 0-15n 45-75w.
The cocoa tree The cocoa tree is a small tree that bears cocoa nut. The top of this tree is not even close to the canopy it is somewhere in the understory layer.
This tree is used for the chocolate that the nuts bear.
The orchid This flower lives on trees so that it can get sunlight to make sure that it doesn’t die and make sure that PHOTSYNTHESIS can occur These flowers can be many colors including white, yellow, orange, red, purple. This flower is used for its beauty around houses and other places.
The greaT spider monkey
The spider monkey has a brown, whiTe, black coaT. This organisms adapTaTion To The rainforesT To sleep aT nighT The spider monkey has To build a new bed every nighT, and also has To adapT To The canopy where iT lives. The prey To The spider monkey is insecTs buT 90% of iTs dieT is fruiT. The predaTor To The spider monkey is jaguars, large snakes, and The oceloTs. The spider monkey is a omnivore.
The pray manTis can be in many colors. These pay manTis’s live on anyThing ThaT can camouflage iTself The pray manTis uses This camouflage To hunT They eaT Their prey, and They go for The head firsT. They eaT buTTerflies and oTher kinds of insecTs They even eaT humming birds. predaTors of The prey manTis are birds.
yanonmai Tribe The Yonamami tribe The Yonamami live in large circular homes called yanos or shabonos and they have to work for everything they get, the women have to plant garden to provide food for their family. The men hunt game the men and women go fishing to also provide food for their family. The Yonamami tribe is sit up in hundreds of small villages, made up of families and one large communal dwelling called the shabono. The villages have 40 to 300 people. Each community has their own beliefs. These people hunt with spears and bows. The Yonamami tribe is indigenous Amazon. this tribe is nomadic like other tribes these means that they have to move to better farm land.
The Machiganga Tribe They live off of the land around them to provide food and shelter. Their villages are set up in a community just like ours. They use all of their resources for food. They believe in the spirit world therefore, everything has a spirit that is their culture. They mainly move around the rainforest through trails and small roads.
Description: This map explains the deforestation areas and where the rainforest still is.
Human Environment Interaction
The tribe in the rainforest farm or cattle ranch, they also mine and deforest the Amazon and destroy plants and animals and their habitat. the tribe people also cut down tree to build trails and road like passage ways top travel.
Please conserveate the Rainforest and do not destroy it. Do not ever cut down those trees because you don’t know what kinds of animals live there. The rainforest used to cover 14% of the Earth’s surface; now it only covers 6%. Do not dare cut down one tree.
Citations: media center Videos, and the atlas book, the social studies book, www.Amazon rainforest .net,www.cultures/rainforest/Yonamami Google/images/spider monkey,and prey mantis