Table of Contents *Introduction *Saving the Rainforest *Human Environmental Interaction *Land Cover Map *Layers *Climate and Climate Map *Animals *Food Web *Description of Food Web *Plants *Tribes *Movement *Conclusion *Citation Page *Citation Page continued
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Amazon Rainforest Amazon Rainforest Amazon Rainforest Amazon Rainforest
Introduction What is the Amazon Rainforest?
Amazon Rainforest
The Amazon Rainforest is the largest most magnificent Rainforest in the world. I guess you are wondering well where is this “Amazon Rainforest?” . It is in South America, the North, South and western hemispheres. The latitude is 0 degrees and 15 degrees north and the longitude is 45 degrees west and 75 degrees west to be exact. It covers 9 countries which are: Brazil, Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru, Colombia, Venezuela, Suriname, French Guiana, and Guyana. The rainforest is a tropical forest and it is usually of tall, densely
growing, broad-leaved evergreen trees in an area of high annual rainfall. SAVE THE TREES
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Saving the Rainforest
Deforestation Chart
Why save the Rainforest?
Deforestation is occurring in the Rainforest daily. Did u know that an area of a rainforest the size of a football field is being destroyed each second? That is why we need to Conserve on paper and other products from the Rainforest. 1 out of 4 ingredients in our medicine is found in Rainforest plants. 20 % of our oxygen comes from the Rainforest. Oxygen comes from trees and if you cut down the trees, no more oxygen, animals lose their Habitat’s and I don’t think we want wild animals living in our backyards. So SAVE THE RAINFOREST.
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Human Environmental Interaction How do we as humans affect the Amazon? There are a lot of ways that humans affect the Amazon Rainforest .Like; mining, Deforestation, Ecotourism, and cattle ranching. Recycling also helps. We mine gold, copper, diamonds, metals, and gemstones. Cattle Ranching means cutting down trees it is the same as Deforestation. Ecotourism is to go somewhere and not harm it. For instance if scientist where going to study a new plant in the rainforest they would have to go and not harm anything.
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Layers of the Rainforest
Page 6 of 17 Layers Is the Rainforest divided into layers?
There are 4 layers of the Amazon Rainforest. The very top layer is the Emergent Layer. It has the tallest trees, tall as 200 feet above the forest floor, the tree trunks are 16 feet around, and they are hardwood evergreens. The animals that live there are Eagles, Monkeys, Bats and Butterflies. The next layer is the Canopy. It is in the middle or it is the primary level. The leaves are smooth and oval .The animals that live there are snakes, toucans, and tree frogs. The next layer is the Understory .It is above the ground. The trees in the Understory grow to be about 12 feet. The Understory is a Habitat for the Jaguar, Redeyed Tree frog, and the Leopard. The Forest Floor is the last layer in the Rainforest. It is the very bottom. Organisms decay very quickly there because of Decomposer’s. Page 7 of 17
Precipitation Chart
Climate I know that the Rainforest is hot but what else?
The Climate in the Rainforest is hot and humid. The average temperature is 79 degrees. The average rainfall is 80 inches, in some places over 430 inches.
Page 8 of 17 Animals
What are some of the Animals in the Rainforest?
With its striking coat, the Jaguar has a look of royalty. It lives in wet lowland areas, like the Understory. The jaguar actually has Predators such as humans and other Jaguars. Their Prey is Tapirs, Sloth, Toucans, Monkeys and lots of other animals in the Rainforest. The Jaguar has to Adapt to his or her surroundings in order to live. Some ways they Adapt are getting food, dealing with weather conditions, and how to Camouflage in with their surroundings. A Jaguar is a Herbivore and a Carnivore so they are Omnivores. The Toucan is a very large and colorful bird it also has a short and thick neck .The Toucans Predator is an Eagle. Toucans also Adapt to their environment by living in small flocks or in pairs. They also Adapt to their surroundings by using their beaks to eat food. Page 9 of 17
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What are some useful plants in the Rainforest?
The Foxglove is a very important plant. It looks like tiny bells hanging off of a big stem. It is ‘hairy’ and tall. It comes in all different colors, like people. It can be white, purple, and pink. Its Habitat is the Forest Floor. Believe it or not but the Foxglove’s Predator’s are humans, here is why. The Foxglove can treat heart problems and headaches. The tea can aid in birth control. The orchid is an epiphyte. It can vary in shape, color, and size. The orchid’s Habitat is the Canopy Layer. The orchids Predator are humans. The orchid has a strong fragrance and a lot of families plant them. Both the Foxglove and the Orchid are Producers. They also have Foliage. These plants go through a process called Photosynthesis.
Yanomami Page 12 of 17
Tribes Who lives in the Rainforest/what people live in the Rainforest?
The Yanomami Tribe is a group of people in the Amazon Rainforest. They are Amerindian people. Yanomami people are both Nomadic and Indigenous. I think the Yanomami people have a cool Culture. There village life is centered around the Yano, or communal house. The Yano is a large and circular building constructed of vines and leaf thatch and there is a small living space in the middle. They also hunt a lot. The Yanomami people live along the Brazilian-Venezuelan border. The population is 26,000. Another group of people is the Kayapo people. They live in the eastern Amazon region. They live along the Xingu River near Para. They are also Amerindian groups .They are very fierce warriors and they often fight among themselves. The Kayapo people have contact with; squatters, loggers, miners, and Brazilian Government officials. They live in the Tropical Rainforest and the Savanna (grassland) .They believe that at death that a person goes to the village of the dead. The Kayapo population is 7,096.
Page 13 of 17 Movement How do you get around in the Amazon? There are multiple ways you can get around the rainforest. Small boats or canoes would help because the tribes make canoes out of trees. Of course walking by foot. Another way of movement is exchanging goods and ideas with other countries. Small airplanes could even be used but it would be the opposite of Ecotourism .
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Conclusion Orchids, foxgloves, toucans, and jaguars are all amazing creatures in the rainforest. How are you going to help? Will you reuse a piece of paper, or will u recycle? SAVE THE RAINFOREST!!!!
Page 15 of 17 Citation Page www.amazonrainforest.ecology.html %3A1&sa=1&q=deforestation+in+the+amazon+rainforest&aq=3&aqi=g10&aql=&oq=deforestation %2520rainforest.jpg&imgrefurl= %2520layers.html&usg=__vl7t8VUV-iFxPuZtbPyXEnSwCQ=&h=480&w=327&sz=92&hl=en&start=0&zoom=1&tbnid=WpiFgTdRbPaFvM:&tbnh=158&t bnw=118&ei=pmCTTdTfNqjg0gHx583NBw&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dlayers%2Bof%2Bthe%2Brainforest%26um %3Disch:1&um=1&itbs=1&iact=rc&dur=801&oei=pmCTTdTfNqjg0gHx583NBw&page=1&ndsp=10&ved=1t:429 ,r:1,s:0&tx=32&ty=45 %26biw%3D1003%26bih%3D463%26tbs %3Disch:10%2C646&um=1&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=125&vpy=198&dur=352&hovh=170&hovw=297&tx=128&ty =174&oei=JmGTTbS8NMyO0QG7lOXNBw&page=3&ndsp=8&ved=1t:429,r:4,s:17&biw=1003&bih=463
1&ie=UTF-8&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&biw=1003&bih=463 Page 16 of 17us&q=saving+the+rainforest&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.&wrapid=tlif130150375299810&safe=active&um= 1&ie=UTF-8&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&biw=1003&bih=463 = Microsoft office word document 2007 Smart notebook 2010
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