By: Garrett H. b3
final product
By: Garrett hinson
Table of Contents 1.
Brief Look over the rainforest
2.Howler Monkey 3.The Giant Water Lily 4.The Ticuna Tribe 5.The pineapple 6.The sloth 7.Layers of the rainforest 8.
The Yanomami
9.Geography features 10.
Climate description
Transportation in rainforest
Human/Environment interactions
Food web
The Amazon rainforest is in South America. Parts of the rainforest are in the countries of Brazil Bolivia Suriname Peru Ecuador Colombia French Guiana and Guiana. The Amazon rainforest is amazing. It is also home to the Amazon River. It is the largest rainforest in the world. It provides one fifth of the world’s oxygen. That’s a lot!!!!! It might sound good and dandy but it is being cut down for deforestation. We have to save it or else. You also might be wondering what a rainforest is? It is a forest that’s tropical and it rains a lot. Go figure it’s in the name.
Howler monkey Howler monkeys are pretty cool. They are loud. That’s why they are called howler monkeys. They really howl! They are a brown/reddish color. Some also have black fur. They love the tree tops. They are herbivores. They are not carnivores. They want to eat leaves, FRUITS, NUTSAND FLOWERS.THEYHOWLTO LET OTHERSKnow NOT TO COMEINTO THEIR TERRITORY.One adaptation they USEis THEIRTAILSTO SWINGTHROUGHTHETREESTO GETFROMPLACETO PLACE.But you may think their predators are jaguars but their biggest threat is us humans. We cut down their habitat and they don’t have anywhere to live.
Giant water lily
T here are many beautiful plants in the rainforest. But one that is very pretty is the giant water lily. It is huge it has a six feet spread. It likes to live in a tropical climate. It grows best in calm parts of lakes and rivers. It is a producer because it pollinates other plants so they can grow and let other animals eat them. Their predators are birds and insects because they eat the water lilies foliage. Its adaptation is that is has pointy leaves to frighten off other birds and insects.
Ticuna tribe The Ticuna tribe is a tribe that is very rich in culture. They use ceremonies to deal with everyday events. One example is that when a person dies they are placed into a canoe to cross the river of death. They are also very artistic. There village structure consists of 25 families in a village. They live in communal houses(one family to a house). There housesare very well organized. The tribes that are closer to rivers have stilts on them to protect them from flooding. Someof the natural recourses they use are bark to make cloth. Also they use poison from vines and put it into the creeks and that stuns the fish gills so they have to come to the surface to get air. Since they do that the Ticuna go pick them up to get food. Also they will cut down a tree to make a canoe so they can go fishing. Their main source of food is fish If they live by a river or creek.
The pineapple The pineapple is a fruit that tastes great. It is 2.5 to 5 feet tall. It has a spread of 3 to 4 feet. It is a living organism. It lives in a tropical temp range of 65-95 degreesf’. the Amazon RAINFORESTIS A GOODCLIMATEFORIT TO GROWIN. The pineapple isn’t just for eating it is also used as a folk medicine. It can be gargled for sore throat. It is also taken as diuretic and to expedite labor. But…nematodes can turn the fruit into a brown mush. Mealy bugs can attack leaf basesand make the plant wilt. Decomposers are very important to this plant becausethey make the rich soil to grow in.
The sloth THESLOTHIS A FUNNY ANIMAL. A SLOTHIS A REALLYSLOWANIMAL. THEREHABITAT IS THETREES. THEYHAVEGRAYISHHAIR AND AREABOUTTHESIZEOFA SMALLDOG.THEYHAVE SHORTFLAT HEADS. THEYLIVE IN THERAINFOREST.THERECAMOFLAUGEIS TO SLEEPIN BALL CURLEDUP IN A TREESO JAGUARSWONTSEETHEM. They are jaguars prey. You may think a really slow animal would eat a lot becausehe would be fat but you’re wrong!!!!! The sloths are slow becausethey are slow. They need very little food becauseof slow metabolism. But when they do eat they feed on fruit leaves, buds, and twigs. The sloths are really a funny animal.
Layers of the rainforest
There are four different layers in the rainforest. The first is the emergent layer. It has 200ft trees and 16 ft in diameter. Most of the trees are hard evergreen trees or broad leaf trees. The animals that live in the emergent layer are eagles, monkeys, and butterflies. The next layer is the canopy layer. It is the second highest layer in the rainforest. It has smooth oval leaves with many branches. It is home to snakestoucans and tree frogs. The understory layer is the layer that is the second lowest layer. It has
very big leaves becauseof very little sunlight. Jaguars, redeye tree frogs, and leopards live in this layer. The next layer is the forest floor. It is the lowest layer. It is very dark there so things decay quickly. There aren’t many animals in the forest floor but there are giant anteaters.
The Yanomami tribe
The Yanomami tribe is a tribe full of wonders. The still live like they did thousands of years ago. They do not have any western influence. The men do not wear cloths. Women do not wear shirts. Sometimes they will decorate their bodies with flowers. Also the Yanomami will have cross cousin marriages. The Yanomami village consists of cone shape houses.They use wood to make housesand flowers to make baskets.
Geography features The coordinates/range of the rainforest is 5*n 75*w 13*s 50*s. The rainforest is very big. Its hemispheres are north south and west. It lies in 9 countries. It is huge!!!!! There are also many trees.
Climate description The Amazon wet and tropical. temperature of the degrees. The in is tropical. The the Amazon 175 inches a year As you can see my shows 5 climates of South America.
rainforest is very The average rainforest is 79 climate zone it is average rainfall of rainforest is 60 to that’s a lot!!!!!!!!!! climate map the rainforest/
Transportation rainforest
in the
Transportation in the rainforest is very difficult. Densejungle is near impossible to travel through. One
thing people do is they build roads. It’s not i-85 or 74 but it gets people around. Also transportation is important for ecotourism. One thing they do is travel by boat. Also canoesare important for tribes. They will go fishing on them. Also they will use them to exchange goods and trade. Also tribes will do the easiest and simple list thing and that is to walk.
Human/environment interaction Humans are having a huge impact on the environment in the Amazon. We are killing it faster than it can grow. We are cutting down trees. Every year large areas of forest are cut down or burned for agriculture. The climate of the rainforest would drastically change. Also mining is another reason for deforestation. But cattle ranching is having the greatest impact on the
Amazon rainforest. Some of the natural recourses that we get from the rainforest are oxygen. That is probably the most important recourse we get from the rainforest. If we didn’t get that we would die. Also we cut down trees for wood to make furniture. If we cut down the rainforest we would lose all the medical plants we get. They are very important becausethey are known cancer fighting products. Ecotourism a good thing and a bad thing. It is a good thing becauseit tries to get people to help save the rainforest by getting beautiful pictures to show to people. But the bad side of that is when they get In a boat to go into the
forest the motor is spitting oil into the river and it could kill the fish.
The food web above shows the way the circle of life is in the rainforest. The only omnivore is the parrot. The others are herbivores and carnivores. The producers are very important becausethey make food. Also the decomposers are important becausethat they decompose things and that helps the producers grow.
Summary of the story As you could tell from the story that the rainforest is a very special place. It is also a very important place. We have to save from being destroyed! You need to look for ways to save it or we will lose something valuable. Don’t wait it might be too long. So hurry help save the rainforest!!!!!!!!!!
Citations http;// %2520monkey.jpg&imgrefurl= en&start=28&zoom=1&tbnid=out0ijYG4kgDLM:&tbnh=132&tbnw=168&ei=ksuVTd-hMe-K0QHdzIz5Cw&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dhowlermonkey%26hl %3Disch:1&itbs=1&iact=rc&dur=1331&oei=d8uVTailGsKV0QGF0YzuCw&page=4&ndsp=10&ved=1t:429,r:4,s:28&tx=79&ty=79 %2520monkey.jpg&imgrefurl= en&start=28&zoom=1&tbnid=out0ijYG4kgDLM:&tbnh=132&tbnw=168&ei=ksuVTd-hMe-K0QHdzIz5Cw&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dhowlermonkey%26hl %3Disch:1&itbs=1&iact=rc&dur=1331&oei=d8uVTailGsKV0QGF0YzuCw&page=4&ndsp=10&ved=1t:429,r:4,s:28&tx=79&ty=79 %252BTICUNA%252BE%252BHELIO.jpg&imgrefurl= %3D463%26tbs %3Disch:1&itbs=1&iact=rc&dur=637&oei=qMyVTfGfNtKP0QGWlPGODA&page=12&ndsp=11&ved=1t:429,r:4,s:104&tx=101& gres? imgurl= ples.html&usg=__B6ClbyGSvwvEsDhwKfapHTpcs6c=&h=486&w=648&sz=59&hl=en&start=68&zoom=1&tbnid=NssIuKrkF12CyM:&tbnh=127&tbnw=173 &ei=jM2VTcCvNYjj0gHZ3eH-Cw&prev=/ %3D1003%26bih%3D463%26tbs %3Disch:1&itbs=1&iact=rc&dur=398&oei=ac2VTYuzOcWV0QG90qTpCw&page=7&ndsp=11&ved=1t:429,r:0,s:68&tx=108&ty=107ty=53
taught/&usg=__gSjk27YVuWPmOZn7_wxyzGJdmS4=&h=413&w=550&sz=136&hl=en&start=0&zoom=1&tbnid=q6FGjgVtGabw5M:&tbnh=157&tbnw=20 9&ei=3c2VTb6hGoqa0QGy3Ln3BA&prev=/ %3D1003%26bih%3D463%26tbs %3Disch:1&itbs=1&iact=rc&dur=279&oei=3c2VTb6hGoqa0QGy3Ln3BA&page=1&ndsp=8&ved=1t:429,r:1,s:0&tx=91&ty=98 imgurl= dmBdTn5VYb_gx_SjqSg25XFg=&h=404&w=354&sz=27&hl=en&start=50&zoom=1&tbnid=T7dDEB2mbGB8YM:&tbnh=149&tbnw=130&ei=E8VTaLtJMWO0QG_rrWBDA&prev=/ %26biw%3D1003%26bih%3D463%26tbs %3Disch:1&itbs=1&iact=rc&dur=435&oei=r86VTYfwDuri0gHw4d3wCw&page=6&ndsp=9&ved=1t:429,r:4,s:50&tx=64&ty=117