Irvington Urban Forestry Grant Application

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Irvington Main Street Trees – Pilot Project

February 2011

Irvington Urban and Community Forestry Grant Application NYS DEC Round 10 Urban and Community Forestry Grant Program

Irvington Main Street Tree-­‐Planting Pilot Project Addressing the issues of Irvington’s Main Street “Treescape” One Block at a Time

Summary Main Street life is hard on trees. Their roots are smothered in cement, their branches snarled by overhead wires, they’re planted in a tiny plot of dead soil, bathed in salt, and bashed by cars. We’re going to change all that! We’ll install large above ground planters containing a custom growth substrate designed to provide good drainage, air space for roots, nutrients and beneficial microorganisms to allow the trees to thrive. We’ll plant five different species of small ornamental trees with spring flowers, berries, colored leaves, beautiful fall foliage and interesting silhouettes. The new treescape will convey a strong sense of visual uniformity while still including a diversity of species.

Irvington Main Street Trees – Pilot Project

February 2011

Existing Conditions: The Situation of the Site Irvington’s Main Street is on a hill, with the Hudson River at the bottom. The view from the top is breathtaking – your eye is drawn down the street to the river, where an open view across the water is captivating in all seasons. You may even see a boat sailing by. The visitor and resident alike are drawn down Main Street to explore this beautiful village – the “Best Place to Live in Westchester” in 2010. The “treescape” along Main Street should complement this view – the trees should form a procession that leads you down (or up) the hill. Trees should be healthy and beautiful and easy to maintain. They should add to our urban forest without inhibiting the ability of people to walk on the sidewalks or park their cars. The street trees should not encroach on the buildings or the overhead wires. The history of Irvington’s Main Street trees begins in the early 1900’s with stately elm trees planted in allées on both sides of the street. When Dutch elm disease devastated these trees, they were replaced with ‘Bradford’ Callery Pears, trees that seemed to have some desirable characteristics -­‐ an upright vase-­‐shaped habit, white flowers in spring, resistance to pollution and salt damage, easy availability and relatively low cost. What municipal arborists didn’t realize was that the Callery Pears would start to fall apart with age because of their weak branching structure. The gradual demise of the Callery pear has led to a number of different species and sizes of trees being planted along Main Street with no particular plan. Many of the newer trees are already in decline and some are actually dead. Most of the older trees and the remaining Callery pears have been poorly pruned and exhibit wounds from broken branches. These problems are not unexpected – studies have shown that urban street trees have a “life expectancy” of only 5 -­‐ 10 years. The number one issue for urban trees is soil (both quality and quantity), followed by selection of a quality tree to start with, proper planting and adequate watering as it gets established. We have two additional threats to street trees nowadays that were not so problematic a decade ago – SUVs and Con Ed. Angle parking on the North side of Main Street results in conflict between SUV/van/pickup truck bumpers and tree trunks. The resulting bark tears are among the most difficult wounds for a tree to heal. There are overhead wires on both sides of the street that belong to the public utilities, and any tree that grows into these wires is “pruned” by their contractors without regard to aesthetics or tree health. Main Street is a very constrained space – neither the street nor the sidewalks are very wide, and there’s not much room for a tree to grow before it encroaches on a building, wires, signs or pedestrians. The existing tree wells are bounded on all sides with concrete and asphalt, with no other open soil for root zone health.

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Irvington Main Street Trees – Pilot Project

February 2011

Project Rationale: Why focus time, energy and resources on the treescape of Main Street? Our idea is to put people first. By having an aesthetically pleasing streetscape, people will want to walk more, the unique and historic architecture of the buildings along Main Street won’t be hidden, and signs will be more visible. The element of visual uniformity for the Main Street treescape is a long-­‐standing tradition, both in Irvington and in towns across America, and it should be restored. Visual uniformity brings a sense of order and tranquility. It ties together diverse elements and creates a sense of neighborhood identity. Because the repetition of uniform elements is predictable, it’s calming. Because the repeating elements are trees, people feel connected to nature. Because healthy trees have flowers, berries, beautiful fall foliage and interesting bark they engage the human senses. Healthy trees also benefit the environment by decreasing carbon dioxide, providing evaporative cooling, and capturing stormwater that would otherwise run off into storm sewers. The special added challenge that planners for Irvington’s Main Street face is the need to keep the trees from growing into the overhead wires. We see examples of how the local utility companies “prune” street trees to provide sufficient line clearance, and recognize that this kind of pruning is unnatural, unhealthy and downright ugly. Our best treescape will be achieved if we use small trees that won’t need to be pruned or topped.

Project Description For this Pilot Project we will install large above ground planters with five different species of small trees planted in them. The trees, most of them native, have been selected for their relatively slow growth rate and their ornamental qualities. The project is focused on one centrally located block in the middle of Main Street, between Eckar Street on the east and Dutcher Street on the west, seen in an aerial view below.

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Irvington Main Street Trees – Pilot Project

February 2011

The north side of the street has 7 tree wells. In this photo, trees occupy all 7, but recently a Callery Pear was removed (third from R). The south side of the street has 4 tree wells. Three currently contain trees, and one is empty (near SE corner by loading zone). Our Plan proposes to remove all the existing trees from both sides of this block, none of which are in particularly good shape (see below). We will install 4 aboveground planters on each side of the street, placing them on top of the existing tree well spaces for good drainage. The 4 planters on the south side will be located exactly where the existing wells are. The 4 planters on the north side will be placed over existing wells located as directly across from those on the south side as is possible. Three wells on the north side will be filled in. To emphasize the visual uniformity of the design, and bearing in mind that we have chosen five different kinds of trees, we will extend the planter placement by adding two additional planters on the west side of the corner of Dutcher Street and two more to the east side of the corner of Eckar Street. The tree wells on the south side of Main Street in both of these locations are empty. The trees on the north corners will be removed. Placement of planters and trees along the Pilot Project block between Eckar and Dutcher Streets, including the opposite corners: The purple-­‐leaved ‘Canada Red’ chokecherry will flank the two ends of the design, with the other trees alternating between multi-­‐stemmed and single-­‐stemmed habits. The other side of the street will have the same design – i.e. like trees across the street from each other.

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Irvington Main Street Trees – Pilot Project

February 2011

The above ground planters will be large enough to provide an adequate root zone for small trees. They’ll be sturdy, weatherproof and attractive. The growth substrate used in them will be a custom blend that provides adequate drainage, air space for roots, nutrients and beneficial organisms. Components of the growth substrate will be locally sourced. The choice of which planter to use will be decided with input from a variety of stakeholders, including the Tree Commission, Architectural Review Board, Beautification Committee, Dept. of Public Works and Chamber of Commerce.

Role of Those Involved in the Project The project was conceptualized by the Irvington Tree Commission; the design and project management will be done by a Tree Commissioner who is a Landscape Designer/ISA Certified Arborist. Planting will be by professional landscape crews; the growth substrate will be sourced locally from the Stone Barns Center for Food and Agriculture; maintenance for the first two years after planting will be by the Irvington DPW. Publicity and fundraising will take advantage of two ongoing village-­‐wide activities – our Earth Day celebration in spring and our Farmer’s Market in summer and fall. The Village of Irvington has sufficient financial resources to purchase the materials needed to do the project.

Conclusion This plan has advantages for the people, the merchants, the trees, and for the Village. The people will be able to enjoy aesthetically pleasing healthy trees with multi-­‐season interest. The new design recaptures the long-­‐standing tradition of a procession of trees marching down the hill. The merchants won’t have trees encroaching on their facades or obscuring their signs. There’s likely to be improved business potential because of increased pedestrian traffic. The trees will have the best possible chance of thriving and contributing to a healthy environment. The small trees we’ve chosen won’t encroach on overhead wires, so they can grow according to their natural habits and won’t need to be topped. And even though they’re small trees, the planters will raise them up high enough that their branches won’t interfere with pedestrians. They’ll have an optimal growth substrate and will be protected from conflicts with bumpers. The Village will have healthy street trees with a diversity of species and much less expense for pruning. Village workers will be able to move the containers with a machine if they need to dig up or repair the sidewalk, then easily put them back again. If a problem arises, new trees that match the others can be easily sourced. The Village of Irvington is committed to the principles of Environmental Justice. We believe that our project will engage and benefit all members of our community.

The Vision Our pilot project will revitalize the appearance of the chosen block so dramatically that it will be easy to use as a precedent. The photographic diary of this project will be used to raise funds to complete the streetscape along the whole of Main Street. It will also be used to inspire other villages and towns to try this solution for their trees. Birds will makes nests in the Main Street trees and we will hear them singing in the morning as we walk to the train station. Irvington residents will realize the practicality and beauty of using small ornamental trees as street trees, leading to a complete renovation of the street trees along the side streets, a project for the future that can also include street-­‐side gardens. 5 5

Irvington Main Street Trees – Pilot Project

February 2011

Project Timeline Phase 1: Final Planning (3 – 6 months) • Finalize choice of planters, trees and placement of trees within the design in consultation with various stakeholders. • Publicize the plan to residents and affected merchants using flyers, the Farmer’s Market, the Village website and one-­‐on-­‐one meetings. • Use Earth Day as an opportunity to raise contributions for the Matching Fund. • Meet with merchants and landlords who will be affected to explain the project and answer questions. • Source planters, trees and growth substrate, determine exact costs and approve spending. • Finalize maintenance plan for care and watering of newly planted trees. • Approve spending for materials (Village Board) and order planters.

Phase 2: Removing existing trees and placing and planting the above ground planters (2-­‐3 weeks): • The trees should be planted in spring to allow them to adjust and add new root growth before they go dormant in the fall (no later than June). If the logistics of obtaining funding and containers pushes the timeline into summer or fall, the trees will be planted the following spring. Phase 3: Follow-­‐up (first 2 years after planting): • Photograph the plantings through the seasons to show the success of the project, and for documentation of how grant funds were used. • Hand-­‐prune trees as needed to give them the best possible shape and remove any dead or broken branches (once in spring and once in fall). • Monitor health of trees and obtain appropriate replacements if anything should befall one of them. • Publicize the project to raise money for additional aboveground planters along other blocks of Main Street.

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Irvington Main Street Trees – Pilot Project

February 2011

‘Canada Red’ Chokecherry Prunus virginiana ‘Canada Red’ This small native tree has an upright oval habit with dense foliage. Cornell recommends the ‘Canada Red’ cultivar as a street tree. Its leaves emerge green in spring then change to reddish-­‐ purple, as seen in these photos. White flowers in late April-­‐early May. Red fruit in late summer turns deep purple as it ripens. The fruit is edible and delicious, but berry-­‐eating birds will likely get there first! The leaves turn a russet-­‐red shade in fall. “…the species grows in rock crevices, sandy soil and no soil…Remarkable dry soil tolerance…” -­‐ Dirr’s Manual of Woody Landscape Plants.

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Irvington Main Street Trees – Pilot Project

February 2011

‘Autumn Brilliance’ Serviceberry Amelanchier X grandiflora ‘Autumn Brilliance’

A hybrid of A. arborea and A. laevis, this small native tree has it all – beautiful white flowers that bloom in late March – early April, edible fruits, clean summer foliage, persistent leaves and brilliant red fall color. It has a multi-­‐stemmed habit, with light gray bark that’s attractive in winter. Very winter hardy (to -­‐35˚ F). The fruit ripens in June and is beloved by birds. “I have had serviceberry pie and it ranks in the first order of desserts” – Dirr’s Manual of Woody Landscape Plants.

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Irvington Main Street Trees – Pilot Project

February 2011

Corneliancherry Dogwood Cornus mas This small tree has a multi-­‐stemmed habit with an oval-­‐rounded outline. It flowers yellow in March before it leafs out, with flowers persisting for 3 weeks or longer. Its leaves are glossy dark green, attractive in summer, and turning purplish-­‐red in fall. The bright cherry-­‐red fruit ripens in July and is another favorite of berry-­‐eating birds. It’s adaptable to a wide range of soil types and very pest-­‐free. “Cornus mas was one of the first shrubs (way ahead of Forsythia) to flower in the …Northeast….it is a star.” –Dirr’s Manual of Woody Landscape Plants.

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Irvington Main Street Trees – Pilot Project

February 2011

Rutgers Hybrid Dogwood ‘Stellar Pink’ Cornus florida X C. kousa ‘Stellar Pink’ Rutgers hybrid dogwoods have some of the best qualities of both of their parents. They are more vigorous and are highly resistant to dogwood anthracnose and borer – two diseases that have plagued our native American dogwood trees. The trees have excellent cold hardiness, with clean dark green leaves in summer and reddish-­‐purple fall color. ‘Stellar Pink’ is low-­‐branched but uniformly wide – an oval silhouette that reminds us of the native tree– with pink bracts in late April – early May. The small orange-­‐red fruits ripen in fall and are immediately devoured by birds.

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Irvington Main Street Trees – Pilot Project

February 2011

‘Winter King’ Hawthorne Crataegus viridis ‘Winter King’

This native tree has a rounded silhouette with a dense branching and lustrous green leaves in summer. It flowers white in mid-­‐May. Its fruits are bright red, ripening in September – October and persisting into winter. Fall foliage color ranges from gold to purple to scarlet. “’Winter King’ is a selection with a lovely rounded habit, almost vase-­‐shaped branching structure and distinct gray-­‐green bloomy stems…. Fruits persist into winter and are the handsomest of all hawthorns.” –Dirr’s Manual of Woody Landscape Plants.

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Irvington Main Street Trees – Pilot Project

February 2011 The choice of which planter to use will be decided with input from a variety of stakeholders, including the Tree Commission, Architectural Review Board, Beautification Committee, Dept. of Public Works and Chamber of Commerce.

Some examples of possible planters:

General Requirements: large enough to provide root space for the small trees to thrive, sturdy enough to withstand conflict with car bumpers and weatherproof, with supporting data.

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Irvington Main Street Trees – Pilot Project

February 2011

Planting Specifications for Ornamental Trees in Above Ground Containers Tree Selection • Hand-­‐select trees from the wholesale supplier with good branching structure and symmetrical shape so as to be able to be viewed from all sides. Check the root zone to make sure that the root structure is adequate and that the trunk of the tree is not loose. Make sure there are no bark tears or sign of rot or insect damage at the trunk flare. If there is excess soil above the level of the trunk flare, move some of it aside at the Nursery to permit examination of the structure as well as to get an idea of how much soil will have to be removed when the tree is planted. • If possible, use pot-­‐in-­‐pot grown trees. This relatively new practice for growers is considered to be superior to the ball and burlap method because: o The tree’s root system is fully developed in the container and roots are not cut when the tree is prepared for sale. o The system is designed to eliminate the problem of girdling roots. o The soil in the pot is a custom mix that is more porous and higher in organic matter than the usual field soil composition (since the need for a cohesive root ball upon digging is eliminated). o The practice is better for soil conservation, since digging trees from growing fields removes large volumes of soil each season. Container Substrate The key qualities of the container substrate to maintain optimal tree health include good drainage, adequate air space for the roots to obtain oxygen and the presence of nutrients and beneficial organisms. • The components of the growth substrate for container-­‐grown trees include: o 55% Aged composted pine bark o 3% Sharp silica sand (“Builder’s sand”) o 5% Expanded shale soil conditioner o 25% Compost o 12% Fibrous light Sphagnum peat • Aged composted pine bark is high in lignin, making it slow to degrade. Bark lightens the mix for better drainage, increases air space, and decreases water-­‐holding capacity. Composted pine bark is specifically recommended as a component in blends for potted woody ornamentals. Composted pine bark imparts some disease resistance because of its beneficial organism content. It has a pH of 5.0 -­‐ 6.5 and is low in soluble salts. •

Sand adds air spaces to the container mix. It has a near-­‐neutral pH and is the heaviest ingredient in the mix, so it adds weight for stability as well.

Expanded shale is a component of engineered soils that provides nutrient and water holding capacity, taking over the role that clay plays in natural soil. The expanded shale granules absorb nutrients and water then release them back into the growth substrate slowly over time.

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Irvington Main Street Trees – Pilot Project

February 2011

Compost holds water well, and provides nutrients and beneficial organisms. We will obtain compost from the Stone Barns Center for Food and Agriculture that has been fully analyzed and shown to have the proper pH, soluble salt concentration and so forth. The Stone Barns Center is a local facility that is within 10 miles of Irvington.

Compost naturally suppresses plant diseases like pythium and phytophthora root rots. To understand how compost suppresses disease, it is helpful to know how plant substances are broken down during the composting process. Compost goes through three phases. During the first phase, temperatures rise to 104 -­‐ 122 °F and materials that degrade easily are broken down. In the second phase, temperatures are between 104 -­‐ 149 °F, and substances like cellulose are destroyed. Also destroyed in this phase are plant pathogens and weed seeds. The third stage is the curing phase, when temperatures begin to fall. It is during this phase that humus content increases and some beneficial organisms — like Streptomyces, Gliocladium, and Trichoderma, which serve as biocontrol agents, re-­‐colonize the compost. This re-­‐colonization occurs best and most consistently in compost produced in the open near a forest because of the abundance of microbial species found in the natural environment. Stone Barns compost is produced in an outdoor facility in a managed forest setting using materials from the organic Stone Barns farm.

Light Sphagnum peat Is an additional source of organic matter that is very stable, holds a great deal of water and air and does not decompose quickly. Younger, lighter-­‐colored peat moss does a better job of providing air space than older, darker peat that has fewer large pores.

A 5 to 6-­‐month controlled release granular fertilizer 20– 5–8 (N–P–K) (The Scotts Company, Marysville, OH) will be applied on the top of substrate at a rate of 119 grams (4.2 oz) per tree upon planting.

Triple-­‐shredded hardwood bark mulch will be added as a top dressing in a layer 2-­‐3” thick. The mulch will help with moisture retention after watering, as well as modulating soil temperature and providing an attractive, groomed appearance. We will obtain the mulch from the Stone Barns Center for Food and Agriculture.

References: o H. Zhu, C.R. Krause, R.H. Zondag, R.D. Brazee, R.C. Derksen, M.E. Reding and N.R. Fausey. A New System to Monitor Water and Nutrient Use in Pot-­‐in-­‐pot Nursery Production Systems. USDA-­‐ARS, Application Technology Research Unit Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center, Wooster, OH 44691. J. Environ. Hort. 23(1):47-­‐53, March 2005. o Penn State Cooperative Extension publications o Cornell Cooperative Extension publications o National Sustainable Agriculture Information Service publications (a project of the National Center for Appropriate Technology). o American Society of Landscape Architects publications.

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Irvington Main Street Trees – Pilot Project

February 2011

Tree Planting The trees will be planted in the containers such that their trunk flare is about 5” below the top of the container. This will allow the addition of 2-­‐3” of mulch and still keep the overall level a couple of inches below the top (making it easier to water and eliminating overspill of mulch). A 1.5 -­‐ 2” layer of native washed gravel will be added first to the bottom of each container, to ensure that drainage holes won’t become clogged. The container substrate will be custom-­‐mixed for us by the Stone Barns Center for Food and Agriculture according to the specifications described above. During planting, the growth substrate will be added in lifts, with each lift being watered in thoroughly to ensure that there are no air pockets. Tree Maintenance During the first growing season, the trees will be hand-­‐pruned as needed to ensure that they have the best possible shape going forward. Trees will be watered regularly by the Irvington Dept. of Public Works. Controlled-­‐release granular fertilizer and fresh mulch will be added to the containers each spring. The Irvington Consulting Arborist, Guy Pardee from The Care of Trees, will determine the best time to apply compost tea for addition of beneficial organisms and nutrients, which will be done on a yearly basis starting in the second year after planting. Trees to be removed in order to implement this project are: North Side of Main Street: •

A large Pin Oak tree growing into the wires and encroaching on the Bank façade, but otherwise in good health. This is the one that’s in the best condition of all of those we’re planning to remove, but realistically the small tree well space it’s planted in will not accommodate long-­‐term healthy growth of a tree this large.

Four mature Callery Pear trees, all poorly pruned with evidence of having lost major leaders, all growing in the wires, and several with trunk damage from conflicts with cars. All of these trees would have to be removed by the Village anyway over a fairly short time horizon since they’re all in decline.

Two relatively small oak trees planted more recently. Both are in poor shape, one has already been topped, and bark tears are evident on both. Neither have good prospects for surviving even to the 10-­‐year mark.

A medium-­‐sized cherry tree in decline, with broken branches, evidence of poor pruning, rot at the base and a significant lean towards the adjacent building.

South Side of Main Street: •

One medium-­‐sized Littleleaf Linden tree that is just beginning to grow into the wires, with a significant and unhealed bark split extending for about 3 feet along the trunk.

One mature Callery Pear with a recent wound from a broken branch that was never properly cleaned. Evidence of improper pruning cuts and removal of leaders in the past. This tree would have to be removed by the Village in a relatively short time horizon because it’s in visible decline.

One medium-­‐sized Maple tree that has been topped and even so is growing into the wires. Bark damage at the base. Maples cannot survive being topped, and this species of tree is too large to be able to sustain healthy growth in the restricted space it’s been planted in.

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Irvington Main Street Trees – Pilot Project

February 2011

Project Budget: Reimbursement from NYS DEC MATERIALS •

12 small ornamental trees, approximately 1.5 – 2” caliper or about 6’ tall, including two ‘Stellar Pink’ Rutgers Hybrid dogwood, two multistemmed Serviceberry, two multistemmed Cornelian cherry dogwood, two ‘Winter King’ Hawthorne and four ‘Canada Red’ chokecherry.

12 aboveground planters, exact style and supplier TBD, sufficiently large to accommodate a small tree, weatherproof, and sturdy enough to withstand the occasional conflict with bumpers

1 cu yd of custom soil mix for each planter, for a total of 12 cu yd. This soil mix should be sourced locally and include compost with documented composition.

2 cu yd of triple shredded composted hardwood mulch in total, a 2-­‐3” layer of which will be added to each planter to facilitate moisture retention and foster overall soil health.









$ 120

Paid Labor Costs



Village Tree Care Contractor to remove and dispose of existing trees

Transportation Costs •

Shipping and delivery costs for planters

$ 300



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Irvington Main Street Trees – Pilot Project

February 2011

Project Budget: Matching Funds Paid Labor Costs

Village DPW employees to receive, store and move containers as needed.

Village DPW workers to prepare the tree well sites for planter placement.

Village DPW employees to water trees during the first 2 years after planting.

Transportation Costs •

$ 380



Shipping and delivery costs for soil, mulch and trees

Professional Services for Tree Planting

Landscape Designer/Arborist to select trees at wholesale Nursery

Professional landscaping crews to plant and mulch trees

Professional Services for Site Landscape Design and Planning •


Landscape Designer/Arborist to act as Project Manager, including site design, scheduling, supervising the planting and putting together informational flyers

Grant Administration


Costs for Educational Resources to enable the Tree Commission to enhance the spread of knowledge

$ 400

Photo diary that tracks the project from its beginning through the first two years of planting with accompanying text.

Printing informational flyers for fundraising.

Cash Contributions

From residents and/or merchants

Tree fund: fines assessed in the last year for violations of the Tree Code MATCHING FUNDS TOTAL:



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