Michelle Rief, Chair
Kelly Carmichael Booz, Vice Chair
Megan Alderton
Jacinta Greene
Tammy Ignacio
Ashley Simpson-Baird
Abdel-Rahman Elnoubi
Christopher Harris
Tim Beaty
Susan Neilson
Clerk of the Board
Melanie Kay-Wyatt, ED.D.
ACPS Superintendent
Dr. Pierrette Finney
Chief Academic Of cer
Dr. Marcia Jackson
Chief of Student Services and Equity
Dominic B. Turner
Chief Financial Of cer
Julia A. Burgos
Chief of School and Community Relations
Dr. Elizabeth Hoover
Chief Technology Of cer
Dr. Alicia Hart
Chief Operating Of cer
Dr. Clinton Page
Chief of Accountability and Research
Dr. Grace Taylor
Chief of Staff
The Financial Services staff extends thanks and appreciation to the School Board, Principals, Executive Staff, Program Managers and Support Staff who contributed to the production of the Superintendent’s FY 2025 Budget Your hard work and cooperation allow us to prepare and present an effective, comprehensive budget This process takes a tremendous amount of time, effort, coordination and teamwork
This year, we are pleased to introduce additional efforts to streamline the budget book production process and provide the community with additional ways to understand the ACPS Budget This includes a new Digital Budget Book option
Dominic B. Turner, Chief Financial Of cer
Robert Easley, Director, Budget and Financial Systems
Henryetta Lang, Administrative Assistant II
Budget Of ce Staff
Lauren Walker, Assistant Director, Budget and Financial Systems
Denise Moye, Budget Management Analyst
Shelly S. Tsuda, Budget Management Analyst
Jessica DeLeon, Budget Management Analyst
Financial Systems and Reporting Staff
Daniel Fugar, Business Systems Analyst
Hunter Kimble, Consultant
ACPS Budget Awards - GFOA and ASBO
Alexandria City Public Schools is awarded The Government Finance Of cers Association (GFOA) award for BEST PRACTICES IN SCHOOL BUDGETING for the scal year ending June 30, 2022 This award is a re ection of ACPS’s ability to meet or exceed GFOA criteria, which focus on alignment of resources toward student achievement, focusing on collaboration, communication, and rigorous development, evaluation and prioritization of strategies to achieve our goals and objectives
Alexandria City Public Schools is awarded The Association of School Business Of cials International Meritorious BudgetAward(MBA)for excellenceinthepreparation andissuanceofthebudgetforthe scalyear2023-2024
ACPS has participated in the MBA program for 14 years
This award is a re ection of ACPS’s steadfast commitment to scal integrity
To Students, Staff, Families, Members of the School Board and the Alexandria Community:
Alexandria City Public Schools (ACPS) leadership and staff’s top priority is ensuring that each and every one of our students has the opportunity to succeed. Our Strategic Plan, ACPS 2025: Equity for All is our guide to making budget decisions that provide an equitable education for all of our students ACPS is unique in that it is an urban/suburban public school division We have more than 16,000 students this year, and they hail from 119 countries and speak 121 languages, providing a rich cultural experience for our students, families and staff as the division prides itself on its diversity As we move forward as one team, on one journey, the investments made in the education of our students and our staff members are celebrated with every success achieved
The Superintendent’s Final Budget for Fiscal Year (FY) 2025 continues moving our work forward, impacting positive changes as we seek to make a difference in the lives of our students Our efforts are consistently aimed toward improving the school division offerings and resources while ensuring our students' academic and social-emotional needs are addressed
The FY 2025 Final Operating Budget of $3475 million represents the following:
5 1% increase in Operating expenses, including compensation enhancements for all eligible employees and additional operating expenses due to additional square footage of new school buildings
5 5% increase from City of Alexandria appropriation or $14 3 million over FY 2024 funding
6 3% increase in Commonwealth of Virginia funding over FY 2024 funding
In addition to the operating budget, ACPS serves each student through funding from grants and special projects, and the school nutrition program When combined, the FY 2025 budget totals $378 1 million
Budget Priorities and Guiding Principles
On Oct 5, 2023, the School Board set forth its budget priorities for FY 2025 These priorities provided guidance and broad areas of focus for the superintendent and staff while developing the detailed budget for next year:
Recruitment and retention
Increased staf ng, based on enrollment and high priority divisional needs
Opening of the Alexandria City High School Minnie Howard Campus
Middle school athletics funding
Facilities and Operations, including for safety and security measures.
Technology Services, including for cybersecurity
Highlights of the Superintendent’s FY 2025 Proposed Operating Budget
Here is a high-level look at the primary drivers for next year’s budget based on School Board priorities mentioned above:
Step increases for all eligible employees
Continued funding for job class market rate adjustment increases from prior year salary study recommendations
Funding to increase hourly, casual wage rates.
Funding for increased bene t rates to maintain current rate plan structure (“platinum level”)
Increased staf ng as follows and based on enrollment numbers: