Q2 Final SY21-22 Alexandria City High School CSIP.pdf

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OVERARCHING SCHOOL GOAL: Page 1 To meet or exceed the state expected on-time graduation rate (88%) for all students who are in the current cohort 2022. Status Options: (1) Completed, (2) Completed-Ongoing, (3) In Progress

ACPS Equity for All 2025 Strategic Plan Goal Areas Systemic Alignment

Instructional Excellence

Social-Emotional and Academic Learning Recovery ☐ MTSS (RULER) ☐ Content Credit Recovery: Core Content Areas ☐ SST Support Expansion

Student Accessibility and Strategic Support

Hispanic Males ☐ Academic Enrichment and Advancement ☐ Early Warning System ☐ Internships, Externships, and Workforce Development

Resource Allocation

Early College ☐ Partnerships with NOVA and VA Tech ☐ Course Sequencing ☐ Program Development

Family and Community Engagement

Academic Disparities ☐ Students with Disabilities (SWD) Emotional Disabilities (ED) - Black Students ☐ Hispanic Male Graduation Rates

STRAND I: TEACHING FOR LEARNING FOCUS AREA: Career and Technical Education (CTE): Documentation of CTE Completer, Workplace Readiness, Industry Certification to Increase Graduation Completer Rate and Post-Secondary Planning of Students SMART Goal(s): 1. By June 2022, 80% of students enrolled in CTE sequential electives that result in a designation of *completer status will participate in and pass the required Industry Credential Exam (ICE) to demonstrate the required skills and knowledge needed towards graduation requirements. *Completer: Student who completed a CTE sequential elective and completed and passed an Industry Credential Exam (ICE). **Economics and Personal Finance classes (WISE Exam) will not be included in the counts or budget, as they do not have a completer course.

Status Q1- 3 Q2- 3 Q3- 3 EOY

ACTION PLAN 1. Essential Action/Research-Based Strategy: ●

A progress monitoring system will be developed and implemented to document the enrollment of students in Career and Technical Education (CTE) sequential elective courses and their attainment of completer status and industry credential/licensing exams. The documentation of this essential action will be completed by cohort and reported to the VDOE in June 2022.

Status Q1- 3 Q2- 3 Q3- 3 EOY-

OVERARCHING SCHOOL GOAL: Page 2 To meet or exceed the state expected on-time graduation rate (88%) for all students who are in the current cohort 2022. Status Options: (1) Completed, (2) Completed-Ongoing, (3) In Progress Evidence driving the need for this essential action: According to the CTE Annual Performance Report from 2019-20 and 2020-21, ACHS participation in and attainment of industry certification is below the benchmark minimum. Please see below: ●

5S1A: Completers Attaining a Recognized Postsecondary Credential ○ 2019-2020: 18.35% (58 of 316) ○ 2020-2021: 51.50% (155 of 301) ○ Goal: 65.00%

5S1B: Completers Participating in Credentialing Test Rate ○ 2019-2020: 26.90% (85 of 316) ○ 2020-2021: 66.78% (201 of 301) ○ Goal: 85.00%

5S1C: Completers Passing Credentialing Test Rate ○ 2019-2020: 68.24% (58 of 85) ○ 2020-2021: 77.11% (155 of 201) ○ Goal: 85.00%

Plan to Assess Progress: ●

Utilize CTE departmental leadership and teachers to collect data that demonstrates ongoing process attainment of completer status and industry credential exams. There will be quarterly updates to discuss and address students who are in danger of not completing a course and/or not actively preparing for a required ICE.

Focus Area Strategic Plan Goal

Action Steps

Person(s) Responsible for Implementation

Systemic Alignment

- Identify students who participate in completer courses, as defined by VDOE, and document progress

- Admin. - Departmental Leadership

Resource Allocation

- Collaborate with CTE Coordinator and Financial

- CTE coordinator - Financial Specialist

Timeframe (Beginning to End Dates)

Evidence of Progress/Completion (Artifacts required)

Person(s) Responsible for Monitoring and Frequency

Status Please provide a brief description

August 2021-June 2022

- Evidence: List of students participating in completer courses - Artifact: Progress Monitoring Spreadsheet

- Admin. - Dept. Leadership (Quarterly)

(2) CompletedIn progress

July - September 2021

- Evidence: allocation for ICE administration.

- CTE Coordinator (beginning

(1) Completed

OVERARCHING SCHOOL GOAL: Page 3 To meet or exceed the state expected on-time graduation rate (88%) for all students who are in the current cohort 2022. Status Options: (1) Completed, (2) Completed-Ongoing, (3) In Progress of each - Artifacts: CTE Budget for fiscal year) 2021-22 school year

Support Specialist to develop budget for ICE administration

Systemic Alignment

Resource Allocation

Instructional Excellence

Instructional Excellence

Resource Allocation

- Identify students who have taken completer courses but did not successfully complete ICE and administer the appropriate assessment.

- Establish a system for reporting ICE scores in PowerSchool.

- Discuss student progress towards ICE certification during monthly department meetings. - In PLCs, teachers will review student progress on Workplace Readiness standards and skills. - The CTE team will administer ICE to students who are currently enrolled in completer courses.


- CTE Dept. Leadership - Central Office personnel

- CTE Dept. Leadership

September October 2021

September October 2021

- CTE Coordinator - CTE Administrators

October 2021June 2022 (monthly)

- PLC Leads - CTE Teachers

October 2021June 2022 (weekly)

- CTE Teachers

November December 2021

- Evidence: List of students that participated but did not successfully complete ICE - Artifacts: Progress Monitoring Spreadsheet - Evidence: Student ICE scores entered in PowerSchool - Artifacts: Progress Monitoring Spreadsheet - Evidence: Quarterly student data - Artifacts: Department Meeting agenda - Evidence: WRS Student Data - Artifacts: PLC Agenda and Notes - Evidence: CTE Testing Schedule - Artifact: ICE scores and completer documentation

- CTE Dept. Leadership - Central Office Personnel

(2) CompletedIn progress

(Annually) - CTE Leadership

(2) CompletedIn progress

(Annually) - CTE Leadership

(2) CompletedIn progress

(Annually) - PEDA Coordinator (Monthly)

- CTE Taskforce

(2) CompletedIn progress

(2) CompletedIn progress


FOCUS AREA: MATH: Core, Tier 1 Instructional Design and Student Engagement in the classrooms and Data Analysis to Provide Tier 2 and Tier 3 Interventions Small Group Instruction SMART Goal(s): Status Q1- 3 1. By June 2022, 90% of students in cohort 2023 will have completed three (3) math standard credits and one (1) verified credit Q2- 2 according to the Standards of Learning (SOL) math assessment required for on-time graduation. Q3- 2 EOY

OVERARCHING SCHOOL GOAL: Page 4 To meet or exceed the state expected on-time graduation rate (88%) for all students who are in the current cohort 2022. Status Options: (1) Completed, (2) Completed-Ongoing, (3) In Progress

ACTION PLAN 1. Essential Action/Research-Based Strategy: Instructional Planning and Delivery● Tier 1 instructional design and student engagement with a concentration on co-teaching structures in special education and English Learner (EL) courses. Multi-Tiered Systems of Support for Math● Math Leadership Team will formalize in-class tier 1/tier 2 assessment and intervention, lunch and learn, and Titan Rising Tier 2 intervention through proposed SY22-23 Math programming.

Status Q1- 3 Q2- 2 Q3- 2 EOY-

Evidence driving the need for this essential action: ● ● ●

Class of 2023: SOL Data (Overall) Class of 2023 (SWD, LEP, Hispanic Male): SOL Data Class of 2023: Current grade distribution (Y1 as of March 2022)

Based on EL best practices, NCTM best practices, VDOE Math instructional practices, Specially Designed instructional best practices. All of these areas are documented within the VDOE and ACPS sites. If done with fidelity, these strategies should see strength in Tier 1 instructional practices. Plan to Assess Progress: ●

Monthly PLC meetings that evaluate the available data, set an action plan based on the data, and then review progress. Three times yearly meeting with Content Admin to discuss ongoing data collection related to PLC and PLP goals by the teacher.

Focus Area Strategic Plan Goal

Action Steps

Person(s) Responsible for Implementation

Timeframe (Beginning to End Dates)

Evidence of Progress/Completion (Artifacts required)

Person(s) Responsible for Monitoring and Frequency

Status Please provide a brief description

Essential Action 1: Instructional Planning and Delivery

Instructional Excellence

- Identify teachers to participate in the Co-teaching Cadre in both SpEd and EL for teachers who co-teach

- SpEd and EL central office Specialists - Content Administration - Teachers

October 11, 2021 February 2022 (4 sessions with ongoing support between sessions)

- Evidence: Co-teaching walkthroughs and debriefing with teachers - Artifacts: Lists of teachers

- SpEd and EL central office Specialists - Content Admin - Teachers (Monthly)

(1) Completed

OVERARCHING SCHOOL GOAL: Page 5 To meet or exceed the state expected on-time graduation rate (88%) for all students who are in the current cohort 2022.

Student Accessibility

- Continued support for teachers that are currently participating and who have previously participated in Cadre through the monthly walkthrough and debrief conversations

- SpEd and EL central office Specialists - Content Administration - Teachers

Instructional Excellence

- Embed professional learning focused on high yield strategies for inclusive practices within PLC meetings.

- SpEd and EL Central Office Specialists - PLC Leads

Instructional Excellence

- Embed conversations focused on data collection, interrelated reliability, and sharing of instructional strategies within PLC meetings

- PLC Leads

Systemic Alignment

- Embed continued professional development focused on Student Engagement Structures to increase discourse

- Coordinator of PEDA - Central office Content/EL specialist

Status Options: (1) Completed, (2) Completed-Ongoing, (3) In Progress participating in co-teaching cadre - Teacher Inclusion Lesson Plans - Evidence: Co-teaching - SpEd and EL walkthroughs and central office debriefing with Specialists October 2021 teachers - Content Admin May 2022 - Artifacts: Lists of (1) Completed Teachers (monthly) teachers participating in cadre (Monthly) - Teacher Inclusion Lesson Plans - Evidence: Use of - SpEd and EL high yield strategies specialist within the - Content October classroom Admin, (1) Completed monthly November 2021 - Artifacts: Lesson walk-throughs plans, Walkthrough data, WIDA CanDo (Monthly) Descriptors - Evidence: Peer reviews of data and - Math instructional Leadership September 2021 strategies (2) CompletedTeam June 2022 - Artifacts: PLC Ongoing (monthly) agenda items (Weekly/ related to data and Monthly) instructional strategies October 2021 May 2022

- Evidence: Implementation of student engagement strategies within the Math classrooms

- Math Leadership Team

(2) CompletedOngoing

OVERARCHING SCHOOL GOAL: Page 6 To meet or exceed the state expected on-time graduation rate (88%) for all students who are in the current cohort 2022.

Instructional Excellence

- Implementation of specific student engagement structures, e.g. Kagan.

- Coordinator of PEDA - Content Admin

Instructional Excellence

- Implementation of VDOE Mathematics Instructional Plans (MIPs) to align instruction to SOL-specific curriculum framework by standard

- Coordinator of PEDA - Content Administrator - Content Teachers

Systemic Alignment

- Administer MAP Growth Assessment and disaggregate data for targeted intervention planning

- Math Teachers

Student Accessibility

- Establish Credit Recovery classes within the master schedule to address students' graduation requirements

- Math Teachers - School Counselors

Status Options: (1) Completed, (2) Completed-Ongoing, (3) In Progress (Weekly/ - Artifacts: Monthly) Walkthroughs, Lesson Plans, Training documents, Department Meeting Agendas - Evidence: Inclusion of Tier 1 Instruction in lessons and - Math instructional Leadership October 2021 delivery (2) CompletedTeam May 2022 - Artifacts: Lesson Ongoing (Weekly/ Plans, Monthly) Walkthroughs, Formal Classroom Observations - Evidence: Inclusion of tier 1 instruction - Math in lessons and Leadership instructional (2) CompletedTeam September 2021 delivery Ongoing June 2022 - Artifacts: Lesson Plans, (Weekly/ Walkthroughs, Monthly) Formal Classroom Observations - Evidence: MAP - Math September 2021 administration (2) CompletedLeadership Team May 2022 - Artifacts:Targeted Ongoing (Quarterly) intervention plan - Evidence: Credit - Math Semester 1: August Recovery classes Leadership 2021, within master Team (1) Completed Semester 2: schedule December 2021 - Artifacts: Master (Annually) Schedule

OVERARCHING SCHOOL GOAL: Page 7 To meet or exceed the state expected on-time graduation rate (88%) for all students who are in the current cohort 2022. Status Options: (1) Completed, (2) Completed-Ongoing, (3) In Progress Essential Action 2: MTSS for Math Content

Instructional Excellence

- Identify students in need of tier 2 and tier 3 interventions based on the number of earned standard credits and verified credits

- Content Administration - Departmental Leadership

Instructional Excellence

- Math Leadership Team (MLT) will plan and conduct professional learning sessions for SY21-22 with a focus on: 1. Tier 1 Core Instruction Best Practices 2. Tier 2 & 3 Instructional Interventions

- Content Administrator - Content Specialist - Coordinator of PEDA

Instructional Excellence

- Content teachers will utilize small group tier 2 instruction to address common misconceptions and required knowledge and skills needed to master curriculum standards

- Coordinator of PEDA - Content Administration - Content teachers

March 2022

October 11, 2021, February 18, 2022 March 21, 2022, June 13, 2022

September 2021 June 2022

- Evidence: PLC meeting minutes, Department meeting minutes - Artifacts: Spreadsheet of students that have standard and/or verified credit deficits - Evidence: PLC meetings on professional learning days, formal observation and walkthrough data - Artifacts: Presentation and exit tickets - Evidence: Small group instruction - Artifacts: Lesson Plans, Walkthroughs, Formal Classroom Observations

- Math Leadership Team (Quarterly/ Monthly)

- Content Administrator - Department Leadership - Measurement of Academic Progress (MAP) Scores (Weekly/ Monthly) - Math Leadership Team

(2) CompletedOngoing

(2) CompletedOngoing

(Weekly/ Monthly)

FOCUS AREA: Content Literacy Across the Content Areas SMART Goal(s): ●

(3) In Progress

By June 2022, students’ performance on common, performance-based, and MAP assessments (tier 1 on level between 216-229) will demonstrate an increase in literacy skills in all content areas, e.g. social studies, science, English, and world languages.

Status Q1- 3 Q2- 2 Q3- 2 EOY

OVERARCHING SCHOOL GOAL: Page 8 To meet or exceed the state expected on-time graduation rate (88%) for all students who are in the current cohort 2022. Status Options: (1) Completed, (2) Completed-Ongoing, (3) In Progress ACTION PLAN 1. Essential Action/Research-Based Strategy: ●

Implement effective tier one (1) instructional strategies, high-yield co-teaching models, and cooperative learning structures that will improve student engagement and provide formative assessment data.

Status Q1- 3 Q2- 2 Q3- 2 EOY-

Evidence driving the need for this essential action: ● ● ●

Quarterly academic data MAP Data Instructional walkthrough data

Plan to Assess Progress: ●

The collection of data from common assessments, quarterly academic data, and MAP assessment performance.

Focus Area Strategic Plan Goal

Systemic Alignment

Instructional Excellence

Systemic Alignment

Action Steps

- Teachers will attend Interdisciplinary Professional Learning focused on Data Literacy instruction - Teachers will implement instructional strategies focused on students’ use of metacognitive skills, i.e. talk through their thinking process. - Implement instructional strategies, i.e. content-specific vocabulary, non-fiction

Person(s) Responsible for Implementation - Administrators - Central Office Specialists (EL, SPED - Teachers

Timeframe (Beginning to End Dates)

Evidence of Progress/Completion (Artifacts required)

2021-2022 Professional Learning Day(s)

- Evidence: Initial integration of data literacy within instruction - Artifacts: Professional Development attendance log(s) and Lesson Plans

- Administrators - Department Chairs - PLC Leads - Teachers

October 2021 May 2022

- Evidence: Use of Cooperative Learning/student Engagement structures in the classroom - Artifacts: Structures built into lesson plans

- Administrators - Instructional Specialists

October 2021 January 2022

- Evidence: Use of instructional strategies focused on literacy skills

Person(s) Responsible for Monitoring and Frequency -

Administrators Central Office Specialists (EL, SPED, and Content (Monthly)





Administrators Instructional Specialists

Status Please provide a brief description (2) CompletedOn-going

(2) CompletedOn-going

(3) In progress

OVERARCHING SCHOOL GOAL: Page 9 To meet or exceed the state expected on-time graduation rate (88%) for all students who are in the current cohort 2022. text, and expository writing, to improve students' literacy skills

Instructional Excellence

Instructional Excellence

- Teachers will provide cross-curricular academic vocabulary instruction.

- Teachers will use expository and informational resources to support students in interpreting culturally responsive texts.

Instructional Excellence

- Co-teaching pairs will complete the professional learning to understand and apply high-yield co-teaching models and strategies within the general education setting

Student Accessibility and Support

- Teachers will utilize a minimum of four student engagement structures focused on academic engagement within their instruction

Instructional Excellence

- Utilize data from common assessments to create

- Department Chair - PLC Leads - Teachers - Administrators - Instructional Specialists - Department Chair - PLC Leads - Teachers - Administrators - Instructional Specialists - Department Chair - PLC Leads - Teachers - Central Office Specialists (EL, SWD, and Content) - Administrators - Department Chairs - PLC Leads - Administrators - Kagan coaches - Department Chairs - PLC Leads - Teachers - PLC leads - Instructional Specialists

Status Options: (1) Completed, (2) Completed-Ongoing, (3) In Progress (Weekly/ - Artifact: PLC minutes, lesson Monthly) plans, student performance data - Evidence: Use of instructional strategies focused on literacy skills - Artifact: PLC minutes, lesson plans, student performance data


October 2021 June 2022 (monthly)

- Evidence: Use of expository and informational resources - Artifacts: PLC minutes, lesson plans, student performance data


October 2021 June 2022 (monthly)

- Evidence: PLC Agenda, PLP conversations, students assigned to case managers, Documented observed use of strategies, PLC agendas notes and discussions - Artifacts: Lesson Plans, Canvas pages, written feedback to teachers after walkthroughs

October 2021-June 2022

- Evidence: Use of student engagement structures - Artifacts: PLC meeting meetingLesson Plans, Observed zoom lesson, observation report

October 2021 January 2022

- Evidence: PLC Data documentation and schedule of interventions for students

Administrators Instructional Specialists

(3) In progress

(Weekly/ Monthly)

Administrators Instructional Specialists

(Weekly/ Monthly)



(Weekly/ Monthly)


School Administrators

(Weekly/ Monthly)


PLC Leads Administrators

(2) CompletedOn-going

(2) CompletedOn-going

(2) CompletedOn-going

September: Planning

OVERARCHING SCHOOL GOAL: Page 10 To meet or exceed the state expected on-time graduation rate (88%) for all students who are in the current cohort 2022. and implement tier 2 interventions

- Department Chairs - Administrators - Teachers

Status Options: (1) Completed, (2) Completed-Ongoing, (3) In Progress - Leadership September - Artifacts: PLC agenda, List of meetings 2021-June interventions with students 2022 assigned, Progress Monitoring (Monthly) Data

ACPS Equity for All 2025 Strategic Plan Goal Areas Systemic Alignment

Instructional Excellence

Social Emotional and Academic Learning Recovery ☐ MTSS (RULER) ☐ Math Recovery ☐ SST Support Expansion

Student Accessibility and Strategic Support

Hispanic Males ☐ Academic Enrichment and Advancement ☐ Early Warning System ☐ Internships, Externships, and Workforce Development

Resource Allocation

Early College ☐ Partnerships with NOVA and VA Tech ☐ Course Sequencing ☐ Program Development

Family and Community Engagement

Academic Disparities ☐ Students with Disabilities (SWD) Emotional Disabilities (ED) - Black Students ☐ Hispanic Male Graduation Rates

STRAND II: SCHOOL ENVIRONMENT DOMAIN: On-time Graduation Rate (OGR) SMART Goal(s): 1. By August 2022, the on-time graduation rate for ACHS Hispanic students will increase from 83.7% to 86%.

Status Q1- 2 Q2- 2 Q3- 2 EOY

ACTION PLAN 1. Essential Actions/Research-Based Strategies: ●

Increase access to credit-bearing courses for ACHS Hispanic students while embedding the necessary supports and interventions needed to ensure targeted students meet the graduation requirements.

Status Q1- 2 Q2- 2 Q3- 2

OVERARCHING SCHOOL GOAL: Page 11 To meet or exceed the state expected on-time graduation rate (88%) for all students who are in the current cohort 2022. ●

Status Options: (1) Completed, (2) Completed-Ongoing, (3) In Progress EOYAssign Hispanic, male students in need of tier three (3) interventions and support with graduation coaches.

Evidence driving the need for this essential action: ● ● ●

EL student data Hispanic Male achievement data Dually Identified student data (SWD/EL)

*Graduation requirements, as established by VDOE, mandates that in order to obtain a Standard Diploma students must earn 22 credits and to earn an Advanced Diploma students must earn 26 credits. Plan to Assess Progress: ● ●

Graduation Task Force meetings focused on student data to ensure student progress towards meeting graduation requirements. Monitor the implementation of interventions and supports through the MTSS process.

Focus Area Strategic Plan Goal

Action Steps

Essential Action 1: Course Credits - Provide credit-recovery courses: 1. During the school day 2. After-school (with Student Support the Adult Learning Director) 3. In the evening (APA Program) 4. During the summer

Student Support

- Transcript Review: Ensure students are enrolled in new credit and/or credit recovery

Person(s) Responsible for Implementation

- Director of School Counseling (During Day) - Summer School Administrators - Evenings: IA Administrators - After School: Director of Adult Edu. & Campus Admin.

- School Counseling Department

Timeframe (Beginning to End Dates)

August 2021July 2022

September 2021-October 2021

Evidence of Progress/Completion (Artifacts required)

- Evidence: Progress Monitoring Spreadsheets - Artifacts: Enrollment Reports, Report Cards & Transcripts

- Evidence: Student academic advisement - Artifacts: Student schedules and transcripts

Person(s) Responsible for Monitoring and Frequency


Administration Counseling Team

(Annually/ Monthly)

- Director of School Counseling (Annually/ Monthly)

Status Please provide a brief description

(2) CompletedOn-going

(2) CompletedOn-going

OVERARCHING SCHOOL GOAL: Page 12 To meet or exceed the state expected on-time graduation rate (88%) for all students who are in the current cohort 2022. Status Options: (1) Completed, (2) Completed-Ongoing, (3) In Progress courses needed for graduation

Instructional Excellence

Systemic Alignment

Systemic Alignment

- Implement tier two (2) and three (3) interventions for dually-identified students (EL/SWD) in general education and elective courses, i.e. data-informed instruction. - The Graduation Task Force will review the cohort list, update student data, and develop action plans for students who fall within each of the following categories: 1. Still Enrolled (Chance for Change, private placement, ISAEP/NELL, and sliders from previous cohorts) 2. Long-Term Absence 3. Dropout 4. Unconfirmed 5. Deceased - High-stake testing administration for all students in the target population (with


- Administrative Leadership Team - Department Chairs - PLC Leads - Teachers

- Executive Principal - Director of School Counseling - Administrative Team - Transcript Specialist

September 2021-June 2022

September 2021-June 2022

- Evidence: Review of quarterly academic data - Artifacts: NWEA data, quarter grade distribution data

- Evidence: Meeting Calendar - Artifacts: Agenda and meeting minutes


Administrative leadership team Department Chairs PLC leads Teachers

(2) CompletedOn-going

(Annually/ Monthly)

- Executive Principal - Director of School Counseling - Admin Team - Transcript Review

(2) CompletedOn-going

(Annually/ Monthly)

- Director of School Counseling - Lead Administrator for School Improvement

September 2021-June 2022

- Evidence: Testing Schedule & Testing Rosters - Artifacts: Students testing scores

- Director of School Counseling - Lead Administrator

(2) CompletedOn-going

OVERARCHING SCHOOL GOAL: Page 13 To meet or exceed the state expected on-time graduation rate (88%) for all students who are in the current cohort 2022. remediation opportunities).

- Student Support Team (Administrator, Counselor, Social Worker) - Teachers

Status Options: (1) Completed, (2) Completed-Ongoing, (3) In Progress for School Improvement - Student Support Team - Teachers (Annually/ Monthly)

Essential Action 2: Enhanced Network of Support

Student Support

Student Support

Student Support

- Identify a Communities in School (CIS), Northern Virginia Community College (NOVA), Graduation Coach to support Hispanic male students in need of graduation credits - CIS/NOVA Support Plans - Create graduation support plans for 11th and 12th grade students not meeting graduation requirements - The Graduation Task Force will establish and maintain consistent, robust and effective approaches to track, locate and re-engage (when applicable) all students who are withdrawn from school for 15-consecutive days

- Executive Principal - International Academy Administrators - Communities in Schools

- Executive Principal - Academy Administrators

- Student Support Team (Administrator, Counselor, and Social Worker) - Director of School Counseling - Transcript Specialist

August 2021-June 2022

- Evidence: List of CIS/NOVA Graduation Coaches - Artifact: CIS/NOVA Graduation Coach quarterly reports

August 2021-June 2022

- Evidence: List of students at risk of not meeting graduation requirements - Artifact: Graduation Support Plans

- Executive Principal (Annually/ Monthly)

- Executive Principal - Academy Administrators (Annually/ Monthly) -

August 2021-June 2022

- Evidence: Names of students with attendance concerns - Artifacts: Attendance Tracking Spreadsheet



Student Support Team (Administrator , Counselor, and Social Worker) Director of School Counseling Transcript Specialist

(2) CompletedOn-going

(2) CompletedOn-going

(2) CompletedOn-going

OVERARCHING SCHOOL GOAL: Page 14 To meet or exceed the state expected on-time graduation rate (88%) for all students who are in the current cohort 2022.

Systemic Alignment

- The Schoolwide MTSS Team will continue to implement a system for identifying and addressing students in danger of not graduating.

- Executive Principal - School-wide MTSS Committee - ACHS Administrative Team

Status Options: (1) Completed, (2) Completed-Ongoing, (3) In Progress - Executive - Evidence: List of tier Principal three (3) students in School-wide danger of not MTSS graduating. (2) August 2021-June Committee - Artifacts: Schoolwide Completed- ACHS 2022 MTSS meeting agenda On-going Administrative and minutes; MTSS Team student tracking (Annually/ Monthly) spreadsheet

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