*Insert more rows as necessary. Include a maximum of 5-7 Essential Actions/Strategies based on prioritized areas derived from the CNA.
Early Childhood Center will refine our PLC and data cycle practices with a focus on improving social, emotional and academic instruction, adult-child interactions, and equity alignment. Status Options: (1) Completed, (2) Completed-Ongoing, (3) In Progress 2
ACPS Equity for All 2025 Strategic Plan Goal Areas Systemic Alignment
Social Emotional and Academic Learning Recovery X MTSS (RULER, ALs Pals, Conscious Discipline) ☐ Literacy Grades K-4 ☐ Math Recovery X SST Support Expansion
Instructional Excellence
Middle School Educational Experience ☐ Scheduling ☐ Math Pathways ☐ Middle School Transitions (Grades 5-6 & 8-9)
Student Accessibility and Support Strategic
Hispanic Males ☐ Academic Enrichment and Advancement ☐ Early Warning System ☐ Internships, Externships, and Workforce Development
Resource Allocation
Talented and Gifted ☐ Identification Process ☐ Service Model ☐ Annual Plan
Family and Community Engagement
Academic Disparities ☐ Talent and Gifted X Students With Disabilities (SWD) Emotional Disabilities (ED) - Black Students ☐ Hispanic Male Graduation Rates
Fall 2021 Baseline Data VCSIP - Preschool
Early Childhood Center |Alexandria City Public Schools 2021-2022 Continuous School Improvement Plan
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*Insert more rows as necessary. Include a maximum of 5-7 Essential Actions/Strategies based on prioritized areas derived from the CNA.
Early Childhood Center will refine our PLC and data cycle practices with a focus on improving social, emotional and academic instruction, adult-child interactions, and equity alignment. Status Options: (1) Completed, (2) Completed-Ongoing, (3) In Progress
Gold ECSE*
*Y axis= total number of students X axis = Gold Objectives: 16a -Identifies and names letters
VCSIP - Preschool
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*Insert more rows as necessary. Include a maximum of 5-7 Essential Actions/Strategies based on prioritized areas derived from the CNA.
Early Childhood Center will refine our PLC and data cycle practices with a focus on improving social, emotional and academic instruction, adult-child interactions, and equity alignment. Status Options: (1) Completed, (2) Completed-Ongoing, (3) In Progress
16b-Identifies letter-sound correspondences 18a-Interacts during reading experiences, book conversations, and text reflections 18b-Uses emergent reading skills 18c-Uses context clues to read and comprehend text Ratings correlate with typical age expectations of 3-5 year olds.
Fall 2021 Baseline Data MathVKRP Baseline Data Pie Charts: VKRP Score Range Interpretations: Support: Children in this range are beginning to develop early math skills and may need extra support to reach kindergarten readiness goals. Monitor: Children in this range are building toward math readiness. They need developmentally appropriate instruction and periodic formative assessment so they can keep growing toward readiness. On Track: Children in this range have a strong early foundation in mathematics and may thrive with extra challenge.
VCSIP - Preschool
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*Insert more rows as necessary. Include a maximum of 5-7 Essential Actions/Strategies based on prioritized areas derived from the CNA.
Early Childhood Center will refine our PLC and data cycle practices with a focus on improving social, emotional and academic instruction, adult-child interactions, and equity alignment. Status Options: (1) Completed, (2) Completed-Ongoing, (3) In Progress
Gold VPI * VCSIP - Preschool
Early Childhood Center |Alexandria City Public Schools 2021-2022 Continuous School Improvement Plan
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*Insert more rows as necessary. Include a maximum of 5-7 Essential Actions/Strategies based on prioritized areas derived from the CNA.
Early Childhood Center will refine our PLC and data cycle practices with a focus on improving social, emotional and academic instruction, adult-child interactions, and equity alignment. Status Options: (1) Completed, (2) Completed-Ongoing, (3) In Progress
Gold ECSE *
*Y axis= total number of students X axis = Gold Objectives: 20a-Counts VCSIP - Preschool
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*Insert more rows as necessary. Include a maximum of 5-7 Essential Actions/Strategies based on prioritized areas derived from the CNA.
Early Childhood Center will refine our PLC and data cycle practices with a focus on improving social, emotional and academic instruction, adult-child interactions, and equity alignment. Status Options: (1) Completed, (2) Completed-Ongoing, (3) In Progress
20b-Quantities 21a-Understand spatial relationships 21b-Understands shapes Ratings correlate with typical age expectations of 3-5 year olds. Fall 2021 Baseline Data School Wide Social Emotional DECADECA is a screening tool completed by families and teachers with a focus on resilience that offers a direct path for observing, assessing, planning and evaluating progress for socialemotional health including tools to support partnerships with families.
Instructional Excellence ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS (ELA)
1 SMART Goal(s):
VCSIP - Preschool
Status Q1Q2-2 Early Childhood Center |Alexandria City Public Schools 2021-2022 Continuous School Improvement Plan
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*Insert more rows as necessary. Include a maximum of 5-7 Essential Actions/Strategies based on prioritized areas derived from the CNA.
Early Childhood Center will refine our PLC and data cycle practices with a focus on improving social, emotional and academic instruction, adult-child interactions, and equity alignment. Status Options: (1) Completed, (2) Completed-Ongoing, (3) In Progress
3. Other (specify):
VPI SMART Goal 1:By the end of SY22-22, 88% of students will meet GOLD comprehension objectives 16ab and 18abc within age level bands.
VPI SMART Goal 1:By the end of SY22-22, 88% of students will meet GOLD mathematics objectives 20ab and 21ab.
ECSE SMART Goal 1: By the end of SY22-22, 33% of students will meet GOLD comprehension objectives 16ab and 18abc within age level bands.
ECSE SMART Goal 1:By the end of SY22-22, 33% of students will meet GOLD mathematics objectives 20ab and 21ab.
SMART Goal(s): VPI SMART Goal 1:By the end of SY22-22, 88% of students will meet GOLD social emotional objective 2abcd.
Social Emotional ECSE SMART Goal 1:By the end of SY22-22, 33% of students will meet GOLD social emotional objective 2abcd
ACTION PLAN 1. Essential Action/Research-Based Strategy: Teachers will develop data literacy and use data to drive instructional delivery.
Status Q1Q2-2 Q3EOY
What is the evidence driving the need for this essential action? Students in the ECSE program and students eligible for VPI often show deficits in infancy-5 year old early literacy development. What is the Plan to Assess Progress? The plan encompasses ongoing assessment including but not limited to PALs, GOLD Standards monitoring, and formal and informal teacher observation. Focus Area Strategic Plan Goal Systemic Alignment
VCSIP - Preschool
Action Steps
Teachers will monitor GOLD data entry to ensure equal distribution of documentation evenly across the quarter.
Person(s) Responsible for Implementation Classroom Teachers, Instructional Assistants, Administrators
Timeframe (Beginning to End Dates)
September 2021-June 2022
Evidence of Progress/Completion (Artifacts required)
Evidence: Comparison of amount of documentation submitted on due dates
Person(s) Responsible for Monitoring and Frequency
Haggerty & McCabe, Monthly
Status Please provide a brief description Q2: (2) Teachers are submitting GOLD documentation status
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*Insert more rows as necessary. Include a maximum of 5-7 Essential Actions/Strategies based on prioritized areas derived from the CNA.
Early Childhood Center will refine our PLC and data cycle practices with a focus on improving social, emotional and academic instruction, adult-child interactions, and equity alignment. Status Options: (1) Completed, (2) Completed-Ongoing, (3) In Progress (See academic calendarusually 3 checkpoint dates per quarter)
reports every 2-3 weeks and admin is tracking completion.
Artifacts: GOLD documentation status report
Systemic Alignment
Utilize PLCs for analyzing data and improving instructional planning.
PLC Teams, Administrators
September 2021-June 2022
Evidence: PLC agendas and minutes show evidence of using data to inform instruction.
Haggerty, McCabe & ILT, Monthly
Q2: (2) PLCs are meeting once a weekongoing.
Haggerty & McCabe, Quarterly
Q2: (2) PALS Quick Checks completed as necessary-discussed in quarter 2 teacher data meetings for students not yet meeting the spring benchmark.
Artifacts: Individual student portfolios
Instructional Excellence
Use PALS Quick Checks to monitor student progress in literacy interventions.
Classroom Teachers, PLC Teams, Administrators
September 2021-June 2022
Evidence: PALS Quick Checks completed on students not meeting/approaching benchmarks Artifacts: PALS Classroom Reports, PLC meeting agendas, lesson plans, walkthrough and observation data
2. Essential Action/Research-Based Strategy: Teachers will use data to drive instructional planning and delivery and incorporate GLAD to support acquisition of academic language in mathematics.
VCSIP - Preschool
Status Q2: (2) ⅔ VPI PLCs have completed their math focus however ECSE is just beginning this work
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*Insert more rows as necessary. Include a maximum of 5-7 Essential Actions/Strategies based on prioritized areas derived from the CNA.
Early Childhood Center will refine our PLC and data cycle practices with a focus on improving social, emotional and academic instruction, adult-child interactions, and equity alignment. Status Options: (1) Completed, (2) Completed-Ongoing, (3) In Progress What is the evidence driving the need for this essential action? Students in the ECSE program and students eligible for VPI often show deficits in early mathematics development, and the EL office noted historic deficits in dual language learners using academic mathematical vocabulary. What is the Plan to Assess Progress? The plan encomapasses ongoing assessment including but not limited to VKRP, GOLD Standards monitoring, and formal and informal teacher observation. Focus Area Strategic Plan Goal
Instructional Excellence
Action Steps
Analyze initial VKRP Data to identify areas of strength and needs.
Person(s) Responsible for Implementation
Administrators, Classroom Teachers, PLC Teams
Timeframe (Beginning to End Dates)
September 2021-June 2022
Evidence of Progress/Completion (Artifacts required)
Evidence: Teachers attend training, practice administration, and administer assessment with students
Person(s) Responsible for Monitoring and Frequency
Haggerty & McCabe; Fall/Spring
Q2: (1) Completed in Fall 2021 and we continue to look at the objectives during teacher quarterly data meetings
Haggerty & McCabe; Quarterly
Q2: (2) Anna Harvin has provided GLAD PD during preservice week and on 2/18 and 3/21
Artifacts: VKRP Reports
Student Accessibility and Strategic Support/ Instructional Excellence
Utilize GLAD strategies to increase access to math vocabulary and concepts with a focus on academic language.
Systemic Alignment
Incorporate ongoing GOLD math objectives data in PLC work, with each PLC focusing on math at least one quarter of the school year
VCSIP - Preschool
Classroom Teachers, Instructional Assistants, Administrators
PLC Teams and Administrators
October 2021-June 2022
September 2021-June 2022
Evidence: GLAD strategies evident in instructional planning, PLC discussions, and classroom instruction Artifacts: PLC minutes, classroom lesson artifacts, formal and informal classroom observations Evidence: GOLD data collection, PLC discussions, Instructional planning Artifacts: PLC minutes, GOLD reports, formal and
Haggerty & McCabe; quarterly
Q2: (2) ⅔ VPI PLCs have completed their math focus however ECSE is just beginning this work
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*Insert more rows as necessary. Include a maximum of 5-7 Essential Actions/Strategies based on prioritized areas derived from the CNA.
Early Childhood Center will refine our PLC and data cycle practices with a focus on improving social, emotional and academic instruction, adult-child interactions, and equity alignment. Status Options: (1) Completed, (2) Completed-Ongoing, (3) In Progress informal classroom observations 3. Essential Action/Research-Based Strategy: ECC will build on our foundational culture and climate based on Conscious Discipline, by adding aspects of Creative Curriculum’s “Al’s Pals” and RULER, This will help us continue to provide intentional social emotional instruction which builds a safe and secure school environment, provides consistent and caring opportunities for students to explore and express their emotions, and enables students to self regulate and build relationships essential to reaching their full academic potential.
Status Q1Q2- 2 Teachers have completed Al’s Pals training and are incorporating lessons weekly, ECC is working with CO to integrate Ruler & Conscious Discipline Objectives and introduce Ruler Vocabulary Q3EOY
What is the evidence driving the need for this essential action? Due to the pandemic students experienced isolation from peers and interruption in school based education. Thus, typical opportunities for social emotional development have been diminished. High impact social emotional support and instruction will be essential to supporting student development and learning. What is the Plan to Assess Progress? The plan encomapasses ongoing assessment including but not limited to VKRP, GOLD Standards monitoring, DECA, and formal and informal teacher observation. Focus Area Strategic Plan Goal
VCSIP - Preschool
Action Steps
Person(s) Responsible for Implementation
Timeframe (Beginning to End Dates)
Evidence of Progress/Completion (Artifacts required)
Person(s) Responsible for Monitoring and Frequency
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*Insert more rows as necessary. Include a maximum of 5-7 Essential Actions/Strategies based on prioritized areas derived from the CNA.
Early Childhood Center will refine our PLC and data cycle practices with a focus on improving social, emotional and academic instruction, adult-child interactions, and equity alignment. Status Options: (1) Completed, (2) Completed-Ongoing, (3) In Progress
Instructional Excellence
Student Accessibility and Strategic Support
Instructional staff will complete ALs Pals Training through Teaching Strategies GOLD.
Utilize appropriate RULER strategies for rising VPI Kindergarteners
Classroom Teachers, Instructional Assistants, Administrators
VPI Teachers, Ruler Team, Administration
August 2021 & October 2021
Artifacts: Curriculum products on Canvas, CLASS observational data (Emotional Support)
March-June 2022
Student Accessibility and Strategic Support
VCSIP - Preschool
Evidence: 80% of VPI teachers utilizing RULER strategies during SEAL time during the fourth quarter of school. Artifacts: Instructional Lesson Plans, PLC minutes, formal and informal classroom observations
Family Engagement and
Evidence: 90% of teachers using AL's Pals strategies during classroom walkthroughs and observations.
Use DECA Data from teachers/families to identify students for social emotional skill development
Diva Rojas
August 2021-June 2022
Evidence: Increase in students scoring as typical in resilience on DECA Artifacts: Small group SEAL support session records
Haggerty McCabe; Quarterly
Q2-(1) Completed in the Fall
Rojas & McCabe, weekly in 4th quarter
Q2- (3) VPI teachers will incorporate Ruler vocabulary and concepts into Q4 S/E lessons
Haggerty, McCabe, Rojas, & ILT; Quarterly
Q2- (1) Completed in the Fall with on-going progress monitoring of students with social emotional concerns. DECA will be readministered in the spring
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*Insert more rows as necessary. Include a maximum of 5-7 Essential Actions/Strategies based on prioritized areas derived from the CNA.
Early Childhood Center will refine our PLC and data cycle practices with a focus on improving social, emotional and academic instruction, adult-child interactions, and equity alignment. Status Options: (1) Completed, (2) Completed-Ongoing, (3) In Progress
STRAND II: SCHOOL ENVIRONMENT Leadership and Governance - Commitment to Professional Learning - Safe and Orderly Environments - Family and Community Engagement FOCUS AREA:
Instructional Excellence
SMART Goal(s): By the end of SY2-22, Instructional Support Domains in CLASS observation averages will be 3.6 or higher.
ACTION PLAN 1. Essential Action/Research-Based Strategy: We will use instructional support data from CLASS observations to improve teachers’ performance in concept development, quality of feedback and language modeling.
VCSIP - Preschool
Status Q1Q2- (2) Class Data being used to provide feedback, IAs & Encore teachers provided with initial training, refresher work for VPI teacher 3/21; spring CLASS evaluation s 3/235/27
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*Insert more rows as necessary. Include a maximum of 5-7 Essential Actions/Strategies based on prioritized areas derived from the CNA.
Early Childhood Center will refine our PLC and data cycle practices with a focus on improving social, emotional and academic instruction, adult-child interactions, and equity alignment. Status Options: (1) Completed, (2) Completed-Ongoing, (3) In Progress Q3EOY What is the evidence driving the need for this essential action? While emotional support and classroom organization have been a strength for the ECC, CLASS Data indicates the need for overall continued school improvement in instructional support. What is the Plan to Assess Progress? The plan will incorporate ongoing CLASS data, PLC collaborative evaluation, and other formal and informal data collection by administration.
Focus Area Strategic Plan Goal
Instructional Excellence
Student Accessibility and Strategic Support
VCSIP - Preschool
Action Steps
Powerful Interactions PLC Book Study.
Implement Preschool GLAD (in Year 2 of a 3 year implementation plan as due to the pandemic we couldn’t complete Year 2 last year).
Person(s) Responsible for Implementation
PLC Teams and Administrators
Classroom Teachers, Instructional Assistants, Administrators, PLC Teams
Timefram e (Beginning to End Dates)
Septemb er 2021June 2022
Septemb er 2021June 2022
Evidence of Progress/Completio n (Artifacts required)
Person(s) Responsible for Monitoring and Frequency
Status Please provide a brief description
Haggerty, McCabe, & ILT; Quarterly
Q2 (2) All PLC teams in progress with bookstudy (including both IA PLC teams)
Haggerty & McCabe; Quarterly
Q2- (2) Ongoing implement ation and training efforts. Next inperson training
Evidence: Completed book studies in PLC teams Artifacts: PLC agendas, formal and informal observations Evidence: GLAD strategies referenced in lesson plans and visible during classroom observations. Artifacts: Pictorial Input posters, TPR,
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*Insert more rows as necessary. Include a maximum of 5-7 Essential Actions/Strategies based on prioritized areas derived from the CNA.
Early Childhood Center will refine our PLC and data cycle practices with a focus on improving social, emotional and academic instruction, adult-child interactions, and equity alignment. Status Options: (1) Completed, (2) Completed-Ongoing, (3) In Progress chants, and Big Books implemented in the classrooms
VCSIP - Preschool
we will host in December 2022.
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