Q2 Final SY21-22 Ferdinand T. Day Elementary School CSIP

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Ferdinand T. Day School strives to meet the needs of the Whole Child, closing the opportunity gaps for Black/African American, SWD, Hispanic and Multilingual Students in Math and Language Arts by empowering all students through opportunities for meaningful and rich experiences in critical/creative thinking, collaboration, communication, and citizenship along with providing support for social/emotional growth. Status Options: (1) Completed, (2) Completed-Ongoing, (3) In Progress

ACPS Equity for All 2025 Strategic Plan Goal Areas Systemic Alignment

Social Emotional and Academic Learning Recovery MTSS (RULER) Literacy Grades K-4 Math Recovery SST Support Expansion

Instructional Excellence

Middle School Educational Experience

☐ Scheduling ☐ Math Pathways Middle School Transitions (Grades 5-6 & 8-9)

Student Accessibility and Support Strategic

Hispanic Males

Resource Allocation

Talented and Gifted

Academic Enrichment and Advancement

☐ Internships, Externships,

Academic Disparities

Identification Process

☐ Service Model

☐ Early Warning System

☐ Annual Plan

and workforce Development

Family and Community Engagement

Talent and Gifted Students with Disabilities (SWD) Emotional Disabilities (ED) Black Students

☐ Hispanic Male Graduation Rates


School opened its doors to students Fall 2018 Total Student Population: 565 544 students attend in person

All students are receiving Free & Reduced Meals due to Covid Relief.

about 4% of our students have been identified Talented and Gifted 14% of TAG students are ELL School Name |Alexandria City Public School

VCSIP - Elementary Title I Only 2021-2022 Continuous School Improvement Plan

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Ferdinand T. Day School strives to meet the needs of the Whole Child, closing the opportunity gaps for Black/African American, SWD, Hispanic and Multilingual Students in Math and Language Arts by empowering all students through opportunities for meaningful and rich experiences in critical/creative thinking, collaboration, communication, and citizenship along with providing support for social/emotional growth. Status Options: (1) Completed, (2) Completed-Ongoing, (3) In Progress

21 students participate in VVA 24 students are not zoned for FTD

Previous data from 2020 indicated 97% of families are eligible for Free & Reduced Meals.

45% of TAG students are Black 36% of TAG students are Hispanic <1% of TAG students are White

Race and Ethnicity: 39% Hispanic 34% Black 14% White 8% Asian 2% Others 32 Different Languages Spoken in the Homes of FTD families: 36% Spanish 17% Amharic 12% Arabic 19% English 3% Pashto 2% Dari 1% Twi 1% Urdu 7 % Other

6 % of our students are students with disabilities: 38 out of 565 students

For the past 3 years, about 25% of our population was transient each year 71% of English Language Learners: 403 /565 WIDA 1: 142/565 (26%) WIDA 2: 97/565 (17%) WIDA 3: 131/565 (23%) WIDA 4: 76/565 (13%) 443/565 78% of our families speak another language at home. There are 32 different languages spoken in the homes of our students.

24/38 students are dual identified EL & SPED 63% 10 additional students (as of 9/17/21) are in the MTSS Process (IDEA says 14% of students nationwide are SPED)

STRAND I: TEACHING FOR LEARNING School Name |Alexandria City Public School VCSIP - Elementary Title I Only 2021-2022 Continuous School Improvement Plan

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Ferdinand T. Day School strives to meet the needs of the Whole Child, closing the opportunity gaps for Black/African American, SWD, Hispanic and Multilingual Students in Math and Language Arts by empowering all students through opportunities for meaningful and rich experiences in critical/creative thinking, collaboration, communication, and citizenship along with providing support for social/emotional growth. Status Options: (1) Completed, (2) Completed-Ongoing, (3) In Progress FOCUS AREA: Equitable Tier 1 Instruction and Intervention


3. Other (specify):



SMART Goal(s): By May 2022, all students will increase their reading level by at least one year and students not meeting the benchmark yet will grow more than one year, as evidenced by PALS, WIDA ACCESS for ELLs, MAP, and/or running record data.

SMART Goal(s): By May 2022, all students will reach Proficient Plus or increase one level of proficiency in the VA Process Goal of "Communication and 2 Reasoning" as measured by the VA Process Goal rubric through evidence of common formative assessments, student work samples, WIDA ACCESS for ELLs and/or district level benchmarks.

Academic Intervention/Enrichment

Status Q1-2 Q2-2 Q3EOY

SMART Goal(s): By May 2022, all general ed, EL teachers, and intervention teachers will be trained in one or more tier 2 or tier 3 intervention/enrichment in an academic subject and will be able to implement intervention/enrichment with fidelity as measured by fidelity checklists.

ACTION PLAN 1. Essential Action/Research-Based Strategy: Develop, implement, and monitor differentiated literacy lessons that align to the standards of learning, content, cognition, and EL best practices.

Status Q1-2 Q2-2 Q3EOY

What is the evidence driving the need for this essential action? Based on reading data, a significant number of our students are not meeting grade level reading expectations yet. (Grade Level Data Sheets) ● What is the evidence that this Research-Based Strategy will improve outcomes? ○ Lesson planning will be utilizing the ACPS Teaching and Learning Framework. (Tomlinson, C. (2001). How to differentiate instruction in mixed-ability classrooms. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.) What is the Plan to Assess Progress? Our plan to assess progress will be to monitor CLT notes/minutes for teacher growth and monitor running records and PALS Quick Checks for student progress.

School Name |Alexandria City Public School VCSIP - Elementary Title I Only 2021-2022 Continuous School Improvement Plan

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Ferdinand T. Day School strives to meet the needs of the Whole Child, closing the opportunity gaps for Black/African American, SWD, Hispanic and Multilingual Students in Math and Language Arts by empowering all students through opportunities for meaningful and rich experiences in critical/creative thinking, collaboration, communication, and citizenship along with providing support for social/emotional growth. Status Options: (1) Completed, (2) Completed-Ongoing, (3) In Progress Focus Area Strategic Plan Goal Instructional Excellence, Systematic Alignment, and Student Accessibility and Support Strategic

Instructional Excellence, Systematic Alignment, and Student Accessibility and Support Strategic Instructional Excellence, Systematic Alignment, and Student Accessibility

Action Steps

Develop and refine Reading Workshop Assessment Based Small Group Instruction for explicit teaching and modeling/demonstration in alignment to VA SOL's during CLTs to ensure EL best practices, including, but not limited to GLAD strategies. Implement the Reading Workshop Reading Workshop Assessment Based Small Group Instruction with explicit teaching and modeling/demonstration in alignment to VA SOL's during CLTs to ensure EL best practices, including, but not limited to GLAD strategies.

Align common assessment to VDOE instructional standards.

Title I, Part A Budget Implications (if applicable)

-Leveled Classroom library books K-1 classrooms -Leveled guided reading books in leveled book room

-Leveled Classroom library books K-1 classrooms -Leveled guided reading books in leveled book room


Person(s) Responsible for Implementatio n

General Education teachers, EL and SPED teachers

General Education teachers, EL and SPED teachers

General Education teachers, EL and SPED teachers

Timeframe (Beginning to End Dates)

Evidence of Progress/Completion (Artifacts required)

Evidence: -Discussions in CLT August - June

August - June

Artifacts: -Teacher lesson plans -CLT agendas

Evidence: - Guided Reading Observation checklist -Co-teaching -Coaching cycle Artifacts: Informal Running Records Evidence: -CLT meeting minutes

August - June Artifacts: -Developed assessments

Person(s) Responsible for Monitoring and Frequency

Coach: Literacy Coach Administration (Principal, Assistant Principal

Q1-Occurring as planned Q2-Occurring as planned

Frequency: Bi-weekly Coach: Literacy Coach Administration (Principal, Assistant Principal)

Q1-Occurring as planned Q2-Occurring as planned

Frequency: Ongoing Coaches (Literacy Coach, MTSS Coach) Administration (Principal

School Name |Alexandria City Public School VCSIP - Elementary Title I Only 2021-2022 Continuous School Improvement Plan

Status Please provide a brief description

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Ferdinand T. Day School strives to meet the needs of the Whole Child, closing the opportunity gaps for Black/African American, SWD, Hispanic and Multilingual Students in Math and Language Arts by empowering all students through opportunities for meaningful and rich experiences in critical/creative thinking, collaboration, communication, and citizenship along with providing support for social/emotional growth. Status Options: (1) Completed, (2) Completed-Ongoing, (3) In Progress and Support Strategic

-Student work samples

,Assistant Principal); Frequency: 1 per Unit

2. Essential Action/Research-Based Strategy: Collectively create and implement equitable mathematics structures that promote high cognitive demand tasks for ALL students and learning through student-to-student discourse, focused on oral and written language development. What is the evidence that this Research-Based Strategy will improve outcomes? ● 8 Equitable Mathematics Teaching Practices (NCTM, 2016) promote equity in mathematics education, as seen in connection to Catalyzing Change in Early Childhood and Elementary Mathematics (NCTM, 2020), as seen in this document. ● In Choosing to See: A Framework for Equity in the Mathematics Classroom (Seda & Brown, 2021), research is collectively cited which support classroom structures that position the student as the expert, assigning competence to all students as the knowers and doers of mathematics to close the opportunity gap ● The Impact of Identity in K-8 Mathematics: Rethinking Equity-based Practices (Aguirre, Mayfield-Ingram, Martin, 2013)- Disrupting anti-deficit narratives of students, reframing within strength-based beliefs, discussion, and classroom structures position students in a place of positive mathematical identity that is constantly being negotiated alongside their other identities. Stronger sense of mathematical identity leads to higher achievement. ● Numerous researchers have published on the impact of implementing high cognitive demand tasks and focusing on mathematical processes and anti-deficit narratives in creating equitable structures for students from historically marginalized populations. Researchers include R. Gutierrez, K. Kokka, J. Aguirre, J. Suh, R. Berry, E. Kazemi, R. Lambert, A. Adiredja, D. Battery, G. Ladson-Billings, D. Martin, D. Bell, D. Solorzano, E. Gutstein, M. Del Rosario Zavala, E. Turner, C. Yeh, K. Simic-Muller

Status Q1-2 Q2-2 Q3EOY

What is the evidence driving the need for this essential action? As summarized in our FTD Q3 chat document, longitudinal mathematical communication and reasoning data mostly remained stagnant for the 2020-2021 school year. Presumably, this is due to less opportunities in a virtual setting to implement tasks and cooperative learning for discourse. While we are seeing a closing in opportunity gap between White, non-SPED and non-EL students with historically marginalized populations as a result of equitable practice, average scores still range from 1.0-3.0. Our hope is that these scores grow significantly this year for all students. What is the Plan to Assess Progress? To assess progress, we will regularly implement tasks and discuss student work samples in CLT. Each quarter, we will collectively and formally score student samples utilizing the VDOE process goal rubric. Additionally, we will progress monitor content understanding through VDOE Just in Time Quick Checks and district-wide assessments in our grade-level master data sheets. Conversation around intervention and re-teaching using this data will be focused on the Number Sense and Operations power standards.

School Name |Alexandria City Public School VCSIP - Elementary Title I Only 2021-2022 Continuous School Improvement Plan

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Ferdinand T. Day School strives to meet the needs of the Whole Child, closing the opportunity gaps for Black/African American, SWD, Hispanic and Multilingual Students in Math and Language Arts by empowering all students through opportunities for meaningful and rich experiences in critical/creative thinking, collaboration, communication, and citizenship along with providing support for social/emotional growth. Status Options: (1) Completed, (2) Completed-Ongoing, (3) In Progress Teacher and team learning of the equitable teaching practices and moving towards strength-based narratives will be assessed and progress monitored through the use of self-assessment surveys, classroom coaching observations, CLT observations, and teacher and student interviews. Focus Area Strategic Plan Goal

Action Steps

Systemic Alignment; Instructional Excellence; Student Accessibility and Support Strategic

CLT team collaboration in planning and learning for task implementation aligned to SOLs and building student-to-student discourse and written/oral language develop.

Instructional Excellence; Student Accessibility and Support Strategic

CLT student work analysis learning strength-based discussion protocols and learning trajectories aligned to the VA SOLs.

Systemic Alignment; Instructional Excellence; Student Accessibility and Support Strategic

Individual Coaching Cycles using a partnership document focused on equitable mathematics teaching adapted from the Impact Cycle.

Title I, Part A Budget Implications (if applicable)

Person(s) Responsible for Implementatio n


General education teachers, SPED teachers, EL teachers, Coach, Administrators


General education teachers, SPED teachers, EL teachers, Coach, Administrators


General education teachers, SPED teachers, EL teachers, Coach

Timeframe (Beginning to End Dates)

Evidence of Progress/Completion (Artifacts required)

August - June

Evidence: CLT attendance and notes Artifacts: CLT agenda

August - June

Evidence: CLT attendance and notes Artifacts: Student work samples with reflective analysis notes

August - June

Evidence: Pre- and postconference and push-in schedule Artifacts: Coaching partnership tool

Person(s) Responsible for Monitoring and Frequency

Math Coach, ongoing

Math Coach, ongoing

Math Coach, ongoing

School Name |Alexandria City Public School VCSIP - Elementary Title I Only 2021-2022 Continuous School Improvement Plan


Q1-Occurring as planned Q2-Occurring as planned

Q1-Occurring as planned Q2-Occurring as planned

Q1-planning Q2-Occurring as planned, adjusted time line due to staffing coverage needs

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Ferdinand T. Day School strives to meet the needs of the Whole Child, closing the opportunity gaps for Black/African American, SWD, Hispanic and Multilingual Students in Math and Language Arts by empowering all students through opportunities for meaningful and rich experiences in critical/creative thinking, collaboration, communication, and citizenship along with providing support for social/emotional growth. Status Options: (1) Completed, (2) Completed-Ongoing, (3) In Progress Systemic Alignment; Instructional Excellence; Student Accessibility and Support Strategic

Lesson Study to co-construct ideas for effective lesson implementation aligned to VA SOLs.

Sub coverage

General education teachers, SPED teachers, EL teachers, Coach

August - June

Evidence: Scheduled Lesson Study times by grade level with protocol Artifacts: Co-planned lesson and reflection documents

Math Coach, 3 times during the year

3. Essential Action/Research-Based Strategy: Using research based interventions/enrichment to meet the needs of students who are classified as tier 2 or tier 3 based on the ACPS MTSS model and those identified as TAG/YS.

Status Q1-2 Q2-2 Q3EOY

What is the evidence driving the need for this essential action?What is the evidence that this Research-Based Strategy will improve outcomes? Last year, 11 staff members were trained in a math intervention. Less than half the staff is trained in LLI and VA PALS has come out with a new intervention plan for the 2021-22 school year. At the end of the 2020-21 school year, 247 students in 2-5 scored below grade level norms on Reading MAP, 256 students in grades 2-5 scored below grade level norms on the Math Map and 152 students were PALS identified. At the beginning of the 2021-22 school year, we only have 4% of our student population identified as TAG. What is the Plan to Assess Progress? Intervention/enrichment fidelity checks and progress monitoring data in grade level data sheets. Focus Area Strategic Plan Goal Systemic Alignment; Instructional Excellence; Student Accessibility

Action Steps

Scripted Intervention Training Reading: Identified teachers will be training in the following interventions: ● PALS ● LLI

Title I, Part A Budget Implications (if applicable) substitutes for teachers during training additional LLI kit(s) additional OG kit(s) additional Do the Math kit(s)

Person(s) Responsible for Implementatio n General education teachers, SPED teachers, EL teachers, Coach

Timeframe (Beginning to End Dates)


Evidence of Progress/Completion (Artifacts required)

training attendance

Person(s) Responsible for Monitoring and Frequency


Intervention/M TSS Coach Quarterly

Q1-Occurring as planned Q2-Occurring as planned

School Name |Alexandria City Public School VCSIP - Elementary Title I Only 2021-2022 Continuous School Improvement Plan

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Ferdinand T. Day School strives to meet the needs of the Whole Child, closing the opportunity gaps for Black/African American, SWD, Hispanic and Multilingual Students in Math and Language Arts by empowering all students through opportunities for meaningful and rich experiences in critical/creative thinking, collaboration, communication, and citizenship along with providing support for social/emotional growth. Status Options: (1) Completed, (2) Completed-Ongoing, (3) In Progress and Support Strategic

● OG Math: Identified teachers will be training in the following interventions: ● Do the Math ● Number Worlds ● Dreambox

Systemic Alignment; Instructional Excellence; Student Accessibility and Support Strategic

Fidelity Checks Identify Fidelity Checks for each program conduct quarterly checks

Systemic Alignment; Instructional Excellence; Student Accessibility and Support Strategic

Progress Monitoring Monitor student progress during the MTSS process, Kid Talks, Quarterly Data Meetings, CLT meetings

Systemic Alignment; Instructional Excellence; Student Accessibility

Scripted Intervention Tutoring Hired outside vendors to support differentiated instruction. -Literacy Lab Tutors -Alexandria Tutoring Consortium

additional Number Worlds kit(s)

Intervention/MTSS Coach Data Coach Seesaw

Intervention Coach

Data Coach

General education teachers, SPED teachers, EL teachers, Coach

Literacy lab tutors

Intervention and literacy coach


August -May


completed quarterly checks -LLI Fidelity Checklist -Do the Math Fidelity Checklist -PALS Fidelity Checklist

Intervention/M TSS Coach Quarterly

Q1-Occurring as planned Q2-Occurring as planned

Grade level data sheets

Intervention/M TSS Coach Quarterly

Q1-started later in the quarter Q2-Occurring as planned

Literacy lab data sheets

Intervention and Literacy Coach

Q1-started later in the quarter Q2-Occurring as planned

School Name |Alexandria City Public School VCSIP - Elementary Title I Only 2021-2022 Continuous School Improvement Plan

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Ferdinand T. Day School strives to meet the needs of the Whole Child, closing the opportunity gaps for Black/African American, SWD, Hispanic and Multilingual Students in Math and Language Arts by empowering all students through opportunities for meaningful and rich experiences in critical/creative thinking, collaboration, communication, and citizenship along with providing support for social/emotional growth. Status Options: (1) Completed, (2) Completed-Ongoing, (3) In Progress and Support Strategic Systemic Alignment; Instructional Excellence; Student Accessibility and Support Strategic Systemic Alignment; Instructional Excellence; Student Accessibility and Support Strategic

After School Tutoring 21st Century Grant (Link Club) for after school tutoring for students based on need.

Provide enrichment to classroom and targeted small groups Provide study skill classroom lessons and targeted small group instruction to increase our TAG/YS student population.


Link Club tutors, Link Club Coordinators, Intervention coach


Grade level data sheets

Link Club Coordinators and Intervention Coach

Q1-Occurring as planned Q2-Occurring as planned

School Counselor Counselors TAG/YS teachers


ASCA lesson Plans, Pre-post test TAG data

TAG Coordinator Testing Coordinator Classroom Teachers

Q1-Occurring as planned Q2-Occurring as planned

STRAND II: SCHOOL ENVIRONMENT Leadership and Governance - Commitment to Professional Learning - Safe and Orderly Environments - Family and Community Engagement DOMAIN:

Family and Community Engagement

SMART Goal(s): By May 2022, Ferdinand T. Day Elementary School will address the needs of the whole child through creating a strong school community and engaging families in the education of students.

ACTION PLAN School Name |Alexandria City Public School VCSIP - Elementary Title I Only 2021-2022 Continuous School Improvement Plan

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Ferdinand T. Day School strives to meet the needs of the Whole Child, closing the opportunity gaps for Black/African American, SWD, Hispanic and Multilingual Students in Math and Language Arts by empowering all students through opportunities for meaningful and rich experiences in critical/creative thinking, collaboration, communication, and citizenship along with providing support for social/emotional growth. Status Options: (1) Completed, (2) Completed-Ongoing, (3) In Progress 1. Essential Action/Research-Based Strategy: Orient all stakeholders to best practices in family engagement

Status Q1-2 Q2-2 Q3EOY

What is the evidence driving the need for this essential action? Research shows high levels of family engagement help to yield higher levels of students' outcomes. A shared responsibility for school programs and families. It involves partnering with families to support student learning and success, it includes ongoing goal directed relationships between staff and families that are mutual, culturally responsive and support what is best for children and families both individually and collectively. The Effects of Teacher Home Visits on Student Behavior, Student Academic Achievement, and Parent Involvement- https://www.adi.org/journal/2018ss/WrightEtAlSpring2018.pdf The Effects of Comprehensive Parent Engagement on Student Learning Outcomes -https://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi= ●

What is the evidence that this Research-Based Strategy will improve outcomes? According to Learning for Justice and cited research, comprehensive parent engagement will improve student learning outcomes. Staff will engage families through home visits, newsletters, family nights and presentations in PTA/Parent Coffee. The Effects of Teacher Home Visits on Student Behavior, Student Academic Achievement, and Parent Involvementhttps://www.adi.org/journal/2018ss/WrightEtAlSpring2018.pdf The Effects of Comprehensive Parent Engagement on Student Learning Outcomeshttps://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=

What is the Plan to Assess Progress? Student academic progress Home Visits Focus Area Strategic Plan Goal

Family & Communit y

Title I, Part A Budget Implications (if applicable)

Action Steps

Person(s) Responsible for Implementati on

Home Visits Training Refine procedures and expectations for Parent Teacher


All School Staff

Timefram e (Beginning to End Dates)

August -Septemb er

Evidence of Progress/Completio n (Artifacts required)

Person(s) Responsible for Monitoring and Frequency

Training agenda PLMS attendance

Administration (Principal, Assistant Principal)

Status Please provide a brief description Completed at the start of Q1

School Name |Alexandria City Public School VCSIP - Elementary Title I Only 2021-2022 Continuous School Improvement Plan

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Ferdinand T. Day School strives to meet the needs of the Whole Child, closing the opportunity gaps for Black/African American, SWD, Hispanic and Multilingual Students in Math and Language Arts by empowering all students through opportunities for meaningful and rich experiences in critical/creative thinking, collaboration, communication, and citizenship along with providing support for social/emotional growth. Status Options: (1) Completed, (2) Completed-Ongoing, (3) In Progress Engageme nt

Family & Communit y Engageme nt

Family & Communit y Engageme nt

Home Visit Program and train all new staff, refresher for continuing staff

Home Visits Implementation Home visits offered to all FTD Families BOY

Family Training/Input share research with families about correlation between family engagement and positive student outcomes Title I Compact Provide written school-family engagement policy to families of all children.




All School Staff

August-Se ptember

Administration , instructional coaches, parent liaison, counselors

October-J une



Administration (Principal, Assistant Principal) PTHV Log

Flyers Sign-in sheets/Zoom Attendance Social media

Parent Liaison 20 minutes per students BOY Parent/Teacher Association Executive Leadership; Administration (Principal, Assistant Principal) Monthly


Evidence: Signed agreement Artifacts:

Completed within the first month of school


Q1-Occurri ng as planned Q2-Occurri ng as planned

Once in the fall

School Name |Alexandria City Public School VCSIP - Elementary Title I Only 2021-2022 Continuous School Improvement Plan

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Ferdinand T. Day School strives to meet the needs of the Whole Child, closing the opportunity gaps for Black/African American, SWD, Hispanic and Multilingual Students in Math and Language Arts by empowering all students through opportunities for meaningful and rich experiences in critical/creative thinking, collaboration, communication, and citizenship along with providing support for social/emotional growth. Status Options: (1) Completed, (2) Completed-Ongoing, (3) In Progress Opportunities for Family Engagement Family Math Nights Family Literacy Nights Family STEM Nights Family Technology Nights Family Literacy Series

Food if in person instructional materials .1 EL Teacher .5 EL Teacher .3 Interventionist

Grade Level Teams Administration

On Going see calendar

Agendas Power Points Attendance Sign-ins

Administration (Principal, Assistant Principal)


2. Essential Action/Research-Based Strategy: Create positive classroom cultures that address the needs of the whole child.

Q1-Occurri ng as planned Q2-Occurri ng as planned Status Q1-2 Q2-2 Q3EOY

What is the evidence driving the need for this essential action? To ensure inclusivity in a diverse school population where 16+ languages are spoken and where many families are new to the country, we will develop processes and structures to inform, encourage and empower student academic progress. ● What is the evidence that this Research-Based Strategy will improve outcomes? RULER Curriculum is developed by YALE Center of Emotional Intelligence. Program Director Dr. Marc Brackett Teaching Social and Emotional Intelligence during and after a pandemic: https://www.ycei.org/research-publications/supporting-school-community-wellness-with-social-and-emotional-learning-sel-during-and-after-a-pandemic https://psycnet.apa.org/record/2012-09813-005 and https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/10824669.2018.1524767?journalCode=hjsp20 What is the Plan to Assess Progress? Morning Meeting Lessons, RULER (SEAL) Unit Plans Focus Area Strategic Plan Goal

Action Steps

Title I, Part A Budget Implications (if applicable)

Person(s) Responsible for Implementati on

Timefram e (Beginning to End Dates)

Evidence of Progress/Completio n (Artifacts required)

Person(s) Responsible for Monitoring and Frequency

Status Please provide a brief description

School Name |Alexandria City Public School VCSIP - Elementary Title I Only 2021-2022 Continuous School Improvement Plan

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Ferdinand T. Day School strives to meet the needs of the Whole Child, closing the opportunity gaps for Black/African American, SWD, Hispanic and Multilingual Students in Math and Language Arts by empowering all students through opportunities for meaningful and rich experiences in critical/creative thinking, collaboration, communication, and citizenship along with providing support for social/emotional growth. Status Options: (1) Completed, (2) Completed-Ongoing, (3) In Progress Evidence: -Classroom charters Systemic Alignment andInstruct ional Excellence

Systemic Alignment andInstruct ional Excellence

Classroom Community building through -Morning Meeting -Restorative Practices -RULER lessons - counseling lessons

Morning Meeting/SEAL lessons Provide opportunities for teachers to strengthen morning meeting through grade level lesson development

RULER subscription, .5 Counselor

Homeroom Teachers

August June


.5 Counselor

-Counselors -SEAL Committee -Grade Level Teams

Septembe r-June

Artifacts: -RULER Classroom lessons -ASCA Lesson Plan (w-Pre/Post test) -Behavior referral data (reviewed quarterly)

RULER lesson Plans and Grade level slides

Administration Social Worker School Counselor Classroom Teachers

Q1-Occurri ng as planned Q2-Occurri ng as planned

SEAL Committee

SEAL Committee Coaches


Q1-Occurri ng as planned Q2-Occurri ng as planned

3. Essential Action/Research -Based Strategy: Raise awareness of the link between attendance and academic success and inform all stakeholders of attendance expectations. What is the evidence driving the need for this essential action? Chronic absenteeism increased 20% during the 2020-21 school year during virtual and hybrid learning. Families noted higher levels of food and housing insecurities, and physical and mental health concerns. For many families, basic needs took priority over school attendance. What is the evidence that this Research-Based Strategy will improve outcomes? https://edpolicyinca.org/publications/effects-absenteeism-academic-and-social-emotional-outcomes The Effects of Absenteeism on Academics and Social-Emotional Outcomes. Lucrecia Santibanez, University of California, Los Angeles and Cassandra Guarino, University of California, Riverside. Oct 2020. And https://www.attendanceworks.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/ASR-Mini-Report-Attendance-Readiness-and-Third-Grade-Outcomes-7-8-11.pdf

School Name |Alexandria City Public School VCSIP - Elementary Title I Only 2021-2022 Continuous School Improvement Plan

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Ferdinand T. Day School strives to meet the needs of the Whole Child, closing the opportunity gaps for Black/African American, SWD, Hispanic and Multilingual Students in Math and Language Arts by empowering all students through opportunities for meaningful and rich experiences in critical/creative thinking, collaboration, communication, and citizenship along with providing support for social/emotional growth. Status Options: (1) Completed, (2) Completed-Ongoing, (3) In Progress Evaluating the Relationship Between Student Attendance and Achievement in Urban Elementary and Middle Schools: An Instrumental Variables Approach. Michael A. Gottfried. June 2010.

What is the Plan to Assess Progress? Monthly attendance reports from Powerschool, Truancy notes in Powerschool, and the Student Record Report (SRC). Focus Area Strategic Plan Goal

Communic ate Attendance Expectatio ns

Student Accessibilit y/Academi c Excellence

Title I, Part A Budget Implications (if applicable)

Action Steps

Person(s) Responsible for Implementati on Teachers, administratio, social worker, parent liaison, registrar

Communicate attendance expectations to families through monthly school newsletters. Notify families of absences through tardy slips that go home weekly.

Responsible – Social Worker, Parent Liaison

Timefram e (Beginning to End Dates)

August -May

Evidence of Progress/Completio n (Artifacts required)

Documentation in PowerSchool Truancy Notes Student Record Collection Report

Person(s) Responsible for Monitoring and Frequency

Administration (Principal, Assistant Principal) classroom teachers Monthly

Monitoring Attendance Monthly attendance meetings with SST and Admin designee to review students with attendance concerns and to plan intervention


Social Worker, Admin or designee; and SST.

social worker

Status Please provide a brief description

Q1-Occurri ng as planned Q2-Occurri ng as planned

Q1-Occurri ng as planned Q2-Occurri ng as planned

School Name |Alexandria City Public School VCSIP - Elementary Title I Only 2021-2022 Continuous School Improvement Plan

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Ferdinand T. Day School strives to meet the needs of the Whole Child, closing the opportunity gaps for Black/African American, SWD, Hispanic and Multilingual Students in Math and Language Arts by empowering all students through opportunities for meaningful and rich experiences in critical/creative thinking, collaboration, communication, and citizenship along with providing support for social/emotional growth. Status Options: (1) Completed, (2) Completed-Ongoing, (3) In Progress Decrease Chronic Absenteeism Student accessibilit y/Academi c Excellence

Contact families and develop an attendance plan when a student has 5 unexcused absences. Hold attendance conferences when a student has 8 or more unexcused absences.


(Responsible – Social Worker, Admin (Principal and Assistant Principal)

August-M ay

social worker

Q1-Occurri ng as planned Q2-Occurri ng as planned

School Name |Alexandria City Public School VCSIP - Elementary Title I Only 2021-2022 Continuous School Improvement Plan

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