Q2 Final SY21-22 Jefferson-Houston PreK-8 IB School CSIP

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OVERARCHING SCHOOL GOAL: Jefferson Houston PreK-8 School will increase the number of students passing state assessments or making growth to achieve the VDOE state assessments achievement levels to reach 75% for Reading and 70% for Math and Science. Status Options: (1) Completed, (2) Completed-Ongoing, (3) In Progress

ACPS Equity for All 2025 Strategic Plan Goal Areas Systemic Alignment

Social Emotional and Academic Learning Recovery ☐ MTSS (RULER) ☐ Literacy Grades K-4 ☐ Math Recovery ☐ SST Support Expansion

Instructional Excellence

Middle School Educational Experience ☐ Scheduling ☐ Math Pathways ☐ Middle School Transitions (Grades 5-6 & 8-9)

Student Accessibility and Support Strategic

Hispanic Males ☐ Academic Enrichment and Advancement ☐ Early Warning System ☐ Internships, Externships, and Workforce Development

Talented and Gifted ☐ Identification Process ☐ Service Model ☐ Annual Plan

Resource Allocation

Early College ☐ Partnerships with NOVA and VA Tech ☐ Course Sequencing ☐ Program Development

Family and Community Engagement

Academic Disparities ☐ Talent and Gifted ☐ PreK-2 Literacy ☐ Students With Disabilities (SWD) Emotional Disabilities (ED) - Black Students ☐ Hispanic Male Graduation Rates


Reading, Math, Science

Jefferson Houston PreK-8 School will increase the number of students passing state assessments or making growth to achieve the VDOE state assessments achievement levels to reach 75% for Reading and 70% for Math and Science by 2023. SMART Goal(s):


VCSIP - Secondary

School Name | Alexandria City Public Schools 2021-2022 Continuous School Improvement Plan

Status Q1Q2Q3-

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OVERARCHING SCHOOL GOAL: Jefferson Houston PreK-8 School will increase the number of students passing state assessments or making growth to achieve the VDOE state assessments achievement levels to reach 75% for Reading and 70% for Math and Science. Status Options: (1) Completed, (2) Completed-Ongoing, (3) In Progress EOY

Table of Contents (Click link to jump to section) 2021 SOL Reading Data SPR 21 - SOL Data STRAND I: TEACHING FOR LEARNING 1. Essential Action/Research-Based Strategy: We will incorporate Linda Mood Bell Instructional Strategies into classroom interventions to support struggling readers 2. Essential Action/Research-Based Strategy: Do the Math 3. Essential Action/Research-Based Strategy: We will execute the IB Exhibition and Community Project with a focus on connecting science content in classes to community-based learning activities 4. Essential Action/Research-Based Strategy: READ 180 STRAND II: SCHOOL ENVIRONMENT 1. Essential Action/Research-Based Strategy: Jefferson Houston School will use PBIS and the IB Learner Profiles to teach and model school wide behavior expectations.

VCSIP - Secondary

School Name | Alexandria City Public Schools 2021-2022 Continuous School Improvement Plan

page 2

OVERARCHING SCHOOL GOAL: Jefferson Houston PreK-8 School will increase the number of students passing state assessments or making growth to achieve the VDOE state assessments achievement levels to reach 75% for Reading and 70% for Math and Science. Status Options: (1) Completed, (2) Completed-Ongoing, (3) In Progress

1. Essential Action/Research-Based Strategy: We will implement LindaMood Bell (LMB) Instructional Strategies into classroom interventions to support struggling readers in K-4 ● ●

Status Q1Q2Q3EOY

Evidence driving the need for this essential action (data): PALs and Map data show gaps in students’ word accuracy, fluency, phonemic decoding, reading comprehension, phonological awareness and spelling. What is the evidence that this Research-Based Strategy will improve outcomes?

Plan to Assess Progress: The program will be assessed weekly by teachers, the school improvement coach and the administrators using PLCs, data chats, and walkthroughs Focus Area Strategic Plan Goal Social Emotional and Academic Learning Recovery

Social Emotional and Academic Learning Recovery

VCSIP - Secondary

Action Steps

Grades K-2 will be trained in LindaMood Bell Seeing Stars, Grades 3-4 will be trained in LindaMood Bell Visualizing and Verbalizing instructional strategies for interventions.

All K - 4 classes will implement during the intervention block 3 times a week for 30 minutes. .

Title I, Part A, Budget Implications (if applicable)



Person(s) Responsible for Implementati on

LMB Trainers, Literacy Coach

Classroom teachers

Timeframe (Beginning to End Dates)

Evidence of Progress/Com pletion (Artifacts required)

Person(s) Responsible for Monitoring and Frequency

Status Please provide a brief description

October 2021 - March 2022

Evidence: Sign-in sheet, Agenda Artifacts: Handouts, staff feedback survey

Literacy Coach


October 2021 May 2022

Evidence: Intervention Schedule Artifacts: Lesson plans with strategies included


In progress

School Name | Alexandria City Public Schools 2021-2022 Continuous School Improvement Plan

page 3

OVERARCHING SCHOOL GOAL: Jefferson Houston PreK-8 School will increase the number of students passing state assessments or making growth to achieve the VDOE state assessments achievement levels to reach 75% for Reading and 70% for Math and Science. Status Options: (1) Completed, (2) Completed-Ongoing, (3) In Progress Social Emotional and Academic Learning Recovery Social Emotional and Academic Learning Recovery Social Emotional and Academic Learning Recovery Social Emotional and Academic Learning Recovery

VCSIP - Secondary

ILT will conduct and review fidelity check data and plan data-directed supports

Collaborate with the teachers to adjust the intervention plans. These adjustments will take multiple forms such as teacher instructional pedagogy, structure of the intervention time, student support, etc.

Ongoing fidelity checks for successful implementation

ILT will review data from program progress monitoring assessments.




The Literacy Coach



In progress


In Progress


In progress

School Improvement Coordinator, Quarterly

In progress

Artifacts: Teacher support plans Evidence: PLC Agendas

November 2021

October 2021-May 2022



October 2021-May 2022

Evidence: ILT Meeting Agenda

October 2021 May 2022

Artifacts: Completed PLC Agenda Evidence: ILT Meeting Agenda Artifacts: Teacher support plans Evidence: Agenda Artifacts: Assessment data, progress monitoring data

School Name | Alexandria City Public Schools 2021-2022 Continuous School Improvement Plan

page 4

OVERARCHING SCHOOL GOAL: Jefferson Houston PreK-8 School will increase the number of students passing state assessments or making growth to achieve the VDOE state assessments achievement levels to reach 75% for Reading and 70% for Math and Science. Status Options: (1) Completed, (2) Completed-Ongoing, (3) In Progress

2. Essential Action/Research-Based Strategy: Do the Math will be used as a research-based intervention program with identified students in grades 2-5 and Math 180 in grades 6-8 to assist students struggling w/Mathematics (RTI). ● ●

Status Q1Q2Q3EOY

Evidence driving the need for this essential action (data): MAP data show gaps in students’ number sense, computation, and What is the evidence that this Research-Based Strategy will improve outcomes?

Plan to Assess Progress: Focus Area Focus Area Strategic Plan Goal

Social Emotional and Academic Learning Recovery

Social Emotional and Academic Learning Recovery

VCSIP - Secondary

Action Steps

Do-the-Math program trainers will provide school-wide PD to K-5 math teachers and middle school math interventionists.

Math 180 program trainers will provide PD to middle school math interventionist.

Title I, Part A, Budget Implications (if applicable)



Person(s) Responsible for Implementati on

Math Coach

Math Coach

Timeframe (Beginning to End Dates)

Evidence of Progress/Completion (Artifacts required)

Person(s) Responsible for Monitoring and Frequency

Status Please provide a brief description


Evidence: Agenda; sign-in sheet Artifacts: Do the Math Materials

Math Coach

Waiting to receive training dates from Do the Math UPDATE: Training was provided by Elem Math Specialist 2/10


Evidence: Agenda; sign-in sheet; training materials Artifacts: Math 180 Materials

Math Coach


School Name | Alexandria City Public Schools 2021-2022 Continuous School Improvement Plan

page 5

OVERARCHING SCHOOL GOAL: Jefferson Houston PreK-8 School will increase the number of students passing state assessments or making growth to achieve the VDOE state assessments achievement levels to reach 75% for Reading and 70% for Math and Science. Status Options: (1) Completed, (2) Completed-Ongoing, (3) In Progress Social Emotional and Academic Learning Recovery Social Emotional and Academic Learning Recovery

Identified students in grades 2-5 will receive Do-the-Math intervention weekly

ILT will review intervention data from program progress monitoring assessments.

Social Emotional and Academic Learning Recovery

Math coach and classroom teachers will analyze intervention data during weekly CTs and identify support necessary for teachers and students.

Social Emotional and Academic Learning Recovery

Screen all students to identify those at risk for potential mathematics difficulties and provide interventions to students identified as at risk

Social Emotional and Academic

Instruction during the intervention should be explicit and systematic

VCSIP - Secondary

Math interventionist and assigned classroom teachers

February 2022 - May 2022

Evidence: Intervention Period Artifacts: Do the Math Materials

Math Coach

In progress



February 2022 - May 2022

Evidence: Agenda Artifacts: Assessment data, progress monitoring data

School Improvement Coordinator, Quarterly

In progress



October 2021- May 2022

Evidence: PLC Agenda Artifacts: Completed PLC Agenda

Math Coach, Weekly

In progress


Math Interventionist /Math Coach

March/Jun e 2022

Evidence: Intervention Period Artifacts: Math 180 Inventory

Math Intervention/Math Coach, March & June 2022

In progress


Math Interventionist


Evidence: Math 180 Intervention Session Artifacts: Math 180 Materials


In progress


School Name | Alexandria City Public Schools 2021-2022 Continuous School Improvement Plan

page 6

OVERARCHING SCHOOL GOAL: Jefferson Houston PreK-8 School will increase the number of students passing state assessments or making growth to achieve the VDOE state assessments achievement levels to reach 75% for Reading and 70% for Math and Science. Status Options: (1) Completed, (2) Completed-Ongoing, (3) In Progress Learning Recovery Social Emotional and Academic Learning Recovery

Interventions at middle grades should devote at least 10 minutes in each session to building fluent retrieval of basic arithmetic facts

Social Emotional and Academic Learning Recovery

Intervention materials should include opportunities for students to work with visual representations of mathematical ideas and interventionists should be proficient in the use of visual representations of mathematical ideas

Social Emotional and Academic Learning Recovery

Monitor the progress of students receiving supplemental instruction and other students who are at risk

VCSIP - Secondary


Tier 1 Math Classroom Teachers


Tier 1 Math Classroom Teachers & Math Interventionist


Math Interventionist /Math Classroom Teachers


Evidence: Classroom Session Artifacts: Reflex Math Reports

Math Coach/Math Interventionist

In progress


Evidence: Classroom Session and Intervention Period Artifacts: Weekly Student Survey Forms

Math Coach/Math Interventionist

In progress


Evidence: Intervention Period Artifacts: Do the Math Materials & Math 180

Math Interventionist, Math Coach, School Improvement Coordinator

In progress

School Name | Alexandria City Public Schools 2021-2022 Continuous School Improvement Plan

page 7

OVERARCHING SCHOOL GOAL: Jefferson Houston PreK-8 School will increase the number of students passing state assessments or making growth to achieve the VDOE state assessments achievement levels to reach 75% for Reading and 70% for Math and Science. Status Options: (1) Completed, (2) Completed-Ongoing, (3) In Progress

3. Essential Action/Research-Based Strategy: We will execute the 5th IB Exhibition and 8th Grade Community Project with a focus on connecting science content in classes to community-based service learning activities

Status Q1Q2Q3EOY

Evidence driving the need for this essential action: ● What is the evidence that this Research-Based Strategy will improve outcomes? Plan to Assess Progress: Focus Area Focus Area Strategic Plan Goal

Social Emotional and Academic Learning Recovery

Action Steps

Train teachers on requirements and implementation of Exhibition and Community Project

Title I, Part A, Budget Implications (if applicable)


Person(s) Responsible for Implementati on

IB coordinator

Timeframe (Beginning to End Dates)

Evidence of Progress/Completion (Artifacts required)

Status Please provide a brief description

February 2022

Evidence:Sign-in forms Artifacts:Training PPT, Community Project Guidelines, Exhibition Guidelines

IB Coordinator is responsible for providing training. Training will be recorded to distribute to other staff members who are not in attendance


IB Coordinator and Project Leads

In progress

IB Coordinator and Project Leads

In progress

Social Emotional and Academic Learning Recovery

Assign students to small groups and teachers to monitor projects


Exhibition and Project leads

March 2022-April 2022

Evidence: Completed document outlining assignments Artifacts: Small group meetings and work plans

Social Emotional

Connect student groups to community partners for outside learning opportunities


IB Coordinator, Mentor

March 2022-April 2022

Evidence: Zoom meetings with teachers and community partners

VCSIP - Secondary

Person(s) Responsible for Monitoring and Frequency

School Name | Alexandria City Public Schools 2021-2022 Continuous School Improvement Plan

page 8

OVERARCHING SCHOOL GOAL: Jefferson Houston PreK-8 School will increase the number of students passing state assessments or making growth to achieve the VDOE state assessments achievement levels to reach 75% for Reading and 70% for Math and Science. Status Options: (1) Completed, (2) Completed-Ongoing, (3) In Progress teachers & Parent Liaison

and Academic Learning Recovery Social Emotional and Academic Learning Recovery Social Emotional and Academic Learning Recovery

VCSIP - Secondary

Student groups meet with assigned teachers bi-weekly for progress monitoring

Public presentation of Exhibition and Community Project



Mentor teachers

Student groups

Artifacts: Student groups assigned to projects

March 2022-April 2022

Evidence: Meeting schedule and agenda Artifacts: Reflection forms and student progress journals

IB Coordinator

In Progress

April 2022

Evidence: Schedule of Presentations Artifacts: SeeSaw videos of student presentations

Mentor teachers, Parent Liaison and IB Coordinator

In Progress

School Name | Alexandria City Public Schools 2021-2022 Continuous School Improvement Plan

page 9

OVERARCHING SCHOOL GOAL: Jefferson Houston PreK-8 School will increase the number of students passing state assessments or making growth to achieve the VDOE state assessments achievement levels to reach 75% for Reading and 70% for Math and Science. Status Options: (1) Completed, (2) Completed-Ongoing, (3) In Progress

4. Essential Action/Research-Based Strategy: JH will implement the READ 180 program for students in need of literacy interventions

Status Q1Q2Q3EOY

Evidence driving the need for this essential action: ● What is the evidence that this Research-Based Strategy will improve outcomes? Map data show gaps in students’ word accuracy, stamina, phonemic decoding, reading comprehension, phonological awareness and spelling Plan to Assess Progress: Focus Area Focus Area Strategic Plan Goal Social Emotional and Academic Learning Recovery Social Emotional and Academic Learning Recovery Social Emotional and

VCSIP - Secondary


Title I, Part A, Budget Implications (if applicable)

Person(s) Responsible for Implementati on


Reading interventionist s, 5th grade teacher

July - August 2021

Evidence: Agenda Artifacts: Training certificates

Literacy Coach Principal


READ 180® interventions will be implemented daily for students who meet the requirements in grades 5-8.


Reading interventionist s, 5th grade teacher

September 27th - June 2022

Evidence: Class schedules Artifacts: Student work

Literacy Coach Principal

In Progress

ILT will collect and review data from fidelity checks to determine next steps for supporting teachers



Weekly on Fridays

Evidence: ILT Agenda Artifacts: Teacher support plans


In progress

Action Steps

Designated Read 180 teachers will be provided with ongoing training throughout the year with support from the Literacy Coach and district specialists.

Timeframe (Beginning to End Dates)

Person(s) Responsible for Monitoring and Frequency

Evidence of Progress/Completion (Artifacts required)

School Name | Alexandria City Public Schools 2021-2022 Continuous School Improvement Plan

Please provide a brief description

page 10

OVERARCHING SCHOOL GOAL: Jefferson Houston PreK-8 School will increase the number of students passing state assessments or making growth to achieve the VDOE state assessments achievement levels to reach 75% for Reading and 70% for Math and Science. Status Options: (1) Completed, (2) Completed-Ongoing, (3) In Progress Academic Learning Recovery

Social Emotional and Academic Learning Recovery

Social Emotional and Academic Learning Recovery

The Literacy Coach will collaborate with the teachers to adjust the intervention plans. These adjustments will take multiple forms such as teacher instructional pedagogy, structure of the intervention time, student support, etc. Follow-up on the adjustments will be attended to by all coaches and administration in the form of walkthroughs, content meetings, and staff meetings.

ILT will review data from program progress monitoring assessments.





Weekly on Fridays and in CT meetings

October 2021 - May 2022

Evidence: ILT and CT Agendas ILT

In Progress

School Improvement Coordinator, Quarterly

In progress

Artifacts: meeting notes, sign in sheets

Evidence: Agenda Artifacts: Assessment data, progress monitoring data

STRAND II: SCHOOL ENVIRONMENT Leadership and Governance - Commitment to Professional Learning - Safe and Orderly Environments - Family and Community Engagement DOMAIN: Positive School Culture

VCSIP - Secondary

School Name | Alexandria City Public Schools 2021-2022 Continuous School Improvement Plan

page 11

OVERARCHING SCHOOL GOAL: Jefferson Houston PreK-8 School will increase the number of students passing state assessments or making growth to achieve the VDOE state assessments achievement levels to reach 75% for Reading and 70% for Math and Science. Status Options: (1) Completed, (2) Completed-Ongoing, (3) In Progress SMART Goal(s): By the end of the 2021-22 school year, the number of school wide suspensions will decrease by 15% through the use of positive behavior strategies and supports.



1. Essential Action/Research-Based Strategy: Jefferson Houston School will use PBIS and the IB Learner Profiles to teach and model school wide behavior expectations.

Status Q1Q2Q3EOY

Evidence driving the need for this essential action: Suspension and Discipline Referral Data What is the evidence that this Research-Based Strategy will improve outcomes? The Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015 supports the implementation of schoolwide positive behavioral interventions and supports (SW-PBIS) as an indicator for improving School Quality and Student Success. Plan to Assess Progress: Monthly review and analysis of Jaguar referral data and adjust PBIS implementation accordingly Focus Area Strategic Plan Goal

Social Emotional and Academic Learning Recovery

VCSIP - Secondary

Action Steps

The Dean of Students, school counselors and the IB Coordinator will meet monthly to plan grade level explicit instruction for behavior (PBIS, SEAL and IB Learner Profile lessons).

Title I, Part A, Budget Implications (if applicable)

Professional learning materials

Person(s) Responsible for Implementati on

Dean of Students, School Counselors and IB Coordinator

Timeframe (Beginning to End Dates)

Oct 2021 June 2022

Evidence of Progress/Completion (Artifacts required)

Evidence: Completed SEAL calendar with PBIS/SEAL/IB Learner Profile lessons Artifacts: monthly PBIS/ SEAL/ IB Learner Profile lessons embedded in SEAL calendar

Person(s) Responsible for Monitoring and Frequency

Dean of Students

School Name | Alexandria City Public Schools 2021-2022 Continuous School Improvement Plan

Status Please provide a brief description

In Progress

page 12

OVERARCHING SCHOOL GOAL: Jefferson Houston PreK-8 School will increase the number of students passing state assessments or making growth to achieve the VDOE state assessments achievement levels to reach 75% for Reading and 70% for Math and Science. Status Options: (1) Completed, (2) Completed-Ongoing, (3) In Progress Social Emotional and Academic Learning Recovery

Social Emotional and Academic Learning Recovery

Social Emotional and Academic Learning Recovery

VCSIP - Secondary

The PBIS Coach, PBIS Committee members and administrators will present an overview of the PBIS framework used at Jefferson-Houston with families and caregivers. The presentation will also share strategies that can be used at home to promote positive behavior.

SST members, Administrators, and PBIS committee members will provide ongoing professional learning on ● Use of PBIS, SEAL and RP as equitable practices to support students' social, emotional and behavioral needs ● Consistent adherence to Jaguar referral process (including form completion and submission) ● Use of Class Dojo to monitor positive behavior reinforcement provided to students and families by staff ● Intervention strategies and supports across the three tiers of MTSS/ PBIS

Jaguar referral data and Class Dojo point data will be used to monitor students' growth in meeting schoolwide/ class expectations. ● Discipline data will be monitored and analyzed monthly ● Trends identified in data analysis will be shared with stakeholders ● PBIS implementation will be adjusted based on areas of need identified in the data analysis




PBIS Coach, PBIS Committee Members, and Administrators

SST members, Administrators, and PBIS Committee members

Classroom Teachers, SST members, PBIS Coach and Administrators

OctoberNovember 2021

Evidence: PBIS Presentation to Families and Caregivers Artifacts: Powerpoint presentation handout and accompanying resources


In Progress

Sept 2021 June 2022

Evidence: PBIS/SEAL/RP/Equity Presentation; MTSS Presentation(s); Restorative Response Plan Presentation; Attendance from professional learning sessions Artifacts: Presentation materials, Jaguar Referral, Kid Talks, Agendas and Notes, Jaguar Referral Survey Data and Response


In Progress

Oct 2021 June 2022

Evidence: Teachers use the Jaguar referral process as directed; Teachers and students enrolled in and using Class Dojo as a tool to record positive behavior recognition Artifacts: Monthly Jaguar Referral Reports,


In Progress

School Name | Alexandria City Public Schools 2021-2022 Continuous School Improvement Plan

page 13

OVERARCHING SCHOOL GOAL: Jefferson Houston PreK-8 School will increase the number of students passing state assessments or making growth to achieve the VDOE state assessments achievement levels to reach 75% for Reading and 70% for Math and Science. Status Options: (1) Completed, (2) Completed-Ongoing, (3) In Progress ●

VCSIP - Secondary

Embedded coaching, targeted professional learning and enhanced observations will be provided as indicated by data analysis

Monthly Class Dojo points, Materials from targeted professional learning, observations and coaching sessions

School Name | Alexandria City Public Schools 2021-2022 Continuous School Improvement Plan

page 14

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