Q2 Final SY21-22 Lyles-Crouch Traditional Academy CSIP

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Lyles-Crouch Traditional Academy will utilize collaboration/professional development, research based interventions, and communication with parents to increase student achievement in the areas of reading and math by 5% for gap group (Black, Economically Disadvantaged, Students with Disabilities) students by June 2022. Status Options: (1) Completed, (2) Completed-Ongoing, (3) In Progress

ACPS Equity for All 2025 Strategic Plan Goal Areas Systemic Alignment

Social Emotional and Academic Learning Recovery x☐ MTSS (RULER) x☐ Literacy Grades K-4 x☐ Math Recovery ☐ SST Support Expansion

Instructional Excellence

Middle School Educational Experience ☐ Scheduling ☐ Math Pathways ☐ Middle School Transitions (Grades 5-6 & 8-9)

Student Accessibility and Support Strategic

Hispanic Males ☐ Academic Enrichment and Advancement ☐ Early Warning System ☐ Internships, Externships, and Workforce Development

Resource Allocation

Talented and Gifted ☐ Identification Process ☐ Service Model ☐ Annual Plan

Family and Community Engagement

Academic Disparities ☐ Talent and Gifted x☐ Students With Disabilities (SWD) Emotional Disabilities (ED) - Black Students ☐ Hispanic Male Graduation Rates


Total enrollment 392

VCSIP - Elementary

Student Population Percentages: Asian: 02% Black: 24%

English Learners: 11% Students w/disabilities: 7% Lyles-Crouch Traditional Academy |Alexandria City Public Schools 2021-2022 Continuous School Improvement Plan

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Lyles-Crouch Traditional Academy will utilize collaboration/professional development, research based interventions, and communication with parents to increase student achievement in the areas of reading and math by 5% for gap group (Black, Economically Disadvantaged, Students with Disabilities) students by June 2022. Status Options: (1) Completed, (2) Completed-Ongoing, (3) In Progress

Hispanic: 12% White: 54% Two or More Race Categories: 07%

VCSIP - Elementary

TAG: 11% Economically Disadvantaged: 17%

Lyles-Crouch Traditional Academy |Alexandria City Public Schools 2021-2022 Continuous School Improvement Plan

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Lyles-Crouch Traditional Academy will utilize collaboration/professional development, research based interventions, and communication with parents to increase student achievement in the areas of reading and math by 5% for gap group (Black, Economically Disadvantaged, Students with Disabilities) students by June 2022. Status Options: (1) Completed, (2) Completed-Ongoing, (3) In Progress



SMART Goal(s): By the end of the 2021-2022 school year, LCTA will 1

3. Other (specify):

SMART Goal(s): By the end of the 2021-2022 school year,

increase reading performance for students who are economically disadvantaged, students with disabilities, and black students by 5% as measured by the VA Standards of Learning math assessment.


LCTA will increase math performance for students who are economically disadvantaged, students with disabilities, and black students by 5% as measured by the VA Standards of Learning math assessment.

Status Q1-3 Q2-3 Q3EOY

SMART Goal(s):

ACTION PLAN 1. Essential Action/Research-Based Strategy: Teachers will effectively use Professional Learning Communities to: utilize data to increase student achievement.

Status Q1-2 Q2-2 Q3EOY

What is the evidence driving the need for this essential action? In the 2018-2019 School year, based on the Standards of Learning, our reading data dropped over 12 percentage points in all subgroups. The math data dropped over three percentage points in all subgroups, but is trending in the low 80’s.

VCSIP - Elementary

Lyles-Crouch Traditional Academy |Alexandria City Public Schools 2021-2022 Continuous School Improvement Plan

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Lyles-Crouch Traditional Academy will utilize collaboration/professional development, research based interventions, and communication with parents to increase student achievement in the areas of reading and math by 5% for gap group (Black, Economically Disadvantaged, Students with Disabilities) students by June 2022. Status Options: (1) Completed, (2) Completed-Ongoing, (3) In Progress What is the evidence that this Research-Based Strategy will improve outcomes? PLC will answer 4 questions that drive conversations in PLC meetings. What do we want students to learn? (planning and pacing instruction. How will we know if they have learned it? (collect data) What do we do if they do not learn it? (intervention) What do we do if they do learn it? (enrichment) What is the Plan to Assess Progress? Focus Area Strategic Plan Goal


Action Steps

Person(s) Responsible for Implementation

Timeframe (Beginning to End Dates)

Evidence of Progress/Completio n (Artifacts required)

Provide opportunities for quarterly data review and analysis.

Teachers Grade Level Team Leader

August 2021-June 2022

Evidence: Administrators’ observations (walk through documentation), SOL data Artifacts: Meeting agenda/minutes, SIS Grid, iReady data reports

Teachers GAP Students

Teachers with 0-3 years Core Knowledge Experience

VCSIP - Elementary

Teachers will use data analysis to plan for differentiated instruction and intervention.

Provide training and observations, as well as resources for the Core Knowledge program.

Grade Level Team Leader Teachers Math Specialist Reading Specialist

August 2021-June 2022

Core Knowledge Coordinator

August 2021-June 2022

Evidence:Map data; progress monitoring data

Person(s) Responsible for Monitoring and Frequency

School Administrators-Quarterly Grade Level Team Leads-Weekly

Q1: completed Q2: completed

School AdministratorsMonthly

Q1: Completed on-going Q2: Completed-on going

School Administrators Monthly

Q1: Completed on-going Q2: Completed on-going

Artifacts: Lesson Plans Evidence: Administrators’ observations


Lyles-Crouch Traditional Academy |Alexandria City Public Schools 2021-2022 Continuous School Improvement Plan

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Lyles-Crouch Traditional Academy will utilize collaboration/professional development, research based interventions, and communication with parents to increase student achievement in the areas of reading and math by 5% for gap group (Black, Economically Disadvantaged, Students with Disabilities) students by June 2022. Status Options: (1) Completed, (2) Completed-Ongoing, (3) In Progress Artifacts: Lesson plans: Alignment/objectiv es/procedures/mat erials, Training agenda

2. Essential Action/Research-Based Strategy: To utilize the MTSS process with fidelity. What is the evidence that this Research-Based Strategy will improve outcomes? The goal of MTSS is to intervene early so students can catch up to their peers. It aims to address academic and behavior challenges.

Status: Completed-On going

What is the evidence driving the need for this essential action? In the 2018-2019 School year, based on the Standards of Learning, our reading data dropped over 12 percentage points in all subgroups. The math data dropped over three percentage points in all subgroups, but is trending in the low 80’s. What is the Plan to Assess Progress? MAP assessment; Progress monitoring assessments; SOLs; Monthly with the Leadership Team/SST; PLC meetings Focus Area Strategic Plan Goal

Teachers Specialists

Teachers Specialists SST

VCSIP - Elementary

Action Steps

Person(s) Responsible for Implementation

Timeframe (Beginning to End Dates)

Evidence of Progress/Completio n (Artifacts required)

Universal staff training on MTSS processes and intervention planning.

Implement a structured system of support (MTSS) for reading/math intervention, including EL and SPED interventions using LCTA’s tiered

Person(s) Responsible for Monitoring and Frequency


Evidence: MTSS referrals and forms SST

August 2021September 2021

Teacher Specialist SST

August 2021- June 2022

Artifacts:MTSS presentation, Staff sign in Evidence:MTSS referrals and forms; Tier 3 sped

Assistant Principal


Assistant Principal SST Updated weekly/as needed

Completed-on going

Lyles-Crouch Traditional Academy |Alexandria City Public Schools 2021-2022 Continuous School Improvement Plan

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Lyles-Crouch Traditional Academy will utilize collaboration/professional development, research based interventions, and communication with parents to increase student achievement in the areas of reading and math by 5% for gap group (Black, Economically Disadvantaged, Students with Disabilities) students by June 2022. Status Options: (1) Completed, (2) Completed-Ongoing, (3) In Progress GAP Group Students

intervention list, including specified methods for evaluating both student progress and value of each intervention.

intervention checklist. Artifacts: Reading and Math Criteria for Tier 2 and Tier 3 support, LCTA Tiered intervention list, Student Success Data Grid

Specialist GAP Group Students

EL Teachers, Specialists

Utilize reading and math specialists to provide supplemental small group reading and math intervention.

Implement a 45 day intervention plan leading up to SOL’s for reading and math that target specific skills.

Math Specialist Reading Specialist Teachers

Reading Specialist Math Specialist EL Teachers

August 2021- June 2022

Evidence: Administrators’ observations Artifacts: Quarterly Intervention schedules, Student Success Data Grid (progress monitoring)

In Progress

Evidence: Progress monitoring assessments August 2021- June 2022

Artifacts: Progress monitoring assessments, 45 day plan

3. Essential Action/Research-Based Strategy: Teachers will effectively deliver differentiation strategies in reading and math.

VCSIP - Elementary

School Administrators On-going throughout the 2020-2021 school year.

School Administrators Quarter 3 & 4


Lyles-Crouch Traditional Academy |Alexandria City Public Schools 2021-2022 Continuous School Improvement Plan

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Lyles-Crouch Traditional Academy will utilize collaboration/professional development, research based interventions, and communication with parents to increase student achievement in the areas of reading and math by 5% for gap group (Black, Economically Disadvantaged, Students with Disabilities) students by June 2022. Status Options: (1) Completed, (2) Completed-Ongoing, (3) In Progress Q1- completed Q2-completed on-going Q3EOY What is the evidence driving the need for this essential action? In the 2018-2019 School year, based on the Standards of Learning, our reading data dropped over 12 percentage points in all subgroups. The math data dropped over three percentage points in all subgroups, but is trending in the low 80’s. In the 2021-2022 school year, reading and math scores on the SOLs dropped, especially in math. What is the evidence that this Research-Based Strategy will improve outcomes? Students, especially those with diverse learning needs, learn more effectively when teachers respond to their needs. What is the Plan to Assess Progress? MAP assessment; Progress monitoring assessments; Quarterly data chats; PLC meetings; SOL’s Focus Area Strategic Plan Goal

All Staff

Action Steps

Person(s) Responsible for Implementation

Timeframe (Beginning to End Dates)

Evidence of Progress/Completio n (Artifacts required)

Richard Cash’s differentiation professional development for staff

Richard Cash Administrators

August 2021 March 8-9 2022

Evidence: Lesson plans, MAP data, progress monitoring assessments, Student Success data grid

Person(s) Responsible for Monitoring and Frequency

Administrators, August 2021



Artifacts: PLMS/Staff Sign in sheet

VCSIP - Elementary

Lyles-Crouch Traditional Academy |Alexandria City Public Schools 2021-2022 Continuous School Improvement Plan

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Lyles-Crouch Traditional Academy will utilize collaboration/professional development, research based interventions, and communication with parents to increase student achievement in the areas of reading and math by 5% for gap group (Black, Economically Disadvantaged, Students with Disabilities) students by June 2022. Status Options: (1) Completed, (2) Completed-Ongoing, (3) In Progress

Teachers GAP Students

Teachers GAP Students

Teachers will use data analysis to plan for differentiated instruction and intervention.

Teachers will have quarterly data chats to review classroom and district assessments.

Grade Level Team Leader Teachers Math Specialist Reading Specialist

Grade Level Team Leader Teachers

August 2021-November 2021

August 2021- June 2022

Evidence: Observations, MAP, Progress monitoring assessments Artifacts: Lesson Plans

Evidence: Differentiated lesson plans

School AdministratorsMonthly Teachers


Student Support Team School Administrators

Q1: completed Q2: completed

Artifacts: Student Success data grid

STRAND II: SCHOOL ENVIRONMENT Leadership and Governance - Commitment to Professional Learning - Safe and Orderly Environments - Family and Community Engagement DOMAIN:

Student accessibility and support

SMART Goal(s): 95% of students will report feeling safe at school by June of 2022 based on the spring PBIS student survey.

ACTION PLAN 1. Essential Action/Research-Based Strategy: Student Support Team members will review COVID screener data and individually check in with each student identified as Tier 3 based on the COVID screener data report. Teachers will effectively collaborate and attend professional development on SEAL RULER strategies and deliver Tier 1 SEAL lessons in order to increase the number of students who feel safe and connected to school.

VCSIP - Elementary

Status Q1Q2Q3EOY

Complete d

Lyles-Crouch Traditional Academy |Alexandria City Public Schools 2021-2022 Continuous School Improvement Plan

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Lyles-Crouch Traditional Academy will utilize collaboration/professional development, research based interventions, and communication with parents to increase student achievement in the areas of reading and math by 5% for gap group (Black, Economically Disadvantaged, Students with Disabilities) students by June 2022. Status Options: (1) Completed, (2) Completed-Ongoing, (3) In Progress

What is the evidence driving the need for this essential action? PBIS Survey. On the 2020-2021 PBIS survey, 96.5% of students reported feeling safe in their virtual/hybrid classroom, 64% reported feeling safe at recess (32%- n/a), and 60% reported feeling safe in the bathrooms (34%- n/a). What is the evidence that this Research-Based Strategy will improve outcomes? “PBIS is an evidenced-based three tiered framework to improve and integrate aloof the data, systems and practices affecting student outcomes everyday.” What is the Plan to Assess Progress? Informal Assessment through weekly SEAL class discussions. Formal assessment PBIS Survey mid-year and end of year and UCLA COVID Screener.

Focus Area Strategic Plan Goal


Action Steps

Training for RULER implementation Team

Staff Central Office All Students

Training and implementation of the RULER program.

Teacher Counselor Students

Implement a hybrid system of ROARS (PBIS), Restorative Practices,

VCSIP - Elementary

Person(s) Responsible for Implementation


RULER team Central Office

Classroom Teachers School Counselor

Timefram e (Beginning to End Dates)

Septemb er 2021Decembe r 2021

January 2022June 2022

August 2021-Jun e 2022

Evidence of Progress/Completio n (Artifacts required) Evidence: PBIS survey, UCLA COVID screener

Person(s) Responsible for Monitoring and Frequency


completed -on going


Artifacts: Training Certificate Evidence: Pre/Post Test,Lesson Plans, PBIS Survey Artifacts: PLMS, Training Agenda RULER Training Evidence: Administrators’

Ruler Team Assistant Principal On-Going during the 2021-2022 School Year

completed -on going

School Administrators


Lyles-Crouch Traditional Academy |Alexandria City Public Schools 2021-2022 Continuous School Improvement Plan

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Lyles-Crouch Traditional Academy will utilize collaboration/professional development, research based interventions, and communication with parents to increase student achievement in the areas of reading and math by 5% for gap group (Black, Economically Disadvantaged, Students with Disabilities) students by June 2022. Status Options: (1) Completed, (2) Completed-Ongoing, (3) In Progress and RULER lessons during the daily SEAL block.

Observations, PBIS survey

On-Going during the 2021-2022 School Year

Artifact: Lesson plans

School Counselor Staff Students MTSS Central Office Staff

Training of staff regarding the tiers of behavior, de-escalation strategies, appropriate consequences, and behavior documentation.

Evidence: Discipline Referrals Classroom Teachers School Counselors Central Office

August 2021-Jun e 2022

Artifacts: PD minutes, Staff roster

School Administrators On-Going during the 2021-2022 School Year

2. Essential Action/Research-Based Strategy: Collect UCLA COVID screener data from​​students in grades 3-5 to identify students requiring social emotional support.


Status Q1Q2Q3EOY

What is the evidence driving the need for this essential action? UCLA COVID-19 Screener/PBIS survey ● What is the evidence that this Research-Based Strategy will improve outcomes? The UCLA COVID Screener consists of an 11-item set of validated questions about the frequency of PTSD symptoms in the past month. The scores help determine the need for ongoing monitoring or a full PTSD assessment, and, if indicated, evidence-based trauma-focused treatment like the Bounce Back Program that SST members have received training on.. What is the Plan to Assess Progress? Quarterly at SST meetings. Focus Area Strategic Plan Goal

VCSIP - Elementary

Action Steps

Person(s) Responsible for Implementation

Timefram e

Evidence of Progress/Completio n (Artifacts required)

Person(s) Responsible for Monitoring


Lyles-Crouch Traditional Academy |Alexandria City Public Schools 2021-2022 Continuous School Improvement Plan

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Lyles-Crouch Traditional Academy will utilize collaboration/professional development, research based interventions, and communication with parents to increase student achievement in the areas of reading and math by 5% for gap group (Black, Economically Disadvantaged, Students with Disabilities) students by June 2022. Status Options: (1) Completed, (2) Completed-Ongoing, (3) In Progress (Beginning to End Dates)

SST Teachers

VCSIP - Elementary

Collect PBIS/SEAL survey data to share with the staff quarterly. The SST will follow up with each individual student identified as tier 3 and identify action steps to address the data to increase the number of students that feel safe, valued and engaged. Possible action steps may include outside referrals, small group counseling, targeted SEAL lessons,and professional development for staff.

School Counselor SST Assistant Principal

August 2021-Jun e 2022

and Frequency

Evidence: UCLA Covid Screener, PBIS/SEAL survey SST


Artifacts: UCLA Covid Screener, PBIS/SEAL survey

Lyles-Crouch Traditional Academy |Alexandria City Public Schools 2021-2022 Continuous School Improvement Plan

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