Q2 Final SY21-22 Mount Vernon Community School CSIP

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Mount Vernon Community School All MVCS students at grades K-5 will demonstrate growth in their science proficiency as measured by the administration of K-2 quarterly science task assessments and the 3rd through 5th grade SOLs.

Systemic Alignment - Instructional Excellence - Student Accessibility and Support Strategic Resource Allocation - Family and Community Engagement

Projecct ☐ Developing a culture centered in student data literacy

Academic Disparities ☐ Talent and Gifted ☐ PreK-2 Literacy ☐ Students With Disabilities (SWD) Emotional Disabilities (ED) - Black Students Low academic achievement of ELs in Science SOLs which continues to follow the traditional pass or fail system RELEVANT SCHOOL PROFILE DATA

Total Students= 857 Demographics Latin X




= 46%





= 7%





= 8%





= 50%




Mount Vernon Community School (MVCS) is a K-5 dual language school (Spanish and English) with a L2 school quality indicator in science. As a dual language school, science and mathematics content is delivered in Spanish and assessed in English. MVCS is currently under academic review due to science academic achievement performance. Science Academic Achievement: All Students SY 2019: 57% Passing Rate SY 2018: 70% Passing Rate SY 2017: 70% Passing Rate Cumulative 3 Year: 66% Passing Rate

VCSIP - Elementary

The decline in the SY19 MVCS performance in science in, as well as the stagnant growth between SY17 and SY18, led the school leadership to assess how science is currently taught, the time spent on science instruction, and the need for changes in instructional time, planning and delivery.

There is a targeted need for actively monitoring science lesson plans and lesson delivery with a specific focus on ensuring student expectations and experiences correlate with the content and cognitive level. Relevancy of the content and hands-on experiences to meet the standard are needed in planning lessons and delivering instruction.

The school administration identified the need for revising the school-wide master schedule, provide professional development to all teachers on aligning the written, taught and tested science curriculum, and provide learning opportunities for teachers in planning scientific investigations for students as expected in the Standards of Learning.

Even though K-2 science instruction does not have a summative standardized assessment at the end of the year, the school administration along with ACPS science and dual language program specialists see the need for developing quarterly tasks that allow school administration and teachers to monitor learning and mastery of science content.

Professional Learning Communities (PLC) are the main forum to set expectations, analyze student performance data and plan collaboratively. However, there is a need to communicate clear and explicit expectations regarding aligning the written, taught and tested curriculum to the Standards of Learning Curriculum Framework's Essential Knowledge and Skills, monitor, and provide feedback to teachers on lesson plans and lesson observations.

MVCS has a supportive parent community. The school administration along with PTA have determined that ongoing fundraising efforts organized by the PTA, should align with the academic goals of the school. After-school /extracurricular activities will be focused on promoting science learning.

Mount Vernon Community School | Alexandria City Public Schools 2021-2022 Continuous School Improvement Plan

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