Mount Vernon Community School All MVCS students at grades K-5 will demonstrate growth in their science proficiency as measured by the administration of K-2 quarterly science task assessments and the 3rd through 5th grade SOLs. Artifacts: Session attendance records, unit plans, classroom observations K-5 Reading, Math 1.1, 1.2, 1.4, 1.5, 3.2
Teachers will engage in a plan-do-study-act cycle through PLCs to monitor student progress; plan instruction, including intervention and enrichment efforts; and refine instructional practices through collaborative inquiry.
Teachers Instructional Coaches School Testing Coordinator
K-5 Reading, Math 1.1, 1.2, 1.4, 1.5, 3.2
Teachers will focus on Priority Standards during instructional planning.
Teachers Instructional Coaches
K-5 Reading, Math, 1.1, 1.2, 1.4, 1.5, 3.2
Teachers will refine pre- and post-unit assessments, and create common formative assessment, based on "Power and Priority Standards," to align to the content and rigor of grade-level standards.
Teachers Instructional Coaches School Testing Coordinator
Evidence: Purposeful use of breakout rooms Intentional planning of asynchronous instruction Artifacts: Lesson plans, unit plans, virtual learning teacher observation checklist Evidence: Use of priority standards to guide instruction Artifacts: PLC meeting notes Power/ Priority Standards document Evidence: Use of common formative assessments to guide interventions, enrichment, and Tier I instruction Artifacts: PLC meeting notes Data collection documents Assessments
School Administration Instructional Coaches
School Administration Instructional Coaches
School Administration Instructional Coaches
3. Essential Action/Research-Based Strategy: Teachers will more deeply utilize PLC structures to strengthen their practice through concentrated instruction, intra-unit intervention, remediation, and enrichment, and the development of more robust common formative assessments. Evidence Driving This Essential Action: The English side of the day receives EL and SPED co-teaching support. As a school with 45% of our student population being EL, it is critical to ensure that literacy development is effective and adequate to the emerging bilinguals' academic process. Plan to Assess Progress: ● Active administrative and instructional coaching presence during PLCs, team meetings, PD offerings. Quarterly data presentations on student performance data. PD offerings in differentiated instruction. Courageous Conversations PD as part of our monthly school priorities meeting. Monitoring and evaluation of lesson planning, unit planning, and of the implementation of common assessments. Specific professional learning in language learning, dual language education, co-teaching strategies. ● Use of a GLAD checklist and look- fors when observing lessons. Teachers will reflect on their professional learning and use their learning to support PLC discussions. Reflections will be included in professional learning plans.
Recommendations Considerations VCSIP - Elementary
Mount Vernon Community School | Alexandria City Public Schools 2021-2022 Continuous School Improvement Plan
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