Closing the equity and achievement gap for SWD, Black, Economically Disadvantaged, and EL students by increasing the number of students proficiency levels within all content areas to meet formative and summative assessment growth within reading levels and proficiency in all other content areas by 2025. Status Options: (1) Completed, (2) Completed-Ongoing, (3) In Progress
ACPS Equity for All 2025 Strategic Plan Goal Areas Systemic Alignment
Instructional Excellence
Student Accessibility and Support Strategic
Resource Allocation
Family and Community Engagement
Social Emotional and Academic Learning Recovery ☐ MTSS ☐ RULER ☐ Literacy Grades K-4 ☐ Math Recovery ☐ SST Support Expansion
Middle School Educational Experience ☐ Scheduling ☐ Math Pathways ☐ Middle School Transitions (Grades 5-6 & 8-9)
Hispanic Males ☐ Academic Enrichment and Advancement ☐ Early Warning System ☐ Internships, Externships, and Workforce Development
Talented and Gifted ☐ Identification Process ☐ Service Model ☐ Annual Plan
Academic Disparities ☐ Talent and Gifted ☐ PreK-2 Literacy ☐ Students With Disabilities (SWD) Emotional Disabilities (ED) - Black Students ☐ Hispanic Male Graduation Rates
Relevant School Profile Data 2020-2021 data Total Student Population: 341
Economically Disadvantaged: 37%
Race and Ethnicity: ● Asian: 1% ● Black: 26% ● Hispanic: 8% ● White: 60% ● Multiple Races: 5%
English Language Learners: 6% (22/352) Students with Disabilities: 11% (37/352)
Reading Proficiency: 90% of Kindergarten through Second grade students with disabilities have shown at minimum one
Math Proficiency: On the Math MAP projected proficiency report, 42% of black students are projected to score basic on
Naomi L. Brooks Elementary School |Alexandria City Public Schools VCSIP - Elementary 2021-2022 Continuous School Improvement Plan
Closing the equity and achievement gap for SWD, Black, Economically Disadvantaged, and EL students by increasing the number of students proficiency levels within all content areas to meet formative and summative assessment growth within reading levels and proficiency in all other content areas by 2025. Status Options: (1) Completed, (2) Completed-Ongoing, (3) In Progress
Reading level higher on a running record. In Third Grade through Fifth Grade, 78% of students with disabilities have shown at minimum one Reading level higher on a running record. While our school recognizes the challenge of the pandemic we have faced this year, the Reading MAP data remains stable, with 20% of students scoring below the benchmark, noting that both running records and MAP data are considered as data points this year.
the SOL and 26% scoring proficient or higher on the SOL. Also in Math, our projected proficiency for students with disabilities is: 19% are projected to score basic on the SOL and 35% scoring proficient or higher on the SOL.
STRAND I: TEACHING FOR LEARNING FOCUS AREA: Instructional Excellence (ACPS Goal) We are committed to eliminating opportunity and achievement gaps by monitoring our progress through: teachers planning and implementing lessons utilizing the ACPS instructional framework (Observation), classrooms in our school demonstrating use of high-impact strategies (observation; rubric) and student growth as measured by formative assessments at school and division. English Language Arts 1
SMART Goal(s): During the 2021-22 school year, 66% of Black
students and 56% of SWD students will make a year’s worth of growth within the Reading SOL Spring Assessments.
SMART Goal(s): During the 2021-22 school year, 60% of Black
students and 36% of SWD students will make a year’s worth of growth within the Math SOL Spring Assessments.
Status Q1- 3 Q2-3 Q3EOY-
Science 3. Other (specify):
Science - 84% SOL Pass Rate
SMART Goal(s): During the 2021-22 school year, 84% of all students will pass the science summative
assessments. ACTION PLAN
1. Essential Action/Research-Based Strategy: Provide high quality core and targeted supplemental (intervention) instruction for prioritized students (including students reading below grade level, SWD, and black students) based on analysis of PALs Quick Checks, Quarterly MAP Data, and Fountas and Pinnell Assessments.
Status Q1- 3
Naomi L. Brooks Elementary School |Alexandria City Public Schools VCSIP - Elementary 2021-2022 Continuous School Improvement Plan
Closing the equity and achievement gap for SWD, Black, Economically Disadvantaged, and EL students by increasing the number of students proficiency levels within all content areas to meet formative and summative assessment growth within reading levels and proficiency in all other content areas by 2025. Status Options: (1) Completed, (2) Completed-Ongoing, (3) In Progress ·
Provision of PD to support these Language Arts priorities are Wilson Reading Program and Really Great Reading
Q2-3 Q3EOY-
What is the evidence driving the need for this essential action? PALS data, EOY running records, MAP data, SOL data What is the Plan to Assess Progress? Monitoring of these priorities will be done using the monitoring tool of PALs Quick Checks (Bi-Weekly), Fountas and Pinnell Assessments (Quarterly), Really Great Reading Assessments (BOY, MOY, EOY). Focus Area Strategic Plan Goal
[ K-5/ SPED Teachers/SWD Students] [SPG: 1.1, 1.2]
Action Steps
Conduct co-teaching classroom observations and walkthroughs of English Language Arts (ELA) classes monthly targeting SWD. Evidence found will then drive coaching support, professional development, and/or training needed.
Person(s) Responsible for Implementation
Provide: Special Education Teachers & Instructional Coaches
Timeframe (Beginning to End Dates)
Evidence of Progress/Completio n (Artifacts required)
Monthly, October 2021 - June 2022
Evidence: Completed SDI Co-Teaching Walk-Through Form (Google Doc.) TalentEd Observations and Walk-Throughs Artifacts: Co-Teaching Plan for future instruction, Specialized Instruction Co-Teaching Observation Document
Person(s) Responsible for Monitoring and Frequency
Brooks Administration & Central Office Specialized Instruction Specialist (Frequency Monthly)
Status Please provide a brief description 3: In Progress -Co-teaching walkthroughs have been conducted on a monthly basis. -Coaching supports related to small group instruction are being provided. -Teacher specific training and peer observations have been provided as needed.
Naomi L. Brooks Elementary School |Alexandria City Public Schools VCSIP - Elementary 2021-2022 Continuous School Improvement Plan
Closing the equity and achievement gap for SWD, Black, Economically Disadvantaged, and EL students by increasing the number of students proficiency levels within all content areas to meet formative and summative assessment growth within reading levels and proficiency in all other content areas by 2025. Status Options: (1) Completed, (2) Completed-Ongoing, (3) In Progress
[K-5/SWD & Black students/K-5 Teachers and Specialists]
Provides a lesson plan with high academic expectations for all students and communicates the plan with strong instructional delivery.
[SPG: 1.1, 1.2, 1.4, 1.5]
[K-5/SWD & Black students/Reading Specialists] [SPG: 1.1, 1.2]
Reading Instructional Coaches/Interventionists will provide student interventions and progress monitoring based on Fountas and Pinnell data to include fluency, phonics, and comprehension based skills.
Provide & Implement: K-5 Teachers, EL/SPED Teachers and Specialists
Provide & Implement: Reading Specialists
October 2021 - June 2022
Evidence: Submitting lesson plans to administration bi-weekly; VDOE Basic Components Lesson Plan Tool Artifacts: Vertical Planning PD, Leadership Team Lesson Planning Review, Grade Level PLCs, Google Document Lesson Plans for K-5, Peer to Peer Observation Walk-throughs
Weekly, September 2021 - June 2022
Evidence: Fountas and Pinnell Reading Level Data, Tier II Intervention Observations Artifacts: New Groupings and intervention assignments within our progress monitoring document
Administration (Frequency Monthly)
Data Interventionist Coach (Frequency Monthly)
2: Completed and Ongoing -All lesson plans are submitted bi-weekly to include all components of literacy instruction to support planning for strong instructional delivery. -Planning supports are provided for lesson plans that are incomplete.
3: In Progress -Daily intense intervention is provided to students reading below grade level.
Naomi L. Brooks Elementary School |Alexandria City Public Schools VCSIP - Elementary 2021-2022 Continuous School Improvement Plan
Closing the equity and achievement gap for SWD, Black, Economically Disadvantaged, and EL students by increasing the number of students proficiency levels within all content areas to meet formative and summative assessment growth within reading levels and proficiency in all other content areas by 2025. Status Options: (1) Completed, (2) Completed-Ongoing, (3) In Progress
[K-5/SWD & Black students/K-5 Teachers and Specialists] [SPG: 1.1, 1.2, 1.4, 1.5]
K-5/SWD & Black students/ELL & SPED & Reading Specialists [SPG: 1.1, 1.2]
Continue to enhance our professional learning communities where teachers discuss best practices that will be incorporated into Tier I & II instruction and identify students needing Tier III intervention during the I/E Block.
Provide prioritized students targeted reading interventions (i.e. LLI, Really Great Reading, Fundations, Lexia etc) within the Master Schedule’s Intervention/Enrichment Block.
Data Interventionist Coach, Reading Teachers, Reading Specialists, SST, SPED & ELL Teachers, Office of Talent Development
Provide & Implement: Teachers, EL/SPED Teachers, Paraprofessionals
Bi-Weekly, September 2021 - June 2022
Evidence: Administrative walkthroughs (monthly), vertical and grade level peer observations (semesterly) Artifacts: PLC Agenda & Next Steps, I/E Intervention Schedules, Lesson Plans through Canvas
October 2021 - June 2022
Evidence: Lesson plans with administrative feedback; classroom observations and walkthroughs with collegial collaborative conversations; Data cycles within PLCs Artifacts: Master Schedule, PLC minutes and next steps, professional learning agendas,
Administration & Data Interventionist Coach, Office of Talent Development (Frequency Bi-Weekly, Monthly)
3: In Progress -PLC meetings are conducted bi-weekly with re-tiering/flexible grouping assessed quarterly. -PM document updated to include baseline and check in data used for remediation support and grouping.
Brooks Administration (Frequency Weekly)
2: Completed and Ongoing -Prioritized students are receiving daily reading intervention outside of Tier I Literacy Instruction.
Naomi L. Brooks Elementary School |Alexandria City Public Schools VCSIP - Elementary 2021-2022 Continuous School Improvement Plan
Closing the equity and achievement gap for SWD, Black, Economically Disadvantaged, and EL students by increasing the number of students proficiency levels within all content areas to meet formative and summative assessment growth within reading levels and proficiency in all other content areas by 2025. Status Options: (1) Completed, (2) Completed-Ongoing, (3) In Progress formative assessment data
K-5/All K-5 students/All K-5 Reading Teachers and Reading Specialists [SPG: 1.5]
Provide, implement, and monitor professional development on the Tier I Phonics and Phonemic Awareness Curriculum with an explicit focus on student outcomes for SWD and Black students.
Provide: ACPS Curriculum Dept. (K-5 English/Literacy Director), Literacy Coaches Implement: Reading Teachers
Monthly, October 2021 - June 2022
Evidence: Classroom observations (walk throughs); exit tickets/surveys from Phonics PD Artifacts: Feedback sent to Leadership Team documented in the Google Doc, Brooks PD Schedules, Lesson Plans with Feedback, 1 on 1 meetings and feedback with teachers and staff about next steps within PLP goal setting. PLP 1,2 and 3, PLC Meeting agenda minutes, ACPS PD Schedule
Director of K-5 English/Literacy Brooks Administration (Frequency Monthly)
2: Completed and Ongoing -District provided professional development has occurred both asynchronously through Really Great Reading’s Online Learning Platform as well as synchronously on division-wide professional development days (August 2021). -School specific professional development was conducted during teacher report week (August 2021) & grade-level planning (September 2021 January 2022)
Naomi L. Brooks Elementary School |Alexandria City Public Schools VCSIP - Elementary 2021-2022 Continuous School Improvement Plan
Closing the equity and achievement gap for SWD, Black, Economically Disadvantaged, and EL students by increasing the number of students proficiency levels within all content areas to meet formative and summative assessment growth within reading levels and proficiency in all other content areas by 2025. Status Options: (1) Completed, (2) Completed-Ongoing, (3) In Progress focusing on differentiation and meeting the needs of all learners.
[K-2/SWD & Underrepresented/TAG Teacher, Teachers] [SPG: 1.1, 1.2]
GIA Teacher, in partnership with the general education teacher, will provide student interventions aligned with K-2 Critical Thinking Lessons focused on exposure to underrepresented demographics (Black & SWD) to continue identifying Young Scholar students.
Provide & Implement: GIA Teachers, K-4 Teachers
Monthly, October 2021 - June 2022
Evidence: Critical and Creative Thinking lessons utilized in multiple subject areas, PLC reflection & discussion of lessons with K-2 Teachers, classroom observation with feedback Artifacts: Young Scholars trainings, TAG Referral Documentation
Brooks Administration, TAG Designee (Frequency Bi-Weekly)
2. Essential Action/Research-Based Strategy: Provide high quality core and targeted supplemental (intervention) instruction for prioritized students (including SWD and black students) based on analysis of Number Worlds, Hands on Standards, and DreamBox. · Provision of PD to support these Mathematics priorities
3: In Progress -2nd grade: Young Scholars (Sci unit), next steps are to review portfolio products with Grade 2.
Status Q1- 3 Q2-3 Q3EOY-
Evidence Driving This Essential Action: pre- and post-unit assessments, MAP data, SOL data, progress monitoring data
Naomi L. Brooks Elementary School |Alexandria City Public Schools VCSIP - Elementary 2021-2022 Continuous School Improvement Plan
Closing the equity and achievement gap for SWD, Black, Economically Disadvantaged, and EL students by increasing the number of students proficiency levels within all content areas to meet formative and summative assessment growth within reading levels and proficiency in all other content areas by 2025. Status Options: (1) Completed, (2) Completed-Ongoing, (3) In Progress Plan to Assess Progress: Monitoring of these priorities will be done using the progress monitoring tool of MAP Math data, Number Worlds, Just-in-Time Quick Checks,Test for Higher Standards, SchoolNet, and DreamBox Focus Area Strategic Plan Goal
[Grades 3-5/All 3-5 students/3-5 Math Teachers] [SPG: 1.1, 1.2]
Action Steps
Provide and implement professional development for teachers focusing on the Math Workshop Model and Professional Development on differentiated instruction for prioritized students, including SWD and black students.
Person(s) Responsible for Implementation
Reading Coaches, Division Math Instructional Specialist, Data Interventionist
Timeframe (Beginning to End Dates)
Evidence of Progress/Completio n (Artifacts required)
October 2021 - June 2022
Evidence: Monitor the Tier I instruction within the Math Workshop Model, classroom observations with Feedback; Data Cycles within PLC’s Artifacts: PLC Meeting agenda minutes, Lesson Plans with Feedback, ACPS & Brooks PD Schedules
Person(s) Responsible for Monitoring and Frequency
Brooks Administration (Frequency monthly)
Status Please provide a brief description 3: In Progress -Teacher report week Math Workshop Model Training was conducted with an emphasis on best practices and resources for addressing pandemic learning loss. -Upcoming school specific DreamBox training for staff will include analyzing reports and creating targeted lessons based on data.
Naomi L. Brooks Elementary School |Alexandria City Public Schools VCSIP - Elementary 2021-2022 Continuous School Improvement Plan
Closing the equity and achievement gap for SWD, Black, Economically Disadvantaged, and EL students by increasing the number of students proficiency levels within all content areas to meet formative and summative assessment growth within reading levels and proficiency in all other content areas by 2025. Status Options: (1) Completed, (2) Completed-Ongoing, (3) In Progress
[K-5/SWD & Black & ELL students/K-5 Teachers and Specialists] [SPG: 1.1, 1.2]
Use our schoolwide Progress Monitoring to document intervention effectiveness. Provide students targeted math interventions (i.e. Number Worlds, Dream Box, etc.) within the Master Schedule’s Intervention/Enrichment block to prioritized students (including SWD and black students)
Provide & Implement: Teachers, EL/SPED Teachers, Paraprofessionals
Weekly, September 2021 - June 2022
Evidence: Just in time Quick Checks, classroom walk throughs with feedback, Tier II Intervention walk-throughs, DreamBox Data; Data cycles within PLCs Artifacts: groupings and intervention assignments within progress monitoring document
Brooks Administration & Data Interventionist Coach (Frequency Weekly)
3: In Progress -PM document updated to include pre/post test data for each unit. Data is used for remediation support and groupings. - Targeted students receive math intervention support 3x week. -DreamBox computer adaptive lessons are incorporated into center rotations. - Quick Checks K-5 are used to
identify gaps in essential learning and to provide scaffolding and support where needed.
Naomi L. Brooks Elementary School |Alexandria City Public Schools VCSIP - Elementary 2021-2022 Continuous School Improvement Plan
Closing the equity and achievement gap for SWD, Black, Economically Disadvantaged, and EL students by increasing the number of students proficiency levels within all content areas to meet formative and summative assessment growth within reading levels and proficiency in all other content areas by 2025. Status Options: (1) Completed, (2) Completed-Ongoing, (3) In Progress
[K-5/SWD & Black students/K-5 Teachers and Specialists] [SPG: 1.1, 1.2, 1.4, 1.5]
[ K-5/ SPED Teachers/SWD Students] [SPG: 1.1, 1.2]
Continue to enhance our professional learning communities (PLCs) in which teachers discuss best practices (ie. Specialized Instruction: Math Interventions such as Number Worlds, DreamBox, etc.) that will be incorporated into Tier I & II instructions.
Conducting monthly co-teaching classroom observations and walkthroughs of Mathematics classes that target SWD.
Provide: Data Interventionist Coach, Math Interventionist, Central Office Math Specialists
Bi-Weekly, September 2021 - June 2022
Evidence: PLC walk throughs with feedback from Talent Development (Quarterly) Artifacts: PLC Agenda & Next Steps, I/E Intervention Schedules & groupings, Lesson Plans
Brooks Administration & Data Interventionist Coach (Frequency Bi-Weekly)
2: Completed and Ongoing - PLC data dives to analyze MAP data, progress monitoring data, and intervention groupings.
Monthly, October 2021 - June 2022
Evidence: Observations and Walk-Throughs Artifacts: Completed SDI Co-Teaching Walk-Through Form (Google Doc.) TalentEd , Co-Teaching Lesson Plans
Brooks Administration & Central Office Specialized Instruction Specialist (Frequency Monthly)
2: Completed and Ongoing -Central Office walk-throughs to be conducted in Feb/March.
Implement: Math Interventionist, Math Teachers, Special Education Teachers
Provide & Implement: Math Teachers, Special Education Teachers, Math Interventionist, Instructional Coaches
Naomi L. Brooks Elementary School |Alexandria City Public Schools VCSIP - Elementary 2021-2022 Continuous School Improvement Plan
Closing the equity and achievement gap for SWD, Black, Economically Disadvantaged, and EL students by increasing the number of students proficiency levels within all content areas to meet formative and summative assessment growth within reading levels and proficiency in all other content areas by 2025. Status Options: (1) Completed, (2) Completed-Ongoing, (3) In Progress
[K-5/SWD & Black students] [SPG: 1.2]
Math Interventionist & Special Education Teachers will provide additional Tier II instruction within small-groups as well as differentiation within the Tier III intervention model.
Provide & Implement: Math Interventionist, Special Education Teachers
Weekly, October 2021 - June 2022
Evidence: DreamBox, Just in Time Quick Checks, Post Tests & Tier II Intervention, MAP data, walk-throughs (identifying differentiation) Artifacts: New Groupings, schedule and intervention assignments within our progress monitoring document
3. Essential Action/Research-Based Strategy: Provide high quality core and small group instruction for prioritized students (including SWD and black students). · Provision of PD to support these actions will be within SOL Science Standards and Alignment of Instruction and Assessments.
Brooks Administration (Frequency Monthly)
3: In Progress - Tier II support provided 3x per week for targeted students. Groups are fluid and based on data. - Interventionist provides push-in small group support for differentiation within the math block. - Progress Monitoring and Quick Checks to identify students in need of additional support. Status Q1- 3 Q2-3 Q3EOY
Evidence Driving This Essential Action: SOL data, unit assessments Plan to Assess Progress: Monitoring of these priorities using Quarterly Data such as unit assessments, Schoolnet, and quarterly benchmarks. Naomi L. Brooks Elementary School |Alexandria City Public Schools VCSIP - Elementary 2021-2022 Continuous School Improvement Plan
Closing the equity and achievement gap for SWD, Black, Economically Disadvantaged, and EL students by increasing the number of students proficiency levels within all content areas to meet formative and summative assessment growth within reading levels and proficiency in all other content areas by 2025. Status Options: (1) Completed, (2) Completed-Ongoing, (3) In Progress
Focus Area Strategic Plan Goal
[K-5/All K-5 students/K-5 Science Teachers] [SPG: 1.1, 1.5]
Action Steps
Continue to adapt and implement aligned K-4 Science Units that are essential material to be covered.
Person(s) Responsible for Implementation
K-5 Science Teachers, Division Science Instructional Specialist
Timeframe (Beginning to End Dates)
Evidence of Progress/Completio n (Artifacts required)
September 2021 - June 2022
Evidence: Classroom walk-throughs Artifacts: Professional Development agendas, materials, science lesson plans, unit assessment and benchmark data
Person(s) Responsible for Monitoring and Frequency
Brooks Administration (Frequency Monthly)
Status Please provide a brief description 3: In Progress -Ongoing walkthrough and formal observations indicate alignment and instruction of essential units and K-4 Science material -students are assessed using ACPS curriculum benchmarks as well as teacher created common assessments.
STRAND II: SCHOOL ENVIRONMENT Leadership and Governance - Commitment to Professional Learning - Safe and Orderly Environments - Family and Community Engagement DOMAIN:
Safe and Orderly Environments
SMART Goal(s): By the end of the 2022 SY, 100% of staff will have taught the schoolwide PBIS expectations to students. By the end of the 2022 SY, 100% of students will know the schoolwide PBIS expectations. This data will come from the annual TFI Walkthrough Interview and Observation Tool completed in the Spring of 2022.
Naomi L. Brooks Elementary School |Alexandria City Public Schools VCSIP - Elementary 2021-2022 Continuous School Improvement Plan
Closing the equity and achievement gap for SWD, Black, Economically Disadvantaged, and EL students by increasing the number of students proficiency levels within all content areas to meet formative and summative assessment growth within reading levels and proficiency in all other content areas by 2025. Status Options: (1) Completed, (2) Completed-Ongoing, (3) In Progress
ACTION PLAN 1. Essential Action/Research-Based Strategy: Provide enrichment and intervention priorities for students based on analysis of Monthly PBIS data. · Provision of PD to support these actions will be within the Social & Emotional Learning Lessons
Status Q1- 3 Q2-2 Q3EOY-
What is the evidence driving the need for this essential action? Monthly PBIS data What is the Plan to Assess Progress? Monitoring of these priorities will be done using the monitoring tool of our Monthly PBIS Data within student referrals. Focus Area Strategic Plan Goal
[K-5/All Students/All Teachers]
Action Steps
Person(s) Responsible for Implementation
New staff and returning staff will participate in PBIS, RULER/SEAL refresher and onboarding professional development.
PBIS Coordinator, PBIS Learning Team, SST
Staff and students will identify expected behaviors and post PBIS expectations around the school. Students and staff will use common PBIS language to communicate and
PBIS Coordinator, All Brooks Staff & Teachers
Timeframe (Beginning to End Dates)
[SPG: 5.1, 5.2]
(Artifacts required)
Person(s) Responsible for Monitoring and Frequency
Status Please provide a brief description
Semesterly, August 2021 June 2022
Evidence: informal observations Artifacts: Professional development agendas
Administration (Frequency - Semesterly)
2: Completed and Ongoing -August & November 2021, observations will be ongoing to show evidence of new learning. Jan. 2022: PBIS chats in classrooms
August 2021 June 2022
Evidence: Positive Bee-havior conversations Artifacts: PBIS Audits, Bee Bucks Checklist
Administration (Frequency - Monthly)
2: Completed and Ongoing -September 2021 & January 2022
[SPG: 5.1, 5.2]
[K-5/All Students/All Teachers]
Evidence of Progress/Completion
Naomi L. Brooks Elementary School |Alexandria City Public Schools VCSIP - Elementary 2021-2022 Continuous School Improvement Plan
Closing the equity and achievement gap for SWD, Black, Economically Disadvantaged, and EL students by increasing the number of students proficiency levels within all content areas to meet formative and summative assessment growth within reading levels and proficiency in all other content areas by 2025. Status Options: (1) Completed, (2) Completed-Ongoing, (3) In Progress demonstrate expected behaviors in classrooms, halls, and the cafeteria.
[K-5/All Students/All Teachers]
Students will be recognized for positive behavior monthly.
PBIS Coordinator, All Brooks Staff
August 2021 June 2022.
Evidence: Bee-havior Referrals, Brooks Community Newsletter, monthly celebrations Artifacts: Brooks Communication Documents, Bee Bucks
Semesterly, August 2021 June 2022
Evidence: Positive Bee-havior Conversations, PBIS matrix checklist Artifacts: Grade level schedule for meeting dates/times
[SPG: 5.1, 5.2]
[K-5/All Students/All Teachers]
Students will participate in positive behavior expectation talks.
Principal, Assistant Principal, & SST
[SPG: 5.1, 5.2]
[K-5/All Students/All Teachers] [SPG: 5.1, 5.2]
All general education teachers will facilitate daily social emotional learning lessons to all students within their SEAL block.
SST Members and Homeroom Teachers
September 2021 - June 2022
Evidence: informal observations Artifacts: SEAL Lesson Plans, SEAL block
Administration (Frequency - Monthly)
2: Completed & Ongoing -Students are recognized monthly in the Brooks Buzz Newsletter SeptemberDecember 2021 January 2022, Ongoing
PBIS Coordinator (Frequency - Semesterly)
2: Completed & OngoingSeptember & December 2021, February & March 2022 during lunches Ongoing
Administration (Frequency - Semesterly)
2: Completed & Ongoing -teachers are consistently providing SEAL/RULER lessons
Naomi L. Brooks Elementary School |Alexandria City Public Schools VCSIP - Elementary 2021-2022 Continuous School Improvement Plan
Closing the equity and achievement gap for SWD, Black, Economically Disadvantaged, and EL students by increasing the number of students proficiency levels within all content areas to meet formative and summative assessment growth within reading levels and proficiency in all other content areas by 2025. Status Options: (1) Completed, (2) Completed-Ongoing, (3) In Progress daily/weekly (Jan. 2022)
Naomi L. Brooks Elementary School |Alexandria City Public Schools VCSIP - Elementary 2021-2022 Continuous School Improvement Plan