Q2 Final SY21-22 William Ramsay Elementary School CSIP

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OVERARCHING SCHOOL GOAL: By the spring administration of MAP (May 2022), all grade levels will meet or exceed their projected growth scores on the NWEA MAP as measured by the Student Growth Summary in math and reading.

Systemic Alignment - Instructional Excellence -Student Accessibility and Support Strategic Resource Allocation - Health and Wellness - Family and Community Engagement Social Emotional and Academic Learning Recovery ☐ MTSS (RULER) ☐ Literacy Grades K-4 ☐ Math Recovery ☐ SST Support Expansion

Middle School Educational Experience ☐ Scheduling ☐ Math Pathways ☐ Middle School Transitions (Grades 5-6 & 8-9)

Hispanic Males ☐ Academic Enrichment and Advancement ☐ Early Warning System ☐ Internships, Externships, and Workforce Development

Talented and Gifted ☐ Identification Process ☐ Service Model ☐ Annual Plan

Academic Disparities ☐ Talent and Gifted ☐ Students with Disabilities (SWD) Emotional Disabilities (ED) - Black Students ☐ Hispanic Male Graduation Rates

RELEVANT SCHOOL PROFILE DATA William Ramsay is an elementary school on the western border of Alexandria at the end of the Beauregard Corridor. Our community is culturally diverse and is largely an immigrant population. Our school zone encompasses mostly apartment housing with some single family home properties near the border with Fairfax County. Many of our families are challenged by poverty and the high cost of living in our area. As of September 15, 2021, there are 597 students enrolled at WRES. WRES serves a diverse population of students who speak close to 30 languages and represent about 30 countries. Sixty-one percent of students speak English as an additional language. The top five home languages, excluding English, include: Spanish, Amharic, Arabic, Bengali and Urdu. Students at WRES come from all over the world, but the majority

VCSIP - Elementary School Improvement Plan

William Ramsay Elementary |Alexandria City Public Schools 2021-2022 Continuous

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OVERARCHING SCHOOL GOAL: By the spring administration of MAP (May 2022), all grade levels will meet or exceed their projected growth scores on the NWEA MAP as measured by the Student Growth Summary in math and reading. of students and/or their families immigrated from countries in Central America, Africa, and Western Asia. Demographically, we are less than 1% Native American/Alaskan Native, 9% Asian/Pacific Islander, 26% African-American, 55% Hispanic, 9% White, and about 2% Multi-racial.

Click HERE to Review Mid-Year MAP Progress




SMART Goal(s): By the winter administration of MAP (February 2022), all grade levels will meet or exceed their projected growth scores on the NWEA MAP Reading assessment as measured by the Student Growth Summary.


SMART Goal(s): By the winter administration of MAP (February 2022), grades 2-5 will meet or exceed their projected growth scores on the NWEA MAP Math assessment as measured by the Student Growth Summary. By February 2022, all students in kindergarten and 1st grade will grow one band as noted on the grade level teams growth chart for Kathy Richardson’s counting assessment.

3. Other (specify):

VCSIP - Elementary School Improvement Plan


William Ramsay Elementary |Alexandria City Public Schools 2021-2022 Continuous

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OVERARCHING SCHOOL GOAL: By the spring administration of MAP (May 2022), all grade levels will meet or exceed their projected growth scores on the NWEA MAP as measured by the Student Growth Summary in math and reading. SMART Goal(s): By June 2022, all grade levels will demonstrate proficiency or growth in the Science and Engineering Practice (K.1, 1.1f, 2.1f, 3.1f, 4.1f, 5.1f): obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information as measured on a rubric.

ACTION PLAN 1. Essential Action/Research-Based Strategy: Implement Really Great Reading phonics program Evidence Driving This Essential Action: As teachers, we struggle to implement consistent, daily phonemic awareness, phonics and word study instruction with purposeful differentiation. Plan to Assess Progress: ● Short Term--Teachers learn and implement explicit phonemic awareness, phonics and word study instruction as measured by 90% accuracy on a fidelity checklist. ● Mid-Year--Teachers will observe colleagues and reflect on teaching practices as measured by 90% participation in at least 2 observations. Revised mid-year goal: Teachers learn and implement explicit phonemic awareness and phonics lessons into small groups as measured by look for data. ● Long Term--100% of teachers will differentiate their instruction by grouping students into homogenous ability groups as measured by the data sheet. Focus Area

[Grade Level/Student Group(s)/Educators]

Strategic Plan Goal

Action Steps

Title I, Part A Budget Implications (if applicable)

Person(s) Responsible




(Beginning to End Dates)

Evidence of Progress/Completion (Artifacts required)

Person(s) Responsible for Monitoring and Frequency

Status Please provide a brief description

[i.e. 1.1, 2.3]

VCSIP - Elementary School Improvement Plan

William Ramsay Elementary |Alexandria City Public Schools 2021-2022 Continuous

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OVERARCHING SCHOOL GOAL: By the spring administration of MAP (May 2022), all grade levels will meet or exceed their projected growth scores on the NWEA MAP as measured by the Student Growth Summary in math and reading.

K-2 Teachers SEAL & Academic Learning Recovery Literacy K-4

Engage teachers in professional development for the new phonics curriculum Really Great Reading

6000 Materials & Supplies Really Great Reading Intervention Program & Consumables

June 24, 2021 - Division PD Day ● Phonics/Phonemic Awareness Kickoffs Completed

Reading Coach

June 24 - Aug. 19, 2021 Asynchronous Coursework ● Course 1: Self-paced modules – 2.5 hours of content ●

Reading Coach Ongoing

In Progress Not Started On-going

Course 2: Self-paced modules – 3 hours of content

October 11, 2011 - Division PD Day ● Live Webinar November 1, 2021 -February 18, 2022 ● In-Person School-Based Modeling & Coaching Visits

3-5 Teachers SEAL & Academic Learning Recovery Literacy K-4

Provide on-going professional development for 3-5 teachers in Word Study

Reading Coach

October 12, 2021-February 18, 2022 ● Asynchronous Courses 3 & 4 – Self-paced modules – 45 min of content each


Reading Coach Ongoing

February 18, 2021 ● Division PD Day - Live Webinar

In Progress Not Started On-going

Feb - June , 2022 ● Asynchronous Course 5 – Self-paced module – 45 min of content

VCSIP - Elementary School Improvement Plan

William Ramsay Elementary |Alexandria City Public Schools 2021-2022 Continuous

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OVERARCHING SCHOOL GOAL: By the spring administration of MAP (May 2022), all grade levels will meet or exceed their projected growth scores on the NWEA MAP as measured by the Student Growth Summary in math and reading. K-5 Teachers SEAL & Academic Learning Recovery Literacy K-4

K-5 Teachers SEAL & Academic Learning Recovery Literacy K-4

K-5 Teachers SEAL & Academic Learning Recovery Literacy K-4

K-5 Teachers

Take baseline data (PALS, RGA Assessment)

All K-5 teachers, coaches, interventi onists,

By September 30, 2021

Artifact: Data Sheets

SPED, EL Teams meet in PLCS to map out a plan, discuss implementation of the first 4-6 weeks of instruction

Discuss ways to incorporate explicit PA, phonics instruction into our intervention

Coach and teams

Coaches, Admin &

Evidence: Program-specific progress monitoring

By September 30, 2021

Evidence: See notes in the PLC Agenda Artifact: PLC Agendas

SEAL & Academic Learning Recovery Literacy K-4

VCSIP - Elementary School Improvement Plan

In Progress Not Started On-going Teachers collected baseline data in Sept.


Reading Coach Admin Quarterly

In Progress Not Started On-going


Evidence: See notes in the PLC Agenda


K-5 Teachers

School Improvement Coach Quarterly

August 2-12

Artifact: 5 Day Plan for WS

Teach 4-6 weeks and reassess



Evidence: Students’ progress on assessments Artifact: Lesson Plans

In Progress

Reading Coach Beginning of Year

Not Started On-going Teams met to discuss ways to incorporate explicit PA, phonics instruction into our intervention. Completed In Progress

Reading Coach Monthly

Not Started On-going Teachers taught and reassessed students.

William Ramsay Elementary |Alexandria City Public Schools 2021-2022 Continuous

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OVERARCHING SCHOOL GOAL: By the spring administration of MAP (May 2022), all grade levels will meet or exceed their projected growth scores on the NWEA MAP as measured by the Student Growth Summary in math and reading.

K-5 Teachers

Schedule peer observations and teams meet to reflect

Coach and December 1 teams January 30

Completed In Progress

Evidence: Teachers adjusting instruction

SEAL & Academic Learning Recovery Literacy K-4

Artifact:Reflection sheets

Not Started On-going

Reading Coach Quarterly

We were unable to complete this task because we were unable to secure substitutes.

K-5 Teachers SEAL & Academic Learning Recovery Literacy K-4

K-5 Teachers

Teachers will meet in teams, and/or work 1:1 to learn, adjust or refine their small group instruction to incorporate phonics. Adjust instruction based of our new data and observations

SEAL & Academic Learning Recovery Literacy K-4

VCSIP - Elementary School Improvement Plan

Evidence: See notes in PLC Agenda

Completed In Progress Not Started On-going

Artifact: Look fors

All K-5 teachers, coaches, interventi onists, SPED, EL

By October 15th Re-tier students in Jan-Feb

Evidence: See notes in the PLC Agenda Artifact: Pre-Intervention small group schedules

Completed In Progress

Reading Coach Quarterly

Not Started On-going Teachers meet twice a year to look at our school-wide data to adjust interventions.

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OVERARCHING SCHOOL GOAL: By the spring administration of MAP (May 2022), all grade levels will meet or exceed their projected growth scores on the NWEA MAP as measured by the Student Growth Summary in math and reading. K-2 Teachers SEAL & Academic Learning Recovery Literacy K-4

Teams meet to discuss ways to differentiate instruction in PLC

All K-5 teachers, coaches, interventi onists, SPED, EL


Evidence: See notes in the PLC Agenda

In Progress Not Started

Reading Coach Monthly

Artifact: PLC Agendas

On-going Teachers continue to meet in PLCS to plan and adjust instruction.

2. Essential Action/Research-Based Strategy: Incorporate Number Sense Routine into daily instruction Evidence Driving This Essential Action: Learner- problem: Students unable to articulate their mathematical thinking connected to computation/estimation and number sense. ● Coaches/ admin will conduct look fors to gather (yes/no) data on number sense routine time implementation. Plan to Assess Progress: ● Short Term--By the end of Quarter 1, all homeroom teachers will implement number sense routines daily as measured by the look-for data. ● Mid-Year--By the end of Quarter 2, all homeroom teachers will have implemented one type of number sense routine with fidelity based on the checklist. ● Long Term--By the end of Quarter 4, all teachers will have implemented a variety of number sense routines with fidelity based on the checklists. Focus Area [Grade Level/Student Group(s)/Educato rs]

VCSIP - Elementary School Improvement Plan

Action Steps

Title I, Part A Budget Implications (if applicable)

Person(s) Responsible for Implement ation


(Beginning to End Dates)

Evidence of Progress/Completion (Artifacts required)

Person(s) Responsible for Monitoring and Frequency

Status Please provide a brief description

William Ramsay Elementary |Alexandria City Public Schools 2021-2022 Continuous

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OVERARCHING SCHOOL GOAL: By the spring administration of MAP (May 2022), all grade levels will meet or exceed their projected growth scores on the NWEA MAP as measured by the Student Growth Summary in math and reading. Strategic Plan Goal [i.e. 1.1, 2.3]

K-5 Teachers

SEAL & Academic Learning Recovery Math

K-5 Teachers SEAL & Academic Learning Recovery Mth

Math committee meets to review routine options and determines vertical progression suggestions for K-5. (Number Talks, Splat, Estimate, WODB, Counting, Calendar Math, Numberless Word Problems, ___) Determine the designated time for number sense routines with each teacher schedule.

Professional learning during PLC’s on each of the suggested routines. Teams decide on: ● 1 routine to implement each day for a week.

VCSIP - Elementary School Improvement Plan

Math Committee, Math Coach & Interventionist

By Nov. 1

Evidence: Artifact and Evidence are the same because the goals to create that document


Math Coach Beginning of Year

Artifact: Vertical Number Sense Routines Document

Team Leaders, Math Coach

August 16-20

Evidence: Coach presented number sense routines and teams selected a routine(s) to implement for Q1.

Artifact: PLC Agendas Kinder 1st 2nd

In Progress Not Started On-going This task was started and completed.

Completed In Progress Not Started

Math Coach Beginning of year

On-going Math coach met with each team and determined specific number sense routine(s) to begin to implement.

William Ramsay Elementary |Alexandria City Public Schools 2021-2022 Continuous

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OVERARCHING SCHOOL GOAL: By the spring administration of MAP (May 2022), all grade levels will meet or exceed their projected growth scores on the NWEA MAP as measured by the Student Growth Summary in math and reading. 3rd 4th 5th

K-5 Teachers SEAL & Academic Learning Recovery Math

Teachers implement number sense routine with fidelity

K-5 Teachers, EL, SPED

Evidence: Fidelity Check” Look For Data


K-5 Teachers, EL, SPED

K-5 Teachers SEAL & Academic Learning Recovery Math

In grade level PLC meet to share glows/grow on number sense routine implemented previous week. Decide next steps.

VCSIP - Elementary School Improvement Plan


Artifact: Look for spreadsheets or graphs with data. Evidence: Coach met with teams to facilitate glows/grows on number sense implementation (see notes in agendas). Artifact: PLC Agendas K (9/29) 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th

Completed In Progress

Math Coach Admin Ongoing

Not Started On-going Teachers continue to facilitate a number sense routine each day.

Completed In Progress Not Started

Math Coach Monthly

On-going This task is complete. Teams continue to share number sense routine plans, add, edit as needed for their students.

William Ramsay Elementary |Alexandria City Public Schools 2021-2022 Continuous

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OVERARCHING SCHOOL GOAL: By the spring administration of MAP (May 2022), all grade levels will meet or exceed their projected growth scores on the NWEA MAP as measured by the Student Growth Summary in math and reading.

K-5 Teachers SEAL & Academic Learning Recovery Math

K-5 Teachers

Coaches/ admin will conduct look fors to gather (yes/no) data on number sense routine time implementation. Share data with team leads.


Math coach will meet with specific teacher(s) based on look-for data.

Math Coach

Coaches, Admin

SEAL & Academic Learning Recovery Math

Determine the designated time for number sense routines with each teacher schedule.


Evidence: Data Analysis of look fors- insert 11/10 sit slides

By Tuesday, November 30th


K-5 Teachers

Not Started On-going

Admin Ongoing

Once completed, the data showed that teachers needed to note specific time of day (as it had changed) they were conducting their number sense routines. Completed

August 2-12

Evidence: Meet notes Artifact: Zimbra invite

Evidence: Each “number sense routine” has been noted on each teacher's daily master schedule. Artifact:

Master Schedule Number Sense Routine

VCSIP - Elementary School Improvement Plan

In Progress

Look For Data form

Beginning week of Oct. 4th

SEAL & Academic Learning Recovery Math

K-5 Teachers

Across month of November

In Progress Not Started

Admin Ongoing

On-going Math coach has been in several classrooms, as requested by teachers or teams, to model specific number sense routine(s). Completed In Progress Not Started

Math Coach Beginning of Year

On-going This task was a result of yes/no look fors. Teachers have sense added their individual specific time of day they are facilitating number sense routine.

William Ramsay Elementary |Alexandria City Public Schools 2021-2022 Continuous

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OVERARCHING SCHOOL GOAL: By the spring administration of MAP (May 2022), all grade levels will meet or exceed their projected growth scores on the NWEA MAP as measured by the Student Growth Summary in math and reading. time is noted on each grade level tab.

K-5 Teachers SEAL & Academic Learning Recovery Math

K-5 Teachers SEAL & Academic Learning Recovery Math

Create fidelity checklists for number sense routines.

Coach will meet with teams in PLCs to share Number Sense Fidelity Checklists (number talks, WODB, Same But Different and Splat) in order to increase teacher understanding and implementation of routines. Coaches/ admin will conduct “Number Sense Fidelity Checklist” look fors to gather data on number sense routine

VCSIP - Elementary School Improvement Plan

Math Coach, Math Committee

Math Coach

By October 1

By December 18th

Evidence: Google Look For form- Burnham will create Artifact: Number Sense Fidelity Checklists

Evidence: Coach met with teams to model each routine, ask questions and needs. (see agenda for notes)

Completed In Progress Not Started

Admin Beginning of Year

On-going This checklist was created and shared with staff as a guide to encourage proper implementation of each of the different number sense routines.

Completed In Progress

Math Coach As needed in PLCS

Not Started On-going This task was completed and look for form modeled after the checklists.

Artifact: PLC Agendas Completed Instructional

Coaches and Admin


Look For form

School Improvement Coach

In Progress Not Started On-going Coaches and admin are working on this task now to compile data to share

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OVERARCHING SCHOOL GOAL: By the spring administration of MAP (May 2022), all grade levels will meet or exceed their projected growth scores on the NWEA MAP as measured by the Student Growth Summary in math and reading. implementation. Share data with team leads.

with teams before spring break.

3. Essential Action/Research-Based Strategy: Develop lessons that require students to make predictions, and apply their knowledge and higher-order thinking. Evidence Driving This Essential Action: As teachers, we need to create more opportunities for students to apply their understanding. Plan to Assess Progress: ● Short Term--By the end of quarter 1, all teachers will implement observation stations with realia and measurable tools realia and measurable tools related to math and science concepts. ● Mid-Year--By the end of January 2021, all grade levels will evaluate students during an Engineering Design Process lesson using a rubric relating to Science and Engineering Practice (K.1, 1.1f, 2.1f, 3.1f, 4.1f, 5.1f): obtaining, evaluating, and communicating. ● Long Term--By June 2022, all grade levels will demonstrate proficiency or growth in the Science and Engineering Practice (K.1, 1.1f, 2.1f, 3.1f, 4.1f, 5.1f): obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information as measured on a rubric. Focus Area

[Grade Level/Student Group(s)/Educato rs]

Strategic Plan Goal [i.e. 1.1, 2.3]

VCSIP - Elementary School Improvement Plan

Action Steps

Title I, Part A Budget Implication s (if applicable)

Person(s) Responsible for Implementa tion


Evidence of

(Beginning to End Dates)

Progress/Completion (Artifacts required)

Person(s) Responsible for Monitoring and Frequency

Status Please provide a brief description

William Ramsay Elementary |Alexandria City Public Schools 2021-2022 Continuous

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OVERARCHING SCHOOL GOAL: By the spring administration of MAP (May 2022), all grade levels will meet or exceed their projected growth scores on the NWEA MAP as measured by the Student Growth Summary in math and reading.

K-5 Teachers

Provide professional learning activities on Science with GLAD experts

Glad Specialist AugustDecember

Evidence: Content information through EL best practices. Artifact: GLAD posters and resources

K-5 Teachers

K-5 Teachers

K-5 teachers will work with the Science Coach to develop lesson plans that require students to make predictions, and apply their knowledge and higher-order thinking.

Science Coach, Science Specialist

Science coach or EL teachers will model lessons in K-5 PLCs and/or teacher classrooms

Science Coach / EL Teachers


Evidence: Students written responses in Science Notebook Artifact:

In Progress Not Started

Science Coach Administration 2-3 per year


Evidence: Lessons led by science coach in lab weekly

On-going We will contact Anna Harvin to have her come to a science PLC this year to demonstrate how to use some GLAD strategies in science.

Completed In Progress Not Started

Science Coach During PLCS

On-going Ongoing through science EDP days, science lab and PLC meetings.

Grade Level Agendas & Lesson Plans

Artifact: Lesson Plans

VCSIP - Elementary School Improvement Plan


Completed In Progress

Admin As Needed

Not Started On-going Science coach and EL teachers are modeling lessons in Science Lab and stations in the classroom.

William Ramsay Elementary |Alexandria City Public Schools 2021-2022 Continuous

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OVERARCHING SCHOOL GOAL: By the spring administration of MAP (May 2022), all grade levels will meet or exceed their projected growth scores on the NWEA MAP as measured by the Student Growth Summary in math and reading.

K-5 Teachers

Develop science instruction observation tool to monitor implementation and embed EL Best practices into the checklist

Science Coach, Science Committee

Instructional Observations across K-5 classrooms


End of Q2



Across month of November

Analyze science instructional observation data

Evidence: Classroom Walk-Throughs Artifact: Fidelity Checklist

In Progress Not Started On-going

Completed In Progress

Admin Ongoing

Not Started On-going Coaches are still observing and supporting teachers in their classrooms. Completed



By end of quarter 1

Evidence: Data analysis of Science Look Fors Artifact:

Data from Look-Fors & EL Best Practices Checklist

VCSIP - Elementary School Improvement Plan


Admin Quarterly

Fidelity Checklist

K-5 Teachers

K-5 Teachers

Evidence: Classroom walk throughs with feedback

In Progress Not Started On-going

Admin EL Specialist Quarterly

The science coach is analyzing the data as it's being collected. We are behind on this goal due to short of staff, but we are moving forward this quarter.

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OVERARCHING SCHOOL GOAL: By the spring administration of MAP (May 2022), all grade levels will meet or exceed their projected growth scores on the NWEA MAP as measured by the Student Growth Summary in math and reading.

K-5 Teachers

Implement observation stations with realia and measurable tools related to math and science concepts.

K-5 Teachers


Evidence: Observational data collected from walkthroughs

Completed In Progress Not Started

Science Coach Ongoing

Artifact:Fidelity Checklist

K-5 Teachers

K-5 Teachers

Include at least one science nonfiction text and activator read aloud per standard into K-5 science or literacy lesson plans

Students use K-5 Science Word Wall terms in discourse and in writing (science notebook)

VCSIP - Elementary School Improvement Plan

K-5 Teachers


Evidence: Observational data collected from walkthroughs Artifact:

Observation stations are being updated with each new unit and include measuring tools, artifacts and vocabulary. Completed In Progress Not Started

Science Coach Ongoing

Lesson Plans and Look For Data

K-5 Teachers, EL & SPED


On-going Jessica Koeser is helping provide nonfiction text connected to science unit.

Evidence: Science notebook rubric



Science notebooks and classroom word wall

Completed In Progress Not Started

Science Coach Ongoing

On-going Students are using their science notebooks daily and interacting GLAD strategies/word walls daily.

William Ramsay Elementary |Alexandria City Public Schools 2021-2022 Continuous

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OVERARCHING SCHOOL GOAL: By the spring administration of MAP (May 2022), all grade levels will meet or exceed their projected growth scores on the NWEA MAP as measured by the Student Growth Summary in math and reading.

K-5 Teachers

Use cooperative learning structures to facilitate both oral and written discourse

K-5 Teachers, EL & SPED


Evidence: Observational data collected from walkthroughs Artifact:Look For Data

Completed In Progress

Science Coach Admin Ongoing

Not Started On-going We are using Kagan and GLAD strategies in the classroom daily.

STRAND II: SCHOOL ENVIRONMENT Leadership and Governance - Commitment to Professional Learning - Safe and Orderly Environments - Family and Community Engagement DOMAIN: Commitment to Professional Learning SMART Goal(s): By February 2022, there will be a 10% increase of “most of the times responses” on the WRES student survey demonstrating that students feel supported socially, emotionally, and academically as measured by the student climate survey. Revised SMART Goal: By May 2022, students will develop self-awareness and self-management skills to achieve school and life success by participating in daily social and emotional lessons during the SEAL block. Students will also express that they feel supported socially, emotionally, and academically as measured by the fall and spring administration of the WRES Student Climate Survey.

ACTION PLAN 1. Essential Action/Research-Based Strategy: Build student social-emotional vocabulary; Start the day with a check-in; Help students manage feelings and emotions Evidence Driving This Essential Action: As staff, we noticed that on the Student Climate Survey only 59% of students in grades 2-5 responded “most of the time” to questions on student surveys.

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OVERARCHING SCHOOL GOAL: By the spring administration of MAP (May 2022), all grade levels will meet or exceed their projected growth scores on the NWEA MAP as measured by the Student Growth Summary in math and reading. Plan to Assess Progress: ● Short Term--By the end of September 2021, we will adapt the Student and Climate Survey questions that allows students to reflect on how they feel supported socially, emotionally, and academically. ● Mid-Year-- By December 2021, we will administer student surveys, analyze, reflect and decide on high leverage next steps based on survey results. ● Long Term-- By May 2022, we will readminister the Student and Climate Survey. We will compare how students felt supported socially, emotionally, and academically from the beginning of the year (fall 21) to the end of the year (spring 22).

Focus Area [Grade Level/Student Group(s)/Educa tors]

Action Steps

Strategic Plan Goal

Title I, Part A Budget Implications (if applicable)

Person(s) Responsible for Implementati on

Timeframe (Beginning to End Dates)

Evidence of Progress/Completion (Artifacts required)

Person(s) Responsible for Monitoring and Frequency

Status Please provide a brief description

[i.e. 1.1, 2.3]

K-5 Teachers

Createthe Student and Climate Survey to provide feedback on social and emotional strategies learned

SEAL & Academic Learning Recovery MTSS (RULER)

School & Community Culture Committee

By November 2021

Evidence: SIT Meeting to edit student surveys-10/13/21 Ms. Blair, Ms. Doughty, Ms. Holbeck and Ms. Garcia-Maria & meeting on 10/18/21 to finish editing Artifact: Student and Climate Survey

VCSIP - Elementary School Improvement Plan

Completed In Progress Not Started On-going

Admin Once a year

Survey was adapted, has been administered in November of 2021 and will be re-administered in April 2022.

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OVERARCHING SCHOOL GOAL: By the spring administration of MAP (May 2022), all grade levels will meet or exceed their projected growth scores on the NWEA MAP as measured by the Student Growth Summary in math and reading.

K-5 Teachers

Review the survey language/vocabulary.

K-5 Teachers, EL, SPED

2 weeks before



SEAL & Academic Learning Recovery MTSS (RULER)

K-5 Teachers

Artifact: Student and Climate Survey Vocabulary Slide Administer survey 2 times per year (beginning and end of year)

K-5 teachers, EL, SPED

SEAL & Academic Learning Recovery MTSS (RULER)

K-5 Teachers

Evidence: Teachers will share slides with students before administering surveys.

Nov. 2021, April202 2

Evidence: Students taking the survey 2 x this year. Artifact: Results (Nov 21) from the Student and Climate Survey

Review and analyze student survey data

SEAL & Academic Learning Recovery MTSS (RULER)

VCSIP - Elementary School Improvement Plan

School Improvement

Team & K-5 teachers

Nov. 2021, & April/Ma y2022

Evidence: Sub committee members meeting to review the data. Artifact: Results from the Student and Climate

Completed In Progress

School & Community Culture Committee Admin Quarterly

Not Started On-going Slides were created to review the language and vocabulary. Slides were shared with teachers to share at morning meetings. Completed In Progress

School & Community Culture Committee 2x per year

Not Started On-going Will administer for the second time the week of April 4th. To be completed by April 8th. Completed In Progress

School & Community Culture Committee 3x per year

Not Started On-going Student survey data was summarized into Slides and shared with staff at November staff meeting. We will do

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OVERARCHING SCHOOL GOAL: By the spring administration of MAP (May 2022), all grade levels will meet or exceed their projected growth scores on the NWEA MAP as measured by the Student Growth Summary in math and reading. Survey, 2021-2022 Student Surveys

K-5 Teachers

Incorporate mood meter vocabulary within SEAL Lessons

K-5 Teachers


SEAL & Academic Learning Recovery MTSS (RULER)

K-5 Teachers SEAL & Academic Learning Recovery MTSS (RULER)

K-5 Teachers

Evidence: Teachers facilitate mood meter discussion with students.

this again at the end of April.

Completed In Progress Not Started

SST Monthly


SEAL LESSONS Teach students positive phrases they can use to foster their resilience and overcome failure during daily SEAL lessons

K-5 teachers SST


Evidence: Students incorporating positive phrases into daily conversations

In Progress

SEAL & Academic Learning Recovery MTSS (RULER)

VCSIP - Elementary School Improvement Plan


Evidence: Students share how they feel each morning using the mood meter or verbally. Artifact: Teacher referral for counselor check in

Not Started

SST Ongoing

On-going Teachers are using the division provided SEAL slides

Artifact: K-5 teachers and SST

Teachers continue to utilize mood meters and review vocab during morning meetings. Completed

SEAL LESSONS Daily morning check-ins with students using the Mood Meter


Completed In Progress

SST Admin Ongoing

Not Started On-going The mood meter is in the division provided slides that teachers are using.

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OVERARCHING SCHOOL GOAL: By the spring administration of MAP (May 2022), all grade levels will meet or exceed their projected growth scores on the NWEA MAP as measured by the Student Growth Summary in math and reading.

K-5 Teachers

Informal walk-throughs during SEAL block and provide feedback

K-5, SST


SEAL & Academic Learning Recovery MTSS (RULER)

Evidence: Observation

during SEAL block includes greeting, check-in, topic of the day, Joke, Word or Quote of the Day, Poll of the day and Mindful Movement Break

Completed In Progress Not Started On-going


Artifact: Anecdotal Notes and/or Look-For Form Complete RULER modules

K-5 Teachers SEAL & Academic Learning Recovery MTSS (RULER)

Licensed Staff

Admin and CO staff is doing on -going walkthroughs. Staff have received shout-outs for SEAL block lessons.

Evidence: August ● Begin Course 1 (parts 1&2) September ● Finish Course 1 (parts 3&4) January ● Staff Check-in ● Begin course 2 (parts 1&2) March ● Finish Course 2 (parts 3&4) May ● Wrap Up and Celebrate January ● Begin planning for implementation with students

RULER Committee Admin Monthly

Completed In Progress Not Started On-going

Artifact: Certificate of Completion

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OVERARCHING SCHOOL GOAL: By the spring administration of MAP (May 2022), all grade levels will meet or exceed their projected growth scores on the NWEA MAP as measured by the Student Growth Summary in math and reading.

VCSIP - Elementary School Improvement Plan

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Turn static files into dynamic content formats.

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