What are the Markers That Predict the Development of Having Cancer in the Future Without Laboratory

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Journal of Cancer and Cancer Prevention Open Access Editorial

Volume 1 - Issue 1

What Are the Markers That Predict the Development of Having Cancer in the Future Without Laboratory or Radiological Tests? Huang Wei Ling * Medical Acupuncture and Pain Management Clinic, Franca, São Paulo, Brazil *

Corresponding author: Huang Wei Ling, Infectious Disease Specialist, General Practitioner, Nutrition Doctor, Acupuncturist, Pain

Management, Medical Acupuncture and Pain Management Clinic, Franca, São Paulo, Brazil Received date: 9 July, 2021 |

Accepted date: 26 July, 2021 |

Published date: 29 July, 2021

Citation: Huang WL (2021) What Are the Markers That Predict the Development of Having Cancer in the Future Without Laboratory or Radiological Tests? J Cancer Cancer Prev 1(1). doi https://doi.org/10.54289/JCCP2100101 Copyright: © 2021 Huang WL, et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

The topic that the author is writing today seems to be

improvement in all segments of the scientific methods in all

something that is not possible in the eyes of many Western

areas of medicine but they also had an economic intent to

medicine’s doctors but depending on the point of view we

control every prescription drug from every medical school

look at; our vision may widen [1].

and almost everyone [4, 5].

If we look back and evaluate everything that medical history

In the article written by Salmon and Thompson (2020),

comes to tell us, we can see that various cultures and peoples

entitled History of the Corporatization of American

have their traditions and beliefs and that we often confront the

Medicine: The Market Paradigm Reigns, they are saying that

new norms and rules that society imposes on us as right or

the interventions of these two foundations (Carnegie and

correct [2].

Rockefeller) in 1910, marked the first major phase of business

But the right or wrong is very variable and will depend on the

involvement in health care in America. This influences were

point of view of what society in each country thinks or

not a subtle way but influences the reasoning of medical

believes it can be. In the article written by Julian (2003)

doctors. They understood that all mechanism involved in the

entitled What is right and what is wrong about evidence-

human body is a mechanism way of thinking like the heart

based medicine? he is saying that practice should be based on

pumps, the kidney are filters and the lungs are bellows. The

good science. But randomized clinical trials can provide the

brain was considered the body’s computer [6].

best evidence according to him but has limitations [3].

This materialistic representation of the human body neglects

The practice of what Western medicine thought was right

the broader sense of the human being such as the mind and

was, from the point of view of Flexner, a professor who was

spirit. Many movements since 1970 extended the notion of

not a doctor and who changed the entire medical education

human healing and in other countries such as in German,

system in the Americas, Asia and Europe, leaves its

there were alternative health movements saying that “health

implantation in 1910, and with these changes he changed the

is more” than just medical care [6].

way of teaching of the medical faculties from his point of

But what they sadly saw at that time was that social media

view of what was right for medicine, thinking that what he

fueled that alternative medicine is a unregulated market place

thought was what was considered scientific, since from 1913

and many times confusing the minds of the people and also,

onwards he had the Rockefeller and Carnegie foundation as

all the doctors that works with this kinds of thinking also has

his backbone. With this implantation, there was an

this position when facing treatments by these kinds of therapy


Journal of Cancer and Cancer Prevention [6]. Here in Brazil, reviewing historical data, and according to the

of precision medicine, the authors is saying about the

article written by Faria (2002) entitled


advantages of integration of TCM and Western medicine [9].

Foundation and health assistance in São Paulo (1920-30):

When the author started studying Chinese medicine,

historical perspectives, the University of São Paulo, during

beginning with acupuncture in 1997, she thought she still

the period of 1918 and 1920, were created new services but

could not understand all the principles of Chinese medicine,

supported and financed by Rockefeller foundation. And in

just by taking that course, still not understanding all the

1922, it was created the hygiene posts and health centers and

principles of the energy flow cycle [10].

are considered the expression of public health based on north

It was only when she started the course in Chinese herbal

America´s model. They received billions of dollars on all

medicine, in 2002, that she began to deeply understand all the

implementations and operations of all areas of the medical

principles of the form of traditional Chinese medicine [11].

faculty of the University of Sao Paulo. It barely received so

Once the Chinese herbal medicine professor Dr Lo Der

many billions of dollars for the implementation and operation

Cheng said that he treated a patient with prostate cancer only

of an area of the Faculty of Medicine. In 1920, all

with Chinese herbal medicine and that stuck in the authors

vaccinations programs to combat malaria, typhoid fever,

mind, the same happened to the doctor who was called in an

trachoma, in many states in Brazil (Rio de Janeiro, Mato


Grosso and Minas Gerais) were implemented with the help of

auriculotherapy course, where he was called to do a

Rockefeller foundation [7].

demonstration by Dr. Li-Chung Huang, and there in front of

All these changes were very important in the scientific view

almost a thousand doctors he ended up diagnosing prostate

but the author wants to show only one thing that was not good

cancer only by diagnosing the ear [12].

with this system of modernization. She wants to say that all

Since 2010, the author have started to study the energy of the

energy explanations in relation to the formation of all diseases

chakras energy centers of her patients and in 2015, she felt

were not considered scientific and classified all as

that the patients energy were different from the beginning in

nonscientific and for this reason, many diseases nowadays

2010, which comprises energy from the 5 massive organs of

cannot be explained by the Western medicine’s point of view

traditional Chinese medicine (Liver, Heart, Spleen, Lung and

because all the things were break into a half part and not into

Kidney). The author realized at the beginning (in 2010), that

the entire as the author wrote in the article What Flexner

it was rare for a patient to have lack of energy in the organs

Report did to Our Medicine After 100 Years of Implantation?

(at that time, the patients could have lack of energy in one or


in another organ but the remaining organs always had energy

When the author went to China for the first time in 2008, she

at that time). This thought the author said in the article Is the

spent three weeks there doing an internship on a hospital in

Population in the World the Same as in the Past? [13].

Beijing. She realized how hospitals in China also adopted this

But all of a sudden in 2015 more or less, the author realized

Western model of medical treatment of chemotherapy,

that energy measurements of all patients started to show the

radiotherapy and all Western thinking even though the author

same energy pattern that demonstrates that the majority of the

was in China [1].

patients presented no energy in all five massive organs. This

Of course, this is not bad but there was a very big separation

pattern of energy was affecting the way people were felling

between the two medicines even there, the medical student

themselves and all the symptoms that the patients were

chooses from the beginning to study only Western medicine

showing was related to that lack of energy that the author had

or just Eastern medicine (Chinese medicine). In the article

diagnosed in almost all of them. The results of this data was

written by Wang and Zhang (2017) entitled Integration of

published in the article entitled Energy Alterations and

traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine in the era

Chakras’ Energy Deficiencies and Propensity to SARS-CoV-







2 Infection and in this article, the author is saying that the


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Journal of Cancer and Cancer Prevention symptoms presented by the patients with COVID-19, is

simillimum, the doctors who currently prescribe homeopathy,

related to the energy deficiencies presented by the patients

memorize the symptoms that the medicine could be acting but

prior to the infectious process that were exacerbated with the

without understanding the mechanism of how homeopathy

invasion of the external pathogenic factor (and SARS-CoV-2

works until today [20].

is considered invasion of external pathogenic factor

The author already has Chinese medicine baggage before

according to traditional Chinese medicine) [14].

studying homeopathy, and for this reason, it is possible to

This lack of energy can explain the increase in the rate of

deeply understand the mechanism of action of homeopathy

patients who are having diabetes, high blood pressure, people

medications due to the fact that homeopathy medications

with histories of myocardial infarction, and people even

works like bioenergy, similar to the action of acupuncture.

children with cancer and all other health problems can be

These similarities are well explained in the book Bioenergetic

caused by of this drop in vital energy [15-17].

Medicines East and West. written by Manning and Vanrenen

In the author's daily practice, over the years of experience,

(1988), where they are saying that homeopathy works similar

watching her father suffering from Lung cancer in 2016, she

to acupuncture [21].

can now fully understand what cancer patients have in

To finish her article, the author in these few of lines wants to

common, that is the complete lack of internal energy leading

say that x-ray and tomography in Chinese medicine is in the

to cancer formation [18].

patient's own physical examination, in which often looking

In some patients, the author has experience curing their

and analyzing the aspect of the tongue and analyzing the

cancer or pre-malignant lesion rebalancing the energy of the

pulse, the physician will know if the patient has altered

Yin, Yang, Qi and Blood, removing the internal Heat through

energy [22].

various associated techniques. The first of them is changing

According to traditional Chinese medicine, the lack of

the diets in order to always to balance these energy systems.

energy and formation of internal Heat are the predisposing

The second technique used it would be the use of auricular

factors for the formation of cancer. In the study done by the

acupuncture using mustard seeds applying to a small adhesive

author, between 2015 and 2020, analyzing a thousand

tapes and, as shown by several articles published by the

patients’ chakras’ energy centers and studying 409 files of

authors, the ear is a microsystem in which they represent the

this group, she concluded that more than 90 percent of this

inverted fetus and which represents all the organs of the body

patients are without energy in all internal organs. According

in which head pathologies are treated in the lower lobe of the

to traditional Chinese medicine, the lack of energy is a

ear and the pathologies of lower limbs in the upper parts of

predisposing factor for the formation of cancer [14, 15].

the ear [19].

The author has carried out the treatment of this lack of energy

But even doing these treatments, sometimes it is necessary to

in all patients treated by her, using the technics mentioned

use medication to replenish the extreme lack of energy that

before such as Chinese dietary counseling, auricular

sometimes only with these measures of diet and acupuncture

acupuncture with apex ear bloodletting and replenishing the

are not able to fill this void [15, 16, 20].

chakras’ energy centers using highly diluted medications

Patients with energy deficiency in the internal massive organs

according to the theory created by her (2020) entitled

are usually treated with Chinese herbal medicine in China but

Constitutional Homeopathy of the Five Elements based on

these drugs are difficult to find in Brazil and also, with higher

Traditional Chinese Medicine. She emphasizes the need of

cost for patients. So, the author decided to start homeopathy

the world population to be evaluated in this part of energy

course in 2015 and since then, she realized during the course

alterations to avoid the formation of many other chronic

that homeopathy doctors still do not understand the

diseases that has in common, lack of energy in the chakras’

mechanism of action of the various homeopathic medications,

energy centers, as demonstrated by the author in many articles

despite working very well according to Hahnemann theory of

written by her, that are in the phase four of the formation of


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