Journal of Virology and Viral Diseases (ISSN: 2770-8292) Open Access Mini Review Article
Volume 1 – Issue 2
Did the Latin poet Lucan report an Ebola virus disease outbreak in his epic Pharsalia? An epidemiological report in Roman literature Giovanni Meledandri1,* and Leonardo Borgese2 1 Università degli Studi Guglielmo Marconi - Department of Human Sciences. Rome, Italy 2
Leonardo Borgese - La Sapienza Università di Roma - Department of Infectious Diseases. Rome, Italy
Corresponding author: Giovanni Meledandri, Università degli Studi Guglielmo Marconi - Department of Human Sciences. Rome, Italy
Received date: 22 November, 2021 |
Accepted date: 2 December, 2021 |
Published date: 5 December, 2021
Citation: Meledandri G, Borgese L. (2021) Did the Latin poet Lucan report an Ebola virus disease outbreak in his epic Pharsalia? An epidemiological report in Roman literature. J Virol Viral Dis 1(2). doi Copyright: © 2021 Meledandri G, Borgese L. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Keywords: Ebola virus; EVD; epidemiology; outbreak; history; Latin language; Lucan; Roman; Pharsalia Abbreviations: EVD: Ebola virus disease. “…our Pharsalia shall live, and we shall be condemned to darkness by no era” (C.V. Lucan, Pharsalia, Liber IX)
In book IX of the Latin epic poem Bellum Civile by Lucan
extensive and detailed description of a serious epidemic
The authors, analyzing Lucan's epic poem "Bellum civile / Pharsalia", examined the historical premises and the epidemiological conditions useful to understand some facts reported in book IX of the epic, where a probable epidemic infectious disease episode may have been described. After a careful reading of the Latin text and a revision of the phylogenetic
responsible for the African hemorrhagic fevers, the authors suggest that in the text of Lucan may have been reported the very first historical description of an Ebola virus disease (EVD) outbreak. Over the past six years, the disease from Ebola virus (EVD) has spread repeatedly in areas of tropical Africa, creating outbreaks and larger epidemics and putting other nations in fright and jeopardy. Each outbreak has allowed the disease to manifest itself with different virulence and mortality in absence of therapy. The symptomatology and the clinical course of EVD are those of a typical hemorrhagic viral disease.
(39 AD – 65 AD), better known with the title of Pharsalia, an
episode affecting Roman soldiers during their long journey in Africa is inserted. The explanations that Lucan provides are obviously compatible with the knowledge of the time. Considering the numerous affinities between the reported symptoms and the symptomatology of EVD, the authors hypothesize that the report provided by Lucan could have been the very first detailed description of an EVD outbreak. A civil war begins in Rome as Caesar [1] crosses the border of the Rubicon river, entering Italy. As a result, Pompey and the Senate leave Rome, heading to Brundisium. In March of 49 a.E.V (ante Era Vulgare). Pompey sails over to Epirus, while Italy remains under Caesar’s control. Caesar and his allies conduct some victorious campaigns, defeating Pompey’s generals in Spain. Caesar then comes back to Rome in December of 49 a.E.V. and is elected consul for the following year. In January of 48 a.E.V. Caesar and his army face the Pompeians at Dyrrachium. The opponents wait and make attempts to end up the war in a convenient and bloodless way but do not manage to get rid of personal and political rivalries. The final and decisive battle takes place in Pharsalus on August 9th of 48 a.E.V.
Journal of Virology and Viral Diseases The army of Pompey was in overwhelming numerical and
help. According to Lucan the young pharaoh was advised by
tactical advantage over that of Caesar, who was strongly
unscrupulous dignitaries, intent on this gesture to win over
favoured. Nevertheless, it underwent a complete defeat, on
the favors of Caesar.
the reasons of which historical sources do not provide a
Cato and his followers, chased now by the legions of Caesar,
satisfactory explanation. For the historian and poet Lucan, the
decided to seek shelter to attempt an extreme resistance in the
inexplicable is exclusively attributable to Fate, which governs
provinces still favorable to Pompey and the Republic. The
the destinies of men and gods. Pompey fled with his family
safest among them was Numidia, governed at the time by
and a group of faithful through the islands of the Aegean,
King Juba I, hostile to Caesar and protector of the Catonians.
heading to Alexandria. He never reached his destination
The army of fugitives thus undertook the way to the province
because he was treacherously killed by order of the fourteen
of Africa (Caesar GJ, Commentarii de Bello Civili, 2.40) [1].
years old Pharaoh Ptolemy XIII, Cleopatra's brother. He was
The movements of Caesarians, Pompey and Cato are shown
the one to whom Pompey thought - at least at first - to ask for
in Fig. 1.
Fig. 1 - Caesar’s and Pompey’s movements in the Roman Civil War, 49-44 a.E.V. Pompey was defeated at Pharsalus (Aug 9th,48 a.E.V.) and this turned the civil war, also paving the way for the end of the Roman republic. Pompey fled to Egypt and there was killed (Sept 28th,48 a.E.V.). The republicans regrouped and headed by Cato and fought on in Africa (47-46 a.E.V.). They suffered the final defeat in Spain (44 a.E.V.).
The Greek geographer Strabo [2] reports that between 48 and
The travel diary of the expedition is the main topic of
47 of ante E.V. “Marcus Cato, on his march to join Metellus
Pharsalia’s Book IX (Lucan, Bellum Civile IX, 294-937) [3].
Scipio, travelled round the region of Syrtis Magna by land, in
Cato’s decision to attempt the journey from Cyrene to Juba’s
30 days, leading an army of more than 10,000 men, having
kingdom gave Lucan the opportunity to incorporate much
separated them into divisions on account of lack of watering
material relating to Africa as it was known at his time (Fig.
facilities, and travelled on foot in deep sand and scorching
2), (Dio Cassius, ΡΩΜΑΙΚΗ ΙΣΤΟΡΙΑ).
heat.” (Strabo. Geography XVII.3.20) [2].
2 2
Journal of Virology and Viral Diseases
Fig. 2 - Northern Africa 68 E.V. 60–61 E.V. Roman Africa penetration at the time of Nero’s Nile expedition, modern map. In around 60 AD the Roman emperor Nero ordered two centurions to lead an expedition to explore the Nile River and attempt to locate its source. Assisted by the King of Kush, the Romans traveled up the White Nile as far as huge, apparently limitless marshes—the Sudd of South Sudan-which they found could only be penetrated by small one-man boats [14]. It’s uncertain as to how far they advanced from here, but some of them carried on to an immense waterfall—possibly Murchison Falls in Uganda [10].
The Lucan’s description [3] starts with the origin and nature
book V?
of Syrtes (303-318), a very dangerous area of sandbanks.
Cato’s fleet had to cross the Syrtes and bring the Romans to
it and was later inserted in book 9 by copyists? Since in this
land near the lake Tritonis, in present southern Libya.
passage Lucan add verses dealing in detail with an exotic
In the geographical description that follows Lucan identifies
astronomical matter (B.C., IX, 528-543), fragmented
the land with Libya, the name generally used to indicate
material, resulting from lost books, could have been pasted in
Africa (B.C., IX, 411-462), as shown in the Eratosthenes
book IX by anonymous hands in the manuscripts edited
map, Fig. 5.
during the following centuries.
Going ahead, Cato and his men arrive at the temple of
Juppiter Ammon (B.C., IX, 511-527). Lucan describes the
and ability as a history teller, embracing natural history and
god and his shrine with particular attributes. A description of
ethnography? His approach looks very different from authors
an oasis that the poet locates on the Equator gives the hand to
like Caesar and closer to Greek models as, particularly,
speculate about astronomical differences experienced by
Herodotus and Plutarch.
peoples living there (B.C., IX, 528-543): lines 533-537 show
It is hard to rely on any not speculative answer to these
a stunning arrangement of the twelve signs of zodiac in
questions. It is here that, anyway, Lucan ascribes to the
opposing pairs (Housman AE, 1950; Lacus Curtius) [5,6].
Tropic of Cancer phenomena; many astronomical details
The temple was not on Cato’s route: for what reason did
regarding this text are treated in the classical Housman’s
Lucan include this episode?
Astronomical Appendix [5]. It seems clear that the trip routed
much southward and at a greater distance than it would have
Did Lucan want to use it to give Cato credit and to
contrast with Appius’ consultation of the Delphic oracle in
Does the episode belong to lost material of the book
Did Lucan simply want to show off his versatility
been necessary to reach final Cato’s destination in Numidia.
3 3
Journal of Virology and Viral Diseases It is also worth saying that, at the time Lucan was writing his
looking for Nile’s source and at least one was settled and
poem, information and record were available about tropical
successfully ruled out from 62 to 67 of E.V. (Dio Cassius,
Africa. The search for the source of the Nile was highly
cit.), Fig.2. According to some more authors [7,8] this
topical at the time of Lucan. Nero, the emperor, following the
expedition probably reached the Murchinson Falls, in present
precedent of Alexander and some others, all mentioned by
Uganda [9,10] (see Fig. 2 and 3).
Lucan (B.C., X, 268-282) planned explorative expeditions
Fig. 3 - The Nile Basin (left) and details (right) maps. Roman Africa Province and possessions as at the age of Lucan Pharsalia (50 E.V.), [13,17] Cartography by Cary M, Warmington EH, The Ancient Explorers, Africa: 202-222, Penguin Books, London, 1963, modif.
Lucan’s poem breaks off at Book X, 1.546. Was the book still
were immune to the venoms, and able to cure any bite’s
unfinished at the time of Lucan’s premature death (he became
disliked by the emperor and committed suicide in 65 E.V.)?
The descriptive analysis of symptoms according to the types
Or was the original code mutilated or simply lost? This
of death is in lines 735-815 and is reported in its English
remains matter for speculation and many, widely different,
translation [11].
hypotheses have been advanced.
735-36: “witnessing so many grim casualties among his
The most notable scientific digression in Lucan’s poem
soldiers and unfamiliar deaths with tiny wound.”
comes from lines 619 to 699, and it is a catalogue of pests –
739-41: “Hardly was there a pain or a sensation of a bite, and
mainly snakes - of Libya which assailed the Romans during
even death’s appearance is not malignant, and the injury does
their African march. The numerous kinds of snake (B.C., IX,
not look threatening ... and devouring fire eats away the
700-733) and the types of death (B.C., IX, 734-836) they
marrow and with hot decay it sets the guts ablaze”
inflicted are catalogued. In the text a local tribe, the Psylli,
4 4
Journal of Virology and Viral Diseases 769-74: “...the calves have melted, the knee was bare of
Before discussing if a hemorrhagic fever outbreak could be
covering, and even every muscle of thighs dissolve, and the
an admittable explanation for the cases of death described by
groin drips with black decay. The membrane which binds the
Lucan in book 9 of his epic, a phylogenetical review of
belly burst apart and out melt the entrails; and not as much as
there should be from an entire body melt into the ground”
The hypothesis is that the detailed description of the deaths of
808-14: “Utque solet pariter totis se effundere signis” - “so all
soldiers that Lucan makes in Book IX could be compatible
his limbs at once emitter ruddy poison, instead of blood. Gore
with the appearance of an epidemic outbreak of a viral
flows abundantly from whatever opening moisture uses; his
hemorrhagic fever. In the poem the alleged transmission of a
mouth and spreading nostrils run with it; his sweat turns red;
lethal "virus" occurs through snake and other venomous pest
all his limbs are awash with his copious veins; his entire body
bites. The Romans were obviously not aware of the existence
is one wound ... you die not evidence the bite”
of viruses as micro-organisms and the Latin term - precisely
“[…] sic omnia membra emisere simul rutilum pro sanguine
"virus" - has the meaning of "poison".
virus.” (so, all his limbs at once emitter ruddy poison) and
Assuming that the soldiers of the narrative had crossed the
“omnia plenis membra fluunt venis totum est pro vulnere
equator, which is possible and probable on the basis of the
corpus.” (All his limbs are awash with his copious veins; his
sources that have been examined and according to the
entire body is one wound).
geographical knowledge of the time, they may have followed
All the quoted descriptions seem to fit well with the typical
the Nile for a long time, and then penetrated into tropical and
fragility of the skin and tissues that is induced by Ebola Virus
equatorial areas. The hypothesis of such a path would not
Disease12 (EVD) [12]. EVD is in fact able to trigger an easy
contrast with its duration - over a year - as it can be deduced
and extensive spill of blood from any exposed to trauma body
from many historical sources [13, 14, 15, 16, 17].
district. Blooding can also progress and become hemorrhagic,
In this case the crossing of areas endemic for different
since EVD affects the coagulation, by inducing an increase in
Filoviridae, such as Marburg Marburgvirus, Sudan ebolavirus
prothrombin and thromboplastin conversion times, as well as
and Zaire ebolavirus, would have been inevitable.
increasing the degradation of fibrin products.
Human hemorrhagic fevers can now also be caused by Lassa
“Sanguis erant lacrimae; quaecumque foramina novit umor,
virus (family of Arenaviridae), but it is believed to exclude
ab his largus manat cruor: ora redundant et patulae nares,
that this pathogen may have infected the troops of Cato
sudor rubet;” (Gore flows abundantly from whatever opening
Uticensis, for phylogenetic reasons. Lassa virus is indeed
moisture uses; his mouth and spreading nostrils run with it).
endemic from just over a thousand of years in the area of
This list of symptoms appears to coincide in all respects with
Nigeria, and a much more recent diffusion in the adjacent
many specific of EVD: the bloody tears would be
countries of West Africa. There is no specific evidence today
conjunctival hemorrhages; the blood out from each orifice
about the existence of a pathogenic ancestor of this virus, at
and, in particular, the bleeding from the mouth and nose, are
the time when occurred the events narrated by Lucan, but it
just epistaxis, hematuria, hematemesis and melena, all
seems at least likely to be able to exclude that it could be
widespread in Central and Eastern Africa, along the course of
hemorrhagic fever [12].
the river Nile.
The expression "totum est pro vulnere corpus" (his entire
That said, the only lasting possibility is that a filovirus was to
body is one wound) seems to resume and show the very
infect the soldiers.
essence of the Ebolavirus infection; it is able to inhibit the cell
From the epidemiological point of view the following risk
wall binding in almost any body tissue, pulling the cells apart
factors support our hypothesis.
and literally dissolving the tissue structure, thus causing a
1. Food. The inevitable objective difficulties that the
generalized bleeding.
marching army had to deal with could justify the slaughter and consumption of bushmeat, including the local bats [18,
5 5
Journal of Virology and Viral Diseases 19] that are widely regarded as the most probable reservoir
[27, 28]. The Romans were neither aware nor able to imagine
for Filoviridae [18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25]. Feeding on
or prevent in any way the risks deriving from this kind of
bushmeat is the top-rated specific risk factor in EVD
diffusion [26]. These viruses could also have been transmitted
Assuming that many risk factors exhisted and exposure was
by non-human primates, as well as other mammals as pigs,
possible, the question to aswear is whether, at the time when
rodents and cephalophes. Some arthropods are also suspected
the facts (49-45 a.E.V.) happened and, therefore, from 2068
for transmission. Food transmission could therefore have
to 2064 years ago, any of the filoviruses known in the etiology
been a risk factor [12].
of hemorrhagic fevers could have been circulating.
2. Contact. Soldiers may have sheltered in caves or other
As demonstrated by S. A. Carroll and colleagues in 2013 [29]
areas frequented by bats, exposing themselves by contact and
(Figure 4), this family of viruses has been accompanying our
inhalation to infected dust and sprays, as well as
species for over 10,000 years. However, this does not yet
contaminating their body, clothing and shoes with any
provide a definitive indication. Among them there are also
organic material.
some species totally harmless to humans, some pathogenic
3. Funeral practices. Corpses – as any infected clothing - are
but not fatal and, lastly species able to cause extensive and
all very important risk factors in the EVD diffusion to humans
fatal bleeding.
Fig. 4 - Phylogenetic tree of Filoviridae that demonstrates the appearance of the first ebolaviruses around 4.364 years ago [29].
In detail, the Filoviridae family, currently divided into three
the regions immediately above and below the equator, largely
(or four) genera - i.e., Cuevavirus, Ebolavirus and
crossed by the river Nile.
Marburgvirus, plus the very recent introduction of
The Marburg virus would have evolved only around 1100
Dianlovirus - contains the three already named Marburg
years ago, so much time after the events described by Lucan.
marburgvirus species, Sudan ebolavirus and Zaire Ebola
It is important to stress that the direct ancestor of the genus
virus. These latter are also those whose distribution areas are
Marburgvirus was already present when the common ancestor of the two genera Ebolavirus and Cuevavirus
6 6
Journal of Virology and Viral Diseases appeared: about 10.436 years ago.
The mortality rate of 18%, which is not negligible, in previous
The pathogenicity of the Marburgvirus’ ancestor is unknown,
outbreaks reached 30-36% [30] and, in the 2018-19 epidemic
as that of any other species that evolved in the genus, and then
in the DRC, exceeds 50%. The fluctuations of pathogenicity
became extinct, but what is currently observed is that the
and mortality can be explained by a slow ongoing adaptation
Marburgviruses, made up of the only Marburg species, cause
of the RNA EV to humans [12]. Assuming about the
high lethality hemorrhagic fevers.
pathogenicity of the virus in past time, it cannot be excluded
Moreover, the Ebola virus disease, caused by Sudan and Zaire
that it may have been even greater than the current, especially
viruses - which respectively appeared evolutionarily about
in non-African and therefore never exposed populations [31]
3.800 years ago and about 3.200 years ago and both already
as the Romans.
present in the African regions where the events narrated by
The reason why Cato's troops should have gone so southward,
Lucan occurred - is a far more serious disease.
up to cross the Equator, to circumvent the Syrtes region, is
During the outbreak Zaire Ebola virus, occurred in West
Africa in 2014-2016, after a rather nonspecific onset, with
A plausible hypothesis could be based on the Roman
medium-high fever (T ≥ 37.5 °C) and symptoms similar to
cartography [32, 33]. The maps available during Lucan’s age,
those of many diffused tropical infectious diseases - i.e.
in particular the "map of Pomponius Mela", 50 E.V. (figure
malaria, hepatitis and yellow fever - after 5-9 days, evidenced
6), or the oldest "Eratosthenes map" (figure 5), showed a very
short Africa [34]. In all these maps the continent extended
manifestations similar to them described by Lucan: epistaxis,
much less along the meridians than it should have done,
bleeding gums, hemoptysis, extended and frequent bruises,
according to its real length. It spanned, from north to south,
conjunctival bleeding, hematuria, bleeding evident from
little more than the length of the Italian peninsula.
small bites and wounds.
Fig. 5 - Reconstruction of Eratosthenes of Cyrene world map (50 e.v.). Ἐρατοσθένης ὁ Κυρηναῖος, romanized: Eratosthénēs ho Kurēnaĩos, c. 276 a.E.V. – c. 195/194 a.E.V.) was a Greek polymath: a mathematician, geographer, poet, astronomer, and music theorist [32, 2]. Cartography by Prof. De Agostini, 1955, modif [36].
7 7
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Fig. 6 - Reconstruction of Pomponius Mela's world map (50 E.V.) by Konrad Miller [35, 37]. It has been conjectured that Pomponius Mela may have been related in some way to Marcus Annaeus Mela, who was the son of Seneca the Elder and father of Lucan [38].
If, at the time of Lucan, the Equator had been located much
northern than it actually is, a remarkable underestimation of the real penetration of roman troops in the African continent
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Annaeus SL. (2014) De Terra Motu, Naturales
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Quaestiones (N.Q.), Liber IV, 2,6; Liber VI, 8,3-8,5.
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UTET, Roma, Italia.
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