In a
build a
0800 106 652
No matter which matter which way the market market way the turns, you’re turns, you’re better off with us. better off with us.
We give you the immediate help you need with AXA Expert Claims Care. Call us to find out how.
When you call your insurance company for advice, would you rather hear Bonjour, Hola, Guten Tag, Konnichi Wa, Namasté, Selamat, Buon Giorno, Salut, Goddag, or Kia Ora?
The world’s been through troubled financial times before, and each time, we’ve helped customers get through. We look after their life insurance, investment and retirement savings with every bit of expertise we’ve gained over the last 120 years. So if you’re already with AXA, relax. Stay where you are. If you’re not with us yet, we’d love to help you rest easy too. Simply call us now on 0800 ASK AXA, or contact your adviser.
When you need help, would you rather get a claims person, an assessor, a form, a referral, an examination, a diagnosis, another form, several phone calls, another claims person, or help?
When it comes to talking about investments, life insurance and retirement, we think you’d be more comfortable dealing with someone closer to home. That’s why we have our Call Centre in New Zealand.
0800 106 652
No matter which matter which way the market market way the turns, you’re turns, you’re better off with us. better off with us.
The world’s been through troubled financial times before, and each time, we’ve helped customers get through. We look after their life insurance, investment and retirement savings with every bit of expertise we’ve gained over the last 120 years. So if you’re already with AXA, relax. Stay where you are. If you’re not with us yet, we’d love to help you rest easy too. Simply call us now on 0800 ASK AXA, or contact your adviser. A disclosure statement is available on request, free of charge.
for insurance, investments & KiwiSaver
Would you rather be known as a KiwiSaver, or [Sam Sample]?
A disclosure statement is available on request, free of charge.
for insurance, investments & KiwiSaver
We don’t want to know you as Account number 123456789, living at 5 Somewhere Place. We’d rather know you as Sam Sample.
Sam Sample 123 Sample Street Sample Suburb SAMPLE CITY 1234
Please help us get to know you a bit better by completing and returning this brief survey. There’s no hidden agenda or secret conspiracy behind our fact finding… we just want to be able to do more for you now, and in the future Sam Sample.
Firstly, what’s changed in your life? We’re pretty sure you’d rather be known as [Sam Sample].
Are you still going by the name Sam Sample? Yes, I am I got married
No, now people call me I’m single again
because: Other
Are you still living at [Address]? Yes
Dear Sam,
No, I am now living at
At what email address would you like us to contact you with updates and offers? Some companies are happy to know their customers as an account number. We, on the other hand, would rather know you as a person. So, to get to know you a bit better, we’ve enclosed a short questionnaire with the hopes you’ll take a few minutes to complete it. (And if you’re one of the first 50 people to return it to us, you just might win a free Village movie pass for two.)
The better we know you, the more we can do for you.
I don’t want to recieve emails from AXA
How many kids do you have? None
None yet, but I’m/we’re planning on having kids soon
I’m/we’re expecting
Three or more
What do you like to do for fun? (please tick all that apply)
Your KiwiSaver balance – always at your fingertips with My AXA Something else we’re pretty sure you’ll like – immediate access to the performance of your KiwiSaver plan. In thinking this, we’ve created a special website,, that will let you check your KiwiSaver investments and balances on-line. The site and functionality will be up and running by mid-June, so keep an eye out for an announcement about this and other new AXA developments designed to make your life easier.
Art and Culture
Family Activities
Outdoor activities
Decorating /Renovations
Health and Fitness
Would you say you have definite financial goals set for the future? Yes, I do
No, not really
AXA New Zealand,
future. Plus, we can also put together specific AXA product offerings that fit your life now. Just complete, seal and send in the enclosed questionnaire. Easy.
Dining out
P O Box 1692, Wellington,
more about you and your circumstances we can think about ways to make your KiwiSaver plan work harder for you and your
New Zealand
You’ll see from the questionnaire that we’re asking questions you’d expect us to, and some that you might not. By learning
If yes, would you say you’re doing all the right things to achieve these goals? Yes, I think so
Not sure
Are you planning on making any of the big changes, purchases or investments listed below in the near future? (pls tick all that apply)
Yours sincerely,
Getting married Going on an extended holiday Planning to buy a house / car / boat within the next 18 months
Planning to buy a house / car/ boat this year
How would you describe your approach to your finances? I take a DIY approach and handle everything myself I get professional advice since I don’t really know what to do Name Title
I let my partner take care of everything I make decisions about my finances as I go along since I’d rather figure it out for myself
Would you recommend AXA to a friend or family member? (circle one)
P.S. Don’t wait to send us your completed questionnaire. Plus, when we receive your completed questionnaire, your name will go in the draw to win XXXXXXXX.
Definitely not
Probably not
Probably would
Definitely would
Neutral / Not sure
Thanks! You made it! Now, please fold, seal and return this survey to us (no stamp needed) by XXX Date and you’ll go into the draw to win XXXXXX.
Survey Inside
Survey Outside
Serious fun Thanks for completing our survey. We’re looking forward to getting to know you better.
We care about your life now
We don’t just care about your life after retirement.
Family pass for four to the Wellington zoo Since we last received your completed survey, we’ve been busy getting to know all of our customers better. And that includes you, Sam. Thanks for letting us know more about your life now and your plans for the future. Speaking of the now, enclosed please find a little something to help you enjoy it that extra bit more. Thanks, Sam, for being with AXA.
And since you took our survey, you’re now in the draw to win XXXXXXXXXXXXX, valued at $XXXXXXX. The winner will be drawn on XX Month 2009. If it’s your name that’s drawn, we’ll let you know by phone or email. Best of luck and thanks again for being with AXA. Kind regards Name Title AXA New Zealand
Tick tock Sam Sample 123 Sample Street Sample Suburb SAMPLE CITY 1234
Have you completed and returned the survey we sent you a few weeks ago? If you have, great! You’re in the draw to win XXXXXXXX. If you haven’t sent us your completed survey, now’s the time. Only 2 weeks to go before we hold our prize draw. So send yours back to us by XX Month 2009 so you too can be in the draw to win XXXXXXXXXXXXX. We’re waiting for you! Name Title AXA New Zealand
Real Kiwi mates think alike.
Real Kiwi mates think alike.
Now your dog can also enjoy your favourite
Now your dog can get a taste of the BBQ flavour we all love, with TUX Kiwi Grill. The hearty meal loaded with beef and bacon flavours, basted with a BBQ sauce. A complete and balanced meal , that ll keep your Kiwi mate happy and full of life.
ll keep your Kiwi mate happy and full of life. NEP2025F/NEWIDEA/RUGBY
Share a great day out with your best mate. Show us how much fun you and your dog have had together and be in to win SI 5,000 in travel for your whole family! S5,000 Create your own scrapbook page online to enter.
Get in to win now at Entries close 15 November 2007. For full Terms and Conditions go to
Share a great day out with your best mate and WIN!