Tips To Help You Discover Your Future Ideal Profession? There is a lot to say or comment about the educational system whenever the concerns are related to careers- the question is still the same ‘where we want our kids to head’? Is career a multidimensional approach or is it one ultimate vision that a person should cherish with full conviction and support? We spend almost half of our lives working and thus, the major life’s decision are also depended on and influenced by the work we do. Our profession creates our life and it holds the potential to make or mar some significant decisions in life. But it is also quite apparent to feel the pressure in selecting a career, especially with the competition prevalent these days. The rat race of making career ‘big’ in life, being financially successful and competing with the fellow mates often forces a person to choose what is logically promising than anything that is desired by the heart. A career that motivates, inspires and drives a person to do the ‘BEST’ of his/her potential is what should be the first choice. So what is the method to find the right profession that invites the finest expression of passion? Here we have a few tips to discover the answer- know them now! 1. The Clarity of Thought and Action: The clarity of mind will allow you to understand your field of interest. Once you can read your thoughts, you will learn the best of your potential. This clarity in ideas will pave the way to clearer actions. Scrutinize the best career options for yourself, and give a rational thought to the one that is best suited for you. 2. Don’t overburden yourself: Feeling the career pressure is not a healthy thing to do. You can rather channelize this energy to a more constructive direction. Stay silent, jot down the career preferences, make a priority list, rationalize what you think is an effective combination of future scope and passion, and make the final decision of choosing it. 3. Take a decision mixed with practical and idealistic approach:
Analyze your personal situation in both realistic and unrealistic terms. You cannot fluctuate between a typical ideal or practical situation, so there has to be a proportionate mixture. Believe in your situation, direction and decision before picking the choice. 4. Think in terms of future: Ten years down the line, will this career choice make a difference to me? Sometimes, to find the perfect career path, you have to think in terms of future. It is both practicality and idealism. 5. Ask yourself You heart always know the little secret that it cherishes. So wherever in doubt, trust and only trust your heart. ****************************