2019 Acres U.S.A. Book, Video & Audio Catalog

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Audio & Video


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The Voice of Eco-Agriculture For 47 years, Acres U.S.A. has provided practical, useful and applicable information for growers, homesteaders and healthy food advocates.

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About ACRES U.S.a. // Table of Contents | 3

About Acres U.S.A. is North America’s premier publisher on production-scale organic and sustainable farming. For over four decades we have helped farmers, ranchers and market gardeners grow food organically, sustainably, and without harmful, toxic chemistry. We’ve published some of the definitive books on commercial-scale organic and sustainable farming, and source hundreds more from quality presses around the world. Our publishing philosophy is simple, as stated in our first magazine issue’s manifesto: “Whatever is good for the family farm is good for us, and whatever is bad for the family farmer is bad for us. There is no middle ground a farm paper with integrity can straddle.”

Acres U.S.A. founder Charles Walters.

Acres U.S.A. believes the yeoman farmer eventually will make a comeback, and in fact is now doing so. A hardy and growing band of new farmers are already making a go of it. They run their farms economically and ecologically, escaping the pitfalls of debt loads and high chemical bills. Our goal is to give these farmers the information they need to stay on the land and make a profit. And we like to inform non-farmers about the life and work of these pioneers. We hope you’ll join us. — Acres U.S.A. Team

2019 Catalog Table of Contents What’s New................................................................5 Trending Topics Human Health......................................................... 6 Mycorrhizal Fungi & Compost................................. 6 Pasturized Livestock............................................... 7 Sea Energy Agriculture............................................ 7 Lists for Your Library Beginning Farmer Library....................................... 8 Large-Scale Library................................................. 8 Pest Solutions Library............................................. 9 Transitional Farmer Library..................................... 9 Weed Solutions Library........................................... 9 Featured Authors.....................................................10 Books Agronomy............................................................... 14 Beekeeping............................................................ 18 Biodynamics..........................................................20 Lunar Planning................................................... 21 Children’s Books................................................... 21

Crops......................................................................22 Eco-Philosophy......................................................25 Energies.................................................................30 Farm Business & Marketing................................. 31 Food Craft..............................................................34 Gardening.............................................................. 36 Greenhouses......................................................... 38 Herbs & Herbology................................................ 39 Homesteading....................................................... 39 Human Health....................................................... 41 Livestock................................................................ 45 Permaculture......................................................... 50 Soil Life and Composting...................................... 52 DVDs..........................................................................55 Audio.........................................................................58 Title Index.................................................................60 Hats & Totes.............................................................64 Order Form...............................................................66 Customer Service Information................................67

FREE SHIPPING in USA on orders $75 or more! (More on Pg 67.) For personal service call 1-800-355-5313 ACRES U.S.A.

4 | What is Eco-Ag?

What is



n the 47 years that we’ve been informing farmers about non-toxic alternatives to the insanity of so-called modern industrial agriculture, many terms have come and gone. Our founder Charles Walters coined the term “eco-agriculture” back in 1970 because he wanted to rope in the concepts of “ecological” and “economical.”

The authors of the books presented here represent centuries of experience in building — not mining — soils. The lessons they teach are fundamental: 1.


Simplistic nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium (N, P and K) fertilization means malnutrition for plants, animals and people because either a shortage or marked imbalance of plant nutrients prevents balanced plant health and therefore animal and human health. Plants in touch with exchangeable soil nutrients need to develop proper fertility loads, structure, and stabilized internal hormone and enzyme potentials, to provide their own protection against insect, bacterial and fungal attack.


Insects and predators are a disposal crew; their task is to eliminate sick plants. They are summoned when they are needed, and they are repelled when they are not needed.


Weeds are an index of the character of the soil. It is therefore a mistake to rely on herbicides to eradicate them, since these things deal with effect, not cause.


Crop losses in dry weather or during mild cold snaps are not so much the result of drought and cold as nutrient deficiency.


Toxic rescue chemistry hopes to salvage crop production that is not fit to live so that animals and people might eat it, always with consequences for present and future generations of plants, animals and people.


Man-made molecules of toxic rescue chemistry do not exist in nature’s blueprints for living organisms. Since they have no counterpart in nature, they will not likely break down biologically in a time frame suitable to the head of the biotic pyramid, namely man. Carcinogenic, mutagenic and teratogenic molecules of toxic rescue chemistry have no safe level and no tolerance level.

The answer to pest crop destroyers is sound fertility management in terms of exchange capacity, pH modification and scientific farming principles that USDA extension and land grant colleges have with rare exception refused to teach ever since the great discovery was made that fossil fuel companies have grant money. Consumers turn to the farmer for answers, but many farmers no longer understand. They may still remember that nature created life, but they think the test tube and fossil fuel factory have vacated nature’s rhythm of life and death. If you ask Acres U.S.A., “What does a farmer do?” — we will answer quite differently from most. We see the final product of the farm as well-nourished human bodies with minds capable of thought and reason. ACRES U.S.A.

Additional information on these books and more at www.acresusa.com

What’s new | 5

What’s NEW Humusphere M

h u m u s : a s u b s ta n c e o r a l i v i n g s y s t e m ?

Humusphere — Humus: A Substance or a Living System? by Herwig Pommeresche

In this breakthrough work – now available in English for the first time – the independent GermanNorwegian explorer of soil life, graduate permaculture designer and graduate engineer Herwig Pommeresche shares his lifetime of research into humus. His entire career has focused on the theory and practice of humus management in gardening and farming. Digging deep into a myriad of little-known research papers, he compares their findings with the usual conventional methods. He found we have an inadequate understanding of the mechanisms by which plants absorb and process their nutrients. Our conventional model is that plants only get nutrients in the form of water-soluble salts, hence common conventional fertilizers. Fertilization methods in agriculture and horticulture have been based on this model, which the author calls “mineral model,” since the mid-nineteenth century. They largely have not been questioned since then despite the problems they cause. But there are also works by scientists – decades deep research – which have found a completely different form of plant nutrition. Plants can, in simple terms, by «eversion» of their fine root cells take larger food particles and transport it inside the cell. They can also take up larger molecules and even entire cells – and this is what›s interesting – even in living form, a process known as endocytosis, a phenomenon long known in zoology and microbiology. Too little is known that this is also practiced by higher plants. Understanding plants’ nutrient uptake and the role of humus in the process will put modern agricultural practice to the test. Herwig Pommeresche offers an ecologically oriented understanding as a check to the still prevalent chemical-technical agricultural system. He discusses the agrarian cultural achievements of exemplary prehistoric peoples as well as the most important findings of modern biologists and agricultural experts who have done pioneering work in this field. Essential reading for any true student of the soil. HERWIG POMMERESCHE

7513 • Softcover • 230 pages • $28.00

Forthcoming Titles from Acres U.S.A.

In the coming weeks and months look to Acres U.S.A. for an entire collection of game-changing new books. Join our free e-newsletter list so you’ll be the first to hear and receive free excerpts, at www.acresusa.com.

Water for Any Farm, by Mark Shepard The author of Restoration Agriculture explains how to manage water retention and flow on any landscape using his modified keyline principles. Natural Farming & Gardening with Terra Preta, by Caroline Pfutzner Available in English for the first time. The Albrecht Papers, by William A. Albrecht, Ph.D., edited by Charles Walters We’ve mined this amazing researcher’s seminal work on topics essential for farmers such as nitrogen, crop protection and more. . . . and more! FREE SHIPPING in USA on orders $75 or more! (More on Pg 67.) For personal service call 1-800-355-5313 ACRES U.S.A.


trending topics

Full Descriptions inside. Index Pages 60-63

Human Health

Poisoning Our Children André Leu #7485 • $16.95

The Myths of Safe Pesticides André Leu #7335 • $16.95

Food, Farming & Health Vandana Shiva #7487 • $20.00

Soil Fertility & Human and Animal Health William Albrecht #1008 • $25.00


Conference Speaker

The Heal Your Gut Cookbook Hilary Boynton & Mary Brackett #7356 • $29.95

The Metabolic Approach to Cancer Dr. Nasha Winters, Jess Higgins Kelley #7444 • 29.95

NEW The World According to Monsanto (DVD) Marie-Monique Robin #7015 • $19.95

Whitewash: The Story of a Weed Killer, Cancer, and the Corruption of Science Carey Gillam #7491 • $30.00

Mycorrhizal Fungi & Compost

Mycorrhizal Planet Michael Phillips

#7442 • $40.00 $29.00

Eco-Farm Charles Walters

Teaming with Nutrients Jeff Lowenfels

Teaming with Microbes Jeff Lowenfels

The Secret Life of Compost Malcolm Beck

Worms at Work Crystal Stevens

Foundations of Natural Farming Harold Willis

#122 • $30.00

#7227 • $24.95

#6816 • $24.95

NEW Compost Revolution Helmut Schimmel #7484 • $25.00


#6232 • $19.00

#7453 • $19.99

Additional information on these books and more at www.acresusa.com

#6854 • $30.00

TRending TOPICS | 7

trending topics

Full Descriptions inside. Index Pages 60-63

Pasturized Livestock

Fertility Pastures Newman Turner #6911 • $30.00

Soil Fertility & Animal Health Vol. II William Albrecht #1008 • $25.00

Herdsmanship Newman Turner #6910 • $30.00

Albrecht on Pastures Vol. VI William Albrecht #7072 • $25.00

Treating Dairy Cows Naturally Hubert J. Karreman #6672 • $40.00

Pasture Profits with Stocker Cattle Allan Nation #4189 • $24.95

Grass-Fed Cattle Julius Ruechel #6826 • $24.95

Reproduction & Animal Health Charles Walters & Gearld Fry #6595 • $24.00

Four-Seasons Organic Cow Care Hubert J. Karreman #7418 • $24.00

A Holistic Vet’s Prescription for a Healthy Herd Richard J. Holliday & Jim Helfter #7365 • $20.00


Conference Speaker

The Art & Science of Grazing Sarah Flack #7429 • $35.95

Forage Production for Pasture-based Livestock Production Edward Rayburn #6871 • $25.00

The Art and Science of Shepherding Michel Meuret, Fred Provenza #7308 • $30.00

Sea Energy Agriculture

Seaweed and Plant Growth T.L. Senn #2057 • $14.00

Food Power from the Sea Lee Fryer & Dick Simmons #6655 • $19.00

Sea Energy Agriculture Maynard Murray #6579 • $16.00

Seaweed in Agriculture & Horticulture W.A. Stephenson #6545 • $15.00

Fertility from the Ocean Deep Charles Walters #6735 • $20.00

FREE SHIPPING in USA on orders $75 or more! (More on Pg 67.) For personal service call 1-800-355-5313 ACRES U.S.A.


the essential eco-ag library Beginning Farmer

Large-Scale Library


Conference Speaker

Secrets of Fertile Soils Erhad Hennig

#7414 • $24.00

Small Farms are Real Farms John Ikerd

#6853 • $20.00

The Salatin Semester

The Farm as Ecosystem

#7413 • $219.00

#7306 • $30.00

Joel Salatin

Jerry Brunetti


Eliot Coleman #7527 • $29.95

Starting Seeds

Barbara W. Ellis #7186 • $8.95

#6336 • $30.00

A Farmer’s Guide to the Bottom Line Charles Walters #6535 • $24.00

Hands-on Agronomy

Restoration Agriculture

#4120 • $35.00

#7170 • $30.00

Neal Kinsey

Conference Speaker

Making Your Small Farm Profitable Ron Macher #6463 • $19.95

Advancing Biological Farming Gary Zimmer & Leilani Zimmer Durand #6438 • $30.00

The Biological Farmer

Gary Zimmer with Leilani Zimmer Durand #7066 • $25.00

Full Descriptions inside. Index Pages 60-63 ACRES U.S.A.

Mark Shepard



Joel Salatin

#122 • $30.00

Conference Speaker

Conference Speaker

You Can Farm

Charles Walters


Conference Speaker

The New Organic Grower


Additional information on these books and more at www.acresusa.com

How to Grow Top Quality Corn Harold Willis #114 • $12.00


the essential

eco-ag library

Pest Solutions Library

Transitional Farmer


Conference Speaker

Science in Agriculture Arden Andersen, Ph.D #4080 • $30.00

Farming with Native Beneficial Insects The Xerces Society #7348 • $24.95

Advancing Biological Farming

Gary Zimmer & Leilani Zimmer Durand #6438 • $30.00

The Biological Farmer

Gary Zimmer with Leilani Zimmer Durand #7066 • $25.00


Conference Speaker

Preventing Deer Damage

Simple Green Pest and Disease Control

#6329 • $14.95

#7475 • $14.95

Robert G. Juhre

Bob Flowerdew

Restoration Agriculture Mark Shepard #7170 • $30.00

Foundations of Natural Farming Harold Willis #6854 • $30.00

Weed Solutions Library 2018

Conference Speaker

The Organic Method Primer Bargyla & Glyver Rateaver

Weeds – Control Without Poisons

Charles Walters #4005 • $25.00

When Weeds Talk

#6539 • $85.00

Folks, This Ain’t Normal Joel Salatin

#7087 • $16.00

Jay L. McCaman #6149 • $24.00

Full Descriptions inside. Index Pages 60-63 FREE SHIPPING in USA on orders $75 or more! (More on Pg 67.) For personal service call 1-800-355-5313 ACRES U.S.A.

10 | Featured Authors

Charles Walters Charles Walters founded Acres U.S.A. Soil scientists, farm policy experts, economic thinkers, insect researchers, philosophers of the land — Walters met many of them, interviewing them, commissioning articles by them, and inviting them to speak at the annual conference he began in 1975. He penned thousands of articles on the technologies of organic and sustainable agriculture, and both authored and co-authored many books. Here is a sampling of some of these titles, which we believe are essential to any farmer.

Dung Beetles Dung beetles have always been nature’s greatest recyclers — in a way, they were the first organic farmers. They were also the first casualties of industrial farming. As farmers rediscover the many benefits of grass-based livestock production, dung beetles are given a solid shot at reestablishing their rightful place on the farm and ranch. Charles Walters digs deep into modern science and ancient history, traditional folklore and the best practical advice to resurrect the lowly dung beetle. It’s a must-read for anyone interested in organic forms of farming. 6852 • Softcover • 215 Pages • $24.00

Grass, the Forgiveness of Nature In this wide-ranging survey of grass forages and pastureland, Charles Walters makes the case that grass is not just for cows and horses — that in fact it is the most nutritious food produced by nature, as well as the ultimate soil conditioner. Learn from traditional graziers who draw on centuries of wisdom to create beautiful, lush, sustainable pastures, as well as cutting-edge innovators who are using such methods as biodynamics and sea-solids fertilization to create some of the healthiest grasslands in the world. 6806 • Softcover • 303 Pages • $25.00

Minerals for the Genetic Code This innovative book connects the physical, chemical and biological aspects of minerals and subatomic particles in the life process, and assigns the specific mineral that governs each entry in the genetic code. This knowledge, based on peer-reviewed medical literature, as well as research by forgotten innovators, suggests an end to the tyranny of pharmaceuticals. It provides a unique road map overlaying the body’s deepest genetic need for specific minerals, classical chiropractic conditions, acupuncture meridians, and deficiency and disease indicators. 6808 • Softcover • 303 Pages • $25.00

A Beast of Muddy Brain Drawing upon his own experiences of life in the American countryside of the 1930s, as well as a lifetime of reporting and writing on agriculture, agricultural policy and economics, Charles Walters has crafted a powerful work of fiction. The tale begins in the Dust Bowl of the 1930s and is an angry testament of the debauchery of a civilization. Here is the real story of what happens when public policy takes the food from the farmer, giving him very little in return, with showy successes forever shadowed by pending adjustments in our institutional and political arrangements. 6904 • Softcover • 380 Pages • $24.00 ACRES U.S.A.

Additional information on these books and more at www.acresusa.com

Featured Authors | 11

Joel Salatin


Conference Speaker

Joel Salatin is known in` most agricultural circles as the most famous farmer in the world and is the purveyor and owner of Polyface Farms in Swoope, Virginia. He calls himself a Christian libertarian environmentalist capitalist lunatic farmer, which is a mouthful, both in words and in meaning. More practically, he’s a successful author and speaker, has written dozens of pieces for Acres U.S.A. magazine through the years and has spoken at our Eco-Ag conferences. He is not afraid to be funny, educational or to step into controversy when he needs to. But his belief in honoring the land and the animals is unwavering.

Everything I Want to Do Is Illegal Drawing upon 40 years’ experience as an ecological farmer and marketer, Joel Salatin of Polyface Farm explains with humor and passion why Americans do not have the freedom to choose the food they purchase and eat. From child labor regulations to food inspection, bureaucrats provide themselves sole discretion over what food is available in the local marketplace. Salatin’s expert insight explains why local food is expensive and difficult to find. This book brings to life, with humor and verve, the everyday conflict between the entrenched food system and the local artisanal neighborhood-friendly farmer-entrepreneur. 6849 • Softcover • 352 Pages • $23.95

Family Friendly Farming Joel Salatin shares his vision for an alternative to the hectic and fragmented condition of American families, offering hope for those living hurried lifestyles. Family friendly farming, he argues, offers a real solution to this critical social issue, by developing more multi-generational agrarian home-based businesses, populating the land with passionate stewards, and insuring a clean, nutritious food supply for future generations. Based on his own experience with a successful family farm, Salatin shows how the brightest and best young people can be brought back to the countryside — with a new love for their environment and heritage. 6500 • Softcover • 402 Pages • $30.00

The Sheer Ecstasy of Being a Lunatic Farmer Shunned by industrial farmers and vilified by corporate agri-business, Joel Salatin has plenty of reflective and humorous stories to tell about farming and our food systems, and about being a “lunatic” farmer. Drawing from experiences on his beloved Polyface Farm and in defense of his strong belief in a more localized, diversified food system, Salatin provides ammunition to combat conventional farming naysayers and brings his land to life on these pages, taking farming to sacredness and food to ministry. Covering four areas, the book deals with nurturing the earth, food and fiber production, respect for life and promoting community. 7018 • Softcover • 300 Pages • $25.00

FREE SHIPPING in USA on orders $75 or more! (More on Pg 67.) For personal service call 1-800-355-5313 ACRES U.S.A.

12 | Featured Authors

William A. Albrecht Dr. William A. Albrecht, Ph.D., was a University of Missouri professor whose low profile obscured decades of brilliant work in soil science. Albrecht’s papers, which Acres U.S.A. founder Charles Walters rescued from the historical dustbin and published in several volumes, have provided a rock-solid foundation for eco-agriculture — a scientific approach to organic farming. Find more of his works on page 15.

Albrecht’s Foundation Concepts Vol. I Through Dr. Albrecht’s extensive experiments with growing plants and soils and their effect on animals, he sustained his theory and observation that a declining soil fertility, due to a lack of organic material, major elements, and trace minerals – or a marked imbalance in these nutrients – was responsible for poor crops and in turn for pathological conditions in animals fed deficient feeds from soils. These papers addressed to scientists, and especially to farmers who work with nature, remain valid today. 1007 • Softcover • 515 Pages • $40.00

Albrecht’s Hidden Lessons Vol. III This valuable collection of essays reveals the insights of a brilliant soil scientist who was ahead of his time, exploring the complexity of soil and soil fertility, and examining elements such as mycorrhiza, calcium, magnesium and organic matter in soil composition. It also reveals the intimate connection between soil, crops, animals and human health. Dr. Albrecht’s work provides indispensable knowledge for readers seeking apply the lessons of soil fertility to responsible agriculture management. 3048 • Softcover • 411 Pages • $35.00

Albrecht’s Enduring Vision Vol. IV Dr. Albrecht was one of the first to see the danger in relying on agri-chemicals instead of soil fertility for healthy crops. In this carefully organized and informative collection, he explains the workings of the soil-crop system and substantiates his theory that depleted crops, weeds and poor animal health stem directly from the lack of major elements and trace minerals in soil. This collection presents essential insights into the health of our soil. 4075 • Softcover • 325 Pages • $30.00

Albrecht on Soil Balancing Vol. VII This collection of essays reveals a carefully organized and convincing explanation about the interconnection between soil, plants and animals. In these papers, Dr. Albrecht reveals the importance of the balance equation, that it isn’t enough to have nutrient to soil connections, it is the ratio of one element to another that counts. His insight further reveals that an ounce of prevention in the form of balanced plant nutrition from fertile soils is better than a pound of cure using dangerous poisons. These works provide an indispensable foundation for anyone interested in sustainable, ecologically responsible agriculture. 7078 • Softcover • 227 Pages • $25.00


Additional information on these books and more at www.acresusa.com

Featured Authors | 13

Newman Turner Frank Newman Turner was a visionary. He founded The Farmer, the first organic quarterly magazine “published and edited from the farm,” was a founding member of the Soil Association, and became the first president of the Henry Doubleday Research Association (HDRA), now the world’s largest organic horticultural association. He later became a leading medical herbalist and naturopath and published magazines promoting natural health care and organic principles.

Cure Your Own Cattle

Fertility Farming

Newman Turner relied on his lifetime of observing animals and herbs in their natural environment to guide him in his experiments. He proclaims that freedom from animal diseases may be attained by the proper utilization of nature’s provisions. Turner’s clear, simple systems and advice remind farmers of the true fundamentals that consistently work.

This book explores an approach to farming that makes minimal use of plowing, eschews chemical fertilizers and pesticides, and encourages cover cropping and manure application. Turner holds that the foundation of the effectiveness of a fertile soil – and the measure of a fertile soil – is its content of organic matter; ultimately, its humus.

6912 • Softcover • 96 Pages • $10.00

6909 • Softcover • 247 Pages • $30.00

Pat Coleby Pat Coleby spent decades gaining experience and knowledge in animal husbandry, with a special interest between the health of the land and the health of the animals it supports. Based in Australia, she practiced commercial-scale farming, writing and traveling extensively as a lecturer and farm consultant. She maintained that good nutrition is the key to preventing ill health in animals. A passionate proponent for natural farming, Pat passed away in 2015.

Natural Sheep Care This comprehensive guide for all breeders of sheep, whether for wool, meat or milk, provides essential information for both organic and conventional farmers. The original edition has been expanded significantly. Coleby also covers breeds of sheep; wool; meat and milk production; feeding requirements; poisonous plants; land management; minerals and vitamins; herbal; homeopathic and natural remedies; and more. 6734 • Softcover • 215 Pages • $25.00

Natural Goat Care Goats thrive on fully organic natural care. As natural browsers, they have higher mineral requirements than other domestic animals, so diet is a critical element to maintaining optimal livestock health. This book shows how to solve health problems both with natural herbs and medicines and the ultimate cure –— bringing the soil into healthy balance. 6491 • Softcover • 371 Pages • $28.00

Hubert Karreman Dr. Hubert Karreman has more than 25 years of practical experience working with dairy cows, 15 of those years as an in-the-trenches dairy veterinarian working primarily with organic dairy animals. From this experience he has developed a set of therapies allowable for use in organic livestock which are easy to apply across a variety of situations.

The Barn Guide to Treating Dairy Cows Naturally A hands-on barn and field guide designed for quick and easy use. This book includes an easy-to-follow visual and hands-on physical exam section, features nearly 100 case studies organized by symptoms, and offers valuable field-tested natural treatments. 7065 • Softcover • 191 Pages • $40.00

Holistic Veterinary Care (DVD) Dr. Hubert J. Karreman and renowned animal nutrition expert Jerry Brunetti present an overview of the strategies and tools available for successful holistic herd health management. The emphasis is on natural alternatives for the treatment of common dairy cow problems, including complications in reproduction, birth and lactation. 6805 • DVD Format • 52 Min. • $25.00

FREE SHIPPING in USA on orders $75 or more! (More on Pg 67.) For personal service call 1-800-355-5313 ACRES U.S.A.

Trending Topic Title

14 | Agronomy

2018 Conference Speakers

Advancing Biological Farming Gary F. Zimmer & Leilaini Zimmer-Durand One of the leading authorities on biological farming, Zimmer is recognized for improving farming by restoring soils. Arguing that an optimally productive soil contains a balance of inorganic minerals, organic materials and living organisms, he relies less on modern improvements than on “the things we’ve learned by improving fertility in a natural, sustainable way over many years.” This book offers invaluable scientific support for committed organic farmers as well as conventional farmers who’d like to reduce chemical inputs. 7066 • Softcover • 244 pages • $25.00

The Biological Farmer Gary F. Zimmer & Leilaini Zimmer-Durand Completely revised, rewritten and greatly updated — now over 500 pages! Biological farming was around long before researchers and entrepreneurs began their search for the best “biologicals.” The biological farming system developed decades ago by Gary Zimmer doesn’t manipulate soil life or sell it; it instead creates the conditions where soil life flourishes. His system feeds soil microbes, balances soil minerals, promotes tillage with a purpose, and relies on both cover crops and diverse rotations. 6438 • Softcover • 536 Pages • $30.00 Advancing Biological Farming and The Biological Farmer #S-6438 – $45.00 • #S-6438PAL – $45.00

Special! save


soil advice from Don Schriefer

From the Soil Up Donald L. Schriefer

The farmer’s role is to conduct the symphony of plants and soil. In this book, learn how to coax the most out of your plants by providing the best soil and removing all yield-limiting factors. Schriefer is best known for his “systems” approach to tillage and soil fertility, which is detailed here. Managing soil aeration, water and residue decay are covered, as well as ridge planting systems, guidelines for cultivating row crops and managing soil fertility. Develop your own soil fertility system for long-term productivity. 6440 • Softcover • 274 Pages • $24.00

Agriculture in Transition Donald L. Schriefer

Organic No-Till Farming

Hands-On Agronomy

Now you can tap the source of many of agriculture’s most popular progressive farming tools. Ideas now commonplace in the industry, such as “crop and soil weatherproofing,” the “row support system,” and the “tillage commandments,” exemplify the practicality of the soil/root maintenance program that serves as the foundation for Schriefer’s highly-successful “systems approach” farming. A veteran teacher, lecturer and writer, Schriefer’s ideas are clear, straightforward and practical.

Neal Kinsey & Charles Walters

6441 • Softcover • 238 Pages • $24.00

Jeff Moyer Organic No-Till Farming offers a map to an organic farming system that limits tillage, reduces labor and improves soil structure. Based on the latest research by pioneering agriculturists, this book offers new technologies and tools based on sound biological principles, making it possible to reduce and even eliminate tillage. Field-tested over many seasons, these methods make cover crops into a source of fertility as well as a tool for weed management. 7069 • Softcover • 204 Pages • $28.00

This is a comprehensive manual on tillage, manures, micronutrients, earthworms, soil drainage, tilth, soil structure and more.

Buy both books #S-157 – $42.00

4120 • Softcover • 391 Pages • $35.00 Popular Bulk Buy! Call Customer Service for pricing on multiple quantities of this title.


Hands-On Agronomy Workshop (DVD)

The Farm as Ecosystem

Neal Kinsey

Jerry Brunetti

A sophisticated, easy-to-live-with system of fertility management. 6442 • DVD format • 80 Min. • $30.00 6442PAL • DVD format • 80 Min. • $30.00 Popular Bulk Buy! Call Customer Service for pricing on multiple quantities of this title. Special! save Both Hands-On Agronomy DVD & Book:

#S-4120 - #S-4120PAL – $45.00


Special! save


Jerry Brunetti collects a lifetime of experiences and uncanny observations in this fascinating work on the interconnected dynamics of the farm — geology, biology and diversity. Brunetti explores the farm as a complex ecosystem, synthesizing facts and experiences to formulate principles for holistic farm management. 7306 • Softcover • 352 Pages • $30.00

Additional information on these books and more at www.acresusa.com

Recommended Title

Agronomy | 15

Albrecht’s Foundation Concepts

Albrecht’s Enduring Vision

Vol. I

William A. Albrecht, Ph.D.

William A. Albrecht, Ph.D. Nature gave up her rare secrets to Dr. Albrecht simply because he was a curious farm boy who liked logic and adventure. Through his extensive experiments with growing plants, soils and their effect on animals, he showed that a declining soil fertility, due to a lack of organic material, major elements, and trace minerals — or a marked imbalance in these nutrients — was responsible for poor crops and in turn for pathological conditions in animals fed deficient feeds from soils. 1007 • Softcover • 515 Pages • $40.00

Soil Fertility & Animal Health Vol. II William A. Albrecht, Ph.D. Albrecht was dismayed by the rapid chemicalization of farming that followed WWII. This book is a well-organized explanation of the relationship between soil fertility and animal and human health. This is a great book for those just familiarizing themselves with these concepts. 1008 • Softcover • 192 Pages • $25.00

Albrecht’s Hidden Lessons Vol. III William A. Albrecht, Ph.D. Organized in chapters dealing with specific subjects such as mycorrhiza, calcium, magnesium and soil organic matter, Albrecht also includes convincing explanations of the relationship between humans, plants and animals, and his substantiated theory and observation that declining soil fertility is responsible for poor crops, pathological conditions in animals fed deficient feeds from such soils, and poor human health. 3048 • Softcover • 411 Pages • $35.00

The Albrecht Papers (All 8 Volumes) & DVD

Special! save

#S-160 – $190.00 #S-160PAL – $190.00 ($260 if purchased separately) Find the DVD on Page 57


Vol. IV

This collection presents more of Professor Albrecht’s brilliant, classic essays providing essential insights into the health of our soil. Albrecht explains how the soil-crop system works, and provides his substantiated theory and observation that the lack of major elements and trace minerals is responsible for depleted crops, weeds and poor animal health. 4075 • Softcover • 325 Pages • $30.00

Albrecht on Calcium Vol. V William A. Albrecht, Ph.D. Readers will find an organized and convincing explanation of the relationship between calcium and soil fertility. It is not possible to discuss calcium, which Albrecht proclaims as the “King of Nutrients,” without being led into the entire mosaic that Albrecht considers biologically correct farming. 7068 • Softcover • 320 Pages • $30.00

Albrecht on Pastures Vol. VI William A. Albrecht, Ph.D. Read about Albrecht’s substantiated theory and observation that insufficient soil fertility is responsible for poor crops, weeds and thereby a poor diet for the cow in terms of her food choice and her output. An indispensable foundation for anyone interested in sustainable, ecologically responsible agriculture — more critical today than ever. 7072 • Softcover • 247 Pages • $25.00

Albrecht on Soil Balancing Vol. VII William A. Albrecht, Ph.D. A carefully organized and convincing explanation of the interconnection between soil, plants and animals — everything is related to everything else. Albrecht reveals the importance of the balance equation, that it isn’t enough to have nutrient to soil connections, it is the ratio of one element to another that counts. 7078 • Softcover • 227 Pages • $25.00

Soil Fertility & Human and Animal Health Vol.VIII William A. Albrecht, Ph.D. This new volume explains the logical connections among soil health, animal health and human health until it grows into a public demand for fundamental change that is as compelling as it is necessary. A commitment to restoring the natural fertility and productivity of the soil must arise as a means of restoring health to humanity. 7168 • Softcover • 336 Pages • $30.00

Ask the Plant Charles Walters & Esper K. Chandler This detailed exposition of the agronomy of renowned consultant “K” Chandler offers farmers a better way to grow crops. By learning the unique language of plants and utilizing leaf and petiole testing, you can determine which fertilizers and soil-building ingredients are truly needed, and when they are most needed. Instead of following the conventional model where plants are given copious amounts of soluble nitrogen fertilizers aimed to force-feed the landscape green, it is time to “Ask the Plant” and find out what our crops and soils are really telling us. 6991 • Softcover • 286 Pages • $30.00

Bread from Stones Julius Hensel Anyone interested in how to grow fully mineralized, nutrient-dense food must read this book — the first work to attack Von Liebig’s salt fertilizer thesis, it stands valid today as when first written over 100 years ago. Historic reprint. 4024 • Softcover • 102 Pages • $16.00

Eco-Farm — An Acres U.S.A. Primer Charles Walters The classic book on ecological agriculture explains everything — from the tiniest molecular building blocks to managing the soil. 122 • Softcover • 462 Pages • $30.00 Popular Bulk Buy! Call Customer Service for pricing on multiple quantities of this title.

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Trending Topic Title

16 | Agronomy Science in Agriculture Arden B. Andersen, D.O., Ph.D. By ignoring the truth, ag-chemical enthusiasts are able to claim that pesticides and herbicides are necessary to feed the world. But science points out that low-to-mediocre crop production, plus weed, disease and insect pressures are all symptoms of nutritional imbalances and inadequacies in the soil. The progressive farmer who knows this and adds a measure of common sense will grow bountiful, disease- and pest-free commodities without the use of toxic chemicals. 4080 • Softcover • 376 Pages • $30.00 Popular Bulk Buy! Call customer service for pricing on multiple quantities of this title.

The Anatomy of Life & Energy in Agriculture Arden B. Andersen The energies in fertilizers and in the cosmos do not often move needles, but they preside over crop production. As this manual makes clear, through learning to tap and use “life-force energy” it is possible to develop food production practices that are both high quality and nondestructive. Andersen’s chapters outline in detail the difference between deadly slow-kill agribusiness farming and farming as it should be. 3063 • Softcover • 114 Pages • $18.00

Buy both books #S-115 – $40.00

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Foundations of Natural Farming Harold Willis, Ph.D Join longtime ecological farming author/researcher Harold Willis as he explains the concepts of natural farming and issues the call for cleaner forms of food and fiber production. The author details the interconnections between soil chemistry, microbial life, plants and livestock. He discusses how lessons from nature provide the road map to efficiency, effectiveness and profitability. This book does not stop at what farmers need to do to farm better, but also passes along the why of ecological agriculture. This book is certain to become a classic and one of the most heavily bookmarked volumes on a farmer’s shelf. 6854 • Softcover • 367 Pages • $30.00


Sea Energy Agriculture

Looking for DVDs on Agronomy? Find them on pages 55-57.

Maynard Murray, M.D. Beginning in 1938, Dr. Murray researched the crucial importance of minerals and demonstrated that plants fertilized with sea solids and animals fed sea-solid-fertilized feeds grow stronger and more resistant to disease. This book recounts the experiments and presents his astounding conclusions. Historic reprint.

The NonToxic Farming Handbook Philip A. Wheeler, Ph.D. & Ronald B. Ward

6579 • Softcover • 109 Pages • $16.00

Food Power from the Sea Lee Fryer & Dick Simmons This book explains how we can produce our food by using seaweed and fishbased inputs rather than wasteful and unsustainable chemical fertilizers. Fryer and Simmons tell how growers can harness sea energy to extend growing seasons, increase yields, protect crops from insects and disease, and more. A classic work of eco-agriculture.

This readable, easy-to-understand handbook successfully integrates the diverse techniques and technologies of classical organic farming, Albrecht-style soil fertility balancing, Reams-method soil and plant testing and analysis, and other alternative technologies applicable to commercial-scale agriculture. 6339 • Softcover • 236 Pages • $25.00

The Organic Method Primer Bargyla & Gylver Rateaver

6655 • Softcover • 220 Pages • $19.00

The Art of Balancing Soil Nutrients William McKibben A practical guide for farmers and other stewards of the earth wanting to understand what nutrients are available to plants and to learn how to more effectively grow crops, turfgrass and other plants. This book gives real-world advice about how to decipher the jungle of numbers found on soil and water test reports and shows how to comprehend what the numbers mean for your crop. McKibben gives clear, easy-tounderstand information about how to choose the most appropriate testing protool based on your specific soil type so you can develop an effective action plan and get the most out of your soil. 7115 • Softcover • 245 Pages • $25.00

Weeds — Control Without Poisons Charles Walters Specifics on hundreds of weeds, why they grow and how to control them. 4005 • Softcover • 352 Pages • $25.00 Popular Bulk Buy! Call customer service for pricing on multiple quantities of this title.

A cornerstone of any serious agricultural library. This classic text by a pioneer of American organic agriculture, long out of print, has been both expensive and difficult to find for many years. Acres U.S.A. has obtained a limited number of copies. 6539 • Hardcover • 596 Pages • $85.00

Mainline Farming for Century 21 Dan Skow, D.V.M & Charles Walters This book demolishes the mythology on which toxic chemical agriculture has been built. This book teaches how to measure fertility down to the atomic level and project forward bins and bushels with brix high enough to confer immunity to fungal, bacterial and insect attack — and to ward off weeds. 4010 • Softcover • 206 Pages • $19.00 Popular Bulk Buy! Call customer service for pricing on multiple quantities of this title.


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Additional information on these books and more at www.acresusa.com

Recommended Title

Agronomy | 17

You Can Farm


Conference Speaker

Joel Salatin

Joel Salatin wisely and honestly shares the qualities necessary to embark on a farming career with plenty of inspiration. For farm entrepreneurs, the opportunities for a farm /family business have never been greater. You Can Farm is a practical roadmap to encourage and guide the farmer in each of us. 6336 • Softcover • 480 Pages • $30.00

Fertility from the Ocean Deep Charles Walters Rediscover the forgotten legacy of an eco-ag pioneer. Maynard Murray’s idea that ocean water contains a concentrated, perfect balance of trace minerals in bioavailable form seems almost as revolutionary today as when he introduced it over 30 years ago. In this fascinating book, Charles Walters examines Murray’s career and the amazing successes that growers have experienced with his methods, as well as further developments in this technology by creative experimenters. Walters demonstrates that sea-solids fertilizers produce stressresistant plants and food with vastly increased nutrient levels. 6735 • Softcover • 192 Pages • $20.00

Two Percent Solutions for the Planet Courtney White This book profiles innovative practices that soak up carbon dioxide in soils, reduce energy use, sustainably intensify food production and increase water quality. The “two percent” refers to the amount of new carbon in the soil needed to reap a wide variety of ecological and economic benefits; the percentage of the nation’s population who are farmers and ranchers; and the low financial cost needed to get this vital work done. 7412 • Softcover • 240 Pages • $24.95

Organic Soil-Fertility & Weed Management Steve Gilman Concise, practical information for small-scale farmers and market gardeners about the importance of healthy soil and how to control weeds holistically. 7080 • Softcover • 127 Pages • $15.95

Crop Rotation and Crop Cropping

Seawater Concentrate NEW for Abundant Agriculture Arthur Zeigler Breakthrough research into using seawater on your crops. A new paradigm for increased crop yields of nutrient-dense food developed by expert and author Arthur Ziegler. 7518 • Softcover • 120 Pages • $15.95

Agriculture: The Only Right Approach P.H. Hainsworth A classic text on the basic principles of organic agriculture. There are chapters on composting, plant disease resistance, problems of conventional agricultural methods, and the nature and function of soil. Historic reprint. 6540 • Softcover • 238 Pages • $20.00

Understanding Roots Robert Kourik

The foundation of organic management is to create a healthy farm system that builds soil fertility and prevents the proliferation of pests, weeds and disease. Well-timed rotations between cash and cover crops can help you achieve this goal.

This book describes how roots work their magic to improve soil nutrients; investigates the life of soil microbes and their relationship to roots; explores whether deep roots gather more unique nutrients than shallow roots; shows where to put fertilizer, compost, water, and mulch to help plants flourish and tells you why gray water increases crop yields more than fresh water.

7095 • Softcover • 96 Pages • $12.95

7411 • Softcover • 225 Pages • $24.95

Seth Kroeck

The Biochar Solution Albert Bates Biochar is created by burning biomass in the absence of oxygen and has the unique ability to withhold carbon from the atmosphere while simultaneously building soil fertility. Author Albert Bates analyzes our global climate and food predicament and offers techniques for the production and use of biochar and practical carbon farming — a new agricultural paradigm with a priority on ecological restoration that could turn us back into a garden planet. 7148 • Softcover • 209 Pages • $17.95

Seaweed in Agriculture & Horticulture W.A. Stephenson This classic work by one of the pioneers of the agricultural use of processed seaweed is a comprehensive guide to the amazing uses and properties of this aquatic plant. Many useful tables and charts are included, and appendices include detailed recommendations for specific crops and livestock. Solid background information for any organic grower. Historic reprint. 6545 • Softcover • 241 Pages • $15.00

Mycorrhizal Planet Michael Phillips Mycorrhizae are defined as “fungi that grow in association with the roots of a plant in a symbiotic relationship.” They manage the “underground economy,” making nutrients available to plant roots, facilitating communication between plants and even protecting plants against diseases and pest pressures. Phillips explores the complex science of the world beneath our feet in layman’s terms — offering insight into how to make plants and their fungal partners prosper. Beyond growers, this book will resonate with anyone who is fascinated with the unseen workings of nature and concerned about maintaining and restoring the health of our soils, our climate and the quality of life on Earth for generations to come. 7442 • Hardcover • 256 Pages • $40.00 $29.00

Seaweed and Plant Growth T.L. Senn, Ph.D It is not an accident that most of the answers to biologically sound agronomy should come from the nutritional center of gravity – the ocean. This book fills a badly needed void in the eco-farming library, not with academic ramblings, but with highly readable, scientific facts and breathtaking case reports. 2057 • Softcover • 202 Pages • $14.00

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Trending Topic Title

18 | Agronomy Growing Food in a Hotter, Drier Land

The Aquaponic Farmer

Gary Paul Nabhan Growing Food in a Hotter, Drier Land is useful for farmers and permaculturists in the arid reaches of the Southwest or other desert regions. This practical book contains detailed descriptions and diagrams showing how to implement desert-adapted practices in your own backyard, orchard, or farm to mitigate the impact of these rapid changes. 7204 • Softcover • 272 Pages • $29.95

Crop Rotation on Organic Farms

The Carbon Farming Solution


Adrian Southern & Whelm King Aquaponic farming — raising fish and vegetables together commercially—is the most promising innovation for a sustainable, profitable, localized food system. Until now, systems have largely focused on warm-water fish such as tilapia. Built around a proven 120-foot greenhouse system operable by one person, the book distills vast experience and complete step-by-step guidance for starting and running a cold-water aquaponics business. 7477 • Softcover • 304 Pages • $39.99

Eric Toensmeier Carbon farming is a suite of agricultural practices and crops that sequester carbon in the soil and in aboveground biomass, which includes modifications to current cropping systems, the use of perennial crops, new approaches to animal grazing, agroforestry, and more. Toensmeier brings together these powerful strategies in one book including in-depth analysis of the available research and, where research is lacking, a discussion of what we need to understand better and the steps that can get us there. 7423 • Hardcover • 512 Pages • $75.00

Successful SmallScale Farming

Charles Mohler & Sue Ellen Johnson, EDS.

Secrets to Great Soil Elizabeth P. Stell

Karl Schwenke

An in-depth look at crop rotation, to assist growers through the maze of decisions in planning crop rotations and to show how to use crop rotation to build better soil, control pests and develop profitable farms.

Today the small-scale farmer is forced to be a master at reading the market. Learn how to do so with a relatively small amount of economic backing, all using organic methodology.

With more than 300 detailed illustrations and at-a-glance charts, Secrets to Great Soil solves your soil problems and gives techniques for yearround soil building.

7137 • Softcover • 154 Pages • $24.00

4018 • Softcover • 144 Pages • $16.95

6345 • Softcover • 224 Pages • $19.95

Beekeeping Natural Beekeeping Organic Approaches to Modern Apiculture Ross Conrad Now revised and updated with new resources, Natural Beekeeping offers all the latest information in a book that has already proven invaluable for organic beekeepers. The new edition offers the same holistic, sensible alternative to conventional chemical practices with a program of natural hive management, plus offers new sections on a wide range of subjects: the basics of bee biology and anatomy; urban beekeeping; identifying and working with queens; parasitic mite control; and hive diseases. 6850 • Softcover • 241 Pages • $34.95

Natural Beekeeping with Ross Conrad (DVD)

Looking for DVDs on Beekeeping? Find them on page 57.

Ross Conrad Noted Vermont beekeeper Ross Conrad flips the script on traditional approaches by proposing a program of selective breeding and natural hive management. 7197 • DVD format • 193 min. • $24.95


Additional information on these books and more at www.acresusa.com

Recommended Title

Beekeeping | 19

Top-Bar Beekeeping Les Crowder & Heather Harrell

Attracting Native Pollinators The Xerces Society

Beekeepers continue to face tremendous challenges, from pests such as varroa and tracheal mites to the mysterious but devastating phenomenon known as Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD). Yet in backyards and on rooftops all over the world, bees are being raised successfully in top-bar hives, without antibiotics, miticides or other chemical inputs. In Top-Bar Beekeeping, authors Crowder and Harrell guide you through the specifics of this innovative, natural, low-stress approach to hive management.

Attracting Native Pollinators offers a complete action plan for protecting nature’s hardest working and industrious creatures and includes identification of pollinators, how to build and manage healthy habitats, advice on building nests and offers plans for pollinator gardens, meadows and other landscapes.

7153 • Softcover • 192 Pages • $24.95

7108 • Softcover • 384 Pages • $29.95

Top-Bar Beekeeping (DVD) Les Crowder & Heather Harrell Les and Heather Harrell, authors of Top-Bar Beekeeping, discuss everything from hive management techniques to how to harvest and process honey and beeswax to the best plants to grow for the foraging bees. The natural, low-stress methods outlined in this video are perfect for home or hobbyist beekeepers seeking to manage bees intensively and holistically. 7198 • DVD format • 50 min. • $14.95

Keeping Bees with a Smile

The Thinking Beekeeper

Fedor Lazutin

Chirsty Hemenway

An invaluable resource for beginners and professionals alike, this richly illustrated book is complete with plans for making bee-friendly, well-insulated horizontal hives with extra-deep frames — plus other fascinating advice you won’t find anywhere else.

Conventional beekeeping requires a significant investment and has a steep learning curve. The alternative? Consider beekeeping outside the box. The Thinking Beekeeper is the definitive do-it-yourself guide to natural beekeeping in top-bar hives.

7301 • Softcover • 402 Pages • $34.95

7239 • Softcover • 208 Pages • $24.95

Homegrown Honey Bees

Advanced Top Bar Beekeeping

Alethea Morrison

Christy Hemenway

This beginner’s guide explains everything you need to know to keep bees successfully. Spectacular photography brings the inner workings of the hive to life, while the playful text gives you the information you need to make it through your first year. 7187 • Softcover • 160 Pages • $14.95

Toward Saving the Honeybee

Christy Hemenway’s second book breaks new ground in the quest to shift the dominant agricultural paradigm away from chemical-laden, industrial monoculture and towards healthy, diverse local farming. See what all the buzz is about with this must-read guide for the new breed of thinking beekeeper. 7454 • Softcover • 208 Pages • $29.95

Storey’s Guide to Keeping Honey Bees


Second Edition Malcolm T. Sanford & Richard E. Bonney Enjoy the sweet rewards of keeping your own honey bees. Learn how to plan a hive, acquire bees, install a colony, keep your bees healthy and harvest honey. Full of practical advice on apiary equipment and tools, this comprehensive guide also includes an overview of colony life and honey bee anatomy. 7502 • Softcover • 224 Pages • $24.95

100 Plants to Feed the Bees


The Xerces Society This field guide identifies the plants that honey bees and native bees — as well as butterflies, moths and hummingbirds — find most nutritious, including flowers, trees, shrubs, herbs and pasture plants. Each plant profile includes: which pollinators visit the plant, the quality of honey the nectar produces, when it blooms, how best to use it in the landscape, planting tips and spectacular photography. 7493 • Softcover • 240 Pages • $16.95

Keeping Bees in Horizontal Hives George de Layens

The first edition of this book was published in 2002, four years before the term “Colony Collapse Disorder” was coined to describe the widespread and growing crisis of honeybee population loss. As we approach the third decade of the 21st century, each passing year the situation becomes more dire.

These step-by-step instructions show you how to build everything needed to keep bees successfully, including beehive bodies, supers, covers, hive stands, frames, feeders and more.

We cannot improve beekeeping by going farther and farther away from bees’ natural tendencies. Instead, pick the hive model that is best matched to your locale, populate it with local bees, and the results will speak for themselves. With this wisdom, Georges de Layens reinforces his position as Europe’s foremost beekeeping authority. Originally published in 1897, Keeping Bees in Horizontal Hives boasts over 100 years of successful use, with one million hives in use even today. Keeping bees can be easier than you even imagined!

7469 • Softcover • 144 Pages • $18.95

7293 • Softcover • 160 Pages • $19.95

7443 • Softcover • 374 Pages • $39.95

2nd Edition

Gunther Hauk

Build Your Own Beekeeping Equipment Tony Pisano

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Trending Topic Title

20 | Biodynamics

Biodynamic Agriculture

Hugh Lovel - 2018 Conference Speaker

Willy Schilthuis

A Biodynamic Farm

A concise, thorough, and fully illustrated introduction to the principles and practice of biodynamic agriculture.

Hugh Lovel The inventory of knowledge that is generally warehoused under the classification of biodynamic is rich and timeless, and yet very few farmers have even a nodding acquaintance with the subject. This book performs a rescue operation. A practical, how-to guide to making all of the biodynamic preparations, this book will provide what you need to put these proven techniques to work in your fields. Perhaps the best of the many biodynamic titles currently available. 4168 • Softcover • 215 Pages • $20.00

Quantum Agriculture Hugh Lovel This book takes a deep look at the subject of biodynamics. Hugh Lovel is a farmer, multi-disciplinary scientist and teacher of soil science, biodynamics and “quantum agriculture.” He started the first CSA in Georgia and hosted a dozen Southeast Biodynamic Conferences. With over 30 years’ experience farming and making biodynamics preparations, he migrated to Australia in 2005 to teach, consult and write. He aims to raise the level of scientific understanding in biology and agriculture where the intriguing rules of quantum physics are by far the best explanation of how living organisms interact with the soil as well as the wider universe. 7369 • Softcover • 216 Pages • $25.00

A Biodynamic Manual Pierre Masson This fully illustrated, comprehensive manual provides the answers for anyone already practicing, or newly turning to biodynamic gardening and farming. A Biodynamic Manual is filled with the technical aspects of biodynamic growing and also includes tips on the human qualities necessary for biodynamic agriculture to succeed. Covers all aspects of making and using biodynamic preparations and composts, managing the health of plants, weed and parasite control, issues dealing with mixed cultivation, animal care, specialized crops and planting instructions. 7146 • Softcover • 309 Pages • $30.00

Vegetable Gardening for Organic and Biodynamic Growers Joel Morrow

Biodynamic Pasture Management

Pfeiffer’s Introduction to Biodynamics Enrenfried Pfeiffer This book is a collection of three key articles by Ehrenfried Pfeiffer introducing the concepts, principles and practice of the biodynamic method. 7136 • Softcover • 80 Pages • $13.95

Pest Control Preventing Deer Damage Robert G. Juhre Simple in its format, yet packed with information of many, many ways to prevent deer damage to your commercial crops or home garden. This book lists the plants deer like and those they avoid. Practical information from a true innovator who lives in deer country. 6329 • Softcover • 108 Pages • $14.95

Peter Bacchus New Zealand grazing consultant Peter Bacchus shares a lifetime of experience on applying biodynamics to pastures. His multi-pronged approach considers balance of fertility elements, organic matter levels, soil life and particularly soil life forces. Through biodynamic preparations and other tools he seeks to produce optimum grass quality and production for grazing animals. In this book, the author applies Steiner’s directives to the particular demands on grass farming. Also covered are biodynamic methods of pest and weed control.

Farming with Native Beneficial Insects The Xerces Society This book examines the role of insects in farming by focusing on beneficial insects that promote healthy crops and inhibit the spread of unwanted pests. 7348 • Softcover • 272 Pages • $24.95

The Guide To Humane Critter Control

7172 • Softcover • 160 Pages • $20.00

The Biodynamic Orchard Book Ehrenfried E. Pfeiffer & Michael Maltas

This collection of “biographies” of many garden vegetables contains detailed accounts on their climate of origin, their transformation over time, and their nutritional and therapeutic potential.

This book brings together the best advice for cultivating fruit trees, berries, and shrubs, using biodynamic methods with the aim of harvesting healthy fruit free of pesticides.

7357 • Softcover • 400 Pages • $35.00

7358 • Softcover • 112 Pages • $16.95


6219 • Softcover • 128 Pages • $14.95

Natural, Nontoxic Pest Solutions To Protect Your Yard and Garden Theresa Rooney Keep critters and pests out of your yard and garden with heart! The Guide to Humane Critter Control keeps unwanted guests away safely and organically. 7511 • Softcover • 144 Pages • $19.99

Additional information on these books and more at www.acresusa.com

Recommended Title

Biodynamics | 21

Stella Natura 2019 NEW Biodynamic Calendar

2019 North American Maria Thun Biodynamic Almanac

Sherry Wildfeur, ED.

Maria & Matthias Thun

Bringing together the work of many authors who live and practice biodynamics and sustainable living, Stella Natura offers a basic introduction to biodynamics and to astronomy, with a description of how various astronomical rhythms and events have been found to affect plant growth. 7516 • Softcover 40 Pages, designed for hanging • $16.95

Lunar Planning

This useful guide shows the optimum days for sowing, pruning and harvesting various plant-crops, as well as working with bees. It includes Thun’s unique insights. The calendar includes a pullout wall chart that can be pinned up in a barn, shed or greenhouse as a handy quick reference. 7517 • Softcover • 64 Pages • $13.95

Llewellyn’s 2019 Moon Sign Book

Llewellyn’s 2019 Moon Sign Datebook

Nicole Edman, ED.

Nicole Edman, ED.

A bestseller since 1905, Llewellyn’s Moon Sign Book has helped millions take advantage of the moon’s dynamic energies. Use this essential life-planning tool to choose the best dates for almost anything: getting married, buying or selling your home, requesting a promotion, applying for a loan, traveling, having surgery, seeing the dentist, picking mushrooms, and much more. With lunar timing tips on planting and harvesting and a guide to companion plants, this popular guide is also a gardener’s best friend. 7514 • Softcover • 312 Pages • $12.99

An essential companion to the bestselling Llewellyn’s Moon Sign Book, this weekly planner features full-moon lore, tips for gardening by the moon, retrogrades, void-of-course, equinoxes and solstices — everything you need to plan a successful future. With plenty of space to write in appointments and tips on the best days for special events, simple tasks, and outdoors activities like fishing and gardening, this datebook is the perfect resource for making the most of the natural energies of the moon. 7515 • Softcover Spiral Bound 168 Pages • $12.99

Buy both books #S-7514 – $21.99

Bundle & save!

Patrick’s Great Grass Adventure With Greg the Grass Farmer Joel Salatin and Rachel Salatin In his first children’s book, farmer-author Joel Salatin, and his daughter Rachel, team up on a whimsical tale about a pigeon, a farmer and grass. Recommended for ages 4-7. 7456 • Softcover • 35 Pages • $15.00

Fast Farm and Slow Farm Min Jee Jung

Blue Round Earth Chun Young Lee Illustrated by Sun Young Kwak

NEW 2019 Celestial Planting Calendar A Farm & Gardening Guide to Planting & Harvesting Using Biodynamic & Ancient Practices Josephine Porter Institute A farm and garden guide to planting by the moon, stars and planetary influences. Specific dates for working with root, leaf, flower and seed crops, plus informative articles. Featuring 13 months starting December 2018. 7504 • Softcover • 40 Pages • $20.00

Flowforms John Wilkes Working with his remarkable invention, the flowform, Wilkes uncovered many mysteries of water. His lifetime of applied research into rhythms and water, fully revealed here for the first time, has startling implications for such topical issues as farming and irrigation, food production and processing, water treatment and recycling, and health and cosmetic products. Included is a history of flowform research, as well as informative appendices on metamorphosis, flowform designs and applications, and the scientific and technical aspects of flowform research. Flowforms is a groundbreaking, lavishly illustrated book, revealing both the beauty and broad range of applications of this technology. 6710 • Softcover • 208 Pages • $40.00


Books Maple Syrup from the Sugarhouse Laurie Lazzaro Knowlton and Kathryn Mitter

In this colorful, inspiring story about where food comes from, readers will learn about the slow food movement and how to create a small farm garden at home.

Vivid descriptions and inviting illustrations introduce the youngest readers to many of the components that make up our Earth, such as air, water, the water cycle, seasons and the variety of climates.

Maple syrup season is here! Kelsey and her father begin harvesting sap from sugar maple trees. Family and friends join them to help in the process of turning the sap into maple syrup.

7461 • Hardcover • 32 Pages • $17.95

7460 • Hardcover • 30 Pages • $17.95

7462 • Hardcover • 32 Pages • $16.99

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Trending Topic Title

22 | Crops The Works of Harold Willis, Ph.D.

How to Grow Great Alfalfa Harold Willis, Ph.D Essential information for anyone whose operation depends on growing forage grasses. Learn how to establish a healthy stand. Is high potassium necessary for high quality? How can you measure forage quality? Put just one idea from this booklet to work and it will pay for itself a thousandfold. 113 • Soft booklet • 44 Pages • $12.00

Foundations of Natural Farming

How to Grow Top Quality Corn

Harold Willis, Ph.D

Harold Willis, Ph.D

This useful book explains the essential concepts of natural farming and issues the call for cleaner forms of food and fiber production. The author discusses how lessons from nature provide the road map to efficiency, effectiveness and profitability. 6854 • Softcover • 367 Pages • $30.00

Book excerpt

All Four Books: #S-6854 – $46.00

Learn which is better: hybrids or open-pollinated corn. How important is humus to high quality crops? Which fertilizer materials are harmful and which are beneficial? This serves as a practical hands-on knowledge that is hard to come by. 114 • Soft booklet • 58 Pages • $12.00

Special! save


How to Grow Super Soybeans Harold Willis, Ph.D This book is packed with knowledge that will help you grow superior examples of this profitable crop. Learn how bacteria helps your crop grow better; how to drought-proof your soil; whether herbicides and pesticides are really necessary and more. 3070 • Softcover • 50 Pages • $12.00

Foundations of Natural Farming Soil is the absolute basis of agriculture, and thus of all human existence, for as we have seen, we either eat plants grown in soil, or animals which eat plants grown in soil. Our soil has been called our most important national resource. Wise use and management of the relatively thin upper layer, the topsoil, is vital for maintaining good health and a high standard of living. But through misuse, about 7–10 tons of topsoil per acre are being lost to erosion each year in the Midwest (the figure can be much higher in the worst areas). It may take several hundred years for 1 inch of soil to form. Obviously, we can’t keep on sending our topsoil down the river much longer.

- Dr. Harold Willis

Organic Field Crop Handbook

The Organic Grain Grower

The Hop Grower’s Handbook

3rd Edition

Jack Lazor

Laura Ten Eyck and Dietrich Gehring

Canadian Organic Growers This spiral-bound notebook produced by Canadian Organic Growers provides details of proven tactics and methods to help you improve the health of your crops and soil. 7451 • Softcover • 448 Pages • $39.95

The Organic Backyard Vineyard Tom Powers

Subtitled Small-Scale, Holistic Grain Production for the Home and Market Producer, this is the ultimate guide to growing organic grains on a small and ecological scale. The Organic Grain Grower is invaluable for both home-scale and commercial producers interested in expanding their resiliency and crop diversity through growing their own grains. 7203 • Hardcover • 448 Pages • $45.00

Mycelium Running

7408 • Softcover • 288 Pages • $34.95

Paul Stamets

Whether you have only a handful of vines or are planting an acre, author Tom Powers explains everything you need to know as he walks you through the entire organic grape-growing process month by month for all regions of North America.

In addition to a manual for healing the earth, Mycelium Running, offers instruction on the art of mushroom cultivation and tips for choosing fungi for various purposes.

7149 • Softcover • 188 Pages • $19.95

6931 • Softcover • 356 Pages • $35.00


This book weaves the story of the Helderberg Hop Farm with the colorful history of New York and New England hop farming; relays horticultural information about the unusual hop plant and the mysterious resins it produces that give beer a distinctively bitter flavor; and includes an overview of the numerous native, heirloom and modern varieties of hops and their purposes.

Additional information on these books and more at www.acresusa.com

Looking for DVDs on Crops? Find them on pages 55-57.

Recommended Title

Crops | 23

Orchard Advice from Michael Phillips

The Holistic Orchard Michael Phillips A holistic grower knows that producing healthy fruit is not about manipulating nature, but about supporting a balanced orchard ecosystem. The Holistic Orchard provides all the basic information needed to create and maintain a living orchard with insights into design, choosing varieties, and a step-by-step instructional calendar for the entire orchard year. Phillips explores the connections between home orcharding and permaculture, the importance of native pollinators, using understory, shade-tolerant berry bushes, and provides safe, homegrown solutions to pest and disease challenges for numerous pome fruits, stone fruits and berries. A book to inspire beginners as well as provide the deeper answers for those looking for field-tested organic approaches. 7116 • Softcover • 432 Pages • $39.95

Holistic Orcharding with Michael Phillips (DVD) Michael Phillips Michael Phillips is a pioneering author and orchardist whose books include The Holistic Orchard and The Apple Grower. In this video, he leads viewers through a year in his own orchard season by season, demonstrating basic horticultural skills like grafting and pruning, but also revealing groundbreaking and field-tested strategies for growing apples and other tree fruits not just organically, but holistically.

You’ll pay only $3.95 for Economy Mail, no matter how many books you buy (U.S. only)!

Beautiful Corn Anthony Boutard Market farmer and naturalist Anthony Boutard weaves together this unique plant’s contribution to our culture, its distinctive biology and the practical information needed to grow and enjoy it at home. Beautiful Corn advocates a return to the nourishing whole grain that built America, in place of today’s genetically modified crops processed by industrial agriculture into synthetic sweeteners and cheap meat. Come along on this lyrical and inspiring journey through the seasons, learning about growing and using corn in the traditional way. 7178 • Softcover • 224 Pages • $19.95

Lynn Byczynski

The Apple Grower Michael Phillips The author began his quest with an honest question: “How did our greatgrandparents manage to grow good fruit, in the days when everyone was an organic grower, before we sprayed our trees with pesticides and fungicides?” Phillips combines the half-forgotten wisdom of a century ago with the latest scientific knowledge about pests that can plague apples and other fruit trees. Whether you are a commercial orchardist, organic farmer, backyard enthusiast or apple lover, you will enjoy this thorough guide to state-of-the-art organic orcharding. Clearly the best book now available on the topic. 6338 • Softcover • 320 Pages • $40.00

Neem — India’s Miraculous Healing Plant

Organic Vegetable Production — A Complete Guide

Ellen Norten

Gareth Davies & Margi Lennartsson, EDS.

6465 • Softcover • 92 Pages • $9.95


The Flower Farmer

7196 • DVD format • 300 min. • $49.95 $39.99

An extremely powerful blood purifying agent and detoxicant, neem is also effective in the treatment of fever, malaria, skin diseases, dental problems, diabetes, tumors, arthritis and jaundice. In addition to its uses as a healing agent, neem has been receiving much attention for the ecological benefits it provides. Find out how to harness the power of this respected ancient healer.


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Covering all facets of organic vegetable production, including intensive methods, crop rotation, business planning and marketing, crop choice, fertility building, and weed, pest and disease management, this book is essential for those growing, considering or converting to organic vegetables. 6963 • Softcover • 350 Pages • $45.00 $39.00

Take a step-by-step journey into organic flower growing, covering topics from choosing varieties, site and soil; buying and starting plants; flower types and distinctions; harvest procedures; arranging; going commercial; hardiness and marketing. 6291 • Softcover • 284 Pages • $35.00

Crop Planning for Organic Vegetable Growers Frederic Theriault & Daniel Brisebois A practical handbook for organic or transitioning vegetable growers to successfully organize the complicated task of figuring out what to plant, when to plant it and how much to plant — before getting to the field. It takes planning and organization to provide a variety of vegetables week after week, and this book provides 11 manageable and logical steps to uncomplicate this task. Crop Planning will take you through the steps for setting financial goals, developing the crop plan, implementing the plan, recording the results, analyzing how the plan succeeded and planning for the next year. From Canada. 7026 • Softcover • 136 Pages • $25.00

FREE SHIPPING in USA on orders $75 or more! (More on Pg 67.) For personal service call 1-800-355-5313 ACRES U.S.A.

Trending Topic Title

24 | Crops Growing Fruit with a Smile Nikolay Kurdyumov This book shows you how to start an orchard from scratch for free with your own planting stock, prune with confidence, graft like a pro, hoodwink pests, and understand what trees want from you — and what you really want from them. Richly illustrated and packed with amazing information that is practical, thorough and fun! 7179 • Softcover • 532 Pages • $29.95

Small-Scale Grain Raising Gene Logsdon First published in 1977, this book — from one of America’s most famous and prolific agricultural writers — became an almost instant classic among homestead gardeners and small farmers. Now fully updated, this second edition offers an entirely new generation of readers the best introduction to a wide range of both common and lesser-known specialty grains and related field crops, from corn, wheat and rye to buckwheat, millet, rice, spelt, flax and even beans and sunflowers. 6972 • Softcover • 308 Pages • $29.95

Growing Great Garlic Ron L. Engeland This book begins with an excellent overview of garlic varieties and history. Engeland is a small-scale farmer making his living growing over 200 varieties of garlic. The major segment completely covers all aspects of the cultivation of garlic and rounds out the subject with chapters on marketing and storage of garlic. Perfect for any grower seeking alternate, high-profit crops. A terrific hands-on guide. 4104 • Softcover • 213 Pages • $16.95

The Complete Book of Potatoes Hielke De Jong, Joseph B. Sieczka, & Walter De Jong In this informative account of the best potatoes for North American gardens, three scholars share their expertise in growing potatoes. Writing for gardeners, farmers and hobbyists, the authors provide practical as well as technical information about the potato plant, its origin, conventional and organic production techniques, pest management and storage practices.


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You’ll pay only $3.95 for Economy Mail, no matter how many books you buy (U.S. only)!

Homegrown Berries

Grow a Little Fruit Tree Ann Ralph Grow your own apples, figs, plums, cherries, pears, apricots, and peaches in even the smallest backyard! Expert pruner Ann Ralph reveals a simple yet revolutionary secret that keeps an ordinary fruit tree much smaller than normal. These great little trees take up less space, require less care, offer an easy harvest and make a fruitful addition to any home landscape. 7398 • Softcover • 168 Pages • $16.95

Timber Press Homegrown Berries covers the entire process, from planting to picking that first luscious fruit. And it covers everything you’d want to grow: strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, gooseberries, currants and elderberries. You’ll learn the best varieties for your region, how to fit them into your landscape (including borders and containers), and how to maintain them for peak harvest year after year. 7399 • Softcover • 224 Pages • $19.95

The Backyard Berry Book

Organic Mushroom Farming & Mycoremediation Tradd Cotter Geared toward readers who want to grow mushrooms without the use of pesticides, Tradd Cotter takes “organic” one step further by introducing an entirely new way of thinking — one that looks at the potential to grow mushrooms on just about anything, just about anywhere and by anyone. 7359 • Softcover • 400 Pages • $39.95

Storey’s Guide to Growing Organic Orchard Fruits Danny L. Barney Whether you are new to fruit farming or have already sold thousands of bushels, this book covers everything you need to know to successfully grow and market organic orchard fruits. This is an easy-to-follow blueprint for a thriving orchard and a profitable business. 7184 • Softcover • 544 Pages • $24.95

Stella Otto A hands-on guide to growing berries, brambles and vine fruit in the home garden written by the award-winning author of The Backyard Orchardist with crop-by-crop growing instructions for strawberries, rhubarb, blackberries, raspberries, blueberries, lingonberries, currants and more. 6173 • Softcover • 288 Pages • $17.95

The Grape Grower Lon Rombough This comprehensive book distills the broad knowledge and longtime personal experience of Lon Rombough, one of North America’s foremost authorities on viticulture. From finding and preparing the right site for a vineyard to training, trellising, and pruning vines to growing new grapes from seeds and cuttings, this book offers thorough and accessible information on all the basics. 6607 • Softcover • 304 Pages • $35.00

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7435 • Hardcover • 260 Pages • $34.95


Additional information on these books and more at www.acresusa.com

Recommended Title

Eco-Philosophy | 25

In the Shadow of Green Man Reginaldo Haslett-Marroquin with Per Andreassen


Conference Speaker

Join the wonderfully colorful and poetic Reginaldo Haslett-Marroquin, or Regi, as he weaves together stories from his upbringing in revolution-torn Guatemala, the vision of a regenerative form of farming which uplifts people, and the wandering fable of the Green Man. The result is an immensely readable, enjoyable journey that informs as it entertains and enlightens. Witnessing firsthand the human suffering caused by unjust and environmentally destructive farming practices set Regi on a path of helping people lift themselves through, of all things, tapping the natural behaviors of the lowly chicken. With the mind of an engineer, the passion of minister and the depth of a philosopher, the author has created not only a wonderful yarn, but a book for our generation asking the questions and providing many of the answers needed by millions. The author is the principal architect of the innovative poultry-centered regenerative agriculture model that is at the heart of Main Street Project’s work. His focus is on the development of multi-level strategies for building regenerative food and agriculture systems that deliver social, economic and ecological benefits. 7437 • Softcover • 208 Pages • $20.00

Farming in the Presence of Nature Athena Tainio No endeavor engages so deeply, so personally with nature as farming, whether on a thousand acres or in the gardener’s window box. When farmers delve into nature’s mysteries they follow in the footsteps of the myriad curious natural scientists who came before. Join Athena (Teena) Tainio on a journey that illuminates the diverse wonders of the building blocks of life and gain a new appreciation for the inspiring and powerful dynamics of life on our planet, our farms, Gaia. In this deeply personal story of discovery, the author poetically relates her own understanding of Gaia, a name drawn from Greek mythology for the personification of the Earth, the ancestral mother of all life: the primal Mother Earth goddess. But no mere book of philosophy, Tainio cleverly connects the esoteric with the concrete, bridging the gap between modern-day soil chemistry and natural earth forces. She builds upon the work of her late husband, legendary agronomist Bruce Tainio, with her own understandings, creating a book sure to challenge and inspire any student of nature who has an open mind. 7436 • Softcover • 136 Pages • $18.00

In the Shadow of Green Man & Farming in the Presence of Nature

#S-7436 – $38.00

Food, Farming, & Health


Respecting “Annam” — Agricultural Biodiversity & Traditional Indian Dietary Wisdom Dr. Vandana Shiva Author and social activist Vandana Shiva explains what she has learned studying the acts of harvesting the land responsibly and harvesting the soul responsibly in this stunning novel. A keynote speaker at the 2017 Acres U.S.A. Eco-Ag Conference in Columbus, Ohio, Shiva grew up in Dehra Dun, near the foothills of the Himalayas. In 1982, she founded the Research Foundation for Science, Technology, and Natural Resource Policy, an organization devoted to developing sustainable methods of agriculture. The daughter of a forestry official and a farmer received a master’s degree in the philosophy of science from Guelph University, Ontario, in 1976. Her thesis “Hidden Variables and Non-locality in Quantum Theory” earned her a doctorate from the department of philosophy at the University of Western Ontario. 7487 • Softcover • 260 Pages • $20.00

Humusphere Humus: A Substance or a System?


Herwig Pommeresche

Humusphere M

h u m u s : a s u b s ta n c e o r a l i v i n g s y s t e m ?

Translated by Paul Lehmann

In this breakthrough work – now available in English for the first time – the independent German-Norwegian explorer of soil life, graduate permaculture designer and graduate engineer Herwig Pommeresche shares his lifetime of research into humus. His entire career has focused on the theory and practice of humus management in gardening and farming. Digging deep into a myriad of littleknown research papers, he compares their findings with the usual conventional methods. He discusses the agrarian cultural achievements of exemplary prehistoric peoples as well as the most important findings of modern biologists and agricultural experts who have done pioneering work in this field. Essential reading for any true student of the soil. HERWIG POMMERESCHE

7513 • Softcover • 230 Pages • $28.00

Night Came to the Farms of the Great Plains Raymond D. North This is the story of debt, agency mendacity and violations of the law by land banks and the Farmers Home Administration so blatant they beggar the imagination. Everyone concerned about agriculture should read and understand the message of this book. 4016 • Softcover • 286 Pages • $17.50

Raw Materials Economics Charles Walters This is a primer that makes clear that the only economics that count must square well with the observed facts. Those facts say that values placed on raw materials as they enter the economic cycle govern the earned income of any economy. Raw Materials Economics is a codification of NORM (National Organization for Raw Materials) thinking. Charts, tables and a special summary by the late Vince Rossiter make Raw Materials Economics a history of the past and a blueprint for the future. 4025 • Softcover • 163 Pages • $14.00

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Trending Topic Title

26 | Eco-Philosophy The Works of Joel Salatin 2018 Conference Speaker

Folks, This Ain’t Normal Joel Salatin Imagine, four generations living on a farm surrounded by verdant fields; feasting on pasture-raised food freshly picked or from an over-flowing basement larder then minimally prepared in the home kitchen; working together in the barn and fields during the day and gathering around the table at night. Modern Americans don’t live like this today, but farmer Joel Salatin and his family do. For them, this is normal. Salatin has become the voice of clean, local, healthy eating and urges people in Folks, This Ain’t Normal to take a closer look at our food: What’s in it, where is it coming from and how did it get to the table?

7087 • Softcover • 384 Pages • $16.00

The Sheer Ecstasy of Being a Lunatic Farmer

Unforgiven Charles Walters All new wealth enters an economy as raw materials provided by nature. By fairly monetizing these raw materials, an economy is diverse, balanced and free of debt. This is not happening. This book addresses a crisis — an increasing wealth gap, a crumbling internal economy, family farmers driven from their land and small, privately owned businesses becoming extinct, ultimately leaving millions of Americans dependent on government handouts. In Unforgiven, Walters presents not only the causes and effects of our continuing rural and urban decay, but also a way to stop it. 6546 • Softcover • 416 Pages • $25.00 Popular Bulk Buy! Call customer service for pricing on multiple quantities of this title.

Joel Salatin

A Beast of Muddy Brain

After 50 years of being a “lunatic” farmer, Joel Salatin has plenty of reflective and humorous stories to tell about farming and our food systems.

7018 • Softcover • 300 Pages • $25.00

The Marvelous Pigness of Pigs Joel Salatin In his first book written for a faith audience, Salatin offers a deeply personal argument for earth stewardship, and calls for fellow Christians to join him in looking to the Bible for a foodscape in line with spiritual truth. Salatin urges Christians to rethink America’s allegiance to cheap corporate food that destroys creation in its production, impoverishes Third World countries, and supports oligarchical interests. 7425 • Softcover • 287 Pages • $14.95

Everything I Want to Do Is Illegal

Charles Walters Drawing upon his own experiences of life in the 1930s, as well as a lifetime of reporting on agriculture and economics, Charles Walters has crafted a work of fiction. The tale that unfolds in this intensely gripping, often instructive, novel begins in the Dust Bowl of the 1930s and grows with its characters through war and peace. Here is the real story of what happens when public policy takes the food from the farmer, giving him very little in return. Page after page, Walters adds to the best of times the fact of rural worst of times, answering questions that are still to be asked. 6904 • Softcover • 380 Pages • $24.00

Joel Salatin Drawing upon 40 years’ experience as an ecological farmer and marketer, Joel Salatin explains with humor and passion why Americans do not have the freedom to choose the food they purchase and eat. From child labor regulations to food inspection, bureaucrats provide themselves sole discretion over what food is available in the local marketplace. Salatin’s expert insight explains why local food is expensive and difficult to find. 6849 • Softcover • 352 Pages • $23.95

Small Farms are Real Farms John Ikerd Since the middle of the last century, American farm policy has taken the nation into the dead end of industrial farm production. Farming, at its core a biological process, has been transformed into an industrial process, thus demolishing the economic and cultural values upon which the nation was founded. Along the way, small farms have been ridiculed and dismissed as inconsequential — but now the seeds of a rural renaissance are being planted, not by these industrial behemoths, but by family-scale farms. In this collection of essays, the multifaceted case for small farms is built using logic and facts.

Lessons in Nature Malcolm Beck This expanded edition of the classic Garden-Ville Method includes even more practical and inspirational philosophy and techniques on soil building, planting and growing, pest control and more. Told in a modest and often humorous style, Lessons in Nature combines empirical observation with a healthy dose of common sense. Through his observations and experience, Malcolm Beck will help readers discover nature while growing delicious food, all without damaging the environment. This book can provide the beginner with all the information needed to get started using organic methods, and to experience the rewards of an organic lifestyle. 4015 • Softcover • 333 Pages • $20.00

6853 • Softcover • 249 Pages • $20.00


Additional information on these books and more at www.acresusa.com

Recommended Title

The World According to Monsanto (Book) Marie-Monique Robin This is the first book devoted to telling the whole Monsanto story, from the release of PCBs early last century through the Agent Orange horror to the firm’s reinvention in the past 20 years as a “life sciences” corporation. 7017 • Hardcover • 352 Pages $19.95 $15.00

The World According to Monsanto (DVD) Marie-Monique Robin, Director Monsanto, one of the world’s biggest agro-chemical biotech companies and undoubtedly reaching for global domination, is associated with some of the most toxic products ever sold and has a controversial past checkered with misleading reports, pressure tactics, collusion and attempted corruption. 7015 • DVD format • 109 min. • $19.95

Eco-Philosophy | 27

Whitewash The Story of a Weed Killer, Cancer, and the Corruption of Science Carey Gillam

Known as Monsanto’s Roundup by consumers, and as glyphosate by scientists, the world’s most popular weed killer is used everywhere from backyard gardens to golf courses to millions of acres of farmland. For decades it’s been touted as safe enough to drink, but a growing body of evidence indicates just the opposite, with research tying the chemical to cancers and a host of other health threats. In Whitewash, veteran journalist Carey Gillam uncovers one of the most controversial stories in the history of food and agriculture, exposing new evidence of corporate influence. 7491 • Hardcover • 320 Pages • $30.00

Lentil Underground Liz Carlisle

Philip S. Callahan, Ph.D. This book is the ultimate answer to the mystery of Phil Callahan. And it explains why civilization frequently engineers itself into a convulsion. Those big lessons learned in small situations on A Walk in the Sun are, in fact, bigger than life and history, and ultimately must be seen as the tuning fork Callahan invoked when he made his breakthrough discoveries. Discover with Callahan the secrets of nature. 3043 • Softcover • 241 Pages • $18.00


Set in the farm belt of red state America, far from the farmer’s markets and haute cuisine of coastal cities, Lentil Underground confronts the global food system in one of the little known rural communities that will determine its fate. From the heart of Big Sky Country comes this inspiring story of a handful of colorful pioneers who have successfully bucked the chemically-based food chain and the entrenched power of agribusiness’s one percent, by stubbornly banding together. Unearthing the deep roots of this movement, Lentil Underground introduces readers to a memorable cast of characters, from gun-toting libertarians and Christian homesteaders to peace-sign-waving environmental activists. Journalist and native Montanan Liz Carlisle weaves an eye-opening and richly reported narrative that will be welcomed by readers of food and farm memoirs, as well as everyone concerned with the future of American agriculture and natural food in an increasingly uncertain world. 7492 • Softcover • 298 Pages • $16.00

The Lean Farm Guide to Growing Vegetables

The New Organic Grower

Ben Hartman

Eliot Coleman

At Clay Bottom Farm, author Ben Hartman and staff practice kaizen, or continuous improvement, cutting out more waste — of time, labor, space, money and more — every year and aligning their organic production more tightly with customer demand. 7481 • Softcover • 272 Pages • $29.95

A Walk in the Sun


The Independent Farmstead Beth Dougherty and Shawn Dougherty

NEW 2018

In this newly revised Conference a n d expanded edition, Speaker master grower Eliot Coleman continues to present the simplest and most sustainable ways of growing top-qual- i t y organic vegetables. Coleman updates practical information on marketing the harvest, on small-scale equipment, and on farming and gardening for the long-term health of the soil. 7527 • Softcover • 304 Pages • $29.95

Seeds of Deception Jeffrey M. Smith

This book covers everything from choosing a species of ruminant and incorporating it into a grass-based system to innovative electric fencing and watering systems, to what to do with all of the milk, meat, and, yes, manure that the self-sustaining farm produces. Learn to improve land, choose ruminants, manage fencing, process your own food, and integrate it all for success.

The author, a former executive with the leading independent laboratory testing for GM presence in foods, documents the serious health dangers of genetically modified food and explains how corporate influence and government collusion have been used to cover them up.

7428 • Softcover • 336 Pages • $34.95

6610 • Softcover • 289 Pages • $17.95

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Trending Topic Title

28 | Eco-Philosophy Call Of The Reed Warbler NEW A New Agriculture, A New Earth Charles Massy


Conference Speaker

In Call of the Reed Warbler, Charles Massy explores regenerative agriculture and the vital connection between our soil and our health. Using his personal experience as a touchstone — from an unknowing, chemical-using farmer with dead soils to a radical ecologist farmer carefully regenerating a 2,000-hectare property to a state of natural health — Massy tells the real story behind industrial agriculture and the global profit-obsessed corporations driving it. With evocative stories, he shows how other innovative and courageous farmers are finding a new way.

The Hidden Half of Nature

The Microbial Roots of Life and Health David R. Montgomery & Anne Bikle Prepare to set aside what you think you know about yourself and microbes. The Hidden Half of Nature reveals why good health — for people and for plants — depends on Earth’s smallest creatures. Restoring life to their barren yard and recovering from a health crisis, David R. Montgomery and Anne Biklé discover astounding parallels between the botanical world and our own bodies. From garden to gut, they show why cultivating beneficial microbiomes holds the key to transforming agriculture and medicine. 7508 • Softcover • 320 Pages • $16.95

7523 • Softcover • 528 Pages • $24.95

Surviving Ourselves Eric Herm In our intensive agricultural systems, our many ill-conceived business and political policies, our relationship with nature has become fragmented. Through his own personal experiences, as well as the inspiring stories of others, this fourth-generation farmer relays a message of revolution and evolution that starts within ourselves. The resulting transition will help humanity adopt a more sustainable paradigm of existence. 7377 • Softcover • 200 Pages • $15.95

Street Farm Michael Ableman During the past seven years, Sole Food Street Farms — now North America’s largest urban farm project — has transformed acres of vacant and contaminated urban land into street farms that grow artisan-quality fruits and vegetables. By providing jobs and agricultural training, and inclusion in a community of farmers and food lovers, the project has empowered dozens of individuals with limited resources who are managing addiction and chronic mental health problems. 7426 • Softcover • 256 Pages • $29.95

Gene Everlasting Gene Logsdon Gene Everlasting contains Gene Logsdon’s reflections, by turns both humorous and heartwrenching, on nature, death, and eternity, all from a contrary farmer’s perspective. 7459 • Softcover • 192 Pages • $17.95


Genetic Roulette (Book)


Jeffrey M. Smith This book shatters the biotech industry’s claim that genetically modified foods are safe. Sixty-five health risks of everyday foods are presented in easy-to-read, two-page spreads. One page for quick scanning (it includes bullets, illustrations and quotes) and the other for fully referenced text, describing both research studies and theoretical risks. 6873 • Hardcover 312 Pages • $27.95

Genetic Roulette (DVD)

Holy Sh#t Gene Logsdon Telling the inside story on manure, our greatest, yet most misunderstood, natural resource, Logsdon sounds a dire warning that if we don’t start turning manure into fertilizer to help feed a growing population, we will all be in deep (excrement). 7048 • Softcover • 272 Pages • $17.50

A Sanctuary of Trees Gene Logsdon Gene Logsdon pays a fascinating, practical and loving tribute to the woods, tracing the roots of his own home groves in Ohio back to the Native Americans and early European farmers, then revealing his own history and experiences living in many different regions, each linked to trees and the natural world. 7134 • Softcover • 248 Pages • $19.95

Desert or Paradise Sepp Holzer Known around the world for bringing deserted landscapes back to life using his unique methods of creating waterretention basins, Sepp Holzer offers a wealth of information for the gardener, homesteader, permaculture designer and sustainable farmer in Desert or Paradise: Restoring Endangered Landscapes Using Water Management, Including Lake and Pond Construction. This book demonstrates that the simple principles found in nature used to create Holzer’s productive systems can be applied anywhere. 7202 • Softcover • 224 Pages • $29.95

Jeffrey M. Smith This seminal documentary provides compelling evidence to help explain the deteriorating health of Americans, especially among children, and offers a recipe for protecting ourselves and our future. 7174 • DVD format 85 min. • $19.95

Vandana Shiva: Creative Civil NEW Disobedience Lionel Astruc An icon worldwide for the ecological revolution and a leader of the alter-globalization movement, Vandana Shiva has made teaching by example the basis of her work. Walking the back roads of India alone in the late 1980s in search of traditional seeds threatened by industrial agriculture, she returned leading a procession of 500,000 demonstrators — farmers and activists — and with a network of 120 seed banks in place. Her initiatives have borne fruit on five continents and her legal proceedings against multinational corporations have earned her numerous awards, including the Right Livelihood Award – known as the “alternative Nobel prize.” Wrapped in her timeless sari of artisanal cotton, she calls upon each of us to become that “little nobody” who can reverse current trends. 7524 • Softcover • 204 Pages • $22.00

Additional information on these books and more at www.acresusa.com

Recommended Title

Eco-Philosophy | 29

Son of a Farmer, Child of the Earth

The One-Straw Revolution

Restoring Heritage Grains

Eric Herm

Masanobu Fukuoka

The Culture, Biodiversity, Resilience and Cuisine of Ancient Wheats

An examination of commercial agriculture’s strain on our natural resources, ecosystems and the farmer. As a fourthgeneration farmer, Eric Herm deals with the harsh economic realities and complicated legislation facing farmers, as well as the undeniable health impact of GMO crops and excessive chemicals. The book provides resources of natural, healthy alternatives that will inspire the farmers’ transformation from corporate-motivated producers back to the flesh and bone guardian angels of the Earth. Herm’s message is not only for farmers, but humanity as a whole. 7378 • Softcover • 248 Pages • $16.95

Hemp Bound Doug Fine The stat sheet on hemp sounds almost too good to be true: its fibers are among the planet’s strongest, its seed oil the most nutritious and its potential as an energy source vast and untapped. Its one downside? For nearly a century, it’s been illegal to grow industrial cannabis in the United States, even though Betsy Ross wove the nation’s first flag out of hemp fabric, Thomas Jefferson composed the Declaration of Independence on it and colonists could pay their taxes with it. But as the prohibition on hemp’s psychoactive cousin winds down, one of humanity’s longest-utilized plants is about to be reincorporated into the American economy. Get ready for the newest billion-dollar industry. 7312 • Softcover • 192 Pages • $14.95

The Secret Teachings of Plants Stephen Harrod Buhner All ancient and indigenous peoples insisted their knowledge of plant medicines came from the plants themselves and not through trial-and-error experimentation. 6779 • Softcover • 336 Pages • $18.95

Genetically Engineered Food — A Self-Defense Guide Ronnie Cummins & Ben Lilliston Contains extensive new research on food companies and provides practical guidelines for consumers who wish to avoid GE foods. 6461 • Softcover • 240 Pages • $15.95

Masanobu Fukuoka’s manifesto about farming, eating, and the limits of human knowledge presents a radical challenge to the global systems we rely on for our food. At the same time, it is a spiritual memoir of a man whose innovative system of cultivating the earth reflects a deep faith in the wholeness and balance of the natural world. Fukuoka, after training as a scientist and becoming distressed about Japan’s post-war modernization, returned to his birthplace to put his natural farming ideas into practice. In this book he shares his “do-nothing” technique of commonsense, sustainable practices that all but eliminate the use of pesticides, fertilizer, tillage and especially wasteful effort. 7025 • Soft • 200 Pages • $15.95

Altered Genes, Twisted Truth

Eli Rogosa Wheat is the most widely grown crop on our planet, yet industrial breeders have transformed this ancient staff of life into a commodity of yield and profit — witness the increase in gluten intolerance and ‘wheat belly.’ Modern wheat depends on synthetic fertilizer and herbicides that damage our health, land, water, and environment. Fortunately, heritage ‘landrace’ wheats that evolved over millennia in the organic fields of traditional farms do not need bio-chemical intervention to yield bountifully, are glutensafe, have rich flavor and high nutrition. Yet the robust, majestic wheats that nourished our ancestors are on the verge of extinction. 7422 • Softcover • 272 Pages • $24.95

Finding Good Farmland

Steven M. Druker This book tells the story of how the massive enterprise to restructure the genetic core of the world’s food supply came into being, how it advanced by consistently violating the protocols of science, and how hundreds of eminent biologists and esteemed institutions have systematically contorted the truth in order to conceal the unique risks of its products.

This practical guide contains all of the information you need to have before purchasing farmland, covering everything from the characteristics of the land and the surrounding area to government regulations, land use considerations and financing.

7387 • Softcover • 528 Pages • $21.95

7180 • Softcover • 128 Pages • $9.95

Ann Larkin Hansen

Kiss the Ground Josh Tickell


Josh Tickell is a journalist, activist, author and award-winning film director whose movies (Fuel, The Big Fix, Pump, Good Fortune) have been shortlisted for Academy Awards, shown in the White House, won awards at the Sundance Film Festival, and have been viewed by over 50 million people worldwide. “Our food choices not only impact our personal health, but the health of the world we all live in. Kiss the Ground is the first book to connect our health to what is going on in the atmosphere. If you care about your kids, about the food you’re feeding them and about the future of the planet, you need to read this book.” (Vani Hari, New York Times bestselling author and creator of FoodBabe.com) 7496 • Hardcover • 352 Pages • $26.00

Praise for Kiss the Ground: “Kiss the Ground gives us the most practical solution to reversing climate change. The soil is a vital and untapped resource. A must read for anyone committed to healing our bodies and our Earth.”

— Deepak Chopra

“Through my life as a chef, one of the most important lessons I have learned is that we have to take care of our Earth, or it won’t be able to go on taking care of us. Every one of us—farmers and chefs, parents and children, business people and world leaders — must play a part in keeping our planet healthy so that it can go on keeping us healthy. That’s why I’m so happy to discover Kiss the Ground, which offers a fascinating, easy-to-follow blueprint for how eating in ways that nourish and regenerate the soil can not only help reverse global warming but also bring greater vitality to our lives. “ — Wolfgang Puck

“Kiss the Ground is a powerful, provocative new look at how we can all participate in honoring Mother Earth. Our food is the source of our life and the soil is the source of our food. This book shows the simple steps each one of us can take to restore the health of our bodies and our planet.”

— Woody Harrelson

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Trending Topic Title

30 | Energies

Tuning in to Nature Philip S. Callahan, Ph.D. This 25th anniversary edition of Philip Callahan’s pioneering work, updated by the author, reveals the miraculous communication systems present in nature. Learn how plants and insects communicate through emissions in the infrared frequency range and why poisonous pesticides do not solve the real problems facing agriculture. In this breakthrough book Phil Callahan uncovers why certain insects are attracted only to certain plants, the role of pheromones work in nature and how plants under stress literally signal insects to come devour them. Classic Callahan! 6493 • Softcover • 256 Pages • $25.00

Book excerpt

Plants are covered with microscopic hairs called trichomes. The white arrow points to the round, dome-shaped sensor on the antenna (shown enlarged a thousand times in the insert). The dome-shaped sensor is surrounded by curved spines, and illustrates an array antenna configuration. Dome-shaped sensors on insects are generally called Placodea sensilla. Placodea sensilla represent the reduced extreme of a spine — a long spine that has been widened and flattened until it becomes like a lens-antenna instead of a spineA tiny green peach aphid on a Desmodium stem. type antenna ... Botanists are still understanding the role of trichomes, which can hold or secrete water.

- Philip S. Callahan, Tuning in to Nature

Nature’s Silent Music

The Enlivened Rock Powders

Philip S. Callahan, Ph.D.

Harvey Lisle

In this book, Callahan shows how “civilized” insanity is turning Ireland away from her naturally harmonious, aesthetically pleasing, sound practices. Why remove a thatched roof to replace it with galvanized tin, only to increase the heating bill? With insightful wisdom, Callahan also examines the mysterious power of round towers, “magic spots” and healers such as Biddy Early. 4051 • Softcover • 224 Pages • $20.00

Stone Age Farming Alanna Moore

The practical side of using rockdusts as fertilizers, compost enrichers and plant growth enhancers is discussed in this exciting book. Beginning with an explanation of the spiritual, cosmic side of rocks and drawing from his extensive knowledge of biodynamic techniques and dowsing, Lisle explains how to utilize these materials in agriculture. Peppered with in-depth quotations from other writings on the forces within rocks, this is destined to be the definitive work on the subject. 6103 • Softcover • 194 Pages • $15.00

My Search for Traces of God

Paramagnetism Philip S. Callahan, Ph.D. This book, subtitled Rediscovering Nature’s Secret Force of Growth, is the culmination of all of Callahan’s previous works and is his most popular book to date; it will be a classic for years to come. Considered his most important work ever, as an understanding of paramagnetism — and its practical integration into farming — can save agriculture worldwide. In this one, beautiful little book, Callahan lays out a lifetime of research into low-frequency forces in nature and his discoveries regarding the force of paramagnetism and the amazing effects it has upon soils, plants and people. 6158 • Softcover • 128 Pages • $15.00

Ancient Mysteries, Modern Visions Philip S. Callahan, Ph.D. In this book Phil Callahan details his initial discovery of the role and power of paramagnetic rocks in agriculture. By studying the lives, rituals and agriculture of ancient peoples, he has assembled a first-rate scientific explanation of previously misunderstood ancient practices. Learn how Egyptian priests levitated people, why rocks and soil were brought from one side of the Nile to the other, and how plants act as antennae. 6494 • Softcover • 142 Pages • $16.00

Exploring the Spectrum Philip S. Callahan, Ph.D.

Dowser, researcher and permaculture farmer Alanna Moore provides tips on how to produce healthy, pest-resistant food in an economical and eco-friendly way by drawing upon the ancient wisdom of the pagan Irish and infusing our modern scientific understandings of the amazing ability of magnetism to stimulate life. Rock gardening takes on a whole new meaning with these tips on how to use paramagnetic rock dust, build your own mini-tower and benefit from agricultural coils.

Callahan’s life story unfolds here along with the development of his unique blend of science, natural philosophy and spirituality. Recounting incidents from his remarkable life and career, Dr. Callahan integrates his early scientific theories and overall religious philosophy with his more recent insights regarding low-level natural energies, the nature of space and time, and the realm of the miraculous.

It’s a fact of life that many people who love nature are turned off by the word electromagnetic. Any naturalist — amateur or professional — must have a “down to earth” understanding of the electromagnetic spectrum. The entire spectrum is covered in this book, everything from short radioactive waves used to sterilize male screw flies so the female lays sterile eggs; to the long-wave radio frequencies that penetrate the soil, control and enhance root growth and the immune system of plants and animals.

6511 • Softcover • 268 Pages • $25.00

6290 • Softcover • 220 Pages • $18.00

4150 • Softcover • 178 Pages • $20.00


Philip S. Callahan, Ph.D.

Additional information on these books and more at www.acresusa.com

Recommended Title

Farm business & Marketing | 31 A Farmer’s Guide to the Bottom Line

Honor System Marketing Jeff Mcpherson

7070 • Softcover • 215 Pages • $19.95

Rebirth of the Small Family Farm

Made from Scratch How to Start and Operate a Successful Organic Container Plant Business

Bob & Bonnie Gregson This is a concise, yet complete handbook for starting a successful organic farm based on the community-supported agriculture concept. Written for farmers and non-farmers alike, the book illustrates how “two middle-aged novices” made a decent living on less than 2 acres of land. The model explained in the book is an updated version of the diverse market gardens/ farms found throughout recorded history. Not just a theory book, it details specific tools, techniques and how-to information. 6288 • Softcover • 64 Pages • $12.00

Louise Placek This comprehensive guide takes you step by step through the whole process. Chapters thoroughly cover such topics as: start-up; greenhouse options; certification/licenses/fees; botany basics; growing container plants; making compost; disease and pest management; demonstration gardens; marketing and merchandising; and more. 6581 • Softcover • 287 Pages • $24.00

Charles Walters Charles Walters founded Acres U.S.A. over 40 years ago. This book is the culmination of Walters’ lifetime of experience, written in his honest, straight-ahead style, outlining how the small farmer-entrepreneur can find his way to a profitable bottom line. The book provides how-to information on each step from planning to implementation of business practices for the eco-friendly farm and includes examples of people who are making a living, and a profit, by demanding a fair price for their labor. Whether you are considering taking up farming as an occupation or just interested in the economics and history of farming, this book is a must-read. 6535 • Softcover • 212 Pages • $24.00

A heartwarming snapshot of the horse-and-buggy era? On the contrary — Jeff Mcpherson reports that honor systems are making a comeback in the 21st century. Drawing on years of personal experience and interviews with dozens of fellow farmers, business owners and customers, he shows how you can make the honor system work to your advantage. Honor System Marketing tells how to adapt honor marketing to fit your own needs and capacities. Mcpherson details how to avoid common pitfalls, manage finances and maintain a sense of optimism.

To be economical, agriculture must be ecological.

– Acres U.S.A. founder Charles Walters

The Works of Joel Salatin 2018 Conference Speaker

Fields of Farmers Joel Salatin Our culture desperately needs a generational transfer of millions of farm acres facing abandonment, development or amalgamation into ever-larger holdings. Based on his decades of experience with interns and multigenerational partnerships at Polyface Farm, farmer and author Joel Salatin digs deep into the problems and solutions surrounding this land — and knowledge — transfer crisis. 7234 • Softcover • 304 Pages • $25.00

Your Successful Farm Business Joel Salatin Twenty years ago Joel Salatin wrote You Can Farm, which has launched thousands of farm entrepreneurs around the world. With another 20 years of experience under his belt, bringing him to the half-century mark as a full-time farmer, he decided to build on that foundation with a sequel, a graduate-level curriculum. 7455 • Softcover • 316 Pages • $30.00

Family Friendly Farming Joel Salatin Popular author and successful farmer Joel Salatin shares his vision for an alternative to the hectic and fragmented condition of American families. Family friendly farming, he argues, offers a real solution to this critical social issue, by developing more multi-generational agrarian home-based businesses, populating the land with passionate stewards and insuring a clean, nutritious food supply for future generations. 6500 • Softcover 402 Pages • $30.00

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Trending Topic Title

32 | Farm business & Marketing

The Organic Farmer’s Business Handbook Richard Wiswall Richard Wiswall challenges the conventional notion that there’s no real money in farming. He argues that farmers should be well compensated, and then he shows how to make that happen. Every farmer – organic or not, beginner or experienced — should read this book. The author shares advice on how to make your vegetable production more efficient, better manage your employees and finances, and turn a profit. From his 27 years of experience at Cate Farm in Vermont, Wiswall knows firsthand the joys of starting and operating an organic farm-as well as the challenges of making a living from one. Unfortunately, many farmers avoid learning about the business end of farming; because of this, they often work harder than they need to, or quit farming altogether because of frustrating — and often avoidable — losses. Includes CD for use on your computer.

6956 • Softcover • 184 Pages • $34.95

Grassfed to Finish Allan Nation Grass-finished beef is hot — so hot that demand outpaces supply. Producers are rushing to fill the void, and in the process are harvesting beeves too early, using the wrong genetics, and grazing less-than-desirable pasture systems. Grassfed to Finish shows how to create a consistently tender, flavorful, gourmet grassfed product all year long. Gourmet grass-finished beef can earn $600-$1,000 a head or more while satisfying and creating a loyal customer base. The production and marketing strategy outlined in Grassfed to Finish will help producers create gourmet-quality and reap the highest profits. 6807 • Softcover • 304 Pages • $33.00

Business Advice for Organic Farmers (DVD) Richard Wiswall Longtime farmer and author of The Organic Farmer’s Business Handbook, Richard Wiswall shares his story and offers detailed advice on how to make your farm production more efficient, better manage your employees and finances, and turn a profit. This filmed NOFA workshop and interview on Cate Farm offers invaluable exercises for business-savvy farmers, including the costs of running a farm, office and bookkeeping management, creating a budget and a crop enterprise plan – all easyto-understand nuts and bolts of business management. Also contains downloadable spreadsheets for creating your own budgets, marketing charts, profit-and-loss statements, balance sheets and cash-flow projections. Wiswall shows how to farm smarter, not harder.

7151 • DVD format • 122 min. • $24.95 $20.99 S-6956 • DVD & Handbook • $49.95

Soil Sisters: A Toolkit for Women Farmers Lisa Kivirist The first manual of its kind, this authoritative and comprehensive blueprint presents practical considerations from a woman’s perspective, covering everything from business planning to tool use and ergonomics to integrating children and family in farm operations. Key topics include finding your niche, farm start-up basics, grants and loans for women farmers and more. Also contains case studies, ideas and advice from over 100 successful women farmers. 7432 • Softcover • 240 Pages • $24.95

The Lean Farm

Bundle & save!

The Market Gardener Jean-Martin Fortier Author and farmer JeanMartin Fortier shows by example how to start a market garden and make it both productive and profitable. Making a living wage farming without big capital outlay or acreages may be closer than you think. 7337 • Softcover • 224 Pages • $24.95

HorsePowered NEW Farming for the 21st Century

Homemade for Sale Lisa Kivirist and John Ivanko Homemade for Sale is the first authoritative guide to conceiving and launching your own home-based food start-up. Packed with profiles of successful cottage food entrepreneurs, this comprehensive and accessible resource covers everything you need to get cooking for your customers, creating items that by their very nature are specialized and unique. 7403 • Softcover • 240 Pages • $22.95

Stephen Leslie As the numbers of adherents to this way of life grow, ecologically minded farmers in their fields are developing efficient horsedrawn systems, and equipment manufacturers in small shops all across North America and Europe are coming forth with new innovations with working horses, mules, donkeys, and oxen at the heart of it. 7458 • Hardcover • 401 Pages • $45.00

The Farmer’s Office

Time Management Tips for Farmers

Julia Shanks

By explaining the lean system for identifying and eliminating waste and introducing efficiency in every aspect of the farm operation, The Lean Farm makes the case that small-scale farming can be an attractive career option for young people who are interested in growing food for their community.

The author distills years of teaching and business consulting with farmers into this comprehensive, accessible guide. She covers all aspects of launching, running and growing a successful farm business through effective bookkeeping and business management, providing tools to make managerial decisions, apply for a loan or other financing, and offering general business and strategy advice for growing a business.

Days too short, list too long? Is being too busy taking the fun out of farming? In this book, farmers from the Pennsylvania Association for Sustainable Agriculture (PASA) speak from the heart about how they manage their days to reach short- and long-term goals while maintaining work/life balance.

7407 • Softcover • 256 Pages • $29.95

7431 • Softcover • 288 Pages • $24.95

7450 • Softcover • 122 Pages • $19.95

Ben Hartman


Caroline Owens

Additional information on these books and more at www.acresusa.com

Recommended Title

Farm business & Marketing | 33

The Suburban NEW Micro-Farm Modern Solutions for Busy People Amy Stross Would you like to grow healthy food for your table? Do you want to learn the secrets of farming even though you live in a neighborhood? Author Amy Stross talks straight about why the suburbs might be the ideal place for a small farm. The Suburban Micro-Farm will show you how to grow your own fruits, herbs, and vegetables even on a limited schedule. From seed to harvest, this book will keep you on track so you feel a sense of accomplishment for your efforts. You’ll learn gardening tricks that are essential to success, like how to develop and nurture healthy soil, and how to manage garden pests. Although this book has everything a new gardener needs to get started, experienced gardeners will not be disappointed. With helpful tips throughout, you will love the in-depth chapters about permaculture and making money on the micro-farm. 7520 • Softcover • 356 Pages • $34.95

Sustainable Vegetable Production From Start-Up to Market Vernon P. Grubinger Explore the full range of processes for moderate-scale vegetable production using ecological practices. 6776 • Softcover • 268 Pages • $38.00

Letter to a Young Farmer


Gene Logsdon Gene Logsdon is the best kind of teacher: equal parts storyteller, idealist and rabble-rouser. In his final book of essays, the self-described “contrary farmer” addresses the next generation of small-scale “garden farmers” seeking a better way of life. With his trademark with and irreverent humor, Logsdon reminds us that small-scale farming isn’t defined by accumulating wealth but by recognizing nature’s beauty, cherishing the land, respecting our fellow creatures, and valuing rural traditions. 7440 • Hardcover • 232 Pages • $22.50

Making Your Small Farm Profitable Ron Macher Learn about alternative crops and livestock, value-added products, niche markets and more. 6463 • Softcover • 288 Pages • $19.95

Start Your Farm


The Authoritative Guide to Becoming a Sustainable 21st Century Farmer Ellen Polishuk & Forrest Pritchard

Do you dream of starting your own farm but wonder where to begin? Or do you already have a farm but wish to become more sustainable to compete in today’s market? More than a practical guide, Start Your Farm is a hopeful call to action for anyone who aspires to grow wholesome, environmentally sustainable food for a living. Take it from Forrest Pritchard and Ellen Polishuk: Making this dream a reality is not for the faint of heart, but it’s well within reach — and there’s no greater satisfaction under the sun! 7506 • Softcover • 272 Pages • $19.95

The Drought Resilient NEW Farm Dale Strickler Rainfall levels are rarely optimal, but there are hundreds of things you can do to efficiently conserve and use the water you do have and to reduce the impact of drought on your soil, crops, livestock, and farm or ranch ecosystem. Author Dale Strickler introduces you to the same innovative systems he used to transform his own drought-stricken family farm in Kansas into a thriving, water-wise and profitable enterprise, maximizing healthy cropland, pasture and water supply. Ranging from simple, short-term projects such as installing rain-collection ollas to long-term land-management planning strategies, Strickler’s methods show how to get more water into the soil, keep it in the soil and help plants and livestock access it. 7500 • Softcover • 200 Pages • $24.95

Creating A Family NEW Business, from Completion to Maturity Allan Nation This book is a must-have for those who want to build their own business and stop working for someone else. The author, Allan Nation, was the founder and editor of The Stockman Grass Farmer from 1977 until his untimely death in 2016. Among his legacy of journals and notebooks, he left chapters for a book on business. With the help of his partners, Sonny and Glinda Davenport, Allan’s spouse, Carolyn, brought the manuscript to completion. 7495 • Softcover • 272 Pages • $35.00

Fruitful Labor


The Ecology, Economy, and Practice of a Family Farm Mike Madison

In Fruitful Labor, Mike Madison meticulously describes the ecology of his own small family farm in the Sacramento Valley of California. He covers issues of crop ecology such as soil fertility, irrigation needs and species interactions, as well as the broader agroecological issues of the social, economic, regulatory and technological environments in which the farm operates. The final section includes an extensive analysis of sustainability on every level. Pithy, readable, and highly relevant, this book covers both the ecology and the economy of a truly sustainable agriculture. Although Madison’s farm is unique, the broad lessons he has gleaned from his more than three decades as an organic farmer will resonate strongly with the new generation of farmers who work the land, wherever they might live. 7526 • Softcover • 176 Pages • $18.00

Marketing Grassfed Products Profitably Carolyn Nation With a focus on ranch-based consumer marketing, the marketing principles included are universal and contain much for everyone to become better marketers in any competitive marketplace. 7075 • Softcover • 368 Pages • $28.50

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Trending Topic Title

34 | Food Craft

Maple on Tap


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Rich Finzer Get the best advice by learning shortcuts and tricks that will save you from making rookie mistakes, save you money by telling which equipment you really need and save you valuable time during the boiling-down process, all from a Blue Ribbon-winning maple syrup producer with 20 years of experience. Age-old skills are enhanced with modern technology and shown in step-by-step instructions with beautiful color photos clearly demonstrating the process — further lifting the veil of mystery on this unique North American pursuit.

FLAT-RATE SHIPPING You’ll pay only $3.95 for Economy Mail, no matter how many books you buy (U.S. only)!

The Beginner’s Guide to Making and Using Dried Foods

7169 • Softcover • 136 Pages • $15.95 Popular Bulk Buy! Call customer service for pricing on multiple quantities of this title.

Praise for Maple on Tap:

Teresa Marrone

“Real maple syrup is the result of a lot of time and labor. Rich allows readers to chuckle at his beginner’s mistakes before laying out entire process. The book is very amateur friendly — a bit of history/ trivia, followed by a glossary of sugaring terms. Each step in the process is covered, from tapping the trees to bottling syrup. Equipment/methodology are well described, along with some of Rich’s own adaptations. VERDICT: This manual covers a very specific process in excellent detail. Great for enthusiasts and those interested in-home production. Highly recommended.” — Library Journal (2013)

“Rich Finzer has penned an easy-to-use book on making your own maple syrup. He candidly shares his mistakes and what he’s learned from them. His approach is engaging, not overly technical and the text is supported with color photos illustrating the tools and techniques needed to “sugar off” successfully. The book presents helpful information beginning with an emphasis on planning, which is nicely summarized in the chapter titled: Start Before You Begin.” — Life in the Finger Lakes Magazine (Summer 2013)

“Maple on Tap is an easy read for a maple tapping novice because it includes a glossary, clearly arranged/organized steps in the process and down-to-earth advice. Plus, Finzer’s prose is light and easy to read. He emphasizes the basics. In fact, one of the things I like most about this book is that it’s honest. Rich shares his mistakes with us and the things he’s learned to do differently. “So, what did we do wrong that first year?” he quips. “Practically everything.” He shares his DIY tips and he gives you options from which to choose.” — The Homestead Lady; 1-12-2015

Basic Butchering of Livestock & Game John J. Mettler, Jr. D.V.M. This book can help you enjoy the better flavor of humanely and properly slaughtered and butchered meat. It takes the mystery out of slaughtering and butchering everything from beef and veal to venison, pork and lamb and includes 30 recipes. 813 • Softcover • 208 Pages • $16.95

Butchering Poultry, Rabbit, Lamb, Goat, & Pork Adam Danforth

Simple step-by-step instructions guide you through the process of drying and storing more than a hundred kinds of fruits, vegetables, grains, meats and herbs. Includes more than 200 delicious recipes. 6517 • Softcover • 352 Pages • $16.95

Odd Bits Jennifer Mclagan Odd Bits delves into the rich geographical, historical and spiritual roles of these unusual meats. McLagan’s enthusiasm for her subject is contagious; she aims to restore our respect for the whole animal while developing a taste for its lesser known parts and learning how to approach them in the kitchen as confidently as we would a steak or a burger. 7355 • Hardcover • 256 Pages • $35.00

Sustainable Homebrewing

Butchering Beef

Amelia Slayton Loftus

Adam Danforth From creating the right preslaughter conditions to killing, skinning, keeping cold, breaking the meat down and creating cuts of meat you’ll recognize from the market, Danforth walks you through every step, leaving nothing to chance. This is the only guide you need to successfully, safely and humanely slaughter and butcher your own animal. 7317 • Softcover • 352 Pages • $24.95

This book includes everything homebrewers of all levels need to know to take an all-organic approach to crafting great beer. Covers the whys and hows of organic brewing, equipment, and organic ingredients. More than 30 irresistible recipes are included. 7347 • Softcover • 368 Pages • $18.95

Drink the Harvest

Root Cellaring — Natural Cold Storage of Fruits & Vegetables

Nan K. Chase & Deneice C. Guest

Using detailed, step-by-step photography of every stage of the process, Adam Danforth shows you exactly how to humanely slaughter and butcher chickens and other poultry, rabbits, sheep, pigs and goats.

The simple, no-cost, no-processing way to store your garden’s bounty. Knowledge of our forebears remembered and updated for the 21st century.

Many fruits, vegetables and herbs can be made into delicious beverages — a great way to preserve the harvest. Discover how to make juices, ciders, wines, meads, teas and syrups, and learn tips on growing ingredients for maximum flavor and quantity.

7318 • Softcover • 456 Pages • $24.95

6016 • Softcover • 291 Pages • $14.95

7339 • Softcover • 232 Pages • $18.95


Mike & Nancy Bubel

Additional information on these books and more at www.acresusa.com

Recommended Title

Food Craft | 35

Home Cheese Making

The Essential Amish Cookbook

Ricki Carroll

Lovina Eicher

This new third edition is updated and revised to reflect the increased interest in artisanal-quality cheeses and the availability of cheesemaking supplies and equipment. Here are 85 recipes for cheeses and other dairy products that require basic cheesemaking techniques. Among the step-by-step tested recipes for cheese varieties are farmhouse cheddar, gouda, fromage blanc, queso blanco, marscarpone, ricotta and 30-minute mozaarella. Recipes for dairy products include creme fraiche, sour cream, yogurt, keifer, buttermilk and clotted cream. 4165 • Softcover • 224 Pages • $16.95

The Artisanal Vinegar Maker’s Handbook Bettina Malle and Helge Schmickl Making vinegar is an ancient craft. Mankind first harnessed the creation of vinegar, along with its preservative and medicinal qualities, more than 10,000 years ago. Nowadays, however, most guides to making your own vinegar are limited to allowing wine to ferment on its own, often with less-than-stellar results. Truly high-quality vinegar production is an art and science in itself. Austrian distillers Helge Schmickl and Bettina Malle use their experience and scientific background to provide special insight into the creation of artisanal vinegars. 7386 • Hardcover • 188 Pages • $29.95

The Essential Oil Maker’s Handbook Bettina Malle and Helge Schmickl The authors provide guidance on the harvesting, processing, and use of 130 indigenous and exotic plants as well as the necessary equipment for oil extraction. Including about 40 base recipes for personal care products — from bathing additives to facial and body care to perfume — this book provides a solid foundation for beginners and professionals. 7384 • Hardcover • 156 Pages • $29.95

Home Smoking and Curing Keith Erlandson Whether you want to prepare your own smoked salmon or bacon, this guides you through the entire process with clear, simple instructions and diagrams. 6721 • Hardcover • 144 Pages • $18.95

Bestselling cookbook author and food columnist Lovina Eicher brings together the best of Amish cooking in The Essential Amish Cookbook: Everyday Recipes from Farm and Pantry. Join Eicher as she shares traditional Amish recipes along with her own kitchen tips and secrets. 7470 • Softcover • 291 Pages • $22.99

One-Hour Cheese

The Home Creamery Kathy Farrell-Kingsley Fresh and easy instruction for the home cook about how to whip up buttermilk, yogurt, cream cheese, crème fraîche, mozzarella, goat cheese and other dairy delights right in the kitchen — no specialized equipment, complicated aging or exotic ingredients needed. Here’s how to turn fresh, sweet milk and cream into cultured dairy products and soft unripened cheeses. A good basic book for butter, yogurt and soft cheesemaking. Also contains 75 recipes that use your dairy creations. 7037 • Softcover • 213 Pages • $16.95

Claudia Lucero This book details the processes for making your own classic cheeses at home in just an hour or less, including photographs to guide you step by step and recipes that showcase your homemade cheese. Claudia Lucero makes centuries of cheese making knowledge available to anyone who aspires to prepare their own cheese. 7352 • Softcover • 272 Pages • $14.95

The Art of Fermentation Sandor Ellix Katz The most comprehensive guide to do-it-yourself home fermentation ever published. Katz expertly contextualizes fermentation in terms of biological and cultural evolution, health and nutrition (with a little economics thrown in, too). A compendium of practical information — how the process works, parameters for safety, techniques for effective preservation, troubleshooting, and more. Simple enough for a beginner making their first crock of sauerkraut, it also offers deeper understanding for experienced practitioners — from a master class fermentation experimentalist and revivalist. 7142 • Hardcover • 528 pages • $39.95

Fermented Vegetables Kirsten K. Shockey & Christopher Shockey This guide includes in-depth instruction for making kimchi, sauerkraut and pickles and then offers more than 120 recipes, using the same basic methods, for fermenting 64 different vegetables and herbs. You’ll discover how easy it is to make dozens of exciting dishes, including pickled Brussels sprouts, curried golden beets, carrot kraut and pickled green coriander. The recipes are creative, delicious and healthful, and many of them can be made in small batches — even just a single pint. 7363 • Softcover • 368 Pages • $24.95

Wild Fermentation Sandor Ellix Katz Author Sandor Katz takes readers on a whirlwind trip through the wild world of fermentation. The book is divided into chapters that focus on particular types of food, and Katz provides readers with delicious recipes that are easy to make at home, including vegetable krauts and kimchis; sourdough breads and pancakes; miso and tempeh; beers, wines and meads; yogurt and cheeses. Whether you prefer to wash down your meal with elderberry wine or Nepalese rice beer, there’s something here to satisfy any palate. 6605 • Softcover • 320 Pages • $29.95

The Artisan’s Guide to Crafting Distilled Spirits Bettina Malle and Helge Schmickl This book, a modern classic in its original German-language edition, has been called “the modern-day bible of craft distilling” by one of the foremost thought leaders in small-scale distilled spirit production. With ninety recipes — from classic fruit brandy to chili infusions — this book is not only for the curious beginner. Even experienced distillers will discover new approaches to this classic practice. 7385 • Hardcover • 160 Pages • $29.95

Mennonite Community Cookbook Marry Emma Showalter Dr. Mary Emma Showalter rolls up nostalgia, simple cooking and hearty dishes into one package that is sure to produce blue ribbons at the county fair. 7471 • Softcover • 505 Pages • $24.99

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Trending Topic Title

36 | Gardening

The Winter Harvest Handbook

Hot Beds


Conference Speaker

Eliot Coleman This book takes the local-food revolution to a new level. Coleman explains how to successfully — and profitably — harvest fresh vegetables all year round in even the coldest climates using unheated or minimally heated movable plastic greenhouses. Coleman offers clear, concise details on greenhouse construction and maintenance, planting schedules, crop management, harvesting practices and even marketing methods, in this meticulous, illustrated guide. His painstaking research and experimentation with more than 30 different crops will prove invaluable to small farmers, homesteaders and experienced home gardeners who seek to expand their production and harvest seasons.

Jack First This practical guide includes everything you need to know in order to use this highly productive, low-cost, year-round, eco-friendly gardening system. Straightforward explanations and diagrams show how you too can grow early vegetables without fossil-fuel energy or elaborate equipment. 7290 • Softcover • 128 Pages • $12.95

The Organic Backyard Sarah Chisholm Ryder, Editor

6949 • Softcover • 262 Pages • $29.95

How to Grow World Record Tomatoes

This book is intended to reach all growers of food on a small scale, either at home, in community gardens, across urban backyards, at schools or in parks and reclaimed urban land.

Charles H. Wilber

7452 • Softcover • 61 Pages • $16.95

For most of his 80+ years, Charles Wilber had a mission to learn how to work with nature. In How to Grow World Record Tomatoes he tells his personal story and offers his approach to gardening. For the first time, he reveals how he grew record-breaking tomatoes and produce of every variety — with no magic involved. He just used a well thoughtout system that made it possible for his plants to reach their full potential. Wilber’s compost was the cornerstone along with layers of compost, alfalfa meal and mulch. The secrets are revealed here.

Charles Dowding & Stephanie Hafferty

Building Soils Naturally

Let experts teach you how nodig organic gardening saves time and work. It requires an annual dressing of compost to help accelerate the improvement in soil structure and leads to higher fertility and less weeds.

Phil Nauta

7465 • Softcover • 216 Pages • $25.00

6341 • Softcover • 132 Pages • $14.95 Popular Bulk Buy! Call customer service for pricing on multiple quantities of this title.

In an organic garden, plants in optimum health thrive abundantly, have harvests with amazing taste and have the ability to fight off plant predators. When they don’t there’s often something lacking in their proper nutrition, they are missing beneficial microorganism companions or they are short of the energy needed to reach their full nutrient-dense potential. The solution is to “start with the soil.” But healthy soil doesn’t happen just by composting, fertilizing or companion planting alone. The solution is in Building Soils Naturally, where gardeners will find a hands-on plan of how to create productive, living soil by using a practical holistic approach — crafted right in your garden. 7138 • Softcover • 303 Pages • $19.95

Seed to Seed Suzanne Ashworth Clearly the best guide to seed saving and the grassroots genetic preservation movement. This book is a complete seed-saving guide for 160 vegetable crops, with detailed information on each vegetable: classification, flower structure and pollination method, isolation distances, caging and hand-pollination techniques, and proper methods for harvesting, drying, cleaning and storing seeds. A good guidebook for beginning or advanced gardeners. This updated and expanded second edition includes information on how to start each vegetable from seed. 6310 • Softcover • 228 Pages • $24.95


No Dig Organic Home & Garden

Organic Gardening the Natural No-Dig Way

The Intelligent Gardener Steve Soloman & Erica Reinheimer This practical step-by-step guide and the accompanying customizable web-based spreadsheets go beyond organic and are essential tools for any serious gardener who cares about the quality of the produce they grow. 7181 • Softcover • 336 Pages • $19.95

The Organic Seed Grower

Charles Dowding In this manual, Dowding, who has not dug in his garden for 25 years, helps readers better understand their soil and respect and encourage life in the garden — all without digging. Dowding’s system of slightly raised beds and composting have brought him a great bounty of quality produce — now his methods can work in your garden. 6868 • Softcover • 224 Pages • $24.95

John Navazio The Organic Seed Grower is a comprehensive manual for the serious vegetable grower who is interested in growing high-quality seeds using organic farming practices. It is written for both serious home seed savers and diversified smallscale farmers who want to learn the necessary steps involved in successfully producing a commercial seed crop organically. 7176 • Hardcover • 400 Pages • $49.95

Additional information on these books and more at www.acresusa.com

Recommended Title

Gardening | 37

Aquaponic Gardening

Organic Fruits and Vegetables

Sylvia Bernstein

Teo Gómez with Quico Barranco

Aquaponics is a revolutionary system combining plants and fish, using the best of aquaculture and hydroponics. This do-it-yourself manual is tailored to the home environment. The book, full of personal experiences, tackles understanding and designing systems, the living elements — fish, plants, bacteria and worms — and tips for starting and maintaining a healthy system. Take the next step toward self-sufficiency with aquaponic gardening, raising vegetables and fish together. 7132 • Softcover • 256 Pages • $29.95

The Naturally Bug-Free Garden Controlling Pest Insects Without Chemicals Anna Hess This book will show you how to bring your garden ecosystem into balance so that beneficial insects and larger animals do the work of pest control for you. It teaches many handson pest-control techniques, such as succession planting, choosing resistant plant varieties, and shielding plants with row covers. 7474 • Softcover • 128 Pages • $14.99

Homegrown Whole Grains Sara Pitzer A practical how-to guide that is geared toward small-scale organic gardeners. The book begins with a comprehensive chapter on getting started. It’s not easy to find information on growing grains in your backyard. Written for modern-day homesteaders who want to learn how to reap the fresh flavor and nutritional benefits from growing grain crops. 6985 • Softcover • 167 Pages • $14.95

Vegetable Gardening for Organic and Biodynamic Growers Joel Morrow This collection of “biographies” of many garden vegetables contains detailed accounts on their climate of origin, their transformation over time, and their nutritional and therapeutic potential. Joel Morrow’s work reinvigorates gardening by applying his holistic understanding of biodynamics to everyday vegetables. 7357 • Softcover • 400 Pages • $35.00

This book offers a clear picture of all that we need to know to make our small plot of land the most productive it can be. The authors present the information in a way that is cognizant to the people, plants, insects and animals that live on the land. 7472 • Softcover • 254 Pages • $19.99

Starting Seeds Barbara W. Ellis Growing plants from seeds isn’t difficult; it just takes a little know-how. Now, gardeners of any experience level can get a jump on the growing season with this concise, straightforward guide. Expert gardener Barbara Ellis provides the basic information that you need and teaches you foolproof starting techniques for a variety of vegetables, herbs and flowers. 7186 • Softcover • 128 Pages • $8.95

Plant Breeding for the Home Gardener

Roses Love Garlic Louise Riotte Companion planting is simply planning your garden to take advantage of natural friendships between plants. Lists hundreds of common and uncommon herbs and flowers, with information on how their proximity can maximize the health and yield of vegetables, berry bushes, and fruit and nut trees. 6626 • Softcover • 249 Pages • $14.95

Simple Green Pest and Disease Control Bob Flowerdew A master at growing organic produce, Bob Flowerdew outlines the best natural methods, from building effective physical barriers and pest traps out of plants and recycled materials to using such natural pest predators as birds, reptiles, and even other bugs. 7475 • Hardcover • 112 Pages • $14.95

Carrots Love Tomatoes Louise Riotte

Explains how to set achievable goals in your breeding program; the ins and outs of genetics; how to pick the best parent plants; how to cross-pollinate; the best techniques to use for popular vegetables and flowers; and how to harvest and store seeds.

Did you know that beans and onions don’t like each other? Or that dill will attract hornworms away from neighboring tomatoes? This book explains how companion planting — planning your garden to take advantage of vegetables and fruits that have natural friends that will encourage each other’s growth, as well as natural enemies that should be kept at a distance — can double the bounty of your garden.

7194 • Softcover • 216 Pages • $19.95

6207 • Softcover • 219 Pages • $14.95

Joseph Tychonievich

The Complete Guide to Saving Seeds

Plant Spirit Gardener

Robert Gough & Cheryl Moore-Gough

Alanna Moore

Concise and comprehensive, this book shows how to collect, save and cultivate seeds from over 300 vegetables, herbs, flowers, fruits, trees and shrubs. 7105 • Softcover • 311 Pages • $24.95

The Essential Guide to Cultivating Mushrooms Stephen Russell With clear instructions and step-by-step photographs, this comprehensive guide shows how to cultivate mushrooms at home for the kitchen or small business. Both novice and advanced readers will gain a thorough knowledge of several varieties. 7340 • Softcover • 232 Pages • $24.95

We can be shamans in our own backyards practicing “divine gardening” with the down-toearth esoteric wisdom in this book, the eighth from Australian-Irish geomancer Alanna Moore. Everything a sensitive gardener needs to do to profoundly connect with Mother Nature is here. 7449 • Softcover • 206 Pages • $25.00

Growing Vegetables with a Smile Nikolay Kurdyumov This book is a treasure-trove of how to garden intelligently — growing happy and productive vegetables all the while dispensing with the hard work. 7131 • Softcover • 420 Pages • $24.95

FREE SHIPPING in USA on orders $75 or more! (More on Pg 67.) For personal service call 1-800-355-5313 ACRES U.S.A.

Trending Topic Title

38 | Greenhouses

Four-Season Harvest Eliot Coleman

Conference Speaker

In this book, Coleman outlines a unique harvest extension system. Using simple designs for cold frames and mobile greenhouses, Coleman harvests fresh vegetables throughout the coldest winter months without heat or high-tech solar structures. This book shows how to build the needed equipment as well as how to grow different types of vegetables as the seasons progress, creating a wonderful variety of crops. 4081 • Softcover • 234 Pages • $24.95

The Year-Round Solar Greenhouse

The Greenhouse and Hoophouse Grower’s Handbook

Lindsey Schiller with Makr Plinke

Andrew Mefferd Every year, more growers are turning to protected culture to deal with unpredictable weather and to meet outof-season demand for local food. Many end up spinning their wheels, wasting time and money on unprofitable crops grown in ways that don’t make the most of their precious greenhouse space. This book levels the playing field with a decision-making framework that goes beyond a list of simple do’s and don’ts. With comprehensive chapters on temperature control and crop steering, pruning and trellising, grafting, and more, Mefferd’s book is full of techniques and strategies that can help farms stay profitable, satisfy customers and become an integral part of relocalizing our food system.

This book is a one-stop guide to designing and building greenhouses that harness and store energy from the sun to create naturally heated, lush growing environments even in the depths of winter, covering principles of solar greenhouse design and siting, glazing material properties and selection, controlling heat loss, ventilation, and construction methods. An in-depth section covers sustainable ways of heating the greenhouse without fossil fuels, including using thermal mass and storing heat underground with a ground-to-air heat exchanger. 7433 • Softcover • 320 Pages • $29.95

How to Grow Food in Your Polytunnel

7441 • Softcover • 288 Pages • $34.95

Greenhouse Vegetable Gardening

How to Build Your Own Greenhouse


Roger Marshall Create your own customdesigned home greenhouse and fulfill your dream of year-round gardening with this detailed book. Featuring 9 complete plans for do-it-yourself gardeners to build your own greenhouse, each with a different style of foundation that range from a simple season extender to a hoop house made using a pvc pipe frame to a lean-to structure and slant-front insulated building. Now growing exotic orchids, homegrown tropic fruits or extending the growing season can be achieved in your own greenhouse. This book outlines what you need to know about style options, considerations for choosing materials and positioning your structure. 7034 • Softcover • 255 Pages • $24.95

How to Grow Winter Vegetables Charles Dowding Planning harvests for winter and early spring requires a different kind of strategy than the superabundant summer months. But it is possible to overcome the challenges of the dark winter season and still have plenty to eat. 7104 • Softcover • 232 Pages • $24.95

Bioshelter Market Garden

Mark Gatter & Andy Mckee

Darrell Frey

You’ll learn the basics on what to consider when buying, laying the foundations for and decorating your greenhouse — as well as how to plan and use one.

Are you using your polytunnel to its full potential? If so you’ll be harvesting fresh crops all your round – sweet potatoes and late celery in November; winter radish, baby carrots and celeriac in early February; salad leaves right through winter. Even in the ‘hungry gap’ you’ll have a choice of new potatoes, pak choi, peas, tender cabbages, beetroot and more.

Bioshelter Market Garden describes how to create a sustainable food system using examples from Three Sisters Farm, a successful year-round organic market garden and permaculture-designed farm in Pennsylvania.

7381 • Hardcover • 192 Pages • $19.95

7077 • Softcover • 192 Pages • $19.95

7106 • Softcover • 462 Pages • $34.95

Inger Palmstierna

From Our Free Blog at EcoFarmingDaily.com The Advantages of MicroFarming By Tracy Frisch

Jean-Martin and Maude-Helene had many reasons to opt for a microfarm. It can make a career on the land more financially feasible by reducing the amount of land required and minimizing other entry costs such as equipment. Small-scale farming also reduces the need for a large number of employees and all that entails — on a typical vegetable farm, payroll eats up at least a third of revenues, and supervision of a large crew is time-consuming. Farming on this scale may also be more compatible with direct marketing than larger-scale production, where often wholesaling and working with distributors are necessary. At Les Jardins de la Grelinette, the farmers themselves maintain face-to-face relationships with their CSA members and farmers’ market customers. Their CSA uses one distribution site, and having 100 families come for pickup in a two-hour period creates the excitement of an event. “No one will ever be able to take away my clients! These relationships will last forever,” said Jean-Martin. — www.ecofarmingdaily.com/biointensive-growing-smart-scale-farming ACRES U.S.A.

Additional information on these books and more at www.acresusa.com

Recommended Title

Herbs & Herbology | 39

An Herbalist’s Guide to Formulary

Herbal Anitbiotics


The Art & Science of Creating Effective Herbal Remedies Holly Bellebuono Explore the ancient art of formulary with award-winning herbalist Holly Bellebuono’s comprehensive guide to creating effective herbal medicine. Organized by body systems, An Herbalist’s Guide to Formulary shows how to design a holistic treatment for acute and chronic conditions. Packed with detailed information on more than 100 plants, This is the go-to reference for formulary. Holly presents her four-tier formula structure, a commonsense way to integrate a wide range of herbal actions while keeping the formula simple. She also shares the history of healing traditions as well as personal and clinical examples that illustrate the art of combining plants for illnesses, preventative care, and overall wellness. 7512 • Softcover • 384 Pages • $19.99

Growing and Selling Fresh-Cut Herbs Sandie Shores

Backyard Medicine Julie Bruton-Seal & Matthew Seal

Using her experience from running her own herb business, Shores provides valuable information about creating a business plan, finding a niche for your business, financing, managing employees, building a greenhouse, packaging, and getting and maintaining accounts.

This book looks at 120 natural healing remedies for everyday ailments like muscle tension, cough, insomnia, acne, sore throat, aches and pains — all gathered from familiar wild plants, such as plantain, raspberries, stinging nettle and red clover, and created at home.

6702 • Hardcover • 457 Pages • $34.95

7012 • Softcover • 224 Pages • $14.95

Stephen Harrod Buhner In this indispensable reference, herbal expert Stephen Harrod Buhner explains the roots of antibiotic resistance, explores the value of herbal treatments and provides indepth profiles of 30 valuable herbs, noting for each one its antibiotic properties, methods for collection and preparation, dosages, potential side effects, contraindications and alternatives. 7171 • Softcover • 480 Pages • $24.95

The Cherokee Herbal J.T. Garrett A practical guide to the medicinal uses of over 450 plants and herbs as applied in the traditional practices of the Cherokee. Learn how healers utilize the gifts of nature for ceremonial purposes and to treat over 120 ailments. 6599 • Softcover • 288 Pages • $15.00

Growing & Using Herbs Successfully Betty E.M. Jacobs This well-illustrated book explains in helpful, easy-tounderstand language how to get the best results, plus a lot more. 6628 • Softcover • 240 Pages • $14.95

Homesteading Homemade Contrivances Subtitled, 1001 Labor-Saving Devices for Farm, Garden, Dairy, and Workshop, this extensive book, originally published in 1897, is full of practical, innovative ideas from an era when farmers had to make things themselves or do without. The illustrated book covers a wide range of topics such as gate construction, self-closing doors, portable fences, wire fence tighteners, poultry nesting boxes, feeding cribs and a pitchfork holder. Especially for do-it-yourselfers, this book has ideas to help on every part of the farm. Historic reprint. 7049 • Softcover • 640 Pages • $14.95

The Backyard Homestead NEW Seasonal Planner ANN LARKIN HANSEN Author Ann Larkin Hansen sets the priorities for each area of the farm, including the barn, garden, orchard, field, pasture and woodlot. For every critical turn of the year (12 in all), Hansen provides an at-a-glance to-do list along with tips and a more in-depth discussion of key topics for the season. Easy-reference charts, checklists, and record-keeping sections help you keep track of it all. 7051 • Softcover • 208 pages • $18.95

The Woodland Homestead Brett Mcleod This manual shows you how to use your woodlands to produce everything from wine and mushrooms to firewood and livestock feed. Learn how to take stock of your woods; use axes, bow saws, chainsaws and other key tools; create pasture and silvopasture for livestock; prune and coppice trees to make fuel, fodder and furniture; build living fencing and shelters for animals; grow fruit trees and berries in a woodland orchard; make syrup from birch, walnut or boxelder trees; and much more. 7409 • Softcover • 240 Pages • $19.95

FREE SHIPPING in USA on orders $75 or more! (More on Pg 67.) For personal service call 1-800-355-5313 ACRES U.S.A.

Trending Topic Title

40 | Homesteading Electric Fencing

Seed Libraries

Build a Smokehouse

Ann Larkin Hansen

Cindy Conner

A Storey Country Wisdom Bulletin

This practical guide covers everything you need to know about the types of electric fencing available, how to choose the type that is right for your needs, how electric fencing works, how to put an electric fencing system together and how to use portable electric fencing for rotational grazing. Whether you need to keep livestock and horses in or keep predators out, you’ll find the information you need. 7284 • Softcover • 96 Pages • $9.95

The Frugal Homesteader NEW Living the Good Life on Less

John Moody Foreward by Joel Salatin The Frugal Homesteader is a fun, inspirational and educational guide filled with a lifetime of learning that comes along with becoming a homesteader. Following dozens of successful families who have been motivated to make do, make new and make more while saving money and living off the land, this book covers such topics as: Outfitting your garden; Equipping your barn and outbuildings; Protecting and providing for your animals; Harvesting rainwater; Heating with wood; Foraging; Producing more of what you need to thrive in harder times. Whether you’re just starting out and looking for new, sustainable, and affordable ideas, approaches, and techniques, or you’re a small-scale farmer in regenerative agriculture, The Frugal Homesteader is the DIY manual to help you succeed. 7519 • Softcover • 224 Pages • $24.99

Shelters, Shacks, and Shanties And How to Build Them D.C. Beard Includes instructions for dozens of worry-free shelters including a sod house for the lawn, a treetop house, over-water camps, a bog ken and much more. Historic reprint. 6400 • Softcover • 264 Pages • $9.95

Handy Farm Devices and How to Make Them

Whoever controls the seeds controls the food supply. By empowering communities to preserve and protect the genetic diversity of their harvest Seed Libraries is the first step towards reclaiming our self-reliance while enhancing food security and ensuring that the future of food is healthy, vibrant, tasty and nutritious.

Plowing with Pigs

The Soapmaker’s Companion Susan Miller Cavitch A comprehensive, illustrated guide to making over 40 specialty soaps — from exquisite stained-glass, marbled and layered soaps to soothing masseuse bars, hardworking laundry soap and practical liquid soaps. 6562 • Softcover • 288 Pages • $18.95

Oscar H. Will III & Karen K. Will Fueled by a failing economy and a desire for a return to simpler times, a new wave of homesteaders is seeking the good life, and the kind of true satisfaction that can only be built, not bought. Many of these modern pioneers are cash poor, but rich in energy and creativity. 7240 • Softcover • 272 Pages • $24.95

Amish Houses & Barns

The Mobile Poultry Slaughterhouse

Stephen Scott A study of three Amish homesteads: one in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, one in Holmes County, Ohio, and one in LaGrange County, Indiana. The author examines the history and cultural development of a typical Amish house and barn, one in each of the three largest Amish communities in North America. 7490 • Softcover • 175 Pages • $7.95

Ali Berlow, Foreword By Temple Grandin This guide was especially written for those who raise chickens, turkeys or other poultry for meat and lack easy access to a humane, local slaughterhouse. It shows you how to put together a slaughtering and processing unit that will accommodate any type of poultry and can be moved from farm to farm. 7189 • Softcover • 144 Pages • $14.95

Chicken Coops

Fences, Gates and Bridges

Judy Pangman Just like houses, chicken coops come in all sizes and styles to meet the needs of any chicken family. In Chicken Coops: 45 Building Plans for Housing Your Flock, author Judy Pangman has combed the country identifying the top chicken coop designs, from utilitarian to high-style. The result is this ultimate collection of building plans that are sure to meet the needs of any chicken owner. 6831 • Softcover • 176 Pages • $19.95

The Naturally Clean Home

And How to Build Them George A. Martin This instructional guide details the best methods for building an incredible variety of these devices for all regions and weather conditions. Making use of an impressive medley of materials and designs, you are certain to find a plan that will work for your situation and the materials you have readily available. Over 300 illustrations make all the plans easy to grasp and execute. 6404 • Softcover • 192 Pages • $14.95

Alcohol Fuel

Karyn Siegel-Maier

A wealth of labor- and moneysaving devices fill this book: spillproof chicken waterers; a portable chicken coop; a lightweight orchard ladder; a small truss bridge; an easy fence-post and stump-puller; gates that don’t sag and more. Historic reprint. 6401 • Softcover • 296 Pages • $9.95

6961 • Softcover • 223 Pages • $10.95


6967 • Booklet • 32 Pages • $3.95

7402 • Softcover • 192 Pages • $19.95

Effective, nontoxic alternatives can be mixed up easily from kitchen staples — baking soda, vinegar, lemon juice, herbs and borax — plus a handful of easy-to-find essential oils. This book offers 150 all-natural recipes for nontoxic, biodegradable and fresh- smelling cleaners for every area of the home. Simple to make, yet as effective as commercial options.

Rolfe Cobleigh

If you want to know how to make everything from a hot smoke pit, simple smoke box or a strong, tight smokehouse, Build a Smokehouse can help.

Richard Freudenberger Subtitled Making and Using Ethanol as a Renewal Fuel, this book focuses on small-scale ethanol production and looks at the basic equipment needs, fermentation recipes and distillation designs that are needed for those wanting to make the switch from gasoline. 7005 • Softcover • 257 Pages • $26.95

Additional information on these books and more at www.acresusa.com

Recommended Title

Human Health | 41

Books by André Leu

The Choice is Clear Dr. Allen E. Banik

The Myths of Safe Pesticides André Leu The chemical-based conventional agriculture industry claims that the synthesized concoctions they sell as pesticides, herbicides and insecticides are safe when used as directed, but does the scientific evidence truly support their assertions? Organic agriculturist and lecturer André Leu delves into a wealth of respected scientific journals to present the peer-reviewed evidence that proves the claims of chemical companies and pesticide regulators are not all they seem. Leu translates technical jargon into layman’s terms to break down the five most repeated myths about pesticide use. His conclusion: Independent scientific analysis shows that pesticides are not at all as safe as industry leaders and regulatory agencies claim. The pesticide industry argues that human agriculture, and thereby the global population itself, cannot survive without using pesticides and herbicides, but Leu warns that human health is at great risk unless we break free of their toxic hold and turn to more natural methods of pest and weed regulation. 7335 • Softcover • 168 Pages • $16.95

The most readable booklet on water ever published. It gives the reasons for using distilled water for drinking and cooking. It reveals that you can consume some 450 pounds of inorganic minerals from some tap and well water in your lifetime. Learn what is really in your water and why it is important to your health and longevity. Distilled water is the answer to remove all impurities. 917 • Soft booklet • 48 Pages • $3.50

Popular Bulk Buy! Call customer service for pricing on multiple quantities of this title.

Poisoning Our Children

La Elección Es Clara

André Leu

Dr. Allen E. Banik

In this tragic but informative follow-up to André Leu’s ground breaking book, Myths of Safe Pesticides, the author connects the dots between the widespread use of toxic farm applications, and its effect on the health of our country’s children. When pesticide residues are found in 77 percent of all foods in the United States, it’s important to know the truth. Organic agriculturist André Leu provides detailed research proving the falsehood of healthy claims from chemical companies and pesticide regulators. It’s a must-read for all parents who are concerned with how their family’s food supply is grown. 7485 • Softcover • 206 Pages • $16.95

The Metabolic Approach to Cancer

917-S • Cubierta suave • 48 páginas •


Conference Speaker

Dr. Nasha Winters & Jess Higgins Kelley Cancer rates have increased exponentially since the beginning of the 20th century, yet conventional treatment continues to rely on chemotherapy, surgery and radiation, despite research that has repeatedly shown 95 percent of cancer cases are directly related to diet and lifestyle. This is the first book to offer a comprehensive, nutrition-focused protocol to managing cancer. Naturopathic, integrative oncologist and cancer survivor Dr. Nasha Winters and nutrition therapist Jess Higgins Kelley identify the 10 key elements of a person’s terrain — including the microbiome, the immune system and blood sugar balance — as they relate to the cancer process, and they prescribe a heavily researched, tested and nontoxic metabolic therapeutic approach that encompasses the ketogenic diet, fasting, specific phytonutrients, herbal treatments and more. 7444 • Hardcover • 391 Pages • $29.95

El pequeño libro sobre el agua mas leido que se haya publicado en mucho tiempo. Este te da las razones de porqué usar agua distilada para tomar y cocinar. Y también nos revela que podemos estár consumiendo hasta 450 libras de minerals inorgánicos en toda nuestra vida cuando usamos aqua del grifo o del pozo. Aprenda realmente que hay en el agua y lo importante que es para su salud y longevidad. Agua distilida es la respuesta para remover todas las impurezas. Edicion en Español. $3.50

Minerals for the Genetic Code Charles Walters In this fascinating book, the connection is made between the physical, chemical and biological aspects of minerals and subatomic particles in the life process. This knowledge suggests an end to the tyranny of pharmaceuticals. Each of the 64 sequences (or “codons”) in the Standard Genetic Chart is discussed with an overlay of the mineral involved — its absence leading to degenerative disease; its presence ensuring that health is maintained. 6808 • Softcover • 303 Pages • $25.00

FREE SHIPPING in USA on orders $75 or more! (More on Pg 67.) For personal service call 1-800-355-5313 ACRES U.S.A.

Trending Topic Title

42 | Human Health The Miracle of Milk Barnarr Macfadden This groundbreaking work examines the link between a protein in the milk we drink and a range of serious illnesses. It’s also about how scientific evidence and consumer choices are influenced by corporate business. 6677 • Softcover • 118 Pages • $12.95

Master Your Diabetes Dr. Mona Morstein, N.D., DHANP


In this book, naturopathic physician and diabetes expert Dr. Mona Morstein shows how people with both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes can gain and maintain control of their blood sugar levels, preventing and even reversing existing diabetic complications. This is the first compreheisve guide for patients, caregivers and medical practitioners to demonstrate an integrative approach to diabetes management based on The Eight Essentials of treatment and prevention. 7494 • Softcover • 543 Pages • $29.95

Food Plague 2nd Edition Arden Andersen, D.O., M.S.P.H., Ph.d Food is supposed to be life giving. It is supposed to be “our daily bread.” Sadly, modern farming practice has converted food production into a cesspool of poison and genetically engineered “franken-foods.” GMOs are scientifically proven to cause human suffering including cancer, bowel, liver and kidney disease, infertility, environmental pollution and resistant strains of infective microorganisms, weeds and insect pests. From A1 milk to farm-raised fish, artificial hormones to antibiotics and pesticides in the feed, “modern farming” has created the Food Plague. Consumers informed about the real food quality vote accordingly with their dollars at the grocery store. Here lies the real power for change. We have the technology to solve all these problems and feed many times the world population. Farmers could increase yields 5 to 6 times using present day non-GMO seed and appropriate nutritional technology, without ANY of the toxic side effects while sequestering carbon/greenhouse gasses and regenerating the soil. It’s the informed consumer that will make this happen. 7446 • Softcover • 384 Pages • $24.95


Beyond The Label

Statin Nation

The Ill-Founded NEW War on Cholesterol, What Really Causes Heart Disease, and the Truth About the Most Overprescribed Drugs in the World


10 Steps to Improve Your Mental Health with Naturopathic Medicine Dr. Christina Bjorndal, ND

For years, Dr. Christina Bjorndal, ND, endured debilitating depression, bipolar disorder and anxiety and battled bulimia, addiction and a range of other mental health challenges. Finally, feeling terrorized by her own thoughts, she attempted to take her life. This devastating low point led to a deep reckoning. She began to take back control of her life. Today she is the owner of a thriving naturopathic clinic, living her life’s purpose and passion in the most authentic way. In Beyond the Label, Bjorndal outlines, step by step, how you can move from the current mental health “label” you have been given to optimal health on all levels — physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. Dr. Chris’s book will give you the courage, support, confidence and guidance you need to take your own steps to mental wellness.

Justin Smith Statin Nation offers a new understanding of heart disease, and Justin Smith forges an innovative path away from the outdated cholesterol myth with a viable alternative model to address the real causes of heart disease. Statin Nation provides detailed examinations of nutritional alternatives that are up to six times more effective than statins, and other interventions that have been shown to be up to 11 times more effective than statins. But all of these methods are currently ignored by health authorities. Smith provides a heart disease prevention plan that anyone can use, providing hope for the future of heart-disease treatment with a purpose. 7521 • Softcover • 224 Pages • $19.95

Sustainable Medicine

7510 • Softcover • 376 Pages • $18.95

A Precautionary Tale Philip Ackerman-Leist Mals, Italy, has long been known as the breadbasket of the Tyrol. But recently the tiny town became known for something else entirely. A Precautionary Tale tells us why, introducing readers to an unlikely group of activists and a forward-thinking mayor who came together to ban pesticides in Mals by a referendum vote — making it the first place on Earth to accomplish such a feat, and a model for other towns and regions to follow. 7466 • Softcover • 240 Pages • $19.95

Healing Lyme Stephen Harrod Buhner


WhistleBlowing on 21st-Century Medical Practice Dr. Sarah Myhill

Sustainable Medicine is based on the premise that 21st century Western medicine — driven by vested interests — is failing to address the root causes of disease. Symptom-suppressing medication and “polypharmacy” have resulted in an escalation of disease and a system of so-called “health care,” which more closely resembles “disease care.” Sustainable Medicine covers a wide range of symptoms including inflammation (infection, allergy, autoimmunity), fatigue, pain, toxic symptoms, deficiency symptoms and hormonal symptoms. And Dr. Myhill includes a toolbox of treatments for specific illnesses and ailments, as well as a general approach to avoiding and treating all disease. Finally, she offers a series of case histories to show how people have successfully taken control of their health and healed even in the face of the most discouraging symptoms — all without the harmful interventions of 21st century Western medicine.

Lyme disease has many on alert — especially in the tickinfested eastern half of North America. And true to its sinister, stealthy nature you can have Lyme disease without the telltale bull’s eye rash and not even know it. With a wide range of symptoms, Lyme disease, which is caused by spirochete bacteria, mimics so well that even doctors can be fooled. Healing Lyme offers hope for managing and preventing this disease, covers what to expect at the onset and the development of the stages, and includes treatment options using herbs and other supplements that support the immune system.

EMF radiation produced by modern technology such as cell phones, tablets, laptops, Wi-Fi, and smart devices is an emerging health threat, and we are all guinea pigs in a giant experiment with many unknown consequences.

7141 • Softcover • 520 Pages • $24.95

7467 • Softcover • 208 Pages • $17.50

7525 • Softcover • 272 Pages • $19.95

Radiation Nation Daniel T. DeBaun and Ryan P. DeBaun

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Recommended Title

Human Health | 43

Put Your Heart in Your Mouth

The Heal Your Gut Cookbook

Organic Revolutionary

Dr. Natasha CampbellMcBride, M.D.

Hilary Boynton & Mary Brackett

Grace Gershuny

Dr. Campbell-McBride tackles the subject of CHD (Coronary Heart Disease), caused by atherosclerosis, a disease of the arterial wall that leads to narrowing and obstruction of the arteries. She maintains that conventional medicine does not actually know the cause of atherosclerosis or how to cure it, and explores in this book what it is, what causes it and how to prevent and reverse it. She dispels the myth of the Diet-Heart Hypothesis, and explains that cholesterol is not the enemy but an integral and important part of our cell membranes. 7421 • Softcover • 212 Pages • $22.95

In The Heal Your Gut Cookbook readers will learn about key cooking techniques and ingredients that form the backbone of the GAPS Diet: working with stocks and broths, soaking nuts and seeds, using coconut and culturing raw dairy. The authors offer encouraging, real-life perspectives on the life-changing improvements to the health of their families by following this challenging, but powerful, diet. This book is a must-have if you are following the GAPS Diet, considering the GAPS Diet or simply looking to improve your digestive health and — by extension — your physical and mental well-being. 7356 • Softcover • 320 Pages • $29.95

Gut and Psychology Syndrome

The Healthy Bones

2nd Edition

Dr. Laura Kelly and Helen Bryman Kelly

Dr. Natasha CampbellMcBride, M.D. The experience of having a child with autism propelled Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride to look beyond the confines of conventional medicine and to become a medical pioneer. In her revolutionary text, Gut and Psychology Syndrome: Natural Treatment for Autism, Dyspraxia, A.D.D., Dyslexia, A.D.H.D., Depression, Schizophrenia, she shares her theories on the relationship between neurological disorders and nutrition and offers a plan using the GAPS protocol, that she developed, to help readers tackle gut disorders that can significantly affect overall physical and mental health and wellness. 7420 • Softcover • 392 Pages • $32.95

Primal Body, Primal Mind Nora T. Gedgaudas Using a modern approach, here’s how to have a Paleolithic (hunter-gatherer) based diet that includes high-fat, moderate-protein, starch-free foods with adequate omega-3 and vitamin D intake – to live longer, healthier and happier lives. 7099 • Softcover • 416 Pages • $19.95

Nutrition Plan & Cookbook

Understand the roles of individual vitamins, minerals, and enzymes in bone metabolism. The authors then provide a framework and worksheets so readers can use the recipes and work with their doctors to create their personal nutrition plan for skeletal health. Includes more than 100 bone-health recipes. Readers can count on their personal nutrition plans and the Kellys’ recipes to provide food that helps calcium reach, and potentially strengthen, their bones. 7430 • Softcover • 304 Pages • $24.95

Pottenger’s Prophecy Gray Graham Called the “medicine of the future,” epigenetics is a new science that investigates how the foods you eat can switch genes on or off — leading to wellness or illness. This understanding of how our food and lifestyle choices have the ability to trigger the epigenome was first theorized by Dr. Francis M. Pottenger. Regardless of your current health status, eating to reset genes can have an effect on health, healing and longevity — instantly. 7089 • Softcover • 290 Pages • $20.00

The Naturopathic Way

Prickly Pear Cactus Medicine

Christopher Vasey, N.D.

Ran Knishinsky

Illness is the direct result of the way we live — what we eat and drink. This book uses the basic principles of naturopathy and focuses on treatments that remove the toxic causes of illness. 6965 • Softcover • 144 Pages • $14.95

Grace Gershuny weaves her personal journey through the transition of the organic movement into an organic food industry. She takes on the challenge of turning an ecological philosophy into a federal regulation — a huge effort that put a legal framework on a process that flows from seed to table. Her book is the inside story of the people and events that led to the organic market and regulation we have today. Grace alternates her personal story with clear explanations of the rationale for the organic regulations as they were developed. She shows the difficulties of changing a holistic philosophy into a process, not product, guarantee. It’s essential reading for anyone seeking to understand how the organic movement started small and grew into the mainstream. 7438 • Softcover • 242 Pages • $16.00

Eating on the Wild Side Jo Robinson The first book to reveal the nutritional history of our fruits and vegetables. Starting with the wild plants that were central to our original diet, investigative journalist Jo Robinson describes how 400 generations of farmers have unwittingly squandered a host of essential fiber, protein, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. We can take control of our health by choosing present-day fruits and vegetables that come closest to the nutritional bounty of their wild ancestors. 7226 • Softcover • 416 Pages • $16.00

Preventing and Reversing Arthritis Naturally Raquel Martin & Karen J. Romano, R.N., D.C. A comprehensive self-help program designed to prevent and reverse degenerative inflammatory diseases without drugs and their unwelcome side effects. Designed to help the millions who suffer from chronic arthritis pain. 6598 • Softcover • 272 Pages • $19.95

The Power Behind Your Eyes Robert-Michael Kaplan, O.D.

For hundreds of years the prickly pear cactus has been a traditional food staple and has been used for over 100 different ailments. Includes scientific studies on antiviral properties and resource section.

Integrated Vision Therapy unites Eastern and Western medical philosophies. This holistic approach identifies the causes of vision problems and develops noninvasive, natural treatment strategies such as easy-to-follow exercises and diets.

6691 • Softcover • 144 Pages • $12.95

6228 • Softcover • 192 Pages • $18.95

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Trending Topic Title

44 | Human Health Healing with Essential Oils Jodi Sternoff Cohen, NTP In this ground-breaking guide to advanced essential oils, Vibrant Blue Oils founder Jodi Sternoff Cohen shares her thorough and comprehensive roadmap for using essential oils to balance the underlying causes of various health concerns, including poor sleep, stress, compromised digestion, detoxification, gut inflammation, poor circulation, and blood sugar issues. 7457 • Softcover • 200 Pages • $16.95

Healing Lyme Disease Coinfections Stephen Harrod Buhner Stephen Harrod Buhner offers a guide to the natural treatment of two of the most common and damaging coinfections of Lyme disease — Bartonella and Mycoplasma. Nearly 35 million people in the United States are asymptomatically infected with each of these pathogens and at least 10 percent will become symptomatic every year with symptoms ranging from arthritis to severe brain dysfunction. 7225 • Softcover • 512 Pages • $19.95

Fibromyalgia The Cause and the Cure Annesse Brockley & Kristin Urdiales

Eat Right: The Complete NEW Guide to Traditional Foods 2018 Nick Barnard

Conference Speaker

Eat Right is a modern approach to this traditional and inherited understanding of nutrition, with techniques including making butter, yogurt, ghee, lard, broth, kimchi, sauerkraut, kefir and kombucha, as well as sprouting grains and activating nuts, alongside over 100 nutrientrich recipes. This is a comprehensive and inspirational guide that will keep you in rude health. 7497 • Hardcover • 336 Pages • $39.95

J. Natalie Winch Ditching the Drive-Thru exposes the insidious hold the commercial food industry has taken over the fast-paced lives of the average American and the danger these processed foods and diet plans pose to our health, environment, and emotional well-being. Learn how to break free from the grind and return to a simpler relationship with food from farmers, not factories, and home-cooked meals that are created in your kitchen, not on a conveyor belt. 7388 • Softcover • 191 Pages • $19.95

The High Blood Pressure Solution

Natural Treatments for Lyme Coinfections Stephen Harrod Buhner Tens of thousands of people are known to be asymptomatically infected and at least 10 percent will become symptomatic this year — with symptoms ranging from chronic headache and arthritis to seizures. Distilling the latest scientific research on Babesia, Ehrlichia, Anaplasma and Lyme disease, Stephen Buhner examines the complex synergy between these infections and reveals how they can go undiagnosed or resurface after antibiotic treatment.

Richard D. Moore, M.D., Ph.D. High blood pressure — the “silent killer” and the number one threat to health in the United States — is entirely preventable. Dr. Moore’s safe, effective program of nutrition, weight loss and exercise can greatly diminish or even eradicate the effect of hypertension and bring the entire body chemistry into balance. 4135 • Softcover • 400 Pages • $16.95

Diabetes and Me

7406 • Softcover • 448 Pages • $19.95

Invasive Plant Medicine

Brings together scientific evidence from around the world that reveals the source of fibromyalgia. Gain a thorough understanding of the entire disease process and its association with other conditions. Discover how to address the source of fibromyalgia, and thus reverse the disease process, through a targeted diet and other natural methods.

Shows how invasives restore natural balance and biodiversity to the environment and examines the powerful healing properties offered by 24 of the most common invasive plants growing in North America and Europe.

7302 • Softcover • 246 Pages • $24.95

7214 • Softcover • 384 Pages • $19.95


Ditching the Drive-Thru

Timothy Lee Scott

Chase Schmitt


Written by a very talented 8-year-old, Diabetes and Me is the story of a kid who was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes and his journey through treatment and management. Chase Schmitt wrote this book to help other kids who have been newly diagnosed to help them better know what it’s like to live with the disease. As he writes, “We all have our ups and downs, but I would say I have a lot more ups than downs. I have big plans for my future and diabetes will not stop me!” 7498 • Softcover • 38 Pages • $9.99

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Recommended Title

Backyard Poultry Naturally Alanna Moore From housing to feeding, from selection to breeding, this book covers everything the backyard farmer needs to know about poultry husbandry — including preventative and curative herbal medicines and homeopathics. The author takes a permaculture point of view in raising poultry, creating a diverse base of plant life for the birds to choose from, all cohesively fitting into the landscape and overall farm. Complete enough for the beginner, yet experienced poultry farmers will find the book packed with techniques and ideas found nowhere else. 6452 • Softcover • 135 Pages • $20.00

Homeopathy in Organic Livestock Production Glen Dupree, D.V.M. Contains a discussion of common maladies so readers can recognize symptom complexes and take logical steps toward a remedy. 6992 • Softcover • 176 Pages • $20.00

Reproduction & Animal Health Charles Walters & Gearld Fry With the combined experience and wisdom of two leaders in sustainable cattle production, learn how to “read” an animal, what linear measurement is, why linear measurement selects ideal breeding stock, the nuances of bull fertility, the strengths of classic cattle breeds, the role of pastures, and the mineral diet in cattle health. 6595 • Softcover • 218 Pages • $24.00

Ranching FullTime on 3 Hours a Day Cody Holmes No amount of the hard, sweating work you do on the ranch — if you continue to make poor decisions — can bring you to the reality of successful ranching. Holmes has found that to be really successful, the critical factors are your decisionmaking and planning abilities. You too can feed more people than other ranchers, have grasslands that are more productive and enjoy raising a family without spending all your time working. 7071 • Softcover • 187 Pages • $30.00

livestock | 45

Newman Turner’s Classics Back in Print

Newman Turner was the grandfather of modern intensive grazing. His innovations 60 years ago are only now being rediscovered. He was an associate of such luminaries as Sir Albert Howard, Lady Eve Balfour and others.

Cure Your Own Cattle Newman Turner

While the subject of natural veterinary care has grown and matured, Turner’s clear and simple systems and advice remind farmers of the true fundamentals that consistently work. Historic reprint. 6912 • Softcover • 96 Pages • $10.00

Fertility Pastures

Fertility Farming Newman Turner

Fertility Farming explores an approach that makes minimal use of plowing, eschews chemical fertilizers and pesticides, and emphasizes soil fertility via crop rotation, composting, cover cropping and manure application. Historic reprint. 6909 • Softcover • 247 Pages • $30.00


Newman Turner

Newman Turner

Turner details his methods of intensive pasture-based production of beef and dairy cows in a practical guide to profitable, labor-saving livestock production. He developed a system of complex “herbal ley mixtures,” or blends of pasture grasses and herbs. Historic reprint.

Turner explains that real livestock health begins with true natural farming disciplines such as composting, biodiverse pastures with deep-rooted forages, herbs and sub-soiling, as well as the avoidance of chemical panaceas. Historic reprint. 6910 • Softcover • 239 Pages • $30.00

6911 • Softcover • 195 Pages • $30.00

Buy them all: $85.00 • #S-6909

Special! Save


Treating Dairy Cows Naturally

The Barn Guide to Treating Dairy Cows Naturally

Hubert J. Karreman, V.M.D.

Hubert J. Karreman, V.M.D

Drawing upon veterinary treatments from before synthetic pharmaceuticals, and tempering them with modern knowledge and clinical experience, Dr. Karreman bridges the world of natural treatments with life in the barn in a rational and easy-to-understand way. In describing treatments for common dairy cow diseases, he covers practical aspects of biologics, botanical medicines, homeopathic remedies, acupuncture and conventional medicine. 6672 • Hardcover • 412 Pages • $40.00

A hands-on guide designed for quick and easy use. It lists symptoms with many pictures, and shares possible conclusions and treatments that Dr. Karreman has found to work consistently. Introduces the fundamentals of organic and holistic thinking about livestock. The companion guide to Treating Dairy Cows Naturally, this book includes a physical exam section, with nearly 100 case studies organized by symptom and valuable field-tested natural treatments. 7065 • Softcover • 191 Pages • $40.00

The Barn Guide to Treating Dairy Cows Naturally & Treating Dairy Cows Naturally: $70.00 • #S-6672

Special! Save


Four-Seasons Organic Cow Care Hubert J. Karreman, V.M.D. Acclaimed veterinarian Hubert Karreman calls on his nearly 30 years of experience in organic and holistic medicine to guide you on how to recognize, treat and prevent a year’s worth of problems with your herd. With biology and managing animals, there are no hard-and-fast rules, however, there is a rhyme and reason explaining why certain conditions are associated with each season. 7418 • Softcover • 256 Pages • $24.00

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Trending Topic Title

46 | livestock

The Art and Science of Shepherding

Dirt Hog


A Hands-On Guide to Raising Pigs Outdoors … Naturally

Conference Speaker

Michel Meuret, Ph.D. & Fred Provenza, Ph.D., Editors Through academic study and analysis and in-depth interviews with master shepherds, this book reveals traditional-yet-sophisticated shepherding methods and how the traditional moving of the animals is more fitting to many landscapes than even the most progressive rotational grazing and moveable fencing systems. 7308 • Softcover • 434 Pages • $30.00

Talking Chicken Kelly Klober A resurgence of interest in heritage poultry breeds has invigorated poultry raising on family farms and backyards across the country. These are the birds that can and should be producing for today’s marketplace — for consumers that have come to value locally bred and grown, historically significant agricultural food. This book offers valuable insight into rare, heritage and heirloom breed selection, chick raising, breeding and marketing so you can start your own fully sustainable heritage chicken flock and raise eggs or meat for your family or small farm business. 7067 • Softcover • 396 Pages • $28.00

Beyond the Chicken Kelly Klober The newfound interest in heritage breeds of chicken has created a unique opportunity for small farmers to reintroduce consumers to other types of poultry. From geese to quail to peahens to turkeys, Klober discusses the pros and cons of each and how to best fit an alternative poultry venture into your farming operation. Filled with humorous personal anecdotes and practical advice on feeding, housing, pricing and marketing, this book is a must-read for the small farmer interested in an alternative to the ever-present white egg-laying chicken or any lover of poultry. 7309 • Softcover • 216 Pages • $24.00

Talking Chicken & Beyond the Chicken: $52.00 • #S-7067

Homeopathy for the Herd C. Edgar Sheaffer, V.M.D.

Herd Bull Fertility James E. Drayson Herd Bull Fertility will teach you how to recognize whether a bull is fertile even before the semen test. Generously illustrated with photographs and diagrams, this manual is a must for the cattle grower choosing a bull for his breeding program. 6582 • Softcover • 135 Pages • $22.00

Natural Goat Care Pat Coleby As natural browsers, goats have higher mineral requirements than other domestic animals, so diet is a critical element to maintaining optimal livestock health. In Natural Goat Care, consultant Pat Coleby shows how to solve health problems both with natural herbs and medicines and the ultimate cure, bringing the soil into healthy balance.

Kelly Klober In today’s market, range-rearing of swine provides the family farm with a key venture for diversification and cash flow — perhaps no other large animal enterprise offers as fast a turnaround on investment. This comprehensive manual includes sections on housing and fencing, selection and breeding, herd maintenance, feeds and feeding, marketing and more. 6844 • Softcover • 320 Pages • $25.00

The Energetic Goat Carrie Eastman The Energetic Goat provides stepby-step instruction on basic applied kinesiology techniques, including common variations, as well as guidance on how to adapt other techniques to suit your personal preferences. Newcomers to alternative veterinary medicine will find the many photographs, diagrams, and sample case histories particularly useful, while veteran practitioners will discover new tricks and techniques to add to their repertoire, from the never-before-in-print human reflex point chart (used for surrogate testing) to the cross-reference chart of common goat health problems and popular treatments. 7389 • Softcover • 136 Pages • $24.00

Natural Cattle Care

6491 • Softcover • 371 Pages • $28.00

Natural Sheep Care Pat Coleby A comprehensive guide for all breeders of sheep, whether for wool, meat or milk. Coleby draws on decades of experience in natural animal husbandry to provide essential information for both organic and conventional farmers. This edition has been expanded significantly in the areas of breeding for finer wool and meat, land management sheep management, and treatment of health problems. 6734 • Softcover • 215 Pages • $25.00

Pat Coleby Natural Cattle Care encompasses every facet of farm management, from the mineral components of the soils cattle graze over, to issues of fencing, shelter and feed regimens. Coleby presents a comprehensive analysis of farming techniques that keep the health of the animal in mind. She brings a wealth of animal husbandry experiences to bear in this analysis of the serious problems of contemporary farming practices, focusing on how poor soils lead to mineral-deficient plants and ailing farm animals. 6490 • Softcover • 214 Pages • $20.00

Grass, the Forgiveness of Nature

Natural Horse Care

Charles Walters

Pat Coleby

This information-packed book will help you start using homeopathic medicines for cows. Includes case studies and practical examples from both dairy and beef operations.

Natural Horse Care addresses a broad spectrum of comprehensive health care, detailing dozens of horse ailments, discussing their origins and offering proven, natural treatments.

In this wide-ranging survey of grass forages and pastureland, Charles Walters makes the case that grass is not just for cows and horses — that in fact it is the most nutritious food produced by nature, as well as the ultimate soil conditioner.

6580 • Softcover • 206 Pages • $24.00

6492 • Softcover • 164 Pages • $20.00

6806 • Softcover • 303 Pages • $25.00


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Recommended Title

livestock | 47

Alternative Treatments for Ruminant Animals

The Small-Scale Poultry Flock

Paul Dettloff, D.V.M. Drawing on 36 years of veterinary practice, Dr. Paul Dettloff presents a natural, sustainable approach to ruminant health. 6654 • Softcover • 260 Pages • $28.00 Popular Bulk Buy! Call customer service for pricing on multiple quantities of this title.

A Holistic Vet’s Prescription for a Healthy Herd Holistic veterinarian Richard “Doc” Holliday is here to share the secrets he’s learned from more than 50 years of experience in animal nutrition and health. Holliday reveals how animals are capable of self-regulating their trace mineral needs when provided with a free-choice selection of minerals. Anyone can prove the fundamental concepts of animal health by watching and learning from animals, who will share their secrets with us if we are attentive. 7365 • Softcover • 156 Pages • $20.00

Knowledge Rich Ranching Allan Nation In today’s cattle market, knowledge separates the rich from the rest — this book will give you the knowledge you need to be a more successful beef producer. 6506 • Softcover • 332 Pages • $32.00

The Works of Joel Salatin 2018 Conference Speaker

Organic Livestock Handbook

Pastured Poultry Profits

Laura Tleford and Anne Macey, ED.

Joel Salatin A proven production model is described which is capable of producing an income from a small acreage equal or superior to that of most off-farm jobs. The greatest lesson learned is that if we produce a high enough quality product, the marketplace will bend and adapt itself to meet our needs, wants and desires. 4187 • Softcover • 371 Pages • $30.00

This practical guidebook explains the principles of organic livestock husbandry and includes chapters on animal welfare, nutrition and health care, and converting to organic methods. 6456 • Softcover • 246 Pages • $30.00

The Art and Science of Grazing

Salad Bar Beef Joel Salatin Offering creative alternatives for an industry in trouble, Joel Salatin’s “salad bar beef” program is a proven prototype for making a superb profit from a small cow herd regardless of the commodity price of calves. A complete how-to guide for entering the natural, grass-fed beef business, successfully and profitably. 6196 • Softcover • 384 Pages • $30.00

What Animals Can Teach Us About Rediscovering Our Nutritional Wisdom

A comprehensive guide to raising all-natural poultry for the homesteader and small-scale farmer. Ussery has a practical whole-system approach to working with chickens and other domestic fowl that is a sustainable model. 7088 • Softcover • 416 Pages • $39.95

Richard J. Holliday, D.V.M., & Jim Helfter


Harvey Ussery



Conference Speaker

Fred Provenza Animal scientists have long considered domestic livestock to be too dumb to know how to eat right, but the lifetime research of animal behaviorist Fred Provenza and his colleagues has debunked this myth. Their work shows that when given a choice of natural foods, livestock have an astoundingly refined palate, nibbling through the day on as many as 50 kinds of grasses, forbs and shrubs to meet their nutritional needs with remarkable precision. Provenza presents his thesis of the wisdom body — a wisdom that links flavor feedback relationships at a cellular level with biochemically rich foods to meet the body’s nutritional and medicinal needs. 7530 • Softcover • 416 Pages • $24.95 • Available when released by Press.

Sarah Flack The Art and Science of Grazing will allow farmers to gain a solid understanding of the key principles of grazing management so they can both design and manage successful grazing systems. The book’s unique approach presents information first from the perspective of pasture plants, and then from the livestock perspective — helping farmers understand both plant and animal needs before setting up a grazing system. 7429 • Softcover • 240 Pages • $39.95

Storey’s Guide to Raising Turkeys 3rd Edition Don Schrider A one-stop reference for humanely raising healthy turkeys. This all-new edition of the bestselling classic includes everything you need to know to raise turkeys successfully, from selecting the right breeds to housing, feeding, breeding, health care, marketing and much more. 7188 • Softcover • 320 Pages • $19.95

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Trending Topic Title

48 | livestock Managing & Marketing for Pasture-Based Livestock Production Edward Rayburn, ED. The first of a four-part series on pastured-based livestock production from NRAES, this information-packed volume provides fundamental and essential information a producer needs to manage and market a goaloriented forage-livestock system. 6872 • Softcover • 116 Pages • $21.00

Forage Production for Pasture-Based Livestock Production Edward Rayburn, ED. This anthology of works from 20 experts covers a wide range of topics that will teach you how to get the most out of the plants that deliver nutrients to your livestock. The authorities touch on plant morphology; the ecology of plant communities; soils and fertilizers; nutrient management; the environmental impacts of grazing; and pests, weeds and diseases. 6871 • Softcover • 141 Pages • $25.00

Forage Utilization for Pasture-Based Livestock Production Edward Rayburn, ED. Is your pasture meeting its full potential? What supplements will you need to add to a forage-based diet? The collection of works by university professors and government representatives covers pasture-management tools including: permanent and temporary fencing; watering systems; lanes and feeding pads; animal-handling facilities and fly control. 6870 • Softcover • 185 Pages • $27.00

Animal Production Systems for Pasture-Based Livestock Production Edward Rayburn, ED. This is the final of a four-book series. Sixty-two authors from various universities, government and industry collaborated, the manuscript grew to over 1,300 pages in length, was peer reviewed, and then revised. This book covers animal ecology and forage behavior, basic animal nutrition, beef, dairy, sheep, goat, and horse nutrition, and management and parasite control for pasture-based systems. 6984 • Softcover • 246 Pages • $37.00

Looking for DVDs on Livestock?? Find them on pages 55-57. ACRES U.S.A.

Land, Livestock & Life Allan Nation Using successful grass farmers as examples, Allan Nation explains how leasing land can add up to profits with lower risk than ownership, and can be a means for young people to get into grassland agriculture today. 7464 • Softcover • 212 Pages • $34.95

Kick the Hay Habit Jim Gerrish Author Jim Gerrish acknowledges that hay and haymaking have been an integral part of animal agriculture for millennia, but many livestock producers are now too busy baling hay to effectively manage their operations and make the profit they deserve. Since year-round grazing is possible, Kick the Hay Habit is written for every grazier from beginner to experienced.

Ranching advice by Greg Judy No Risk Ranching Greg Judy After being forced to liquidate his herd to pay off debts, grazier Greg Judy tried a different approach — custom grazing on leased land which allowed him to pay off his farm and home loans within three years. In this useful guide, Judy shares his hardwon knowledge: finding idle land to lease; calculating the cost; writing a land lease contract; lowering risk through custom grazing; using cost/ share programs; and much more. No Risk Ranching: Custom Grazing on Leased Land was written to help others avoid the same mistakes Judy made while earning profits from grazing. 6547 • Softcover • 240 Pages • $28.00

Comeback Farms

6999 • Softcover • 224 Pages • $27.00

ManagementIntensive Grazing Jim Gerrish The author spent over 22 years conducting beef forage systems research and has over 20 years of experience with commercial cattle and sheep production. Gerrish takes graziers step-by-step through the MIG system. 6712 • Softcover • 314 Pages • $31.00

Holistic Goat Care

Greg Judy Continuing where No Risk Ranching ended, Comeback Farms — subtitled Rejuvenating Soils, Pastures and Profits with Livestock Grazing Management — expands on the cattle operation and includes first-hand experience with high density multi-species grazing specifically for sheep, goats and pigs. Tips are included to work with nature without costly inputs, and to let the animals be your labor force. Personal testimonial is given for revitalizing hayed out, scruffy, weedy pastures and turning them into grazing landscapes that are highly productive, profitable and grow lush grass — no matter what size herd you have. 6916 • Softcover • 278 Pages • $29.00

Giancalis Caldwell Holistic Goat Care will empower even novice goat owners to confidently diagnose and treat most of the ailments that goats might experience. For the experienced goat farmer, the book offers in-depth of insight and approaches to treatment not found in any other book. 7468 • Hardcover • 357 Pages • $39.95

The Small Scale Dairy

Humane Livestock Handling Temple Grandin with Mark Deesing Improve your livestock operations as well as the profitability of your farm by raising healthier, more contented animals. 6933 • Softcover • 227 Pages • $24.95

Pasture Profits with Stocker Cattle

Gianaclis Caldwell The Small-Scale Dairy includes everything you need to know in order to successfully produce nourishing, healthy, farm-fresh milk. Whether for home use, direct sale to the consumer or sale to an artisanal cheesemaker, highquality raw milk is a delicate, desirable product. 7315 • Softcover • 232 Pages • $34.95

Allan Nation The premise of this book is that a farmer can make money yearin and year-out regardless of the price of cattle following the grazier’s art. 4189 • Softcover • 224 Pages • $24.95

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Recommended Title

livestock | 49

Hatching & Brooding Your Own Chicks Gail Damerow Poultry authority Gail Damerow explains exactly how to hatch healthy baby chickens, ducklings, goslings, turkey poults, and guinea keets, addressing everything from selecting a breed and choosing the best incubator to ensuring proper set-up and sanitary conditions, understanding embryo development, and feeding and caring for newborn chicks in a brooder. 7191 • Softcover • 240 Pages • $24.95

Free-Range Chicken Gardens Jessi Bloom It’s true, you can keep chickens and have a beautiful garden, too. Fresh eggs aren’t the only benefit — chickens can help your garden grow and thrive, just as your garden does for your chickens. This handbook covers everything a gardener needs to know, including chicken-keeping basics, simple garden plans and more. 7139 • Softcover • 221 Pages • $19.95

Storey’s Guide to Raising Sheep Paula Simmons & Carol Ekarius A classic guide to small-scale sheep raising explains breed selection, lambing, feeding, housing, pasture maintenance and disease prevention and treatment and includes information to ensure the health and well-being of every sheep, whether for meat or fiber, in the flock. 7030 • Softcover • 448 Pages • $19.95

Storey’s Guide to Raising Rabbits


Fifth Edition Bob Bennett The fifth edition of this best-selling handbook features the same detailed approach that has made it the trusted source for raising healthy, productive rabbits — plus a total redesign with color photos and graphics. Whether you’re interested in raising rabbits for show, meat, fur or as pets, this comprehensive guide offers expert advice on breed selection, housing, feeding, humane handling and more. In addition, author Bob Bennett includes the most up-to-date information on preventive health care, treating diseases, marketing and showing. 7503 • Softcover • 240 Pages • $24.95

Grass-Fed Cattle

Storey’s Guide to Raising Meat Goats

Julius Ruechel

Maggie Sayer

The first book of its kind, GrassFed Cattle: How to Produce and Market Natural Beef is an indispensable, authoritative reference for anyone interested in raising cattle or looking for a profitable farm venture. Author Julius Ruechel, who has been raising beef cattle on his family’s farm since his start as a 4-H member, packs this handbook with everything a farmer needs to know, regardless of herd size and acreage, about how to raise, manage, and market grass-fed cattle. His advice and systems are applicable to the smallest backyard hobby farms as well as the largest commercial herds and ranches. 6826 • Softcover • 372 Pages • $24.95

Temple Grandin’s Guide to Working with Farm Animals Temple Grandin Award-winning author Temple Grandin is famous for her groundbreaking approach to decoding animal behavior. Now she extends her expert guidance to small-scale farming operations. Grandin’s fascinating explanations of how herd animals think and how to analyze their behavior will help you handle your livestock more safely and effectively. 7447 • Softcover • 192 Pages • $19.95

Small-Scale Livestock Farming Carol Ekarius Essential reading for anyone raising livestock — or planning to — the author teaches how to create a working, profitable system that fits your own farm. Covering cattle, poultry, pigs, sheep, horses and goats, the book also includes profiles of successful operators. Don’t let the words “small-scale” scare you off, this book is targeting real farms of all sizes. The Stockman Grass Farmer called this book a “must read.” 6447 • Softcover • 217 Pages • $18.95

Paddock Shift: Changing Views on Grassland Farming Allan Nation

This updated edition thoroughly explains the basics of selecting a breed, buying and raising healthy animals. There is plenty of basic healthcare information for preventing disease, addressing common ailments and breeding safely. 6860 • Softcover • 344 Pages • $19.95

The Rabbit Raising Problem Solver Karen Patry This resource from expert Karen Patry has the answers to all your questions about raising rabbits — from housing and feeding to breeding, kindling and health. Whether you’re raising one pet rabbit or running a commercial rabbit farm, this accessible guide is the reference you need. 7346 • Softcover • 328 Pages • $19.95

Essential Guide to Calving Heather Smith Thomas Whether you keep a single-family milk cow or oversee a large herd, there is much to be gained by improving your knowledge of bovine pregnancies and deliveries. 6921 • Softcover • 325 Pages • $24.95

Storey’s Illustrated Guide to Poultry Breeds Carol Ekarius Presented here, breed by breed, are more than 120 barnyard fowl ­— from chickens and turkeys to emus and pheasants. Includes stunning color photography of each breed. 6885 • Softcover • 288 Pages • $24.95

The New Livestock Farmer Rebecca Thistle-Thwaite and Jim Dunlop

Stockman Grass Farmer’s Allan Nation’s collection of his colums give the reader a concise version of his thoughts in developing low-input grass farming.

The New Livestock Farmer provides pasture-based production essentials for a wide range of animals, from common farm animals (cattle, poultry, pigs, sheep and goats) to more exotic species (bison, rabbits, elk and deer).

#7463 • Softcover • 171 pages • $24.99

7393 • Softcover • 336 Pages • $29.95

FREE SHIPPING in USA on orders $75 or more! (More on Pg 67.) For personal service call 1-800-355-5313 ACRES U.S.A.

Trending Topic Title

50 | Permaculture

Restoration Agriculture by Mark Shepard 2018 Conference Speaker

Restoration Agriculture Mark Shepard How our food is produced is too often overlooked in the quest to get it into our mouths. Around the globe most people get their calories from “annual” agriculture — plants that grow fast for one season, produce lots of seeds, then die. Every single human society that has relied on annual crops for staple foods has collapsed. The restoration agriculture system described in this book works! It is possible for humans to produce staple foods using perennial agriculture ecosystems that actually improve the quality of the environment. This can be done on a backyard, farm or ranch scale and is needed right now — on a global scale. Restoration Agriculture explains how we can have all of the benefits of natural, perennial ecosystems and create agricultural systems that imitate nature in form and fiction while still providing for our food, building, fuel and many other needs. This book, based on real-world practices, presents an alternative to the agriculture system of eradication and offers exciting hope for our future. 7170 • Softcover • 344 Pages • $30.00

This book, written from real experience of working with the land, will be invaluable and is destined to be a permaculture classic. This will be a reference book of great value for anyone interested in using permaculture design in a farming operation and valued by future generations.

—Geoff Lawton Managing Director, Permaculture Research Institute of Australia

Special! Save


Book and DVD: S-7170 • $45.00

Restoration Agriculture (DVD) In this professionally produced video Mark Shepard takes viewers on a video tour of his Wisconsin farm and conducts a full-scale introductory presentation on his unique combination of permaculture, silvaculture, agroforestry and eco-farming. Understand biomes and how to choose appropriate crop-producing perennials for your region. See real-world examples of traditional and innovative modified keyline water management principles. Experience transitional strategies firsthand to move from annual commodity crops to perennials which benefit the entire farm ecosystem. 7307 • DVD format • 135 min. • $30.00 7307PAL • DVD-PAL format • $30.00

Water for Any Farm


A Guide to Managing Grazing NEW Animals, Forage Crops, and Trees in a Temperate Farm Ecosystem Steve Gabriel Foreward by Eric Toensmeier The concept of silvopasture challenges our notions of both modern agriculture and land use. For centuries, European settlers of North America have engaged in practices that separate the field from the forest, and even the food from the animal. Silvopasture systems integrate trees, animals and forages in a whole-system approach that offers a number of benefits to the farmer and the environment. Such a system not only offers the promise of ecological regeneration of the land, but also an economical livelihood and even the ability to farm extensively while buffering the effects of a changing climate: increased rainfall, longer droughts and more intense storm events. For all these reasons and more, Silvopasture offers farmers an innovative and ecological alternative to conventional grazing practice. 7522 • Softcover • 320 Pages • $39.95

Sepp Holzer’s Permaculture Sepp Holzer After taking over a mountain farm business in Austria at 19, Holzer earned the nickname “rebel farmer” for his persistence in using ecological farming or permaculture techniques. In this book he shares his knowledge of growing profitable fruit trees, cultivating mushrooms and his success with pigs, poultry and building a kitchen garden on his doorstep. Holzer doesn’t just cover how to create a holistic farm, but also shows how to make a living from it too. 7076 • Softcover • 256 Pages • $29.95

The Ultimate Guide to Natural Farming and Sustainable Living Nicole Faires This is a hands-on guide, taking the beginner through each step of the design process, so that anyone can apply permaculture principles to his or her life. 7473 • Softcover • 330 Pages • $19.99

The Permaculture Handbook

Mark Shepard Why can some farmers survive so well through droughts? In the companion piece to Mark Shepard’s Acres U.S.A. bestseller, Restoration Agriculture, he explains simple but effective water management techniques that can apply to growers of orchards, livestock, crops or any type of living thing. 7486 • Softcover • Coming soon!

Peter Bane Permaculture is a practical way to apply ecological design principles to make growing fruits, vegetables and livestock easier and more sustainable. This handbook is a beautifully illustrated, step-by-step guide to garden farming as both an economic opportunity and a strategy for living well with less money. 7157 • Softcover • 480 Pages • $44.95


Additional information on these books and more at www.acresusa.com

Recommended Title

Farming the Woods Ken Mudge and Steve Gabriel

Permaculture | 51 The Resilient Farm and Homestead

The Bio-Integrated Farm

Ben Falk

Shawn Jadrnicek & Stephanie Jadrnicek

Learn how to fill forests with food by viewing agriculture from a remarkably different perspective: that a healthy forest can be maintained while growing a wide range of food, medicinal, and other non-timber products. Forest farming combines the versatility of the forest with the productivity of the farm, making your homestead more sustainable and profitable.

More than just a book of tricks and techniques for regenerative site development, this book offers actual working results in living within complex farm-ecosystems based on research from the great thinkers in permaculture and presents a viable home-scale model for an intentional food-producing ecosystem in cold climates, and beyond.

7343 • Softcover • 384 Pages • $39.95

7209 • Softcover • 320 Pages • $40.00

Practical Permaculture

The Permaculture Transition Manual

Jessi Bloom and Dave Boehnlein

Ross Mars

This book covers the basic principles of permaculture, showing the entire design process, and offers detailed information on the plants, water, waste, energy, shelter, food, animals, and structures that make up the garden. Filled with real-life examples from all over the world, this invaluable resource will help you turn your home garden into a sustainable ecosystem. 7400 • Softcover • 320 Pages • $29.95

This superb book is packed with information on permaculture design principles, soil building, nutrient-dense food growing, including top plant and tree selections for all climatic zones. Content extends to rainwater harvesting and irrigation, human waste management, and strategies for rural properties and a unique focus on applying permaculture to small urban spaces. 7434 • Softcover • 288 Pages • $34.95

The Bio-Integrated Farm is a 21stcentury manual for managing nature’s resources. This groundbreaking book brings “system farming” and permaculture to a whole new level — with components serving at least seven functions (classical permaculture theory only seeks at least two functions). With every additional function a component performs, the design becomes more advanced and saves more energy. 7424 • Softcover • 384` Pages • $39.95

The Vegetable Gardener’s Guide to Permaculture Christopher Shein with Julie Thompson Permaculture teacher Christopher Shein’s straightforward, practical guide describes techniques and deciphers terminology to encourage gardening practices built on principles of caring for the planet and sharing its bounty. Gardeners who are ready to take their organic gardening to the next level are discovering the wisdom of a simple system that emphasizes the idea that by taking care of the earth, the earth takes care of you. 7195 • Softcover • 268 Pages • $24.95

Praise for our bestselling book, Restoration Agriculture (see previous page) “This book, written from real experience of working with the land and referencing real results of experience over time, will be invaluable and is destined to be a permaculture classic. This will be a reference book of great value for anyone interested in using permaculture design in a farming operation and valued by future generations.”

— Geoff Lawton, managing director, Permaculture Research Institute of Australia “In Restoration Agriculture , Mark Shepard convincingly makes the case for notillage, perennial agriculture. He draws inspiration from J. Russell Smith, Bill Mollison, Masanobu Fukuoka, his father, his grandfather, his neighbors and others who showed him that trees are the key to productive and sustainable agricultural systems. Shepard shares his practical knowledge and hard-won wisdom gleaned from years of experience growing up on a farm in central Massachusetts and later transforming a barren overgrazed landscape in western Wisconsin into a richly productive polyculture. The discussions include rotational livestock management, beekeeping, soil and water management, plant breeding, turning a profit on a small farm, and many others. This book is well organized with lots of delightful and informative personal anecdotes.”

— Larry Korn, translator of The One Straw Revolution and Sowing Seeds in the Desert and student of Masanobu Fukuoka “What a great story and a fun read … a wonderful history of man’s intervention. It’s not just the ‘reasons’ we need to change land management, it’s the ‘model’ to follow … a call to action.”

— Gary Zimmer, president, Midwestern Bio-Ag

FREE SHIPPING in USA on orders $75 or more! (More on Pg 67.) For personal service call 1-800-355-5313 ACRES U.S.A.

Trending Topic Title

52 | Soil Life & Composting

Compost Revolution Helmut Schimmel (Translated by Paul Lehmann)

This breakthrough book — previously available only in German — is certain to bring a fresh spotlight on the efficacy of vermicomposting. The author brilliantly combines classic and cutting-edge research with real-world experience in gardens and horticultural applications. Farmers and growers of all scales will benefit from learning about the original “organic farmer” … the earthworm. Worm composting is a superb alternative to traditional composting methods, which generally suffer from high-energy losses. Working in harmony with the below-surface army of microorganisms, the lowly earthworm is now known to be the true hero in the underground, a soil builder par excellence, not only in nature, but also in garden- and farm-scale composting systems. Expert gardener and horticulturist Helmut Schimmel is a longtime authority on the care and reproduction of earthworms and the production of valuable worm humus. Schimmel draws from his great wealth of knowledge acquired over decades of study and practice to yield this single, definitive book on the practice. 7484 • Softcover • 164 Pages • $25.00

Weeds — Control Without Poisons Charles Walters “Low biological activity is inherent in each weed problem … Each weed is keyed to a specific environment slotted for its proliferation.” So says Weeds — Control Without Poisons author Charles Walters. Further, calcium, magnesium, potassium and other elements in equilibrium are likely to roll back more weeds than all the available herbicides on the market. Specifics on a hundred weeds, why they grow, what soil conditions spur them on or stop them, what they say about your soil and how to control them without the obscene presence of poisons. 4005 • Softcover • 352 Pages • $25.00 Popular Bulk Buy! Call customer service for pricing on multiple quantities of this title.

The Secret Life of Compost

Dung Beetles


Charles Walters Dung beetles have always been nature’s greatest recyclers — in a way, they were the first organic farmers, but also the first casualties of industrial farming. As farmers rediscover the benefits of grass-based livestock production, dung beetles are being given a solid shot at reestablishment. Charles Walters digs deep into modern science and ancient history, for the best practical advice to resurrect the lowly dung beetle. Meet those who have dedicated years to understanding the roles, actions and value of dung beetles in bringing a grazing operation into compliance with nature’s laws, and then harvest the profits. 6852 • Softcover • 215 Pages • $24.00

Healthy Soils, Sick Soils

SOIL 2017: Notes Towards the Theory and Practice of Nurture Capital

Margareth Sekera Now available in English for the first time, this popular 1943 treatise on biology and biologically correct working of soil from the pen of the famous soil scientist Prof. Dr. Franz Sekera, carefully edited and expanded by his wife, scientist Margareth Sekera, over the years, has long been beloved by farmers and soils scientists in its original German. Starting with the basic concepts of “tilth” and “soil structure” and moving along to the symptoms of unhealthy soil and the behavior of plants on non-friable fields, Sekera investigates the complex interrelationships in the soil as well as the practical measures to preserve and improve soil tilth. 7415 • Softcover • 160 Pages • $20.00

Secrets of Fertile Soils Erhard Hennig

Woody Tasch Since 2009, Slow Money founder Woody Tasch has been at the forefront of a new economic story — a story about bringing our money back down to earth. And it’s not just a story, it’s a movement that has catalyzed the flow of over $60 million to more than 625 small organic farms and local food businesses, via dozens of local groups in the U.S., Canada, France and Australia. SOIL: Notes Towards the Theory and Practice of Nurture Capital uses poetry, essays, and photography to explore a new vision of finance. It is about billions and trillions of dollars in the global economy, and billions and trillions of microbes in healthy, fertile soil. Nurture capital starts where investing and philanthropy leave off, giving us a new way to reconnect to one another and places where we live, all the way down to local food systems and the soil. 7499 • Softcover • 164 Pages • $24.95

We don’t need to poison the earth in order to grow better food, and what is harmful to the environment often can be turned back to the soil in a beneficial way through composting — if you know how. Here’s how. Malcolm Beck’s Garden-Ville is one of the largest commercial composting operations in the country. He shares his insight into the processes that can transform everything from lawn trimmings to sewer sludge into life-giving earth. Coupled with Beck’s practical advice are remarks from Charles Walters, founder of Acres U.S.A.

This stimulating book provides a highly practical window into the complex, interdependent relationships between soil, plants, animals, and human beings, including special insight into the fascinating life cycle of healthy soils and the imminent dangers we face should their existence become threatened. Poor agricultural practices are draining our soils of nutrients and microorganisms. Depletion of humus is already described as extreme in some areas. Hennig addresses all components of the soil — microorganisms, microbes, soil nutrients, and minerals — and explores natural fertilization techniques using compost and rock dust along with their roles in humus formation. Translated from its original German, this book will help farmers everywhere understand humus better.

The Ideal Soil is a how-to book: How to read a soil test, calculate CEC, use the information from the soil test to balance all of the minerals in the soil according to the Albrecht BCSR principles, write an exact mineral prescription for any soil, calculate just how much of which amendment to use and even how to do all of that in compliance with USDA NOP organic rules. You will learn how to become your own soil consultant, or do it for others. The new 2015 edition has been expanded with more information on minor and trace elements and working with high pH and high calcium soils.

6232 • Softcover • 170 Pages • $19.00

7414 • Softcover • 198 Pages • $24.00

7055 • Softcover • 171 Pages • $34.95

Malcolm Beck, with Commentary By Charles Walters


The Ideal Soil v2.0 Michael Astera

Additional information on these books and more at www.acresusa.com

Recommended Title

Soil Life & Composting | 53

Bokashi Composting

Dirt to Soil

Adam Footer

One Family’s Journey into Regenerative Agriculture

Bokashi in Japanese refers to “fermented organic matter,” which functions as a quick and simple method of composting. From the urban dweller to the rural farmer, Bokashi Composting is the complete, step-by-step, do-it-yourself guide to this amazing process. This essential guide is a must-read for gardeners, homeowners, apartment dwellers, traditional composters and anyone who wants a safe, simple and convenient way to keep kitchen waste out of the landfill. 7336 • Softcover • 176 Pages • $16.95

Worm Farmer’s Handbook


Mid- to LargeScale Vermicomposting for Farms, Businesses, Municipalities, Schools, and Institutions Rhonda Sherman The Worm Farmer’s Handbook details the ins and outs of vermicomposting for mid- to large-scale operations, including how to recycle organic materials ranging from food wastes and yard trimmings to manure and shredded office paper. Vermicomposting expert Rhonda Sherman shares what she has learned over 25 years working with commercial worm growers and researchers around the world. Her profiles of successful worm growers across the United States and from New Zealand to the Middle East and Europe describe their proven methods and systems. 7529 • Softcover • 256 Pages • $29.95 Available when released by Press.

Compost, Vermicompost and Compost Tea Grace Gershuny This book gives the basic principles and biology of organic composting, starting with the fundamentals. Practical pointers are given about how to determine quality, when the process is completed, and where, when and how much compost should be used. Includes recipes for compost tea and other brewed microbial cultures. 7097 • Softcover • 96 Pages • $12.95

Worms at Work Crystal Stevens Fertilize your garden naturally with this guide to growing your plants in healthy, happy soil. 7453 • Softcover • 106 Pages • $19.99


Gabe Brown In Dirt to Soil, Gabe 2018 Brown tells the story of that amaz- Conference ing journey and offers a wealth of inno- Speaker v a tive solutions to our most pressing and complex contemporary agricultural challenge — restoring the soil. The Brown’s Ranch model, developed over 20 years of experimentation and refinement, focuses on regenerating resources by continuously enhancing the living biology in the soil. Using regenerative agricultural principles, Brown’s Ranch has grown several inches of new topsoil in only 20 years! The 5,000-acre ranch profitably produces a wide variety of cash crops and cover crops as well as grass-finished beef and lamb, pastured laying hens, broilers and pastured pork, all marketed directly to consumers. 7528 • Softcover • 240 Pages • $19.95

Dirt: The Erosion of NEW Civilizations? David R. Montgomery An engaging natural and cultural history of soil that sweeps from ancient civilizations to modern times, Dirt: The Erosion of Civilizations explores the compelling idea that we are — and have long been — using up Earth’s soil. Once bare of protective vegetation and exposed to wind and rain, cultivated soils erode bit by bit, slowly enough to be ignored in a single lifetime but fast enough over centuries to limit the lifespan of civilizations. A rich mix of history, archaeology and geology, Dirt traces the role of soil use and abuse in the history of Mesopotamia, Ancient Greece, the Roman Empire, China, European colonialism, Central America and the American push westward. We see how soil has shaped us and we have shaped soil — as society after society has risen, prospered and plowed through a natural endowment of fertile dirt. David R. Montgomery sees in the recent rise of organic and no-till farming the hope for a new agricultural revolution that might help us avoid the fate of previous civilizations. 7509 • Softcover • 296 Pages • $24.95

The Complete Compost Gardening Guide

Growing a Revolution Bringing Our Soil Back To Life


David r. Montgomery For centuries, agricultural practices have eroded the soil that farming depends on, stripping it of the organic matter vital to its productivity. Now conventional agriculture is threatening disaster for the world’s growing population. In Growing a Revolution, geologist David R. Montgomery travels the world, meeting farmers at the forefront of an agricultural movement to restore soil health. From Kansas to Ghana, he sees why adopting the three tenets of conservation agriculture — ditching the plow, planting cover crops and growing a diversity of crops — is the solution. When farmers restore fertility to the land, this helps feed the world, cool the planet, reduce pollution and return profitability to family farms. 7507 • Softcover • 320 Pages • $16.95

On-Farm Composting Handbook Robert Rynk, ED. A thorough overview of farmscale composting that explains how to produce, use and market compost. Useful for farmers, waste producers, environmental regulators and public health officials. 6645 • Softcover • 186 Pages • $25.00

The Worm Book Loren Nancarrow & Janet Hogan Taylor This book discusses how with a minimum of fuss, these humble soil-dwelling heroes can turn your garbage into the finest, richest compost imaginable. 6356 • Softcover • 160 Pages • $11.99

When Weeds Talk Jay L. McCaman

The authors describe a natural sixway basic compost gardening system to achieve a compost-rich garden that requires less digging, hauling, weeding, mulching and even fewer plants.

Acres U.S.A. has long shown that weed control lies in fertility management. Every weed grows in a somewhat narrow window of allowable soil conditions. For the first time, hundreds of weeds of commercial importance are detailed in table format, along with the chemical analysis of accompanying soils. Burdock, for example, grows in soils with very high levels of iron and sulfate, very low levels of calcium and manganese. Balance the soil, lose the weed.

6937 • Softcover • 318 Pages • $19.95

6149 • Soft Spiralbound • 141 Pages • $24.00

Barbara Pleasant & Deborah L. Martin

FREE SHIPPING in USA on orders $75 or more! (More on Pg 67.) For personal service call 1-800-355-5313 ACRES U.S.A.

Trending Topic Title

54 | Soil Life & Composting Grass, Soil, Hope

Field Guide to OnFarm Composting

A Journey Through Carbon County

Mark Dougherty, ED. This book, intended as a companion to the highly successful On-Farm Composting Handbook, (pg. 53) was developed to assist in day-to-day compost system management. It is spiral bound, printed on heavy paper, with a laminated cover for durability. 6644 • Spiral Bound Softcover • 118 Pages $22.00

Weeds and What They Tell Us


Courtney White Soil scientists maintain that a mere 2 percent increase in the carbon content of the planet’s soils could offset 100 percent of all greenhouse gas emissions going into the atmosphere. But how could this be accomplished? What would it cost? Is it even possible? Yes, says author Courtney White, it is not only possible, but essential for the long- term health and sustainability of our environment and our economy.

Ehrenfried E. Pfeiffer This important book was written in the 1950s, yet no other book contains the overview that Dr. Pfeiffer presents here, and the message contained lives on as important now as it was over 40 years ago. 7167 • Soft booklet • 80 Pages • $13.95

The Organic Composting Handbook

7313 • Softcover • 272 Pages • $19.95

Dede Cummings

The Ultimate Guide to Soil Anna Hess Grow twice the fruits and vegetables in half the space on the farm, in the backyard, or in your window. 7476 • Softcover • 296 Pages • $16.99

Great compost is one of the most important secrets of successful organic gardening. In this comprehensive guide you’ll learn everything you need to know about the various methods of composting and how to adapt them to your home and garden. With full-color photographs and easy-tofollow instructions, this will be a welcome addition to every organic gardener’s library. 7382 • Softcover • 192 Pages • $14.95

An Excerpt from Compost Revolution (see book info, page 52)

Trending Topics

Chapter 12: “I can still remember a fellow gardener who spoke proudly of his lush tomato plants and the fat tomatoes they grew, plants that he administered a large amount of stable manure and probably chemical fertilizers to. They were the best tomatoes to be found far and wide. But his joy did not last for long. He hadn’t considered that plants that are overfertilized with nitrogen are much more susceptible to disease.”

Teaming with Nutrients Jeff Lowenfels Just as he demystified the soil food web in his groundbreaking book Teaming with Microbes, in this new work Jeff Lowenfels explains the basics of plant nutrition from an organic gardener’s perspective. 7227 • Hardcover • 250 Pages • $24.95

Teaming with Microbes Jeff Lowenfels & Wayne Lewis Subtitled The Organic Gardener’s Guide to the Soil Food Web, this is a useful guide to creating rich, nurturing, living soil without resorting to harmful synthetic chemicals. The book describes in straightforward, easily accessible text how organisms can be used to foster the life of soil in order to yield healthy, dynamic plants. 6816 • Hardcover • 220 Pages • $24.95


Additional information on these books and more at www.acresusa.com

Recommended Title

DVDs | 55

Restoration Agriculture by Mark Shepard 2018 Conference Speaker

Restoration Agriculture Mark Shepard How our food is produced is too often overlooked in the quest to get it into our mouths. Around the globe most people get their calories from “annual” agriculture — plants that grow fast for one season, produce lots of seeds, then die. Every single human society that has relied on annual crops for staple foods has collapsed. The restoration agriculture system described in this book works! It is possible for humans to produce staple foods using perennial agriculture ecosystems that actually improve the quality of the environment. This can be done on a backyard, farm or ranch scale and is needed right now — on a global scale. Restoration Agriculture explains how we can have all of the benefits of natural, perennial ecosystems and create agricultural systems that imitate nature in form and fiction while still providing for our food, building, fuel and many other needs. This book, based on real-world practices, presents an alternative to the agriculture system of eradication and offers exciting hope for our future. 7170 • Softcover • 344 Pages • $30.00

This book, written from real experience of working with the land, will be invaluable and is destined to be a permaculture classic. This will be a reference book of great value for anyone interested in using permaculture design in a farming operation and valued by future generations.

—Geoff Lawton Managing Director, Permaculture Research Institute of Australia

Book and DVD: S-7170 • $45.00

The Salatin semester by Joel Salatin 2018 Conference Speaker

The Salatin Semester A Complete Home Study Course in Polyface-Style Diversified Farming Joel Salatin With Daniel Salatin and the Eco-Farmers’ Forum; Produced by Verge Permaculture

This amazing multimedia production conveys the Salatin family’s methods of profitable diversified farming like no other. Joel Salatin presents his farming system in professional edited, live-cut video, engaging audio and in a detail-rich reference guide. Polyface Farm services more than 5,000 families, 10 retail outlets and 50 restaurants through on-farm sales and metropolitan buying clubs with salad bar beef, pastured poultry, eggmobile eggs, pigaerator pork, forage-based rabbits, pastured turkey and forestry products using relationship marketing. This package is a veritable fount of pertinent and crucial knowledge, a unique compilation of synergistic wisdom to help you save the planet and earn a living as a farmer. The live presentations are presented in DVD video; the audio interviews with Q&A are in digital audio; and the myriad questions and answers from the resulting discussion are transcribed and edited in a detailed reference guide. Also included is a digital slideshow tour of Polyface Farm. The end result is an amazingly extensive – and affordable – training guide to help you reinvent your farm. This beautifully produced comprehensive tutorial contains: • 18 hours of video on 12 DVDs • 6 hours of audio Q&A • Digital slideshow farm tour • 256-page guidebook 7413 • 12 NTSC-DVDs • data/audio disc, book • $249.00 $219.00 7413PAL • 12 NTSC-DVDs • data/audio disc, book • $249.00 $219.00

Restoration Agriculture (DVD) In this professionally produced video Mark Shepard takes viewers on a video tour of his Wisconsin farm and conducts a full-scale introductory presentation on his unique combination of permaculture, silvaculture, agroforestry and eco-farming. Understand biomes and how to choose appropriate crop-producing perennials for your region. See real-world examples of traditional and innovative modified keyline water management principles. Experience transitional strategies firsthand to move from annual commodity crops to perennials which benefit the entire farm ecosystem. 7307 • DVD format • 135 min. • $30.00 7307PAL • DVD-PAL format • $30.00

Soils & Agronomy Video Seminar Arden B. Andersen, D.O., Ph.D. This is an entire advanced soils seminar in a box, and it comes complete with a workbook that contains all the diagrams, charts and references you need to top off the experience of learning at the feet of one of agriculture’s greatest educators. By progressing through this complete education in agronomy, you will gain an understanding of the relationship between animals, plants and soil life. Perhaps no one else integrates the lessons of Albrecht and Reams with classic organiculture as well as Andersen. A superb lecturer, Andersen explains the concepts of eco-agriculture in a way we all can understand. Logical and orderly, the lessons he presents build on one another, resulting in a comprehensive course in agronomy. The cost of this complete set will pay for itself many times over in both knowledge and crop production, but if you are unsure, order the sampler to see for yourself. For a complete course description see www.acresusa.com. Includes 14 DVDs, audio MP3s, and workbook. 7111 • $195.00 • 14 DVDs, Workbook & MP3 Sampler (with 45 min. of instruction) 7112 — $5.00

FREE SHIPPING in USA on orders $75 or more! (More on Pg 67.) For personal service call 1-800-355-5313 ACRES U.S.A.

Trending Topic Title

56 | DVDs

Radionics Instruction Radionics in Agriculture (DVD) Arden B. Andersen, D.O., Ph.D.

Agronomy Advice from Neal Kinsey

Radionics is the science of tuning in to subtle energy patterns in nature utilizing an electronic or radionic scanner. This machine, in which the operator becomes part of the tuning circuit, allows for the detection of energy patterns behind elements in agriculture and soil and plant conditions. This is controversial science on the frontier of knowledge. This course captures an in-depth, four-day school in utilizing radionics. If you are uncertain whether this video series is correct for you, order the low-cost sampler DVD. 7110 • Full DVD Set (Includes 11 DVDs, MP3, & Workbook) $195.00 7113 • Sampler DVD (Includes 60 minutes of Instruction) • $5.00

Note: No returns or refunds on DVDs/audio discs. Defective items with be replaced.

The works of Jerry Brunetti The Keys to Herd Health (DVD) Jerry Brunetti

Hands-On Agronomy Neal Kinsey & Charles Walters This is a comprehensive manual on tillage, manures, micronutrients, earthworms, soil drainage, tilth, soil structure and more. 4120 • Softcover • 391 Pages • $35.00 Popular Bulk Buy! Call customer service for pricing on multiple quantities of this title.

Hands-On Agronomy Video Workshop (DVD) Neal Kinsey

Whether dairy or beef, a healthy herd begins in such keystone concepts as biodiversity on the farm, acid/alkali balance in feedstuffs, forage quality and more. In this presentation, eco-consultant and livestock feed specialist Jerry Brunetti details the keynotes essential for a successful livestock operation. A popular speaker at eco-farming events across North America, Brunetti explains the laws of nature in terms farmers can embrace, and doles out specific steps you can utilize on your farm right away — all in a convenient audio visual format that you can watch and review whenever you like.

A sophisticated, easy-tolive-with system of fertility management. 6442 • DVD format 80 Min. • $30.00 Popular Bulk Buy! Call customer service for pricing on multiple quantities of this title.

6803 • DVD format • 57 minutes • $25.00 6803PAL • DVD format • 57 minutes • $25.00

Holistic Veterinary Care (DVD) Jerry Brunetti & Hubert J. Karreman, V.M.D. Karreman and Brunetti join together to present strategies and tools for successful holistic herd health management — with an emphasis on natural alternatives for the treatment of common dairy cow problems, including reproduction, birth and lactation. This video provides a basic understanding of the power and limitations of herbs, treating the whole cow, and building an herbal medicine kit for your farm. Drawing on actual case studies examined, diagnosed and treated using holistic protocols, this video serves as a virtual hands-on course in holistic herd health that will prove invaluable to every dairy producer.

Both Hands-On Agronomy DVD & Book: #S-4120 – $45.00 #S-4120PAL – $45.00

Jerry Brunetti In this remarkable video presentation, Jerry shares the priceless lessons and wisdom gained through his long struggle with an aggressive form of lymphoma. You’ll never look at cancer — or cancer treatments — in quite the same way after viewing Jerry Brunetti’s step-by-step plan for restoring health using fresh foods and natural, holistic, herbal treatments. You will learn about: strengthening immunity; holistic treatment protocols; health-boosting recipes; supplements and detoxification; supplemental conventional therapies; foods to eat; foods to avoid; and much more. Includes insert with references and resources. 6736 • DVD format • 85 minutes • $20.00 6736PAL • DVD format • 85 minutes • $20.00



Year-Round Vegetable Production (DVD) 2018

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Additional information on these books and more at www.acresusa.com

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DVDs | 57

The Other Side of the Fence (DVD) William A. Albrecht, Ph.D. In this 1950s-era film, Professor Albrecht’s enduring message is preserved for future generations. With introductory and closing remarks by Acres U.S.A. founder Charles Walters, Albrecht explains the high cost of inadequate and imbalanced soil fertility. Historic video. 6289DVD • DVD format • 26 min. • $20.00 6289DVDPAL • DVD format • 26 min. • $20.00 For Bundled deal on DVD and books, see Pg. 15

The Polyface Farm (DVD)


Conference Speaker

Joel Salatin Joel Salatin explains balance and interconnectedness on his environmentally friendly family farm, Polyface. Hard-hitting and practical, his explanations will revolutionize your thinking about food and farming in a proactive, can-do style. Filmed in 2001. 6499 • DVD format • 126 Min. • $60.00

Business Advice for Organic Farmers (DVD) Richard Wiswall Longtime farmer and author shares his story and offers detailed advice on how to make your farm production more efficient, better manage your employees and finances, and turn a profit. 7151 • DVD format • 122 min. • $24.95 Book/DVD Combo Option found on Page 32

The World According to Monsanto (DVD) Marie-Monique Robin, Director This widely praised film shows why Monsanto has become the world’s poster child for malignant corporate influence in government and technology through exposing secret documents and first-hand accounts from victims, scientists and politicians. 7015 • DVD format • 109 min. • $19.95 The World According to Montsanto book found on Page 27

Genetic Roulette (DVD) Jeffrey M. Smith Physicians and scientists have uncovered a grave trend. The same serious health problems found in lab animals, livestock and pets that have been fed GM foods are now on the rise in the U.S. population. And when people and animals stop eating genetically modified organisms (GMOs), their health improves. This seminal documentary provides compelling evidence to help explain the deteriorating health of Americans, and offers a recipe for protecting ourselves and our future. 7174 • DVD format • 85 min. • $19.95 Genetic Roulette book found on Page 28

Seed: The Untold Story (DVD) Collective Eye Films As many irreplaceable seeds near extinction, Seed reveals the harrowing and heartening story of passionate seed keepers as they wage a David and Goliath battle against chemical seed companies, defending a 12,000 year food legacy. 7448DVD • DVD format • 94 min. • $19.99

The Gourmet Butcher (DVD) Cole Ward This instructional DVD intended for farmers, homesteaders and home cooks wanting to cut and prepare your own meat, or simply be more informed about specific cuts of meat and how to utilize them. Ward, a Vermont butcher, has been teaching for 30 years and teams up with chef Courtney Contos to provide instruction about primal and gourmet cuts, recipe ideas, using butchering hand tools and safety tips. Step-bystep butchering process for beef, pork and lamb; breaking down the carcass into primal cuts, turning these into gourmet or retail cuts, then transforming them into table-ready gourmet dishes. Ideal for do-it-yourselfers. 7085 • DVD format • 260 min. • $29.95


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Natural Beekeeping with Ross Conrad (DVD) Ross Conrad Noted Vermont beekeeper Ross Conrad flips the script on traditional approaches by proposing a program of selective breeding and natural hive management. 7197 • DVD format • 193 min. • $24.95 Natural Beekeeping book found on Page 18

Top-Bar Beekeeping (DVD) Les Crowder & Heather Harrell Les and Heather Harrell, authors of Top-Bar Beekeeping, discuss everything from hive management techniques to how to harvest and process honey and beeswax to the best plants to grow for the foraging bees. The natural, lowstress methods outlined in this video are perfect for home or hobbyist beekeepers seeking to manage bees intensively and holistically. 7198 • DVD format • 50 min. • $14.95 Top-Bar Beekeeping book found on Page 19

Holistic Orcharding with Michael Phillips (DVD) Michael Phillips Michael Phillips is a pioneering author and orchardist whose books include The Holistic Orchard and The Apple Grower. In this video, he leads viewers through a year in his own orchard season by season, demonstrating basic horticultural skills like grafting and pruning, but also revealing groundbreaking and field-tested strategies for growing apples and other tree fruits not just organically, but holistically. 7196 • DVD format • 300 min. • $49.95 Holistic Orcharding book found on Page 23

Circle of Poison (DVD) Evan Mascagni & Shannon Post Circle of Poison exposes the shocking practice of corporate profit in the toxic pesticide trade. Once a pesticide is banned in the United States for its dangerous health and environmental effects, companies are still permitted to manufacture it for export only. This policy sends a message to the world` that American lives are more valuable, yet ironically these toxic pesticides circulate the globe and come back to the U.S. as residues on imported foor in the circle of poison. 7439 • DVD • 71 minutes • $20.00

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58 | Audio

audio learning These engaging, educational presentations and hundreds of more audio files — including free podcasts — are all available for quick and easy download at www.acresusa.com. Just look under the Audio Learning section. Order audio on CDs, data discs or custom thumb drives online or by calling.





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2017 Conference - MP3 Data Discs

More than 40 hours and every workshop from the 2017 conference in Columbus, Ohio. Delivered on a data disc.


2017 Conference - MP3 USB Drive

Recommended! More than 40 hours and every workshop from the 2017 conference in Columbus, Ohio. Delivered on an easy-to-use special issue Acres U.S.A. USB thumb drive.


Acres U.S.A. 2017 Eco-Ag Conference & Trade Show audio CD set - discs

More than 40 discs delivered in three sets.


Mark Shepard

Video (1:25:09) 2017 Conference, Farm & Ranch Water Management


Andy Hupp

Video (55:51) Navigating Organic Certification


Jeff Moyer

Video (59:42) Regenerative Organic Standard: A Framewwork for the Future


Courtney White

Keynote: Finding Hope in Regenerative Agriculture


Matthew Kleinhenz

Big Questions About Microscopic Plants


Wil Spencer

Nature’s Questions


Larry Zibilske

Enhancing the Environment of Plant Roots


Mark Shepard

Farm & Ranch Water Management


Dave Noble

Honey Bee Colonies as Livestock


Steve Campbell

Achieving Tender & Flavorful Beef


Andy Hupp

Navigating Organic Certification


Leilani Zimmer Durand

Balancing Your Soil


Vail Dixon

Wake Up Your Soil With Weeds


Tim Reinbott

Validating Albrecht’s Work


Jeff Moyer

Regenerative Organic Standard


Dr. Richard Olree

Minerals of the Human Brain


Plenary Panel: Vandana Shiva, André Leu, Ronnie Cummins

Organic Agriculture — Connecting the Dots


Additional information on these books and more at www.acresusa.com

Audio | 59 SKU




Patricia Frazier

Transitioning to Biodynamics


Jim Martindale

Defining Tillage by Measuring Soil Health


Gary Zimmer

Minerals for Healthy Soil


Dan Davidson

Impact of Organic Inputs


Dr. Vandana Shiva

Evening Keynote: Farming and Food: Two Futures


Dr. Nasha Winters

Your Microbiome


Ross Duffield

Modern Family Farm Pasture Pork Production


Neal Kinsey

Adverse Weather & Crops


Thea O’Carroll

What Organic Buyers Are Looking For


Steve Campbell

3 Keys to Easy-Keeping Cattle


Reginaldo Haslett-Marroquin

Poultry-Centered Regenerative Ag


Ronnie Cummins

Consumer Ed and Marketplace Pressure


Lisa Everett Andersen

Hormones Truths and Myths


Kirk Gadzia

Hitting Your Target with Holistic


André Leu

Alternatives to Pesticides


John Kempf

Increasing Profits with Regenerative Ag


Judith McGeary

Food Freedom


Wayne Dorband

Ecological Aquaculture


Michael Phillips

Fungal Consciousness


Noel Garcia

Balanced Plant Nutrition


Prof. Don Huber

Uncovering Truth of GMOs


Dr. Arden Andersen

Health on the Farm


Paul Deckard

Recycling NPK and Trace Minerals


Dr. Christine Jones

The Liquid Carbon Pathway and Common Mycorrhizal Networks


Dr. Richard Olree

Soil and Hair Mineral Analysis


Patricia Frazier

Intro to Principles of Biodynamics


Edwin Blosser

Composting Made Simple

DO YOU HAVE TRACTOR TIME? Check out Acres U.S.A.’s free podcast, Tractor Time, featuring in-depth interviews with newsmakers in the Eco-Ag universe. Find it on Apple’s iTunes today. FREE SHIPPING in USA on orders $75 or more! (More on Pg 67.) For personal service call 1-800-355-5313 ACRES U.S.A.

60 | Index 100 Plants to Feed the Bees . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

Backyard Medicine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

2019 Celestial Planting Calendar . . . . . . . . 21

Backyard Poultry Naturally. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

2019 Moon Sign Book. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

Barn Guide to Treating Dairy Cows Naturally,The. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13, 45

2019 Moon Sign Datebook. . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 2019 North American Maria Thun Almanac . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

Basic Butchering of Livestock & Game. . . . 34

2019 Stella Natura Calendar. . . . . . . . . . . . 21

Beautiful Corn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

Advanced Top Bar Beekeeping. . . . . . . . . . 19

Beyond the Chicken. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

Advancing Biological Farming. . . . . . . 8, 9, 14

Beyond The Label. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

Agriculture in Transition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

Bio-Integrated Farm,The. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51

Agriculture: The Only Right Approach. . . . 17

Biochar Solution, The. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

Albrecht on Pastures Vol. VI. . . . . . . . . . . 7, 15

Biodynamic Agriculture. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

Albrecht on Soil Balancing Vol. VII . . . . 12, 15

Biodynamic Farm, A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

Albrecht’s Enduring Vision Vol. IV. . . . . 12, 15

Biodynamic Manual, A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

Albrecht’s Foundation Concepts Vol. I. . 12, 15

Biodynamic Orchard Book, The . . . . . . . . . 20

Albrecht’s Hidden Lessons Vol. III. . . . . 12, 15

Biodynamic Pasture Management. . . . . . . 20

Albrecht on Calcium Vol. V. . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

Biological Farmer, 2nd Edition,The. . . 8, 9, 14

Alcohol Fuel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

Bioshelter Market Garden. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

Altered Genes, Twisted Truth. . . . . . . . . . . . 29

Blue Round Earth. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

Alternative Treatments for Ruminant Animals. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

Bokashi Composting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53

Amish Houses & Barns. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Anatomy of Life & Energy in Agriculture, The. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

Bread from Stones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Build a Smokehouse. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Build Your Own Beekeeping Equipment. . 19

Ancient Mysteries, Modern Visions. . . . . . . 30

Building Soils Naturally. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

Animal Production Systems. . . . . . . . . . . . . 48

Business Advice for Organic Farmers (DVD). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32, 57

Apple Grower,The. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Aquaponic Farmer,The. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Aquaponic Gardening. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Art and Science of Grazing,The . . . . . . . . . 47 Art and Science of Shepherding,The. . . 7, 46 Art of Balancing Soil Nutrients, The. . . . . . 16 Art of Fermentation, The. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Artisan’s Guide to Crafting Distilled Spirits,The. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Artisanal Vinegar Maker’s Handbook,The. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35


Beast of Muddy Brain, A. . . . . . . . . . . . . 10, 26

Butchering Beef. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Butchering Poultry, Rabbit, Lamb, Goat, & Pork. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Call Of The Reed Warbler. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Cancer, Nutrition & Healing (DVD). . . . . . . 56 Carbon Farming Solution, The . . . . . . . . . . 18 Carrots Love Tomatoes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Cherokee Herbal,The. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Chicken Coops . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Choice is Clear,The. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

Ask the Plant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

Circle of Poison (DVD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57

Attracting Native Pollinators . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

Comeback Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48

Backyard Berry Book,The. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

Complete Book of Potatoes,The. . . . . . . . . 24

Backyard Homestead Seasonal Planner,The. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

Complete Compost Gardening Guide,The. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53

Additional information on these books and more at www.acresusa.com

Index | 61 Complete Guide to Saving Seeds, The. . . . 37 Compost Revolution. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6, 52 Compost, Vermicompost & Compost Tea. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53

Fences, Gates and Bridges and How to Build Them. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Fermented Vegetables. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Fertility Farming. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13, 45

Creating A Family Business . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

Fertility from the Ocean Deep. . . . . . . . . 7, 17

Crop Planning for Organic Vegetable Growers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

Fertility Pastures. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7, 45

Crop Rotation and Crop Cropping. . . . . . . 17

Field Guide to On-Farm Composting. . . . . 54

Crop Rotation on Organic Farms. . . . . . . . 18

Fibromyalgia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Fields of Farmers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

Growing & Using Herbs Successfully. . . . . 39 Growing a Revolution. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Growing Food in a Hotter, Drier Land. . . . 18 Growing Fruit with a Smile. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Growing Great Garlic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Growing Organic Orchard Fruits. . . . . . . . . 24 Growing Vegetables with a Smile. . . . . . . . 37 Guide To Humane Critter Control,The. . . . 20

Finding Good Farmland. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

Gut and Psychology Syndrome, 2nd Edition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

Desert or Paradise. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

Flower Farmer, The. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

Hands-On Agronomy . . . . . . . . . . . . 8, 14, 56

Diabetes and Me. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

Flowforms. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

Dirt Hog. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

Folks, This Ain’t Normal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9, 26

Hands-On Agronomy Workshop (DVD). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14, 56

Dirt to Soil. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53

Food Plague 2nd Edition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

Dirt: The Erosion of Civilizations?. . . . . . . . 53

Handy Farm Devices & How to Make Them. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

Food Power from the Sea. . . . . . . . . . . . 7, 16

Ditching the Drive-Thru. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

Hatching & Brooding Your Own Chicks. . . 49

Food, Farming, & Health. . . . . . . . . . . . . 6, 25

Drink the Harvest. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

Heal Your Gut Cookbook,The. . . . . . . . . 6, 43

Forage Production. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7, 48

Drought Resilient Farm,The. . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

Healing Lyme. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

Forage Utilization. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48

Dung Beetles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10, 52

Healing Lyme Disease Coinfections. . . . . . 44

Foundations of Natural Farming. . 6, 9, 16, 22

Eat Right. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

Healing with Essential Oils. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

Four-Season Harvest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

Eating on the Wild Side. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

Healthy Bones,The. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

Four-Seasons Organic Cow Care. . . . . . 7, 45

Eco-Farm — An Acres U.S.A. Primer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6, 8, 15

Healthy Soils, Sick Soils. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52

Free-Range Chicken Gardens. . . . . . . . . . . 49

Hemp Bound. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

From the Soil Up. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

Herbal Anitbiotics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

Frugal Homesteader,The. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

Herbalist’s Guide to Formulary, An. . . . . . . 39

Fruitful Labor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

Herd Bull Fertility. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

Gene Everlasting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

Herdsmanship. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7, 45

Genetic Roulette (Book). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

Hidden Half of Nature,The. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

Genetic Roulette (DVD). . . . . . . . . . . . . 28, 57

High Blood Pressure Solution,The . . . . . . . 44

Genetically Engineered Food — A Self-Defense Guide. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

Holistic Goat Care. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48

Cure Your Own Cattle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13, 45

Electric Fencing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Energetic Goat, ,The. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Enlivened Rock Powders, The. . . . . . . . . . . 30 Essential Amish Cookbook,The. . . . . . . . . . 35 Essential Guide to Calving. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Essential Guide to Cultivating Mushrooms,The. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Essential Oil Maker’s Handbook,The . . . . . 35 Everything I Want to Do Is Illegal. . . . . 11, 26 Exploring the Spectrum. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Family Friendly Farming. . . . . . . . . . . . . 11, 31 Farm as Ecosystem,The . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Farmer’s Guide to the Bottom Line, A. . . . . . 8

Gourmet Butcher (DVD),The. . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Grape Grower, The. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Grass-Fed Cattle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7, 49 Grass, Soil, Hope. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Grass, the Forgiveness of Nature . . . . . 10, 46

Holistic Orchard, The. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Holistic Orcharding with Michael Phillips (DVD). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23, 57 Holistic Vet’s Prescription for a Healthy Herd, A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7, 47 Holistic Veterinary Care (DVD) . . . . . . . 13, 56

Grassfed to Finish. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

Holy Sh#t. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Home Cheese Making. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

Farming in the Presence of Nature. . . . . . . 25

Greenhouse and Hoophouse Grower’s Handbook,The. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

Home Creamery,The. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

Farming the Woods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51

Greenhouse Vegetable Gardening. . . . . . . 38

Home Smoking and Curing. . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

Farming with Native Beneficial Insects. . 9, 20

Grow a Little Fruit Tree. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

Homegrown Berries. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

Fast Farm and Slow Farm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

Growing & Selling Fresh-Cut Herbs. . . . . . 39

Homegrown Honey Bees. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

Farmer’s Office,The. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

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62 | Index Homegrown Whole Grains. . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

Making and Using Dried Foods . . . . . . . . . 34

Odd Bits. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

Homemade Contrivances. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

Making Your Small Farm Profitable. . . . . 8, 33

On-Farm Composting Handbook . . . . . . . 53

Homemade for Sale. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

Management-Intensive Grazing. . . . . . . . . 48

One-Hour Cheese . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

Homeopathy for the Herd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

Managing & Marketing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48

One-Straw Revolution,The. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

Homeopathy in Organic Livestock Production. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

Maple on Tap. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

Organic Backyard. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

Maple Syrup from the Sugarhouse . . . . . . 21

Organic Backyard Vineyard,The. . . . . . . . . 22

Market Gardener,The. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

Organic Composting Handbook,The. . . . . 54

Marketing Grassfed Products Profitably. . . 33

Organic Farmer’s Business Handbook,The. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

Honor System Marketing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Hop Grower’s Handbook, The . . . . . . . . . . 22 Horse-Powered Farming for the 21st Century. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Hot Beds. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 How to Build Your Own Greenhouse. . . . . 38 How to Grow Food in Your Polytunnel. . . . 38 How to Grow Great Alfalfa. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 How to Grow Super Soybeans. . . . . . . . . . 22 How to Grow Top Quality Corn. . . . . . . . 8, 22 How to Grow Winter Vegetables . . . . . . . . 38

Marvelous Pigness of Pigs,The. . . . . . . . . . 26 Master Your Diabetes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Mennonite Community Cookbook. . . . . . . 35

Organic Gardening the Natural No-Dig Way. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

Minerals for the Genetic Code . . . . . . . 10, 41

Organic Grain Grower, The. . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

Miracle of Milk,The. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

Organic Livestock Handbook. . . . . . . . . . . 47

Mobile Poultry Slaughterhouse, The . . . . . 40

Organic Method Primer, The. . . . . . . . . . 9, 16

My Search for Traces of God. . . . . . . . . . . . 30

Organic Mushroom Farming & Mycoremediation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

Mycelium Running. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

Humane Livestock Handling. . . . . . . . . . . . 48

Mycorrhizal Planet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6, 17

Humusphere. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5, 25

Myths of Safe Pesticides,The. . . . . . . . . . 6, 41

Ideal Soil v2.0, The . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52

Natural Beekeeping with Ross Conrad (DVD). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18, 57

Independent Farmstead,The. . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Intelligent Gardener,The. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Invasive Plant Medicine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Keeping Bees in Horizontal Hives. . . . . . . . 19

Organic Fruits and Vegetables . . . . . . . . . . 37

Metabolic Approach to Cancer,The. . . . 6, 41

How to Grow World Record Tomatoes. . . 36

In the Shadow of Green Man . . . . . . . . . . . 25

Organic Field Crop Handbook. . . . . . . . . . 22

Natural Cattle Care. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Natural Goat Care. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13, 46 Natural Horse Care. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Natural Sheep Care . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13, 46

Organic No-Till Farming. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Organic Revolutionary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Organic Seed Grower,The. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Organic Soil-Fertility & Weed Management. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Organic Vegetable Production — A Complete Guide. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Other Side of the Fence (DVD), The. . . . . . 57 Paddock Shift. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49

Keeping Bees with a Smile. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

Natural Treatments for Lyme Coinfections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

Keys to Herd Health (DVD),The. . . . . . . . . . 56

Naturally Bug-Free Garden,The . . . . . . . . . 37

Kick the Hay Habit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48

Naturally Clean Home, The. . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

Kiss the Ground. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

Nature’s Silent Music. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

Knowledge Rich Ranching. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

Naturopathic Way,The. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

La Elección Es Clara . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Land, Livestock & Life. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48

Neem — India’s Miraculous Healing Plant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

Lean Farm,The. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

New Livestock Farmer,The. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49

Plant Breeding for the Home Gardener. . . 37

Lean Farm Guide to Growing Vegetables, The. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

New Organic Grower, The. . . . . . . . . . . . 8, 27

Plant Spirit Gardener. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Plowing with Pigs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

Lentil Underground. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

Night Came to the Farms of the Great Plains. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

Lessons in Nature. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

No Dig Organic Home & Garden. . . . . . . . 36

Polyface Farm (DVD), The . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57

Letter to a Young Farmer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

No Risk Ranching. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48

Pottenger’s Prophecy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

Made from Scratch. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

Non-Toxic Farming Handbook, The. . . . . . 16

Power Behind Your Eyes,The. . . . . . . . . . . . 43

Mainline Farming for Century 21. . . . . . . . 16

Nourishment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

Practical Permaculture. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51


Paramagnetism. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Pasture Profits with Stocker Cattle. . . . . . 7, 48 Pastured Poultry Profits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Patrick’s Great Grass Adventure. . . . . . . . . . 21 Permaculture Handbook,The. . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Permaculture Transition Manual,The. . . . . . 51 Pfeiffer’s Introduction to Biodynamics. . . . 20

Poisoning Our Children. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6, 41

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Index | 63 Sheer Ecstasy of Being a Lunatic Farmer,The. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11, 26

Temple Grandin’s Guide to Working with Farm Animals. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49

Shelters, Shacks, and Shanties. . . . . . . . . . . 40

Thinking Beekeeper, The. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

Preventing Deer Damage. . . . . . . . . . . . 9, 20

Silvopasture. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

Time Management Tips for Farmers . . . . . 32

Prickly Pear Cactus Medicine. . . . . . . . . . . . 43

Simple Green Pest and Disease Control. . 9, 37

Top-Bar Beekeeping. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

Primal Body, Primal Mind. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

Small Farms are Real Farms. . . . . . . . . . . 8, 26

Top-Bar Beekeeping (DVD). . . . . . . . . . 19, 57

Put Your Heart in Your Mouth. . . . . . . . . . . 43

Small Scale Dairy,The. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48

Toward Saving the Honeybee. . . . . . . . . . . 19

Quantum Agriculture. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

Small-Scale Grain Raising. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

Treating Dairy Cows Naturally. . . . . . . . . 7, 45

Rabbit Raising Problem Solver,The. . . . . . . 49

Small-Scale Livestock Farming. . . . . . . . . . . 49

Tuning in to Nature. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

Radiation Nation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

Small-Scale Poultry Flock,The. . . . . . . . . . . 47

Two Percent Solutions for the Planet. . . . . 17

Radionics in Agriculture (DVD). . . . . . . . . . 56

Soapmaker’s Companion, The. . . . . . . . . . 40

Ranching Full-Time on 3 Hours a Day. . . . 45

SOIL 2017: Notes Towards the Theory and Practice of Nurture Capital. . . . . . . . . . . 52

Ultimate Guide to Natural Farming and Sustainable Living,The. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

Precautionary Tale, A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Preventing and Reversing Arthritis Naturally. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

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Soil Fertility & Animal Health Vol. II (Albrecht). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7, 15

Ultimate Guide to Soil,The. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Understanding Roots. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Unforgiven. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

Resilient Farm and Homestead,The. . . . . . 51

Soil Fertility & Human and Animal Health Vol.VIII (Albrecht). . . . . . . . . . . 6, 15

Restoration Agriculture. . . . . . . . . . 8, 9, 50, 55

Soil Sisters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

Restoration Agriculture (DVD). . . . . . . . 50, 55

Soils & Agronomy Video Seminar . . . . . . . 55

Restoring Heritage Grains. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

Son of a Farmer, Child of the Earth. . . . . . . 29

Root Cellaring — Natural Cold Storage of Fruits & Vegetables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

Start Your Farm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

Vegetable Gardening for Organic and Biodynamic Growers. . . . . . . . . 20, 37

Starting Seeds. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8, 37

Walk in the Sun, A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

Roses Love Garlic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

Statin Nation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

Weeds and What They Tell Us. . . . . . . . . . . 54

Salad Bar Beef. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

Stone Age Farming. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

Weeds — Control Without Poisons. 9, 16, 52

Salatin Semester,The . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8, 55

Storey’s Guide to Keeping Honey Bees. . . 19

When Weeds Talk. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9, 53

Sanctuary of Trees, A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

Storey’s Guide to Raising Meat Goats. . . . . 49

Science in Agriculture. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9, 16

Storey’s Guide to Raising Rabbits. . . . . . . . 49

Sea Energy Agriculuture. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7, 16

Whitewash: The Story of a Weed Killer, Cancer, and the Corruption of Science. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6, 27

Storey’s Guide to Raising Sheep. . . . . . . . . 49

Seawater Concentrate for Abundant Agriculture. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

Wild Fermentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

Storey’s Guide to Raising Turkeys. . . . . . . . 47

Winter Harvest Handbook,The. . . . . . . . . . 36

Seaweed and Plant Growth. . . . . . . . . . . 7, 17

Storey’s Illustrated Guide to Poultry Breeds. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49

Woodland Homestead, The . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

Seaweed in Agriculture & Horticulture. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7, 17

Street Farm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Suburban Micro-Farm,The. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

Vandana Shiva: Create Civil Disobedience. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Vegetable Gardener’s Guide to Permaculture,The. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51

World According to Monsanto (Book),The. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

Successful Small-Scale Farming. . . . . . . . . . 18

World According to Monsanto (DVD),The. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6, 27, 57

Surviving Ourselves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

Worm Book,The. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53

Sustainable Homebrewing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

Worm Farmer’s Handbook . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53

Sustainable Medicine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

Worms at Work. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6, 53

Seed to Seed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

Sustainable Vegetable Production from Start-Up to Market. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

Year-Round Solar Greenhouse,The. . . . . . . 38

Seed: The Untold Story (DVD) . . . . . . . . . . 57

Talking Chicken. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

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