ACSA News September 2007

Page 1

september 2007 volume 37 number 1

acsaNews publication of the association of collegiate schools of architecture

2007 ACSA/CELA Administrators Conference see pages 8 - 11 for details and registration NEW AWARD Housing Design Education see p. 30 for details

fsr h e s ha ai r ir f r e fresh air

in this issue: 2

President’s Message


2007-08 Board of Directors 2008-09 Board of Directors Call


Executive Director’s Report NCARB News


Student Director’s Report NAAB News


ACSA Architectural Education Series Call for Book Proposals


2007 Administrators Conference


96th Annual Meeting


ACSA 97th Annual Meeting Topics Call


2007 ACSA Fall Conferences


College and Career Expo


2007-08 ACSA Awards Program


2007-08 ACSA Student Competitions








NAAB Board of Directors Call


president’s message


by kim tanzer

public health experts, sociologists, and psychologists are already found in some offices. How will architects work to participate in such rich collaborative environments? How will we learn to understand and speak each other’s specialized languages in order to fully value such diverse expertise?

Pascale Vonier, Editor Editorial Offices 1735 New York Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20006, USA Tel: 202.785.2324; fax: 202.628.0448 Website: ACSA Board of Directors, 2007–2008 Kim Tanzer, RA, President Marleen Kay Davis, FAIA, Vice President Theodore C. Landsmark, M.Ev.D., JD, PhD, Past President Carmina Sanchez-del-Valle, D.Arch, RA, Secretary Graham Livesey, Treasurer Patricia Kucker, EC Director Stephen White, AIA, NE Director Kenneth Schwartz, FAIA, SE Director Russell Rudzinski, SW Director Loraine D. Fowlow, W Director Keelan Kaiser, AIA, WC Director George Baird, Canadian Director Tony Vanky, Associate AIA, Student Director Michael J. Monti, PhD, Executive Director ACSA Mission Statement To advance architectural education through support of member schools, their faculty, and students. This support involves: • Serving by encouraging dialogue among the diverse areas of discipline; • Facilitating teaching, research, scholarly and creative works, through intra/interdisciplinary activity; • Articulating the critical issues forming the context of architectural education • Fostering public awareness of architectural education and issues of importance This advancement shall be implemented through five primary means: advocacy, annual program activities, liaison with collateral organizations, dissemination of information and response to the needs of member schools in order to enhance the quality of life in a global society.



The ACSA News is published monthly during the academic year, September through May. Back issues are available for $9.95 per copy. Current issues are distributed without charge to ACSA members. News items and advertisements should be submitted via fax, email, or mail. The submission deadline is six weeks prior to publication. Submission of images is requested. The fee for classified advertising is $16/line (42-48 characters/line.) Display ads may be purchased; full-page advertisements are available for $1,090 and smaller ads are also available. Please contact ACSA more information. Send inquires and submission via email to:; by mail to Editor at: ACSA News,1735 New York Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20006; or via fax to 202.628.0048. For membership or publications information call ACSA at: 202.785.2324. ISSN 0149-2446

The presidents of the five collateral organizations responsible for the quality of architectural education in the United States (AIA, AIAS, NAAB, NCARB and ACSA) met in May and discussed this question in preparation for the 2008 Accreditation Review Conference (ARC). The observations that follow emerged partly in response to our 2025 prognostications.

Practice will be global In fact, it already is. Many firms, large and small, send digital files around the world 24/7, to have work done faster, more efficiently, and often, cheaper. What are the implications of this practice for intern architects? For quality control? For licensing? How does global practice impact the quality of the local communities in which architecture is ultimately built? Practice will be highly interdisciplinary Large firms already include interior design, urban planning, and landscape architecture along with emerging services such as branding. Doing such work responsibly requires expertise in a number of disciplines—even beyond those mentioned above. Anthropologists,

Teams often will be assembled for specific projects using a consultancy model. As has happened in many other fields, freelance work will become far more common. While such consultancy often occurs as a result of economic downturns and outsourcing, it offers flexibility for firms and for individuals. How will individuals learn the business skills they need to stay competitive? How will environmental design knowledge shift its shape as a result of one-off projects? How will individuals promote their specific expertise in a fast-paced culture, essentially branding their skills? Design will not be limited to the scale of buildings. Design is, to borrow a phrase from the fashion world, the new black. Everything is being considered a design problem, from corporate identity to kitchenware to national policy. How will architects contribute to, if not lead, this phenomenon? How are schools of architecture preparing today’s students to join this practice?

Design is the foundation of our method of inquiry—we must understand it better, improve it, and disseminate it effectively to our students, within the academy, and throughout society. Architecture and other environmental design disciplines have a significant head (PRESIDENT’S COLUMN continued on page 4)


2007-08 acsa board of directors





Theodore C. Landsmark

Carmina Sanchez-del-Valle

Graham Livesey









Marleen Kay Davis

Patricia Kucker

Loraine D. Fowlow

Stephen White

Keelan Kaiser

Kenneth Schwartz

George Baird

Russell Rudzinski

Tony Vanky

CALL FOR NOMINATIONS The ACSA Nominations Committee invites nominations for two national officers positions on the 2008–09 Board of Directors. The offices are President-elect and Secretary. The president-elect will serve a three-year term; one year each as vice president/president-elect, president, and past president. The secretary will serve a two-year term. The Nominations Committee is chaired by Ted Landsmark and consists of Loraine Fowlow, Carmina Sanchez, and Sabir Khan.

Nominees must be full-time faculty from an ACSA full-member school in good standing. Nominations should be sent to: ACSA, Board Nominations, 1735 New York Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20006. Electronic submissions are encouraged and can be sent to Eric Ellis at: Submissions should include a cv, a letter of interest from the nominee indicating a willingness to serve, and a candidate statement. The deadline for receipt of nominations is Friday, October 26, 2007.


2008–2009 board of directors


president’s message (cont.) (PRESIDENT’S COLUMN continued from page 2)

start in teaching and practicing design methods. But, as the Stanford “D” School shows, other disciplines are eager to claim this territory. Do we adequately understand how design thinking works? How to improve it? How to share this understanding? Are we communicating to appropriate audiences or mostly to ourselves? Are we communicating in ways that resonate with the larger world?

We must enhance our knowledge base—emphasizing its importance to our students and helping faculty members to extend and share it. While design thinking generates multiple, synthetic alternatives, it must be based on credible evidence. If we do not build and share our knowledge base we run the risk of recommending hugely expensive, world changing proposals based on faddish, even ill conceived, ideas. We must recognize what we know, determine what we need to know, and research it responsibly. We must consistently share this knowledge with our students, practitioners and the public. We must recognize the many types of intelligence architectural design requires, and teach to as many as possible. Because many schools so strongly emphasize the visual and spatial components of design thinking, students who rely on other forms of intelligence—verbal, social or naturalist, to name a few—are often discouraged and, if they graduate at all it is often without proper recognition. Educational theorist Howard Gardner has identified eight distinctive types of intelligence, and the practice of architecture demands most of them. How can we cultivate this broader range of intelligences, without diminishing our power to communicate through form? We must situate architectural production in an international context with social, economic and environmental implications. The risk of global production is that, as it flattens traditional hierarchies (Friedman’s argument in The World is Flat), it may equally flatten other kinds of diversity. If we consider the planet to be one interdependent system of exchange—an ecosystem—it will thrive only with many flexible niches created by local environments, local cultures, and local economies. How will our teaching help students navigate global forces in a responsible, respectful way?


We must celebrate the fact that 50% of our students have traditionally chosen not to become licensed architects, follow their careers and claim them among our successes. Writing as a licensed architect in support of helping students start the licensing process as soon as possible, I hope all my students will become licensed architects. But in fact, not all graduates make this choice. It is time to recognize that the education we provide has value far beyond providing for the public’s health, safety and welfare in buildings. How can we track these students? How can we take appropriate credit for their success, within our institutions and with the public?

How can the ACSA help our membership—both schools and individuals—prepare for the future?

We must advance architectural knowledge through publications and conferences of ever increasing quality. ACSA coordinates a variety of peer-reviewed venues to provide faculty members opportunities to disseminate their knowledge and open it to professional critique. This fall, a task force, chaired by Tom Leslie of Iowa State University, will look at the range of venues we provide and evaluate the nature of peer review in each. We hope their report will demonstrate the relative rigor of our various venues and provide a simple resource, useful to faculty pursuing tenure and promotion, to their national reviewers, and to our institutions, We are also initiating poster sessions at our 96th Annual Meeting in Houston next spring to provide an informal venue for works-in-progress, consistent with many other academic disciplines.

We must know how we’re doing, by collecting and sharing quantifiable, comparable information. Working with a handful of schools, we are pilot testing a set of benchmarks which will help schools understand our strengths and weaknesses as compared to all schools of architecture, or to subsets of schools (research universities, independent professional schools, etc.) The ACSA takes the position that ranking architecture schools is too complicated to be meaningful, as schools vary so greatly in their contexts. Instead, we hope schools will seek to establish their own “best of class” criteria and work to improve as they see fit. We must work in partnership with affiliated disciplines—landscape architecture, interior design, urban planning, and product design—to contribute a comprehensive knowledge base to the public. For the past several years the ACSA Administrators Conference has been held in conjunction with the Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture (CELA), a tradition that will continue this fall in Minneapolis. We have recently broadcast our calls for papers more broadly, and have sought to cast our conferences and publications in an interdisciplinary framework. We are now developing an interdisciplinary database of experts across the environmental design disciplines—in the academy and in practice—which we have promised to make available to national public policy leaders. How can you help the ACSA help you? Over the course of the year I will use the President’s Column to develop some of these questions more fully. At the same time, the ACSA Board of Directors seeks your comments, advice, and participation in addressing the issues I’ve highlighted above, and others yet to emerge. We look forward to hearing from you and to working with you as we move into a changing academic, practice and global environment.

The ACSA News is now printed on Recycled Paper.

Moving Ahead With New Opportunities

NCARB recommends earlier access to are

We are again looking ahead to a year packed with programs and opportunities for our members. We are looking forward to publishing the Guide of Architecture Schools online this fall, and putting on six conferences across the US and Canada.

The National Council of Architectural Registration Boards voted in June to recommend earlier access for interns to the Architectural Registration Exam (ARE). The resolution amends NCARB’s model law by removing language that specified a sequence of education, internship, then examination to apply for initial registration.

Jean Parker Accounting 202/785 2324 x1 Mary Lou Baily Conferences 202/785 2324 x2 Eric Ellis Competitions, Awards 202/785 2324 x3 Pascale Vonier ACSA News, Communications 202/785 2324 x4 Kevin Mitchell Publications Orders, Information 202/785 2324 x5 Kathryn Swiatek Membership, Advertising, Web Access 202/785 2324 x6 Michael Monti Executive Director 202/785 2324 x7 Undine Hunt Accounts Payable, ACSA Task Forces 202/785 2324 x9

Individual states are responsible for their own licensing regulations, but many states follow the NCARB model law or parts of it, making this an influential step by the national organization. The revised model law states, “To begin taking the ARE an applicant shall have fulfilled all requirements for eligibility established by his or her jurisdiction and shall have enrolled in IDP [the Intern Development Program] by establishing a Council record.” Commonly, the requirements for IDP eligibility entail three years of university-based architectural education in either NAAB accredited degree programs or pre-professional programs at the undergraduate level. “This is another significant change within NCARB,” said ACSA 2006-07 President Ted Landsmark, who attended the NCARB Annual Meeting in Denver. “It allows interns more choice in when to take the ARE and hopefully will serve as greater encouragement for graduates of architecture programs to become licensed architects.” NCARB’s model law is not binding on any of its 54 jurisdictions, each of which decides on legal requirements for licensure. NCARB reports that over 40 jurisdictions have adopted the education–internship– examination sequence, while 9 jurisdictions currently allow IDP and the ARE to be completed concurrently. Several of NCARB’s jurisdictional registration boards have already begun the process of changing to this new approach.

ACSA, AIA, and American Institute of Architecture Students (AIAS) have all taken public positions that interns should have access to all divisions of the ARE.

“The AIAS applauds NCARB Resolution 07-8 in support of an integrated internship and examination period. We look forward to working closely with NCARB and AIA to continually improve the IDP experience and to support our members as they advocate for concurrent ARE timing within their local jurisdictions,” said Andrew Caruso, AIAS president. ARE timing was a common thread of discussions in Annual Meeting sessions and hallway discussions. Two resolutions related to the sequencing of IDP and ARE were up for consideration at the meeting, both recommending earlier access to the exam. However, the initial version of the approved resolution, sponsored by the NCARB board of directors, specified that individuals would only be allowed to take the Construction Documents & Services and Building Design & Construction Systems divisions only upon completion of IDP. During the meeting’s business session, Council delegates voted to amend the resolution to allow access to all divisions. They further altered the resolution to state, “And finally Resolved, that it is the intent and policy of the Council that all jurisdictions accept NCARB certification as a basis for reciprocal registration without the application of any other state requirements applicable to initial licensure in such state.”


As always, the national office staff are available to assist you. We have slighlty altered our work assignments to better serve the membership. Please see staff member contact information below and some key areas where they may be of help.

During breakout sessions at the Annual Meeting, member board delegates pointed out the importance of advocating at the state or jurisdictional level for requirements that mirror the model law.


from the executive director


from the student director

the magnitude of change by tony p. vanky

A summer in Washington, DC brings with it a variety of changes—the temperature rises, the coats disappear and the tourists arrive in full force. So too, a new student director emerges wide-eyed from the ranks of learner to become an advocate for their peers. It is again summer and I thank Catherine McNeel who has served dutifully as the Student Director for the ACSA in 2006-2007. Now I emerge wide-eyed to assume the position.

The excitement of this directorship is within the element of change. While Washington ebbs and flows seasonally, the changes within our profession are profound and fundamental. With the conversations of integrated practice, environmental and social sensitivity, research and a handful of other topics, the future of architectural education and practice will be radically different than what we know of it today. I am optimistic that answers can be found. That does not mean I am not indignant that many questions were not asked before. Recently I graduated and packed my bags from the hallowed ground of Tulane University. In my first three years in New Orleans I, like everyone else in the city, knew the city was going to be hit by “the big one” at some point. In those three years, it was to be Isidore, Lili and Ivan that was the doomsday scenario. No one knew it was going to be in my fourth year with Katrina.

It was inevitability at work- if not August 29, then some other day. And the change was difficult. The tragedy of Katrina was a failure to ask the right questions, especially when we knew what the worst would be. Similarly, accelerated global climate change is our failure to ask the right questions early enough. The current rise in greenhouse gases, melting icecaps and the general spoilage of our planet has not come as a surprise, but rather a sleeping giant over the past several decades leaving us to make drastic decisions reactively. Concerns of mass-urbanization are now resulting in us finally asking the difficult questions that could severely affect billions of people. As a result, my generation will live in a profoundly different world. We are the ones who must live the results of our answers. Whether New Orleans and developing cities around the world will be designed as a sustainable and safe community is yet to be determined. It is my belief that the time for passive observation is over. We can no longer defer risk to others and hope that politicians, developers, and any slew of other groups have the right answers, or even ask the right questions. And as the cherry blossoms have bloomed and fallen away, the winds of change are a reminder that I have accepted an awesome challenge.

naab news

NAAB Names New Executive Director


The National Architectural Accrediting Board (NAAB) has appointed Andrea S. Rutledge, CAE, as its executive director effective October 1, 2007. Rutledge comes to NAAB from the American Institute of Architects (AIA), where she is managing director of alliances, a position in which she worked with a range of AIA member segments including the College of Fellows, the Young Architects Forum, traditionally underrepresented groups, emerging professionals, and architecture educators. Andrea Rutledge

Her previous experience includes positions as vice president for policy and planning at Olivet College, planning and development coordinator at the Institute

for Educational Leadership in Washington, DC, and director of the administrative office of The White House. Rutledge has also taught courses at Olivet College and Catholic University of America. Rutledge is a Certified Association Executive and earned an MFA from Catholic University of America and a BA, magna cum laude, from the University of Colorado, Boulder. Rutledge replaces Sharon C. Matthews, who will continue working in architectural accreditation both in the United States and internationally through a consulting relationship with the Center for Quality Assurance in International Education in Washington, DC.

ACSA’s First Publication in Series ACSA is pleased to announce the release of The Green Braid, the first in a series of volumes published by Routledge in a special ACSA Architectural Education Series. The intent of this series is to produce readers for use across the curriculum in architecture and design programs matching current lines of scholarly inquiry with curricular needs. Each reader focuses on a thematic topic and is composed of chapters presented originally at ACSA conferences along with invited chapters. Leading edge design work and scholarships are included to give faculty, students and professionals resources for the studio and classroom.

The Green Braid (Paperback) is also available for purchase on the Publications/Resources section of the ACSA website Special Members Price: $35.00 + $6.50 S&H Non-Members Price: $39.38 + $6.50 S&H

Providing a primer on sustainability, The Green Braid places sustainability at the center of excellent architectural design. No other volume addresses sustainability within the context of architectural history, theory, peda-

gogy, and design, making this book an ideal source for architects in framing their practices, and therefore their architectural production, in a sustainable manner.

The Green Braid, edited by Kim Tanzer and Rafael Longoria, presents the discipline’s best thinking on sustainability in written, drawn, and built form, drawing on over 15 years of peer-reviewed essays and national design awards published by ACSA. Some of these authors include Jennifer Siegal, Lawrence Scarpa, Grace La, James Dallman, Mónica Ponce de León, and Nader Tehrani, all of whom have contributed chapters on design. Authors from previous ACSA Annual Meeting paper topics include David Orr, D. Michelle Addington, Dana Buntrock, and Lisa R. Findley. Special invited authors include Ellen Dunham-Jones, Thomas Fisher, and Steven Moore.


acsa architectural education series

ACSA seeks new BOOK proposals

Books in the series are intended as texts or supplemental readers for lecture and studio courses. As such, the book’s content should be selected for use primarily by faculty and students. Proposals Proposals must be made using a special proposal form, available at Prospective editors should plan to clearly articulate the volume’s subject and the editor’s particular approach to addressing it. The proposal should indicate the overall organization of the book and describe each part or section. Proposals from editorial teams are encouraged. Proposals will be reviewed by a series editorial board. The board will recommend acceptance,

rejection, or revision of proposals. Once a proposal is accepted, the editors will be offered a contract for publication. Editorial Content The bulk of the book should be created from scholarly papers and design work presented at ACSA conferences. Up to five chapters that do not come from ACSA conferences may be included to supplement or frame the book. These chapters may be specially prepared for the volume or come from other sources. The editors are expected to write introductions and other material surrounding the volume’s core content. Editorial Support The proposal form outlines in greater detail the editorial support available for the volume and the expected responsibilities of editors, authors, and ACSA in completing the manuscript for an accepted proposal. Royalties for sales of books in the series will go to ACSA. However, editors of volumes under

contract for the series will receive a stipend to support manuscript completion. Additionally, the index to the volume will be prepared by the publishers at no cost to the editors. Upon request, ACSA can make available PDF copies of ACSA proceedings for prospective editors to use, as well as a PDF copy of the Index of the Proceedings of the ACSA Annual Meetings 1985–2006. Contact Kevin Mitchell, kmitchell@, 202/785 2324, to access the digital documents or with other questions. Deadline Proposals received by October 15, 2007, will be reviewed by December 1, 2007. Editorial Board Michael Benedikt, University of Texas at Austin; Luis Carranza, Roger Williams University; Thomas Fisher, University of Minnesota; Lisa Iwamoto, University of California at Berkeley; Fernando Luiz Lara, University of Michigan; John Stuart, Florida International University


ACSA seeks proposals for thematic anthologies of papers presented at its conferences. The volumes will be included in the “Architectural Education Series” with Routledge/Taylor & Francis. The second volume, which follows The Green Braid published in March 2007, will focus on urban design, and is planned for release in 2008.

2007 acSa / ceLa adMInIsTraTOrs cOnFerence NOVeMBeR 1-3, 2007 MINNeaPOLIS, MN GRaVeS 601 hOTeL

theme + overview Conference Co-Chairs: Thomas Fisher and John Koepke University of Minnesota College of Design Clearly, global climate change has become the most profound challenge facing modern civilization. This year’s ACSA/CELA Administrators Conference will provide both inspiration and information on how we, as academic leaders, can help our students, faculty, colleagues, and constituencies embrace more environmentally responsible ways of learning, teaching, operating, and practicing. Just as design provides the bridge between science-based knowledge and its practical application, our programs straddle the worlds of research and practice, and so we, as much as anyone in our institutions, hold the key to helping create a more sustainable future. In North America, construction and building operations release over 700 million metric tons of carbon into the atmosphere each year, and transportation another 500 million. With building and transportation consuming 75% of the energy we use annually, programs in architecture and landscape architecture have an especially important role to play, by: • Educating the next generation of practitioners in how to change the ways we shape, operate, and maintain our physical surroundings, • Providing knowledge about what it means to live within the environmental footprint of the planet and to minimize greenhouse gas emissions, • Helping our regions and institutions transform themselves to reduce energy consumption, conserve water, minimize waste, and cultivate local ecologies.



Please join us at this important event. There is no time to lose and no better time to start this journey than now.


keynote speakers friday tours

ACSA and cela

Friday Afternoon Tours

For the third year this conference has been jointly sponsored by ACSA and CELA with each organization contributing co-chairs, and each organization’s members contributing their experience and expertise in an open, collegial environment. We value this interdisciplinary parnership and encourage more of these collaborations in the future.

Time has been allotted on Friday afternoon for three concurrent guided tours of Minneapolis’s most significant landmarks and cultural institutions. You will be able to sign up for one of the following:

Find out more about CELA at

special session ACSA AND ENHSA Special Preconference Session Joint Meeting of ACSA Administrators and the European Network of Heads of Schools of Architecture. As part of ACSA’s efforts to strengthen international relationships among our members, ACSA members (administrators and faculty alike) are invited to participate in a day-long meeting to discuss issues of mutual concern.

Will Steger Will Steger is known for his numerous polar expeditions and his efforts to raise international awareness of environmental threats. He led the first confirmed dogsled journey to the North Pole (1986), a 1,600-mile traverse of Greenland in 1988, the first dogsled traverse of Antarctica, and recently returned from a 1,200 mile trip across Baffin Island to document how the Inuit are coping with global warming. Through his expeditions, Steger has been an eyewitness to the gravest environmental threat of out time--global warming. In 2006, Steger formed the Will Steger Foundation, whose first initiative is Global Warming 101, is engaging and empowering individuals and policy-makers to translate their concern into action on this critical issue. into action on this critical issue.

Join us to network and share information about your program. Discussions are sure to continue through the weekend. Visit ACSA’s website in September for a preliminary agenda. ENHSA is doing research on student competiencies that will be replicated in the United States. This and more will be discussed. Find out more about ENHSA and the European Association for Architectural Education at and

J. Drake Hamilton J. Drake Hamilton, Science Policy Director for Fresh Energy, heads the nonprofit’s nation-leading global warming solutions program. A climate scientist by training, Hamilton works to transform our energy systems to 21st century technologies that support the health of our economies, our communities, and our environment while moving us towards energy independence. The Urban Land Institute (ULI) provides responsible leadership in the use of land and in the creation of thriving communities worldwide. The Regional Council of Mayors (RCM), supported by ULI Minnesota, provides a non-partisan platform that strategically engages mayors to support a more connected, more sustainable and more competitive region.

Tour 1—Walking Walker Art Center designed by Edward Larrabee Barnes in 1971 and expanded in 2005 by Herzog & de Meuron. Loring Greenway is a redeveloped pedestrian mall that connects downtown to Loring Park and is lined with apartment towers and townhomes. Nicollet Mall is part of the downtown Minneapolis shopping and dining district Central Public Library designed by Cesar Pelli, along with the Minneapolis architectural firm Architectural Alliance opened to the public in May 2006. The library features a host of energyefficient measures, including a roof garden and substantial daylight. Tour 2—Walking Mississippi Riverfront Development McGuire Park designed by landscape architect, Tom Oslund, Gold Medal Park is a 7.5-acre park along the west bank of the Mississippi River that includes a 32-foot-high viewing mound that provides great views of the River and the surrounding neighborhood. Guthrie Theater designed by Jean Nouvel in 2006 along with the Minneapolis architectural firm Architectural Alliance. Federal Courthouse Plaza designed by Martha Schwartz, features raised elements that serve as security features intended to look like glacial drumlins, a reflection of Minnesota’s natural landscape. Tour 3—Bus Parkway System was developed over 100 years ago and has evolved to include thousands of acres of land and water, 39 miles of walking paths, 38 miles of off-street bicycle and skating paths and approximately 50 miles of parkways. Mississippi River Gorge located in the heart of the Twin Cities, is one of the most significant features of the entire 2,350-mile long Mississippi River. The cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul grew up around this unique area. Minnehaha Park is one of Minneapolis’ oldest and most popular parks. The 193-acre park features a 53-foot waterfall, limestone bluffs and river overlooks. Chain of Lakes both a part of the Grand Rounds and one of Minneapolis’ most highly visited locations is comprised of a 13.3 mile biking/walking/ jogging path that encircles the entire Chain.


National Academy for Environmental Design Kim Tanzer, U. of Florida Christopher Ellis, Texas A&M

Coffee Break

10:30 – 12:00

10:30 – 12:00

Session B Global Flooding

General Session Institutional Opportunities

Tony Cortese, Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education

7:30 – 4:00

Interdisciplinary Opportunities Session A Integrated Practice

Session B Interdisciplinary Pedagogy

Regional Ecologies

Coffee Break

Session A Energy Conservation

Institutional Opportunities

Session B Habitat Preservation

AIA Luncheon 12:00 – 1:30

ARCC Luncheon 12:00 – 1:30

8:00 – 5:00

Bob Greenstreet, U. of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Coffee Break

Global Climate Change Session A Cultural Preservation

Regional Advocacy

8:00 – 9:00

R.T. Rybeck, Minneapolis Mayor Jeremy Kalin, Minnesota Representative

9:00 – 10:30

Thomas Fisher, U. of Minnesota John Koepke, U. of Minnesota

General Session Governmental Partners

Registration Open

11:00 – 12:30

7:30 – 4:00

General Session Preparing for the Inconvenient Truth

Registration Open

sat nov 3

Session A Building our Schools

12:30 – 2:00


Registration Open

fri nov 2

8:00 – 10:00

ACSA Administrators and European Network of Heads of Schools of Architecture Meeting

7:30 – 4:00

Registration Open

Thu nov 1

8:00 – 10:00

7:30 – 4:00

wed oct 31

Session B Greening our Campuses

ACSA Business Luncheon

Pedagogical Opportunities Session B Environmental Toxicity


Tour 1 Walker Art Center, Loring Greenway, Nicollet Mall, Central Public Library Tour 2 Mississippi Riverfront Development McGuire Park, Guthrie Theater, Federal Courthouse Plaza

Session A Greening our Curriculum 2:00 – 3:30

Session A Sustainable Housing

Friday Afternoon Tours

1:30 – 5:00

1:30 – 3:00

Global Settlement

Session B NAAB Team Member Training

Tour 3 Parkway System, Mississippi River Gorge, Minnehaha Park, Chain of Lakes


Buses to U. of Minnesota

*co-sponsored by Urban Land Institute

Univesity of Minesota Reception

5:00 – 6:00

Michael Noble, Fresh Energy

4:00 – 5:30

Our Disappearing Fossil Fuels

Closing Reception *sponsored by AIA Minnesota Accreditation Update

Update on 2008 Summit Wayne Drummond, U. of Nebraska-Lincoln

5:30 – 7:30

5:30 – 7:30

Kim Tanzer, U. of Florida

Will Steger, Polar Explorer

Opening Reception

For complete session descriptions, panelists and updated schedule information visit

National Academy Accord

6:00 – 7:30

4:00 – 5:30

Keynote Address Our Disappearing Poles


registration form administrators 2007

CONTACT INFORMATION (Please print clearly) Full Name

[ ] FAIA [ ] AIA [ ] Assoc AIA [ ] RA [ ] FASLA [ ] ASLA

School / Company Name

Nickname (badge)

Fax form with credit card info to: 202/628 0448


Online at:

Mailing Address City





Country Fax

[ ] Your name, company/school, city/state, and email will be listed in the conference materials. Please check this box if you DO NOT wish to have this information listed.




by oct 5, 2007

by Oct 15, 2007

after Oct 15, 2007

Pre-Conference EAAE/ACSA Meeting*








Student Member (WITH VALID ID)








Student Non-Member (WITH VALID ID)




Tour 1




Tour 2




Tour 3




ARCC Lunch (DATE: NOV 1, 2007)

[ ] Free (Limited availibility; first come, first served basis)

AIA Lunch (DATE: NOV 2, 2007)

[ ] Free (Limited availibility; first come, first served basis)

ACSA Business Lunch (DATE: NOV 3, 2007)

[ ] Free (Limited availibility; first come, first served basis)

* Additional registration fee covers breakfast, lunch and evening reception.

PAYMENT METHOD Select one only:

[ ] Check/ Money Order (# _________)

Card #

Graves 601 Hotel 601 1st Ave, North Minneapolis, MN 55403 Tel: 866-523-1100 Rate: Single/Double – US $189

[ ] Mastercard

CCV# (Credit Card Verification)


Hotel Information

Ways to Register Mail this form and payment to: ACSA 2007 Administrators 1735 New York Avenue Washington DC, 20006

[ ] Visa



Graves 601 Hotel is located at the confluence of business, theatre and entertainment districts, in the heart of downtown Minneapolis. The hotel is connected by Skyway to the entire shopping and business district. Online reservations not available call hotel directly to receive the special hotel rate, mention the ACSA/CELA Administrators Conference and book by October 5, 2007.

Airport Transportation Minneapolis-Saint. Paul Int’l Airport Sedan Service is $35/person, contact hotel directly to reserve. Taxi Service is approximately $30 Graves 601 Hotel is two blocks from the light rail system, and connects directly to the airport for $2.00

Special Assistance ACSA will take steps to ensure that no individual who is physically challenged is excluded, denied services, segregated, or otherwise treated differently because of an absence of auxiliary aids and services identified in the American with Disabilities Act. If any such services are necessary to enable you to participate fully in these meetings, please contact Mary Lou Baily, 202/785 2324 ext 2; Cancellation Policy Cancellations must be received in writing, no later than October 15, 2007 to qualify for a refund, less a processing fee of $50. This fee also applies to PayPal purchases. Unpaid purchase orders will be billed at the full rate specified in the order unless cancelled before the deadline; Standard cancellation fees will apply. Contact For questions regarding registrations for the conference, contact Kevin Mitchell at 202/785 2324 ext 5; For all other conference questions, contact Mary Lou Baily at 202/785 2324 ext 2, mlbaily@ Payment ACSA accepts cash (on-site only), checks, money orders, Visa, and Mastercard. All payments must be in US dollars. Checks or international money orders should be made payable to ACSA and drawn on a bank located in the United States or Canada. Advance payments must be received at the ACSA national office by October 15, 2007. After that date, proof of purchase order, check requisition or on-site payment will be required upon conference check-in.


















call for papers | 96th ACSA Annual Meeting Houston, TX | March 27—30, 2008 | Doubletree Hotel Houston Downtown

Conference Co-chairs

Dietmar Froehlich University of Houston Gerald D. Hines College of Architecture Michaele Pride University of Cincinnati School of Architecture & Interior Design

Seeking the City Visionaries on the margins

Cities are expanding, exploding, their centers becoming scattered in the margins of mind and space. Cities and civilization have been inextricably linked throughout history, and the architecture of the city has been an expression of civilization’s highest collective achievements. But in recent decades cities have become hollow: Shifting social and economic pressures are challenging traditional urban forms and rituals, while new communications technologies have changed the nature of the social and physical network within which people dwell. A global and generic megalopolis is the city’s future. The city exists at a collision of forces of power. Globalization has given rise to a search for identity in a world of blurred boundaries. Spatially,

this teeming agglomeration of people densely accommodated does not follow conventional planning methods; the ubiquity of electronic communications replaces face to face contact, and the non-place realm grows with an energy that eludes control.

Submission & Review Process The following call for submissions is the result of the first stage of a two-stage, refereed process. Seventeen topics are listed below, in alphabetical order by title, accompanied by a brief description of the session topic. Additionally, three open session topics and six themed session topics are Corporations see the city as a commodity and ag- listed for submissions that might not match the gressively deploy their brands everywhere, drain- other topics. ing away diversity while defending their profits at all cost. Meanwhile, classes of citizens struggle Faculty and graduate students at ACSA member to find their place in the economic and social mi- schools, representatives of affiliated schools and lieu of the metropolis, challenging globalizing societies, and other scholars, researchers, and forces with grassroots, community-based efforts. practitioners are invited to submit papers to the Architects and planners play only marginal roles topics in the call for submissions. Only one subof corrective interventions. mission per topic per author will be accepted. All authors submitting papers must be faculty or How can we understand the emerging city and staff at ACSA member schools or be Supporting mitigate cultural, economic and spatial conflict in ACSA members at the time of submission. Please the fluid and pluralistic society? What roles can review the Submission Requirements section bearchitecture and architects play? What visions low to prepare your paper. will emerge from the margins to nurture sustainable dwelling places and promote diversity of The deadline for submitting a paper to a session people, of ideas, and of possibilities? for the Annual Meeting is September 10, 2007. Authors will again submit papers through an onWe are seeking proposals for topics that engage line interface. All papers will be chosen through in a discourse about the meaning of place and a blind refereed process, and authors of accepted the role of architecture in mediating the culture papers will be notified by the end of October of the nonplace realm. 2007. Accepted authors will have about 5 weeks following notification to revise papers for incluA full description of the session topics is posted sion in the proceedings in light of reviewer comat ments.

The paper submission and review process will once again be completely online for the 2008 ACSA Annual Meeting. All authors will receive reviewer comments and accept/reject decisions by the end of October 2007. Accepted authors will then have the opportunity to edit their paper for publication. The final papers will be due December 3, 2007. Also, accepted authors will be required to register by January 7, 2008. The registration fee is nonrefundable and is meant to confirm publication of your paper in the proceedings and your name in the meeting program.

2007 Dates March – Call for papers July 16 – Paper submission site opens September 10 – Paper submission due October 26 – Accept/reject notifications sent to all authors with reviewer comments. Accepted authors revise/prepare papers for publication December 3 – Final revised papers due. Copyright form due. 2008 Dates January 7 Paper presenter registration deadline

Paper TopicS 2008 - Submissions Due September 10, 2007 Only one submission per topic area per author will be accepted. Full topic descriptions are at

Architectural Curricula for the Flatworld Mahesh Senagala U of Texas at San Antonio This session will address the need to transform architectural curricula at a time when the areas of study that were not even on the horizon fifteen years ago, are taking center-stage of global transformation today, such as nano technologies, globalization, demographic shifts, business process re-engineering, rise of China and India, and mass customization, that are having convulsive impact upon the field of architecture. Architecture Among Disaster Ulrich Dangel & Christine Theodoropoulos U of Texas at Austin, U of Oregon This session will explore the relationship between architecture and disaster from both a pragmatic and creative perspective, with a particular focus on the ecological, social, technological, and symbolic questions that have to be answered when architects and planners must respond to or anticipate disasters.

Architecture in the Humanities: Literature, Film, Theater, And Art Rumiko Handa & Jim Potter U of Nebraska-Lincoln The session will address the roles of architecture in the humanities and, in particular, how depictions of buildings have helped create the world of literature, film, theater, and art.


Branding and the Built Environment Ari Seligmann U of California, Los Angeles The Branding and the Built Environment session considers the positive and negative effects of branding, media, spectacle, and celebrity on the production and consumption of architecture. Building Skins: Theory and Practice Ryan Smith & Patrick Tripeny U of Utah This session seeks theoretical and practical papers that explore issues of recent developments in building enclosure technology, sustainability and the exterior envelope, building skin as an integral part of the design process, building enclosure teaching in architectural education, and the role building skins in interpretting and communicating social and cultural ideology. City and Nature Camilo Rosales Florida International U The topic “City and Nature” relates the city, its architecture and landscape to broader environmental issues, including but not limited to: Ecology, Geography and Morphology.


Architect as Social Imaginary: New Visions for Urban Public Space Miodrag Mitrasinovic Parsons School of Design, New School University This session will attempt to contribute to the discourse on the privatization of American urban public space by claiming new architectural visions for desirable modes of contemporary ‘public’ experience, and will then employ such claims in building pro, contra or meta arguments for the privatization of urban public space; projects (built, unbilt, as well as unbuildable), academic research papers, theoretical treatises or manifestos can be employed in discussing the session topic.

2008 annual meeting

new Timeline

seeking the city


Paper TopicS 2008 (CONT.) - Submissions Due September 10, 2007

GIS and the Design Disciplines James Tice & Erik Steiner U of Oregon This session will focus on GIS (Geographic Information Systems) and their capacity to capture, manage, and disseminate place-based data that in recent years has impacted architecture and related design disciplines such as urban studies, landscape architecture and environmental design. Houston: Do We Have a Problem or the Solution? José L.S. Gámez & Susan Rogers U of North Carolina, Charlotte & U of Houston We invite authors to examine the impacts of local, national, and global forces upon our 21st century urban landscapes and to frame their explorations in relation to the conference venue, to the opportunities that a 21st century urbanism may hold, to this session’s thematic question. Networked Urbanism: Place and Placemaking Without Propinquity Arijit H. Sen U of Wisconsin-Milwaukee This session invites papers that propose innovative methods to study territorially dispersed urban cultural landscapes, explore modes of place and place-making within such non-contiguous spatial networks, and produce new knowledge about urban communities without propinquity. New Modes of Architectural Conceptualization and Production Peter C. Papademetriou New Jersey Institute of Technology Are the computer’s uses as a material generator of design effects privileged over its representational capacities? What paradigms, such as Emergence theory, drive the process of form evolution? The process of production suggests the corollary of control of meaning: how does form-generation contribute to both theoretical formulation and its representational ‘meaning’?

discipline of drawing in the architectural curriculum, and within design and building practices. Rapid Shelter: Prototypes and Experiments Past, Present, Future Gabrielle Esperdy & Richard Garber New Jersey Institute of Technology This session seeks papers from historians, critics, and practitioners that investigate rapid shelter (i.e. shelter quickly manufactured or prefabricated, supplied, deployed, or relocated) as historical or contemporary case studies, examining built or conceptual examples through the lens of social need &/or formal or technological investigations. Sustainability — On The Urban Scale Steffen Lehmann U of Newcastle (Australia) The session ‘Sustainability - On the urban Scale’ is particularly interested in the relationship between energy-efficiency and urban design strategies, and aims to explore emerging urban design principles for more sustainable cities. The Design of MAKING Santiago R. Perez U of Houston The Design of Making encourages proposals exploring the development of Design Curriculums based on MAKING, as opposed to Representation, promoting a dialog between the Making of Things, and the Construction of Design Processes adapted to both critically question, and adopt emerging Generative Modeling & Advanced Fabrication Strategies & Technologies.

and landscape patterns. Papers that explore ways that architecture can challenge, subvert or reverse these hierarchies are especially welcome.

OPEN SESSIONS Organized by the co-chairs to provide wider opportunity for papers that may not fit within the selected topic sessions. Emerging Pedagogy: New Approaches to Architecture and Design Education Patrick Peters U of Houston Three trends are among those fueling the search for new models in architectural education: the application of increasingly complex information technology to rapidly transforming architectural practice, the heightened profile acquired by celebrity architects within mainstream media and the public eye, the expanding expectations of civic participation enlarging the responsibilities of the architect to include that of public leader. Place and the Non-Place Realm Mark Cottle Georgia Institute of Technology Papers are invited that explore the role of architecture and of building in a putatively posthuman environment—where the forces of late capitalism, frequent travel, the internet, mobile phones, and virtual environments are thought increasingly to dilute the subject’s relationship to the body, to built space, and to the city.

Sustainable Design and Beyond Michael Zaretsky The End of Architectural History and U of Cincinnati Reports of Its Demise This session will address the following question Wayne Michael Charney - As the professional and academic realms of arKansas State U chitecture begin to engage issues of sustainable Within the context of recent millennialist musings design, we must ask “What are we doing and is predicting radical transformations of one intellec- it enough?” tual construct or another, this session will examine the end of architectural history, in both connota- Themed Sessions tive senses, by chronicling indications of its demise Organized by the co-chairs to reflect the overall On Drawing as a distinct area of scholarly focus and by scruti- theme of the conference. Francis Lyn & Ronald Dulaney nizing its ultimate purpose as an informative comFlorida Atlantic U, Virginia Tech ponent of 21st-century architecture curricula. Affording the City: Housing and Lifestyle With recent evidence suggesting a marginalizaDavid Brown tion of drawing by hand, and an increased scope The Politics of Space U of Illinois at Chicago and complexity of digital modeling, we propose Lisa Findley We invite projects and papers that identify proa session that seeks to review and reveal various California College of the Arts cesses and formations providing means for urban strategies for instruction in drawing, delineation, This session will explore the ways that power, poli- inhabitants and communities that are confronted and visualization, with particular interest in argu- tics and social and cultural hierarchies are made with displacement to participate in the current dements related to the degree of relevancy of the physical through architecture and resulting urban velopment of their neighborhoods and the city.

Authors may submit only one paper per session topic. The same paper may not be submitted to multiple topics. An author can present no more than two papers at the Annual Meeting. Additional information, including the call for submissions and the online submission interface, can be found on our website, www.acsa-arch. org/conferences.

Magical Urbanism Robert Gonzalez Tulane U This session explores contemporary readings of cities transformed by Latino, Asian and other immigrant groups, highlighting the counter strategies of grass roots activism and the productive collaboration between community groups and schools architecture, approaches that ultimately exceed bureaucratic conventions and problem-solving tactics and instead aim for exuberant models to follow. Mobility and Architecture: From Walking City to the Unwalkable City Bruce Webb U of Houston Architecture critic Ada Lousie Huxtable came away from a visit to Houston in the 1970s a bit awestruck by the degree to whch the automobile had invaded the urban experience, describing Houston as “freeway City, strip city, and mobility city;” this session seeks papers that examine the architecture of mobility in the present and emerging city. Visionary Education for Tomorrow Topic Chair: TBA Papers are invited that explore the role of the architectural visionary in today’s cultural marketplace and the possibility of educating visionaries for tomorrow in architecture schools today.

When submitting your paper, you will be guided with the Web interface, through the following steps. 1. Log in with your website username and password. 2. Enter the title of your paper. 3. Select the Session Topic for your submission. 4. Type or paste in a biographical statement for all authors (5,000 character maximum). 5. Type or paste in a concise abstract for your paper (5,000 character maximum). 6. Add additional authors for your paper, if any. (Note all authors must be current members of ACSA.) 7. Upload your paper in MS Word or RTF format. Format the paper according to these guidelines. * Omit all author names from the paper and any other identifying information to maintain an anonymous review process. * Do not include the abstract in the file. * Use endnotes or a reference list in the paper. Footnotes should NOT be included.

2008 annual meeting

Localization: Particularity in the Face of Globalization Rebecca Williamson U of Cincinnati We seek papers that discuss the possibility of design delivering plurality in the face of global commerce that we both revile and welcome.

Papers submissions (1) must report on recently completed work, (2) cannot have been previously published or presented in public except to a regional audience, and (3) must be written in English. Submissions should be no longer than 4,000 words, excluding the abstract and endnotes.

* No more than five images may be used in the paper. Images (low resolution) and captions should be embedded in the paper. 9. Download the copyright transfer form. 10. Click Submit to finalize your submission. Note: Your paper is not submitted unless you click the Submit button and receive an email confirmation.


Paper Review & Presentation All submissions will be reviewed carefully by at least three reviewers. Official acceptance is made by the session topic chairs. Selection is based on innovation, clarity, contribution to the discipline of architecture, and relevance to the session topic. All authors will be notified of the status of their paper and will receive comments from their reviewers. Accepted authors will be required to complete a copyright transfer form and agree to present the paper at the conference before it is published in the proceedings. Papers will be grouped into sessions and scheduled by ACSA staff; schedules cannot be changed. Each session will have a moderator, normally the topic chair. Session moderators will notify authors in advance of session guidelines as well as the general expectations for the session. Moderators reserve the right to withhold a paper from the program if the author has refused to comply with those guidelines. Failure to comply with the conference deadlines or with a moderator’s request for materials in advance may result in an author being dropped from the program, even though his or her name may appear in the program book.

seeking the city


Contact Mary Lou Baily, conferences manager, with questions about paper submissions (, 202/785 2324 x2). ACSANEWS SEPTEMBER 2007

Beyond Blade Runner Fiction and Reality: Visions of Urbanity in Popular Arts – Film, TV, Comics Udo Greinacher U of Cincinnati This session compares fictional visual accounts with existing urban and architectural realms, and investigates the potential of pop-art visions for real world implementation.

poster sessions Call for Poster Presentations Deadline—November 12, 2007

Timeline August 20 November 12

Online poster submission site opens Poster submission deadline

Poster sessions are a fixture at many scholarly meetings. They offer an informal setting for thinkers and scholars to share emerging research and speculators to explore new directions. Typically, presenters exhibit posters illustrating their work for others to study and comment upon in direct oneon-one dialogue. From a number of general areas in which architectural scholars work we have identified several that we hope embrace the research and creative work of a majority of our members. Because each of these areas utilizes distinct methods of inquiry, we encourage the submission of posters relying on textual, quantitative, graphic and/or spatial evidence. We recognize that research is often done in the context of studio teaching and such research is also encouraged. The thematic areas are: Architecture in an expanded field, from interiors to landscape Scholarship and design-based investigations situated at the architectural scale often slip toward the space of the room or the expanse of the site. Indeed some of the most often studied projects of recent years operate within this larger field of space making. This topic seeks to provide a home for work beyond the precise scale of the building. Building behaviors Sustainability has led to a renewed interest in the behaviors of buildings, particularly related to energy usage. In addition, lighting, acoustical responsiveness and structural stability are increasingly at the foreground of public interest. Design research in the studio context The studio is the traditional core of the architecture school. The 1996 Boyer Report on architectural education described it as the “holy of holies” of architectural education: “these studios scruffy though they may be are models for creative learning that others on campus might well think about.” Since the Boyer report was written design has become a hot trans-disciplinary phenomenon, putting the architecture studio in an enviable position relative to our peers in the academy. This topic might include research done on the design studio or research done in the design studio. History/Theory Scholarship on historic architects, settings, periods and themes occurs in a variety of research modalities. In addition ideas of design epistemology are often reflected in essays falling under this broad rubric. Housing As the planet’s population grows it becomes increasingly imperative that housing effectively provide appropriate shelter with reduced means. Housing research varies from historic and emerging typologies to urban and social concerns to evolving family types, all set in a global arena of cultural confluences. Research and design projects in all these areas are encouraged.

December 3 January 7

Accept/reject notifications sent to all authors Poster presenter registration deadline

Materials In recent years the convergence of new manufacturing processes and new materials has led to a proliferation of material studies with spatial, economic and societal implications. In addition, traditional materials and their methods of fabrication continue to hold interest for researchers and offer new information to the construction industry. Media Investigations Theories and practices of media and representation, ranging from historic drawing techniques to contemporary digital modalities, are critical to the production of architectural ideas. Scholars and designers often focus their inquiries on this key link in the design process. Urbanism Designers and scholars study and engage the differences between private and public, individual and societal spaces, incorporating buildings and public space in a variety of scales and densities within an increasingly global context. Two well-developed research trajectories are smart growth and new urbanism, and we solicit posters from our members working in these areas. In addition, we are seeking proposals that redefine architecture, urban design, city planning, and life in the cyber-age, in unexpected terms. We recognize that positions taken today may be located on the periphery of the architectural discourse but are poised to make a significant impact tomorrow. Open An Open Submission will accommodate promising research posters that do not fall into any of these areas. Poster Submission Requirements The poster submission site will be open on August 20, 2007. Authors will submit a 500-word abstract and a PDF or JPEG of the poster (not to exceed 20” x 30” portrait orientation). Abstracts need to be formatted for blind peer review, as well as the posters. Accepted poster authors will have a 20” x 30” (portrait orientation) space on a tack board on which to post materials. Authors must stand at their posters during presentation time to discuss them with other participants. Posters are not required to be mounted; a flat tackable surface and tacks will be provided. Other materials for presentation are the responsibility of the authors. Accepted authors will be notified by December 3, 2007 and must register for the conference by January 7, 2008 in order to be included in the proceedings. Please contact Mary Lou Baily, Conferences Manager, with questions at or 202/785 2324 x2

Richard Sennett London School of Economics

Richard Sennett is a professor of Sociology at the London School of Economics and Bemis Professor of Social Sciences at MIT. In the school, he teaches in the Cities Programme and trains doctoral students in the sociology of culture. His three most recent books are studies of modern capitalism: The Culture of the New Capitalism, (Yale, 2006), Respect in an Age of Inequality, (Penguin, 2003) and The Corrosion of Character, (Norton 1998). He is currently writing a book on craftmanship. Professor Sennett has been awarded the Amalfi and the Ebert prizes for sociology. He is a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, the Royal Society of Literature, the Royal Society of the Arts, and the Academia Europea. He is past president of the American Council on Work and the former Director of the New York Institute for the Humanities.

Saskia Sassen Columbia University

Saskia Sassen is now at Columbia University’s Committee on Global Thought, after a decade at the University of Chicago and London School of Economics. Her recent books are Territory, Authority, Rights: From Medieval to Global Assemblages (Princeton University Press 2006) and A Sociology of Globalization. (Norton 2007). She has now completed for UNESCO a five-year project on sustainable human settlement for which she set up a network of researchers and activists in over 30 countries; it is published as one of the volumes of the Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS) (Oxford, UK: EOLSS Publishers). Her books are translated into sixteen languages. Her comments have appeared in The Guardian, The New York Times, Le Monde Diplomatique, the International Herald Tribune, Newsweek International, the Financial Times, among others.

2008 annual meeting

keynote speakers - bios


Elizabeth Diller Diller, Scofidio + Renfro

Elizabeth Diller is a principal and co-founder of the inter-disciplinary studio, Diller Scofidio + Renfro. Their work encompasses architecture, urban design, temporary and permanent site-specific installations, multi-media theater, electronic media, and print. DS+R is currently working on various projects for Lincoln Center such as the Julliard School, Alice Tully Hall, and the School of American Ballet; The High Line, a park situated on the obsolete railway running through the Chelsea neighborhood of New York; and the Kopp Townhouse, a private residence in Manhattan. DS+R’s new building for the Boston Institute for Contemporary Art opened in December 2006. DS+R has been awarded a MacArthur Foundation Fellowship, the first in the field of architecture; the National Design Award in Architecture from the Smithsonian; the Brunner Prize in Architecture from the American Academy of Arts and Letters; the MacDermott Award for Creative Achievement from MIT; an Obie Award for Creative Achievement in Off Broadway Theater for their multi-media theater work, “Jet Lag”; and a Progressive Architecture Design Award for the “Blur Building,” a building made of fog for the Swiss Expo 2002. Diller is Professor of Architectural Design at Princeton University. Keynote lectures sponsored by Tau Sigma Delta Honor Society.

Charles Renfro Diller, Scofidio + Renfro

Charles Renfro joined Diller + Scofidio in 1997 and was promoted to partner at Diller Scofidio + Renfro in 2004. As a collaborator with Diller+Scofidio, he has served as Project Leader on Brasserie, Eyebeam, the BAM master plan (with Rem Koolhaas/OMA), Blur, the Boston Institute of Contemporary Art, and the redesign and expansion of Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts among other projects. Prior to joining DS+R, Renfro was an associate at Smith-Miller Hawkinson Architects where he was project architect on several commercial and cultural facilities, and Ralph Appelbaum Associates. He was a founding partner of Department of Design in Brooklyn. His independent art and architectural work has been exhibited in several galleries including the Storefront for Art and Architecture in New York and the Farish Gallery and Rice University Art Gallery in Houston. His writing has been published in Bomb and A+U magazines. Renfro is a graduate of Rice University and holds a Master’s degree from Columbia University’s GSAPP. He has been on the faculty of Columbia since 2000. Biography provided by Rice University



seeking the city

Biography and photo provided by London School of Economics.


call for session topics

annual meeting 2009 - Portland, OR


Host School: University of Oregon Co-chairs: Mark Gillem, U. of Oregon and Phoebe Crisman, U. of Virginia Deadline: December 18, 2007 The ACSA board recognizes the need to ensure that the Annual Meeting serves as a forum for a broad range of research, scholarship, and creative activity. Members will have the opportunity to both propose session topics that frame their research interests within broader disciplinary and professional questions and to submit papers to such topics. STAGE ONE - CALL FOR SESSION TOPICS Submission and Review Process Faculty and graduate students at ACSA member schools, representatives of affiliated schools and societies, and other scholars, researchers, and practitioners are invited to submit proposals for Session Topics. Proposals are requested from the full range of subject areas within architecture, its related disciplines, and its allied professions. Session Topic proposals may, for example, address questions relating to history, theory, criticism, design, digital media, technology, pedagogy, construction, materials, practice, society, and culture. Session Topic proposals may also cut across traditional categories or address emerging issues, such as alternative models for professional practice, sustainability, diversity, and interdisciplinary. Session Topic proposals may be broad in reach or sharply focused. In either case, each proposal should clearly identify its subject and its particular approach to it: the premise, scope, and ambitions underlying the session should be clear to the reader.


Session Topics are selected through a blind peer review process. The selection process takes into consideration both the merits of the Session Topic proposals – the subject, premise, and scope of the proposed Session Topics should be clearly stated – as well as the importance of organizing a diverse set of sessions for the Annual Meeting. The authors of the Session Topics selected in the first stage will serve as Session Topic Chairs for their particular sessions. Their responsibilities include the following: maintain a blind-review process for all parties during the entire review process; enlist and assign three reviewers to each of the papers submitted to their Session Topic; select the papers for presentation; and moderate the sessions during the Annual Meeting.

Submission Requirements All Session Topic Chairs must be faculty, students, or staff at ACSA member schools or become Supporting ACSA members by September 1 of the academic year during which the Annual Meeting will occur. Prospective Session Topic Chairs are not required to be members of ACSA when submitting their Session Topic proposal. Please visit the ACSA website,, to obtain detailed instructions and template for submitting your topic. The deadline to submit a Session Topic is December 18, 2007. STAGE TWO - CALL FOR PAPERS The Call for papers will list the final Session Topics and will be announced in the March 2008 ACSA News as well as on the ACSA website. All authors submitting papers must be faculty, students, or staff at ACSA member schools or become Supporting ACSA members at the time of paper submission. All papers will be submitted through an online interface and must meet the general criteria identified in the call for papers and in the submission guidelines. Each author will be limited to one submission per Session Topic. All papers will undergo a blind peer review process. Session Topic Chairs will take into consideration each paper’s relevance to the topic and the evaluation furnished by the three peer reviewers. The deadline for submitting a paper to a Session Topic is September 2008 (final date to be determined). Each session will be composed of at least three paper presentations. Authors whose papers have been accepted for presentation will be required to register for the conference before the proceedings go to press. For additional information contact: Conferences Manager / ACSA

2007 ACSA Southwest Fall Conference Date: October 4-6, 2007 Host: The University of Texas at Austin School of Architecture Water's physical properties, symbolic meaning, and phenomenal characteristics shape the physical environment and the cultures that inhabit them. These processes— made manifest in ecological systems, social and spiritual rituals, and economic and political policies— serve as activating agents that initiate change at the


*just add water


level of landscape, architecture, or intimate details. In this manner, water's dual nature as a regenerative element or a potentially destructive force informs the engineering of infrastructure, the manipulation of topography, the folding of surfaces, the shaping of roofs, or the curvature of a simple drinking glass. The conference aims to examine water from both a pragmatic and a poetic perspective, with a particular focus on its material and conceptual potential to move across scales of inhabitation. As an activating agent, how might the properties of water influence new material assemblies or approaches to building? What role might water take in the shaping of infrastructure and urbanization? With shifts in its degree of availability, likelihood of its contamination, and potential for depletion, how will water be addressed as a vital cultural and natural resource within social, economic, and political circles? How can water be employed in the making of space, such that its transformative and metaphorical nature evokes restorative, violent, pure, or even limpid characteristics or qualities? Toward these ends, the 2007 Southwest Regional Conference invites papers and design projects that address water’s praxis at all scales and across design disciplines. We likewise seek a range of submissions that address water’s past and future trajectory. From an historical perspective, to practice, to speculation, this conference hopes to assemble a coherent, but multi-faceted dialogue and discourse surrounding this celebrated, debated and lamented element and resource.

Submission Requirements: ABSTRACTS AND PROJECTS DUE: MONDAY APRIL 2, 2007 NOTIFICATIONS: MONDAY MAY 7, 2007 FINAL PAPERS DUE: WEDNESDAY AUGUST 1, 2007 Authors of papers or design projects must submit abstracts online through the ACSA’s website. Authors may include faculty, staff, or students of ACSA member schools. Abstracts may not exceed 500 words. All submissions must be prepared for blind peer review. No identifying information should appear on the abstract or project submission. If you have trouble with the login process please contact: Additional submission guidelines and accommodation information for the 2007 ACSA Southwest Fall Conference will be posted at: For further information please contact the conference co-chairs: Billie Faircloth Jason Sowell Nichole Wiedemann

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Or, visit the host school’s website at


ASSUMING RESPONSIBILITY The Architecture of Stewardship The Catholic University of America School of Architecture and Planning washington dc


2007 ACSA Southeast Fall Conference T h e c at h o l i c u n i v e r s i t y o f a m e r i c a o c t o b e r 1 1 - 1 3 , 2 0 0 7 wa s h i n g t o n , d c

Rooted in the principles of humanism, stewardship seeks to improve life through the natural and built environment, for those living now and for those who will follow us. We are stewards of the earth, and each of us must assume personal responsibility for the welfare of the world, taking it as our obligation to respect both human life and the world in which we live. We must take active roles: as laborers, shapers, healers, seekers, teachers or counselors. For it is only through our creative and physical actions that we might improve the quality of human life and the world around us. An holistic approach to stewardship requires that we think of ourselves as existing within a larger system. This internality requires an understanding that humanity is part of a larger and interconnected system. With increasing specialization architects, however, have been relegated to being stewards the physical environment, leaving those in other fields to serve as stewards of humanity, the economy, etc. Can and should architects adopt a more holistic approach to stewardship?

For more information, visit our website at or

acsaregional southeast2007.aspx Conference co-chairs: Luis Eduardo Boza ( Michelle A. Rinehart (

The 2007 Southeast Fall Conference will investigate the idea of the architect/designer as steward. What are the philosophical and spiritual foundations of stewardship? How has architecture and urban design historically supported or undermined these foundations? What role must we, as architects and educators, play to fulfill our ethical obligations within a larger system? How are we poised to be agents of the collaboration necessary of successful stewards? Can environmental, economic and social justice be mutually exclusive of one another? Do existing and new technologies and innovative materials aid in fostering the architecture of stewardship? Ultimately, should an Architecture of Stewardship fundamentally change the way we practice and teach? If so, how?

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school exhibitors * seminars * workshops college representatives * free to students An opportunity for high school and college students, looking to start or continue their architectural careers, to meet with representatives from college architecture programs.

Participants to include: Academy of Art University – Boston Architectural College California Institute of Architecture – California State Polytechnic, Pomona Clemson University – Georgia Institute of Technology – Harvard University Judson College – New School of Architecture & Design – Tulane University University of Arkansas – University of Maryland – University of Miami University of Michigan – University of Southern California University of Oregon – Woodbury University AND MANY MORE!

Special Portfolio Development presentation by Harold Linton

Saturday, September 29, 2007 10:30am - 3:30pm

Los Angeles

University of Southern California


co-sponsored by Woodbury University

Saturday, October 27, 2007 10:30am - 5:00pm


Hosted by Georgia Institute of Technology

Free student registration online at

Call for Nominations & Submissions


2007-2008 ACSA Awards Program

p ACSA 2006-07 Faculty Design Award Recipient Grace La & James Dallman, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee




AIA/ACSA Topaz Medallion



Postmark Deadline: October 26, 2007 Description

The AIA/ACSA Topaz Medallion for Excellence in Architectural Education is awarded jointly by the American Institute of Architects (AIA) and the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture (ACSA) to an individual, who must be living at the time of nomination who has spent at least a decade primarily involved in architectural education, and whose primary contribution to architectural education has been on the North American continent.

• The candidate shall have evidenced great depth, having a cumulative effect on a long line of students. • The candidate shall have evidenced great breadth, having influenced a wide range of students. • The candidate shall be a person whose activities have consistently directed themselves toward the future as well as the past. • The candidate shall have evidenced the ability to transcend specific areas of expertise or shall have made connections between areas, in the event that the candidate’s areas of focus might be considered circumscribed. • The candidate shall be widely known by the quality of his or her products: by those who also taught, by those who practiced architecture, and by those who perhaps did neither.


All exhibits must be submitted in an AIA uniform binder, obtained by contacting the AIA Honors and Awards Department, Molly Roche at 202/626 7586 or Each submission shall contain the following information: • A nomination letter by the sponsor not to exceed one page • A biography of the candidate not to exceed two pages • A statement of contributions not to exceed four pages • A roster of distinguished students • Supporting material (e.g., clippings, articles, etc.) relating to the purpose of the award not to exceed four pages • A maximum of 10 letters of support by those who know the quality of the nominee’s products—by those who also taught, by those who practiced architecture, and by those who perhaps did neither; letters should be explicit in their recommendation and contain specific reasons for support. Letters must not exceed one page.


The completed nomination binder must be submitted and postmarked no later than October 26, 2007: Honors and Awards Department AIA/ACSA Topaz Award The American Institute of Architects 1735 New York Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20006-5292

Selection & Presentation


A five-member committee consisting of two persons representing ACSA, two persons representing AIA, and a student representative from the AIAS shall make the selection from among the candidates nominated. The ACSA representatives shall be appointed by the ACSA Board of Directors for a one-year term. The recipient shall receive a Topaz Medallion and certificate to be presented at the 96th ACSA Annual Meeting by the Presidents of ACSA and the AIA, and at the AIA National Convention and Expo.

Recent Topaz Medallion Recipients 2007 Lance Jay Brown, FAIA 2006 William G. McMinn, FAIA 2005 Edward Allen, FAIA

2004 Stanford Anderson, AIA 2003 Marvin J. Malecha, FAIA 2002 Jerzy Soltan

2001 Lee G. Copeland, FAIA 2000 Alan H. Balfour 1999 W. Cecil Steward, FAIA

Receipt Deadline: September 10, 2007 Description

To recognize sustained creative achievement in the advancement of architectural education through teaching, design, scholarship, research, or service.


ACSA Distinguished Professor


Candidates in the area of teaching shall have had a positive, stimulating, and nurturing influence upon students over an extended period of time and/or teaching which inspired a generation of students who themselves have contributed to the advancement of architecture. Candidates in the areas of design, scholarship, or research shall have produced a body of work that provides significant insight into the understanding and advancement of architecture and architectural education. Candidates in the area of service shall have significant impact fostering and sustaining excellent teaching and a healthy environment for learning and/or instituted measures leading to an understanding and appreciation of architectural education in the community at large.



Full-time faculty members or persons whose activities have clearly been identified with architectural education in ACSA full-member schools for a minimum of 10 years are eligible. The achievements must have occurred during the period of appointment. No postmortem awards will be made. A candidate may be considered for this award and the AIA/ACSA Topaz Medallion simultaneously. In such cases, the nomination must be submitted for each award separately, according to the conditions of required documentation. Any faculty member, administrator, or student at an ACSA full-member school may nominate a candidate for the ACSA Distinguished Professor Award.

Nomination Documentation

All items are to be submitted by the nominator in an 8 1/2” x 11” binder or portfolio and must not exceed 10 sleeves, for a total of 20 pages. The résumé and supporting letters do not count toward the 20 pages and should not be submitted in sleeves. All material must be received at the ACSA office by September 10, 2007. Each submission shall contain the following information: • Nomination form, completed legibly (available on the ACSA website); • A letter explaining the reasons for the nomination according to the established criteria, not to exceed one page; • A résumé summarizing the career and achievements of the candidate; • No more than three supporting letters from persons qualified to comment upon the significance of the specific achievements of the candidate; • Supporting material or documents illustrating or describing the candidate’s achievements (10 sleeves, for a total of 20 pages) Provide five full copies including all nomination documentation (unbound).

Selection & Presentation


The ACSA Awards Committee shall recommend to the ACSA board for approval no more than five individuals for awards per year. The committee, in any year, may choose not to bestow the Distinguished Professor Award. A medallion and certificate shall be presented by the president at the 96th ACSA Annual Meeting in Houston, TX March 27–30, 2008. The recipient may use the title “ACSA Distinguished Professor” in perpetuity.


ACSA/AIAS New Faculty Teaching Award Receipt Deadline: September 10, 2007


To recognize demonstrated excellence in teaching performance during the formative years of an architectural teaching career.

Criteria 26

ACSA and AIAS are jointly sponsoring the award to recognize outstanding teaching abilities exhibited by faculty with a maximum of 10 academic semesters or 15 quarters of full-time teaching experience.


Faculty must teach at an ACSA full-member school, candidate school, affiliate school, or at an institution with an associated program. The candidate must also be a faculty member at an institution with an established AIAS or CASA chapter in good standing. Faculty members who have already received tenure are not eligible for this award. Any faculty member, administrator, AIAS or CASA member at an ACSA full-member school, candidate school, affiliate school, or at an institution with an associated program may nominate a candidate for the ACSA/AIAS New Faculty Teaching Award.

Nomination Documentation

Supporting material must be submitted on a CD, in PowerPoint format with up to 20 images and a file size under 50 megabytes. All material must be received at the ACSA office by September 10, 2007. Previous recipients are ineligible for this award. Each submission shall contain the following information: • Nomination Form, completed legibly, available on the ACSA website (in PDF or Word document on submission CD); • A letter explaining the reasons for the nomination according to the established criteria, not to exceed one page (in PDF or Word document on submission CD); • A résumé of the candidate summarizing his or her career (in PDF or Word document on submission CD); • No more than three supporting letters (in addition to the letter of nomination) from colleagues and/or students commenting upon the significance of the specific achievements of the candidate (in PDF or Word document on submission CD); • A letter from the dean/chair of the nominee’s university, verifying the nominee has a maximum of 10 academic semesters or 15 quarters of full-time teaching experience (in PDF or Word document on submission CD); • Supporting material illustrating or describing the candidates achievements, which would include teaching evaluations, syllabi, or student work (on submission CD in PowerPoint). Provide a copy of submission CD with all nomination files.

Selection & Presentation


Applications will be assessed by a jury composed of two members of the AIAS national leadership and two members of the ACSA Board of Directors, none of who shall be associated with any of the nominations. A maximum of three nominees will receive this award. The jury, in any year, may choose not to bestow the New Faculty Teaching Award. Winners will be announced at the 96th ACSA Annual Meeting in Houston, TX, March 27–30, 2008. The ACSA president and AIAS vice-president will present winners with a certificate at the ACSA Annual Meeting.

Receipt Deadline: September 10, 2007


To recognize a specific creative achievement in teaching, design, scholarship, research, or service that advances architectural education.


ACSA Creative Achievement Award


Candidates in the area of teaching shall have had a positive stimulating influence upon students through a full course, course project, or course module. Candidates in areas of design, scholarship, or research shall have created a work or a project that provides significant insight into the understanding and advancement of architecture and architectural education. Candidates in the area of service shall have significant impact fostering and creating a work or project that provides a healthy environment for learning led to an understanding and appreciation of architectural education in the community at large.



Full-time faculty or persons whose activities have clearly been identified with architectural education in ACSA fullmember schools are eligible. The achievement must have been accomplished during the period of appointment. Any faculty member, administrator, or student at an ACSA full-member school may nominate a candidate for the ACSA Creative Achievement Award.

Nomination Documentation

Supporting material must be submitted on a CD, in PowerPoint format with up to 20 images and a file size under 50 megabytes. All material must be received at the ACSA office by September 10, 2007. Each submission shall contain the following information: • Nomination form, completed legibly, available on the ACSA website (submitted via hard copy); • A letter explaining the reasons for the nomination according to the established criteria, not to exceed one page (submitted via hard copy; no names of entrants or collaborating parties may appear on any part of the submission); • A résumé for the candidate summarizing his or her career (submitted via hard copy; no names of entrants may appear on any part of the submission); • No more than three supporting letters from persons qualified to comment upon the significance of the specific achievements of the candidate (submitted via hard copy; no names of entrants or collaborating parties may appear on any part of the submission); • Supporting material or documents illustrating or describing the candidate’s achievements (on submission CD in PowerPoint; no names of entrants or collaborating parties may appear on any part of the submission). Provide a copy of submission CD along with a hard copy of nomination documentation. Do not include nomination letter, résumé, and supporting letters on the submission CD. To maintain anonymity, no names of entrants or collaborating parties may appear on any part of the submission, except on entry forms. Credits may be concealed by any simple means. Do not conceal identity and location of the project.

The ACSA Awards Committee shall recommend to the ACSA board for approval no more than three individuals for this award per year. The committee, in any year, may choose not to bestow the Creative Achievement Award. The ACSA president shall present recipients with a certificate at the 96th ACSA Annual Meeting in Houston, TX, March 27–30, 2008.


Selection & Presentation


ACSA Faculty Design Award Receipt Deadline: September 10, 2007


To provide a venue for work that advances the reflective nature of practice and teaching by recognizing and encouraging outstanding work in architecture and related environmental design fields as a critical endeavor

Criteria 28

Submissions are invited that represent critical investigations advancing the general understanding of the discipline of architecture. This program will recognize built and unbuilt work and carefully consider critical efforts that reflect upon practice and research.


Persons in ACSA member schools who are primarily engaged in teaching may enter one or more submissions on different subject matters relevant to their educational activities. Prior publication does not affect eligibility. Projects must have been completed after January 1, 2003, to be eligible for consideration.

Submission Documentation

Entries must consist of high-quality digital graphic material and text, maximum of 1,000 words, on CD in PowerPoint with up to 20 images and a file size under 50 megabytes or on self-starting DVD, no more than 5 minutes in length. No models, slides, or films will be accepted. All material must be received at the ACSA office by September 10, 2007. Each submissions shall contain the following information: • Submission form, completed legibly, available on the ACSA website (submitted via hard copy); • Supporting material or documents illustrating or describing the candidate’s design (on submission CD or DVD). Provide a copy of submission CD or DVD along with a hard copy of submission form. Do not include submission form on the submission CD or DVD. To maintain anonymity, no names of entrants or collaborating parties may appear on any part of the submission, except on entry forms. Credits may be concealed by any simple means. Do not conceal identity and location of project.

Selection & Presentation


One jury will review all submissions, selecting designs for presentation at the 96th Annual Meeting. Up to four submissions will receive an ACSA Faculty Design Award. The jury, in any year, may choose not to bestow the Faculty Design Award. Award recipients will present and display their projects as part of the 96th ACSA Annual Meeting. Winners must prepare one 20” x 20” board for display at the meeting. Projects not selected as award winners may be selected as presenters at a session for the meeting.

Receipt Deadline: September 10, 2007


To honor the best practices in school-based community outreach programs


ACSA Collaborative Practice Award


This ACSA award recognizes programs that demonstrate how faculty, students, and community/civic clients work to realize common objectives. Participation by professional practitioners and colleagues from other academic disciplines is encouraged. •Architecture •Landscape •Interior •Planning •Industrial •Urban Collaborative projects and practice can encompass a variety of endeavors, including but not limited to: design/build, new construction, rehabilitation, open space planning, zoning and regulatory reform, and the development of new institutions or social processes.



Persons in ACSA member schools who are primarily engaged in teaching may enter one or more submissions relevant to their educational activities.

Submission Documentation

Submissions must explain the nature of the collaboration and demonstrate what students learned and how the community benefited. Entries must consist of high-quality digital graphic material and text, maximum of 1,000 words, on CD in PowerPoint with up to 20 images and a file size under 50 megabytes or on self-starting DVD no more than 5 minutes in length. No models, slides, or films will be accepted. All material must be received at the ACSA office by September 10, 2007. Each submission shall contain the following: • Submission form, completed legibly, available on the ACSA website (submitted via hard copy); • Supporting material or documents illustrating or describing the candidate’s design (on submission CD or DVD). Provide a copy of submission CD or DVD along with a hard copy of submission form. Do not include submission form on the submission CD or DVD. To maintain anonymity, no names of entrants or collaborating parties may appear on any part of the submission, except on entry forms. Credits may be concealed by any simple means. Do not conceal identity and location of the project.

Selection & Presentation


The Architecture in Society Committee shall recommend to the ACSA board no more than four projects for this award per year. The Committee, in any year, may choose not to bestow the Collaborative Practice Award. Award recipients will present and display their projects as part of the 96th ACSA Annual Meeting in Houston, TX, March 27–30, 2008.


ACSA/AIA Housing Design Education Award Receipt Deadline: September 10, 2007



The ACSA/AIA Housing Design Education Award is granted jointly by the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture (ACSA) and the American Institute of Architects, Housing & Custom Residential Knowledge Committee (AIA, HCR KC) to recognize the importance of good education in housing design to produce architects ready for practice in a wide range of areas and able to be capable leaders and contributors to their communities.


Submissions are invited for two award categories: 1. Excellence in Housing Design Curriculum — for an architecture program offering an exemplary program-wide Housing Design Curriculum that provides students with a comprehensive grounding in the theory and practice of housing design through a number of coordinated curricular activities, courses, topics, and programs. Generally, multiple faculty and administrative staff are involved in the implementation and coordination of such programs. 2. Excellence in Housing Education Course or Activity — for an architecture program (such as a single studio or seminar course, research activity, or exhibition) that support housing design pedagogy.


Persons in ACSA member schools who are primarily engaged in teaching may enter one or more submissions relevant to their educational activities. Previous winners in the Housing Design Curriculum award category must wait two years and make substantial changes to reapply in this award category. Previous winners in the Housing Education Course or Activity award category may apply each year with new program components.

Submission Documentation

Housing Design Curriculum Award — entries must be submitted on a CD and include a PDF document containing a one-page abstract and a maximum of fifteen 8.5 x 11 inch pages, including images and appendices, of detailed program description and evaluative material (such as community feedback, documented student outcomes, publicity, etc.). All material in this PDF file should remain anonymous (i.e., do not identify the school or any of the participants by name in the written and graphic program material). A separate PDF file should include a separate signed statement from the program’s administrative head verifying all identifying information. Housing Education Course or Activity Award — entries should be submitted on a CD, in PowerPoint format with up to 20 images and a file size under 50 megabytes. All material in the entry should remain anonymous (i.e., do not identify the school or any of the participants by name in the written and graphic program material). Each submissions shall contain the following information: • Submission form, completed legibly, available on the ACSA website (submitted via hard copy); • Supporting material or documents illustrating or describing the candidate’s design (on submission CD). Provide a copy of submission CD along with a hard copy of submission form. Do not include submission form on the submission CD. To maintain anonymity, no names of entrants or collaborating parties may appear on any part of the submission, except on entry forms. Credits may be concealed by any simple means. Do not conceal identity and location of project.


Selection & Presentation

Applications will be assessed by a jury composed of two members of the American Institute of Architects, Housing & Custom Residential Knowledge Committee and two members of the ACSA Board of Directors, none of who shall be associated with any of submissions. One program will be awarded the Excellence in Housing Design Curriculum and a maximum of three programs will receive the Excellence in Housing Education Course or Activity. The jury, in any year, may choose not to bestow the ACSA/AIA Housing Design Award. Winners will be announced at the 96th ACSA Annual Meeting in Houston, TX, March 27–30, 2008.

Awards AIA/ACSA Topaz Medallion please see specific AIA instructions for this award nomination ACSA Distinguished Professor Award ACSA/AIAS New Faculty Teaching Award ACSA Creative Achievement Award

[deadline: October 26, 2007]


Nomination Form

[deadline: September 10, 2007] [deadline: September 10, 2007] [deadline: September 10, 2007] 31

Name of Candidate (s) Affiliation Mailing Address Email





Name of Nominator Affiliation Mailing Address Email

Letter of Nomination enclosed Letter of Nomination to follow under separate cover Name of other Nominators Mail to: ACSA Attention: 2007-08 [Name of Award] 1735 New York Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20006

Contact Information: Eric W. Ellis, Project Manager t. 202/785 2324 ext. 3 f. 202/628 0448

NOTICES • All materials for nominations and submission must be mailed in one complete package. Any incomplete documentation, or if sent in two parts, will not be accepted. • In support of the American Institute of Architecture Students’ (AIAS) resolution on unpaid interns, ACSA does not allow partners of firms who do not pay their interns, in accordance with all applicable laws, to submit work for ACSA publications or to receive ACSA awards. (Intern refers to those individuals participating in IDP or equivalent required training and includes working students.) Nomination or submission to the ACSA Awards Program constitutes your understanding of this agreement. • Current ACSA Board of Directors members may not submit nominating or supporting letters. • Award winners are expected to register and attend the Awards Ceremony at the 96th ACSA Annual Meeting in Houston, TX March 27–30, 2008. • By submitting your project, you certify that you have granted ACSA permission to use all graphics included.



ACSA 2007-2008 Awards Program



ACSA 2007-2008 Awards Program Submission Form Awards ACSA Faculty Design Award ACSA Collaborative Practice Award ACSA/AIA Housing Design Education Award Excellence in Housing Design Curriculum Excellence in Housing Education Course or Activity

[deadline: September 10, 2007] [deadline: September 10, 2007] [deadline: September 10, 2007]

Name of Candidate (s) Affiliation Mailing Address Email



Title of Project/Program Mail to: ACSA Attention: 2007-08 [Name of Award] 1735 New York Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20006

Contact: Information: Eric W. Ellis, Project Manager t. 202/785 2324 ext. 3 f. 202/628 0448



• All materials for nominations and submission must be mailed in one complete package. Any incomplete documentation, or if sent in two parts, will not be accepted. • Winners or presenters agree to prepare a page layout for publication in the 96th Annual Meeting proceedings and one 20” x 20” display board for exhibition at the Annual Meeting. • In support of the American Institute of Architecture Students’ (AIAS) resolution on unpaid interns, ACSA does not allow partners of firms who do not pay their interns, in accordance with all applicable laws, to submit work for ACSA publications or to receive ACSA awards. (Intern refers to those individuals participating in IDP or equivalent required training and includes working students.) Nomination or submission to the ACSA Awards Program constitutes your understanding of this agreement. • Current ACSA Board of Directors members may not submit nominating or supporting letters. • Award winners are expected to register and attend the Awards Ceremony at the 96th ACSA Annual Meeting in Houston, TX March 27–30, 2008. • By submitting your project, you certify that you have granted ACSA permission to use all graphics included.


student competitions

2007-2008 ACSA Student Design Competitions


Image: 7th Annual ACSA/AISC Student Winners, First Place Category I – Museum of Steel / University: Lawrence Technological University Students Jason Campigotto, Blake Chamberlain, & Victoria Butzer / Faculty Sponsor Dr. Rochelle Martin / Project Title [inter] + syncopation

Sponsor U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Science and Technology Directorate– Transportation Security Laboratory Supporting Sponsors Dallas Fort Worth International Airport American Airlines Corgan Associates, Inc Administrator Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture

STEEL DESIGN STUDENT COMPETITION 8th Annual 2007-08 ACSA/ American Institute of Steel Construction Category I: Assembling Housing Category II: Open

CONCRETE THINKING FOR A SUSTAINABLE WORLD 3rd Annual 2007-08 ACSA/ Portland Cement Association International Student Design Competition Structure Category & Component Category

Sponsor American institute of Steel Construction Administrator Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture

Sponsor Portland Cement Association Administrator Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture

Please visit our website ( for full competition program and information.


NEW VISIONS OF SECURITY: RE-LIFE OF A DFW AIRPORT TERMINAL 2007-08 ACSA/U.S. Department of Homeland Security Student Design Competition


regional news



Louisiana state University LSU School of Architecture welcomes Marcella del Signora, recently appointed as Assistant Professor. She joins the faculty in the School of Architecture in August 2007. Associate Professor J. Michael Desmond has been elected to the Foundation for Historical Louisiana Board of Directors. Associate Professor Ursula Emery McClure, emerymcclure architecture, was awarded a 2007 Home of the Year Award by Southern Living Magazine. The project 2509 Olive won the award in the category “Outdoor Living Spaces,” one of four that will be featured in the October 2007 issue.

a mixed-use planning project in Old South Baton Rouge. Professor Baird’s home will be featured in the March issue of Dwell Magazine. LSU’s Office of Community Design and Development, under the direction of faculty member Marsha R. Cuddeback, received funding from the Louisiana Department of Social Services, Division of Child Care and Licensing to develop reconstruction guidelines and provide technical and design assistance for childcare facilities damaged during hurricanes Katrina and Rita. Co-Principal Investigators include Associate Professor David Baird, Professor Frank M. Bosworth, Associate Professor J. Michael Desmond and Professional in Residence Karla Christensen, School of Landscape Architecture. Savannah College of Art and Design

Professor Jason C. Shih was invited as a speaker on “Green Buildings” during the 11th Joint Engineering Society Conference, January 2007, in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and organized the Symposium on Architecture at Louisiana State University, February 2007. Associate Professor Jim Sullivan was awarded the 2007 Tiger Athletic Foundation President’s Award, funding from the LSU College of Art and Design to establish a research office for novice design education, and was the editor for the 2007 School of Architecture Journal, /Batture//, Volume 3, High Winds, Hard Rain.


Assistant Professor David Bertolini, was awarded the 2007 Art & Design Outstanding Teacher Award. Associate Professor David Baird, co-founder, president and director of design at Plusone Design and Construction, received two State AIA design awards. The firm was granted an honor award for the project entitled “In the Shadows of the Interstate” and received a merit award for

Architecture Department participated in the SCAD-Lacoste program in fall 2006. Professor Michael A. Moore and students visited several great sites for architecture/urban planning, including Le Pont du Gard, the Roman Arena at Arles, Corbusier’s grand apartment complex at Marseilles, the Papal Palace at Avignon, and several beautiful Villages Perches in Provence. They also took a special field trip outside the city to the suburb of Poissy to see Corbu’s machine for living, la Villa Savoye. Professor LaRaine Montgomery’s Architecture Design Studio II continues to be involved in design and rebuilding efforts for the Gulf Coast community of Pass Christian, Mississippi. While last year’s studio worked on masterplans for the new town center and the design of a sustainable Community Center, this year’s studio focuses on a new K-8 school. Students met with the architects of the proposed school during a site visit to the area; interviewed School Board Superintendent Dr. Sue Mathison, and presented ideas for sustainability to district stu-

dents and teachers. Design imperatives were established to use sustainable strategies at the site planning and the building level. Plans will be presented to school board and community members in mid-March. There are several new faculty joined the Architecture Department since fall, 2007. Professor Sean J. Tobin attended Yale University, where he earned a dual Bachelor of Arts degree in Architecture and History of Art, and attended the University of Notre Dame where he earned a Masters of Architecture. Mr. Tobin is a Fellow Emeritus of the Institute of Classical Architecture and Classical America. Professionally, Mr. Tobin is NCARB certified, is a registered architect in the States of Connecticut, Georgia, and West Virginia and is a LEED Accredited Professional. He has worked for several award winning firms including the Central Park Conservancy, Ferguson & Shamamian Architects and Robert A.M. Stern Architects in New York City, Mark P. Finlay Architects in Southport, CT, and Dawson Wissmach Architects in Savannah, Georgia. He is currently in private architectural practice in Savannah, Georgia, and is a full-time professor at Savannah College of Art & Design. Professor Alexis Gregory joined the faculty with a Master of Science in Architecture from Clemson University, as well as a Bachelor of Architecture from Virginia Tech. Her experience includes ten years working in various architecture firms in Washington, D.C. where she worked on a variety of architectural project types such as residential, corporate interiors, shopping centers, grocery stores, speculative office buildings, environmental/sustainable design, and nonprofit architecture. Her teaching and research interests include environmental/sustainable design, women and minorities in architecture, low-cost/low-income housing and architecture, the professional practice of architecture, and materials and methods of construction.

Gold are collaborating with Joseli Macedo (Planning) and Tina Gurucharri (Landscape Architecture) on a $105,000 grant for design and planning recommendations for the Waldo Road Corridor, in Gainesville Florida.

Professor Thomas Hoffman holds his Bachelor of Science from Villanova University. He is currently teaching structure and physics courses.

Katherine Wheeler, Allan Shulman and Jacob Brillhart have joined the full time faculty. Wheeler is a Lecturer in Architecture and Architectural History. She recently received her Ph.D. in History, Theory, and Criticism of Architecture from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Shulman leads an award winning practice in Miami. In 2006 his firm was awarded the Miami AIA Firm of the Year Award and in 2007 an AIA Florida Honor Award for SOHO Beach House on Miami Beach. Brillhart’s research area is design and drawing, and he will curate the School’s exhibitions.

Professor Tim Woods’ Sustainable Home and Art Gallery was featured in an Article called “The South Takes the Leed” in the South Magazine, Feb/March 2007. His design is an experimental prototype for affordable prefabricated versions available in the Southeast. Fourth year Architecture students Brad Hooks and Matt Kohne were mentioned for “Design Excellence” in the Wilmington Housing Design Competition “Saving Spaces”. university of Florida Professor Nina Hofer will be an invited speaker at the Mentored Teaching Program at the Architectural Education Summit in Los Angeles. She is presenting the practicum based Masters of Science in Architectural Pedagogy which has been initiated at University of Florida School of Architecture. Information on the program is on the school website. Assistant Professor Martin A. Gold, Executive Director of the Florida Community Design Center received an AIA Gainesville Chapter Honor Award for the Lincoln Yard fitness park project. Students Annette Chez and Danny Garcia were lead designers on the project. Gold also received an AIA Gainesville Merit Award for Meta-House: Phenomenological Suburbanism -- a sustainable residential model for suburban sites. The School of Architecture Urban Studio opened in August and allows students working on community design related projects to work directly with the Florida Community Design Center. This project is jointly supported by the College of Design Construction and Planning, School of Architecture and the Florida Community Design Center. The Urban Studio is presently working with the local MTPO on a $20,000 grant for a multi-use path. Kim Tanzer and Martin A.

university of Miami

Faculty members Carie Penabad and Adib Cure won a CNU 2007 Charter Award for the Oak Plaza project in Miami’s Design District, codesigned with Erik Vogt and Marianne Khoury. Dr. Charles Bohl, Director of the School’s Knight Program in Community Building, was invited to serve on the Urban Land Institute ULI in the Community national advisory committee to advise the ULI on topics such as community outreach, visioning, urban marketplace programming, technical assistance programs, and affordable housing. Gilda Santana is the new head of Architecture Information Resources and Services of the University of Miami Libraries and the librarian of the Architecture School’s Paul Buisson Reference Library. Assistant Professor Carie Penabad and Visiting Professor Javier Cenicacelaya of the University of San Sebastian near Bilbao have published Monterrey: Redefining the Urban Center, a documentation of their spring studio focusing on the revitalization of the historic city center of Monterrey, Mexico. The School of Architecture was awarded the Congress for the New Urbanism (CNU) Florida Chapter John Nolen Medal for Contributions to Urbanism in Florida. This award recognizes the School’s superior effort in furthering the princi-

ples of the Charter of New Urbanism in Florida, providing the state with examples of exemplary performance and achievement. A School-wide project is underway this fall under the direction of Undergraduate Studies Director Tomas Lopez-Gottardi. All School of Architecture studios will focus their design efforts on a unified plan for the City of Miami public waterfront, a six-mile-long promenade that has long been a verbal vision of the city but never heretofore fully designed.


university of virginia A team of University of Virginia architecture and engineering students won the EPA’s prestigious Third Annual P3 (People, Prosperity and the Planet) Award in the National Sustainable Design Expo, a student design contest for sustainability, held on the Washington, D.C. Mall on April 24 and 25. U.Va.’s entry, “The Learning Barge: Environmental + Cultural Ecologies on the Elizabeth River,” was one of six projects to be recognized with Sustainability Design Awards of $75,000. In addition, the project is the winner of the 2007 Youth Council for Sustainable Science and Technology P3 Design Award from the American Institute of Chemical Engineers. “Challenges are especially intense in places like the Elizabeth River, where fragile ecosystems, chemical contamination, industrial activity and human inhabitation attempt to co-exist. The natural environment and urban settlement are often considered incompatible, but this simplistic dichotomy is unsustainable if we wish to restore a healthy environment for inhabitation by all species,” said Phoebe Crisman, assistant professor of architecture and faculty leader of the project. The Learning Barge is a collaborative design and fabrication initiative of students from the School of Architecture and School of Engineering and Applied Science that incorporates research and sustainable design principles to promote environmental education on the Elizabeth River, one of the most polluted estuaries of the Chesapeake Bay. The floating field station is powered by solar and wind energy, collects (SOUTHEAST continued on page 36)


Professor Melanie Ann Parker completed her B.S.C.E. in December, 2004 and M.S.C.E. (emphasis in Structures) in December, 2006. Her research dealt with blast protection of masonry structures. In addition to teaching, she is currently doing part-time structural design work at Hussey, Gay, Bell, & Deyoung, Inc. in Savannah.


regional news


regional news

(SOUTHEAST continued from page 35)

rainwater, filters gray water with native plants and utilizes recycled and renewable materials. The integrated educational component for K-12 school children offers opportunities to experience the river firsthand and engage in handson exploration and learning. The project is a collaboration with the Elizabeth River Project in southeastern Virginia. “The Learning Barge initiative represents the effectiveness of architectural strategies to operate at multiple scales, reach out to diverse communities, demonstrate the didactic value of design for public environmental education and make positive change in the world,” Crisman said. The U.Va. team of architecture and engineering students includes Erin Binney, Andrew Daley, Elizabeth Davis, Kevin Day, Adam Donovan, Erin Dorr, Ayman El-barasi, Katharine Lafsky, Kelly McConnaha, Molly O’Donnell, Farhad Omar, James Pint and Danielle Willkens working under the guidance of Crisman and P. Paxton Marshall, associate dean of the Engineering School and professor of electrical and computer engineering.


“For an educator this project has a double payoff. Its a valuable design experience for the U.Va. students, and it will teach thousands of K12 students about green technologies, such as solar and wind energy, as well as the Elizabeth River ecosystem,” Marshall said. The Learning Barge recently won a $7,500 2007 NCARB Prize for Creative Integration of Practice and Education in the Academy from the National Council of Architectural Registration Boards and received a $125,000 grant from the Lowes Charitable and Educational Foundation. It also has received a $30,500 grant from the Virginia Environmental Foundation, a $10,000 EPA P3 Phase 1 grant, $10,000 from the School of Architecture’s Public Service Fellowship Program and $2,500 from the School of Architecture Foundation. In addition, the project also garnered a 2007 Virginia Go Green Honor Award by the James River Green Building Council. The project represents the Department of Architecture and Landscape Architecture’s commitment to design strategies that bring disciplines

together to address critical needs, said department chair Bill Sherman. The School of Architecture also ranked first among the nation’s graduate architecture programs for sustainable design practices and principles in the eighth annual “America’s Best Architecture Design Schools” study conducted by the Design Futures Council. virginia tech Virginia Tech Provost Mark C. McNamee announced the appointment of Jack Davis, FAIA, as Dean of the College of Architecture and Urban Studies. Davis, the Reynolds Metals Endowed Professor of Architecture, acted for the last year as interim dean and was previously the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and for the college. Paul Emmons, associate professor of architecture, has recently had two journal articles: “Embodying networks: Bubble diagrams and the image of modern organicism” in the Journal of Architecture (Routledge), Volume 11, No. 4 (September 2006) 441-462, and “Size matters: Virtual scale and bodily imagination in architectural drawing” in the Architectural Research Quarterly (Cambridge University Press) Vol 9, Nos. 3,4 (2005) 227-237, published. Emmons has also had two book chapters published: “The Lead Pencil, Lever of the Architect’s Imagination” in Tools of the Imagination (Princeton Architectural Press, 2006) edited by Susan Piedmont-Palladino (Assoc. Prof. also at WAAC), 31-41, and (with Marco Frascari) “Making Visible the Invisible; Signs of Air in Renaissance Architecture Treatises” in Aeolian Winds and Spirit in Renaissance Architecture (Taylor and Francis, 2007) edited by Barbara Kenda. Assistant Professors of Architecture Margarita McGrath and Michael Ermann and an interdisciplinary team of students, faculty, and an international group of professionals joined project leader School of Architecture + Design Associate Professor Mitzi Vernon on March 26 and 27 to host the Design + Science + Technology Symposium. The symposium supported the development of a children’s traveling exhibition, “Phoebe’s Field,” which will enable children to identify, redefine, and make science part of their lives, ultimately facilitating a larger, more diverse scientific community.

The School of Architecture + Design, with the initiative of Assistant Professor of Architecture Markus Breitschmid, has established Virginia Tech Architecture Publications to produce scholarly publications in the academic and professional areas of the school. The School of Architecture + Design has published its first annual newsletter. To view the newsletter, go to Nathan Williams, third-year architecture student from Manassas, Va., has been selected as one of two grand prize winners from more than 200 entries in the national Jeld-Wen Design Door Contest. Ben Tew, first-year architecture master’s student from Baltimore, Md., has been selected as the grand prize winner of the Juvenile Products Manufacturers Association Student Design Competition. The School of Architecture + Design is now offering a Ph.D. program in Architecture and Design Research. This new degree is a spin off of a college-wide doctoral program in Environmental Design and Planning.

Asociacion de Instituciones de Ensenanza de la Arquitectura de la Republica Mexicana, AC Dr. Manuel Aguirre-Osete, was elected for a second period (2007-2009) as the president of the ASINEA Consultant Council last month at the Spring National Meeting in San Luis Potosi. Dr. Aguirre has been attending the ACSA Administrator’s Conferences’ and Annual Meetings since 1992 representing the Mexican Association of Architecture Schools. This Council of five helps the Board of Directors in many tasks related with the architectural education in Mexico. Dr. Aguirre-Osete also received in San Luis Potosi the 2006 ASINEA National Academic Merit Award Medallion. He is also a Member of the Mexican Academy of Architecture – Mexico City Chapter. He is currently the academic head of the Universidad Anahuac Mexico Norte School of Architecture.


Associate Professor James Doerfler was awarded a summer grant from the Center for Teaching and Learning at Cal Poly to enhance and develop the existing ARCH/ARCE 400/462 by using digital tools in the interdisciplinary classroom. Associate Professor Thomas Fowler’s article “The Tectonics of Motion, light, and space” was published in the Form Z Joint Study Program Report 2005-06. Professor Jonathan Reich was invited for the 4th consecutive year to co-organize, lecture and be a design critic at the fourth annual “Coast2Coast” conference and design workshop at the Università di Camerino, Facoltà di Architettura di Ascoli Piceno, Italy in Spring 2007. This 7-day conference and intensive design workshop brings 30 Architecture and Landscape Architecture students from both Cal Poly San Luis Obispo and Pomona together with an equal number of Italian students from the University of Camerino to work on urban coastal development issues at sites along Italy’s Adriatic coast. Associate Professor Sandy Stannard was featured in the April 2007 issue of Lighting Design + Application (LD+A) Speakers in the Spotlight. The article describes Sandy’s areas of expertise in lighting and her involvement with the CAED’s “Solar Decathlon” competition entry in 2005 featured on the Washington Mall in D.C.

generation of students who themselves have contributed to the advancement of architecture.” Assistant Professor Christopher Livingston and his students designed and constructed a shelter for the Network Against Sexual and Domestic Abuse in Bozeman, Montana. The project was recently featured in Cameron Sinclair’s book Design Like You Give a Damn. Professor Ralph Johnson’s Building From the Best of the Northern Rockies was published by the Sonoran Institute. Professors Steve Jurosek and John Brittingham have assumed leadership of the School of Architecture as Director Clark Llewellyn has taken a position as Dean of the School Of Architecture at the University of Hawaii at Manoa. Third year student Shane M. Wallace’s project Bending Perceptions was awarded Second Place in the 2006-07 ACSA/AISC Steel Design Student Competition – Museum of Steel (Category 1). Ciaran Fitzgerald was the Adjunct Instructor of record. Students Nick Thompson, Courtney Koller, Lance Hayes, and Lindsay Olson received the Pacific West Regional, Interior Design Educators Council Competition Awards at the IDEC Awards Banquet in Austin, Texas in March of 2007. Adjunct Professor Sherrill Halbe instructed the course in which the work was done. university of oregon

Professor Chris Yip has received a summer grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities to participate in the 2007 Summer Institute on “The Ideal and the Real: Arcs of Change in Chinese Culture” to be held at the East-West Center in Honolulu. montana state university Professor Ferdinand Johns was awarded the 2006-2007 ACSA Distinguished Professor Award. It is given to those educators that have a “positive, stimulating, and nurturing influence upon students” and/or have “inspired a

Professor Michael Fifield and Assistant Professor Mark Gillem have been selected to serve as Competition Advisors for the City of Portland’s upcoming Courtyard Housing Competition. More info, including a web site, will be available in the upcoming months. Professors Fifield and Gillem encourage all ACSA schools to participate. Assistant Professor Nico Larco has received a Summer Research Award from the University of Oregon that will augment previous funding received from the National Multi Housing Coun-

cil and Equity Realty for work on a national study of Suburban Multifamily Housing. This research focuses on design, code, and development implications and outcomes related to this housing type and their effect on connections to adjacent uses.


university of utah Patrick Tripeny has been appointed to the position of Associate Dean for Architecture at the University of Utah College of Architecture + Planning. As Associate Dean, Patrick will oversee all academic aspects of the architecture program, including the curriculum, faculty and students. Ryan Smith received the Association of College Schools of Architecture Collaborative Practice Award for Suburban Redux: Kennecott Land Resource Conservation Housing Studio. The studio examined innovative design and building techniques that may be implemented in Kennecott Land’s new housing community, Daybreak. Professor Peter Goss received the Utah Humanities Council’s 2007 Delmont Oswald Research Fellowship for the exhibition and public discussion of the Re-Photography of George Edward Anderson’s “Environmental Portraits.” Assistant Professor Mimi Locher won a Santa Fe Civic Housing Authority competition for proposed improvements to a low-income apartment complex in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Mimi Locher and her husband, Takayuki Murakami, proposed new front porches and rear dining rooms with portals for each unit, a community center, a daycare center and a neighborhood store with a Laundromat. Professor Robert A. Young is the recipient of this year’s Lucybeth Rampton Award, which is presented by the Utah Heritage Foundation in honor of individuals who have made significant contributions to historic preservation in the state of Utah. Professor Young’s accomplishments in historic preservation are extensive, not the least of which include founding the Traditional Building Skills Institute at Snow (WEST continued on page 38)


california polytechnic university, San luis obispo


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College, and establishing an AAS Degree in historic preservation at the Building Construction and Construction Technology program at the same institution. washington state university


Professor Robert Barnstone returns to WSU this fall after spending a year at Delft University. He was working in their materials development research component. Specifically he is working on cardboard construction that he hopes will provide a new, low-cost, sustainable housing option. Barnstone is working with the Red Cross on a nine square-foot, test home that will be used as emergency refugee housing in Chad.

Center for Japanese Arts, Portland, Oregon—Ying Mao; Instructor: Kevin Nute, University of Oregon


Looking to coat the cardboard Barnstone began using recently-developed ceramic cement. The material, which, unlike cement, is not gypsumbased, requires less energy to produce than regular cement. It is waterproof and fireproof. Because it’s made of phosphor, it is ecologically-friendly and can be re-used. Using the ceramic cement, Barnstone has been able to develop a house structure that is water proof, structurally strong, fire proof, and durable. “You end up with a sandwich panel that is equivalent to a structurally insulated panel,’’ he says. It can also be shipped and assembled easily, taking up less room than something like foam panels.

Coquille River Interpretive Center, Constructional model — Jeff Hoge; Instructor: Kevin Nute, University of Oregon

Professor Ayad Rahmani was on professional leave for the spring semester 2006 finalizing his manuscript entitled Kafka and Architecture. The book is just as much about Kafka as it about architecture; on the one hand, looking at architecture to analyze Kafka’s central concerns in language but also in matters of psychology and self, while on the other, appropriating the author’s work as a way to explore new theories in architecture. To Kafka, architecture represented more than a means with which to locate his characters; rather to him architecture offered a kind of obstacle course whose hurdling gave his characters, along with his readers, a way to become more aware of the world and their role in it. The book is composed of six chapters, each taking up a different hurdle and using it to gain insights into the issues that shaped Kaf-

Coquille River Interpretive Center, Bridge, Oregon —Jeff Hoge; Instructor: Kevin Nute, University of Oregon

international publication on the subject of lessons learned from forensic engineering in the construction industry.

Professor David Wang along with Professor Nancy Blossom Director of the WSU Spokane Interdisciplinary Design Institute led eight students to China and Tibet in May of 2007. They collaborated with the green Architecture Research Center of the Xi’an University of Architecture and Technology (XUAT) in surveying Tibetan farm houses to support XUAT’s grant from the Chinese government to develop solar housing in Tibet.

The Torrens Award recognizes achievement in categories such as the journal’s international competitiveness, its growth and influence, and the amount of creativity and innovation demonstrated by the editor. Carper is the only ASCE editor to have been honored twice by this award. He was nominated for this year’s award by two organizations—the ASCE Technical Council on Forensic Engineering and the Structural Engineering Institute.

Professor Ken Carper is the recipient of the national 2006 Richard Torrens Award given by the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE). The award is for outstanding performance as editor of one of ASCE’s 30 refereed technical journals. Carper is the founding editor of the Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities and has been its editor-in-chief since the journal’s establishment in 1987. Under his direction the journal has become the leading

The American Society of Civil Engineers is the largest publisher of civil engineering resources in the world. Carper’s award was presented at ASCE’s annual conference in Chicago. David Miller FAIA and Robert Hull FAIA of the Miller / Hull Partnership of Seattle has received the WSU Regents Distinguished Alumni Award for 2007. This award is the highest award given to WSU alumni. Miller / Hull are the first ar-

IIT Architecture Studio Associate Professor Rick Nelson with the College’s “Cool Globe.” Photo by Mindy Sherman

chitects and the 37th and 38th individuals to receive this award. Past recipients include Edward R. Murrow, Keith Jackson, Paul Allen as well as past Nobel Laureates. Miller and Hull were recognized for their contributions to their profession as well as society at large. Their focus on the quality of the built environment including sustainability was acknowledged as significant contributions. There will be a reception in Seattle on September 4th and the formal celebration will occur on the Pullman campus on October 19th.


Integrated Education: The School continued with the Integrated Education series in the spring of 2007. The school held a one day charrette with architecture and construction management students. Students formed teams to work together on three specific design and construction problems. Students presented their findings to a collaborative panel of faculty and industry leaders from both professions. See for more.


ka’s mind and world as well as those that have defined, and continue to define, challenges in architectural theory.


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west Central illinois insitute of technology Dean and Professor Donna V. Robertson FAIA, is the recipient of the John and Jeanne Rowe Endowed Chair for the IIT College of Architecture. John Rowe, chairman, president, and CEO of Exelon Corporation, and chair of the IIT Board of Trustees, and Lew Collens, past president of IIT, spoke at Robertson’s induction ceremony, held April 16, 2007. Also speaking was Blair Kamin, Pulitzer Prize-winning architecture critic of the Chicago Tribune, who presented the lecture “Extreme Architecture: Disaster, Spectacle, and Signs of Hope for the Post 9-11 World.” A forward-thinking attitude combined with her recognition of IIT’s Miesian heritage culminated in the selection of Robertson as first holder of the chair. “We are honoring Donna’s leadership of the College of Architecture, and celebrating her commitment in bridging the gap between IIT’s Miesian tradition and contemporary architectural ideas,” said Rowe, who, along with his wife, Jeanne, established the chair.


Associate Professor Robert Krawczyk gave a talk in June to a regional workshop for math and art teachers titled “Digitally Integrating Mathematics and Art” at Western Washington University in Bellingham, Washington. This summer he also had his artwork in Mark di Suvero’s “Peace Tower,” at the Chicago Cultural Center, which included photos by Richard Bellamy and other contemporary artists, activists and journalists. Assistant Professor Tom Brock and his student, Grahm Balkany, were awarded Second Place in the 2006-07 ACSA/PCA Concrete Thinking for a Sustainable World International Student Design Competition—Structure Category. The award for “Green Concrete” consisted of $800 to the faculty member and $1,700 for the student. The winning design will be displayed at the ACSA Annual Meeting in Houston, Texas, in March 2008, and at the AIA national convention in Boston, May 2008, and will be published in the Competition Summary Book. Studio Associate Professor Martin Felsen’s UrbanLab winning display of the City of the

Future for The History Channel® will be on display at Chicago’s Museum of Science and Industry from June 8 to Oct. 7.

menting and photographing the destruction and rebuilding of religious and cultural monuments.

Assistant Professor Catherine Wetzel and Studio Associate Professor Richard Nelson, along with graduate students John Castro, Katie Hart, Bridget O’Connell, Tyler Waldorf, Andrew Widman, and Camille Yu designed and created a globe for the “Cool Globes: Hot Ideas for a Cooler Planet” project, which featured more than 120 five-foot globes designed to increase awareness about global climate change. Organized by the city of Chicago, the Chicago Park District, the Field Museum, and Exelon Corporation, with each globe underwritten by an individual, organizational or corporate sponsor, the globes are located primarily on the Field Museum Campus, with a few at Navy Pier and other locations in Chicago. The IIT globe consisted of an ocean surface with color-changing, temperature-sensitive paint and continents listing the variety of possible “green” professions, as well as a rewriting of the preamble to the U.S. Constitution as the earth’s equator, the globe is entitled “Oath of Office.”

kent state university

Adjunct Associate Professor Barbara Geiger recently appeared in Rockford, Illinois, to talk about the benefits of wind energy versus coalpowered energy. Her talk was covered by three Rockford TV stations. IIT College of Architecture’s Amanda Hallberg, B. Arch. ’07, won the 2007 Skidmore, Owings & Merrill (SOM) Foundation’s prestigious SOM Prize, a $50,000 research and travel fellowship. The SOM Prize is one of the most generous awards offered to architecture and design students. A native of Lewiston, Idaho, Hallberg was chosen from a pool of 91 applicants nationally. The competition is open to graduating undergraduate and graduate students from accredited U.S. schools of architecture, design and urban design. Applicants were judged on the quality of their design portfolios and their research proposals and travel itineraries. This grand prize enables Hallberg to complete indepth research, collaborate with other designers, and pursue independent study outside the realm of established patterns. She will travel extensively in Bosnia and Herzegovina docu-

On May 1, 2007, the College of Architecture & Environmental Design (CAED), announced the appointment of Associate Professor Christopher Diehl as the new Director of the Cleveland Urban Design Collaborative (CUDC). Diehl will lead the CUDC in its evolving role as a vital forum for architecture and design in the NE Ohio region. As Director of Design for URS Cleveland, Diehl has been responsible for several award winning Projects including Tri-C’s Corporate College East, Simmons Hall at University of Akron and the historic renovation of the Idea Center at Playhouse Square, Cleveland. Diehl has taught architecture at the Pennsylvania State University, Ohio State University and Miami University. Professor Elwin Robison is working on the restoration of the facade on the FirstMerit Building (historically known as the First National Bank Tower). The national register nomination he wrote for the building has cleared the state preservation office and is on to the national review level. Prof. Robison is also working on the restoration of the limestone and terra cotta decorative cornice on the Pond Laboratory Building (1917) located on the Pennsylvania State University campus. His book manuscript on the history of the Salt Lake City Tabernacle was accepted and is slated for publication in 2008. Associate Professor Adil Sharag-Eldin (with graduate student Mariju Wille) submitted an article in May to Seniors Housing & Care Journal entitled “A Proposal to Develop a Guideline for Indoor Lighting in Independent Senior Living Facilities”. He is currently working on an article about the behavioral changes in elderly population to adapt with current energy standards. The article is intended for distribution in the Building and Environment Journal published by Elsevier. Prof. Sharag-Eldin will chair the 32nd National Passive Solar Conference to be held in Cleve-

Last Spring more than 400 viewed CAED students’ work at an opening and reception for the exhibition “Skin Deep” at “Gallery 1point618” in Cleveland. Curated by Adjunct Professor Marc Manack and assisted by CAED students Danny Wills and Greg Evans, the exhibition collected recent student work that explored issues of ornament, surface effects and “superficiality” in architecture. On June 1, 2007 Dean Steven Fong was a panelist for a program, “Paradox and Potential: Contemporary Public Space”, sponsored by the Museum of Contemporary Art in Cleveland, in conjunction with a lecture by architect Farshid Moussavi (of Foreign Office Architects, recently appointed to design the new MOCA Cleveland) and an exhibition about public space prepared at the Van Alen Institute. The Florence Program celebrated last May the dedication of the late CAED faculty Richard Role 1,000 volume book collection at the library at Palazzo Cerchi, KSU Florence Program facility. The acquisition was funded by a generous gift from Paul Ricciuti (’59). The 2007 edition of “The Kent State Forum on the City”, directed by Architecture Program & Study Abroad Coordinator Maurizio Sabini, will focus this Fall on “Rotterdam: A Laboratory for Modernity”. The forum will be held on October 27, 2007, at Palazzo Cerchi, Florence (I) as usual. Starting this Fall, CAED will also offer a nonprofessional undergraduate major in Architec-

tural Studies. This degree (Bachelor of Arts) will provide an individualized, liberal arts path to graduate education in design fields. Alternatively it is intended as a preparation for students who wish to work in design related fields, combing architectural training with studies in other disciplines. The program, coordinated by Assistant Professor Steven Rugare, will also allow the CAED to offer a wider range of experimental and interdisciplinary offerings in theory and history. university of minnesota Leslie Van Duzer received a $5,000 e-Scholarship sponsored by the College of Design for Development of the Design Fundamentals Gallery – An online learning module to supplement ARCH 1281. In addition, she was an invited speaker at the 2007 Architecture Education Summit in Los Angeles in April. Her lecture is entitled “Straddling Dichotomies.” WCCO TV featured Leslie Van Duzer’s freshman class garments/buildings project that was displayed in the Rapson Courtyard last week in a 30-second spot on Friday, March 30. Steve Weeks received a $5,000 e-Scholarship sponsored by the College of Design for Development on interactive website, Building the Extra-Ordinary Ordinarily. Benjamin Ibarra Sevilla was a guest reviewer for graduate and undergraduate studios final reviews at the University of Arkansas, School of Architecture, April 27-May 2. Benjamin will publish an article about stereotomy in the Politecnical University of Valencia (Spain) magazine, Loggia: Arquitectura y Restauracion. “Home Sweet Home 2037 “ by Karen Youso, Star Tribune, March 25, 2007 states John Carmody guided the design of Minnesota’s house of the future project. In addition, John is cited as a primary source for “Kitchen of the future: Interactive comfort“ by Karen Youso, Star Tribune, March 23, 2007 .

tive teaching project, Visioning Rail Transit in Northwest Arkansas: Lifestyles and Ecologies, which was one of three recipients of a 2007 AIA Education Honor Awards for Excellence. As a visiting professor at the University of Arkansas, Conway led one of the project’s three studios, Transit Oriented Publics, which explored transit-oriented development (TOD) and sustainability issues in rapidly growing northwest Arkansas.


A study abroad proposal submitted by Virajita Singh (Adjunct Assistant Professor, Senior Research Fellow) has been selected to be offered as a Global Seminar by the Learning Abroad Center in winter break of 2007/2008. Students from diverse disciplines across the University of Minnesota will spend three weeks in northern India in a design immersion experience focused on ecological approaches, sacred spaces, and a design-build project to meet the needs of a local community. Virajita was also a guest reviewer of building systems integrated studio projects at Dalhousie University, Nova Scotia, Canada, April 2-4. Dean Thomas Fisher and Virajita Singh participated in a meeting organized by the University-Hennepin County Partnership on March 22 with a focus on the county’s efforts to end homelessness. Fisher and Singh presented their work on the seminar and studio courses they co-taught on architecture and homelessness in spring of 2006. In the seminar and studio, students worked with a Minneapolis shelter to redesign their space and also volunteered at a one day event, Project Homeless Connect, which connected homeless persons to the services they needed all under one roof. Ritu Bhatt’s “Aesthetic or Anaesthetic: Competing Symbols on the Las Vegas Strip” will be published in Instruction as Provocation, or Relearning from Las Vegas edited by Aron Vinegar and Michael Golec.

“Ecological Literacy in Architectural Education,” a highly anticipated American Institute of Architects (AIA) report, cites Mary Guzowski and the late Rebecca Foss as “champions of sustainable design.”

John Carmody, Mary Guzowski and Richard Strong recently received a grant from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency to develop the Minnesota Zero Energy Design Protocol (mnZED Protocol). This protocol will include design tools, guidelines, and an energy calculator to assist architects with zero energy/zero emis-

William Conway participated in the collabora-

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land 7-12 July in the Convention Center (http:// and will be the facilitator of the Emerging Architecture Plenary Session in Solar 2007, featuring CAED recent graduate Jason Bing (Recycle Ann Arbor’s Environmental House), David Beach (EcoCity Cleveland), and Susan Roaf (Councilor Professor, School of the Built Environment, Oxford Brookes University). He will be working with Deng-ke Yang, from Kent State Liquid Crystal Institute, on characterizing the thermal and optical characteristics of an energy-efficient window using a bistable switchable liquid crystal glazing. The seed grant ($50,000) will be used to test several window configurations and provide data suitable for comparison with conventional and high-efficiency windows.


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sion design in the state of Minnesota. The project will also support designers in meeting the carbon-neutral design goals of the Architecture 2030 Challenge that was recently adopted by the AIA. John Gavin Dwyer and Tom Westbrook, adjunct faculty, took a group of student to New

Orleans over the 2007 Spring break. The team redesigned and renovated a double shotgun on Caffin and Chartres into the New Calhoun McCormick Photography Gallery. Lee Anderson, Associate Professor, School of Architecture at the University of Minnesota’s and his students are among the winners of a Google “Build your Campus in 3D” competition.

The University of Minnesota, IMI and Minneapolis-St Paul has been awarded the host for the 11th North America Masonry Conference in June, 2011. It will be under the joint direction of Arturo Schultz and Stephen Weeks, of the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities School of Architecture, and Olene Bigelow, of the International Masonry Institute, with the advice and guidance of a TMS Steering Committee.

east central ball state university


Dr. Guillermo Vasquez de Velasco will become dean of Ball State’s College of Architecture and Planning effective August 1st. Vasquez de Velasco moved to Texas A&M in 1995 as an assistant professor of architecture after six years with Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands. Additional international highlights from his vitae include academic and professional affiliation in Latin America, North America and Europe. At Texas A&M he twice earned the Graduate Faculty Award in 2003 and 2004, given by the graduating class of the professional architecture program; he has also received the College Teaching Excellence Award, given by the Association of Former (A&M) Students; and the University International Excellence Award in recognition of his efforts in the development of international programs in Europe and Latin America. On April 6 & 7, Associate Professor Kevin Klinger and Irving Distinguished Visiting Professor Branko Kolarevic co-chaired the international symposium “Manufacturing Material Effects: Rethinking Design and Making in Architecture” at the Indianapolis Museum of Art ( The symposium brought together some of the leading thinkers, designers and makers from around the world who discussed collaborative design and production practices based on innovative and experimental processes of material exploration. The symposium examined the various levels of engagement and the new forms of architectural production that could bring de-

signers deeper into the complexities of making, assembly, and material formulation. A book under the same title, based on the symposium presentations, will be published in early 2008.

exhibit reflects upon the most recent architectural work of the region, and features projects developed by leading architects and educators from the southern South America.

Brett Tippey, Instructor, presented a paper entitled “Architecture or Built Thing? Translating Philosophy into Design Critique,” at the 23rd International Conference on the Beginning Design Student held in March 2007 at the Savannah College of Art and Design. He also received word in March that he has passed the Architect Registration Exam and his ARE scores have been accepted and approved for registration by the Indiana Professional Licensing Agency.

university of Cincinnati

On April, Assistant Professor Timothy Gray and Professor of Landscape Architecture John Motloch traveled to Washington DC with an interdisciplinary group of eight students to present their work: “Straw-Bale Eco Center, Demonstrating how to Live Sustainably in the Midwest,” at the third annual P3 award Competition on the Federal Mall. Assistant Professor Tim Gray also presented a paper on the same project at the ARCC conference at the University of Oregon. Assistant Professor Ana de Brea is one of the ten South American critics invited to participate in the exhibit “hEX Arquitectura / Contemporary Architecture,” organized and curated by architect and critic Florencia Rodriguez, in collaboration with different Argentinean universities, and sponsored by several construction companies, that takes place at the CCEBA Spain Cultural Center in Buenos Aires, Argentina. The

Field Service Assistant Professor Terry Boling’s recent projects are part of the Young Americans exhibit at the Deutsche Architecturmuseum in Frankfurt, Germany. His work will be featured in a book titled: Young Americans: New Architecture in the USA, accompanying the exhibit edited by Beate Engelhorn and published by DOM Publishers. Professor Boling is currently working on the interior and exterior surfaces for Cincinnati’s solar decathlon entry. Assistant Professor Marshall Brown is continuing his efforts on behalf of the Atlantic Yards Development Workshop to design alternative models for the air rights of the MTA Atlantic Avenue Rail Yards in Brooklyn, NY. In partnership with Hunter College Center for Community Planning and Development and the Council of Brooklyn Neighborhoods, the WorkShop is continuing work on a communitybased development strategy for the 11 acre site in the heart of downtown Brooklyn. An academic exchange program with India’s Center for Environmental Planning and Technology has been established by Associate Professor Aarati Kanekar. Three Cincinnati students and four CEPT students have participated in the four month program in the past two years.

Vaulted arches facing south shelter the central public space at Arcosanti, Paolo Soleri’s urban laboratory in Arizona. Photo Credit: Cosanti Foundation.


regional news


This year marks the second year of Architecture Summer CAMP led by Director Michaele Pride, Professor Dennis Mann, local architects David Kirk, Michael Burson, and Alan Warner, Associate Professor Tom Bible, and recent UC graduates Sarah Pontius and Keith Brown. Funded by a dozen local architecture firms, 32 middle and high school students participated in the week-long program. During the week, the camp included five mornings of design studio instruction that focused on work to improve a local high school, as well as afternoon tours of architecturally significant buildings and visits to local architects’ offices. The camp aims to promote diversity in the profession and approximately 70% of the attendees are minority students. Associate Professor Virginia Russell is the Chair of the Green Roofs for Healthy Cities Steering Committee for Accreditation to develop an Accredited Green Roof Professional program for North America. UC received one of the first three AIA Practice Academy grants to launch the JumpStart

program, which has just entered its second year of implementation. Conceived and led by Professor Barry Stedman, JumpStart’s primary goal is to introduce graduate students from diverse academic backgrounds to the architecture profession in their first months of professional education. A series of practitioner-led workshops are conducted in local offices and expose students to skills and issues pertinent to architecture practice today. In addition, Professor Stedman’s students participated in a competition funded by the National Concrete Masonry Association and the Tri-State Masonry Association. Five thousand dollars in prize money was used to provide books and a plotter. UC has recently established an exchange agreement with the École Spéciale d’Architecture (ESA) in Paris. This exchange will permit two UC students to attend ESA and two ESA students to attend UC as fulltime students during each academic year. The UC faculty coordinator for the program is Rebecca Williamson. Also in connection with the exchange, 18 UC students in Architecture, Interior Design, and Planning recently spent two weeks studying in Paris as part of a summer quarter study abroad program led by Rebecca Williamson (France), Hank HIldebrandt (Switzerland/Italy), and Frank Russell (Italy).

university of michigan Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning at the University of Michigan announces new faculty members starting this Fall: Mary-Ann Ray, Los Angeles-based architect and educator, will join us as a Centennial Professor of Practice in Architecture. (June Manning Thomas has been appointed as a Centennial Professor of Urban Planning.) Robert Somol, the incoming Director of the School of Architecture at the University of Illinois at Chicago will be the 2007 Max Fisher Visiting Professor. Blaine Brownell, practicing architect and author of “Transmaterial: A Catalog of Materials that Redefine our Physical Environment” (Princeton Architectural Press) will join us as Visiting Professor in Sustainable Design. In addition, Pablo R. Garcia will be the Muschenheim Fellow and Tsz Yan Ng will be the Sanders Fellow for the 2007/2008 academic year. The Miller/Hull Partnership of Seattle has been retained to do preliminary designs for an addition to the Art and Architecture Building. The college is also re-erecting a Corinthian column at the front of the building in honor of its founder Dean Emil Lorch, also one of the founders of ACSA.


Professor Wolfgang F.E. Preiser, retired from the University of Cincinnati as of July 1, 2007, has moved to Scottsdale, Arizona (his UC email address will remain unchanged). His lecture engagements this fall include: Rome, Italy; Dublin, Ireland; Santiago, Chile; and, Sao Paulo, Brazil.


regional news

northeast Boston Architectural COLLEGE Jeff Stein AIA, Head of the School of Architecture at the Boston Architectural College, has been elected Chair of the Board of Trustees of Paolo Soleri’s Cosanti Foundation in Scottsdale, Arizona. Cosanti (literally “before things”) is the nonprofit education and planning organization that oversees the continuing design and construction of Soleri’s urban laboratory, Arcosanti, a project NEWSWEEK magazine called “perhaps the most important urban experiment undertaken in our lifetime.” The Arcosanti project has received numerous recognitions, including a Progressive Architecture award, and so has its architect, Soleri. Most recently Dr. Soleri was awarded the Cooper Hewitt Gold Medal, the National Design Award for Lifetime Achievement. Mr. Stein, himself an architect, writer and educator, was a member of the staff of Cosanti early in his career. syracuse university Brian McGrath, a Spring 07 Visiting Critic at Syracuse Architecture and an adjunct professor at Columbia University’s GSAPP has previewed his latest book, “Cinemetrics.” on April 13th in the Warehouse Auditorium at Syracuse Architecture. Assistant Professor Jon Yoder has moderated two sessions entitled “Vision and Visuality in Architecture” at the 95th ACSA Annual Conference in Philadelphia.


Assistant Professor Aaron Sprecher has lectured on LIFELab Syracuse, a technological research project developed with first-year graduate students at the 95th ACSA Annual Conference in Philadelphia. He has also presented his recent projects with Open Source Architecture (OSA) at the University of Pennsylvania on March 12th and at McGill University on March 19th. Associate Professor Jonathan Massey has been named Undergraduate Program Chair at Syracuse University School of Architecture. Massey teaches courses in the history and theory of American architecture and urbanism. Since joining the Syracuse Architecture faculty in 2001,

Massey has organized the architecture lecture series, chaired departmental and university committees, and worked with colleagues in other academic divisions to establish a new interdisciplinary program in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Studies. In 2004 he received a Meredith Teaching Recognition Award. Professor Chris Gray’s photographs were featured in Stone Canoe: A Journal of Arts and Ideas from Upstate New York. Julia Czerniak, an associate professor in the School of Architecture and co-founder of the design firm CLEAR, has been named the director of UPSTATE: A Center for Design, Research, and Real Estate at the Syracuse University School of Architecture. UPSTATE: is a design research and advocacy organization housed within the School of Architecture at Syracuse University. The mission of this center, since its inception in 2005, is to engage innovative design and development practices, addressing critical issues of urban revitalization in the city of Syracuse and the upstate region. The UPSTATE Symposium “afterSHAFT: Reprogramming the High Rise Biology of the Vertical Plant” took place in the Warehouse Auditorium on April 11th. Led by Jeremy Edmiston, CoE Syracuse Architecture Fellow and principal of SYSTEMarchitects, “afterSHAFT” was sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy, the Syracuse Center of Excellence in Environmental and Energy Systems, and Syracuse Architecture. Speakers included: Cristobal Correa, Buro Happold, New York; Douglas Gauthier, SYSTEMarchitects, New York; Natalie Jeremijenko, Visiting Global Distinguished Professor, New York University; Mark Linder, Syracuse Architecture; Gerald McDermott, Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia; Antoine Picon, Harvard University Graduate School of Design, Cambridge, MA; Mark Robbins, Syracuse Architecture; Byron Stigge, Buro Happold, New York; Ken Wark, The New School, New York. university at buffalo Dennis A. Andrejko, AIA has recently been elected to the American Institute of Architects

National Board of Directors for a three year term He is a member of both the Architecture Licensing and Sustainability Committees and serves as a Regional Director for New York State. During 2005 and 2006 Professor Andrejko was State Director for AIANYS, representing the Buffalo/ Western New York Region. He continues his involvement at the state level as a member of the AIANYS Executive Committee and was President of the Buffalo/Western New York Chapter of the AIA in 2002 and 2003. He is the IDP Education Coordinator and the AIAS Faculty Advisor in the School. Mehrdad Hadighi is one of six recipients of the University at Buffalo 2020 Scholars Fund grant to support a project titled “Buffalo Experiments.” The $12,000 grant will support the preparation of a book that chronicles the significant experiments in and around the city of Buffalo examined through the lens of site, material, and flow. In addition, an examination of more recent experiments at the University at Buffalo, primarily in architecture, music, poetry and film will shed fresh light upon this continuing speculative research history in the Buffalo region. Gary Scott Danford at SUNY Buffalo’s Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center on Universal Design and the Built Environment is conducting research that involves identifying problematic environmental design features to establish priorities and criteria for their redesign. The research will include internet surveys asking participants about problems they have performing routine activities commonly encountered in three built environments: Public Buildings, Public Streets and Residential Environments. The online surveys are expected to be launched in May 2007. After completing the online surveys, participants will be given an opportunity to join others in message board discussions about the environmental design features that make performing specific activities problematic. Anyone interested in participating or belonging to other forums or listservs that might be interested in participating, should contact project coordinator Jordana Maisel at Participants will be eligible for random drawings for cash prizes.

wentworth institute of technology Associate Professor Robert Cowherd joined the faculty in fall 2006. He holds a PhD and Urban Design Certificate from MIT, and a BArch from Cooper Union. He was previously a Lecturer in the History, Theory & Criticism and the City Design & Development programs at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and a Lecturer and Visiting Critic at Rhode Island School of Design. Robert represented the Boston Society of Architects at the international meeting on the Humanitarian Commitment of Architects at UNESCO headquarters in Paris in December, where he reflected on lessons garnered from post-tsunami reconstruction in Aceh, Sumatra. He has contributed the chapter “Constructing Discourse, Constructing Space: The Heterotopic Divide in Jakarta,” due to be published in summer 2007 in Heterotopia and the City: Urban Theory and the Transformations of Public Space, eds. L. De Cauter & M. Dehaene (London: Routledge). The work is an elaboration on his plenary address delivered to the European Association of Architectural Education Colloquium: “The Rise of Heterotopia: Public Space and the Everyday in a Post-Civil Society” in Leuven, Belgium. He participated in the roundtable discussion “Prepared Response,” the feature article for the May/June edition of Architecture Boston and contributed “Night Sounds from the Place of Elephants” for the July/August issue. Robert and Professor Weldon Pries co-taught an Urban Design Studio in spring 2007 that

culminated in a forum discussion of the future of Boston’s Inner Harbor. His advanced elective seminar published a book entitled “Second Modernity” exploring the thesis that recent work in The Netherlands and elsewhere offers evidence of an emerging “reflexive modernization” (Ulrich Beck, et al.) constituting a significant direction for addressing the challenges of the 21st century. Associate Professor Mark Klopfer joined the faculty in fall 2006. He holds an MLA from University of Virginia and a BArch from Cornell University. Mark was previously a Studio Instructor and Lecturer in landscape architecture at Harvard’s Graduate School of Design. This year his former office, LANDWORKS Studio, was awarded an American Society of Landscape Architects Honor Award for its courtyard garden at Court Square Press in Boston. In April 2007 he was a panelist on the AIA/APA Greening New Orleans design workshop. Assistant Professor Ann Pitt gave an elective seminar on “Conceptualization through Painting” in spring 2007. Student artwork from the course was auctioned at the end of the term, and the class raised over $1900 to benefit the Shriners Hospitals for Children in Boston. Professor John Stephen Ellis, AIA won an Honor Award for Design from the Boston Society of Architects for the Nakahara Residence in Tokyo, Japan. The house was cited for being “modern in its approach to material and programmatic form, [while]… conceptually based

on the traditional Japanese courtyard garden”. John spent the fall of 2006 conducting research and traveling in Nepal, India and Bangladesh. He was a visiting professor at North South University in Dhaka, Bangladesh. While there he presented two public lectures and conducted a design charrette entitled ‘Dhaka 400 – A Space of Celebration on the Buriganga River’ with 86 students from the six schools of architecture in Dhaka.


regional news


Assistant Professors Elizabeth Gibb, Lora Kim and Mark Pasnik, and staff member Aaron Willette have played a role in the relief, recovery and rebuilding efforts in the Treme district of New Orleans for the past year and a half. They have been working with Ujamaa, a local community development corporation, as well as Tulane’s CityBuild Consortium. They led a multidisciplinary group of student volunteers in a series of design / build workshops. During trips in January and March 2007, the Wentworth team collaborated with the People’s Environmental Center (PEC) and environmental science students from Dillard University to remediate flood damage and to design and build a demonstration garden to teach residents how they can remediate their own yards. The team also renovated the center’s building inside and out, transforming what was a dilapidated shotgun house into a working community center. The project received a Boston Society of Architects research grant. Beth, Lora and Mark presented the results of this work at this spring’s ACSA national conference in Philadelphia.

texas a&m university Texas A&M architecture associate professors Ergun Akleman, Mark Clayton, and Robert Warden were promoted to full professors. Dr. Mark Clayton, architecture professor and interim head of the Department of Architecture at Texas A&M University, was elected to the Steering Committee of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA), starting October 2007. Clayton will serve

a two-year term on the Steering Committee beginning October 2007. To learn more about ACADIA, visit the organization’s Web site at

Health Facility Planning Design and Construction. Mann received the award from Leo Gehrig, president of the American Society of Hospital Engineering.

In recognition of his 40-year contribution to research, teaching and practice in the architecture-for-health field, George J. Mann, the Ronald L. Skaggs Endowed Professor in Health Facilities Design at Texas A&M, was presented with a National Award of Appreciation at the 2007 International Conference and Exhibit on

Dr. Charles Culp, associate professor of architecture, will be a part of the Green Building Initiative’s technical sub-committee. The Green Building Initiative is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to bringing green building prac(SOUTHWEST continued on page 46)




regional news

(SOUTHWEST continued from page 45)

tices to the mainstream and helping to accelerate the adoption of environmentally friendly building practices. Dr. Charles Culp, architecture associate professor and Christopher McDonald, an architecture masters degree candidate are importing architectural drawings made by Revit software into “Prey” — a powerful video game — thus creating the first steps for a visual building information modeling (BIM) simulation game for architects, constructors and facilities managers. Assistant professors Wei Yan and Vinod Srinivasan joined this project to work on expanding the use and functionality of simulations in the classroom and in practice. The use of games for non-entertainment purposes — “serious games” — is an emerging field of active research. Pliny Fisk, associate professor of architecture and landscape architecture and urban planning at Texas A&M and co-founder of the Center for Maximum Potential Building Systems in Austin, presented a 30-year retrospective of his work, entitled “Beyond Carbon: Some Disruptive Thoughts for the Design Sciences” at the American Institute of Architects Public Architects Training Workshop in San Antonio.


Dr. Anat Geva, associate professor of architecture at Texas A&M university, and a faculty fellow with the College of Architecture’s Center for Heritage Conservation is participating in a statewide initiative aimed at developing an online database of historic Texas church buildings that can be used by anyone interested in reviving or repurposing the state’s endangered sacred places. An article by Stephen Sharpe, detailing The Western Religious Heritage Collaborative Initiative, appeared in the March/ April 2007 issue of Texas architect. Dr. Frederic Parke, architecture professor and coordinator of the College of Architecture’s graduate visualization program, is developing immersive visualization systems that use off-the-shelf hardware and open-source Linuxbased software to provide the experience of being within a virtual environment. Parke, along with graduate student Kevin Singleton, works with the college’s Center for Heritage

Conservation to develop a 3-D representation of a Native American historical cliff dwelling in Arizona. Parke is also working with nautical archeology Professor Filipe Castro and graduate student Audrey Wells to develop similar immersive visualizations of a 17th century shipwreck off the coast of Portugal. This project was awarded a three-year grant from the National Science Foundation, under its program for major infrastructure research. Dr. Weiling He, associate professor of architecture at Texas A&M, recently received a grant from the Program to Enhance Scholarly and Creative Activities offered by the university’s Office of the Vice President for Research for her architectural installation, “The Cut”. “The Cut” will be shown as part of a 2008 traveling exhibition, “Elements,” featuring the work of U.S. and Greek architecture teachers. Mark Weichold, newly appointed dean and chief executive officer of Texas A&M University at Qatar, and Charles Bowman, the outgoing dean, commissioned architecture professor and renowned artist Rodney Hill for a sculpture for the institution’s Qatar campus. A team of six Texas A&M students from professor Rodney Hill’s Design Process class won three contest categories for their entry in the National Entrepreneurship Week USA Challenge, a national competition that tasks students to take a common everyday object and create as much value as possible. The student’s entry, “Wrap It Up” self-adhesive wrapping paper, placed first in the “most money generated,” “degree of entertainment” and “degree of risk taken” categories. The students winning video presentation can be viewed on-line. Wrap_It_Up.wmv (16.5 MB Windows Media File).

named after Jonathan King, a former professor of architecture at Texas A&M and co-founder of the ARCC, is awarded to one student who has completed a thesis or dissertation in one of the ARCC member schools. texas tech university Jesse Vogler, Instructor, will receive the first Rita Lloyd Moroney Award from Fort Worth District Manger Linda Welch of the U.S. Postal Service in recognition of his excellence for published works that highlight United States postal history. The Rita Lloyd Moroney Awards are designed to encourage scholarship on the history of the United States postal system and to raise awareness about the significance of the postal system in American Life. Vogler’s paper, “’Correct and Perfect’: Post Office Design Guidelines and the Standardization of the National Postal Landscape,” secured the Junior Prize for its author. •

call for images

Faye Hays, a senior environmental design major at the College of Architecture, Texas A&M University, has been selected as a Marshall Scholar. Ms. Hays plans to study architectural and urban design at University College London’s Bartlett School of Architecture.

Would you like your photography published in an upcoming issue of ACSA News? Do you have any interesting images you would like to share with the architecture community? ACSA News needs images for upcoming issues. Images should be black and white, 300 dpi, and in jpeg or tiff format. All images must include a caption and photographer credit.

Architecture Ph.D. student Seongchan Kim recently received the Architectural Research Centers Consortium/King Student Medal for Excellence in Architectural and Environmental Design Research. The ARCC/King student medal,

Please submit your images to: Attn: Acsa News Images 1735 New York Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20006 email:

lantern slides on flickr by marsha stevenson, architecture library at university of notre dame

The Architecture Library at the University of Notre Dame is experimenting with Flickr to help us describe century-old photographs of buildings and other monuments. ND’s School of Architecture holds a collection of 4,000+ glass lantern slides that probably date from the early 1900’s. A recent survey of lantern slide collections suggests that this set, produced in France by G. Massiot & Cie, is very rare in the United States. Sample searches turned up no exact duplicates of these photographs, so the library staff decided to make them available electronically. Before beginning the project, we attempted to determine if there was a copyright holder whose permission needed to be sought. As far as we can tell, the company (Projections Molteni, of Courbevoie) went out of business during World War I, and we know little else about them. Due to the age of these photographs, we believe them to be in the public domain. After removing decades of grime from the glass, we sorted through the slides and selected 2,714 for scanning. It took some experimentation to develop the processes for cleaning and digitizing, but those operations were relatively straightforward once the equipment and supplies were identified and obtained. We plan to load these images into the digital management software that the Notre Dame Libraries has purchased.

this site is that file size limitations prevented us from loading our 4800 DPI TIFFs. To our great surprise the general Flickr community, unbidden, stepped in to help supply some of our missing metadata. Almost immediately we began receiving “Comments” from people who had come upon our photos while browsing. In a short time we received many invitations to add relevant images to existing interest groups such as “The Emperor Augustus,” “Bern Geschichte,” and “Brick & Stone Architecture.” Some people have left us helpful general information, such as cities’ names in different languages. Others have given us precise identifying data when we were lacking it, or have supplied alternate titles for the monuments. We are especially grateful to those who have corrected errors in the data we copied from the hand-typed labels on the lantern slides. A very interesting feature of Flickr allows images to be “geotagged” with their latitude and longitude. We first learned of this when someone placed our photo of the basilica in St. Denis, France exactly where it belonged on a map. While we have collected metadata about some buildings, most still have only a very basic identification. If you would like to browse and possibly supply us with some information on a building you know, here is the link: You can view these images by country or by building type from the sets arranged alphabetically along the right. Any “comments” left by others can be read just below each photograph.

Two difficult and time-consuming steps remain. One is using PhotoShop to make minor adjustments to the looks of the photographs, and this will be done gradually over time. The other is collecting identifying information (called “metadata” by librarians) about the monuments; and this is where Flickr comes in.

To leave us information in the “comments” section you need to establish a (free) account with Flickr on Yahoo. Another option is to use this public login we created: Yahoo! ID: ndarchy Password: batman

Each lantern slide has a hand-typed label with brief identifying information: country, city, and monument name. We copied this into our software package, but are well aware that very important details (e.g. architect, date, style) were missing and would need to be researched. The School of Architecture has been generous in providing some graduate student assistance to help with this work, but the size of the collection makes this a daunting project with an uncertain timeline.

Or you can contact me directly at:

We know that there are many knowledgeable individuals (including readers of this column) who could supply missing information readily for some of the buildings. We decided to ask the faculty and students of architecture and art at Notre Dame to help us piece together this puzzle when they returned to campus in the fall. Various issues had delayed the load of the images into the digital management software, so we put them on Flickr where they would be readily accessible. The only negative to


We’d love to hear from you.

ACSA Listserv Members are invited to join ACSA’s Listserv, a forum for quick communication among ACSA faculty members.To subscribe to the list, send an email to “” with the following message in the *body* of the email: Subscribe ACSA-list [Your Full_Name] Thanks to the University of Utah College of Architecture + Planning for hosting the Listserv.


“The town was bombed in the Second World War, due to an error of the American Airforce, so this really is a historic picture …” (comment made by a European Flickr user about an image of Nimegue city hall)


association of architecture school librarians



architecture events CALL FOR PAPERS

AIA Looks to Schools for Contributions to Soloso AIA is inviting ACSA member schools to join as partners in providing content for its Soloso Web initiative: Soloso was launched in May 2007 to provide “a unique environment in which AIA members can find information and share knowledge on architectural practice.” Content partners give permission for AIA to link to specific areas of their Web site rich in architectural content. This allows Soloso’s search engine to create an index of the site and keep up regularly with new content. Content on Soloso is organized into four broad categories—leadership, design, practice, and building performance— and can be browsed or searched. Allowing the AIA to establish links will help schools “inform others, increase your visibility, and connect your school to a wider audience,” says Richard Hayes, AIA managing director of Knowledge Resources.


School’s research, doctoral dissertations, and master’s theses are all of interest for Soloso, and, Hayes notes, school need to do little more than agree to be a content partner and provide specific links to the school’s Web resources. Those interested in participating or with questions should contact Hayes at

46th International Making Cities Livable Conference on “True Urbanism: Designing the Healthy City”

muter Suburb into Mixed-use Urban Villages ** The Walkable “City of Short Distances” for Social & Physical Health ** Child- & Familyfriendly Urban Design ** Integrating Diversity through Urban Planning.

La Fonda Hotel, Santa Fe, NM, June 1-5, 2008 Co-sponsored by The City of Santa Fe, Santa Fe County & NM Dept. of Transportation Co-organized with the University of Notre Dame School of Architecture Please send a 200-250 word abstract to: Email: Suzanne H. Crowhurst Lennard Ph.D.(Arch.), Program Committee Chair, IMCL Conferences, PO Box 7586, Carmel, CA 93921. Fax: +1- 831-624-5126. Deadline for submission: October 31, 2007 For more information, see: An international conference for city officials, practitioners and scholars in architecture, urban design, planning, landscape architecture, transportation planning, health policy and social sciences from many parts of the world. Purpose: to engage in a dialogue on the relationship between the built environment and livability, health and sustainability; to share ideas, and establish working relationships to effect change.

Topeka Riverfront Student Design Competition We’re interested in seeing your ideas about the development of Topeka’s riverfront. To encourage your participation we’ve created a competition with cash awards for the most outstanding concepts for each age group, and gift certificates and other prizes for entries deserving recognition. All submissions must be received by October 5th, 2007 at 5:00 pm to be eligible. Winners will be announced at the AIA Kansas Conference in Topeka on November 1st, 2007 and will be featured on the AIA Topeka website. These are the three prize divisions: K-6 1st prize – 250 2nd prize – 150 3rd prize – 100 7-12 1st prize – 750 2nd prize – 250

Paper abstracts must be prepared for blind peer review (as email attachments). Cover letter or email should identify the author. Final date for abstracts due: October 31, 2007. Notification sent within 4 weeks of submission. Accepted papers must be presented in person at the conference.

College Level 1st prize – 1,500 2nd prize – 1,000

Paper topics include: Teaching the Connections –Built Environment & Health ** Urban Form & Well-Being ** Teaching Sustainable Urban Design ** The Architecture of Stewardship ** Community Participation in Architecture and Urban Planning ** Green Architecture ** Transit Oriented Design ** Principles for Designing Mixed-Use Urban Fabric ** Designing Town Squares for Social Life ** Redesigning Suburban Malls as Neighborhood Centers ** Building Community Identity ** Architecture that Respects Regional Character & Historic Heritage ** Traditional & Classical Architecture & Urban Planning ** Transforming Com-

Rice Design Alliance and AIA Houston Announce The 99k House Competition for an Affordable, Sustainable House Prototype

Please visit for more information.

Houston, TX (July 10, 2007) – The Rice Design Alliance (RDA) and AIA Houston announce a two-stage national competition to design a sustainable, affordable house that addresses the needs of the low-income family in the Gulf Coast region. The competition objectives are: * Broaden awareness of green building strategies applicable to affordable housing, * Generate and publicize buildable examples of sustainable, affordable houses, and

The competition committee challenges designers and architects to design a sustainable, affordable house for a specific Houston residential lot. Special consideration should be given to affordability, longevity, energy savings benefits, and appropriateness for the hot, humid climate of Houston. A donated site has been selected in Houston’s Fifth Ward, a residential area east of downtown. The competition is a two-stage project to be completed in 2008. Stage I will be an international design competition for a 1,200-1,400 SF single-family house with no more than three bedrooms and two bathrooms. The construction budget is up to $99,000. Deadline for submissions is January 15, 2008. The Jury will select three finalists who will each receive a stipend of $5,000 and will be expected to produce construction drawings. In Stage II the three submissions approved for continuation will have an opportunity to refine their project and must complete a set of comprehensive construction documents. The Jury will review these resubmissions for pricing by a Houston area home-building expert allied with the competition organizers. The Jury will select the winner based on bids and adaptability to reproduction as well as design. The winner will receive an additional $5,000 stipend. Once constructed, the winning house will be sold or auctioned to a low-income family. For more information, please go to the competition website, Rotterdam Skyline in the Spotlight During First Skyscraper Weekend Rotterdam, the city with the most famous skyline in the Netherlands, is proud of its high rise, which it celebrates from 20 to 23 September with the first Skyscraper Weekend, as part of Rotterdam 2007 City of Architecture. For four days long the focus will be on the high rise buildings of Rotterdam, with a varied programme which includes entertainment, art and culture, sport and activities for professionals. This is the first time the Skyscraper Weekend will be held, and it is hoped it will become a biennial event. The weekend should appeal

to high rise enthusiasts as well as the professional, when well-known and less well-known high-rise buildings open their doors for a day, and with shows, exhibitions, dinner parties in the towers, a skyscraper party on Saturday evening, expert meetings and the launch of a book about the most recent developments in the city. Also included in the programme is the official Dutch Stair Running Championship, with the 515 steps of the Euromast to be conquered this year. The art and culture programme is based on the theme NuTuur, and considers the city, its high-rise buildings and nature in all its many facets, which varies from a tour given by a city biologist to performances and philosophical debates. For the experts, the Dutch Council on Tall Buildings will present the results of research carried out into high rise development policy, and will report on the current state of affairs and the way in which high rise buildings are developed in the Netherlands, followed by a debate on the same subject. For further information:

with the means available locally. We are interested, then, in everything from the intelligent application of traditional techniques to advanced digital processes in which digital fabrication entails the use of computers not only as design tools but also as tools for selfproduction.


The objective is to design, in any part of the world, a single dwelling or a residential building in which there is specific development of innovative construction proposals in relation to the use of new materials, the integration of energy systems in the construction, the insertion of the architecture in the landscape, or any other strategy that serves to enhance selfsufficiency. Please visit the IAAC website to know more about the SELF-SUFFICIENT Agenda 2007-08 Instant Cities: Emergent Trends in Architecture and Urbanism in the Arab World CSAAR 2008 Conference Call for Papers American University of Sharjah, UAE

2nd Advanced Architecture Contest INTERNACIONAL COMPETITION Self-sufficient Housing: THE SELF-FAB HOUSE The Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia is issuing an international summons to architects, students and designers from around the world to invite proposals for the construction of self-sufficient dwellings, in which the emphasis will be on exploring people’s capacity to construct their own homes, especially through the use of digital technologies. The IAAC is now proposing to carry out an investigation of projects at the global level with a view to fomenting sustainable development and, at the leading edge, the self-sufficiency of the houses we live in; this research will be addressed in terms of environmental, economic and social considerations. On this occasion the competition aims to stimulate specific investigations into construction techniques and processes that will encourage individuals all over the world to build houses

Dates: April 1-3, 2008 The CSAAR 2008 conference will focus on the causes and effects of emergent trends in architecture and urbanism in the Gulf. Media campaigns and journalistic accounts of the extraordinary projects that promise to increase economic vitality and attract tourists have focused attention on the region. However, there have been few attempts to move beyond the descriptive. We invite colleagues from across disciplines to develop analyses that identify, explicate and theorize emergent trends in architecture and urbanism in the Arab region in general and the Gulf states in particular. Questions to be considered include: How has economic progress affected contemporary architecture and urbanism in the Arab region? What theoretical constructs can be employed to explain transformations in the built environment? What can be learned from architecture and urbanism in fast-developing cities like Dubai? How have inhabitants adapted to the (EVENTS continued on page 50)


* Construct an exemplary sustainable, affordable house prototype.





(EVENTS continued from page 49)

effects of urban development? While the conference is primarily concerned with conditions in the Gulf, organizers invite contributions that address how rapid urbanization affects the production of architecture and the lives of inhabitants throughout the Arab region and beyond.


Deadline for abstracts: July 30, 2007 Full Paper submission: September 30, 2007 Notification of acceptance: November 15, 2007 Deadline for final papers: January 15, 2008 Submission and Relevant Information Abstract submissions should be approximately 500 words and must be in English. Abstract and full paper submissions should be sent in MS Word or PDF document format. Abstracts should be e-mailed to scientific committee chairs. Full paper format, submission guidelines, registration, accommodation and further information are available at the conference website http: // /conference / 2008A/ Fall Curriculum Opportunity “Integrating Habitats” Design Competition WHAT: An “Integrating Habitats” design competition featuring prestigious international jury panel. Cutting edge competition will encourage innovative, collaborative proposals that combine design excellence, ecological stewardship and economic enterprise. Proposals will serve as models for future development in the greater Portland, Oregon area and beyond. A broadlydistributed publication will highlight winning teams and designs.


WHO: Students from all relevant disciplines including landscape architecture, architecture, planning, urban design, stormwater management, engineering, water quality, ecology, wildlife biology and development are encouraged to participate, as are practitioners. The competition will feature special awards for student entries. WHEN: Registration begins September 15, 2007. Entries are due December 17, 2007.

INFORMATION: The competition will feature four categories.

call for entries

1. Mixed-use development adjacent to a regionally significant creek and riparian corridor. This category calls for design proposals that sensitively integrate places of living, work and natural systems. A light rail transit stop and major multimodal trail are proposed for the area, elevating the site’s value for housing, commercial and recreational use.

AIA 2008 Education Honor Awards

2. Site planning and design of a large-scale commercial development adjacent to a wetland complex. This category calls for design proposals that demonstrate innovative environmental design and planning for a large building program (including a “green” home building center) and a significant onsite wetlands complex. The scheme offers opportunities for interpretive educational displays in association with proposed design elements.

The American Institute of Architects (AIA) is pleased to announce the 2008 Education Honor Awards Program. A program of the Educator/Practitioner Network (EPN), primary objectives of the award are:

3. Residential infill development combined with restoration of a contiguous oak habitat corridor. This category calls for design proposals that thoughtfully combine parcel-by-parcel residential-scale infill development and community-based, block scale ecological restoration. A goal is to improve neighborhood quality of life while maintaining property values and maximizing the biodiversity of open space. 4. Renaturing infill multi-unit housing combined with reuse of historic place. This category calls for design proposals that respond to affordable housing reuse of a former school site for multi-generational living that supports biodiversity and restoration of a small creek and wetland complex. For more information, contact Visit for updates. Sponsored by the Metro’s Nature in Neighborhood Initiative. Metro, the regional government that serves 1.3 million people who live in the 25 cities and three counties of the Portland metropolitan area, provides planning and other services that protect the nature and livability of the region. Co-hosted by City of Portland, Bureau of Environmental Services; Clackamas County Water Environment Services; and Clean Water Services of Washington County.Fall Curriculum Opportunity.

Submissions Deadline Wednesday, January 16

1) to discover and recognize the achievement of individuals who serve the profession as outstanding teachers, and 2) to promote models of excellence for classroom, studio, community work and/or courses offered in various educational settings. The awards jury will seek evidence of exceptional and innovative courses, initiatives, or programs that: • deal with broad issues, particularly in cross-disciplinary collaboration and/ or within the broader community; • contribute to the advancement of architecture education; • have the potential to benefit and/or change practice; and/or • promote models of excellence that can be appropriated by other educators. For submission guidelines, please go to ed_honorawards_2008 The awards will be announced at the ACSA Annual Meeting and in various publications. Winners will be notified in February 2008 and awards will be conferred during the 2008 AIA National Convention, May 15-17, in Boston, where award recipients are invited to present their work in a special session.

call for nominations


The 2008–09 National Architectural Accrediting Board (NAAB) will comprise thirteen members: three representing ACSA, three representing AIA, three representing NCARB, two representing AIAS, and two public members. Currently Christine Theadoropolous of the University of Oregon, Thomas Fowler of Cal Poly State University, and Wendy Ornelas of Kansas State University represent ACSA on the NAAB Board. With the expiration of Christine Theadoropolous’ term in October 2008, the ACSA Board of Directors is considering candidates for her successor at its meeting this November in Minneapolis, MN. The appointment is for a three-year term (Oct. 2008 – Oct. 2011) and calls for a person willing and able to make a commitment to NAAB. The final appointment will be made by the sitting NAAB board itself through selection from a pool of names established by this call for nominations. While previous experience as an ACSA board member or administrator is helpful, it is not essential for nomination. Some experience on NAAB visiting teams should be considered necessary; otherwise the nominee might be unfamiliar with the highly complex series of deliberations involved with this position. Faculty and administrators are asked to nominate faculty from an ACSA member school with any or all the following qualifications:



1. Tenured faculty status at an ACSA full member school; 2. Significant experience with and knowledge of the accreditation process; 3. Significant acquaintance with and knowledge of ACSA, its history, policy programs, and administrative structure; 4. Personal acquaintance with the range of school and program types across North America. 5. Willingness to represent the constituency of ACSA on accreditationrelated issues. 6. Ability to work with the NAAB board and ACSA representatives to build consensus on accreditation related issues. For consideration, please submit a concise letter of nomination along with a curriculum vitae indicating experience under the above headings, and a letter indicating willingness to serve from the nominee, to: ACSA (NAAB Representative) 1735 New York Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20006 or e-mail all submission information to Nominations must be received by October 27, 2007.

fall calendar September 10 2007-08 ACSA Awards Deadline 10 Paper Submissions Deadline 14 Registration Deadline: College + Career Expo at USC 14 SW Conference Registration Closed 15 November News Deadline 21 SE Conference Registration Closed 22 Annual Mtg Registration Open 28 Central Conference Registration Closed 29 ACSA/AIAS College + Career Expo at USC October 4 ACSA SW Conference 5 Early Registration Deadline for Administrators Conference 11 ACSA Southeast Conference 11 Registration Deadline: College + Career Expo at Georgia Tech 19 ACSA EC Conference

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