Jan/Feb Adult & Commuter Connection 2012

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Adult & Commuter Connection

ISSUE 8 - VOL 3 - JAN/FEB 2012


INSIDE: Adult Scholarship •P.2 The Spotlight • P.3 Valentine’s Day • P.4 Student Activities• P.6 A Healthy Challenge• P.8


Black History Month Celebrates Influential Women

The University of Memphis’ office of Multicultural Affairs will inspire the community to observe the history and culture of African American women during Black History Month. 2012 marks the centennial year of the university and the 21st year the campus has held social and educational activities in February to commemorate African American history. Linda Hall, a coordinator in Multicultural Affairs, is excited about the theme and being able to share the history of African American women with the university. “The national theme is “Black Women in American History and Culture,” Hall said. “We added “Passionate, Powerful, and Proud” as a sub-theme for the university. The university has a long legacy of significant African American women and we really wanted to showcase this.”

COME VISIT US! RM 243 in the University Center In the Student Involvement Zone Or call 901-6782995

The Black History Month festivities will kick TEN the YEARS SERVICE off with an opening ceremony honoring Life-OFhosted by the local chapter of the NAACP. time Achievement Award recipient. This year’s Catellivice divinus circumgrediet matrimonii, Oc- a special emphasis on Afrirecipient is Dr. Rosie Phillips Bingham, presEach event willuthave tavius miscere Tremulous rures. Optimus est ident of Student Affairs, a choice that was greatly can American women that represent the national orem et supported by the university’s studentsaetosus body. concubine pessimus theme. fortiter Hall believes “An Evening with Debbie corrumperet parsimonia suis. Adlaudabilis Allen” is very reflective of this. “We thought it would be great to honor syrtes an vix celeriter Afri- praemuniet ossifragi. Sin can American female from the ranksTremulous of the uni“If people were to describe [Debbie Allen], I concubine comiter iocari zothecas. versity in our centennial year, “ Hall said. think they would describe her as passionate, pow“Students overwhelmingly voted forTetiam Dr. Bingerful, andverecunde proud, ellike our theme” Hall said. “Her chirographi incredibiliter ham. She is the first female African amputat American prominence verecundus historic saburre. Pretosius lorem on Broadway and her life vice president in student affairs the university has grediet speaks tosyrtes, whatiam culture is.” quadrupei circum utilitas orhad in a 100 years. That is a milestone.” atori celeriter conubium santet adfabilis un Hallrures alsolaudo believes mesta saburre, ut parsimonia mal each event will enrich indiAs soon as the opening ceremony ends, one viduals lives through learning. “I hope these corrumperet quadrupei, utcunque adlaudabilis Black History Month event rolls intomatrimonii anothervocificat one Augustus, events are a teaching opportunity,” Hall said. “The quamquam. up until February 29. events are not just about entertaining, but educating the U of M and Memphis community about Some event highlights include a student led contributions African Americans have made to prayer breakfast, an “Evening with Debbie Allen”, make us all better people.” a three-part series on the controversial book and movie “The MO Help”, several black Greek-letter or- EXHFor a calendar of Black History Month events go NT HL Y EVENT S: IB IT IO NS: Tremuluso lorem ssicircum lorem ssicircum ganization led programs, and the “Freedom Ball” Tremuluso to http://www.memphis.edu/multiculturalaffairs/ imputat caesar parsimonia. imputat caesar parsimonia. PDF/black_history_month_calendar.pdf



A Moment with the Director

2012 is Your Year

Be inspired to grow in your educational endeavors by reading our articles on the adult scholarship and our student and faculty spotlights on top-notch Tigers.

Welcome back! I hope your holiday season was filled with fun and Lastly, cultivate your personal goals by taking a look relaxation. As you move into a new semester my advice to you is at our “Healthy Challenge” article and our calendar of to embrace new educational chal- events. lenges and opportunities for We had a wonderful time creating this issue of the egrowth. newsletter and we hope you enjoy it. We are happy to continue to provide articles and information on events This issue of the Adult and Commuter Connection reveals different ways to get in- that meet your lifestyle. If you have any suggestions, volved so you can continue to grow as a University of please don’t hesitate to let us know. Memphis dreamer, thinker and doer.

In closing, thanks for reading our e-newsletter and remember 2012 is your year to shine. Grow culturally by taking time out to attend events for Black History Month sponsored by Multicultural AfSincerely, fairs. Special recognition will be given to Dr. Rosie Joy Stout Contact Information: Joy Rogers Stout Phillips Bingham at this year’s opening ceremony.

Director of Adult and Commuter Student Services Voice: 901-678-2644 E-mail:jstout@memphis.edu

ADULT AND COMMUTER STUDENT SERVICES MISSION The mission of the Adult & Commuter Student Services office is to provide a supportive environment for non-traditional and commuter students that promotes intellectual, social and academic growth and development through services and programs that foster lifelong learning.

THE ADULT SCHOLARSHIP: Making an Impact on Student Life Juggling work and family is no easy task, so imagine adding in a fullload of college classes into the mix. As overwhelming as it sounds our adult scholars learn to balance all of these tasks daily. They recognize that finding resources to help, like the adult scholarship, can make a big difference in finding work-life balance and accomplishing goals. Dana Diggs, a third semester nursing student and recent adult scholarship recipient, believes receiving the scholarship has changed her life in many ways. “My goal was to become a registered nurse and get my bachelor’s degree from the University of Memphis,” Diggs said. “Being in the nursing program, they tell you working full time is not really an option. This was a challenge for me because I am a single mother with a 15-year old daughter. I really needed some financial help.”

Dana Diggs pictured with other Adult Scholars first row left

Like Diggs, adult students have the opportunity to apply for many scholarships and grants to achieve their higher education goals. HowIn a bit of a bind, Diggs went to the scholarship office to see if there ever, it’s important to take the initiative to apply for the assistance. were any scholarships for a young woman in her situation. She was All one has to do is take the first step. grateful to learn about the adult scholarship and quickly applied. The Adult Scholarship application is now available and due March 1. “I already had good grades so I knew I could qualify for something,” Diggs said. “When I told the scholarship office I was 36 years For a list of criteria and how to apply please visit the Adult and Comold, they told me about the adult scholarship. I filled out the applica- muter Student Services Adult Scholarship page at tion and I had to write an essay. Thank God they selected me to rehttp://www.memphis.edu/acss/scholarships.php or contact ACSS at ceive the scholarship.” 901-678-2995.



THE FACULTY SPOTLIGHT Over the past five years Dr. Rajiv Grover, Dean of the Fogelman College of Business and the Sales and Marketing Chair of Excellence, has made his mark on the University of Memphis turning students into tomorrow’s top business leaders. Grover’s ability to instill discipline, integrity, and fearlessness in his diverse student body is no coincidence. Some individuals are just groomed to lead. “All of my education has shaped me into what I am today,” Grover said. “My learning experience was varied. I learned discipline from my catholic school education and I learned about organizational behavior while pursing higher education.”

“When I came to the university, I put a lot of what I learned about leadership into practice,” Grover said. “I wanted to incorporate a holistic way of learning into the business school’s curriculum.” For Grover, a holistic view of learning is about educating students on more than just marketing or accounting techniques. It’s about establishing merit and business etiquette in students through initiatives like “The Fogelman Promise.” “A leader [in the business world] should have a realistic vision, be able to add value, and govern based on merit and not just on who your friends are,” Grover said. “The Fogelman Promise” initiative is an opportunity for students to become more involved in activities outside of the classroom and learn those skills.”

Grover obtained his high school, undergraduate, and masters’ education in India prior to coming to the United States to pursue his doctoral degree. After working in Some of “The Fogelman Promise” prohigher education and owning a business dur- grams include “Toastmasters” and “Student ing the dot-com era, Grover came to the Uni- Code of Professionalism.” Grover believes versity of Memphis with a strategy. these programs are important for students at all levels including non-traditional students.


Dr. Rajiv Grover “It’s important that we give non-traditional students the same opportunities to learn the tricks of the trade in business as traditional students,” Grover said. “Adult students should really be proud of their accomplishments and I want to find more ways to connect with them.” Whether you are an undergraduate business student or a professional MBA student, Grover wants every Fogelman scholar to be business- ready. Just like Grover, students can be groomed to lead. “It’s about changing your mindset, having vision, and creating your own playing field,” Grover said. “Without those values, a leader is pretty much useless.” For more info on the Fogelman College of Business visit http://www.memphis.edu/

THE STUDENT SPOTLIGHT Commuter student, future PR queen and overall positive spirit are just a few words that describe Vice President of the Commuter Student Association Carissa Child. Yet, who is the young woman behind the big smile? Let Carissa explain it all. What brought you to the University of Memphis? I knew Memphis would be great for me because it was a state school and it had a lot of programs to get involved with.

of being able to stay on campus late or be in the know about campus events and CSA provides that for them. What other organizations are you a part of? I'm a part of Up Til Dawn, the alumnae chapter of my sorority, Sigma Kappa, and I am the ideas and issues chairman for Student Activities Committee (SAC).

What are some challenges to being a commuter student at University of Memphis? For me the biggest challenge was finding What are you studying at University of Memphis and why did you choose to study something to do on campus when I had this? I'm studying journalism with a focus in down time. Just sitting in the UC is only public relations. I decided to go with PR tolerable for so long. Also, so many events because I think it's a good mix of creativity are programmed at night and that can be and business. PR skills are very valuable no difficult for commuter students because of matter what kind of business you go in to the huge time gap between classes and the because you'll always need to know how to events. sell yourself and your company. How can commuters become more involved on campus? Being involved is important to having the full college experience. Why do you enjoy being a part of the Commuter Student Association? I enjoy it Try out different registered student organizabecause it's a great way for commuter stutions to see which one is the best fit for you. <<to Tiger standing tall dents get statue involved on campus. Commuter When you find one you like, stick with it and in the Alumni office. students don't usually have the convenience find a way to work it into your schedule.


Carissa Child, Junior in Journalism What are you plans for the future? I try to live life in the present and not think about the future too much. But I would like to be a PR practitioner and get married and start a family within the next 5-10 years. Overall, what’s your motivation? What keeps you going? Positive thinking keeps my spirits up and keeps me going. Having a bad attitude slows you down and depletes motivation. I used to be bad about procrastinating but having confidence in myself makes me want to get things done. I'm still working on this all the time!

ADUL T AND CO MMUT ER CO NNECT IO N JAN/FEB 2011 imputat caesar parsimonia.



on a Budget Having a great time on Valentine’s Day, doesn’t mean you have to break the bank. Whether you are single or coupled up, here a few tips on how to enjoy the holiday without going broke.

<< A Romantic Mixed CD: Remember the time you had your first date and your favorite song played on the radio. Well add it to a cd along with other songs that remind you of your loved one.

<< Books or Magazines: Giving some-

one a book or magazines says you appreciate their interests .

<< Games: Game Night is always fun so why not buy that special someone their favorite game and then spend a little time playing together. << Movies: Give the gift of the movies

and make it a romantic movie night.

<< Paint a Picture: A simple arts and crafts project from the heart can mean a lot and let someone know you took time to create something for them.

<< Baked Goods: Be sweet and give some-

one a sugary treat. Baking is also a fun activity to do with friends.



Happy Birthday University of Memphis! On January 18, proud University of Memphis students gathered in the atrium of the university center to celebrate the school’s centennial year. Vice President of Student Affairs Dr. Rosie Phillips Bingham, University President Dr. Shirley Raines and SGA President Tyler DeWitt, were all in attendance to celebrate the occasion. After a few brief speeches, the party kicked off with the cutting of a large birthday cake that took several hours to create. To further celebrate the festivities students were encouraged to have cake, visit the photo booth and dance. 2012 is definitely a great year to be a University of Memphis Tiger!



Be a part of the Commuter Student Association (CSA)

Visit: memphis.edu/commuterstudents

Upcoming Events Game Night Feb. 7, UC 308 4pm-6pm Bake Sale Feb 7, UC Atrium 10am-1pm Tiger Watch Party Feb 8, UC 320 5:30pm

Be a part of the Adult Student

The Adult and Commuter Student Services will be hosting its annual Off-Campus Housing Information Fair on March 21, 2012 from 9 a.m. until 2 p.m. in the University Center Ballroom. This FREE event is open to all students, faculty, and staff who want to obtain information about various housing options in the community. Stop by to learn more about local apartment communities and how off-campus living just may be right for you! For more info become a fan of our Facebook page, Univ. of Memphis Housing Fair or visit www.memphis.edu/acss.

BE HEARD We Ask, You Answer.

<< Why are you excited about being a Memphis Tiger during their centennial year?

Association (ASA)

Visit: memphis.edu/adultstudents

<< It’s exciting to witness the energy and excitement surrounding being 100 years old. ~ Courtney, Staff, pictured far right

Upcoming Events Tiger Watch Party Feb 8, UC 320 5:30pm

<< It makes me feel special like I am part of something big. Plus it gives us a reason to have cake. It’s delicious! ~Henry, Junior, Philosophy

Bake Sale Feb 7, UC Atrium 10am-1pm



<< I’ve been a student for 24 years on and off and I’m still excited to be here. To celebrating being a student here during the centennial year is just a special treat. ~Lisa Miller, Grad Student, Biology and Neuroscience



Abusive Relationship Awareness

FEB 22 Men's Basketball East Carolina 7:00 PM FedExForum

FEB 11 Men's Basketball UAB 7:00 PM FedExForum

Follow the event on Twitter using #umrespect

Recreation Center Hours Monday– Thursday: 6:30am- 10:30pm Friday 6:30am-9:30pm Saturday 9am-6pm and Sunday 1pm-6pm

Fine Arts Events:

FEB 23 Women's Basketball UAB 7:00 PM Memphis, Tenn.

FEB 12 Women's Basketball Houston 2:00 PM Memphis, Tenn.

FEB 26 Women's Basketball Tulsa 2:00 PM Memphis, Tenn.

FEB 18 Men's Basketball UTEP 12:00 PM FedExForum

U of M Wind Ensemble Feb 10 at 5:00p.m. in Rose Theatre Dorian Leljak, Piano Feb 11 at 7:30p.m. in the Harris Concert Hall Memphis Brass Quintet Feb 13 at 7:30 p.m. in the Harris Concert Hall The Phantom of the Opera Feb 16-18 at 7:30p.m. in Theatre Building-3475 Central Ave. Feb 19 at 2:00p.m. in Theatre Building-3475 Central Ave. Feb 22-25 at 7:30p.m. in Theatre Building– 3475 Central Ave. The Art Museum at University of Memphis Visit Mon-Sat from 9:00a.m. to 4:00 p.m. to view various ongoing collections and exhibits

Baseball Kennesaw State 1:00 PM Memphis, Tenn. (FedExPark)

Women's Tennis Middle Tennessee State 5:00 PM Memphis, TN

FEB 28 Men's Basketball UCF 8:00 PM FedExForum

Women's Tennis Tennessee-Martin 8:30 PM Memphis, TN

Student Health Center Hours Mondays, Wednesdays, & Fridays: 8am - 6:00pm & Tuesdays from 9am - 6:00pm


Sign up to bring your dish at the front desk Thanks to everyone who came of ACSS or CLICK out to the ACSS Chili and Soup Social. We HERE hope you enjoyed the food, fun, and fellowship. For a list of other future ACSS events visit our website at


SAC SUPER BOWL PARTY: FEB 5 at 5:00 p.m. in UC Theatre

SAC CINEMA– THE HELP: FEB 24 at 2:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. in UC Theatre

TIGER BASKETBALL WATCH PARTY: FEB 8 at 5:30 p.m. in the UC Ballroom

DATING DOCTOR DAVID COLEMAN: FEB 28 at 8:00p.m. in UC Theatre

SAC CINEMA– GREASE: FEB 10 at 2:00 p.m. and 7:00pm in UC Theatre KING OF HEARTS BALL: FEB 14 at 8:14 -10:30 p.m. in the Rose Theatre Atrium WEDNESDAY NIGHT LIVE: FEB 15 at 7:00 p.m. in the UC River Room SAC CINEMA– PUSS IN BOOTS: FEB 17 at 2:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. in UC Theatre

What would you like to see featured in the Adult & Commuter Connection? Contact the editor Chandra Towler by e-mailing her at:




A Healthy Challenge We all say it. This year, I am going to stick to my diet and be a healthier me! Yet, by February many of us have fallen off of the health kick wagon due to varied reasons. This year challenge yourself to keep your health goals and follow these quick tips for staying healthy while balancing a hectic college schedule. Make better food choices. Taco Bell, Burg- Get a Trainer. The U of M offers fit tests er King, and Dunkin Donuts are all places to eat on campus that may seem unhealthy. However, they also offer a few healthy choices. So before you order three nacho supremes, ask for the restaurant’s nutrition facts.

Be creative with your workout. SomeWalk around campus. Walking to your classes can burn several calories. Keep a pedometer with you to keep count of how many steps you’ve taken and calories you’ve burned.

times there is just not enough time to hit the gym, but this doesn’t mean your workout has to suffer. Find exercises that use your own body weight that can be done anywhere. Jumping Jacks and crunches are a good start.

and personal training sessions to students. For a nominal fee, a trainer will give find a fitness plan that works for you and give you essential tips to reach your health goals.

Join a team. The U of M has several intramural sports throughout the year students can sign up for. Take advantage of the opportunity to exercise and bond with other students. For info go to http://www.memphis.edu/ intramural/

Take the Memphis Healthy U Pledge.

Now that you have a few tips on how to stay schedule it’s easy to make an excuse not to go healthier, take the Memphis Healthy U pledge to ensure you keep the health goals. This friends can make the dreaded workout a more to the gym. Make a schedule in advance and pledge says you will commit to moving more, exciting experience. A workout buddy is also avoid going home before you hit the gym so eating healthier, and being tobacco free. A list great for motivating you to stay with your you won’t be tempted to stay home and of Memphis Healthy U activities for February workout routine. hangout after a long day. are listed below. To get more details about Sources: http://blog.studentadvisor.com/StudentAdvisor-Blog/bid/55367/12-Collegehealthy programs like Tigers Feel Great visit Workout-Survival-Tips-for-Getting-Back-in-Shape http://www.bestuniversities.com/blog/2011/simple-ways-to-stay-fit-in-college/ https://saweb.memphis.edu/events/tfg

Find a workout buddy. Working out with

MEMPHIS HEALTHY U Just 4 You $5 Monday Lunches Feb. 6– 11:00am-2:00pm Richardson Towers

Plan Ahead. With a jammed packed school

Pinnacle Honor Society

Love and Relationships Tuesday February 14 9:40am11:05am, UC342

Desk to 5k Feb 7 11:30am-1pm Track and Field House

Wellness Seminar– Cooking Demo Feb 9 11:30am-12:15pm UC 308

Wellness Seminar– Being Heart Healthy


If you received an e-mail inviting you to join Pinnacle, congratulations! Don’t forget to turn in your registration by Feb. 24. All new members of Pinnacle will be inducted during a ceremony on Friday, April 13, 2012.

Feb 16 11:30am-12:15pm UC 308

Leasing Seminar: Understanding Leasing Agreements Wednesday March 14 10:20am -11:15am, UC342

Off-Campus Housing Fair Wednesday March 21 9:00am-2:00pm, UC Ballroom

Wellness Seminar– Metabolic Syndrome Feb 16 11:30am-12:15pm

CONTACT AND GENERAL INFORMATION The Adult and Commuter Student Services office is located on The University of Memphis campus in the University Center RM 243. Our regular hours are 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday and from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Friday. If you need after hours help, please call us to make arrangements. We welcome comments, questions, or suggestions. We can be reached by phone at 901-678-2644 during our regular business hours or after hours leave us a message on voice mail. You may also reach us through e-mail at acss@memphis.edu.



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