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Beyond Resilience
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Beyond Resilience
Are the Cities Ready for Collapses?
Willy Müller
The focus of this book has been concentrated on a criticism of the current resilience strategies: how adapting an anachronistic model simply perpetuates its obsolescence, and despite generating temporary improvements, it does not offer us in its reformist vision a real solution to the problems that we will have to face. The focus of this book has been concentrated on current resilience strategies, a useful concept to understand and act in a complex, global world with signs of imbalances in the urban models that came from the past, but that has become a wildcard easy to use. The increasing impossibility of encrypting the term resilience, of approaching it from more reliable scientific principles, leads us to a conceptual drift that this book echoes. Far from understanding and preparing for a system change, resilient thinking is presented on many occasions as a survival table that facilitates the permanence of the established model, promoting small strategic modifications to a trust in a system that is increasingly compromised.
COVER IN PROGRESS Publication date Size Format ISBN Printed · EN Price Mar 2023 5.9 x 7.5 in. / 15 x 19 cm Softcover · 256 pages 978-1-63840-069-1 $29.95 / €27 / £27
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